View Full Version : Massive strike at Indonesia

04-10-12, 11:21
Indonesia Strike: Millions Of Factory Workers Walk Off The Job In Protest

=> lai liao, side effect of QE1, QE2 and QEternity

=> the rich gets richer using cheap leverage, although majority of the printed money is not leaked out, some do e.g. profit of the bank/investment funds front running the US Fed, interest paid to China/Japan for holding US bonds, lending to the Facebook founder to buy that bungalow in Los Angeles

=> at the end of day, when u know your neighbor prints 85b per day and keep it under the bed and use them bit by bit slowly leaking out into market, what would u do :scared-2: buy hard assets of course, even zero growth also u won't feel safe holding cash

=> at the end, it benefits the top 1% only, the bottom will go on strike

04-10-12, 14:38
Said Iqbal, president of the Confederation of Indonesian Workers Union, said the workers want the government to stop outsourcing, which allows companies to terminate working contracts without compensation, by 15 October.

An earlier deadline to review the outsourcing and cheap labour laws has not been met.

Another labor representative interviewed by the Jakarta-based network tvOne said workers wanted the minimum wage increased.

"In Jakarta, to have a decent living, a worker must get a minimum wage of 3,750,000 rupiah (about 383 Australian dollars) a month, but we only get 1,529,150 rupiah (156 Australian dollars)," the representative said.

He said the situation was particularly tense since the issuing of a Health Ministry recommendation that workers share the cost of health insurance premiums with their employers.

"Our life has been miserable with the low wage, so why should we share payment of the premium? The companies must fully pay the premium," the representative added.