View Full Version : A Day in a Property Investor's Life

21-11-12, 11:32
Who say its not a full time occupation?

0800 Wake up without alarm.
0815 Morning workout. Swim, run, bike etc.
0845 Breakfast at leisurely pace.
0900 Attend to kids, dogs, cats etc.
0945 Read up on economy news abroad and local.
1030 Deep dive into property news in vested markets.
1100 Attend to maintenance, tenancy, agency issues.
1230 Leisurely lunch.
1400 News refresh on general affairs, arts, entertainment.
1500 Movie, play, talk, forum, volunteer work etc.
1630 Catchup or network with friends over tea.
1800 Dinner with family, dogs, cats, fishes etc.
1930 TV, book, online/property forums catchup and sharing with cyberfriends
2100 Relaxing cup of tea, wine while enjoying night view/breeze while catchup with partner/lover.
2300 Zzzzz

21-11-12, 11:37
look like retire mode to me :o:o

21-11-12, 11:43
u forgot to add "Watch K-drama serial"

21-11-12, 12:01
Who say its not a full time occupation?

0800 Wake up without alarm.
0815 Morning workout. Swim, run, bike etc.
0845 Breakfast at leisurely pace.
0900 Attend to kids, dogs, cats etc.
0945 Read up on economy news abroad and local.
1030 Deep dive into property news in vested markets.
1100 Attend to maintenance, tenancy, agency issues.
1230 Leisurely lunch.
1400 News refresh on general affairs, arts, entertainment.
1500 Movie, play, talk, forum, volunteer work etc.
1630 Catchup or network with friends over tea.
1800 Dinner with family, dogs, cats, fishes etc.
1930 TV, book, online/property forums catchup and sharing with cyberfriends
2100 Relaxing cup of tea, wine while enjoying night view/breeze while catchup with partner/lover.
2300 Zzzzz

Too boring and mundane to be sane over long term.

21-11-12, 12:36
K-drama is brain numbing, no good :tsk-tsk:

u forgot to add "Watch K-drama serial"

21-11-12, 12:42
boring? cant everyday make lup with ur IT vendor salesgal rite...

21-11-12, 13:05
Carbuncle, I can imagine you and Laguna leading this type of life.
Oh, you did not specify condosingapore forum as part of the daily routine too :) .

21-11-12, 13:13
property investor...maybe...:eek:


21-11-12, 13:16
Carbuncle, I can imagine you and Laguna leading this type of life.
Oh, you did not specify condosingapore forum as part of the daily routine too :) .

I add on
1. massage weekly and facial once every two weeks
2. watch DVD from China and HK
3. go to gym, dancing
4. doing some TA here and there
5. marketing
6. going for shows, shopping...

21-11-12, 13:19
better to leave the rat race at your peak than risk getting laid off my dear bros and sises. treasure ur heart.

-from the only sissy in the forum

Unemployment may increase heart attack risk: Study
Updated 04:30 PM Nov 20, 2012
CHICAGO - Unemployment hurts more than your wallet - it may damage your heart. That is according to a study linking joblessness with heart attacks in older workers.
The increased odds were not huge, although multiple job losses posed as big a threat as smoking, high blood pressure and other conditions that are bad for the heart.
The researchers analysed data on more than 13,000 men and women aged 51 to 75 taking part in an ongoing health and retirement survey partly sponsored by the National Institute on Aging. Since 1992, participants have been interviewed every two years about their employment and health.
The new analysis has several limitations. The data show periods of unemployment but do not indicate whether people were fired, laid off, out of work while switching jobs, or had voluntarily left a job. The researchers considered all of these situations "job losses", but it is likely the greatest risks for heart attacks were from being fired or laid off, said researcher Matthew Dupre, an assistant professor at Duke University and the lead author. Retirement was not considered unemployment.
Ms Sarah Burgard, a University of Michigan researcher who has studied the relationship between job loss and health, called the research solid but said it would be important to know the reason for the unemployment.
"There probably are differences in consequences of job loss when it's voluntary or more or less expected" and when it comes as a sudden shock, said Ms Burgard, who was not involved in the study.
The analysis appears in yesterday's Archives of Internal Medicine. An editorial in the journal says the study adds to decades of research linking job loss with health effects and that research should now turn to examining how and why that happens.
Theories include that the stress of losing a job may trigger a heart attack in people with clogged arteries or heart disease; and that the unemployed lose health insurance and access to medical care that can help keep them healthy, Ms Burgard said.
The analysis covers 1992-2010. Participants were mostly in their 50s at the study's beginning and were asked about their job history, and about employment status and recent heart attacks at subsequent interviews. People who had had heart attacks before the study began were excluded.
Nearly 70 per cent had at least one job loss, or period of unemployment after working at a job, and at least 10 per cent had four or more before and/or during the study period.
There were 1,061 heart attacks during the study. Those with at least one job loss were 22 per cent more likely to have a heart attack than those who never lost a job. Those with at least four job losses had a 60 per cent higher risk than those with none. Men and women faced equal risks.
Even though the odds linked with job loss were not huge, many participants already faced increased other risks for a heart attack because of obesity, high blood pressure or lack of exercise.
"Any significant additional risk is important," Mr Dupre said. AP

21-11-12, 13:22
I add on
1. massage weekly and facial once every two weeks
2. watch DVD from China and HK
3. go to gym, dancing
4. doing some TA here and there
5. marketing
6. going for shows, shopping...

7. Drinking 2 cups of teh-c a day
8. Looking at car number plates for 4d numbers
9. waiting for SITEX tommorow so can cheong in at 11am..dunno what to
buy...but must CEONG with the crowd..:D
10.Going to waterbay carnival on saturday cos got free rides for kids..:D

21-11-12, 15:24
Walk my dog in the morning, work 4 hrs a day, gym/meet friend for tea in the afternoon, watch korean drama & walk my dog before sleep. :sleep:

21-11-12, 15:34
7. Drinking 2 cups of teh-c a day
8. Looking at car number plates for 4d numbers
9. waiting for SITEX tommorow so can cheong in at 11am..dunno what to
buy...but must CEONG with the crowd..:D
10.Going to waterbay carnival on saturday cos got free rides for kids..:D

wah bro radha has become a fulltime property investor liao !!! :cheers5: :cheers5: :cheers5:

21-11-12, 16:03
I m so envious that many of u r really leading a carefree and relaxing life. Its super lull period for me now so I can be active in the forum during this period. Starting next yr I guess I would hardly have time to go online liao...

To add on to the list:
1) meditate under the tree for 2hrs
2) go to the reservoir park to feel and get in touch with the nature for 2hrs
3) tidy up the greens and try new plant species
4) wax and polish my car shiny shiny :D

21-11-12, 16:58
wah bro radha has become a fulltime property investor liao !!! :cheers5: :cheers5: :cheers5:

bro its good to dream...:cheers5: :cheers5: :cheers5: :cheers5:

21-11-12, 18:18
meditate under tree 2hrs will have free apples drop down izzit

21-11-12, 18:33
meditate under tree 2hrs will have free apples drop down izzit

as long as they dont drop on ur KKB:scared-1:...should be ok...:D

21-11-12, 18:43
meditate under tree 2hrs will have free apples drop down izzit

No free apple but free hunks falling onto your laps... Haha

No la, meditate as a form of recharge so that the mind will be clearer and sharper when dealing with daily matters

21-11-12, 19:40
actualy if one is really gd ur mind shud stay clear alwiz when dealing with everything with or without meditation

But i did notice u said clearER and sharpER

So clearer than clearest and sharper than sharpest lol

21-11-12, 19:53
actualy if one is really gd ur mind shud stay clear alwiz when dealing with everything with or without meditation

But i did notice u said clearER and sharpER

So clearer than clearest and sharper than sharpest lol

Yes u r right but the challenge is how to maintain the 'good' and 'clarity' of mind... How to not get engulfed with emotions and clouding your mind when making the right decision

Ok shall stop commenting here cos may be a sensitive topic to some

21-11-12, 20:05
Got another version for investors that still have a full time job? :(

East Lover
21-11-12, 20:13
Got another version for investors that still have a full time job? :(
1. Use pc to visit forum during work
2. Use iPhone to forum during seminar
3. Use notebook to forum during meeting if it's big meeting, u no need to chair or talk
4. Use annual leave to take care house renting
5. Use weekend to visit showflat

Few years later.... We can be like them liao :D

21-11-12, 20:21
1. Use pc to visit forum during work
2. Use iPhone to forum during seminar
3. Use notebook to forum during meeting if it's big meeting, u no need to chair or talk
4. Use annual leave to take care house renting
5. Use weekend to visit showflat

Few years later.... We can be like them liao :D

Point 3. Use notebook during boring meetings too obvious... Use iPhone more discrete...
Point 4. Annual leave too precious. Let agent take care of the legwork... Me lazy... Pass key to agent and let him deal with it....
Point 5. Use weekend to furnish and clean flat if got vacant property.

21-11-12, 20:23
7. Drinking 2 cups of teh-c a day
8. Looking at car number plates for 4d numbers
9. waiting for SITEX tommorow so can cheong in at 11am..dunno what to
buy...but must CEONG with the crowd..:D
10.Going to waterbay carnival on saturday cos got free rides for kids..:D

Week 1 in Hong Kong
Week 2 in ShangHai
Week 3 in Tokyo
Week 4 in LA
Week 5 in New York
Week 6 in London
Week 7 in Prague
Week 8 in Capetown
Week 9 in Bombay
Week 10 in Melbourne

:D :D :D

21-11-12, 20:47
daily non stop 24hrs answering complain calls from tenants. :p

21-11-12, 20:53
Point 2 & 3 use iPad best :D

1. Use pc to visit forum during work
2. Use iPhone to forum during seminar
3. Use notebook to forum during meeting if it's big meeting, u no need to chair or talk
4. Use annual leave to take care house renting
5. Use weekend to visit showflat

Few years later.... We can be like them liao :D

21-11-12, 22:26
bro azeo u too many props liao la.... u run it like a biz.... Azeo Property Pte Ltd

21-11-12, 22:31
bro azeo u too many props liao la.... u run it like a biz.... Azeo Property Pte Ltd

Or else he is an agent......

22-11-12, 07:25
daily non stop 24hrs answering complain calls from tenants. :p

Hire a Property Consultant to handle it for you, you just drink Teh C and read newspaper everydays.......:cheers1:

22-11-12, 08:23
boring? cant everyday make lup with ur IT vendor salesgal rite...

"Run lion" is not regular event.. so cannot add into the daily time table.. :D

22-11-12, 08:29
Week 1 in Hong Kong
Week 2 in ShangHai
Week 3 in Tokyo
Week 4 in LA
Week 5 in New York
Week 6 in London
Week 7 in Prague
Week 8 in Capetown
Week 9 in Bombay
Week 10 in Melbourne

:D :D :D

If one day I can be a full-time pty investor... maybe a small investor only!
Day 1 - P Ubin
Day 2 - JB
Day 3 - Bt. Indah
Day 4 - Pengerang
Day 5 - Batam
Day 6 - Sister island
Day 7 - Kusu island

22-11-12, 09:21
rysk may wanna top up insurance coverage if so then..

too many ferries trips.

run lion....?? in cantonese hai mm hai

22-11-12, 10:27
rysk may wanna top up insurance coverage if so then..

too many ferries trips.

run lion....?? in cantonese hai mm hai
Run lion.. was translated from Hokkien..

From the recent Ah Gay's case.. I learnt from him.. in the car can already.. no need go take ferry or even go hotel.. :D