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18-06-12, 15:48
[Poll] MRT NS12 - Do you want it built by 2015>

18-06-12, 16:24
of course! if earlier even better! :)

18-06-12, 16:27
u mean thomson line?

18-06-12, 16:27

build the northern coastal line to connect Sembawang - Selatar - Changi Airport too..:sleep:

18-06-12, 16:29
Where is NS12?

[Poll] MRT NS12 - Do you want it built by 2015>

18-06-12, 16:36
[Poll] MRT NS12 - Do you want it built by 2015>
That's a no brainer, the answer is obviously "Yes" as pointed out aptly by xemz127.

Perhaps the more interesting question would be "when", and we may start a poll on it.

Given that there's no sight no sound on it yet, and based on the previous experience with Dover MRT station (which was also built along operating tracks without disruption to services, and took ~2 years to complete), this new station will likely be available only on 2015 or later, if it's announced this year...

Reference Articles:

18-06-12, 16:37
100% for it. Asap!!!

Yishun mrt is way too crowded.

ikan bilis
18-06-12, 16:38
Where is NS12?

Simpang... (between yishun and sembawang)

tankuku lah... the whole place there is so empty... me see jungle only... how to build early ??...
at least got to wait for them to build a hdb town first... :D


18-06-12, 16:42
Simpang... (between yishun and sembawang)

tankuku lah... the whole place there is so empty... me see jungle only... how to build early ??...
at least got to wait for them to build a hdb town first... :D

Per http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Singapore_MRT_stations#MRT_Stations, "NS12 is reserved for future station at Simpang (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simpang)."

Click on the "Simpang" link (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simpang) and it's stated that "Development is on hold until Punggol is saturated." :cool:

ikan bilis
18-06-12, 16:51
location is on/along ns mrt track after yishun sapphire... that big longkang/canal should be sungei simpang... try see/find what is there within 1km radius... :tongue3:



later on got people put up "white elephant" signs again... :D

18-06-12, 17:02
Per http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Singapore_MRT_stations#MRT_Stations, "NS12 is reserved for future station at Simpang (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simpang)."

Click on the "Simpang" link (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simpang) and it's stated that "Development is on hold until Punggol is saturated." :cool:

Outdated liao lah! Still Simpang??

100% it will not be named as Simpang. :D

Don't need to provide link that was done by wikipedia team long long time ago. :doh:

18-06-12, 17:08
Outdated liao lah! Still Simpang??

100% it will not be named as Simpang. :D

Don't need to provide link that was done by wikipedia team long long time ago. :doh:

haha.. should be named as Canberra ... sounds much cooler than "simpang".. dont wana link the name of station to "peter lim sim pang".. :D

18-06-12, 17:10
Simpang... (between yishun and sembawang)

tankuku lah... the whole place there is so empty... me see jungle only... how to build early ??...
at least got to wait for them to build a hdb town first... :D


got 4 condo projects already in progress there which will boost the usage of NS12 lo.. plus the existing YS and YE.. total of 6 condos in 2015 and also landed property there..

if still not enough justification.. then pull in the "foreign labour" dormitory just opposite.. :ashamed1: :D

18-06-12, 17:21
Understand that this line will be extended to JB in future. Is it true?

18-06-12, 17:47
very soon, LTA look into it seriously. Yishun MRT very pack.. NS12 help to dilute

18-06-12, 17:49
[Poll] MRT NS12 - Do you want it built by 2015>

Not start by 2015, I hope completed by 2015

18-06-12, 17:51
location is on/along ns mrt track after yishun sapphire... that big longkang/canal should be sungei simpang... try see/find what is there within 1km radius... :tongue3:



later on got people put up "white elephant" signs again... :D

I think NS 12 sure very busy by 2015, so many new development complete and new industry area...

18-06-12, 18:20
The poll is up guys! :cool:

Cast your votes and make it known publicly that we want it built NOW! :spliff:

S$500 million for Sembawang and S$600 million for Yishun without NS12 is a NO NO!. :hell-hath-no-fury:

18-06-12, 18:29
I need a volunteer to fall off the tracks in Yishun MRT.

Any volunteers?

If you are unwilling, our government's freshly imported foreign talent and foreign workers are ready to push you off 'accidentally'.

Seriously, we just need a triggering incident to spark off the furor and everyone will rally to have NS12 built.

Look at LTA, nothing done to prevent the tracks until compulsive failure and until commuters raise their fists in anger.

In all honesty, we just need a triggering incident...... not to curse the person who will fall off the platform but if he / she does....... he/she is doing a big favour for all of us to once again...... RAISE OUR FISTS IN ANGER!

18-06-12, 20:00
errrh, a bit violent liao..., frankly speaking r u trying to sell ur property there? :P

18-06-12, 21:10
Not selling.... I'm asking for fairness.... the whole island is sprouting out with MRT stations and here is a place that is suppose to build an MRT station since 20 years ago and nothing done.

Have all the northern votes to the P** been in vain?

18-06-12, 22:04
DTL not yet complete ...you guys want NS line to complete by 2015?


18-06-12, 22:22
DTL not yet complete ...you guys want NS line to complete by 2015?


Jokingly, are you in Singapore?

NS12 not NS Line and not TS Line. Dover Station took longer time to build due to it was being built at the road divider.

The Future TS Line station @ Woodlands near Republic Poly will be extended to JB and the existing NS Woodlands station (interchange) will also be linked just like Bishan, Serangoon & Paya Lebar.

18-06-12, 22:35
frankly i think a lot of ppl certainly don't know the missing stations of NS12 and NS6.. haha.. it's like the blindspot which has been neglected.. only those who really need it and want it will pay attention to it.. :beats-me-man:

18-06-12, 22:40
Just went for jogging yesterday with my family along the canal that lead to Sembawang Beach.

The Authority has cleared the forest the size of abt 6 Statschippac factory. This is just the inner part of the forest. We have seen soil testing just 2 to 3 weeks ago. It wouldn't be long that the Authority will sell the land.

18-06-12, 22:48
Understand that this line will be extended to JB in future. Is it true?
Thomson line will be the one linked to JB.

18-06-12, 22:48
frankly i think a lot of ppl certainly don't know the missing stations of NS12 and NS6.. haha.. it's like the blindspot which has been neglected.. only those who really need it and want it will pay attention to it.. :beats-me-man:


For others,

As mentioned in the other thread, the new road name at Sungei Kadut industrial park is called Sungei Kadut CENTRAL. This new road is along the line and got bus bay. If the needs arises, the Authority will also acquire some of the land back from factory leases for road alignment.

18-06-12, 22:57
I need a volunteer to fall off the tracks in Yishun MRT.

Any volunteers?

If you are unwilling, our government's freshly imported foreign talent and foreign workers are ready to push you off 'accidentally'.

Seriously, we just need a triggering incident to spark off the furor and everyone will rally to have NS12 built.

Look at LTA, nothing done to prevent the tracks until compulsive failure and until commuters raise their fists in anger.

In all honesty, we just need a triggering incident...... not to curse the person who will fall off the platform but if he / she does....... he/she is doing a big favour for all of us to once again...... RAISE OUR FISTS IN ANGER!
Frankly speaking, the over crowded issue @ Yishun MRT does not justify the building of NS12. LTA is upgrading Yishun MRT now.

The canberra / simpang area need to be developed first till there is critical mass for the MRT station.

so instead of asking for NS12, we should ask KBW what is his plan for Sembawang? :(

18-06-12, 23:23
... LTA's calculation is always wrong :simmering:

19-06-12, 00:41
Northern side has been neglected. Govt seems to favor South, East, then West.

19-06-12, 09:41
Northern side has been neglected. Govt seems to favor South, East, then West.

perhaps it's because of the military strategic reason ... every important development will favour everywhere but north.. :beats-me-man:

19-06-12, 09:42
... LTA's calculation is always wrong :simmering:

agreed.. if their calculation is correct.. the TSL would have been built million years back to solve the northern crisis..

Wild Falcon
19-06-12, 10:16
Not overbuilt = good. North is ok - at least got MRt line to Yishun and Woodlands right. Northest overbuilt all the way to Punggol. Northwest is the "worst" but need to preserve some forests for military and conserve real nature mah.

perhaps it's because of the military strategic reason ... every important development will favour everywhere but north.. :beats-me-man:

19-06-12, 10:24
Jokingly, are you in Singapore?

NS12 not NS Line and not TS Line. Dover Station took longer time to build due to it was being built at the road divider.

The Future TS Line station @ Woodlands near Republic Poly will be extended to JB and the existing NS Woodlands station (interchange) will also be linked just like Bishan, Serangoon & Paya Lebar.

opps.. thought is TS line.. paiseh :D

frankly i think a lot of ppl certainly don't know the missing stations of NS12 and NS6.. haha.. it's like the blindspot which has been neglected.. only those who really need it and want it will pay attention to it.. :beats-me-man:

never know still got two stations been reserved..

19-06-12, 10:31
opps.. thought is TS line.. paiseh :D

never know still got two stations been reserved..

haha no worry.. next time when you read the map on the MRT.. you will pay attention to the missing NS6 and NS12 already .. :D

19-06-12, 10:33
Not overbuilt = good. North is ok - at least got MRt line to Yishun and Woodlands right. Northest overbuilt all the way to Punggol. Northwest is the "worst" but need to preserve some forests for military and conserve real nature mah.

north west is built with the development of SAP.. north east with the punggol 21k dream.. north is "dreaming" only... :ashamed1:

ikan bilis
19-06-12, 12:57
bros... if i were to bet on next mrt station retrofitted on ns line... it will not be simpang or sungei kadut.... i will bet my $$ on ns3.5 ... :D

may be a new mrt station ns3.5 between cck and bt gombak will come out first, before ns6 sungei kadut or ns12 simpang... location should be junction of bt batok road and brickland road


to the north of ns3.5, cck is expanding southwards down, keat hong land all cleared for building hdb. cck will merge with bt batok soon.


to the south of ns3.5 is already bt batok/bt batok drive centre

to the west of ns3.5 is sungei tengah.... think that should be the new hdb town... may be they will pull an LRT network from ns3.5 here, before building a full mrt line to tengah...

=> simpang there is empty... jungle only...
=> sungei kadut need to chase away those old old industry... still long time...

=> have fun... :cheers4:

19-06-12, 13:03
how sure there will be mrt in the location @ junction of bt batok road and brickland road ?
or you propose this idea one? :confused:

19-06-12, 13:13
how sure there will be mrt in the location @ junction of bt batok road and brickland road ?
or you propose this idea one? :confused:

I dun think so, there no missing number. LRT may be lah

19-06-12, 17:03
bros... if i were to bet on next mrt station retrofitted on ns line... it will not be simpang or sungei kadut.... i will bet my $$ on ns3.5 ... :D

may be a new mrt station ns3.5 between cck and bt gombak will come out first, before ns6 sungei kadut or ns12 simpang... location should be junction of bt batok road and brickland road


to the north of ns3.5, cck is expanding southwards down, keat hong land all cleared for building hdb. cck will merge with bt batok soon.


to the south of ns3.5 is already bt batok/bt batok drive centre

to the west of ns3.5 is sungei tengah.... think that should be the new hdb town... may be they will pull an LRT network from ns3.5 here, before building a full mrt line to tengah...

=> simpang there is empty... jungle only...
=> sungei kadut need to chase away those old old industry... still long time...

=> have fun... :cheers4:
if based on google map, i don't see there are less buildings in Canberra/simpang area than CCK area. So, i don't understand your judgement that Simpang area is a jungle only.

Canberra/Simpang area going to have 3 new condos and 1 new EC. To the north east side, the HDB BTOs are due to complete later this year. The land on the right are doing soil test now which will be tendered for commercial use soon (my guess). To the further south-east side, >1000 HDB BTOs going to online in next 3 years in Yishun town.

24-06-12, 16:14
friday saw few person wearing helmet at NS12 location, pointed here and there, I think SMRT project coming soon.

26-06-12, 01:35
Ok, let's keep this thread alive and make sure our voices are heard.

Losing Nee Soon/Sembawang GRC is not a joke. :D

26-06-12, 08:52
everywhere is like that people tends to neglect the north until it's too late:D
and especially when people take for granted and get complacant:D

26-06-12, 10:19
A road has been built that lead to Canberra Residences/ The Nautical. The place will develop but take another year or 2 to announce?
The focus now is "Punggol 21"...

26-06-12, 12:43
waiting for the final concept plan 2011. Hopefully can get some hints there... But still no news leh...

27-06-12, 22:54
A road has been built that lead to Canberra Residences/ The Nautical. The place will develop but take another year or 2 to announce?
The focus now is "Punggol 21"...

Punggol is already history after Watertown.

Yishun is history in the making provided our voices are heard.

If we are not heard, perhaps a political party should become history just like how opposing parties's wards are left to rot.

Patterns always repeat themselves, so does history.

Will Yishun make history or will a party become history? :p

29-07-12, 22:00
Govt to boost infrastructure for growing population

Jul 27, 2012 - PropertyGuru.com.sg

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By Romesh Navaratnarajah:

In abid to meet the needs of Singapore’s growing population, the government plans to increase infrastructure development in the country over the next decade.

A report released by the National Population and Talent Division (NPTD) revealed that infrastructure capacity has failed to keep pace with population growth in recent years.

As a result, the government needs to ramp up housing supply, transport and public services over the next five to 10 years.

The Housing and Development Board (HDB) is expected to deliver another 25,000 new flats this year. This is in additionto the increased availability of private housing and executive condominium (EC) sites.

The report also underlinedHDB’s efforts to improve the living environment in HDB estates through a S$2.5 billion allocation from the Ministry of National Development (MND).

More nursing homes and hospitals are also set to be built, including the new Ng Teng Fong Hospital, the Integrated Building for St Andrew’s Community Hospital and Changi General Hospital by 2014. The Sengkang General Hospital is expected to be ready by 2018.

In addition, two new community hospitals in Yishun and Jurong, co-located with Khoo Teck Puat Hospital and Ng Teng Fong Hospital – are set to open by 2015 while another community hospital to be co-located with Sengkang General Hospital will likely be ready by 2018.

29-07-12, 22:02
How about the transport services? Missing NS12......

19-08-12, 10:50
Check out this old posting in Skyscrapercity.com dated back to Aug 2007.

5 years and on and still only Khoo Tech Phuat and Northpoint extension done plus Yishun pond only......:banghead:

Where are the rest of the plans?

Do we look at individual MP to roll out plans or the party looking after the ward? :simmering:

Promises versus what has been realised is a far stretched..... I only see industrial plots keep launching and condos keep launching in anticipation but where are the promised AMENITIES? :doh:

SkyscraperCity > Asian Forums > Asian Skyscraper Forums > South East Asia > Singapore Skyscraper Forum > Projects and Construction > Project News and Updates > Public Housing Projects > Rejuvenation of Punggol, Yishun & Dawson
View Full Version : Rejuvenation of Punggol, Yishun & Dawson

August 31st, 2007, 07:11 PM
More details released on rejuvenation of first three HDB towns

SINGAPORE: More details on the first HDB estates to be rejuvenated across Singapore have been released.

The three chosen ones are Punggol, because it is new; Yishun, because it is middle-aged; and Dawson estate in Queenstown, because it is old.

Punggol has already been picked for transformation, under the Punggol 21 plan.

But the renewal effort is being stepped up.

Among the facilities planned are a seafront promenade which stretches around the town, reservoirs for water activities, a waterway through the town centre, and proposals for a town plaza and sports complex.

HDB officials cannot say when construction will start on the individual projects.

Instead they say they are focusing on gathering feedback first.

But the plan is to put at least one piece of land in Punggol on the market for construction over the next couple of years, and possibly more in other areas.

As for Yishun, proposals include a new polytechnic or university and a shopping complex that is integrated with housing and a bus exchange.

These are on top of the facilities already under construction, such as the Khoo Teck Puat Hospital and the extended Northpoint shopping mall that will feature a new Community Library.

Because Yishun is considered a middle-aged town, it qualifies for two new upgrading programmes - the Home Improvement Programme (HIP) and the Neighbourhood Renewal programme (NRP).

The HIP is for improvements inside the home while the NRP is for works done on the blocks and around the neighbourhood.

Flats will be eligible for the NRP if they were built in 1989 or before, and have not undergone the Main Upgrading Programme (MUP), Interim Upgrading Programme (IUP) or the IUP Plus.

Dawson Estate in Queenstown is an old estate.

So the idea is to provide new public housing and integrate facilities into a seamless community.

But the estate's memories will be retained.

Some of the new ideas for Dawson include housing-in-the-park and multi-generation living.

Three local architect companies have drawn up concepts for three parcels of land in the estate.

The HDB estimates about 3,500 flats can be built on the land.

National Development Minister Mah Bow Tan said: "This (rejuvenation of HDB heartlands) will happen in the next few years. At first, we will start slowly because we need to gain experience in the new type of housing; our architects, our engineers, even the contractors and developers and builders will also have to gather new experience. But as we become more experienced, this will gather pace. So, what we have done is we have drawn up plans for Punggol and Dawson estate in Queenstown, for a start. We are going to replicate this in other parts of Singapore. Of course, it is going to take us time - 20 to 30 years."

To get an idea of just how different the new generation of public housing will be, you can catch an exhibition at the HDB Hub.

It is on till 8 September before it makes its way to the heartlands where it will be on until early October.

Visitors to the exhibition can give their feedback on the proposed plans for the new generation of public housing via the telephone, Internet and HDB service counters. - CNA/ir
August 31st, 2007, 07:18 PM
Finally...sleepy town Yishun is set for a rejuvenation.

I can just predict where they are going to put the temporary bus interchange, at the empty plot of land behind the current one.

Yishun Interchange - The 6th air conditioned bus interchange?
New mall.
New housing project atop mall.
New University/Polytechnic.
Northern General Hospital named after ????????.
Northpoint Extension.

Not too bad at all...not too bad.................


19-08-12, 14:09
Check out this old posting in Skyscrapercity.com dated back to Aug 2007.

5 years and on and still only Khoo Tech Phuat and Northpoint extension done plus Yishun pond only......:banghead:

Where are the rest of the plans?

Do we look at individual MP to roll out plans or the party looking after the ward? :simmering:

Promises versus what has been realised is a far stretched..... I only see industrial plots keep launching and condos keep launching in anticipation but where are the promised AMENITIES? :doh:

SkyscraperCity > Asian Forums > Asian Skyscraper Forums > South East Asia > Singapore Skyscraper Forum > Projects and Construction > Project News and Updates > Public Housing Projects > Rejuvenation of Punggol, Yishun & Dawson
View Full Version : Rejuvenation of Punggol, Yishun & Dawson

August 31st, 2007, 07:11 PM
More details released on rejuvenation of first three HDB towns

SINGAPORE: More details on the first HDB estates to be rejuvenated across Singapore have been released.

The three chosen ones are Punggol, because it is new; Yishun, because it is middle-aged; and Dawson estate in Queenstown, because it is old.

Punggol has already been picked for transformation, under the Punggol 21 plan.

But the renewal effort is being stepped up.

Among the facilities planned are a seafront promenade which stretches around the town, reservoirs for water activities, a waterway through the town centre, and proposals for a town plaza and sports complex.

HDB officials cannot say when construction will start on the individual projects.

Instead they say they are focusing on gathering feedback first.

But the plan is to put at least one piece of land in Punggol on the market for construction over the next couple of years, and possibly more in other areas.

As for Yishun, proposals include a new polytechnic or university and a shopping complex that is integrated with housing and a bus exchange.

These are on top of the facilities already under construction, such as the Khoo Teck Puat Hospital and the extended Northpoint shopping mall that will feature a new Community Library.

Because Yishun is considered a middle-aged town, it qualifies for two new upgrading programmes - the Home Improvement Programme (HIP) and the Neighbourhood Renewal programme (NRP).

The HIP is for improvements inside the home while the NRP is for works done on the blocks and around the neighbourhood.

Flats will be eligible for the NRP if they were built in 1989 or before, and have not undergone the Main Upgrading Programme (MUP), Interim Upgrading Programme (IUP) or the IUP Plus.

Dawson Estate in Queenstown is an old estate.

So the idea is to provide new public housing and integrate facilities into a seamless community.

But the estate's memories will be retained.

Some of the new ideas for Dawson include housing-in-the-park and multi-generation living.

Three local architect companies have drawn up concepts for three parcels of land in the estate.

The HDB estimates about 3,500 flats can be built on the land.

National Development Minister Mah Bow Tan said: "This (rejuvenation of HDB heartlands) will happen in the next few years. At first, we will start slowly because we need to gain experience in the new type of housing; our architects, our engineers, even the contractors and developers and builders will also have to gather new experience. But as we become more experienced, this will gather pace. So, what we have done is we have drawn up plans for Punggol and Dawson estate in Queenstown, for a start. We are going to replicate this in other parts of Singapore. Of course, it is going to take us time - 20 to 30 years."

To get an idea of just how different the new generation of public housing will be, you can catch an exhibition at the HDB Hub.

It is on till 8 September before it makes its way to the heartlands where it will be on until early October.

Visitors to the exhibition can give their feedback on the proposed plans for the new generation of public housing via the telephone, Internet and HDB service counters. - CNA/ir
August 31st, 2007, 07:18 PM
Finally...sleepy town Yishun is set for a rejuvenation.

I can just predict where they are going to put the temporary bus interchange, at the empty plot of land behind the current one.

Yishun Interchange - The 6th air conditioned bus interchange?
New mall.
New housing project atop mall.
New University/Polytechnic.
Northern General Hospital named after ????????.
Northpoint Extension.

Not too bad at all...not too bad.................


Well done. Price of yishun is going to be impressive.
But not sure when all these will be realized?

19-08-12, 18:15
Check out this old posting in Skyscrapercity.com dated back to Aug 2007.

5 years and on and still only Khoo Tech Phuat and Northpoint extension done plus Yishun pond only......:banghead:

Where are the rest of the plans?

Do we look at individual MP to roll out plans or the party looking after the ward? :simmering:

Promises versus what has been realised is a far stretched..... I only see industrial plots keep launching and condos keep launching in anticipation but where are the promised AMENITIES? :doh:

SkyscraperCity > Asian Forums > Asian Skyscraper Forums > South East Asia > Singapore Skyscraper Forum > Projects and Construction > Project News and Updates > Public Housing Projects > Rejuvenation of Punggol, Yishun & Dawson
View Full Version : Rejuvenation of Punggol, Yishun & Dawson

August 31st, 2007, 07:11 PM
More details released on rejuvenation of first three HDB towns

SINGAPORE: More details on the first HDB estates to be rejuvenated across Singapore have been released.

The three chosen ones are Punggol, because it is new; Yishun, because it is middle-aged; and Dawson estate in Queenstown, because it is old.

Punggol has already been picked for transformation, under the Punggol 21 plan.

But the renewal effort is being stepped up.

Among the facilities planned are a seafront promenade which stretches around the town, reservoirs for water activities, a waterway through the town centre, and proposals for a town plaza and sports complex.

HDB officials cannot say when construction will start on the individual projects.

Instead they say they are focusing on gathering feedback first.

But the plan is to put at least one piece of land in Punggol on the market for construction over the next couple of years, and possibly more in other areas.

As for Yishun, proposals include a new polytechnic or university and a shopping complex that is integrated with housing and a bus exchange.

These are on top of the facilities already under construction, such as the Khoo Teck Puat Hospital and the extended Northpoint shopping mall that will feature a new Community Library.

Because Yishun is considered a middle-aged town, it qualifies for two new upgrading programmes - the Home Improvement Programme (HIP) and the Neighbourhood Renewal programme (NRP).

The HIP is for improvements inside the home while the NRP is for works done on the blocks and around the neighbourhood.

Flats will be eligible for the NRP if they were built in 1989 or before, and have not undergone the Main Upgrading Programme (MUP), Interim Upgrading Programme (IUP) or the IUP Plus.

Dawson Estate in Queenstown is an old estate.

So the idea is to provide new public housing and integrate facilities into a seamless community.

But the estate's memories will be retained.

Some of the new ideas for Dawson include housing-in-the-park and multi-generation living.

Three local architect companies have drawn up concepts for three parcels of land in the estate.

The HDB estimates about 3,500 flats can be built on the land.

National Development Minister Mah Bow Tan said: "This (rejuvenation of HDB heartlands) will happen in the next few years. At first, we will start slowly because we need to gain experience in the new type of housing; our architects, our engineers, even the contractors and developers and builders will also have to gather new experience. But as we become more experienced, this will gather pace. So, what we have done is we have drawn up plans for Punggol and Dawson estate in Queenstown, for a start. We are going to replicate this in other parts of Singapore. Of course, it is going to take us time - 20 to 30 years."

To get an idea of just how different the new generation of public housing will be, you can catch an exhibition at the HDB Hub.

It is on till 8 September before it makes its way to the heartlands where it will be on until early October.

Visitors to the exhibition can give their feedback on the proposed plans for the new generation of public housing via the telephone, Internet and HDB service counters. - CNA/ir
August 31st, 2007, 07:18 PM
Finally...sleepy town Yishun is set for a rejuvenation.

I can just predict where they are going to put the temporary bus interchange, at the empty plot of land behind the current one.

Yishun Interchange - The 6th air conditioned bus interchange?
New mall.
New housing project atop mall.
New University/Polytechnic.
Northern General Hospital named after ????????.
Northpoint Extension.

Not too bad at all...not too bad.................


Fully agree.

East - We have Tampines Regional Ctr, Downtown East, Changi Business Park, upcoming Paya Lebar Business Ctr & Singapore University of Tech & Design

West - We have One North, JLD, Universities.

Do we need to have 3 Business Parks in the East to load up the Eastern mrt line, thus spending $bil building more lines there. :banghead:

In my opinion, Paya Lebar Business Ctr & CBP are redundant at that locations. Tampines Regional Ctr is enough. For providing lower cost to companies in terms of rental, Woodlands Regional Ctr can be considered and the NS line wldn't be so loaded as thousands travel to town to work.

19-08-12, 20:05
Fully agree.

East - We have Tampines Regional Ctr, Downtown East, Changi Business Park, upcoming Paya Lebar Business Ctr & Singapore University of Tech & Design

West - We have One North, JLD, Universities.

Do we need to have 3 Business Parks in the East to load up the Eastern mrt line, thus spending $bil building more lines there. :banghead:

In my opinion, Paya Lebar Business Ctr & CBP are redundant at that locations. Tampines Regional Ctr is enough. For providing lower cost to companies in terms of rental, Woodlands Regional Ctr can be considered and the NS line wldn't be so loaded as thousands travel to town to work.

the east part having 3 BP is because of MBT's ward when he was the MND chief.. so that's why all good things go to there..

now KBW as MND's chief.. we also hope that he can at least rejuvenate his own ward lah.. at least to let ppl there to see he is really working hard on that lah..

so far still no news or any major plan in canberra area.. so waiting for the masterplan 2012 lo.. :doh:

i also want to see an university built up in the north.. at canberra/simpang area.. usually an university can change the dead environment into a different one.. hope that we can see it in the future..

19-08-12, 21:08
the east part having 3 BP is because of MBT's ward when he was the MND chief.. so that's why all good things go to there..

now KBW as MND's chief.. we also hope that he can at least rejuvenate his own ward lah.. at least to let ppl there to see he is really working hard on that lah..

so far still no news or any major plan in canberra area.. so waiting for the masterplan 2012 lo.. :doh:

i also want to see an university built up in the north.. at canberra/simpang area.. usually an university can change the dead environment into a different one.. hope that we can see it in the future..

If he dun...let us vote him out

20-08-12, 01:49
I see votes swimming to the other shore....

An engineering university will fit well into Seletar Aerospace Hub profile.....

That's a Big hint to you, Mr. MND....or should we refer as the party at the ward?

No excuse since we now look at the party's merits than the individual promises.

20-08-12, 02:18
I just realised it took the ruling party 10 yrs to deliver Khoo Teck Phuat hospital....

Goodness gracious.....

See below excerpt, can anyone verify that certain districts other than north have faster build times? Looks like any commitments will be act upon slowly until opposition steps up the pressure.......

Building of a Northern Hospital in Yishun East

This promise is made by PAP back in 2001 Elections. Some may wonder why this issue is so important that I need to put emphasis on it again and again.

The reason is that in Singapore, we are short of government hospitals! This is the primary reason why our public hospitals, despite increasing fees, could face bed shortages! This problem was raised when Mr. Low Thia Khiang was rushed to Tan Tock Seng Hospital when he contracted dengue fever. Mr. Low lives in the North. For those of you who live in the North, you would realize that there isn’t any hospital in the North at all. This is really an abnormality as the population residing in the North is rising rapidly with the new estates of Sembawang, Sengkang and Punggol growing in size. Together with the matured estates Woodlands, Yishun and Ang Mo Kio, there are at least half a million people but there is no hospital in the North! If one depends on Tan Tock Seng Hospital alone, I do not think it could cope as it also serves residents in Toa Payoh, Bishan and Thomson. Imagine if you have an emergency in Woodlands or Yishun, how long will it take to reach Tan Tock Seng? Not to forget, CTE is always jammed during peak hours!

This is a matter of life or death to residents living in the North! Thus to me, it is a very important issue to bring up. Of course, PAP tries to respond in a positive way that it is taking “actions” to build one hospital in Yishun East. However, 5 years have passed, where is the hospital? They say it will be ready by 2010, earliest 2009. A first world government needs 9 years to build a hospital?


20-08-12, 09:44
I just realised it took the ruling party 10 yrs to deliver Khoo Teck Phuat hospital....

Goodness gracious.....

See below excerpt, can anyone verify that certain districts other than north have faster build times? Looks like any commitments will be act upon slowly until opposition steps up the pressure.......

Building of a Northern Hospital in Yishun East

This promise is made by PAP back in 2001 Elections. Some may wonder why this issue is so important that I need to put emphasis on it again and again.

The reason is that in Singapore, we are short of government hospitals! This is the primary reason why our public hospitals, despite increasing fees, could face bed shortages! This problem was raised when Mr. Low Thia Khiang was rushed to Tan Tock Seng Hospital when he contracted dengue fever. Mr. Low lives in the North. For those of you who live in the North, you would realize that there isn’t any hospital in the North at all. This is really an abnormality as the population residing in the North is rising rapidly with the new estates of Sembawang, Sengkang and Punggol growing in size. Together with the matured estates Woodlands, Yishun and Ang Mo Kio, there are at least half a million people but there is no hospital in the North! If one depends on Tan Tock Seng Hospital alone, I do not think it could cope as it also serves residents in Toa Payoh, Bishan and Thomson. Imagine if you have an emergency in Woodlands or Yishun, how long will it take to reach Tan Tock Seng? Not to forget, CTE is always jammed during peak hours!

This is a matter of life or death to residents living in the North! Thus to me, it is a very important issue to bring up. Of course, PAP tries to respond in a positive way that it is taking “actions” to build one hospital in Yishun East. However, 5 years have passed, where is the hospital? They say it will be ready by 2010, earliest 2009. A first world government needs 9 years to build a hospital?


Just did some google search,

Ng Teng Fong Hospital started ground foundation only months after announcement. The fast action was mainly due to donation of $125mil given by Ng family.

Sengkang Hospital will be ready in 6 years time.


20-08-12, 10:00
I see votes swimming to the other shore....

An engineering university will fit well into Seletar Aerospace Hub profile.....

That's a Big hint to you, Mr. MND....or should we refer as the party at the ward?

No excuse since we now look at the party's merits than the individual promises.

Any foreign institution or univeristy in north ? I only know Singapore American School in Woodlands.

Don't really understand why they build another Business Ctr at Paya Lebar. They are planting a problem there. The traffic will worsen :banghead:

20-08-12, 10:13
Move to tampines lah, confirmed 3 mrt lines going into town, action speaks louder, even there is no plan for another line for jld yet, east will soon have 4th uni, a new bedok mall as big as bishan 8, cbp is booming as bank op centre, close to east coast, bedok reservoir and marina bay, changi airport

20-08-12, 10:40
Northern part is undervalue. Just take HDB, Yishun n Sembawang flats are easily 100-180k lower compare to Punggol/ Senkang. Take an example..5room Punggol vs 5 room Sembawang. Both estate are new n flats are 7-10 years old average for resale market. Even Punggol flats that are not near MRT still fetch higher prices than Sembawang or Yishun flats that are walking distance to MRT.
It is all about who are the Ministers n MPs...who run your estate...

20-08-12, 10:52
Northern part is undervalue. Just take HDB, Yishun n Sembawang flats are easily 100-180k lower compare to Punggol/ Senkang. Take an example..5room Punggol vs 5 room Sembawang. Both estate are new n flats are 7-10 years old average for resale market. Even Punggol flats that are not near MRT still fetch higher prices than Sembawang or Yishun flats that are walking distance to MRT.
It is all about who are the Ministers n MPs...who run your estate...

The legacy of MBT is really significant for his Tampines ward.... He did an excellent job for his ward but neglected national interests, i.e. HDB prices. :beats-me-man:

KBW did a good control for HDB prices on COV but still rents are rising as per today's Sunday Times article. However, it seems that his ward has SLOW BUILD TIMES, SLOW PROGRESS, POOR CONNECTIVITY, CONGESTED MRT STATIONS and the $500 million promised during the last GE goes to building a Mosque and a Police Station....... #@%$@#%@#$% :scared-4:

Did I make a mistake in my last GE election? :cool:

Looks like having a MND minister in the ward doesn't really help as he is distracted. :2cents:

On hindsight, MBT did a fantastic job for his Tampines ward. 3 MRT lines!!! :cheers1:

Although we have NSE coming and TSL but Yishun still doesn't have the hub! It's been in the talks for so long and the HDB shops are vacated but no signs of announcement! Only a silly model or mockup shown at Northpoint about the vision...... :hell-hath-no-fury:

If Khoo Teck Phuat takes 10 years, then Yishun Hub takes 10 years?

The last announcement for the hub was it in Year 2010? Does that mean it Yishun Hub will only materialise in Year 2020? :scared-1:

OUCH OUCH OUCH! Come on! Do something for Yishun guys! It's going to get congested with all the condos and HDB that are going to TOP in 2-3 years, Year 2014! :spliff2:


20-08-12, 10:56
Cut loss now, sell yishun buy centrale 8 or trilliat

20-08-12, 12:16
Learnt that Simpang is the next to develop after bibadari and Kim chu kang.
the east part having 3 BP is because of MBT's ward when he was the MND chief.. so that's why all good things go to there..

now KBW as MND's chief.. we also hope that he can at least rejuvenate his own ward lah.. at least to let ppl there to see he is really working hard on that lah..

so far still no news or any major plan in canberra area.. so waiting for the masterplan 2012 lo.. :doh:

i also want to see an university built up in the north.. at canberra/simpang area.. usually an university can change the dead environment into a different one.. hope that we can see it in the future..

20-08-12, 13:44
The legacy of MBT is really significant for his Tampines ward.... He did an excellent job for his ward but neglected national interests, i.e. HDB prices. :beats-me-man:

KBW did a good control for HDB prices on COV but still rents are rising as per today's Sunday Times article. However, it seems that his ward has SLOW BUILD TIMES, SLOW PROGRESS, POOR CONNECTIVITY, CONGESTED MRT STATIONS and the $500 million promised during the last GE goes to building a Mosque and a Police Station....... #@%$@#%@#$% :scared-4:

Did I make a mistake in my last GE election? :cool:

Looks like having a MND minister in the ward doesn't really help as he is distracted. :2cents:

On hindsight, MBT did a fantastic job for his Tampines ward. 3 MRT lines!!! :cheers1:

Although we have NSE coming and TSL but Yishun still doesn't have the hub! It's been in the talks for so long and the HDB shops are vacated but no signs of announcement! Only a silly model or mockup shown at Northpoint about the vision...... :hell-hath-no-fury:

If Khoo Teck Phuat takes 10 years, then Yishun Hub takes 10 years?

The last announcement for the hub was it in Year 2010? Does that mean it Yishun Hub will only materialise in Year 2020? :scared-1:

OUCH OUCH OUCH! Come on! Do something for Yishun guys! It's going to get congested with all the condos and HDB that are going to TOP in 2-3 years, Year 2014! :spliff2:


Tender for redevelopment of the Hub should be called last Dec and that was a delayed date. You're right. Supposed to start in year 2010.

Now only see the whack down the building. Only some $$$ spent. The so call $600mil Yishun hub in the end also come from us.

Sembawang worst. No even a swimming pool for the public. I don't know what the authorities are doing:doh: Spending so much in AMK-Bishan Park, bicycle, widening of CTE etc etc.

20-08-12, 13:51
Cut loss now, sell yishun buy centrale 8 or trilliat

No loss. Don't catch running prices. To earn a dollar involves a much higher risk. :D Tampines too crowded. Prefer T. Merah.

20-08-12, 13:52
Learnt that Simpang is the next to develop after bibadari and Kim chu kang.

Don't know this life can see Simpang being developed.

24-08-12, 23:04
Seletar Mall 2008 in Master Plan and built by 2014 which is 6 years.

This is way faster than Yishun amenities like the Khoo Teck Phuat of 10years.

Will Yishun hub suffer same fate as Khoo Teck Phuat or will there be a fair and even development pace like Seletar Mall?

02-09-12, 17:08
More industrial land will be released in 2013 gls as we witnessed the SI at the big plot along ave 2/ Canberra link a few weeks ago. The demand is there based on the recent bidding at ave9. Noticed some action there yesterday. Go check.

Ppty price can increase 50% when there is a new mrt line/ station. With another 1 or 2 residential sites near canberra lane, NS12 will come.

Yishun hub will be in 2013 gls. You will know in about 2 months or so.

Hope that there will be some changes in the coming Masterplan 2013.

02-09-12, 18:50
Total number of new units in Yishun including BTO, DBSS & Pte aound 11731 (announced). Future BTO in N5 excluding Acacia Breeze, have not been included in this calculation. Now you can do your sum with the below information whether existing NS11 Yishun stn can support???

Orchid spring948Orchid Vista600Acacia Breeze834Yishun Greenwalk1176Yishun Riverwalk1408Yishun Natura364Adora Green 806The Canopy4061 Canberra6658 Courtyard662Miltonia Res410Skies Miltonia420The Estuary608Floral Spring600Dew Spring864Jade Spring 2576Jade Spring 1384
Future -Yishun Hub, Northpoint Bizhub, Aposh + 3 industrial buildings, community hospital next to KTPH hospital also have to be considered on pple movement. :D

02-09-12, 18:59
Total number of new units in Yishun including BTO, DBSS & Pte aound 11731 (announced). Future BTO in N5 excluding Acacia Breeze, have not been included in this calculation. Now you can do your sum with the below information whether existing NS11 Yishun stn can support???

Orchid spring948Orchid Vista600Acacia Breeze834Yishun Greenwalk1176Yishun Riverwalk1408Yishun Natura364Adora Green 806The Canopy4061 Canberra6658 Courtyard662Miltonia Res410Skies Miltonia420The Estuary608Floral Spring600Dew Spring864Jade Spring 2576Jade Spring 1384
Future -Yishun Hub, Northpoint Bizhub, Aposh + 3 industrial buildings, community hospital next to KTPH hospital also have to be considered on pple movement. :D

The Canopy 406
1 Canberra 665
8 Courtyard 662
JadeSpring 2 576
JadeSpring 1 384
Rest should be easy to read.:D

02-09-12, 22:00
The Canopy 406
1 Canberra 665
8 Courtyard 662
JadeSpring 2 576
JadeSpring 1 384
Rest should be easy to read.:D

I bet KBW and MIW will dangle the NS12 MRT to retain their control over Sembawang-NeeSoon GRC.

04-09-12, 16:19

07-09-12, 14:54
saw the business land opp the potential NS12 site is fencing up last few days.. launching for land-sale or business unit sale? didn't know that piece of land was sold...

07-09-12, 15:11
saw the business land opp the potential NS12 site is fencing up last few days.. launching for land-sale or business unit sale? didn't know that piece of land was sold...

Can check with ura.

Based on 2008 masterplan, this large plot is for industrial purpose and normally dun require hoarding prior to any land sales.

07-09-12, 15:47
Can check with ura.

Based on 2008 masterplan, this large plot is for industrial purpose and normally dun require hoarding prior to any land sales.
Thanks for the info.. can ask URA for out of curiosity? i doubt they will entertain small fly like me...:D

07-09-12, 21:51
Write to them and the respective officer in charge will contact you.

I do expect residential gls announcement in 2/8 months time on the other side.

08-09-12, 15:35
The hoarding has been extended to residential plot (based on 2008 masterplan). Dun know what they are up to:beats-me-man:

Is Admiral Country Club still in operation?? I saw they are also doing this


09-09-12, 01:26
The hoarding has been extended to residential plot (based on 2008 masterplan). Dun know what they are up to:beats-me-man:

Is Admiral Country Club still in operation?? I saw they are also doing this

i guess you are referring to the admiralty house... As far as i know, this land + buildings are rented to a Chinese international school by SLA..

09-09-12, 01:35
i guess you are referring to the admiralty house... As far as i know, this land + buildings are rented to a Chinese international school by SLA..

You're right. Thanks for the info. I google search and found below

A renewed tender was called on 22 March 2011, won by FIS Institute, a boarding school specialising in preparatory education for students who intend to pursue 'A' Level and 'O' Level Examinations. The School convert the building into its Administration Building, a nerve centre to run the surrounding academic and hostel buildings.
In order to do justice to this beautiful building, FIS Institute works very closely with the Preservation Monument Board in restoring the building to its former glory; all of it privately-funded by the School without subsidy from the government.

09-09-12, 21:19
You're right. Thanks for the info. I google search and found below

A renewed tender was called on 22 March 2011, won by FIS Institute, a boarding school specialising in preparatory education for students who intend to pursue 'A' Level and 'O' Level Examinations. The School convert the building into its Administration Building, a nerve centre to run the surrounding academic and hostel buildings.
In order to do justice to this beautiful building, FIS Institute works very closely with the Preservation Monument Board in restoring the building to its former glory; all of it privately-funded by the School without subsidy from the government.

Is that why MCC land is bidding furiously in Yishun, Sembawang area? The Chinese parents will buy units for their kids to study and live in the area.

10-09-12, 00:03
First time seeing hoarding for 2 different zoning areas at the same time. Size area about half of existing Sembawang town.

Our long expecting station is inching nearer. Going 10 years back was really premature.

11-09-12, 12:14
Today saw the dorm along ave 2 are slowly shifting out (not the one near Fire stn) and also saw 1 yellow cylinder shape thingy on the grass patch opposite the BTO currently building. This yellow thingy is the same that many ppl discussed over at skycrapercity on TSL. I dun know got any relation to any future stn there. :beats-me-man:

13-09-12, 09:19
Today saw the dorm along ave 2 are slowly shifting out (not the one near Fire stn) and also saw 1 yellow cylinder shape thingy on the grass patch opposite the BTO currently building. This yellow thingy is the same that many ppl discussed over at skycrapercity on TSL. I dun know got any relation to any future stn there. :beats-me-man:
Any info about this? :D .. passed by yesterday, saw trucks send soil into the field... I hope not building dormitory.:doh:

13-09-12, 10:01
Any info about this? :D .. passed by yesterday, saw trucks send soil into the field... I hope not building dormitory.:doh:

no info leh... yesterday jogged past there the whole area is fenced up already.. not sure what kind of project is going on.. totally no info at all.. if it's just another dorm then really :simmering: :simmering: :simmering:

13-09-12, 10:38
100% not dorm. Dun worry :D

They are moving out instead.

Land preparation in progress. Open up more land for industrial sales as ave6/9 no more land after reserved site has been triggered.

They are building Bto at the other side zoned residential. There are abt 30 landed ppty and will look dwarf around all these taller buildings.

13-09-12, 11:24
From what i know is bto, but hopefully landed ppty.

As for the other side, will all be pte. NS12 is coming :cheers4:

Buy now, 8cy, yishun emerald & sapphire before any announcement - but do your homework hor. :D

13-09-12, 11:31
& 1 Canberra will be the EC nearest to mrt stn.

+ Yishun mega hub.....

$1mio hdb in Yishun ai lai liao. Just kidding....

13-09-12, 14:07
Around 50 blks bto (sembawang N1) & 8 plots for industrial purpose (all based on my estimation)

+ some pte gls next year. Enough justification for NS12. :D

14-09-12, 18:55
Around 50 blks bto (sembawang N1) & 8 plots for industrial purpose (all based on my estimation)

+ some pte gls next year. Enough justification for NS12. :D
Good Good Good...but i still hoping the sport complex too....:D

15-09-12, 15:14
Mr Lui add one new service No.860, which promises better connectivity to schools and community centres for Yishun residents. Alamak why he never announce NS12....

15-09-12, 15:17
http://www.channelnewsasia.com/components/display_image.php?id=509640Photos 1 of 1 " src="/images/butt_next.gif" width=18 height=15 type=image>http://www.channelnewsasia.com/images/dotline_240.gif
Transport Minister Lui Tuck Yew speaking to bus drivers during a tour of Yishun bus interchange. (Dylan Loh, Channel NewsAsia)13 -Sep-2012

15-09-12, 15:17
Mr Lui add one new service No.860, which promises better connectivity to schools and community centres for Yishun residents. Alamak why he never announce NS12....

Ok, one more minister on the our firing board here in CondoSingapore on top of KBW. :hell-hath-no-fury:

Minister LTY, we are COMING AFTER YOU FOR OUR NS12! :D

15-09-12, 15:24
main worried use bus as replacement for nS12....

15-09-12, 15:34
Now adding in more bus services, next visit he will announce on new MRT station. That is why 8 CY selling fast within these few month, I think exceeded 95% right?

15-09-12, 17:28
Again, today saw many cars parked by the roadside at 8cy. Should exceed 95% by now. Hopefully announcement will be made along with gls or masterplan 2013.

These ulu places if without easy accessibility or any form of attraction, gls for industrial & pte will see subdue interest. Bto there will also be affected.

15-09-12, 19:36
Now adding in more bus services, next visit he will announce on new MRT station. That is why 8 CY selling fast within these few month, I think exceeded 95% right?

8 CY as a Yishun OCR condo has shown slow and steady sales growth. Believe the price growth will also be slow and steady. Good for own stay or long term investor.My :2cents: view

15-09-12, 21:21
if they take so long for ns12 means it's going to be something big ... maybe will have an interchange with LRT as well:D

15-09-12, 22:46
By looking at the map, there are still plenty of land available for Bto near Sembawang mrt (Sembawang Crescent, Canberra Rd after blk 513, Admiralty Lane & Sembawang Drive) and well served by bus services etc. Why govt want to open up another area which doesn't have any of the above?

18-09-12, 23:30
Traffic lights at the T-junction of Canberra Link / Canberra Lane have been commissioned today much earlier than i have expected. Good, then most probably we will see some gls there next year.

19-09-12, 09:45
Traffic lights at the T-junction of Canberra Link / Canberra Lane have been commissioned today much earlier than i have expected. Good, then most probably we will see some gls there next year.

yeap true.. when jogged past there last night i was surprised as well.. haha!

now i'm more interested what's the next project that will be located just opposite the track.. that land is considered big .. but the big simpang longkang must be clean first lah.. now it's so dirty and ugly :doh:

19-09-12, 13:16
yeap true.. when jogged past there last night i was surprised as well.. haha!

now i'm more interested what's the next project that will be located just opposite the track.. that land is considered big .. but the big simpang longkang must be clean first lah.. now it's so dirty and ugly :doh:

TOP for Canberra Res. expected to be end of next year. Tot that they will take their time to open this road for use.

The ABC project at Simpang longkang will kick in together with the development around.

We have Holland Village, Changi Village, a suggestion to name this place as Canberra Village. :D

19-09-12, 14:52
TOP for Canberra Res. expected to be end of next year. Tot that they will take their time to open this road for use.

The ABC project at Simpang longkang will kick in together with the development around.

We have Holland Village, Changi Village, a suggestion to name this place as Canberra Village. :D

Yes, if MND-Minister Khaw agree with it everything can happen. He should take care his own place 1st. Build another theme park or University / international school at Far north. Huat Ah!!

19-09-12, 15:35
Yes, if MND-Minister Khaw agree with it everything can happen. He should take care his own place 1st. Build another theme park or University / international school at Far north. Huat Ah!!

very contented if got ns12 and a shopping mall next to it (like yew tee point)

Location of university/ international school can only be located at the park opposite industrial along ave 7, yishun central, ITE yishun ave 9 & Sembawang Rd next to Khatib camp. All these areas are zoned under Reserve site.

一路發 me 發發發:D

19-09-12, 15:51
very contented if got ns12 and a shopping mall next to it (like yew tee point)

Location of university/ international school can only be located at the park opposite industrial along ave 7, yishun central, ITE yishun ave 9 & Sembawang Rd next to Khatib camp. All these areas are zoned under Reserve site.

一路發 me 發發發:D

Sekali Yishun bus interchange move to jungle there / another Yishun hub with shopping mall located at NS12. Possible? May be right now URA still consider. Similar to Lastime Jurong interchange at Tmn Jurong move to current intchg @ Jurong point. Because they need more bigger space and near to new MRT station. thy that lagi HUAT...

19-09-12, 16:05
Sekali Yishun bus interchange move to jungle there / another Yishun hub with shopping mall located at NS12. Possible? May be right now URA still consider. Similar to Lastime Jurong interchange at Tmn Jurong move to current intchg @ Jurong point. Because they need more bigger space and near to new MRT station. thy that lagi HUAT...

99.99% not possible. NS12 shopping mall (smaller scale) is i wish & dream one hor. Not in the masterplan 2008 but would like to see some changes in 2013 plan.

20-09-12, 10:14
99.99% not possible. NS12 shopping mall (smaller scale) is i wish & dream one hor. Not in the masterplan 2008 but would like to see some changes in 2013 plan.

Hi Morning,
Among future JE (MCC land project) and future Yishun hub which one good buy? which more expensive? TQ

20-09-12, 20:48
Hi Morning,
Among future JE (MCC land project) and future Yishun hub which one good buy? which more expensive? TQ

Obviously JE will be more exp.

From reference

Yishun Hub will be like Watertown, Bedok Res. & Bukit Pj Sim Lian Project.

JE will be like Katong Regency. Regardless of view/size/layout, this will be sold out project.

21-09-12, 10:11
Obviously JE will be more exp.

From reference

Yishun Hub will be like Watertown, Bedok Res. & Bukit Pj Sim Lian Project.

JE will be like Katong Regency. Regardless of view/size/layout, this will be sold out project.

Thanks bro, I heard they tender around 720++ psf , may be sell @ 1200psf, thy that mst ask some one help to Q overnite when proj launch ,, ha ha..

21-09-12, 11:15
Thanks bro, I heard they tender around 720++ psf , may be sell @ 1200psf, thy that mst ask some one help to Q overnite when proj launch ,, ha ha..

I doubt that they will sell at this price. Will be much higher.

Q ? Shout too loud will kana another round of CM.

21-09-12, 11:31
TOP for Canberra Res. expected to be end of next year. Tot that they will take their time to open this road for use.

The ABC project at Simpang longkang will kick in together with the development around.

We have Holland Village, Changi Village, a suggestion to name this place as Canberra Village. :D
CR official TOP is 2014 but there are indications that the construction should be done by end this year (from both Constructor and Architects). So, the road should be ready by this time round.. However, looking at the CR now, the TOP should be expected 2Q 2013.

03-10-12, 15:03
Any good news about NS 12? hope begining of 2013 anounce, 3rd Quarter of 2013 start the project, end of 2014 ready for public.

04-10-12, 08:21
Any good news about NS 12? hope begining of 2013 anounce, 3rd Quarter of 2013 start the project, end of 2014 ready for public.

The plot of land opposite the Yishun Sapphire (along the canal) has been fence up. A sign was put up that stated "Site Clearance and Earthwork" with completion date estimated for Q3 2013.

04-10-12, 14:33
The plot of land opposite the Yishun Sapphire (along the canal) has been fence up. A sign was put up that stated "Site Clearance and Earthwork" with completion date estimated for Q3 2013.

1 Oct- New SMRT President & CEO, Desmond Kuek, took the Circle Line to Bishan station as well as the North-South Line to Choa Chu Kang, can see he very capable man, I believed he can make something happen. Hope he can acknowledge NS12 station and make everything possible.
NS 12 do nothing more than 20yr already.

04-10-12, 15:12
1 Oct- New SMRT President & CEO, Desmond Kuek, took the Circle Line to Bishan station as well as the North-South Line to Choa Chu Kang, can see he very capable man, I believed he can make something happen. Hope he can acknowledge NS12 station and make everything possible.
NS 12 do nothing more than 20yr already.

10yrs ago, only Yishun Emerald, Sapphire & some industrial buildings. Not possible to justify for it but with the inclusion of 1C, 8CY, Nautical, CR, works in progress for Sembwang N1 (est 50blks) & industrial plots, likelihood for pte gls. Enough justification. This stn also helps to take the load off Yishun stn. Looking at the hoarding around is just like building another Punggol. Expected to add another 100000 ppl to the existing 180000, thus making Yishun one of the most populated town.

04-10-12, 17:17
10yrs ago, only Yishun Emerald, Sapphire & some industrial buildings. Not possible to justify for it but with the inclusion of 1C, 8CY, Nautical, CR, works in progress for Sembwang N1 (est 50blks) & industrial plots, likelihood for pte gls. Enough justification. This stn also helps to take the load off Yishun stn. Looking at the hoarding around is just like building another Punggol. Expected to add another 100000 ppl to the existing 180000, thus making Yishun one of the most populated town.

支持, 说得对, 希望这位新的负责人可以证明你的看法是真实的。

btw, why the Canberra 1 longkang not much water compared with other long kang near tanah merah and jurong lake(behind lakeside MRT) full with water.

05-10-12, 06:36
1 Oct- New SMRT President & CEO, Desmond Kuek, took the Circle Line to Bishan station as well as the North-South Line to Choa Chu Kang, can see he very capable man, I believed he can make something happen. Hope he can acknowledge NS12 station and make everything possible.
NS 12 do nothing more than 20yr already.
I guess the decision to build the MRT station lies on LTA.. Too bad, SMRT is just the operator...:beats-me-man:

05-10-12, 09:39
wth new face, SMRT share shoot liao

06-10-12, 02:07
I guess the decision to build the MRT station lies on LTA.. Too bad, SMRT is just the operator...:beats-me-man:

You're right. Decision from LTA.

Most of the empty land under HDB ----> URA <===> LT(transport)A--->SMRT

17-10-12, 11:06
They probably cant multi-tasked..focus on Ponggol first..finished the development there then look north...

17-10-12, 17:43
They probably cant multi-tasked..focus on Ponggol first..finished the development there then look north...

Different gp of ppl looking at their respective area. :D

17-10-12, 18:21
The Housing and Development Board (HDB) has announced plans for the second phase of Punggol’s development, including a new Northshore District that will provide more seafront public housing.
Si beh sian, North nothing to announce.

17-10-12, 21:04
is north under kbw?:simmering:

18-10-12, 13:19
The Housing and Development Board (HDB) has announced plans for the second phase of Punggol’s development, including a new Northshore District that will provide more seafront public housing.
Si beh sian, North nothing to announce.

Punggol will soon be the most crowded town. >30% more than existing Bedok population. :scared-1: Only 1 mrt line now. NCL by then.
We can also make use of /enjoy the facilities there traveling via Seletar North Link which will take abt 10mins. :D

18-10-12, 13:22
is north under kbw?:simmering:

mbt done so much for his ward. Out..

kbw doing otherwise. In/out ??:D

18-10-12, 16:21
mbt done so much for his ward. Out..

kbw doing otherwise. In/out ??:D
At least ppl from Tampines love him..:D

19-10-12, 16:50
MBT done so much at North East, Pasir Ris and Tampines there. Eye CAN SEE.
In fact he is really good MP for that area, he really take care of the ppl there. If im resdn there for sure I will fully support him.. I not belong to any party, Im ctr man. Listen, See and Support.

19-10-12, 16:55
At north we just hope for another simple MRT station (NS12) also difficult, wait til old liao stil not happen.

21-10-12, 22:34
At north we just hope for another simple MRT station (NS12) also difficult, wait til old liao stil not happen.

Yes!! Government finally answered our request!

They answered with Bus service 860!

Wait a minute..... we asked for NS12, they entertained us with only a bus service to the deprived north......

Bad deal! As good as no deal.

MBT 3 MRT stations, our MP got us a bus service........

23-10-12, 10:56
see, may be buyer know MRT coming soon.

28-10-12, 00:43
The Housing and Development Board (HDB) has announced plans for the second phase of Punggol’s development, including a new Northshore District that will provide more seafront public housing.
Si beh sian, North nothing to announce.

Punggol 2nd phase. Yishun 2nd phase & Sembwang both expanding eastward. Pasir Ris & Flora drive areas more condos + SAP, NCL ai lai liao, after ERL:D

08-01-13, 13:35
No news for NS 12 project?

14-01-13, 14:09
No news for NS 12 project?

Currently, there are developments going on at both sides of the track. The time will come :D

With 13 different condos (7 future), landed ppty, public housing 80 blks & abt 8000 ppls working in the industrial area.

16-01-13, 16:48
Currently, there are developments going on at both sides of the track. The time will come :D

With 13 different condos (7 future), landed ppty, public housing 80 blks & abt 8000 ppls working in the industrial area.

thank you for your update, may be coming soon. Huat ah!!

16-01-13, 22:37
Look at the votes who want the NS12 built........

The people have voiced! Now let's see if this country is really democratic........


17-01-13, 10:14

Read the last sentence. Still under feasibility exploration. All hopes not lost.

17-01-13, 10:37
The LTA is also exploring the possibility of an additional station between Sembawang and Yishun stations on the North-South Line, in anticipation of future developments in the area.

Thats why i started this thread & Bro solsys poll on this station. For this station, it only take only roughly a year to build.

17-01-13, 10:44
looking at the new MRT lines, note that jurong is getting alot of extensions. including tengah.

but the northern region/coastal line from punggol did not extend over the yishun area.

appears that garmen is focussing on jurong region first. tengah may blossom before simpang.

may need to moderate your expectations.

17-01-13, 11:19
At this moment, NS12 is good enough. Major lines require more ppl & developments etc. Much longer wait.

When MND announced 2nd phase for Punggol, NE line is simply not enough. Thinking that NCL will be the next one as SAP will be ready in 2018.

MND has mentioned before that Tengah & Bidadari will be developed first.

17-01-13, 12:14
The LTA is also exploring the possibility of an additional station between Sembawang and Yishun stations on the North-South Line, in anticipation of future developments in the area.

Thats why i started this thread & Bro solsys poll on this station. For this station, it only take only roughly a year to build.

Yahoo, got some people comment why LTA 2013 Master Plan never included the station between Sembawang and Yishun, I think he never read CNA, at least last sentence got mentioned

17-01-13, 12:26
The LTA is also exploring the possibility of an additional station between Sembawang and Yishun stations on the North-South Line, in anticipation of future developments in the area.

Thats why i started this thread & Bro solsys poll on this station. For this station, it only take only roughly a year to build.

CNA last sentence WarM me up again... faster, hope by 2015 station ready for use;

17-01-13, 12:27
Yahoo, got some people comment why LTA 2013 Master Plan never included the station between Sembawang and Yishun, I think he never read CNA, at least last sentence got mentioned

What is Masterplan ? Major lines are the main thing and will take donkey years to come. NS12 is just a dot. Anytime can announce & build.

17-01-13, 12:29
What is Masterplan ? Major lines are the main thing and will take donkey years to come. NS12 is just a dot. Anytime can announce & build.

Yes you are right.. like Dover EW line. such station will do...

17-01-13, 12:34
Singapore will double its rail network by 2030. Yahoo main page 17-1-2013

As part of the Land Transport Masterplan 2013 (http://app.lta.gov.sg/apps/news/page.aspx?c=2&id=38dc4ca3-5e70-4bf8-97bc-87f78e6303e7), two new MRT lines will be built and three existing lines will be extended. This will double the current rail network from 178 km to about 360 km.

LTA said in a statement released on Thursday morning that it will build a major MRT line, the 50-km Cross Island Line (CRL), which will start from Changi and pass through Loyang, Pasir Ris, Hougang, Ang Mo Kio before reaching Sin Ming.

[SEE SLIDESHOW: SINGAPORE'S MRT NETWORK IN 2030] (http://sg.news.yahoo.com/photos/singapore-to-double-its-rail-network-by-2030-slideshow/)

Continuing westwards, it will serve areas such as Bukit Timah, Clementi, West Coast, and end at Jurong Industrial Estate.

Targeted to be completed by 2030, it will also provide commuters with another alternative for East-West travel to the current East-West Line.

In addition, it will connect to all the other major lines, complementing the existing Circle Line.

Another 20-km Jurong Region Line (JRL) will serve residents of Choa Chu Kang, Boon Lay and future developments in the Tengah area.

It will connect commuters to Jurong West areas and places such as NTU, the Jurong Industrial estate including Jurong Island, and the future Jurong Gateway.

Expected to be completed by 2025, JRL will connect the Jurong region with the rest of Singapore. Commuters in the north will be also able to enter the Jurong area directly via the JRL, without having to interchange at the heavily-used Jurong East interchange.

Expansion to existing lines

Three existing lines -- the Circle Line (CCL), Downtown Line (DTL) and North-East Line (NEL) -- will also be extended.

The CCL will close the link between HarbourFront and Marina Bay stations and save commuters the hassle of making multiple transfers. The extension, which will also pass through Keppel, is expected to be completed by 2025.

The NEL will be extended northwards by one station to serve Punggol North including the new Punggol Downtown.

The DTL will be two km longer by 2025 -- to run through the East Coast area. It will be connected to the East West Line and the Eastern Region Line, which will be ready by 2020, so that commuters can transfer between the Downtown Line and Eastern Region Line in the east.

As for the NEL, two kilometres will be added by 2030 -- in tandem with new developments in Punggol -- to serve Punggol North, including the new Punggol Downtown.

The Downtown Line, which now ends at Expo station, will be extended to the Eastern Region Line by 2025.

The LTA is also studying the addition on the North-South Line between Yishun and Sembawang stations in anticipation of future developments in the area.

LTA said it expects that by 2030, 8 in 10 households in Singapore will be within a 10-minute walk of a rail station.

17-01-13, 12:45
faster faster start work, plan today and do it tomorrow, beh tahan liao..all residences near by, got hope liao.

17-01-13, 14:19
Meaning will built or not?
What a government!:hell-hath-no-fury:

17-01-13, 14:31
Meaning will built or not?
What a government!:hell-hath-no-fury:
Yes, KNS...never mention about the additional station...still planning only!

17-01-13, 14:40
Meaning will built or not?
What a government!:hell-hath-no-fury:

News release, high chance it will built, i think gov also dun want us to be disappointed later.

17-01-13, 15:08
Yr 2011- April when I purchase 8cy, developer agent told me that all agent are not allow to mention on NS12 MRT station to mislead buyer(so far no plan from lta), in the 8cy brochure stated that the nearest mrt staion is Yishun only, no future station or plan. Since LTA come out the plan today, iI think no offence if Nautical and 1 Canberra Developers reprint their brochure to promote with the new nearest MRT station.

17-01-13, 16:09
Yr 2011- April when I purchase 8cy, developer agent told me that all agent are not allow to mention on NS12 MRT station to mislead buyer(so far no plan from lta), in the 8cy brochure stated that the nearest mrt staion is Yishun only, no future station or plan. Since LTA come out the plan today, iI think no offence if Nautical and 1 Canberra Developers reprint their brochure to promote with the new nearest MRT station.
Government talked so much but do nothing for the north.
Built then do it
Whats the point to say study? Whatever!!!

17-01-13, 22:52
Government talked so much but do nothing for the north.
Built then do it
Whats the point to say study? Whatever!!!
Also disappointed LTA didn't have a pls to extend a line from punggol to the north.

17-01-13, 23:15
]Gentlemen, we have heard this kind of BS all the time from the ruling party..... plan and keep in pipeline but never happen.

I will suggest we make a stand and vote opposition next time round because they always take northerners for granted.

Look at Bukit Timah, so many MRT stations for the elite bunch.......

No negotiation for casting votes for ruling party. I have been doing so all the years but next one is for opposition unless they take NS12 seriously and announce a firm date to complete the station.


18-01-13, 06:44
]Gentlemen, we have heard this kind of BS all the time from the ruling party..... plan and keep in pipeline but never happen.

I will suggest we make a stand and vote opposition next time round because they always take northerners for granted.

Look at Bukit Timah, so many MRT stations for the elite bunch.......

No negotiation for casting votes for ruling party. I have been doing so all the years but next one is for opposition unless they take NS12 seriously and announce a firm date to complete the station.


Yes, agree totally. they have taken north for granted. always voted miw. But 2016 no more miw vote for me unless N12 is built before 2016 to change it.

18-01-13, 07:48
]Gentlemen, we have heard this kind of BS all the time from the ruling party..... plan and keep in pipeline but never happen.

I will suggest we make a stand and vote opposition next time round because they always take northerners for granted.

Look at Bukit Timah, so many MRT stations for the elite bunch.......

No negotiation for casting votes for ruling party. I have been doing so all the years but next one is for opposition unless they take NS12 seriously and announce a firm date to complete the station.

Sorry Gentlemen, still under study and ... in our pipeline!

18-01-13, 12:31
Punggol 2nd phase. Yishun 2nd phase & Sembwang both expanding eastward. Pasir Ris & Flora drive areas more condos + SAP, NCL ai lai liao, after ERL:D

Only guess half right. Changi to Punggol, leaving international aviation hub (SAP) in the freezer. :doh: No connectivity btw north to East & CIA. :doh: Probably just another 10km or less. Tell me in 2018 masterplan, complete in 2035. Lao ye ye already.:sleep: :tongue3: :banghead: :simmering: :tsk-tsk:

18-01-13, 14:56
Yes, agree totally. they have taken north for granted. always voted miw. But 2016 no more miw vote for me unless N12 is built before 2016 to change it.

Yah la, sibeh sian, northe no develop, jurong and bkt timah well develop..why ha?

18-01-13, 15:30
Yah la, sibeh sian, northe no develop, jurong and bkt timah well develop..why ha?
thats fine, are we located in opposite parties region? why isn't that any development should locate in north area especially yishun and sembawang? didn't the vote go for the PAP as well? Tmd! :simmering: :simmering: :simmering:

19-01-13, 17:20
thats fine, are we located in opposite parties region? why isn't that any development should locate in north area especially yishun and sembawang? didn't the vote go for the PAP as well? Tmd! :simmering: :simmering: :simmering:

somemore.. not forgetting.. sembawang is whose ward

21-01-13, 07:58
Just wondering, how to feedback all these positive and quality reviews to grassroots' leader or whoever related to the Northern's Minister for their actions?

21-01-13, 22:00
Just wondering, how to feedback all these positive and quality reviews to grassroots' leader or whoever related to the Northern's Minister for their actions?

As much as official channels are concern, we all should do our part to feedback but I'm sure the authorities are also scouring forums for citizens' feedback....

Pent up frustrations are usually released in anonymous forums........... this is the real gauge of people's sentiments on the ground that translate to votes in elections.

Everyone, please do your bit to email Mr. Khaw your wishes to have NS12 establish....... [email protected]

Anyone who has Mr. Lui, Transport Minister email, please highlight as well.

22-01-13, 01:33
As much as official channels are concern, we all should do our part to feedback but I'm sure the authorities are also scouring forums for citizens' feedback....

Pent up frustrations are usually released in anonymous forums........... this is the real gauge of people's sentiments on the ground that translate to votes in elections.

Everyone, please do your bit to email Mr. Khaw your wishes to have NS12 establish....... [email protected]

Anyone who has Mr. Lui, Transport Minister email, please highlight as well.

Just emailed him!

We wish to have NS12 soonest as we can! Yishun has been overpopulated with the influx of foreigners! We wish you to address this concern as the rental is very much comfortable compared to the rest of Singapore.

MRT jammed like sandwich during the peak hour at Yishun Station!


22-01-13, 08:02
Just emailed him!

We wish to have NS12 soonest as we can! Yishun has been overpopulated with the influx of foreigners! We wish you to address this concern as the rental is very much comfortable compared to the rest of Singapore.

MRT jammed like sandwich during the peak hour at Yishun Station!


Quality Feedback..!

22-01-13, 08:24
As much as official channels are concern, we all should do our part to feedback but I'm sure the authorities are also scouring forums for citizens' feedback....

Pent up frustrations are usually released in anonymous forums........... this is the real gauge of people's sentiments on the ground that translate to votes in elections.

Everyone, please do your bit to email Mr. Khaw your wishes to have NS12 establish....... [email protected]

Anyone who has Mr. Lui, Transport Minister email, please highlight as well.

Attn To Lui(I think LTA contact email will do), CC to Khaw or to Khaw , cc to Lui?

22-01-13, 08:28
Post on their FACEBOOK.

23-01-13, 13:06
the best of NS 12 location, Possible? power stn already there.

24-01-13, 07:36
no lah, this is too near yishun MRT. ideal location should be in the wilderness, the new T-junction road leading to CR.

24-01-13, 13:10
Mrt platform hoot tio 8cy MSCP lah. Further got sub-stn below.

25-01-13, 08:56
Singapore's government said Thursday it will spend $330 million to build a network of sheltered walkways linking MRT stations to surrounding areas by 2018.
LTA to spend S$330 million to build more covered walkways
Getting to an MRT station without getting wet when raining will be made easier.
From 330million, take out 10million for NS 12, I think more than enough and complete it by 2014. depend on gahmen want or dun want.

25-01-13, 09:30
the best of NS 12 location, Possible? power stn already there.

8 Courtyard comes with a MRT parking bay? :D :D

25-01-13, 13:31
8 Courtyard comes with a MRT parking bay? :D :D

风的声音,看到就相信。测量完成。:D :D

25-01-13, 13:56
风的声音,看到就相信。测量完成。:D :D

haha thanks for your effort.. but why are you so confident that it's built at the 8CY?

I personally believe it's nearer to the new road built that lead to CR.. you can go calculate the length of the empty land beside the track.. it's so obvious... somemore it's just opposite of the mass land clearence and earthwork... :)

25-01-13, 14:24
haha thanks for your effort.. but why are you so confident that it's built at the 8CY?

I personally believe it's nearer to the new road built that lead to CR.. you can go calculate the length of the empty land beside the track.. it's so obvious... somemore it's just opposite of the mass land clearence and earthwork... :)

Hey bro xem, where have you been ? Long time never hear from you?

25-01-13, 14:29
风的声音,看到就相信。测量完成。:D :D

100% not possible to "cut open" the track and build a platform in the center. Train disruption for months??? How many ppl will complain?? Like i said earlier, hoot tio MSCP of 8cy. Further, there is a safety distance between track & building structure.

25-01-13, 15:07
haha thanks for your effort.. but why are you so confident that it's built at the 8CY?

I personally believe it's nearer to the new road built that lead to CR.. you can go calculate the length of the empty land beside the track.. it's so obvious... somemore it's just opposite of the mass land clearence and earthwork... :)

If built now, 2014 or 2015 the best place is here. it benefit for industrial park A, Chong Phang Rise, Condo & P.housing near to seletaris and housing beside the Ave 7 and Yishun St22. After 2015 may be they will consider the area near to the new road with mix development, we dun want wait for so long.

As for now, the human traffic near to the new road not so high and far away from crowd area. Built Mrt station neart to junction Ave 7 and Ave 2 is very 头痛, that why the authority consider for so long, they have to use 平台方法 overhead platform on top the Ave2.The distance from N13 to 8CY is 1.21km exactly. almost same as EW line Chinesae Garden stn to Lakside stn.

Another reason why i said that is because the only track outside Condo compound along Ave 2 is 8CY. Land already standby for future station at earlier stage unless they change the plan.

25-01-13, 15:32
I am going to guess that the station N12 will confirm before next GE. Woodleigh was built but only open 8 yrs later?(can see cannot eat)

we are talking about SMRT LTD, the first question they will ask is "can make $$ or not?" else why should i increase the operating cost?

25-01-13, 15:47
Last time, in the concept plan, NS12 + Khatib mrt is to form a LRT line goes into Yishun Ave 7(industrial), ave6, ave1(OCC). Yishun station will be the central hub for the Yishun region. I thought this was a well planning as it do not congest the human traffic in single MRT station. However, seem like LTA not in hurry to built LRT lines for Yishun here.

To facilitate the additional LRT lines, the land between the new road and Sapphire will definitely the idea location.

Anyway, even without the LRT line, NS12 definitely for the new HDB+industrial at the empty land next to Simpang.

25-01-13, 15:48
Hey bro xem, where have you been ? Long time never hear from you?

haha bro888!!! still remember me har :P haha very busy on the work leh ... but i still keep myself updated about the development news lah.. jz no reply nia :D

25-01-13, 15:52
If built now, 2014 or 2015 the best place is here. it benefit for industrial park A, Chong Phang Rise, Condo & P.housing near to seletaris and housing beside the Ave 7 and Yishun St22. After 2015 may be they will consider the area near to the new road with mix development, we dun want wait for so long.

As for now, the human traffic near to the new road not so high and far away from crowd area. Built Mrt station neart to junction Ave 7 and Ave 2 is very 头痛, that why the authority consider for so long, they have to use 平台方法 overhead platform on top the Ave2.The distance from N13 to 8CY is 1.21km exactly. almost same as EW line Chinesae Garden stn to Lakside stn.

Another reason why i said that is because the only track outside Condo compound along Ave 2 is 8CY. Land already standby for future station at earlier stage unless they change the plan.

no worry LG168.. understood your english and your chinese as well :)

if i'm the Gov.. i will look at the long term planning rather than short term plan.. if build at the 8CY the station project will be much complicated and also limited future growth.. the best ideal location to consider the future growth is the location that i mentioned previously...

NS12 could be the interchange station to serve the missing link between canberra > yishun ave1 > Seletar > punggol.. punggol>pasir ris link already in the masterplan...

Don't forget,

consider these two options:
1. 8CY land... no more future growth... no more GLS that will generate $$
2. CR road.. more empty lands, better for future LTA northern coastal line + justificaiton of future large land at simpang...

of course i'm just speculating :P

25-01-13, 15:54
I am going to guess that the station N12 will confirm before next GE. Woodleigh was built but only open 8 yrs later?(can see cannot eat)

we are talking about SMRT LTD, the first question they will ask is "can make $$ or not?" else why should i increase the operating cost?

Yes, very high cost if built near to 8CY, major project. More easy to built at the area after YS condo(after Long Kang), but low human traffic there cannot make money. That why I think they need to consider all factor before annouce the date.

25-01-13, 15:57
Yes, very high cost if built near to 8CY, major project. More easy to built at the area after YS condo(after Long Kang), but low human traffic there cannot make money. That why I think they need to consider all factor before annouce the date.

got your point on the human traffic issue... what if the empty land that's undergoing clearance now will have large projects....?

there's no promise from the Gov that the NS12 will be built within 2014 or 2015... they can announce and build it few years later....

and dont forget, Circle line also opened the stations that serve ghosts only...

in short, human traffic is not the major factor yet as of now... but the future plan on the empty land and development will bring the human traffic... that's the consideration :)

25-01-13, 15:59
Yes, very high cost if built near to 8CY, major project. More easy to built at the area after YS condo(after Long Kang), but low human traffic there cannot make money. That why I think they need to consider all factor before annouce the date.

If built after YS condo, station completed, opening date may need to delay for few more year till more development there. so that the appropriate area is near to junction there, convinience for many public housing user.

25-01-13, 16:03
Last time, in the concept plan, NS12 + Khatib mrt is to form a LRT line goes into Yishun Ave 7(industrial), ave6, ave1(OCC). Yishun station will be the central hub for the Yishun region. I thought this was a well planning as it do not congest the human traffic in single MRT station. However, seem like LTA not in hurry to built LRT lines for Yishun here.

To facilitate the additional LRT lines, the land between the new road and Sapphire will definitely the idea location.

Anyway, even without the LRT line, NS12 definitely for the new HDB+industrial at the empty land next to Simpang.

I think building the LRT stations around Yishun may not be easy as well... perhaps more buses to serve the Yishun residents will be more feasible and cheaper ...

and yes... NS12 should be at the empty land after Longkang which just nice fit the whole length of MRT train... I have personally measured that before already HAHA :D

25-01-13, 16:05
If built after YS condo, station completed, opening date may need to delay for few more year till more development there. so that the appropriate area is near to junction there, convinience for many public housing user.

This is possible... but i also believe that if NS12 confirmed, the GLS beside the tracks will be done in parallel and subsequently.... :)

in 1 or 2 years time... 8CY, CR, Nautical, 1C, will be ready... plus the existing YS+YE and residents nearby + the BTO at sembawang CC... human traffic is ready!

if Dover station can open, i don't see why NS12 can't open.....

25-01-13, 16:07
Can someone explain to me how adding a station on an existing line help ease congestion on the trains :confused: To me its like adding an extra door to an already jammed packed bus.

I was actually hoping for the rumored North Shore Line to be built as it will definitely help prepare for the tens of thousand new residents in the Yishun BTO, DBSS, EC and PC developments.

25-01-13, 16:09
Can someone explain to me how adding a station on an existing line help ease congestion on the trains :confused: To me its like adding an extra door to an already jammed packed bus.

I was actually hoping for the rumored North Shore Line to be built as it will definitely help prepare for the tens of thousand new residents in the Yishun BTO, DBSS, EC and PC developments.

north costal line perhaps is not ripe to be announced yet.. but i believe it's in the pipeline... but maybe have to wait even longer... :doh:

haha it's not to ease the congestion on the "train"... but ease the congestion on the yishun "station"....

to ease the congestion on the "train"... decentralization must be done by Gov... by shifting some business or industry to north side... now it's clear that the congestion is due to single direction human traffic rush during morning and evening... morning to south evening to north..

25-01-13, 16:42
haha bro888!!! still remember me har :P haha very busy on the work leh ... but i still keep myself updated about the development news lah.. jz no reply nia :D

of coz. Great to have u back :cheers4:

25-01-13, 16:53
Can someone explain to me how adding a station on an existing line help ease congestion on the trains :confused: To me its like adding an extra door to an already jammed packed bus.

I was actually hoping for the rumored North Shore Line to be built as it will definitely help prepare for the tens of thousand new residents in the Yishun BTO, DBSS, EC and PC developments.

1.Ease the congestion at Yishun platform, underpass etc.

2 Slowly & smoothly jam rather than bottlenecking at Yishun. :D

3.Easy access for residents/ workers nearby.

NSL, can write to MP FB, LTA, MOT & ST forum etc. North ppl need to go Changi Airport & East ppl need to go JB. :D

25-01-13, 17:09
1.Ease the congestion at Yishun platform, underpass etc.

2 Slowly & smoothly jam rather than bottlenecking at Yishun. :D

3.Easy access for residents/ workers nearby.

NSL, can write to MP FB, LTA, MOT & ST forum etc. North ppl need to go Changi Airport & East ppl need to go JB. :D

4. To ease the bus/private car traffic when they need to drop off the ppl outside the MRT station during rush hours.

25-01-13, 17:16
4. To ease the bus/private car traffic when they need to drop off the ppl outside the MRT station during rush hours.

This is also a very important consideration on the road rather than track alone. Yishun population will increase by 40%-50% or so. Can the roads be widened? Answer : NO. If yes, i chop.

25-01-13, 17:21
i chop down the trees for them. :D

25-01-13, 17:37
i chop down the trees for them. :D
haha.. Gov already chop down many trees along the Yishun Ave 1 and land next to Yishun Park...

Yishun will get hotter soon..(i mean both property and weather)..:D

25-01-13, 17:54
haha.. Gov already chop down many trees along the Yishun Ave 1 and land next to Yishun Park...

Yishun will get hotter soon..(i mean both property and weather)..:D

whatever it is, get this NS12 done!

26-01-13, 18:08
Can someone explain to me how adding a station on an existing line help ease congestion on the trains :confused: To me its like adding an extra door to an already jammed packed bus.

I was actually hoping for the rumored North Shore Line to be built as it will definitely help prepare for the tens of thousand new residents in the Yishun BTO, DBSS, EC and PC developments.

last weekend chinese newspaper did mention that North shore line is not forgotten, just that the traffic cannot substantiate yet. surprising statement becoz this means seletar aerohub will have no MRT in the foreseeable future.

28-01-13, 10:31
last weekend chinese newspaper did mention that North shore line is not forgotten, just that the traffic cannot substantiate yet. surprising statement becoz this means seletar aerohub will have no MRT in the foreseeable future.
emm... how they know, by 2030, the traffic still not sustainable?

Every governments in the world estimate more ppl will need to access airport more as ppl will travel more by air...and we are talking about by 2030..

28-01-13, 10:37
emm... how they know, by 2030, the traffic still not sustainable?

Every governments in the world estimate more ppl will need to access airport more as ppl will travel more by air...and we are talking about by 2030..

ask LTA lor.. if they got the COE quota calculated wrongly, i am sure they can get other things wrong as well

28-01-13, 12:46
ask LTA lor.. if they got the COE quota calculated wrongly, i am sure they can get other things wrong as well
haha.. my point is: They simply give excuses...

Last time they built 2 LRT lines in Punggol. One line still not operating yet. This was claimed to save cost. So this was another wrong calculation too? with the NEL extended to punggol north, the line seem more redundant (at least, the stretch from current Punggol MRT to the new MRT)..:doh:

28-01-13, 13:04
Folks, I am clueless where the NS12 is to be located. I thought the Simpang station add-on to NSL is for the New HDB Town to be built. Existing Khatib Station (opp empty plot) could be the interchange station for North Shore line skirting to Seletar Airport from lower Seletar area ?

28-01-13, 13:10
Folks, I am clueless where the NS12 is to be located. I thought the Simpang station add-on to NSL is for the New HDB Town to be built. Existing Khatib Station (opp empty plot) could be the interchange station for North Shore line skirting to Seletar Airport from lower Seletar area ?

north shore line wun materialise so soon. forget abt khatib.

simpang is near canberra residences / nautical.

28-01-13, 15:39
Simple NS12 they can't afford liao, talk about North Shore Line still long way to go. North not much special since last decade, interm of MRT station less than other place, add in another station at least benefit for peoples staying near by. Let them more happy with..............

31-01-13, 06:54
Road arrangement on the empty land between the possible NS12 and Simpang.

31-01-13, 07:07
When checking the land lot. i found this interesting lot: MK19-01223L. This land's shape looked more like a river...So, the river-front living in 1-Canberra's advertisement can be realized in donggy years later?:D

31-01-13, 07:16
Road arrangement on the empty land between the possible NS12 and Simpang.

Some changes to that. 2 roads linking to Sembawang Rd. Same goes to 2 roads out to Canberra Link/ Ave 2. :D

31-01-13, 07:17
When checking the land lot. i found this interesting lot: MK19-01223L. This land's shape looked more like a river...So, the river-front living in 1-Canberra's advertisement can be realized in donggy years later?:D

After 2030. So this one doesn't interest me. By then in JB retirement village. :D

31-01-13, 07:31
Some changes to that. 2 roads linking to Sembawang Rd. Same goes to 2 roads out to Canberra Link/ Ave 2. :D

hehe!! i have captured the notice board of the empty land earthwork and clearence few months back.. could give some hints on the future canberra road arrangement.. :D

31-01-13, 07:38
hehe!! i have captured the notice board of the empty land earthwork and clearence few months back.. could give some hints on the future canberra road arrangement.. :D

Thanks for the pic bro. Paiseh, only 1 road access from Sembawang Rd instead of 2. Need to open my eyes bigger :scared-5:

31-01-13, 08:43
Thanks for the pic bro. Paiseh, only 1 road access from Sembawang Rd instead of 2. Need to open my eyes bigger :scared-5:

will built NS12 or not?
.....:doh: :doh: :doh: :doh:

31-01-13, 08:57
will built NS12 or not?
.....:doh: :doh: :doh: :doh:

U believe me or not if i say they will announce by this year??

31-01-13, 10:27
After 2030. So this one doesn't interest me. By then in JB retirement village. :D
It is for the next generation... at least the longkang can transform into river...

31-01-13, 10:47
Thanks for the pic bro. Paiseh, only 1 road access from Sembawang Rd instead of 2. Need to open my eyes bigger :scared-5:
There is a planned road from the Simpang to the Sembawang road.. this should be the original plan which linked to the SLE/TPE/CTE interchange.. However, this is just previous plan, all not fixed.

31-01-13, 13:42
After 2030. So this one doesn't interest me. By then in JB retirement village. :D

bro888!! hopefully by 2030 the sembawang park will be the northern coast business centre haha!! :cheers1:


Along the Sembawang coastline, new waterfront land will be freed up once we phase out existing shipyard facilities. This will also provide land for new business activities.

31-01-13, 17:58
If you have noticed, the big plot slated half for industries & residential has been changed to purely residential in this latest land use plan. Sembawang N1.

31-01-13, 19:57
If you have noticed, the big plot slated half for industries & residential has been changed to purely residential in this latest land use plan. Sembawang N1.

yeah true! if you didn't say i wouldn't have noticed that detailed as well :beats-me-man:

another sea of residential units.. wasted.. sigh!!!! :doh:

31-01-13, 20:25
yeah true! if you didn't say i wouldn't have noticed that detailed as well :beats-me-man:

another sea of residential units.. wasted.. sigh!!!! :doh:

Population there will increase by another 20000 at least. Knowing the authority is expediting the process and the release of BTO flats as soon as 3rd Q, together with 2nd gls opp, if no news on the ns12 mrt, i will take that hammer wherever i go. My patience is as thin as popiah skin.

01-02-13, 05:54
Population there will increase by another 20000 at least. Knowing the authority is expediting the process and the release of BTO flats as soon as 3rd Q, together with 2nd gls opp, if no news on the ns12 mrt, i will take that hammer wherever i go. My patience is as thin as popiah skin.
don't hit my car's windscreen hor..:D ... yup.. saw the industrial zone changed to residential yesterday when i looked at the new map.. More hope for NS12 now.. but i anticipating more for the northern coastal line. It will be easier travelling east from north

01-02-13, 10:13
don't hit my car's windscreen hor..:D ... yup.. saw the industrial zone changed to residential yesterday when i looked at the new map.. More hope for NS12 now.. but i anticipating more for the northern coastal line. It will be easier travelling east from north

Ya man. If for industry, the process will be much slower. URA industrial land sales half yearly. :sleep:

05-02-13, 15:55
NS12 Ns 12 ai lai liao... juz read pro 888 comment at Yishun or Sembawang Pte property worth investing(1 2 3 4 5 ... Last Page)
CNY coming soon kana si beh song aneh.

05-02-13, 16:50
High chance this is referring to NS12. Anyone can access the info?:D

05-02-13, 17:03
High chance this is referring to NS12. Anyone can access the info?:D

Still need to access??

which one got higher chance?? Sungei Kadut or Canberra?? Which one has been announced in the masterplan?? :D

05-02-13, 17:06
Still need to access??

which one got higher chance?? Sungei Kadut or Canberra?? Which one has been announced in the masterplan?? :D
haha... i kaypo to see what is inside the tender mah.. maybe got info of underground shopping mall link to SSC? :D

05-02-13, 17:12
haha... i kaypo to see what is inside the tender mah.. maybe got info of underground shopping mall link to SSC? :D

Before this, no fish, prawn also ok. Now give you fish, you want crab? Heehee...:D

05-02-13, 17:21
Before this, no fish, prawn also ok. Now give you fish, you want crab? Heehee...:D
Nope... i want lobster!.. where is the Northern Coastal line!!????:D

anyway, good news for residents in Canberra.. NS12 seems to come earlier than i expected.

05-02-13, 17:33
Nope... i want lobster!.. where is the Northern Coastal line!!????:D

anyway, good news for residents in Canberra.. NS12 seems to come earlier than i expected.

Not good for your digestion. Cheers to those vested. :cheers4:

06-02-13, 09:46
haha... i kaypo to see what is inside the tender mah.. maybe got info of underground shopping mall link to SSC? :D
YES...! underground shopping link too! :cheers4:

06-02-13, 12:22
YES...! underground shopping link too! :cheers4:
another 7 basement down with more shops and carpark:D :D cannot go up so go down:D :D

06-02-13, 12:36
The tender closing is 20 Mar 13. If i read the terms correctly, this consultation service is pertaining to 'design' and 'architectural' services and not a feasibility consultation services.

Conservatively put, we might 'hear' something by this year and if it materialises, NS12 may coincide with some of the TOPs around 2014/2015. Just some guesswork though.

ELIGIBILITY: Tender for this Contract will only be considered from experienced Consultants who: a) have have carried out professional advanced architectural and engineering design services (as described in the Terms of Reference); and b) are licensed by the Professional Engineers Board (PEB) and Board of Architects (BOA) to supply professional engineering and architectural services respectively as required under this Contract.

06-02-13, 14:44
tender at Snake Year, Finish at Horse Year ok lah--------马到功成 .

06-02-13, 16:06
YES...! underground shopping link too! :cheers4:

Yup! Should also happen in suburban areas as well. Whether 7 up or 7 down, it will be double happiness. :D

07-02-13, 10:13
Having gone through more 'info', its a 50/50 for NS12 & NS6. Its up to anyone's guess on whether the existing industrial estates carry more weight than the envisaged residential/industrials in Simpang. Cross our fingers.

07-02-13, 10:27
Having gone through more 'info', its a 50/50 for NS12 & NS6. Its up to anyone's guess on whether the existing industrial estates carry more weight than the envisaged residential/industrials in Simpang. Cross our fingers.

:doh: Still having ?????

i am 1000% sure lah! but i will put it as 88%, my lucky number.

07-02-13, 10:28
:doh: Still having ?????

i am 1000% sure lah! but i will put it as 88%, my lucky number.

Why i m so sure, bcoz i see more than u. Heehee. got my drift ?

07-02-13, 10:32
:doh: Still having ?????

i am 1000% sure lah! but i will put it as 88%, my lucky number.

I am very interested and curious to know what made you 1000% or 88% sure...of course, like many others, Im more inclined towards NS12 lah but as I have always advocated, higher hopes lead to higher disappointment.

07-02-13, 10:36
Why i m so sure, bcoz i see more than u. Heehee. got my drift ?

:) I certainly hope that you really 'see' more than me.

07-02-13, 10:47
Lets play big. If ns12, you pay for my reno capped at $50k ho bo? If ns6, i give u my unit.:D

07-02-13, 10:52
Lets play big. If ns12, you pay for my reno capped at $50k ho bo? If ns6, i give u my unit.:D

Try harder bro. :doh:

07-02-13, 12:45
Why do I say its a 50/50 chance? There are several keywords as stipulated from the info I gathered, Im afraid I can't divulge any more on the source but all I can say its credible info. It does not states explicitly on which station and stakeholders (including the tenderers and related personnel) are not allowed to divulge either and strictly on a need-to-know basis. These keywords are mentioned but may/may not be related to the new station UNLESS this tender is for both stations.


1) New station will be elevated (can be either both NS6/12)
2) Factor in plans for road diversions, etc for vehicular bridge across existing canal (can be either both NS6/12)
3) Railway Reserve Sites (NS6 only)
4) Park Connector (NS12 only)

Anyway, the tender will only be awarded end 2014 to early 2015.

07-02-13, 13:58
Why do I say its a 50/50 chance? There are several keywords as stipulated from the info I gathered, Im afraid I can't divulge any more on the source but all I can say its credible info. It does not states explicitly on which station and stakeholders (including the tenderers and related personnel) are not allowed to divulge either and strictly on a need-to-know basis. These keywords are mentioned but may/may not be related to the new station UNLESS this tender is for both stations.


1) New station will be elevated (can be either both NS6/12)
2) Factor in plans for road diversions, etc for vehicular bridge across existing canal (can be either both NS6/12)
3) Railway Reserve Sites (NS6 only)
4) Park Connector (NS12 only)

Anyway, the tender will only be awarded end 2014 to early 2015.

Refer below

Announcement to build, but it will only take about a year or so to complete it.

Take reference to the completion of new BTO & next gls for pte if you're talking about the opening of station. Nonetheless, faster than TSL, CIL.

For 2) only NS12
For 3) Both

So ns12 fall into all categories.

Bro, u still got many missing parts (not your body parts :D ). Nonetheless, good digging, but more important, please sleep well. :sleep:

07-02-13, 14:07
Refer below

For 2) only NS12
For 3) Both

So ns12 fall into all categories.

Bro, u still got many missing parts (not your body parts :D ). Nonetheless, good digging, but more important, please sleep well. :sleep:

Don't understand what you meant below(correct me im wrong):
For 2) only NS12 (both stations have canals around its vicinity)
For 3) Both (Certainly no railway reserve site around NS12)

:cheers4: Certainly won't lose sleep over this. Well, your confidence seems to allude that your sources are much more credible. You have my bet bro.

07-02-13, 14:14
Don't understand what you meant below(correct me im wrong):
For 2) only NS12 (both stations have canals around its vicinity)
For 3) Both (Certainly no railway reserve site around NS12)

:cheers4: Certainly won't lose sleep over this. Well, your confidence seems to allude that your sources are much more credible. You have my bet bro.

Let me ask u bro. Do you know where is the exact location of future ns6 be?

07-02-13, 15:49
Let me ask u bro. Do you know where is the exact location of future ns6 be?

I saw a plan that branch into the new Simpang town....a mega mall that is as big as Vivio and LRT/MRT that bypass Seletar Air Hub...I wonder.....

07-02-13, 16:44
highly possible future NS6 site... if LTA want to build here.. the factory must go first....:D

07-02-13, 20:26
How about a mix dev together with this Stn?

07-02-13, 21:16
highly possible future NS6 site... if LTA want to build here.. the factory must go first....:D

You're spot on. Along new road Sungei Kadut Ctrl. Currently 2 sites under BUC, 1 tender should be closed already and still got about 4 more plots gls. Where got canal? Where got park connector there? :D

07-02-13, 21:35
Let me ask u bro. Do you know where is the exact location of future ns6 be?
The only possible site is what northern star has mentioned, doesn't need a rocket scientist to make a smart guess. Slightly further up is canal which is also inline with the tender requirements. Park connector applies to ns12 only.

07-02-13, 22:03
The only possible site is what northern star has mentioned, doesn't need a rocket scientist to make a smart guess. Slightly further up is canal which is also inline with the tender requirements. Park connector applies to ns12 only.
the tender is referring to NS12 definitely. :cheers1:

The canal near ns6 is quite far. No way it will affect the station construction. Ns12 is different, they need extra road to link up the seperated canberra drive and access to the station. Ns6 as I mentioned previously, need to demolish at least one factory there.

07-02-13, 22:04
The only possible site is what northern star has mentioned, doesn't need a rocket scientist to make a smart guess. Slightly further up is canal which is also inline with the tender requirements. Park connector applies to ns12 only.

Factor in plans for road diversions, etc for vehicular bridge across existing canal

Both canals @ kranji are nowhere near the speculated station. Seem like you are not very sure about the place. :D One nearer to yew tee mrt (3/4 streets away) while the other nearer to Kranji (2/3 streets away). I have mentioned many months ago on these 2 stations. The ns6 along Sungei kadut ctrl got 2 bus bays.

Why factors in plan for road diversion? If they are going to build ns12 (which is only about 15-20m away from ave2), so they will need a lane to construct. Right after the bridge or yishun sapphire.
Which one needed more? Which one has been mentioned in masterplan? How to sell land with plot ratio 1.4 near landed (it stretches from Canberra Res to canal - refer to masterplan 2008) ? Residents in Bto will face daily commuting problems.

07-02-13, 22:09
How about a mix dev together with this Stn?
I guess only something like admirlty point. The white site for commercial is at sembawang mrt there.

07-02-13, 22:15
I guess only something like admirlty point. The white site for commercial is at sembawang mrt there.

Bro, please do not discuss to much abt the mall. I can pm why. :D

07-02-13, 22:30
I guess only something like admirlty point. The white site for commercial is at sembawang mrt there.

Since you mentioned Sembawang mrt, then i would like to share something here.

North coastal line might (guess only) starts from here. See the HDB flats (blk 589D to 590C) "curve" nicely for the line to run along Sembawang rd and turns into Simpang. From the start, Sembawang bus interchange was being built with minimum cost (temp structure). So the line will run above montreal park.

07-02-13, 22:57
Bro, please do not discuss to much abt the mall. I can pm why. :D

Just pm. :D

08-02-13, 07:00
Since you mentioned Sembawang mrt, then i would like to share something here.

North coastal line might (guess only) starts from here. See the HDB flats (blk 589D to 590C) "curve" nicely for the line to run along Sembawang rd and turns into Simpang. From the start, Sembawang bus interchange was being built with minimum cost (temp structure). So the line will run above montreal park.
Yup.. this was the plan i saw in concept plan 2001. The speculated NCL will connect to Sembawang and Sembawang was described as a regional town while woodlands is the regional center. NS12 will be the transit LRT line for inner Yishun or Simpang town.

When i saw the temp bus station xx years ago, i thought the real development should be coming soon but quite disappointed on the development speed here. but it's ok to be slow last time as during that time, my saving not enough to buy property yet...;)

08-02-13, 12:15
Factor in plans for road diversions, etc for vehicular bridge across existing canal

Both canals @ kranji are nowhere near the speculated station. Seem like you are not very sure about the place. :D One nearer to yew tee mrt (3/4 streets away) while the other nearer to Kranji (2/3 streets away). I have mentioned many months ago on these 2 stations. The ns6 along Sungei kadut ctrl got 2 bus bays.

Why factors in plan for road diversion? If they are going to build ns12 (which is only about 15-20m away from ave2), so they will need a lane to construct. Right after the bridge or yishun sapphire.
Which one needed more? Which one has been mentioned in masterplan? How to sell land with plot ratio 1.4 near landed (it stretches from Canberra Res to canal - refer to masterplan 2008) ? Residents in Bto will face daily commuting problems.

Granted. So I suppose the clause on railway is just a general requirement.....

03-03-13, 16:53
After reading above messages, I still no clue where exactly the NS12 will be located. Near CR or 8C?