View Full Version : To All The Jobless Souls Out There

14-12-12, 09:39
Today, I open my heart once more to share my job search struggles the past year.

Oct 2011 - I left my position in an MNC due to personal reasons (actually wanted to elaborate more here but since my ID has been compromised, I cannot do so professionally). Anyway, fyi, till today they have not (managed) to find a replacement. I believe in the first place they need not / could ill afford this resource. But I'm happy I helped them out during that busiest period of office moves and trade launches and made a few friends in the process. Not all is bad.

Nov 2011 - KG topped, I was happily shifting over and doing up the place and enjoying the year end. No serious job search but a few MNCs (local MNCs) interviews came up before the end of the year. Went but did not get past first round.

Jan-May 2012 - Most of the time was spent doing really nothing much, I was also at the same time cutting out lots of stuff from my life and trying to improve my deteriorating health with diet and exercise. I also quitted smoking cold turkey without any bad effects. In my spare time I was going through all the Final Fantasy series on the PS3 and then some favorites I missed like Chrono Cross, Chrono Trigger, PE1 and 2 (absolutely loved these), Silent Hill etc. It was like I was living in lalaland... with no emotional up and down, no stress no mess... but the invisible stress is actually building up. In the midst of it, I also ended a relationship of 4+ yrs.

Feb 2012 - IRAS send me a bomb letter. The rest is history as from this forum, and how it perpetrated my 'disappearance' (rather, transformation into another unstable element) from this forum. I did however truly appreciate all the advices given on my case. It truly helped me move on despite all the (self inflicted I guess, and circumstantial) bad luck.

Mar-Jun 2012 - There was a few interviews as well, one of which the headhunter even revealed that the hiring manager almost chose me, but decided on the other candidate instead. I took it as she was being nice.

Jun 2012 - I finally awoken and decided to do something more constructive about my life. So I moved in with relatives and put up KG for rent. It served me well to provide good income. I also started to seriously apply for jobs.

Jul 2012 - Heater problem with one of my other unit. Developer was kind to rectify and FOC on 'goodwill basis' despite beyond DLP. That was how close I had gotten to that particular developer. I didn't realise myself.

Sep 2012 - There was some problems with my KG unit, due to tenant not allowing access when contractor wanted to rectify, the problem escalated to the extent tenant had to break lease after just a few months. Developer was actually nice enough to offer to put up the tenant at hotel for a few days while doing the rectification. But tenant rejected.

Nov 2012 - I planned for my reappearance here.

Dec 2012 - I finished my community service here and look forward to 21 Dec reappearance as myself. However... (rest is history as you know it). I still owe price an answer. That, I will do so as promised on 21 Dec. In private, of course.

So my last interview was sometime in August I think. I applied for over 50 jobs (all levels junior to senior, mostly during past 6 months) and I counted about 7-8 interviews. Mine is a rather niche segment so I guess this is expected. In the past, I was lucky to get a job upon 2 rounds of interview with the company. Notwithstanding the fact that those times I was holding on to a job while searching, actually the process from first look to eventually jumping ship also took more than 6 months to a year each time.

Therefore, I console myself, and to other jobless and actively searching bros out there, things will look up. Leave no stone unturned, explore every job site and company website, work with capable headhunters who have your interests at heart (not those who just merely trying to hit quota or anyhow keyword match despite knowing nuts about your domain), and network.

2013 will be a better year for us all.

Now, I just can't wait for it to end.

ikan bilis
14-12-12, 09:48
.....and to other jobless and actively searching bros out there.....

wrong forum... down here very little but tons in cna forum side,... that side lots of people everyday nothing to do, klkk & tcss....

set a time limit, if really cannot find jobs, then don;t find liow,... not "giving up" but try switch to some odd jobs and at the same time searching for some small business opportunity around...


14-12-12, 09:49
I read this post with my heart, listening and feel the same.

Someone offered me a post I like in Feb this year, a very so called sincere offer, and made me waited till today. In between, here and there offers, but not keen.

Enjoying my life and taking care of my health are the utmost important now.

I wish 2013 is a superb good year for all, particularly for health and happiness....and family...

14-12-12, 09:53
wrong forum... down here very little but tons in cna forum side,... that side lots of people everyday nothing to do, klkk & tcss....

set a time limit, if really cannot find jobs, then don;t find liow,... not "giving up" but try switch to some odd jobs and at the same time searching for some small business opportunity around...


Actually I am tempted to just go be a property agent.

But coz of the taxman case, they will immediately label me a trader and no need to 'review' anymore hahaha.

14-12-12, 09:54
I read this post with my heart, listening and feel the same.

Someone offered me a post I like in Feb this year, a very so called sincere offer, and made me waited till today. In between, here and there offers, but not keen.

Enjoying my life and taking care of my health are the utmost important now.

I wish 2013 is a superb good year for all, particularly for health and happiness....and family...

This is indeed a really long stretched out offer period... amazing. You are right, there are other priorities in life other than work. This is the best time to pay dues to those.

14-12-12, 10:04
there are some alternatives to permanent employment; freelance (for niche skilled sector), project/contract based roles, start a small biz (be it internet based, financial advisor, or property agent)

no harm taking other courses to learn more (treat as a learning process); post-grad/extra degree or diploma, CMFAS papers or RES paper... these may not be your interest now but no harm keeping an open mind to learn extra during free time

make best use of your time 青春不留白 :cheers4:
but enjoy the process :D

14-12-12, 10:06
Go register as a candidate for punggol east smc. :D

14-12-12, 10:12
My spouse wants to try out agent's life. Asked spouse to find a mentor and try first to see if she enjoys it. It may look easy from the outside. In company, only got one boss but many bosses in real estate job.
Actually I am tempted to just go be a property agent.

But coz of the taxman case, they will immediately label me a trader and no need to 'review' anymore hahaha.

14-12-12, 10:17
Same situation as me... left my job at MNC Nov 2011, lazed for a couple of months and had 2 offers along the way but decided to work on a consultation basis to allow myself a good break and spend more time with family.

Like Laguna, I am happier and has time to exercise (something I had not done for 20 years) and feeling healthier as well. Got time to smell flowers along the way too :cool:

Merry X'mas and a better 2013 to everyone :cheers4: :cheers4:

14-12-12, 10:17
Hi mcm,
After reading your post, I have decided not to complain but be happy that I have a job. The last few weeks have been very busy and I became quite resentful as I don't have time to come to this forum. When I get home, I hardly have any energy left and will just plonk onto bed and sleep.

Just keep trying to find the right job and not settle for second best.
You have rentals as a source of income, hence you need not be in a rush to find a job.

I hope that your health has improved since and wish you a merry xmas, happy new year and good health, always!

(btw which condo is KG?)

Best regards,

14-12-12, 10:31
It is tough going being unemployed. Being single and has a rental income doesn't make it any easier. Throw away all your formal qualifications. I know I did. I have 2 master degrees from aussie uni. It is now worth less than a toilet paper. Hanging on to something that doesn't work now is not going to make it work tomorrow. U are wasting precious time. Better get a trade certification or start a small busiiness. You are not getting tougher just for waiting.

14-12-12, 10:34
It is tough going being unemployed. Being single and has a rental income doesn't make it any easier. Throw away all your formal qualifications. I know I did. I have 2 master degrees from aussie uni. It is now worth less than a toilet paper. Hanging on to something that doesn't work now is not going to make it work tomorrow. U are wasting precious time. Better get a trade certification or start a small busiiness. You are not getting tougher just for waiting.

I agree with you on this as I have a degree from the University of Sydney donkey years ago. I found it really useless and as you said like "toilet paper."

14-12-12, 10:39
Paper qualification is only the passport. Bottomline is still performance. The only problem is that the goalpost keep moving and can become stressful unless you are in the top position.
It is tough going being unemployed. Being single and has a rental income doesn't make it any easier. Throw away all your formal qualifications. I know I did. I have 2 master degrees from aussie uni. It is now worth less than a toilet paper. Hanging on to something that doesn't work now is not going to make it work tomorrow. U are wasting precious time. Better get a trade certification or start a small busiiness. You are not getting tougher just for waiting.

14-12-12, 10:45
Actually I am tempted to just go be a property agent.

But coz of the taxman case, they will immediately label me a trader and no need to 'review' anymore hahaha.

Trader can't be agent???

14-12-12, 10:56
mcm, i am not sure about your financial background.

can you multiple properties help generate decent passive income along the way?

don't give up. but i must say the job market will get even terrible when more highly skilled american and european come over to asia in the next several years.

14-12-12, 11:07
there are some alternatives to permanent employment; freelance (for niche skilled sector), project/contract based roles, start a small biz (be it internet based, financial advisor, or property agent)

no harm taking other courses to learn more (treat as a learning process); post-grad/extra degree or diploma, CMFAS papers or RES paper... these may not be your interest now but no harm keeping an open mind to learn extra during free time

make best use of your time 青春不留白 :cheers4:
but enjoy the process :D

well said... job or no job, time ticks away... ok I go and learn to speak Korean now wahaha

14-12-12, 11:08
Go register as a candidate for punggol east smc. :D

Since M Palmer is out of there I guess there won't be any chance of new scandal between me and him...

But Mr Teo SL is taking charge now there... high risk for me. :tongue3:

14-12-12, 11:10
My spouse wants to try out agent's life. Asked spouse to find a mentor and try first to see if she enjoys it. It may look easy from the outside. In company, only got one boss but many bosses in real estate job.

How so bro? The many bosses part... you mean all the owners and landlords and customers right?

To me, ppty agent is very similar to sales, account management, financial advisor combined.

14-12-12, 11:11
Same situation as me... left my job at MNC Nov 2011, lazed for a couple of months and had 2 offers along the way but decided to work on a consultation basis to allow myself a good break and spend more time with family.

Like Laguna, I am happier and has time to exercise (something I had not done for 20 years) and feeling healthier as well. Got time to smell flowers along the way too :cool:

Merry X'mas and a better 2013 to everyone :cheers4: :cheers4:

:cheers4: at least you still got people wana consult... for me nobody to insult me I very happy liao hahaha...

14-12-12, 11:12
Hi mcm,
After reading your post, I have decided not to complain but be happy that I have a job. The last few weeks have been very busy and I became quite resentful as I don't have time to come to this forum. When I get home, I hardly have any energy left and will just plonk onto bed and sleep.

Just keep trying to find the right job and not settle for second best.
You have rentals as a source of income, hence you need not be in a rush to find a job.

I hope that your health has improved since and wish you a merry xmas, happy new year and good health, always!

(btw which condo is KG?)

Best regards,

Thank you for your kind wishes sister. Ganbatte!

KG = Kovan Grander

14-12-12, 11:13
It is tough going being unemployed. Being single and has a rental income doesn't make it any easier. Throw away all your formal qualifications. I know I did. I have 2 master degrees from aussie uni. It is now worth less than a toilet paper. Hanging on to something that doesn't work now is not going to make it work tomorrow. U are wasting precious time. Better get a trade certification or start a small busiiness. You are not getting tougher just for waiting.

Tough love.... but I like. Thanks bro for sharing and advice!

14-12-12, 11:14
Trader can't be agent???

Trader CAN be agent.

But agent, definitely labelled as TRADER. lol..... weird right.

14-12-12, 11:15
What's the IRAS bomb? :confused: Didnt follow...

14-12-12, 11:18
mcm, i am not sure about your financial background.

can you multiple properties help generate decent passive income along the way?

don't give up. but i must say the job market will get even terrible when more highly skilled american and european come over to asia in the next several years.

Thx bro roly... I not sure if you giving me hope or taking it away haha but I hear you. Yes all ANALyst reports points to a worse 2013 job market. Tighter and definitely no hope of wage increment. For me I'm willing to take half of my last drawn... but nobody even responds?? Something wrong somewhere. I didn't even put my last drawn salary in my application.

I seriously think there are a lot of hungry job seekers out there competing. For an entry level job, they rather choose someone whose experience is slight. Coz they know even if they accept the experienced one, he won't stay long once a matching opportunity comes along.

No problem surviving on passive income. But as I pointed out, there are risks if can't find tenant...

14-12-12, 11:20
What's the IRAS bomb? :confused: Didnt follow...


14-12-12, 11:39
Thx bro roly... I not sure if you giving me hope or taking it away haha but I hear you. Yes all ANALyst reports points to a worse 2013 job market. Tighter and definitely no hope of wage increment. For me I'm willing to take half of my last drawn... but nobody even responds?? Something wrong somewhere. I didn't even put my last drawn salary in my application.

I seriously think there are a lot of hungry job seekers out there competing. For an entry level job, they rather choose someone whose experience is slight. Coz they know even if they accept the experienced one, he won't stay long once a matching opportunity comes along.

No problem surviving on passive income. But as I pointed out, there are risks if can't find tenant...
There is definitely something wrong if our "used by date" as employee is getting shorter. Perhaps our skills are too general. Perhaps computers take away back end jobs (admins) as well as front end jobs (marketing that can be done through the internet). Even now, wars are fought using drones not pilot. Perhaps in the future even banking jobs will be obsoletes. My robot talk to bank robot to make deals. Btw its already happeing with automation forex trading.

14-12-12, 11:44
No problem surviving on passive income. But as I pointed out, there are risks if can't find tenant...

hope you have started keeping sufficient cash buffer :o

14-12-12, 11:44
Trader CAN be agent.

But agent, definitely labelled as TRADER. lol..... weird right.
become agent , u can serve yr own needs also.
save some comm

14-12-12, 12:09
hope you have started keeping sufficient cash buffer :o

got la... else think I will come in here tcss meh

will be on the streets scouring for scraps liao

14-12-12, 12:11
There is definitely something wrong if our "used by date" as employee is getting shorter. Perhaps our skills are too general. Perhaps computers take away back end jobs (admins) as well as front end jobs (marketing that can be done through the internet). Even now, wars are fought using drones not pilot. Perhaps in the future even banking jobs will be obsoletes. My robot talk to bank robot to make deals. Btw its already happeing with automation forex trading.

you are right.

if everyone is hardworking to do their own due diligence (both buyer and seller sides), there will be extinction of 'in-betweeners' like property agent, brokers, headhunters, financial advisors, bankers, mortgage brokers etc.... SG market is actually quite open.

14-12-12, 12:19
got la... else think I will come in here tcss meh

will be on the streets scouring for scraps liao

good good.. will feel something is missing if you don't come here tcss with us. :D

14-12-12, 12:24
Don t be discouraged. Hope u will find a suitable job soon.:D

14-12-12, 13:00
You should try your hand at giving property talks specialising in the MM markets. You got enough substance here, from all your sharing and personal run-in with IRAS for at least a half day lecture. Dun charge like a few thousand, instead just charge a few hundred (about $300), think it will appeal to the segment of small-time investors looking to start to invest in the property market. :2cents: :2cents:

14-12-12, 13:01
In Singapore it is best doing something related to banking .... you can work in banks, work for vendors selling products/solutions to banks or work for audit/consulting serving banks or starting your own biz serving banks

Go for something very niche that does not become obsolete fast :cheers5:

14-12-12, 13:37
Actually I am tempted to just go be a property agent.

But coz of the taxman case, they will immediately label me a trader and no need to 'review' anymore hahaha.

bro, even if they label you, that will be AFTER you become agent right? ie: any future pptys from thereafter.

14-12-12, 14:08
Wow! So many people can not find jod nowaday... So die die can not resign.

By the way, for those can not find job, what is you age range?
:confused: :scared-2:

14-12-12, 14:52
Bro, your "gap" is the issue... There is a stain there... You have not made a name for yourself to be in demand... Your real life network is not established... This are the lessons that needs to be learnt...

Next there are many younger and hungrier folks out there..

If the hiring manager is younger than u, he may be intimidated...

If u take on a lower paid job in same field, your hiring manager will be scared because of your knowledge and experience, u "may" replace him in future.

I am not saying there is no hope... But u need to learn from this experience.. How to tell your future employer a credible story on the "gap in between"?

Bro, don't give up but at the same time, look for something u love... U are artistic, u may want to explore around that region as well...remember Whitney : the greatest love of all - is to love yourself...

Cheers bro....

Thx bro roly... I not sure if you giving me hope or taking it away haha but I hear you. Yes all ANALyst reports points to a worse 2013 job market. Tighter and definitely no hope of wage increment. For me I'm willing to take half of my last drawn... but nobody even responds?? Something wrong somewhere. I didn't even put my last drawn salary in my application.

I seriously think there are a lot of hungry job seekers out there competing. For an entry level job, they rather choose someone whose experience is slight. Coz they know even if they accept the experienced one, he won't stay long once a matching opportunity comes along.

No problem surviving on passive income. But as I pointed out, there are risks if can't find tenant...

14-12-12, 15:15
mr chestnut, what kind of future are you building for your children?
what do you think they will be working in/as in future?

14-12-12, 16:01
Paper qualification is only the passport. Bottomline is still performance. The only problem is that the goalpost keep moving and can become stressful unless you are in the top position.

Top even more stress... All the politics name want ur job . So not necessary top position is easy life.

14-12-12, 16:06
Jobs tt r ard r those tt create a safe n secure framework for business n families to bloom. In this turbulent time, Singapore has this asset n therefore need plenty of people to join. SPF, Mindef, civil defence r some examples. So r companies providing these services e.g. security guards, home security vendors. Can try them.

14-12-12, 16:08
Bro, your "gap" is the issue... There is a stain there... You have not made a name for yourself to be in demand... Your real life network is not established... This are the lessons that needs to be learnt...

Next there are many younger and hungrier folks out there..

If the hiring manager is younger than u, he may be intimidated...

If u take on a lower paid job in same field, your hiring manager will be scared because of your knowledge and experience, u "may" replace him in future.

I am not saying there is no hope... But u need to learn from this experience.. How to tell your future employer a credible story on the "gap in between"?

Bro, don't give up but at the same time, look for something u love... U are artistic, u may want to explore around that region as well...remember Whitney : the greatest love of all - is to love yourself...

Cheers bro....

Unfortunately this is the fact of hiring mgr today. Use by day after 40 get tougher. Also depends on industry . Plus hiring mgr. some industry hiring mgr n peers are younger. So hire older staff they fear integration issue n hiring mgr fear too old to mold or control.

14-12-12, 16:11
It is different kind of game. All you need is a few good directors and you are in good control.
Top even more stress... All the politics name want ur job . So not necessary top position is easy life.

14-12-12, 16:26
MCM bro (haha actually feel very weird calling you MCM instead of your other nick) ...

Cant give you any good advice. Just want to wish you good luck in your job search. Take good care of your health. May the coming 2013 be a smooth sailing year for you :ashamed1:

If bored can always come here TCSS with us. Many bros/sis here are more than happy to TCSS with you.

14-12-12, 16:43
Thanks all bros for your valuable advice and wishes.

I will work harder.

BTW almost all my applications under JobStreet, the 'compare salary with other applicants' part, most are below mine. WTF?

There are really very hungry seekers around... either that or I'm applying to too low end jobs. My market value should be around $120k pa (as proven by one of the MNC who got in touch)... :(

14-12-12, 16:59
Thanks all bros for your valuable advice and wishes.

I will work harder.

BTW almost all my applications under JobStreet, the 'compare salary with other applicants' part, most are below mine. WTF?

There are really very hungry seekers around... either that or I'm applying to too low end jobs. My market value should be around $120k pa (as proven by one of the MNC who got in touch)... :(

i read from some forum that alot of philippines, indian and malaysian are asking below market price..:o

14-12-12, 17:12
Bro, what industry and job???

It seems like I jack of all trade and master of none hor....

My name is Jack and they got it all wrong. I am master of some trades....


Bro, relax and enjoy... To me, you have achieved what many can only dream of.

"Financial Freedom". I have no pity for you, only envy....

Cheers :cheers5: :cheers4: :cheers3:

Thanks all bros for your valuable advice and wishes.

I will work harder.

BTW almost all my applications under JobStreet, the 'compare salary with other applicants' part, most are below mine. WTF?

There are really very hungry seekers around... either that or I'm applying to too low end jobs. My market value should be around $120k pa (as proven by one of the MNC who got in touch)... :(

East Lover
14-12-12, 17:12
Thanks all bros for your valuable advice and wishes.

I will work harder.

BTW almost all my applications under JobStreet, the 'compare salary with other applicants' part, most are below mine. WTF?

There are really very hungry seekers around... either that or I'm applying to too low end jobs. My market value should be around $120k pa (as proven by one of the MNC who got in touch)... :(
Bro jia you! All the best to u.

Found this one, not sure relavent or not, but at least u can afford to 潇洒“裸辞”:D



14-12-12, 17:22
Bro, what industry and job???

It seems like I jack of all trade and master of none hor....

My name is Jack and they got it all wrong. I am master of some trades....


Bro, relax and enjoy... To me, you have achieved what many can only dream of.

"Financial Freedom". I have no pity for you, only envy....

Cheers :cheers5: :cheers4: :cheers3:

Thank you you bro nut nut... :cheers5:

Product Management in Telecoms industry....

What about you? Master in what trade?

14-12-12, 17:25
Bro jia you! All the best to u.

Found this one, not sure relavent or not, but at least u can afford to 潇洒“裸辞”:D



Aiya... I no wife and no kids... don't need that much to naked resign ha

14-12-12, 17:26
i read from some forum that alot of philippines, indian and malaysian are asking below market price..:o

Well we constantly fighting with FT... now govt demand locals, why no read my resume? LOL I also very affordable.

14-12-12, 17:47
Well we constantly fighting with FT... now govt demand locals, why no read my resume? LOL I also very affordable.
bro long time no see / talk. saw what they did to you. hope you're over it. :cheers5: have a beer! may all things turn good for you this Christmas!

14-12-12, 17:58
Well we constantly fighting with FT... now govt demand locals, why no read my resume? LOL I also very affordable.

Its not abr paying u. Didnt u see mgmt willing to pay. A lot of times its like mention u are percieved as old model. iphone gen 1. New model always better. No doubt new model could cost more.

We all have a use by date. Just that some industry age are lower some older. So depends which industry u are in.

14-12-12, 18:55
Thank you you bro nut nut... :cheers5:

Product Management in Telecoms industry....

What about you? Master in what trade?

Bro, I also familiar with telecom industry... It will be impossible for u to guess...

You in telco or vendor or SI????

I think u in vendor... CPE or Backend equipment????

I think I shocking u hor....

Even CPE got so many type of equipments to the telco... Likewise for back end...

The telco industry in my opinion sucks big time. Super niche market.... Very specialize. Only a few competitors, so job opportunities damn small... That's why u have difficulty.... Somemore, it is a bit of "sunset" industry.... Unless u are a major provider of equipments to telco, if you no3, or 4, no chance to get in to the telco... So very few players...

Now I understand.... Try to go into the telco itself lah... Now they pay well leh....

14-12-12, 19:11
Hi..Have you consider driving taxi?

I am planning to do part time.

14-12-12, 20:38

Interesting statistics....hrmmm :beats-me-man:

14-12-12, 20:41

Interesting statistics....hrmmm :beats-me-man:

wa..so low. :eek:

14-12-12, 20:52
Now interviewers look for culture fit into their organisation. If they think u won't click well w them chances will b much lower.

14-12-12, 21:31
hope you have started keeping sufficient cash buffer :o

"Money frees you from doing things you dislike.
Since I dislike doing nearly everything
Money is handy."

Groucho Marx

14-12-12, 21:34
Bro jia you! All the best to u.

Found this one, not sure relavent or not, but at least u can afford to 潇洒“裸辞”:D



No lah! this is not China, 1000万 is still far from sufficient

14-12-12, 21:43
Bro, I also familiar with telecom industry... It will be impossible for u to guess...

You in telco or vendor or SI????

I think u in vendor... CPE or Backend equipment????

I think I shocking u hor....

Even CPE got so many type of equipments to the telco... Likewise for back end...

The telco industry in my opinion sucks big time. Super niche market.... Very specialize. Only a few competitors, so job opportunities damn small... That's why u have difficulty.... Somemore, it is a bit of "sunset" industry.... Unless u are a major provider of equipments to telco, if you no3, or 4, no chance to get in to the telco... So very few players...

Now I understand.... Try to go into the telco itself lah... Now they pay well leh....

all along was in telco side...

made a wrong move to device mfg side

14-12-12, 21:46
bro long time no see / talk. saw what they did to you. hope you're over it. :cheers5: have a beer! may all things turn good for you this Christmas!

thank you price price, so now you know why and how I know who u are? no need to wait till 21st right

14-12-12, 21:51

Interesting statistics....hrmmm :beats-me-man:

they need to further breakdown into salary range for the stats to be really useful

14-12-12, 22:23
all along was in telco side...

made a wrong move to device mfg side

Can consider move to storage, IT security or integration solutions....

Companies like motorola, nortel have moved on, now china hardware companies...think gotta unlearn and relearn with times.

All the best!:)

15-12-12, 06:36
can cash out your MMs and park your $$$ into reits?

cambridge reits 9% can sustain better than rental income, tax free no prop tax no maintenance.

Well we constantly fighting with FT... now govt demand locals, why no read my resume? LOL I also very affordable.

15-12-12, 07:30
My sense is medium scale manufacturing jobs are on the way out of Singapore. We are moving towards UK model of financial industry becoming more important. Civil service job that provides the environment for business and families to thrive are much more secure. Jobs are still plenty at the moment for you to chose but be careful when you are near 40 years old.

More jobs chasing fewer applicants
Increased openings, tighter rein over inflow of foreign workers reduce labour force
By Chuang Peck Ming (http://www.businesstimes.com.sg/reporter/chuang-peck-ming)

REFLECTING the state of the job market, there are now 125 openings for every 100 job-seekers.

Interestingly, employment growth remained practically flat in the first nine months of the year compared with a year ago. The number of jobs created tapering off and layoffs jumped to a three-year high in the third quarter.

Yet the labour market remained tight with more job openings, thanks to still busy hirings in the domestic sector and a tighter control of the inflow of foreign workers.

"The tigher supply of foreign workers has likely reduced the labour force - apart from a slower inflow of new foreign workers, existing Work Permit holders would have to leave Singapore if they fail to renew their work passes," says economist Kit Wei Zheng from Citigroup.

Final figures released yesterday by the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) also confirmed the preliminary estimate of the 3Q unemployment rate at a seasonally adjusted 1.9 per cent in September, down from 2 per cent a quarter ago.

There was a slight upward revision in the job growth - from 24,900 to 26,200 - but that's still way down from a year ago when 31,900 jobs were created.
It's also down from 2Q this year when employment grew by 31,700.

Total jobs created in the first nine months of the year came to 85,100, similar to the increase of 85,000 in the same period last year.

Reversing the declines in the previous two quarters, job openings rose in 3Q. The seasonally adjusted vacancies jumped 13 per cent over the quarter to 51,500 in September. For every 100 job seekers, there were now 125 openings, up from 91 in June and 105 in March this year.

But layoffs picked up in 3Q, following two quarters of fall. Workers made redundant climbed from 2,210 in 2Q to 2,850.

MOM played down the increase. "This was one of the few higher quarterly redundancy figures reported in post-recessionary periods, but they remained substantially below recessionary highs."

Some 6,000 to 12,800 workers were made redundant per quarter in the last recession.

"The moderated employment growth and the increase in layoffs suggest that there is a weaker labour demand," says Tan Khay Boon, a senior lecturer at SIM Global Education.

"This is due to the slower economic growth triggered by a challenging external environment," he says.

The increase in redundancies in 3Q came from the manufacturing sector, where the number of layoffs more than doubled from 520 in 2Q to 1,200. Some 1,510 workers were axed in the services sector in 3Q, unchanged from the quarter before.

"While more cyclical sectors like manufacturing have seen some softening in demand, the data overall hints at pent-up demand especially in services," Mr Kit says.

Still, job growth in services slowed from 21,200 in the third quarter of 2011 to 12,700 in the third quarter of this year. It eased from 3,900 to 3,700 in the same period in manufacturing.

The construction sector, however, saw higher employment increase, up from 6,700 in 3Q/11 to 9,700 in 3Q/12.

The jobless rates for residents and Singaporeans remained the same as a quarter ago at 2.8 per cent and 3 per cent respectively in September.

Resident long-term unemployment rate dipped a bit over the year from 0.5 per cent in September 2011 to 0.4 per cent in September this year, returning to its pre-recession low in 2007.

ASME in talks with M'sian developers to build ASME Park in Iskandar
By Kristie Neo | Posted: 13 December 2012 2236 hrs

SINGAPORE: The Association of Small and Medium Enterprises (ASME) said they are in talks with three Malaysian developers to build an industrial park in Johor's Iskandar region to house Singapore firms.

So far, 23 firms have expressed interest in this project, which aims to help them cope with rising cost pressures in Singapore.

ASME said they now need to convince Singapore businesses to relocate to Iskandar.

They will need commitment from about 50 to 100 businesses in Singapore before the selected Malaysian developer goes ahead to build the ASME Park.

ASME said they are looking at land plots in Skudai, Nusajaya and Kulaijaya.

All three plots are 15 to 20 minutes drive away from the causeway.

The hub that ASME have in mind, will occupy some 50 hectares of land area -- roughly the size of Resorts World Sentosa or about a hundred football fields.

ASME's president Chan Chong Beng said: "When we have the scale, we should get a good bargain. As for rental costs, for some people who may not have enough cash to buy, we will talk to developers, to lease and buy back later. And, we will talk to the banks to get maximum financing to help those SMEs out."

The association said that it will also look into the quality of security, power and internet networks in the area.

But not everyone is convinced that ASME's efforts are enough.

One Singapore company, Pestbusters, said bottlenecks at custom checkpoints will prevent them from responding quickly to clients.

Pestbusters' CEO and chairman, Thomas Fernandez, said: "Take for instance I'm in Kuala Lumpur doing my pest management business. It's very difficult to get good quality people, even though you pay a high price. So again, there is a challenge."

But for some, lower rentals and cheaper wages remain a huge pull factor.

Industrial rents in outskirt regions such as Jurong are at between S$3 and S$4 per square foot.

This is compared to about 2 to 3 ringgit per square foot in Iskandar.

Creative media house Cheng and Eng's director KC Eng said: "Cheng Singapore can be more of a base where we contact and meet our clients, whereas in Iskandar, it can be more of production and programming work.

"Because we are involved in IT business, so with that line of thought, we can streamline the programme over here."

If all goes well, ASME said the project could materialize as quickly as 2014.

15-12-12, 07:35
can cash out your MMs and park your $$$ into reits?

cambridge reits 9% can sustain better than rental income, tax free no prop tax no maintenance.

is this bond or stocks ?

share more info, please.

safe or not?

can't be forever 9%

15-12-12, 07:48
real estate investment trust.

capitaland owns capmall asia etc keppeland owns kreit.

safe onot?

is this bond or stocks ?

share more info, please.

safe or not?

can't be forever 9%

15-12-12, 07:59
100% sure win meh?

15-12-12, 08:01
dyodd bro.

check out investmentmoats.com, not my blog hor. :D

100% sure win meh?

15-12-12, 08:06
is trust = stocks?

15-12-12, 08:10
closer to stocks than bonds coz the dpu can change while bond returns are fixed. but reits give divi up to 4 times a year while stocks abt 1-2 times.

park 1mio get 90k taxfree a year, enuf for perpetual retirement.

is trust = stocks?

15-12-12, 08:15
let open a new thread about trust rather than hogging onto mcm's jobless thread.

15-12-12, 09:51
is this bond or stocks ?

share more info, please.

safe or not?

can't be forever 9%

This is viable option for good cashflow. However, capital gain potential is minimal I believe?

15-12-12, 09:54
stable $$$ while u look for job bro.

1st reit dropped quite abit then recovered so if u wan to trade still got some movements but usually reits are meant to be kept for divi.

This is viable option for good cashflow. However, capital gain potential is minimal I believe?

15-12-12, 09:57
My sense is medium scale manufacturing jobs are on the way out of Singapore. We are moving towards UK model of financial industry becoming more important. Civil service job that provides the environment for business and families to thrive are much more secure. Jobs are still plenty at the moment for you to chose but be careful when you are near 40 years old.

More jobs chasing fewer applicants
Increased openings, tighter rein over inflow of foreign workers reduce labour force

ASME in talks with M'sian developers to build ASME Park in Iskandar

Thanks for the articles sis. I am tempted to believe the so called many jobs around chasing applicants are mostly entry level services jobs like admin and clerical and support / retail staff, I keep seeing a lot of those around. Not that I'm biased, I did still apply to some of those in related domain, but for the reasons I explained, they do not respond favorably.

Msia Iskandar is indeed booming. The fact that major businesses are considering or in progress of relocating there, speaks well. Staying in HH and working in Iskandar would be really luxury half-retirement life. Barring other inconveniences and risks, what else is there to miss about SG other than the silly ministers and pandas and stupid Orchard RD?

BTW last night I had to visit Orchard Rd again.

I simply hated it. I didn't even feel like I was in SG. I had to crane my neck to catch just a speck of Singlish. 80% were pinoys and china and tourists. No offence to those, I welcome them to boost our economy, but sad to say, ORCHARD RD has already become a 99% tourist spot rather than a local representation of SG.

The real SG lies in the heartlands.

I'm darn sure not stepping into Orchard for the rest of the year.

15-12-12, 09:59
Thanks for the articles sis. I am tempted to believe the so called many jobs around chasing applicants are mostly entry level services jobs like admin and clerical and support / retail staff, I keep seeing a lot of those around. Not that I'm biased, I did still apply to some of those in related domain, but for the reasons I explained, they do not respond favorably.

Msia Iskandar is indeed booming. The fact that major businesses are considering or in progress of relocating there, speaks well. Staying in HH and working in Iskandar would be really luxury half-retirement life. Barring other inconveniences and risks, what else is there to miss about SG other than the silly ministers and pandas and stupid Orchard RD?

BTW last night I had to visit Orchard Rd again.

I simply hated it. 80% were pinoys and china and tourists. No offence to those, I welcome them to boost our economy, but sad to say, ORCHARD RD has already become a 99% tourist spot rather than a local representation of SG.

The real SG lies in the heartlands.

I'm darn sure not stepping into Orchard for the rest of the year.

Good morning bro! I was there last night too! So packed and congested. Though I must say a lot has changed for the better

15-12-12, 10:10
Can consider move to storage, IT security or integration solutions....

Companies like motorola, nortel have moved on, now china hardware companies...think gotta unlearn and relearn with times.

All the best!:)

Yes, noted with thanx..... did go for interview with one China OEM

15-12-12, 10:11
Good morning bro! I was there last night too! So packed and congested. Though I must say a lot has changed for the better

If it brings in the moolah I guess its all good la...

Just not my cup of tea unless I need to get hi-end stuff.

15-12-12, 11:23
Good morning bro! I was there last night too! So packed and congested. Though I must say a lot has changed for the better

Its change for the better. that I agree more vibrant these days.

15-12-12, 21:34
One thing I find interesting in Singapore is that once you are not working, HR starts to be suspicious. So the best is to get started with a job (maybe not fully reflect your "market value"), and then look for another job.

Frankly, the price for Project Manager in IT/Telecom has dropped a lot (due to international competition onshore and offshore.) In average, there are about 150 applicants for 1 opening we advertised. So sending out 50 CVs may no longer be enough nowadays. My company (a UK based MNC) is now only willing to pay S$60K-S$80K for Project Managers, not the handsome S$120K anymore.

Securing a job is very much like renting out your unit, there is no such thing that you cannot find a tenant. You just need to ask for the right price.

Report shows, for young people, having a job is better for your health. There is more than just the money.

Good luck and January is traditional a good season for job hunting.


15-12-12, 21:43
Next jan maybe different from normal.
One thing I find interesting in Singapore is that once you are not working, HR starts to be suspicious. So the best is to get started with a job (maybe not fully reflect your "market value"), and then look for another job.

Frankly, the price for Project Manager in IT/Telecom has dropped a lot (due to international competition onshore and offshore.) In average, there are about 150 applicants for 1 opening we advertised. So sending out 50 CVs may no longer be enough nowadays. My company (a UK based MNC) is now only willing to pay S$60K-S$80K for Project Managers, not the handsome S$120K anymore.

Securing a job is very much like renting out your unit, there is no such thing that you cannot find a tenant. You just need to ask for the right price.

Report shows, for young people, having a job is better for your health. There is more than just the money.

Good luck and January is traditional a good season for job hunting.


proud owner
15-12-12, 23:32
In Singapore it is best doing something related to banking .... you can work in banks, work for vendors selling products/solutions to banks or work for audit/consulting serving banks or starting your own biz serving banks

Go for something very niche that does not become obsolete fast :cheers5:

I m a fx traders. I can't tell you all how bad banking is these last few mths.

So many of my friends have lost their jobs from junior traders to head of depts.

It's not reported in the papers.

Every other days I hear traders being suspended or retrenched ...

These are those in the top 10 pct earners in spore.

That's why I am so curious why spore props still climbing.

Mind you quite a few traders I know already or are planning to sell their props acquired over the last few years, .. They are preparing for the worst in banking industry.

16-12-12, 06:14
I m a fx traders. I can't tell you all how bad banking is these last few mths.

So many of my friends have lost their jobs from junior traders to head of depts.

It's not reported in the papers.

Every other days I hear traders being suspended or retrenched ...

These are those in the top 10 pct earners in spore.

That's why I am so curious why spore props still climbing.

Mind you quite a few traders I know already or are planning to sell their props acquired over the last few years, .. They are preparing for the worst in banking industry.

Those that are still climbing are OCR and RCR mass market condos, that are supported by the middle class. Their jobs are more secure, at the moment unless 2013 turn out to be very bad.

If I read it correctly, the government is actually stimulating the economy via
(a) housing such as GLS, EC and BTOs
(b) infrastructure projects such as MRT and CTE extension
(c) hubs development such as Jurong Lake District and Marina Bay Financial District

So next year might be very low growth, but inflation will kick in hard. And people will still be selectively buying ECs, BTOs and PCs near MRT. As COE climbs, record prices of re-sale HDBs and PCs near MRT will continue to hit the headline. Rental of HDBs and MMs will also continue to climb as more foreign workers downgrade to conserve spending power.

16-12-12, 07:28
I do not know whether it is the right forum to help my friend to look for a psoitive attitude , mature & trustworthy production manager to work in his company. He asked me to help him to run production for him for 6 mths. But I cant due to family commitment.

Small Local manufacturing company - more than 10 yrs.
Salary : est $4k
Place : Pioner circle (nearest MRT is JOO KOON- est 10 min walk)
Can start work in Jan 2013
In charge of a group of opertor & technician to run the fibre optic line.

One of his employee resigned & bring his company "trade secret" to his competitor.

My sister's company employed a local SG accountant. 2nd day of work , did not turn up & did not call. When she contact him why he did not come for work. His reason is that it is the office is too far from MRT. Walking distant est 12 min.

positive attitude
My friend is a good boss. Always work hard to bring more bussiness to enable all his workers are not out of job. Attitude is the way you look at things around you. A positive attitude may not solve every problem but it makes solving any problem a more pleasant experience


16-12-12, 07:40
I do not know whether it is the right forum to help my friend to look for a psoitive attitude , mature & trustworthy production manager to work in his company. He asked me to help him to run production for him for 6 mths. But I cant due to family commitment.

Small Local manufacturing company - more than 10 yrs.
Salary : est $4k
Place : Pioner circle (nearest MRT is JOO KOON- est 10 min walk)
Can start work in Jan 2013
In charge of a group of opertor & technician to run the fibre optic line.

One of his employee resigned & bring his company "trade secret" to his competitor.

My sister's company employed a local SG accountant. 2nd day of work , did not turn up & did not call. When she contact him why he did not come for work. His reason is that it is the office is too far from MRT. Walking distant est 12 min.

positive attitude
My friend is a good boss. Always work hard to bring more bussiness to enable all his workers are not out of job. Attitude is the way you look at things around you. A positive attitude may not solve every problem but it makes solving any problem a more pleasant experience


I tot fresh grads r being paid $3k+? Prob w SMEs r usu pay, opport n location (Jurong or Tuas is not cool). Hard to have loyal employees nowadays unless above 3 factors r addressed.

16-12-12, 08:14
I m a fx traders. I can't tell you all how bad banking is these last few mths.

So many of my friends have lost their jobs from junior traders to head of depts.

It's not reported in the papers.

Every other days I hear traders being suspended or retrenched ...

These are those in the top 10 pct earners in spore.

That's why I am so curious why spore props still climbing.

Mind you quite a few traders I know already or are planning to sell their props acquired over the last few years, .. They are preparing for the worst in banking industry.

hee.. me actually got trade fx.. :p

are you a TA or funadamental ? i think most fx trader in bank trade based on big news?

i haven't got many good signal to enter market for these few months..market move so weird for me... this is based on my method of trading. ..not sure about you..

16-12-12, 08:18
I do not know whether it is the right forum to help my friend to look for a psoitive attitude , mature & trustworthy production manager to work in his company. He asked me to help him to run production for him for 6 mths. But I cant due to family commitment.

Small Local manufacturing company - more than 10 yrs.
Salary : est $4k
Place : Pioner circle (nearest MRT is JOO KOON- est 10 min walk)
Can start work in Jan 2013
In charge of a group of opertor & technician to run the fibre optic line.

One of his employee resigned & bring his company "trade secret" to his competitor.

My sister's company employed a local SG accountant. 2nd day of work , did not turn up & did not call. When she contact him why he did not come for work. His reason is that it is the office is too far from MRT. Walking distant est 12 min.

positive attitude
My friend is a good boss. Always work hard to bring more bussiness to enable all his workers are not out of job. Attitude is the way you look at things around you. A positive attitude may not solve every problem but it makes solving any problem a more pleasant experience


despite small company, there must be a clause in contract that mention you cannot join any competitor in the same industry for the next X years..

16-12-12, 08:50
despite small company, there must be a clause in contract that mention you cannot join any competitor in the same industry for the next X years..

He did engage a lawyer to sue him months ago. Still pending.


16-12-12, 09:01
despite small company, there must be a clause in contract that mention you cannot join any competitor in the same industry for the next X years..

Unfair clause in employment contract has little legal binding.

16-12-12, 09:10
despite small company, there must be a clause in contract that mention you cannot join any competitor in the same industry for the next X years..
You will see this clause in many company's employment contract but difficult to enforce. If a person specialize in one area, it's natural that he will join another company including competitors when he quits.

For example, You don't expect an engineer who have 10yrs of experience to leave his existing job and join another company as HR or Finance right?
It's about survivor my friend. He needs to feed his family.

So long as he does not bring along trade secret away, most company don't care. :2cents:

16-12-12, 09:32
Sorry, only high level position with sensitive info (price, suppliers, Manufacturing cost etc). Production mgr no such clauses. You just plan & manage production line.


16-12-12, 10:29
too bad I miss the ion part

only a product manager lol

16-12-12, 11:14
Hi..can I apply for the production manager role? My current salary is around 3.5k+++.

My qualification is Bachelor degree from NUS.

16-12-12, 11:28
Hi..can I apply for the production manager role? My current salary is around 3.5k+++.

My qualification is Bachelor degree from NUS.

you can be trusted meh?

16-12-12, 11:32
you can be trusted meh?

I am answerable to the hirer.

16-12-12, 11:34
Degree holders over 40 have it worst.

better earn as much as u can while young.


17-12-12, 13:35
Jobs tt r ard r those tt create a safe n secure framework for business n families to bloom. In this turbulent time, Singapore has this asset n therefore need plenty of people to join. SPF, Mindef, civil defence r some examples. So r companies providing these services e.g. security guards, home security vendors. Can try them.

i feel that the industries that are evergreen - food, healthcare, education, and areas where regardless of recession, still need to work one.

17-12-12, 13:46
Small Local manufacturing company - more than 10 yrs.
Salary : est $4k
Place : Pioner circle (nearest MRT is JOO KOON- est 10 min walk)
Can start work in Jan 2013
In charge of a group of opertor & technician to run the fibre optic line.

My sister's company employed a local SG accountant. 2nd day of work , did not turn up & did not call. When she contact him why he did not come for work. His reason is that it is the office is too far from MRT. Walking distant est 12 min.


4k for a prdtn mger means even lower for an accountant. nowadays, decent accounting job easily 4-5k. jurong is a very bad place to employ pple who have cross-industry skills (eg: accountant).

but have to admit.. new staff nowadays very pattern. never turn up for work. early say lah, dun wait until start work never appear.

17-12-12, 15:06
Just finished an interview.

Share with all my funny experience.

I came across this entry level job posted online. Its in production with a well known media MNC. Closing date was last Friday, but I applied anyway. Didn't think much of it and totally didn't expect them to call me this morning asking me to go down this very same afternoon.

So I did my homework read up on what content they produce etc. And made my way. The recruiting manager immediately apologise profusely upon meeting me. I was ??

When we were seated in the meeting room, she apologised again. By then I was quite embarrassed and had a quizzical look on my face. And then she finally admitted, "my girl called the wrong guy."

I laughed heartily. It was not a 苦笑. I was really amused. I didn't expect such a global professional company could make such an embarrassing boo boo. Anyway we continued chatting without tension now that everything is out in the open. Little did she expect its her turn to get shocked in a few minutes.

She spoke about how the current person is leaving due to migration, not because of the job. And shared further with me on the scope. She appeared to be trying to convince me that it's not for me as its way "below my level". Yes, those were her actual words. I told her having been out of Telecoms for so long, its also the perfect time for me to explore a change of industry. She nodded in positive agreement. I asked if the role is self limited or does it have room to grow. She gave a politically correct answer. Then she went on to the ultimatum to cut short the small talk - it's about the price.

My first impression is that, one, that's a wrong choice of word. We are not doing shopping here. Two, ok, I was thinking, tell me the 'price'. She said 2k.

I told her point blank, guess what, that's exactly the amount I had in mind when I look at the scope. LOL

She was shell shocked, ok maybe very surprised, keep saying Oh... oh....! I reminded her, perhaps her girl forgot to share with her, that I wrote a line at the bottom in my email application. "Money does not drive me. Passion does."

I said, I had thought they called me up after reading that line...

Well too bad. Her attitude changed slightly, and continued to share that she will still run this thru with the new Director, whom is replacing the incumbent as well.

I smiled widely and thanked her.

As she saw me out of the office, she added, "Hey, good luck to your job search!"

I thanked her with a smile and bade her goodbye, knowing very well that they will never call me back.

Gee, that went well!

17-12-12, 15:11
Just finished an interview.

Share with all my funny experience.

I came across this entry level job posted online. Its in production with a well known media MNC. Closing date was last Friday, but I applied anyway. Didn't think much of it and totally didn't expect them to call me this morning asking me to go down this very same afternoon.

So I did my homework read up on what content they produce etc. And made my way. The recruiting manager immediately apologise profusely upon meeting me. I was ??

When we were seated in the meeting room, she apologised again. By then I was quite embarrassed and had a quizzical look on my face. And then she finally admitted, "my girl called the wrong guy."

I laughed heartily. It was not a 苦笑. I was really amused. I didn't expect such a global professional company could make such an embarrassing boo boo. Anyway we continued chatting without tension now that everything is out in the open. Little did she expect its her turn to get shocked in a few minutes.

She spoke about how the current person is leaving due to migration, not because of the job. And shared further with me on the scope. She appeared to be trying to convince me that it's not for me as its way "below my level". Yes, those were her actual words. I told her having been out of Telecoms for so long, its also the perfect time for me to explore a change of industry. She nodded in positive agreement. I asked if the role is self limited or does it have room to grow. She gave a politically correct answer. Then she went on to the ultimatum to cut short the small talk - it's about the price.

My first impression is that, one, that's a wrong choice of word. We are not doing shopping here. Two, ok, I was thinking, tell me the 'price'. She said 2k.

I told her point blank, guess what, that's exactly the amount I had in mind when I look at the scope. LOL

She was shell shocked, ok maybe very surprised, keep saying Oh... oh....! I reminded her, perhaps her girl forgot to share with her, that I wrote a line at the bottom in my email application. "Money does not drive me. Passion does."

I said, I had thought they called me up after reading that line...

Well too bad. Her attitude changed slightly, and continued to share that she will still run this thru with the new Director, whom is replacing the incumbent as well.

I smiled widely and thanked her.

As she saw me out of the office, she added, "Hey, good luck to your job search!"

I thanked her with a smile and bade her goodbye, knowing very well that they will never call me back.

Gee, that went well!

A good taxi driver can easily hit $4k, n b his own boss.

17-12-12, 15:22
A good taxi driver can easily hit $4k, n b his own boss.

sorry, I have no passion for driving people around.

17-12-12, 16:24
sorry, I have no passion for driving people around.

It depends on how hungry e job seeker is. Many taxi drivers wld prefer other jobs if they have a choice too.

17-12-12, 17:13
sorry, I have no passion for driving people around.

Bro mcm, if you ask me to work full time for 2k or drive taxi for 4k, I'd rather choose the latter even though I dislike driving.

That's double the amount.
If I can work half the time as a taxi driver than work full time in that job for 2k, why not?

Although you may dislike the job but you can make it interesting eg chat with your passengers and learn from them, or "eavesdrop" on their conversation and get news from the horses mouth.

17-12-12, 17:16
Bro mcm, if you ask me to work full time for 2k or drive taxi for 4k, I'd rather choose the latter even though I dislike driving.

That's double the amount.
If I can work half the time as a taxi driver than work full time in that job for 2k, why not?

sure, from a purely monetary perspective that makes cents (sense).

problem is I m so bad with directions that even walking can get lost! lol

17-12-12, 17:19
sure, from a purely monetary perspective that makes cents (sense).

problem is I m so bad with directions that even walking can get lost! lol

Nowadays got GPS.
Or you can ask the passenger to direct you.

If you can work half the time and get the same amount of money, why not?
Plus taxi driver is free lance so you can plan your own time.
If you like pets, you may even use it to ferry passengers with pets.

17-12-12, 17:34
Nowadays got GPS.
Or you can ask the passenger to direct you.

If you can work half the time and get the same amount of money, why not?
Plus taxi driver is free lance so you can plan your own time.
If you like pets, you may even use it to ferry passengers with pets.

seems like a lot of people dream of driving taxi when retired.

17-12-12, 17:44
seems like a lot of people dream of driving taxi when retired.

Beats rounds of interviews n interviewers trying to press down ur asking salary. Look at e COE quota n prices trend, hitting $5-6 k a mth as a taxi driver is achievable n 1-2 years' time. With ur rental income, it is a good way to earn a living while searching for ur dream job.

17-12-12, 18:15
oh, btw, when I click on the apply, I had bro chestnut in my mind.

he said You are creative right? perhaps should explore the creative industry... lol

while I was walking to the office in the rain, trying to avoid getting my shoes muddy, I was also thinking of him. lol

17-12-12, 18:24
bro, even if they label you, that will be AFTER you become agent right? ie: any future pptys from thereafter.

next when I apply to be property agent I will have what you said in mind lol ...

17-12-12, 21:31
Bro mcm, u are indeed creative...

You only need to believe in yourself... When u believe, others will too. Waht u are facing are just some obstacles which will only serve to build you up... Take the obstacles as a challenges which will only serve to strengthen you... I believe in you. Just need you to believe in yourself...

Chin up my friend, you will find your destiny... Take it easy and enjoy the ride...


:cheers3: :cheers3:

18-12-12, 17:01
Degree holders over 40 have it worst.

better earn as much as u can while young.


Agree to a certain extent.

Also depends on profession and work experience

18-12-12, 17:48
Bro mcm, u are indeed creative...

You only need to believe in yourself... When u believe, others will too. Waht u are facing are just some obstacles which will only serve to build you up... Take the obstacles as a challenges which will only serve to strengthen you... I believe in you. Just need you to believe in yourself...

Chin up my friend, you will find your destiny... Take it easy and enjoy the ride...


:cheers3: :cheers3:

Thank you bro chestnut for your vote of confidence. I will not give up on myself ever!! :D

18-12-12, 19:01
Thank you bro chestnut for your vote of confidence. I will not give up on myself ever!! :D

Bro, u have brighten up my evening with your reply.



18-12-12, 19:11
Thank you bro chestnut for your vote of confidence. I will not give up on myself ever!! :D

Through the many posts that you have put up here, we know the following:-

1) you're intelligent, judging from your eloquent community service series
2) you're effectively bilingual. Should be useful with china opening up
3) passionate about property.
4) with sense of humor. Including split identities... (Ok, maybe not a good thing..)
5) can take all kinds of nonsense... From fellow forumers...

Fellow forumers, please add to the list.

With these qualities, sure you'll eventually find your ideal job. Hang in there...:cheers1:

18-12-12, 19:23
Through the many posts that you have put up here, we know the following:-

1) you're intelligent, judging from your eloquent community service series
2) you're effectively bilingual. Should be useful with china opening up
3) passionate about property.
4) with sense of humor. Including split identities... (Ok, maybe not a good thing..)
5) can take all kinds of nonsense... From fellow forumers...

Fellow forumers, please add to the list.

With these qualities, sure you'll eventually find your ideal job. Hang in there...:cheers1:

Yes, I agree with all the above!
In summary, mcm is a talented person!

Bro mcm, why not you compile all the stories here into a book.
Get a publisher to publish it and organize an autograph session during launch of the book :) .

19-12-12, 09:22
Through the many posts that you have put up here, we know the following:-

1) you're intelligent, judging from your eloquent community service series
2) you're effectively bilingual. Should be useful with china opening up
3) passionate about property.
4) with sense of humor. Including split identities... (Ok, maybe not a good thing..)
5) can take all kinds of nonsense... From fellow forumers...

Fellow forumers, please add to the list.

With these qualities, sure you'll eventually find your ideal job. Hang in there...:cheers1:

thank you so much bro. you are very observant. I tend to write better than I speak, maybe that's why. I m only eloquent in speech when fully relaxed... I talk a lot of nonsense when anxious lol.

I do believe I will find something soon if not in January after people resign taking their AWS. things will look up.

19-12-12, 09:26
Yes, I agree with all the above!
In summary, mcm is a talented person!

Bro mcm, why not you compile all the stories here into a book.
Get a publisher to publish it and organize an autograph session during launch of the book :) .

ha ha. I had that idea before. I actually have a friend who is an award winning writer, but trust me, its not so easy. gotta have your niche. not just another of those writer.

hmmm. how about a fiction of life of a Gay property trader? lol who will wanna read

19-12-12, 09:29
ha ha. I had that idea before. I actually have a friend who is an award winning writer, but trust me, its not so easy. gotta have your niche. not just another of those writer.

hmmm. how about a fiction of life of a Gay property trader? lol who will wanna read

It's true it is not easy.
But if you blog about something that is of interest to many people and if it is gossippy and juicy, some publishers may approach you. But you must have a passion to do so, ie blogging regularly.

19-12-12, 10:46
hmmm. how about a fiction of life of a Gay property trader? lol who will wanna read

Why not? Singaporeans love properties and people are now more accepting of gays. A few love affairs, heartbreaks, bedroom scenes of a gay couple will appeal to the readers.
Hope 2013 will be a better year for you! Don't give up in pursuing your dream job. Merry Christmas and a Happy happy 2013 for you.

19-12-12, 10:48
He still has rental income, so his situation is not that bad. I would also look for job opportunities outside Singapore if the industry is so niche.

19-12-12, 10:52
It's true it is not easy.
But if you blog about something that is of interest to many people and if it is gossippy and juicy, some publishers may approach you. But you must have a passion to do so, ie blogging regularly.

people like xiaxue has become their own brand lol .... powerz

19-12-12, 10:54
Why not? Singaporeans love properties and people are now more accepting of gays. A few love affairs, heartbreaks, bedroom scenes of a gay couple will appeal to the readers.
Hope 2013 will be a better year for you! Don't give up in pursuing your dream job. Merry Christmas and a Happy happy 2013 for you.

thank you thank you... you are pretty creative yourself for one of such nick teehee

happy holidays and huat 2013 to you and all too!