View Full Version : S’pore is now richest in the world

14-08-12, 18:16
S’pore is now richest in the world

http://l1.yimg.com/bt/api/res/1.2/JyIKXkigGHkXJpStnaEpkg--/YXBwaWQ9eW5ld3M7Zmk9Zml0O2g9MjA-/http://media.zenfs.com/246/2011/03/17/ynewslogo-071424_075919.pngBy Deborah Choo | Yahoo! Newsroom – 1 hour 13 minutes ago

http://l2.yimg.com/bt/api/res/1.2/Ifom32mhhoRRNVhqLCo.5Q--/YXBwaWQ9eW5ld3M7Y2g9NDAwO2NyPTE7Y3c9NjMwO2R4PTA7ZHk9MDtmaT11bGNyb3A7aD00MDA7cT04NTt3PTYzMA--/http://l.yimg.com/os/249/2012/08/14/GDPpercapita-opt-jpg_085613.jpg (http://sg.news.yahoo.com/photos/singapore-topped-the-list-for-gdp-per-capita-in-2010-and-is-expected-to-continue-leading-in-2050-photo-1344934579.html) Singapore topped the list for GDP per capita in 2010, and is expected to continue leading in 2050, according to the Wealth Report 2012 published by Knight Frank and Citi Private Bank. (Screengrab of Wealth …more (http://forums.condosingapore.com/) Report 2012) less (http://forums.condosingapore.com/)

Singapore topped the charts for highest GDP per capita in 2010 at close to SGD $70,000 (USD $56,532), according to a study.

In the Wealth Report 2012 (http://sg.search.yahoo.com/search?p=Wealth+Report+2012&fr=fp-today&38;cs=bz) published by Knight Frank and Citi Private Bank (http://sg.search.yahoo.com/search?p=Knight+Frank+Citi+Private+Bank&fr=fp-today&38;cs=bz), Singapore is also expected to continue to be the global leader in 2050.

GDP per capita refers to the total output of a country divided by the population.

Trailing closely behind Singapore is Norway at about SGD $63,000 (USD $51,226), then the U.S. at about SGD $56,200 (USD $25,511), followed by Hong Kong at almost SGD $56,000 (USD $45,301).

The report also forecasts that Singapore’s GDP per capita will more than double to about SGD $170,000 (USD $137,710).

Hong Kong is expected to take over Norway’s position as number two in 2050, followed by Taiwan and South Korea – two countries that failed to make the list in 2010.

The U.S. is expected to drop from third place in 2010 to the fifth in 2050.

14-08-12, 20:01
Wow, does that mean property will continue soaring till 2050 :) ?

14-08-12, 20:11
Don't feel rich leh:o all money go the worlds most expensive cars?:banghead:

How come our property prices nowhere near hong kong levels?:beats-me-man:

14-08-12, 20:14
This report is just total nonsense.
One can't even forecast accurately the growth rate of any country for the current year, and now they forecast 40 yrs for 10 countries :rolleyes:

14-08-12, 21:10
I'm not looking at the future, looking at 2010.

We are richer than Americans by 20%? How can that be right?

15-08-12, 00:20
This is per capita which could be true if you look at so much homeless sleeping on the streets in US cities, some just next to famous branded stores.

But other data sources, Singapore is not No1 leh?

15-08-12, 09:15

15-08-12, 09:35
or can download report here ... words and graphics sharper


15-08-12, 10:00
TAX HAVEN is the magic word why so many rich ppl want to come here

15-08-12, 10:16
And old man dying in flat without water / electricity is VERY COMMON


15-08-12, 10:23
And old man dying in flat without water / electricity is VERY COMMON


RIP. With so many aging singles, such will be a daily event in Singapore soon. I will be one of them... :ashamed1:

15-08-12, 10:31
RIP. With so many aging singles, such will be a daily event in Singapore soon. I will be one of them... :ashamed1:

It is ok, just NEVER sell your portfolio of properties ... sure retire comfortably no problem

15-08-12, 11:19
Don't feel rich leh:o all money go the worlds most expensive cars?:banghead:

How come our property prices nowhere near hong kong levels?:beats-me-man:

the top bracket of newly imported citizens are skewing the per capita curve... while the rest of the 80% population is still struggling for life as real income is deteroriating.

15-08-12, 15:28
S’pore is now richest in the world

Singapore topped the charts for highest GDP per capita in 2010 at close to SGD $70,000 (USD $56,532), according to a study.

This just shows that not only the income gap between the rich and the poor, but also the income gap between the rich and the middle-class Singaporeans is huge and getting wider. In 2010, the average monthly income of a Singaporean is only SGD$ 3K and less than SGD$ 40K a year.

In Singapore, the rich gets richer, the middle-class and the poor gets poorer and their real incomes deteriorating from high inflation. PAP is a pro-rich party which is why more and more Singaporeans have been voting against them.

15-08-12, 15:53
In Singapore, the rich gets richer, the middle-class and the poor gets poorer and their real incomes deteriorating from high inflation. PAP is a pro-rich party which is why more and more Singaporeans have been voting against them.

Hi, i am interested in migrating to a country where the rich gets poorer, the middle class and the poor gets richer.

you know of such a place? Thanks in advance.

15-08-12, 15:56
Hi, i am interested in migrating to a country where the rich gets poorer, the middle class and the poor gets richer.

you know of such a place? Thanks in advance.

Why would you want to do that when you are rich ?

15-08-12, 16:06
Why would you want to do that when you are rich ?

if you are poor, people call you crazy.
if you are rich, people call you eccentric.

well, i am crazy for wanting to move to such a country.
i cannot stand singapore already, where rich gets richer and poor gets poorer.
i want to move to a country where rich gets poorer and poor gets richer.
you know of such a place?

15-08-12, 16:20
if you are poor, people call you crazy.
if you are rich, people call you eccentric.

well, i am crazy for wanting to move to such a country.
i cannot stand singapore already, where rich gets richer and poor gets poorer.
i want to move to a country where rich gets poorer and poor gets richer.
you know of such a place?

Then I suggest you immigrate to France immediately, the new socialist French Govt will welcome eccentric rich people like you with open arms so that they tax 75% rate on your income to help the poor get richer.

15-08-12, 16:41
Hi, i am interested in migrating to a country where the rich gets poorer, the middle class and the poor gets richer.

you know of such a place? Thanks in advance.

can try war torn countries like libya. rich pple may get over run by mutinies and have all their assets confiscated (aka robbed at gun point). if u are lucky, maybe even get maimed for life as an added bonus.

prefer somewhere nearer to home? can try JB. :D

15-08-12, 16:55
Then I suggest you immigrate to France immediately, the new socialist French Govt will welcome eccentric rich people like you with open arms so that they tax 75% rate on your income to help the poor get richer.

i already told you i am crazy = i am poor ok and i want to go a place where the poor becomes richer. jezus, so many people suffer from reading comprehensionditis. welcome fellow sufferer.

can try war torn countries like libya. rich pple may get over run by mutinies and have all their assets confiscated (aka robbed at gun point). if u are lucky, maybe even get maimed for life as an added bonus.

prefer somewhere nearer to home? can try JB. :D

thank you for your excellent suggestions. Let me check out their forums first, see whether their own citizens are complaining that the rich get richer and poor get poorer. if same complaints as singapore citizens, then i am afraid it is a no-go for me. thanks again for your excellent suggestion.
FYI, i am going to check Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Syria and Somalia forums.
Lots of google translate to do.

So many Singaporeans complain that Singapore is a place where rich gets richer and poor gets poorer. My interest is piqued, is there a place on earth where rich gets poorer and poor gets richer. if there is no such place, wtf is singaporeans complaining about?

15-08-12, 17:09
i already told you i am crazy = i am poor ok and i want to go a place where the poor becomes richer. jezus, so many people suffer from reading comprehensionditis. welcome fellow sufferer.

thank you for your excellent suggestions. Let me check out their forums first, see whether their own citizens are complaining that the rich get richer and poor get poorer. if same complaints as singapore citizens, then i am afraid it is a no-go for me. thanks again for your excellent suggestion.
FYI, i am going to check Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Syria and Somalia forums.
Lots of google translate to do.

So many Singaporeans complain that Singapore is a place where rich gets richer and poor gets poorer. My interest is piqued, is there a place on earth where rich gets poorer and poor gets richer. if there is no such place, wtf is singaporeans complaining about?

you seem very well read. have you heard of such a thing called "gini coefficient"? :cheers1: :rolleyes:

15-08-12, 17:36
how about a country where there is no rich and there is no poor... a Communist country.

15-08-12, 17:38
i already told you i am crazy = i am poor ok and i want to go a place where the poor becomes richer. jezus, so many people suffer from reading comprehensionditis. welcome fellow sufferer.

Ok, so you are crazy and poor, sorry to hear that. If you want to go to such a place than go to Norway. The poor are provided with almost free healthcare, free education and other social benefits from the Govt. But all these benefits are reserved for Norwegian citizens only.

15-08-12, 17:56
Ok, so you are crazy and poor, sorry to hear that. If you want to go to such a place than go to Norway. The poor are provided with almost free healthcare, free education and other social benefits from the Govt. But all these benefits are reserved for Norwegian citizens only.

Thank you for your suggestion.
I looked at statistics to see how many Singaporeans migrate to Norway.


or for direct link

wonder why Norway is not so attractive to Singaporeans.:beats-me-man:
only 391 Singaporeans.

15-08-12, 21:23
Hopeful u r such a s*** stirrer ;) your type of humor needs some sarcasm to comprehend.

So it's a matter of life... that th rich gets richer, poor gets poorer.. And middle class ... actually in SG context not so bad lah... The last I check, if you genuinely work hard, you do get a comfortable life.

The only time the poor gets rich is called REVOLUTION.

15-08-12, 21:26
Middle income group is the sandwiched class. Get squeeze in all directions. Similar to the corporate world.
Hopeful u r such a s*** stirrer ;) your type of humor needs some sarcasm to comprehend.

So it's a matter of life... that th rich gets richer, poor gets poorer.. And middle class ... actually in SG context not so bad lah... The last I check, if you genuinely work hard, you do get a comfortable life.

The only time the poor gets rich is called REVOLUTION.

15-08-12, 22:33
Still, rather be in middle income group than low income group... :beats-me-man:

Middle income group is the sandwiched class. Get squeeze in all directions. Similar to the corporate world.

15-08-12, 22:40
poor never gets rich in a capitalist system. U can only have a few rich with many poor. Will bosses of MNC ever become rich if no one slogs in those sweat shops to produce shoes which cost $5 to be later sold for $300?

Hopeful u r such a s*** stirrer ;) your type of humor needs some sarcasm to comprehend.

So it's a matter of life... that th rich gets richer, poor gets poorer.. And middle class ... actually in SG context not so bad lah... The last I check, if you genuinely work hard, you do get a comfortable life.

The only time the poor gets rich is called REVOLUTION.

15-08-12, 23:10
bro.... our foreign talent forummer bro hopeful is being sarcastic lah, he likes to mock at Singapore and Singaporeans.

Ok, so you are crazy and poor, sorry to hear that. If you want to go to such a place than go to Norway. The poor are provided with almost free healthcare, free education and other social benefits from the Govt. But all these benefits are reserved for Norwegian citizens only.

16-08-12, 00:12
bro.... our foreign talent forummer bro hopeful is being sarcastic lah, he likes to mock at Singapore and Singaporeans.

howgozit, you cut me deep. i dont mock Singapore and Singaporeans.
mocking people goes against my programming since young.
As i was indoctrinated since i was a baby, "love the sinner, hate the sin".

I love singaporeans. what i "hate" is their complaints. my hanyu pinyin being non-existent, "hao ming bu zhi dao hao ming" essentialy translate "good life dont know good life".

so please hor, dont say i like to mock at Singapore and Singaporeans. i dont even like to mock at their complaints, but a guy has to do what a guy has to do.

16-08-12, 00:34
Hopeful u r such a s*** stirrer ;) your type of humor needs some sarcasm to comprehend.

So it's a matter of life... that th rich gets richer, poor gets poorer.. And middle class ... actually in SG context not so bad lah... The last I check, if you genuinely work hard, you do get a comfortable life.

The only time the poor gets rich is called REVOLUTION.

i have to correct your sentence.

in times of revolutions, certain individual poor do rise above their class.
however the poor as a class still remain poor before,during and after the revolution. (i said this even though i have no statistics/facts to back me up).

my knowledge not being that exhaustive.
certain individuals that rise from peasant backgrounds are napoleon, liu bei, zhu yuanzhang. but i am pretty sure their fellow villagers remain as peasants.

16-08-12, 00:53
thanks to seletar for recommending norway.
earlier i found this link to breakdown of immigrants in norway

after a few minutes of analysis
the results surprise me,
from bhutan 264
from singapore 391
from afghan 13,219
from iraq 28,935
from iran 17,913

why bhutan and singapore so low compared to afghan, iraq, iran

then i remember that bhutan has a happiness index and it scored high on that index.
so basically bhutanese are happy, and only unhappy bhutanese migrate to norway.
so since only 391 unhappy singaporeans migrate to norway, then it means that singaporeans as a whole are happy, about the same as bhutanese.

as for afghan, iraq there are many unhappy people that migrate to norway. who can be happy when flying bullets, car bombs, suicide bombers are a daily occurence?
as for iran, how can people be happy when the Arab spring passed them by, inflation high due to sanctions etc.

me being the idiot that i am came to this understanding, people migrate because they are unhappy and so since only 391 singaporeans migrate to Norway, i can chopped, stamped and double confirmed that singaporeans are a happy lot. (Only their mouths moved, their feet never moved.)

16-08-12, 09:45
thanks to seletar for recommending norway.
earlier i found this link to breakdown of immigrants in norway

after a few minutes of analysis
the results surprise me,
from bhutan 264
from singapore 391
from afghan 13,219
from iraq 28,935
from iran 17,913

why bhutan and singapore so low compared to afghan, iraq, iran

then i remember that bhutan has a happiness index and it scored high on that index.
so basically bhutanese are happy, and only unhappy bhutanese migrate to norway.
so since only 391 unhappy singaporeans migrate to norway, then it means that singaporeans as a whole are happy, about the same as bhutanese.

as for afghan, iraq there are many unhappy people that migrate to norway. who can be happy when flying bullets, car bombs, suicide bombers are a daily occurence?
as for iran, how can people be happy when the Arab spring passed them by, inflation high due to sanctions etc.

me being the idiot that i am came to this understanding, people migrate because they are unhappy and so since only 391 singaporeans migrate to Norway, i can chopped, stamped and double confirmed that singaporeans are a happy lot. (Only their mouths moved, their feet never moved.)

I can appreciate all the poo you stir and I'm a Singaporean.....insightful and perceptive. R u really an FT or an FT in disguise? I hope u r the latter but that would be rare. Keep poking us.....

16-08-12, 10:18
every time i read your posts, i cannot stop laughing.... you have a sense of humour and also a lot of free time... wonder how come you are appreciative the local? but i agree, SG is "good life don't know":D

16-08-12, 10:38
bro.... our foreign talent forummer bro hopeful is being sarcastic lah, he likes to mock at Singapore and Singaporeans.

ok bro, I missed his sarcasm. He is an FT , from where ? Rich foreigners enjoying good life and low tax in Singapore and also want to mock Singaporeans for fun. I guess only in Singapore this is considered funny.

16-08-12, 10:47
thanks to seletar for recommending norway.
earlier i found this link to breakdown of immigrants in norway

after a few minutes of analysis
the results surprise me,
from bhutan 264
from singapore 391
from afghan 13,219
from iraq 28,935
from iran 17,913

why bhutan and singapore so low compared to afghan, iraq, iran

then i remember that bhutan has a happiness index and it scored high on that index.
so basically bhutanese are happy, and only unhappy bhutanese migrate to norway.
so since only 391 unhappy singaporeans migrate to norway, then it means that singaporeans as a whole are happy, about the same as bhutanese.

as for afghan, iraq there are many unhappy people that migrate to norway. who can be happy when flying bullets, car bombs, suicide bombers are a daily occurence?
as for iran, how can people be happy when the Arab spring passed them by, inflation high due to sanctions etc.

me being the idiot that i am came to this understanding, people migrate because they are unhappy and so since only 391 singaporeans migrate to Norway, i can chopped, stamped and double confirmed that singaporeans are a happy lot. (Only their mouths moved, their feet never moved.)

did u check the migration stats for SG to other countries like aussie?

and have u checked up on gini coefficient? shall we have a debate on this? :)

16-08-12, 11:03
every time i read your posts, i cannot stop laughing.... you have a sense of humour and also a lot of free time... wonder how come you are appreciative the local? but i agree, SG is "good life don't know":D

good life is relative, as the saying goes "do you want three meals in a hawker centre, food court or restaurant?"

16-08-12, 11:24
I can appreciate all the poo you stir and I'm a Singaporean.....insightful and perceptive. R u really an FT or an FT in disguise? I hope u r the latter but that would be rare. Keep poking us.....

Sorry, I meant `Singaporean in disguise'....but from your post history, at least u claim to be a FT.

16-08-12, 13:28
good life is relative, as the saying goes "do you want three meals in a hawker centre, food court or restaurant?"

at least you have 3 meals a day right? (known exception of YT who only takes 1 meal a day).

16-08-12, 13:30
did u check the migration stats for SG to other countries like aussie?

and have u checked up on gini coefficient? shall we have a debate on this? :)

When Seletar mentioned this
"If you want to go to such a place than go to Norway. The poor are provided with almost free healthcare, free education and other social benefits from the Govt. But all these benefits are reserved for Norwegian citizens only."

Wah so many things free.

If so many free and good stuff like that, I would think many Singaporeans would quickly packed their bags and moved to Norway.
who wants to pay only $8 for heart surgery? kee-chiu.
who wants to drive continental car to pick up free textbooks? kee-chiu.
see almost free healthcare and free education in Norway right?

if Singaporeans can queue hours for not-free burger, pay good money for toasted bread and kopi, Norway would seem a nirvana for singaporeans. free this, free that. I would expect to see people take leave to queue up for days at Royal Danish Embassy.

logical right? so I quickly surfed the net using my lightning fast 512kbps broadband for more info on Norway.

My idiot brain thinks simple.
If Norway can receive so many Afghans, Iranians, Iraqis as immigrants, then it would be very easy for Singaporeans to be accepted there isnt it? Which countries doesnt want to import Singaporeans. Singaporeans are very good workers, never go on strike. Also Singapore passport very powerful. Travel to many countries no need visa. compare Singapore passport to Afghan passport, you think which one more powerful.

Thats why the disparity in numbers between Afghan and Singapore immigrants to Norway standout.
Dont tell me Norway prefer importing war mongering Iraqis, Afghans, Iranians to peace loving Singaporeans & Bhutanese?

I did considered another factor.
there is so little Singapore migrants to Norway because Singapore living standards about the same as Norway. Why go far-far to enjoy almost free healthcare, free education and other social benefits from the Govt?
Singapore also has the same facilities mah.
1) A singapore minister paid out of pocket expenses only $8 for heart surgery.
2) chairman of rc drove mercedes to pick up used textbooks.

How does that explain tiny Bhutan then, why so little immigrants to Norway. Their agricultural lifestyle must be literally backbreaking.

If you find countries where singapore immigrants outnumber afghans, iraqis, iranians, that is to be expected for reasons stated earlier. simply put singaporeans are desirables and afghans,iraqis, iranians are undesirables.

alamak we are diverting away from my mission:
to migrate to a country a country where rich get poorer and poor gets richer.

how exactly does gini coefficient help me in my search? it simply measures inequality of income/wealth isn't it?
am i supposed to look at countries where gini is close to 0, close to 1?

16-08-12, 13:34
When Seletar mentioned this
"If you want to go to such a place than go to Norway. The poor are provided with almost free healthcare, free education and other social benefits from the Govt. But all these benefits are reserved for Norwegian citizens only."

Wah so many things free.

If so many free and good stuff like that, I would think many Singaporeans would quickly packed their bags and moved to Norway.
who wants to pay only $8 for heart surgery? kee-chiu.
who wants to drive continental car to pick up free textbooks? kee-chiu.
see almost free healthcare and free education in Norway right?

if Singaporeans can queue hours for not-free burger, pay good money for toasted bread and kopi, Norway would seem a nirvana for singaporeans. free this, free that. I would expect to see people take leave to queue up for days at Royal Danish Embassy.

logical right? so I quickly surfed the net using my lightning fast 512kbps broadband for more info on Norway.

My idiot brain thinks simple.
If Norway can receive so many Afghans, Iranians, Iraqis as immigrants, then it would be very easy for Singaporeans to be accepted there isnt it? Which countries doesnt want to import Singaporeans. Singaporeans are very good workers, never go on strike. Also Singapore passport very powerful. Travel to many countries no need visa. compare Singapore passport to Afghan passport, you think which one more powerful.

Thats why the disparity in numbers between Afghan and Singapore immigrants to Norway standout.
Dont tell me Norway prefer importing war mongering Iraqis, Afghans, Iranians to peace loving Singaporeans & Bhutanese?

I did considered another factor.
there is so little Singapore migrants to Norway because Singapore living standards about the same as Norway. Why go far-far to enjoy almost free healthcare, free education and other social benefits from the Govt?
Singapore also has the same facilities mah.
1) A singapore minister paid out of pocket expenses only $8 for heart surgery.
2) chairman of rc drove mercedes to pick up used textbooks.

How does that explain tiny Bhutan then, why so little immigrants to Norway. Their agricultural lifestyle must be literally backbreaking.

If you find countries where singapore immigrants outnumber afghans, iraqis, iranians, that is to be expected for reasons stated earlier. simply put singaporeans are desirables and afghans,iraqis, iranians are undesirables.

alamak we are diverting away from my mission:
to migrate to a country a country where rich get poorer and poor gets richer.

how exactly does gini coefficient help me in my search? it simply measures inequality of income/wealth isn't it?
am i supposed to look at countries where gini is close to 0, close to 1?

look for countries that has narrowing gini coefficients over time and you will get your answers... for sinkapor, our gini coefficient is rising over the years so it's factually correct that the rich is getting richer and poor/middle is getting poorer. :banghead: vice versa stands true (in an academic sense). :rolleyes:

16-08-12, 13:37
at least you have 3 meals a day right? (known exception of YT who only takes 1 meal a day).

go US of A sit in prison lagi best. got free air con, free exercise regime, free food... gotch so many stories of prisoners refusing to leave their prison at end of jail term or pple delierately committing petty crimes and wait for police to come so they can check into the free hotel!

hopeful, u keen?

16-08-12, 13:56
go US of A sit in prison lagi best. got free air con, free exercise regime, free food... gotch so many stories of prisoners refusing to leave their prison at end of jail term or pple delierately committing petty crimes and wait for police to come so they can check into the free hotel!

hopeful, u keen?
i did considered that option, retiring in prison.
in addition to being a security guard in the condo where i stayed during retirement.

i only consider Singapore prison. not US of A. I am afraid I will choke on charred sausages, not a pleasant experience. if unburnt sausages, still manageble for my small throat.

so i did decide to retire in singapore prison, i have to consider that i am a foreigner, hence i will be repatriated back to Indonesia. so I definitely cannot commit petty crimes because jail 1 month, send back to indonesia and cannot enter singapore permanently is "bo-hua". If i commit a series of petty crimes, I am afraid the judge will announce the sentences to run concurrently, so my time in prison is short.

so for me to retire in prison, i have to pretty much commit a heinous crime, like murder, rape, and others.
Murder will get me hanged. not fun for me.
if commit rape, not fun for the victim. also kena canned. to avoid caning, have to be commit the crime of rape when i am more than 50 years old.

anybody here know of a "victimless" serious crime, where minimum sentence is like 20 years?

in addition to free food, can i get free medical care like cancer treatment? afterall justice has to be served, if i cut short my full sentence by dying from cancer, then justice not served.

16-08-12, 15:34
I like sausages ...can refer them as USA hot dogs??
Else I might lose my cravings for my breakfast on Saturdays

16-08-12, 16:44
i did considered that option, retiring in prison.
in addition to being a security guard in the condo where i stayed during retirement.

i only consider Singapore prison. not US of A. I am afraid I will choke on charred sausages, not a pleasant experience. if unburnt sausages, still manageble for my small throat.

so i did decide to retire in singapore prison, i have to consider that i am a foreigner, hence i will be repatriated back to Indonesia. so I definitely cannot commit petty crimes because jail 1 month, send back to indonesia and cannot enter singapore permanently is "bo-hua". If i commit a series of petty crimes, I am afraid the judge will announce the sentences to run concurrently, so my time in prison is short.

so for me to retire in prison, i have to pretty much commit a heinous crime, like murder, rape, and others.
Murder will get me hanged. not fun for me.
if commit rape, not fun for the victim. also kena canned. to avoid caning, have to be commit the crime of rape when i am more than 50 years old.

anybody here know of a "victimless" serious crime, where minimum sentence is like 20 years?

in addition to free food, can i get free medical care like cancer treatment? afterall justice has to be served, if i cut short my full sentence by dying from cancer, then justice not served.

peddle street drugs shld land u nicely in jail for a good 20 years. :rolleyes:

16-08-12, 17:11
how about spreading anti govt teachings? or terrorist activity planning

16-08-12, 18:44
how about spreading anti govt teachings? or terrorist activity planning

Just become Mas Selamat :-)