View Full Version : Do Singaporean girlfriends behave like this?

20-12-12, 16:11
From yahoooooooooooo


"Everyone says I'm a sweet girlfriend... and I treat my boyfriend very well," intones a cute looking Singaporean girl as the YouTube video starts.
Just before she starts henpecking her boyfriend into stumbling servitude, demanding a drink, and then insisting she wants a diet soda instead of a normal Coke. She goes on to give him murderous looks when he forgets to get her a cup of ice and a straw with her drink.
This tongue-in-cheek video titled "Sh*t Singaporean Girlfriends Say" has been getting some serious attention on social media, with over 100,000 hits since it was posted on Dec 16.
The "Singaporean Girlfriend" in the video is almost bipolar - going from sweetly insisting that she gives her boyfriend "space" to violently yanking him from a gathering with friends in a rage.
Despite the clearly exaggerated acting, it appears that the Singaporean Girlfriend's behaviour has hit a nerve amongst boyfriends - and girlfriends here.
"It's funny, and I think its true -- so many of my ex-girlfriends are like that," said 26-year-old engineer Ryan Chao, who shared the video on his Facebook page.
"Singaporean girls treat their boyfriends like slaves. Carry my bag, get me a drink, no you can't hang out with your buddies."
Student Bettina Lee, 19, however, found the video "insulting".
"It should be sh*t bad Singaporean girlfriends say, not all Singaporean girls are like that, and not all boyfriends are henpecked. I hope people don't take it too seriously," said Lee.
The video is believed to be inspired by the original "Sh*t Asian Girlfriends Say", which has over 4 million views to date and portrays the typical Asian girlfriend as petty, materialistic, superficial and insecure.

20-12-12, 17:25
no idea..

me confirm not into this type of girl :o

20-12-12, 17:43
I don't mind that boyfriend.... quite cute.

I definitely treat him way better.

20-12-12, 20:19
Both actor and actress are husband and wife...

20-12-12, 21:22
Not all Singapore girls are like that lah, just like there are also good and bad FT/FW.

21-12-12, 07:38
From yahoooooooooooo


"Singaporean girls treat their boyfriends like slaves. Carry my bag, get me a drink, no you can't hang out with your buddies."

It might be the other way round.

My friend's boyfriend kept checking on her even though she was in her class having lesson or she went out with her friends to sing "K", even though she was with her parents, he also kept calling her:doh:. Must let the other party have some freedom lah. In the end, my friend cannot take it and broke with him.[/quote]

Another one, before married, treat my friend like gem, after married for few years, treat her like slave. No money, take money from her. Cook for him and yet still have to scoop the rice for him and place in front of him. If never put the rice in front of him, he would not eat until the rice was placed in front of him.:doh: Everyday after work, bath and then sit on the sofa to watch TV, wait for the wife to serve him.:mad: Most of the times, shout at her when he was not happy.:simmering:

Men carrying bags for woman and get them a drink shows that they are gentleman, it also shows that they are not petty. My husband always want to carry my handbag when we went out but I rejected unless my shoulder pains. He also always get drink for me, and this is nothing wrong at all wa!

21-12-12, 14:29
It might be the other way round.

My friend's boyfriend kept checking on her even though she was in her class having lesson or she went out with her friends to sing "K", even though she was with her parents, he also kept calling her:doh:. Must let the other party have some freedom lah. In the end, my friend cannot take it and broke with him
Another one, before married, treat my friend like gem, after married for few years, treat her like slave. No money, take money from her. Cook for him and yet still have to scoop the rice for him and place in front of him. If never put the rice in front of him, he would not eat until the rice was placed in front of him.:doh: Everyday after work, bath and then sit on the sofa to watch TV, wait for the wife to serve him.:mad: Most of the times, shout at her when he was not happy.:simmering:

Men carrying bags for woman and get them a drink shows that they are gentleman, it also shows that they are not petty. My husband always want to carry my handbag when we went out but I rejected unless my shoulder pains. He also always get drink for me, and this is nothing wrong at all wa!

Agree. There are many bad boyfriends & husband as well.
I also carry bag for my wife when I go shopping with her.
You have a good husband sis. Treat him well especially .......

21-12-12, 15:54
Agree. There are many bad boyfriends & husband as well.
I also carry bag for my wife when I go shopping with her.
You have a good husband sis. Treat him well especially .......

Ya, 要珍惜眼前人. You also not bad leh , help your wife to carry bag, some men don't like it because they feel so embarrassing.

Shhhh... tell you one thing, occassionally my husband also helps me to vacuum/mop the floor, wash and iron clothing. He did it willingly, I didn't force him. Everytime when he saw me sweat when doing housework, he will say, leave it there, I'll do it for you.