View Full Version : ‘Singlish’ video made in US goes viral

18-12-12, 22:05
Click on the link to watch the video about Singlish.


A "how-to-speak-Singlish" video shot by a group of Americans and their Singaporean friends is going viral.
The three-minute amateur YouTube video, titled Sinful English, starts in dramatic fashion where a fill-in President Obama (http://www.barackobama.com/) proclaims, "Every day thousands of Americans fall victim to FWCP, also known as first world communication problems".
Americans are then shown going about their daily lives but lose out when proper English communication gets too lengthy. The tongue-in-cheek video then shows them how to make themselves understood in chop-chop, double-quick time — by using Singlish.
According to local tabloid The New Paper (http://us.lrd.yahoo.com/_ylt=Agem6AiiBZ3XrRF0I0i810orE.J_;_ylu=X3oDMTFpOGpyZm1sBG1pdANCbG9nIFBvc3QgQm9keQRwb3MDMgRzZWMDTWVkaWFCbG9nQm9keUFzc2VtYmx5;_ylg=X3oDMTJqZmFxcGRmBGludGwDc2cEbGFuZwNlbi1zZwRwc3RhaWQDNjA5OTQ0NDQtN2RmMy0zOWZmLTg2NTYtZjFjNjM4Y2M4NjAwBHBzdGNhdAMEcHQDc3RvcnlwYWdl;_ylv=0/SIG=12fm4ug7p/EXP=1357052514/**http%3A//www.tnp.sg/content/wah-lao-video-singlish-goes-viral), US-based Singaporeans Shawn Tan and Leandro Siow are behind the hilarious video, which has been since been viewed over 200,000 times since it was uploaded late last month.
Tan, 24, who is working in the film industry as a production crew member, and Siow, 26, who is studying film and television at California State University, said they were feeling homesick when they came up with the idea of shooting a "guide-to-Singlish" video.
"Singlish is not something to be embarrassed about. In fact it's just the way we Singaporeans speak to bring our meanings across emotionally and efficiently", said Tan.

18-12-12, 22:11
Liddat oso can go viral :doh: .

18-12-12, 22:21
Liddat oso can go viral :doh: .

TOTAL crap right sis i just showed my wife and she said Ha like that also can...:doh:

18-12-12, 22:22
TOTAL crap right sis i just showed my wife and she said Ha like that also can...:doh:
Oh but she reminded me tommorow i got to go geylang market to buy fish for my kids...:D:D:D

18-12-12, 23:32
If the stupid one pound fish song can go viral, anything can
Liddat oso can go viral :doh: .

19-12-12, 01:03
Boring clip that is. At least the one pound fish guy had some creativity.

19-12-12, 10:13
Hmmm I personally actually find it quite amusing. One it challenges fixed notions and societal expectations. Two it helps promote our culture and tries to explain our efficiency and high GDP.

Third, and most importantly, a lawyer letter is on the way to the film producers for plagiarism of our forum thread on Singlish months back.

19-12-12, 20:35
When I watched the starting point, I "catch no ball":D , found it so boring but as it went along, I started to laugh, it is so cute to see the ang moh speaking in our 独一无二 的singlish.:cool:

19-12-12, 22:51
Third, and most importantly, a lawyer letter is on the way to the film producers for plagiarism of our forum thread on Singlish months back.

Hi bro mcm, can you please elaborate on this?
Sounds so interesting.

20-12-12, 07:12
Hi bro mcm, can you please elaborate on this?
Sounds so interesting.

I think he is trying to say that we had some discussion on the Singlish few months back in this forum, so the film producer is infinging our rights, he is just joking. :) Am I right, MCM?:ashamed1:

20-12-12, 09:30
I think he is trying to say that we had some discussion on the Singlish few months back in this forum, so the film producer is infinging our rights, he is just joking. :) Am I right, MCM?:ashamed1:

obviously.... how much money do you think can squeeze from a bunch of poor undergrads