View Full Version : Police arrest 13-year-old who threatened to bomb MBS

01-01-13, 19:54
The Straits Times
www.straitstimes.comPublished on Jan 01, 2013

Police arrest 13-year-old who threatened to bomb MBS

Police have arrested a 13-year-old who said on Facebook that he wanted to bomb Marina Bay Sands (MBS).
The boy, believed to be from India but attending school here, said in a Facebook post that the day he leaves Singapore, he is going to take "a big big revenge" and "spit everywhere" and "plant bombs on Marina Bay Sands". The post also contained an expletive and was critical of Singapore.
Several police reports have been filed following the incident.
Police had said earlier they were also in touch with the school the student listed in his Facebook page - Global Indian International School.
The page has been taken down.

01-01-13, 19:57
What's wrong with people these days? This whole atmosphere of negativity since the last election has even infected 13-year-olds who is probably spewing nonsense from things he heard without thinking. What a shame!:mad:

01-01-13, 20:00
kid don't know the word 'bomb' is ban in singapore?

01-01-13, 20:02
kid don't know the word 'bomb' is ban in singapore?

Really ?

if we meet up

gonna throw water BOMB at you :tongue3:

01-01-13, 20:03
We grew up in an environment where we don't make threatening remarks liberally regardless of nationality. In the case of a young teenager, such responsibilities of ensuring a good upbringing rest squarely on the parents shoulders.

01-01-13, 20:08
Really ?

if we meet up

gonna throw water BOMB at you :tongue3:


but on serious note, be careful of what you say on internet or facebook..
really can make a big difference.:o

01-01-13, 20:11

but on serious note, be careful of what you say on internet or facebook..
really can make a big difference.:o

Yes of course

the other forbidden word is "Burn" :scared-5:

01-01-13, 20:34
I never gamble all my life. I hope my children have a healthy dose of hatred toward gambling too. But making a threat is still wrong.

01-01-13, 20:38
What did Singapore do to him, why he wants to take revenge? Is it because of the Indian girl that cannot be saved by our specialist but the poor girl is seriously injured, even how good the specialist is also cannot help leh?

Oh, I just saw your reply, Indomie, so it is about the hate of the casino?

01-01-13, 20:46
The poor girl was in very critical condition,

read somewhere her uterus was taken out by one of the rapist

What did Singapore do to him, why he wants to take revenge? Is it because of the Indian girl that cannot be saved by our specialist but the poor girl is seriously injured, even how good the specialist is also cannot help leh?

Oh, I just saw your reply, Indomie, so it is about the hate of the casino?

01-01-13, 21:00
The poor girl was in very critical condition,

read somewhere her uterus was taken out by one of the rapist

Can't imagine they can "lay their hands" on a girl like that. Raping is already very terrible and why they still want to destroy her "organs"?:simmering: Is the poor girl their great enemy??????????

01-01-13, 21:44
a young foreign "talent" lol.

01-01-13, 21:58
a young foreign "talent" lol.

聪明是无罪的.:tsk-tsk: Hope to know the reason behind that lead to such a tragedy.

Do they have red-light area? I thought someone did mention that with red-light area, raping cases will be reduced, but heard from the news yesterday or the day before that every xx hrs, there is a raping case.:hell-hath-no-fury:

01-01-13, 22:09
it is every xx minutes and not xx hours

crazy India :doh:


聪明是无罪的.:tsk-tsk: Hope to know the reason behind that lead to such a tragedy.

Do they have red-light area? I thought someone did mention that with red-light area, raping cases will be reduced, but heard from the news yesterday or the day before that every xx hrs, there is a raping case.:hell-hath-no-fury:

02-01-13, 08:44
it is every xx minutes and not xx hours

crazy India :doh:

if singapore has population 5 million and 365 cases of rape, then rate of rape is 1 per day or 1 every 1440 minutes

if india has population 1 billion (200x of singapore) and to maintain same % rape, then rate of rate is 1 every 7.2 minutes. (1440/200)

can we say singapore is safer than india when in absolute numbers, it is 200x lower but in % wise, it is the same?

figures are just for illustration, may not be factual.

02-01-13, 08:48
if it is possible, given the skew sex ratio, i would invest in women in india if it is possible. sooner or later, women would become valuable commodities.

02-01-13, 11:34
just curious, if a kid says he wants to create a nuclear bomb to blast the whole world, would be be arrested the same way he was arrested for saying that about mbs? I think this kid didn't need any criminal sanction, he needs counseling

02-01-13, 11:57
Over reaction. Kids talk about such all the time.....

02-01-13, 17:36
I vaguely remember (couldn't remember their exact age) there was an overseas case about 2 young little boys (about 10-13 yrs) killed a younger child (about 1 or 2 yrs old). Many people flew into rage because they couldn't believe that the young boys could kill another child.

02-01-13, 18:39

lets not go into statistics and numbers

One rape in any country is too many

if singapore has population 5 million and 365 cases of rape, then rate of rape is 1 per day or 1 every 1440 minutes

if india has population 1 billion (200x of singapore) and to maintain same % rape, then rate of rate is 1 every 7.2 minutes. (1440/200)

can we say singapore is safer than india when in absolute numbers, it is 200x lower but in % wise, it is the same?

figures are just for illustration, may not be factual.

02-01-13, 18:58
if singapore has population 5 million and 365 cases of rape, then rate of rape is 1 per day or 1 every 1440 minutes

if india has population 1 billion (200x of singapore) and to maintain same % rape, then rate of rate is 1 every 7.2 minutes. (1440/200)

can we say singapore is safer than india when in absolute numbers, it is 200x lower but in % wise, it is the same?

figures are just for illustration, may not be factual.Low crime doesn't mean no crime...

03-01-13, 09:08

lets not go into statistics and numbers

One rape in any country is too many

agree, but it is your statement
"crazy India
http://rupeenews.com/2012/12/delhi-r...utes-in-india/ (http://rupeenews.com/2012/12/delhi-rape-capital-india-3rd-in-rapes-woman-raped-every-20-minutes-in-india/)"
that shows your biasedness against India.

a simple googling on rape statistics by country would have set your mind at ease.

03-01-13, 13:15
here? becoming third world jungle liao:doh: