View Full Version : S'poreans protest recent labour action by Chinese workers

07-12-12, 20:51

Four Singaporeans on Friday visited the Chinese embassy to complain of the recent spate of labour protests staged by workers from China in Singapore.

The four, who say they have no political affiliation, came together on Thursday, the same day as two construction workers from China mounted a crane in Jurong Port (http://sg.news.yahoo.com/2-china-workers-protesting-on-crane-arrested--132914784.html) to demand unpaid back wages and a week after more than 180 SMRT bus drivers from China held a short-lived strike (http://sg.news.yahoo.com/-over-100-chinese-bus-drivers-in-s-pore-go-on-strike-105924025.html) that government officials have declared as “illegal”.

Entering the Chinese embassy on Tanglin Road, businessmen Bashir Alazhamatkan and Nazem Suki, marine surveyor Muhammad Nazlee and a retiree who wanted to be known only as Joe brought with them a single-page letter addressed to Chinese president Hu Jintao asking his government to "intervene by taking action" against its citizens working in Singapore who partake in "unlawful and uncivilised action".

Citing the strike by Chinese bus drivers (http://sg.news.yahoo.com/-over-100-chinese-bus-drivers-in-s-pore-go-on-strike-105924025.html) and a trade union protest at Singapore’s embassy in Hong Kong (http://sg.news.yahoo.com/activists-slam-singapore-crackdown-china-strikers-194241758.html) to demand the release of five drivers detained, they said they represented Singaporeans as a whole in their opposition to the recent labour actions.

"We, the citizen(s) of Singapore, will not tolerate any government and/or their citizen who refuse(s) to respect the constitution and the law of this Republic state of Singapore," they wrote. "We shall defend this 'little red dot' state to our last blood."

Signed simply as "Citizen of Singapore", the letter was written by former opposition party cadre Mohd Nazem Suki. The former secretary-general of the Singapore Malay National Organisation (http://sg.search.yahoo.com/search?p=Singapore+Malay+National+Organisation&ei=UTF-8&fr=moz35) (PKMS) said 4,000 others had signed his letter either verbally or by email in the hours following the electronic distribution of his petition. These signatures had not been appended to the hard copy of the letter, however.

Explaining why they felt so strongly about this, Nazem said they wanted to "send a stern notice" to the Chinese government that citizens here do not tolerate what has happened.

"We are a very civilised country," he said. "We want to send a notice, a stern one, by the citizens of Singapore stating that if the country, their mainland, wants to defend their citizens in Singapore for their infringements in Singapore, this is not right."

Adding their concern that these protests and strikes could lead to a chain reaction of other uprisings by foreign workers based here, Bashir said they were also calling for mutual respect and understanding between people of both countries.

"We were hoping that the government from China will actually control the protesters, to tell them to respect Singapore and their leaders and the government of Singapore -- our law -- not to insult or stage protests like this," he said.

The four emerged from the embassy failing to seek an audience with any of the Chinese consulate officials.

Also having been unable to submit the letter formally to them, Nazem said they will consider their next course of action later Friday afternoon.

“We are quite disappointed with the reaction to our concerns but we will follow their protocol,” he said, speaking to reporters after exiting the embassy on Friday.

"The government should take stern action, just don't bother about what the world says," he added earlier. "It's our law, it's our sovereignty at stake."

09-12-12, 19:37
Very simple , we need minimum wage laws

09-12-12, 21:54
Very simple , we need minimum wage laws

If we have minimum wage law, then we would be able to get more locals to drive.
If we have this law then there will be no poor people.
But our prices for food and transport prices will increase.
We will have to pay more for service.
Then we can chose whether we want service to be rendered, if we are willing to spend more or self service if we want to save.

Whe I was in Australia, my children asked me how the poor people there is going to afford a meal there, seeing that the prices are so high compared to Singapore.
I told them that Australia has minimum wage law and there are no poor working people there. Dunno whether my simple explanation is right or not.

09-12-12, 23:21
Sure Min wage go for it.. but dont complain ur CAB ride from airport to home cost u $70 bucks.

I took a cab in Aus from airport to hotel cost $65AUS. and the drivers are not local too. so.. I dont any pt in min wage.

09-12-12, 23:25
If we have minimum wage law, then we would be able to get more locals to drive.
If we have this law then there will be no poor people.
But our prices for food and transport prices will increase.
We will have to pay more for service.
Then we can chose whether we want service to be rendered, if we are willing to spend more or self service if we want to save.

Whe I was in Australia, my children asked me how the poor people there is going to afford a meal there, seeing that the prices are so high compared to Singapore.
I told them that Australia has minimum wage law and there are no poor working people there. Dunno whether my simple explanation is right or not.

u must understand that in Aus u get more pay ur cost is also much higher. And the government also have to bare the burden in the form of higher TAX. Income TAX there is in the range of 35-44%.

I dont see a pt in this kind of system as end up a lot of lazy people dont work just go on dough taxing the system. The hard work few paying for the lazy few. The tax payer $ could have been put to better use to improve infr or health care or even R&D etc.

Also not forgetting Aus have vast land n resources. They practically live base on export of resources.

Anyway maybe ur children never see poor people coz they never see them in the city any more . the aboriginal all get pushed out of the cities.

09-12-12, 23:27
Very simple , we need minimum wage laws

Sure newt we wil be asking for free food rebates. coz minimum wage drive up inflation too. That is if u dont mind paying more for ur chicken rice.

maybe u dont mind. but I mind.

10-12-12, 08:04
Sure newt we wil be asking for free food rebates. coz minimum wage drive up inflation too. That is if u dont mind paying more for ur chicken rice.

maybe u dont mind. but I mind.

I don't mind paying more if the standard isn't spiral south. Right now I am pay more and more for poorer and poorer quality in general.

10-12-12, 08:24
I don't mind paying more if the standard isn't spiral south. Right now I am pay more and more for poorer and poorer quality in general.

How much more? 60 buck cab ride? 10 chicken rice? $9 prata? I was in aus this is what i pay. I dont feel standard any better.

11-12-12, 15:07
Do aussies complain about their food prices with high wages in their country ? Minimum wage in Australia is $18 aud n we are going as low as $4 sgd an hour. The food prices is double ours in australua but minimum wage is four times ours , that is clearly disproportionate. A bus driver workingtwelve hour shift gets $1k plus a month , who wouldn't want to strike. No minimum wage in the name of competitiveness is bullshit from a first world country perspective. Gov takes care of civil servants by ensuring their wages is increased in line with inflation but what about ordinary folks in the private sector? Just ask yourself for the past few years how many times has civil servants pay been increased.
Sure newt we wil be asking for free food rebates. coz minimum wage drive up inflation too. That is if u dont mind paying more for ur chicken rice.

maybe u dont mind. but I mind.

11-12-12, 21:20
Do aussies complain about their food prices with high wages in their country ? Minimum wage in Australia is $18 aud n we are going as low as $4 sgd an hour. The food prices is double ours in australua but minimum wage is four times ours , that is clearly disproportionate. A bus driver workingtwelve hour shift gets $1k plus a month , who wouldn't want to strike. No minimum wage in the name of competitiveness is bullshit from a first world country perspective. Gov takes care of civil servants by ensuring their wages is increased in line with inflation but what about ordinary folks in the private sector? Just ask yourself for the past few years how many times has civil servants pay been increased.

So u are saying u willing to pay more? Mine u Aus economy is base on commodity export. We ? we export what? we sell service. Min wage in Aus is $18. A plumber comes over fix ur pipe is easily cost u $500. yes the pay is high all these include high tax 44%.

What makes u think the Aus never complain thing expensive? Thats why many stuff they DIY!

You up singapore min wage wat u get? still is not singaporean doing the mandane job. Those thats why we import foreigners that ware willing to do it. to keep cost low. up those cost u get general inflation in all sectors u think MNC want to setup shop here?

Already hiring are slowing coz of higher cost. and those head counts already are hired in malaysia even though the HQ is in singapore. With time u got to ask ur self why would the company pay a manager to manage a team where 2-4 people are in singapore while the rest of the team are base in Malaysia.

I will sweat if I am the Mgr.

So dont ask for min wage if u donno wat u will be in for.

Also do u know how much civil servant are paid? u want to compare a teacher pay to private sector? going to teach is a different passion not pay. civil servant pay are not great.

12-12-12, 07:11
I don't mind paying more if the standard isn't spiral south. Right now I am pay more and more for poorer and poorer quality in general.
Minimal wage laws probably has got nothing to do with upping the standards of services.its meant to help the weakest in the society. HK just implemented it in May 2011,will be a good model for Singapore to observe and consider.

12-12-12, 11:28
Also do u know how much civil servant are paid? u want to compare a teacher pay to private sector? going to teach is a different passion not pay. civil servant pay are not great.

teacher work 16 hours a day. those who say teacher overpaid dunno what they are saying.

12-12-12, 12:00
Did i say that we should up minimum wage to $18 sgd or equivalent if $18 aud ?? We can apply minimum wage based on our living standards not aussie living standards. Without minimum wage now what makes you think things are cheap? You get a guy down just to inspect your faulty washing machine would already cost you $85 for transport n inspection without factoring in repair n spare parts cost. As kanarazu pointed out , minimum wage is to help those overworked n underpaid people a kind of safety net. Our gov allows employers to use freedom of contract to exploit workers foreign n local n there is salary cap in employment act which discriminates against all falling outside
So u are saying u willing to pay more? Mine u Aus economy is base on commodity export. We ? we export what? we sell service. Min wage in Aus is $18. A plumber comes over fix ur pipe is easily cost u $500. yes the pay is high all these include high tax 44%.

What makes u think the Aus never complain thing expensive? Thats why many stuff they DIY!

You up singapore min wage wat u get? still is not singaporean doing the mandane job. Those thats why we import foreigners that ware willing to do it. to keep cost low. up those cost u get general inflation in all sectors u think MNC want to setup shop here?

Already hiring are slowing coz of higher cost. and those head counts already are hired in malaysia even though the HQ is in singapore. With time u got to ask ur self why would the company pay a manager to manage a team where 2-4 people are in singapore while the rest of the team are base in Malaysia.

I will sweat if I am the Mgr.

So dont ask for min wage if u donno wat u will be in for.

Also do u know how much civil servant are paid? u want to compare a teacher pay to private sector? going to teach is a different passion not pay. civil servant pay are not great.

12-12-12, 12:11
Long gone were the days when teachers work 16 hrs a day. Maybe you should ask your kids to sit in those tuition classes taught by current school teachers n ask them where they have the time to moonlight on top of their "long hours" working for moe. We r not talking about one or two teachers here , we are talking about islandwide.
teacher work 16 hours a day. those who say teacher overpaid dunno what they are saying.