View Full Version : How religious are you..?

14-11-12, 09:23
Just was thinking to myself after i visited Loyang temple yesterday the temple always seems abuzz with people from all walks of life...;)

I know a lot of us are caught up in the rat race of life in singapore...:o

But just wondering like how many bros/sis here have a strong faith in religion...as for me my wife/mother are the religous leader in my house and when i was younger i was the rebellious type...never really went to temple or pray unless got some occasion...:rolleyes:

But now almost halfway thru my life i have this sudden realization that perhaps some form of regular faith would be good for me...:)

Or is this just a sign i am growing OLD...:doh::doh::doh:

14-11-12, 09:39
Have always been n Atheist. A few of my ex partners were deeply religious. But they have proven to be rotten inside. So i am an even stronger Atheist now.

Case 1: Protestant. After together 3 yrs, got online to find sex behind my back.

Case 2: Buddhist (one of the factions). Always fight for seats in public transport with seniors and especially women even though young, able bodied and healthy. F words were thrown. Anger management issues and numerous public outbursts.

Case 3: Taoist vegetarian. Borrow money left right center and never returns. Borrows for trivial causes like grandma birthday gift (need 200 for that omg), 'bros' wedding gifts etc. Deep seated irrational jealousy and super possessive. Extremely emo and sensitive. Prone to crying and sulking bouts. Self delusional believing own self to be very good looking.

Just sharing personal experience. Not pointing any accusations at any religion!

14-11-12, 09:50
i know what u mean bro on the same token i know a lot of con-men use religion as a shield in their business or ventures...i guess end of day no point praying 100 times a day if deep inside your heart and mind your thoughts are wicked twisted and evil...:simmering:...i hate those type of people....:o

But i was just thinking of my mum who is in her late 70's my dad passed away more than 20 years ago and she always tells us that religion was her strength and saviour..in bringing up the family...today i beginning to understand these words being a family man with wants and needs is one thing...but end of the day do we have faith in the creator thats what i been asking myself...anyway...just my nature to tcss and see what other bros think about things in life that affect us all...:cheers5:

14-11-12, 09:55
well i think its good if you have a firm belief to see you thru the bad days.

for me i still believe in true goodness in human nature. thats why after like 7-8 failed relationships i still have not given up on finding the good (note: not 'perfect') person to spend the rest of life and grow old with. :-)

I think i can tell good from bad (various context) quite adequately so i guess i am ok and not too confused for now without guidance from any organised beliefs. Where there is contention, logic and do no harm unto others rules.

14-11-12, 10:31
I am a religious person.

And being religious does not mean I am perfect. It is precisely because I am not perfect that I need religion to provide me the guidance and bring me back to the right paths should I stray off from the track. (This is my personal view and i am trying to say it should be the universal law).

My life is not near perfect, but without my religion, I would definitely be a much unhappier person, much less filial son and probably live a life full of delusions and hatreds. The teachings have helped remind me and prevent me from getting into many serious troubles.

However, it becomes a complete turn off when one starts to think he is superior just because he feels he is more deeply (religiously) cultivated.

14-11-12, 10:42
i believe, just like daily life, there are good and bad people without religious beliefs, there are also good and bad christians, muslims, taoists, buddhists etc etc.

this has been proven once again by high profile misguided cases recent years.

the universal law of good and bad, cant be too far off between religions and also amongst the non believers.

14-11-12, 10:53
There are several ways to reach my destination. I can either spend more time and efforts to figure out my own path, at the risk of getting lost and disillusioned, or i can refer to existing guide books written by forefathers who have personally ride through the journey, but of course still need to personally experience and exercise my own judgement in order to decide whether i am on the right path(s).

No right or wrong, but i prefer the more guided way.

14-11-12, 11:09
good to hear i think some form of religious faith is very important in every individuals life....otherwise might end up like this man...:scared-1:


14-11-12, 11:23
good to hear i think some form of religious faith is very important in every individuals life....otherwise might end up like this man...:scared-1:


erm... i dont think religion has anything to do with insanity...

14-11-12, 11:29
erm... i dont think religion has anything to do with insanity...

i mean like if he had some form of religious belief i am sure no religion would teach u to walk around naked...i mean at least none of the major religions...:)...but then again...maybe he lost his pants at the casino...:D:D:D

14-11-12, 12:19
i mean like if he had some form of religious belief i am sure no religion would teach u to walk around naked...i mean at least none of the major religions...:)...but then again...maybe he lost his pants at the casino...:D:D:D

This man probably did not go insane overnight. Stress and unwholesome thoughts accumulated over the years?

Mystical elements aside, some religions also do have very practical 'protection' purpose ie. protect you from harming others, harming yourself, and being harmed by others. Observing certain precepts, principles or engaging in certain practices in the long run may act as governance to abstain you from harmful speech and actions, thus protecting your life.

Personally, I think the act of 'fasting' is very meaningful. I believe one can appreciate and learn much from fasting if he does it with the right intention and mindset.

14-11-12, 12:23
Personally, I think the act of 'fasting' is very meaningful. I believe one can appreciate and learn much from fasting if he does it with the right intention and mindset.

cheers to our muslim bros...1 month a year of fasting...thats strong faith in religion...:)

14-11-12, 12:24
religion is good but once it involves money and power it become screwed.. just my tots on this topic.

14-11-12, 13:03
i mean like if he had some form of religious belief i am sure no religion would teach u to walk around naked...i mean at least none of the major religions...:)...but then again...maybe he lost his pants at the casino...:D:D:D

very religious, he found garden of eden.

14-11-12, 15:05
very religious, he found garden of eden.


14-11-12, 15:33
not much of an adam body is he....

Alpha kenny body

14-11-12, 16:56
this is one of the hottest news in Australia now


On Monday, Prime Minister Julia Gillard ordered a rare Royal Commission, the highest form of investigation in Australia, into how churches, government bodies and other organizations have dealt with possibly thousands of child sex abuse claims.

14-11-12, 17:06
this is one of the hottest news in Australia now


On Monday, Prime Minister Julia Gillard ordered a rare Royal Commission, the highest form of investigation in Australia, into how churches, government bodies and other organizations have dealt with possibly thousands of child sex abuse claims.

wtf...church also involve such dirty stuff..?
omg..look clean from the outside but so disgusting inside:mad:

14-11-12, 17:07
wtf...church also involve such dirty stuff..?
omg..look clean from the outside but so disgusting inside:mad:

yes, so many victims appeared in TV...and shared what had happened to them

14-11-12, 19:05
no offense... but is significant numbers from Catholic churches? sorry i asked bcoz many movies portrayed this way

14-11-12, 20:18
yes, so many victims appeared in TV...and shared what had happened to them
Laguna, just curious are u / ur children religious? :D :cheers5:

14-11-12, 23:44
no offense... but is significant numbers from Catholic churches? sorry i asked bcoz many movies portrayed this way

I think the trend is there. Some people think root cause is the celibate priesthood. Personally I think monastic orders and parish priest role needs to be distinguished and not necessarily one size fits all, one can be celibate the latter need not.

15-11-12, 02:59
no offense... but is significant numbers from Catholic churches? sorry i asked bcoz many movies portrayed this way

I am not sure whether the number is significant or not.
It appears that the subject has been on for many many years and once recently then being exposed.

Those victims appeared alr in their middle age

15-11-12, 07:46
Laguna, just curious are u / ur children religious? :D :cheers5:

he is a private man will not share everything about his life...:D

15-11-12, 07:48
he is a private man will not share everything about his life...:D
I respect that :D

15-11-12, 09:37
price price dear, how about u then? radhaha zeabro and myself has openly shared our belief systems

15-11-12, 09:43
suddenly i tot of a link... between religious and bullish or bearish. religious people are usually hopeful. so they also strive to think positively (I know for a fact my mental modus operandi is negative first always unless proven positive).

is it safe to assume that religious folks amongst us tend to be bullish largely, regarding opportunities and investments?

to expand the topic further, much like trying to fake a dissertation discussion, is there a link between religious beliefs and the hope of chance? eg in gambling 4D ToTo... i seem to observe people of certain beliefs eg Taoist trend towards such games of chance/hope.

open mind discussion pls

15-11-12, 09:58
suddenly i tot of a link... between religious and bullish or bearish. religious people are usually hopeful. so they also strive to think positively (I know for a fact my mental modus operandi is negative first always unless proven positive).

is it safe to assume that religious folks amongst us tend to be bullish largely, regarding opportunities and investments?

to expand the topic further, much like trying to fake a dissertation discussion, is there a link between religious beliefs and the hope of chance? eg in gambling 4D ToTo... i seem to observe people of certain beliefs eg Taoist trend towards such games of chance/hope.

open mind discussion pls

Thanks, this is an interesting extension of the topic.

I dont buy Toto or 4D, cos I tend to think along the line that whatever $ winnings I received today from lottery, its either from someone who owed me in the past, or i will need to repay them back in the future.

The spiritual teachings I received is kinda aligned with the Newton's law. 一分耕耘,一分收获. Seize the present opportunities/conditions + put in your efforts = end results.

15-11-12, 11:34
i agree with zeabro. .. that reap what u sow applies to everything in life incl relationships and work

15-11-12, 11:40
cheers to our muslim bros...1 month a year of fasting...thats strong faith in religion...:)

fasting is good for your health especially for those who eat alot of meat & oily stuff..

this fasting month help to 'detox' your body.. improve your blood pressure and give other health benefits...

-Dr(unofficial) Roly

15-11-12, 12:38
is Roly a name or just means u love rolling ard

15-11-12, 12:58
is Roly a name or just means u love rolling ard
a nickname only... mr uncle

15-11-12, 13:30
ok it sounds cute...