View Full Version : Why do chinese LOVE gambling..

30-11-12, 11:17
Anybody can enlighten me....i am NON chinese and grew up with many many chinese friends...when i was in the airforce and posted overseas my chinese room mate used to come back at 5am from the casino and drop dead in bed and wake up at 630 and we would go to work...i could never understand their love for gambling:D

30-11-12, 11:35
Anybody can enlighten me....i am NON chinese and grew up with many many chinese friends...when i was in the airforce and posted overseas my chinese room mate used to come back at 5am from the casino and drop dead in bed and wake up at 630 and we would go to work...i could never understand their love for gambling:D
Bro radha was a top gun fighter pilot.... I am impressed

30-11-12, 11:51
I cannot understand why too.
My dad made money quite easily during his youth, but his hobby was gambling, although he did not gamble until he was broke, he lost quite a substantial amount of what he earned. So it was back to square one.

My father in -law, an academic who did not have any idea about investing, lost his fortune by being too trusting.

So my husband and I never gambled.
I don't know how to gamble and don't want to learn either.

ikan bilis
30-11-12, 11:52
why you GAMBLE with your life inside that fighter jet ??... :rolleyes:

30-11-12, 12:52
So my husband and I never gambled.
I don't know how to gamble and don't want to learn either.

buy ppty not gamble? :cool:

30-11-12, 13:04
I cannot understand why too.
My dad made money quite easily during his youth, but his hobby was gambling, although he did not gamble until he was broke, he lost quite a substantial amount of what he earned. So it was back to square one.

My father in -law, an academic who did not have any idea about investing, lost his fortune by being too trusting.

So my husband and I never gambled.
I don't know how to gamble and don't want to learn either.

Life's a gamble, sis:cool:

30-11-12, 13:18
buy ppty not gamble? :cool:
No, if you buy within your means, it is not gambling cos you don't leave it to chance.

Life's a gamble, sis:cool:

That's given to me :) .

You may say marriage is a gamble too.
But it is not senseless gambling and it has brought me much joy.

30-11-12, 13:19
I cannot understand why too.
My dad made money quite easily during his youth, but his hobby was gambling, although he did not gamble until he was broke, he lost quite a substantial amount of what he earned. So it was back to square one.

My father in -law, an academic who did not have any idea about investing, lost his fortune by being too trusting.

So my husband and I never gambled.
I don't know how to gamble and don't want to learn either.

Same here. I was brought up watching grandparents and relatives playing mahjong day in and out, and fortunately, I wasn't hooked on it. In fact, I dislike all forms of gambling, don't buy 4 D, toto and I can even get bored playing the jackpot machine. I don't consider shares gambling as I paid for all the shares I bought. no contra play.

Oh butter, wanna ask you. How many of you share the T-bone steak at La Barca? Last night both of us ordered one T-bone steak and one dessert for sharing. Couldn't even finish half of the T-bone and had to doggy bag the other portion. Tuscan style T-bone is too juicy and rare on the inside and I regretted not taking up chef's offer of a hot plate, after he carves the meat into pieces.

On the whole ambience is cosy, very relaxing, comfortable and service is attentive, polite and fast. My 1 kg T-bone steak after discount is $85 (only on Thurs), which is only slightly cheaper than restaurants in town. I am not a meat eater and will order the stew and pizza on my next visit.

It's always nice to try new eating places, so thanks again for recommending this fairly new restaurant in an unusual place. Just don't go with high expectations.

30-11-12, 13:25
My personal take....Chinese want to win....don't want to lose face....buy many properties, buy excessive stocks, are all different types of gamble....and it provides alot of excitement. and promise instant rich..bet in casino is considered a cheaper way of gambling Wich appeals to the masses, because u don't need to lose ur pants....and don't need deep pockets...

30-11-12, 13:42
Same here. I was brought up watching grandparents and relatives playing mahjong day in and out, and fortunately, I wasn't hooked on it. In fact, I dislike all forms of gambling, don't buy 4 D, toto and I can even get bored playing the jackpot machine. I don't consider shares gambling as I paid for all the shares I bought. no contra play.

Oh butter, wanna ask you. How many of you share the T-bone steak at La Barca? Last night both of us ordered one T-bone steak and one dessert for sharing. Couldn't even finish half of the T-bone and had to doggy bag the other portion. Tuscan style T-bone is too juicy and rare on the inside and I regretted not taking up chef's offer of a hot plate, after he carves the meat into pieces.

On the whole ambience is cosy, very relaxing, comfortable and service is attentive, polite and fast. My 1 kg T-bone steak after discount is $85 (only on Thurs), which is only slightly cheaper than restaurants in town. I am not a meat eater and will order the stew and pizza on my next visit.

It's always nice to try new eating places, so thanks again for recommending this fairly new restaurant in an unusual place. Just don't go with high expectations.

My hubby and son love beef, so no problem for them.
They also love their meat red on the inside.

30-11-12, 15:00
My take? Chinese like to howlian and not lose face.

So all these traits are displayed at the ganbling table.

Bet big to howlian, continue while losing not to lose face.

30-11-12, 15:27
Bro radha was a top gun fighter pilot.... I am impressed

bro i...sway pway kee a thou...polish aeroplane head...:D:D:D:D

30-11-12, 15:31
My hubby and son love beef, so no problem for them.
They also love their meat red on the inside.

sis dont mean to be a party pooper...but too much red meat is bad....:D..i also love beef too bad my mum hindu...cannot eat beef at home:tsk-tsk:

30-11-12, 15:32
why you GAMBLE with your life inside that fighter jet ??... :rolleyes:
bro i pilot i wont come forum tcss la...i only technician...:cool:

30-11-12, 15:42
sis dont mean to be a party pooper...but too much red meat is bad....:D..i also love beef too bad my mum hindu...cannot eat beef at home:tsk-tsk:

Yup I know, so can only eat on special occasions.
I like but can't stomach too much or I will get sick.
Once I had aged dry type of wagyu beef steak.
The smell was so cheesy (cos aged and fermented) that it was nauseating.

30-11-12, 15:43
While others may gamble as another form of entertainment, Chinese gamble to challenge destiny!

30-11-12, 16:01
Yup I know, so can only eat on special occasions.
I like but can't stomach too much or I will get sick.
Once I had aged dry type of wagyu beef steak.
The smell was so cheesy (cos aged and fermented) that it was nauseating.

honestly for me i enjoy fresh steamed fish the BEST...the fresher the better those type when you order at coffeeshop comes to you on the burner with fire...called hong kong style steam fish...yummy...:)

30-11-12, 16:26

30-11-12, 18:01
While others memay gamble as another form of entertainment, Chinese gamble to challenge destiny!
I visited Santander, a coastal Spanish place years back.
Was there a few days and was so sure I was the only Chinese there...
not until one night I was brought by a Spanish friend to the local casino.
There were like only 20 tables and believe u me - half the casino was filled with black haired yellow-skinned Chinese!

30-11-12, 20:46
honestly for me i enjoy fresh steamed fish the BEST...the fresher the better those type when you order at coffeeshop comes to you on the burner with fire...called hong kong style steam fish...yummy...:)

Try the fish-head steam boat....yummy too:cheers6:

01-12-12, 16:44
Actually my family gambles quite a fair bit too, and we aren't Chinese.

My aunts/uncles can spend hundreds of dollars (each!) every weekend on 4D alone. And family gatherings/deepavali/Christmas would always have a table playing blackjack!

07-12-12, 08:39
Same here. I was brought up watching grandparents and relatives playing mahjong day in and out, and fortunately, I wasn't hooked on it. In fact, I dislike all forms of gambling, don't buy 4 D, toto and I can even get bored playing the jackpot machine. I don't consider shares gambling as I paid for all the shares I bought. no contra play.

Oh butter, wanna ask you. How many of you share the T-bone steak at La Barca? Last night both of us ordered one T-bone steak and one dessert for sharing. Couldn't even finish half of the T-bone and had to doggy bag the other portion. Tuscan style T-bone is too juicy and rare on the inside and I regretted not taking up chef's offer of a hot plate, after he carves the meat into pieces.

On the whole ambience is cosy, very relaxing, comfortable and service is attentive, polite and fast. My 1 kg T-bone steak after discount is $85 (only on Thurs), which is only slightly cheaper than restaurants in town. I am not a meat eater and will order the stew and pizza on my next visit.

It's always nice to try new eating places, so thanks again for recommending this fairly new restaurant in an unusual place. Just don't go with high expectations.

Had T bone wagyu steak at Larbarca.
4 of us ordered 2 kg of steak with truffle sauce.
Really delicious.
Took some photos.
Sorry about the quality.
Did not bring a proper camera but used my old android phone.

Remember - only on Thursday nite there will be 15% discount on their speciality steak.

Btw it was full house.
Better to make reservation.

https://pbs.twimg.com/media/A9eXAKrCUAAjlWf.jpg (https://twitter.com/Buttercarp/status/276855931218841600/photo/1/large)

https://pbs.twimg.com/media/A9eXIRMCMAELm0k.jpg (https://twitter.com/Buttercarp/status/276856070411005953/photo/1/large)

Lobster bisque and bread (there were 5 of them)
https://pbs.twimg.com/media/A9eRuDtCQAA6w6t.jpg (https://twitter.com/Buttercarp/status/276850122556588032/photo/1/large)

Starter - scallops
https://pbs.twimg.com/media/A9eSKbzCcAM1McE.jpg (https://twitter.com/Buttercarp/status/276850610064748544/photo/1/large)

1kg of wagyu T bone steak with truffle sauce and roast potatoes- medium rare.
https://pbs.twimg.com/media/A9eSgRoCAAEHWs_.jpg (https://twitter.com/Buttercarp/status/276850985287155712/photo/1/large)

Hot plate to cook some parts of the steak which may be too rare.
https://pbs.twimg.com/media/A9eS1ABCAAEgWOh.jpg (https://twitter.com/Buttercarp/status/276851341333233665/photo/1/large)

07-12-12, 21:09
cheers sis better spend money on food than gambling...:cheers1:

07-12-12, 21:19
cheers sis better spend money on food than gambling...:cheers1:

Yup bro :) !
Good food nourishes the body and soul whereas gambling pollutes the mind and encourages greed.
I like your new signature about wifi, especially when 3G is so slow!

07-12-12, 22:53
Yup bro :) !
Good food nourishes the body and soul whereas gambling pollutes the mind and encourages greed.
I like your new signature about wifi, especially when 3G is so slow!

haha that was inspired by my recent trip to KL i stayed in my cousin BIG house...and FELT so at Home the minute i opened my macbook air and got Connected to the WIFI...:D:D:D:cheers1:....really felt like home:D

08-12-12, 07:43
haha that was inspired by my recent trip to KL i stayed in my cousin BIG house...and FELT so at Home the minute i opened my macbook air and got Connected to the WIFI...:D:D:D:cheers1:....really felt like home:D

Yup, it is true.
When abroad, the place I stay MUST have free or reasonable rate wifi or I will not stay there.
That is the reason why I cannot go on cruise cos although there is internet but they charge about USD$10 per hour :tongue3: .

08-12-12, 09:53
Had T bone wagyu steak at Larbarca.
4 of us ordered 2 kg of steak with truffle sauce.
Really delicious.
Took some photos.
Sorry about the quality.
Did not bring a proper camera but used my old android phone.

Remember - only on Thursday nite there will be 15% discount on their speciality steak.

Btw it was full house.
Better to make reservation.

Butter, you are a really sweet person! Thanks for taking the trouble to share and post pictures for us. 2 Kg meat is a lot, did you have the "jelat" feeling after consuming so much meat? Any room left for dessert? If yes, what did you order? Nice?

08-12-12, 11:20
Butter, you are a really sweet person! Thanks for taking the trouble to share and post pictures for us. 2 Kg meat is a lot, did you have the "jelat" feeling after consuming so much meat? Any room left for dessert? If yes, what did you order? Nice?

You are most welcome :) .
If the food is good, I will not hesitate to share it with all!
At first I thought 2kg would be extravagant, but surprisingly, my 2 kids finished their plate and my husband and I had to "donate" ours to them. My son even sliced off the remnant meat from the T bone as he was not done with it yet!
Nope, did not feel jelak.
Usually when it comes to meat and fish, especially if not saucy, I am ok with it.
Did not order dessert.
Usually I don't want to "waste" my space for dessert :D .

Interestingly, the majority of the diners there that night were ang mos and all of them ordered wine.
We were the only table without wine.

No matter how hard I have tried to cultivate my taste buds for wine, I can never appreciate it.

Anyway gambling and alcohol are not my cup of tea.

08-12-12, 12:03
You are most welcome :) .

Usually I don't want to "waste" my space for dessert :D .

Interestingly, the majority of the diners there that night were ang mos and all of them ordered wine.
We were the only table without wine.

No matter how hard I have tried to cultivate my taste buds for wine, I can never appreciate it.

Anyway gambling and alcohol are not my cup of tea.

My favourite parts of a meal are starters and desserts. I don't really like the main course, that's why I often go for tapas.
Wish I could drink as wines do complement and bring out the flavours of food. Just one sip of alcohol and it will trigger a migraine for 3 days.

08-12-12, 12:14
My favourite parts of a meal are starters and desserts. I don't really like the main course, that's why I often go for tapas.
Wish I could drink as wines do complement and bring out the flavours of food. Just one sip of alcohol and it will trigger a migraine for 3 days.

LOL.... for me alcohol will make me tipsy and I can't enjoy the food.
Once I almost choked on fish bones while having fish with wine :o .