View Full Version : 2013: THE NEW WORLD COUNCIL

16-12-12, 18:24
And so, my third eye saw:

March 2013

Singapore will be STRONGLY invited to form a team of advisers for the New World Council, to help solve Europe,US and China's problems.

The NWC believes that Singapore is very well-managed, and would love to see Singapore take part in the formation of the New World Order.

The logic is simple: In each respective area of Singapore's economy, the World can find the top brains. Why re-invent the wheel when you have a ready team of brainpower found in the Lion City?

Good Luck.


16-12-12, 18:33
wah! some more forecasts. hope it is like your property ones, and not like the weather's! :D

share with you something... normally i dun read weather forecast. 2 days ago, i boldly told your prediction to my colleagues... dun worry, after this heavy downpour, the skies will be bright and sunny for next 2 days! and every time it pours heavily, i think of you and smile :) :) ...

16-12-12, 18:40
wah! some more forecasts. hope it is like your property ones, and not like the weather's! :D

share with you something... normally i dun read weather forecast. 2 days ago, i boldly told your prediction to my colleagues... dun worry, after this heavy downpour, the skies will be bright and sunny for next 2 days! and every time it pours heavily, i think of you and smile :) :) ...

wahlaueh...paiseh la.....:p

16-12-12, 18:52
isn't NWC National Wage Council...

16-12-12, 19:15
Don't waste time, the US & Europe problem can never be resolved. Enjoy your condo while there is still time.

16-12-12, 20:43
Will the new world council uncover the anti christ among us?

16-12-12, 21:13
Can i nominate BJ21 (for having 3rd eye) and chestnut (for being a wise man and selfleas sharing when good mood) into the nwc?

17-12-12, 10:37
Can i nominate BJ21 (for having 3rd eye) and chestnut (for being a wise man and selfleas sharing when good mood) into the nwc?

wow thanks brother leesg123 ! you praise me like that I very happy leh.

Unfortunately, I think chestnut is a better candidate as he is an OFFICER. I am just a Specialist. Please nominate him and forget about me.

I regret being born a man, otherwise I will ask you to be my girlfriend leh.


17-12-12, 10:38
isn't NWC National Wage Council...


17-12-12, 10:39
Can i nominate BJ21 (for having 3rd eye) and chestnut (for being a wise man and selfleas sharing when good mood) into the nwc?

I just realized BJ21 is Bak Jiu 2+1... Powerful.

17-12-12, 10:44
Will the new world council uncover the anti christ among us?

No la....whahahahah. You wonder why IMF engage Tharman as one of the executives? You wonder how can a small small island gain so much attention?

Well, let me enlighten you.


Because in the previous 3 recent financial crisis, Small Red Dot managed to ride over the waves smoothly and virtually unscathed. In particular, during the Asian Financial Crisis and the more recent 2008 Lehman Collapse.

That just opened the eyes of the angmo BIG BIG, very BIG indeed.

In fact, just after the recent completion of our MBS especially, the International Media are getting very interested in us. Just switch on the cable and you can see many news/documentary on The Little Red Dot.

17-12-12, 10:51
I just realized BJ21 is Bak Jiu 2+1... Powerful.

WOAHAAHAHAHH FUNNY ! chiokapeng la