View Full Version : Hidden slums of Singapore revealed

29-12-12, 11:48
Saw this article on yahoo by Andrew Loh.
I thought there are some laws regarding the housing of foreign workers?
How come their living condition is so bad?


29-12-12, 11:57
If you were to rent out your condo to them, what do think of it becoming like that too? Some times it is the habit and way of living from their home country.

29-12-12, 12:16
Hi.. my families (Parents, wife, children, in-laws, bro-inlaw and a dog) total of 9 people (including myself) and a dog are able to live good and well together under one roof.

It is not that bad, and I wouldnt say it is a slum.

29-12-12, 12:22
Hi.. my families (Parents, wife, children, in-laws, bro-inlaw and a dog) total of 9 people (including myself) and a dog are able to live good and well together under one roof.

It is not that bad, and I wouldnt say it is a slum.

Not a slum?
Yowetan, don't tell me your house condition is like that of the foreign workers?

29-12-12, 14:19
Saw this article on yahoo by Andrew Loh.
I thought there are some laws regarding the housing of foreign workers?
How come their living condition is so bad?


actually, comparing back to their hometown, this is 'heaven' to some already..
at least,they have fresh water and proper sanitary facilities....and some time, the workers have to take care of their own hygiene and proper house keeping as well..

By and large, yea... the conditions need to be improve...

29-12-12, 14:26
During BMT days, the whole section sleep in 1 bunk yet it was neat and tidy. I guess they need a RSM, duty rooster and discipline....

Sea Esta
29-12-12, 14:34
During BMT days, the whole section sleep in 1 bunk yet it was neat and tidy. I guess they need a RSM, duty rooster and discipline....

I agreed lor. It is all about habits and setting some rules with your room mates.

29-12-12, 14:54
I think they should at least be given a mattress each and also proper ventilation.
Ceiling fans or some stand fans.

29-12-12, 19:55
Never expect such things to happen in Singapore, 40 people under 1 roof. One word after the tour of the video, poor ventilation. If there are good ventilation, how many people also no problem. Also, the workers should at least know how to keep their own bed clean and tidy, so that no health problem later on.

Old army boys, how was your barrack, was it also 40 people or so in one barrack, but I think it should be clean and tidy right?

29-12-12, 19:57
Never expect such things to happen in Singapore, 40 people under 1 roof. One word after the tour of the video, poor ventilation. If there are good ventilation, how many people also no problem. Also, the workers should at least know how to keep their own bed clean and tidy, so that no health problem later on.

Old army boys, how was your barrack, was it also 40 people in one barrack, but I think it should be clean and tidy right?

Clean and tidy by force...:(

29-12-12, 20:00
Clean and tidy by force...:(

Ya, for your own good lor, in a way train you all to be responsble, so that next time also can help wife to keep the house neat and tidy.:ashamed1:

29-12-12, 20:06
Nope.... Hasn't helped... Room as messy as ever....:D :(

29-12-12, 20:34
Nope.... Hasn't helped... Room as messy as ever....:D :(

Because your wife never force you ha? She "sayang" you lor.;)

30-12-12, 07:40
During BMT days, the whole section sleep in 1 bunk yet it was neat and tidy. I guess they need a RSM, duty rooster and discipline....

My BMT days platoon 1 and 2 sleep in same bunk, each 4 sections 12 men, total 96. Also neat and tidy :)

30-12-12, 08:35
My BMT days platoon 1 and 2 sleep in same bunk, each 4 sections 12 men, total 96. Also neat and tidy :)

How cum can fit so many into one bunk??

Is this photo of you guys?
