View Full Version : Should HDB allow weddings and religious processions in the void decks?

09-10-12, 14:00
Do you guys think HDB should allow these activities in void decks? Let us discuss this matter neutrally without reference to any particular race or religion.

09-10-12, 14:06
Do you guys think HDB should allow these activities in void decks? Let us discuss this matter neutrally without reference to any particular race or religion.

Where else can they go? We no more kampong you know?

09-10-12, 14:07
It has become our way of life.
It will be difficult to disallow it.

In order to be fair, there should be measures to spread out these activites evenly about the estate.

So there should not be back to back reservation of a certain block to conduct activites.

There should be a break for that particular block from activites held there.

09-10-12, 14:09
It has become our way of life.
It will be difficult to disallow it.

In order to be fair, there should be measures to spread out these activites evenly about the estate.

So there should not be back to back reservation of a certain block to conduct activites.

There should be a break for that particular block from activites held there.

Sounds like a lot of admin work to do...

09-10-12, 14:18
Sounds like a lot of admin work to do...

Let the administrators handle it.
Not our job.
We just carry on tcss here :) .

09-10-12, 14:20
personally I grown up with these so totally fine with it. it may not be so for new citizenship.

09-10-12, 14:29
I think it is our way of life and part of our culture.

Wild Falcon
09-10-12, 14:29
Of course. In the old kampung days, people actually have such celebrations and funeral proceedings in their kampong. It what makes us colorful and interesting. We really need to preserve our culture and heritage. Not like this Amy Cheong (Malaysian right?) - only western weddings in hotel and white gown is considered "real" wedding and everything else is fake. Has she lost her roots? I dunno why people are complaining over small matters like dogs barking (Hello? Do u know kampung and landed properties got even more dogs?) or wedding - I always think the Singaporea middle class are the WORST lot and most selfish people - only think of themselves.

09-10-12, 14:38
I feel that HDB being fair to one group may be unfair to other groups. I think HDB should exercise sensitivity to all groups, not just particular groups

09-10-12, 14:40
definitely yes. where else to hold it for some people?
just that new members to singapore may not be aware... inform them lor.
in fact new unspoken oob (out-of-bounds) barriers erected with termination of job for loose tongue. wonder if this case is widely reported in the press yet, as friendly reminder to all, intended or otherwise; like the chinese saying: 杀一警百 [kill one, warn hundred ==> for bro radha]

09-10-12, 14:41
Religious professions can be confined to religious grounds and weddings confined to function venues such as hotels, community centres etc. Plenty of places to go imo. Happy hour for one group in a public access area may not be pleasant experience for another group.

Where else can they go? We no more kampong you know?

09-10-12, 14:42
I feel that HDB being fair to one group may be unfair to other groups. I think HDB should exercise sensitivity to all groups, not just particular groups

HDB allows anyone to conduct activites in the void deck so long as you get a permit.
So they are fair.

09-10-12, 14:43
Actually any group can held their wedding at void deck? Am I correct? So HDB is actually fair to all groups, just tat some groups need to held their weddings in hotels, restaurants, churches...

09-10-12, 14:44
Religious professions can be confined to religious grounds and weddings confined to function venues such as hotels, community centres etc. Plenty of places to go imo.

That's true but we have to respect some beliefs that require the events to be held near to home.

09-10-12, 14:44
i even attended such weddings recently.
quite fun to be honest. plus i won't say no to good food.

09-10-12, 14:46
those are not free of charge to use.... unless you mean temples and fort canning park.... but still need fee.

govt must encourage marriage.... what best than to open up public areas free of charge for these ...

09-10-12, 14:55
I think govt should promote marriage only to couples with sufficient finances, not about allowing them to marry in any public place. A poor couple can marry with the lowest budget but end up in a broken marriage becoz of lack of money to sustain the family, what is the use? It is not about helping to reduce wedding cost. In singapore, love alone can't feed the family, couples need to work out their finances well before marrying on this very expensive island

those are not free of charge to use.... unless you mean temples and fort canning park.... but still need fee.

govt must encourage marriage.... what best than to open up public areas free of charge for these ...

09-10-12, 15:54
HDB allows anyone to conduct activites in the void deck so long as you get a permit.
So they are fair.

No when he is Chee Soon Juan :doh:

09-10-12, 16:20
I am perfectly fine with these, but need to control the following

1. Sound : most the time, for Malay wedding, the sound system is at their full blast, from late morning till evening, this is on top of the live singing.

2. carpark : no preference given to the residents. Most of the time, like funeral, it is very difficult for the residents with valid season parking tickets to find parking lots

09-10-12, 16:23
i think how "grand" the weddings doesn't correspond with how "financially-abled" the couple is. most wedding banquet are paid for by colleagues, friends and relatives, unless the couple say no need give ang pows. :D:D

09-10-12, 16:26
2. carpark : no preference given to the residents. Most of the time, like funeral, it is very difficult for the residents with valid season parking tickets to find parking lots

this only happens once in a while.

some activities happen every week, should we banned them too as they caused traffic congestion and parking problems in the surroundings? :scared-3::scared-3:

09-10-12, 16:31
fully agree with you. noise, smell and carpark are always the number one issues in hdb living
I am perfectly fine with these, but need to control the following

1. Sound : most the time, for Malay wedding, the sound system is at their full blast, from late morning till evening, this is on top of the live singing.

2. carpark : no preference given to the residents. Most of the time, like funeral, it is very difficult for the residents with valid season parking tickets to find parking lots

09-10-12, 16:32
you talking about friday? That one i dont know what to say also

this only happens once in a while.

some activities happen every week, should we banned them too as they caused traffic congestion and parking problems in the surroundings? :scared-3::scared-3:

09-10-12, 22:03
definitely yes. where else to hold it for some people?
just that new members to singapore may not be aware... inform them lor.
in fact new unspoken oob (out-of-bounds) barriers erected with termination of job for loose tongue. wonder if this case is widely reported in the press yet, as friendly reminder to all, intended or otherwise; like the chinese saying: 杀一警百 [kill one, warn hundred ==> for bro radha]

tks for translation how thoughtful bro...by the way there is an indian saying "%$#@&)^%#$"....:eek:..it means..."when one has been killed and hundred have been warned....millions will start to TCSS"...:D:D:D:D

09-10-12, 22:06
HMMMMMM....why all aiming at me...

i want to buy property...botak say cannot...:banghead:

i move back to hdb...people stir Sh*(...about HDB living...:banghead:

...think must go for "Flower bath" liao...:cool:

10-10-12, 01:24
HDB living can be fantastic if HDB (the authority) not so relaxed about giving permit for this and that in void decks and allowing people to create bonfires to DHL items to ah peow

HMMMMMM....why all aiming at me...

i want to buy property...botak say cannot...:banghead:

i move back to hdb...people stir Sh*(...about HDB living...:banghead:

...think must go for "Flower bath" liao...:cool: