View Full Version : Universal Studio CONFESSION...

02-06-12, 11:34
Ok i went but i got No BalZZZZZ to sit on the MUMMY or the battlestar roller coaster.....:cool:

Even though my wife/daughter went on the roller coaster....

PHEW i feel so relieved i just NEEDED TO LET THE WHOLE WORLD KNOW....:D:D:D:D:D

02-06-12, 11:57
i remember i went japan's disneyland..
queue up for 30-45min just for a ride..

and manage to finish only 3 ride after half a day.. :doh:


02-06-12, 12:13
Ok i went but i got No BalZZZZZ to sit on the MUMMY or the battlestar roller coaster.....:cool:

Even though my wife/daughter went on the roller coaster....

PHEW i feel so relieved i just NEEDED TO LET THE WHOLE WORLD KNOW....:D:D:D:D:D
Haha... This is the most random post i have ever read in this forum.....

02-06-12, 12:43
Haha... This is the most random post i have ever read in this forum.....

i take that as a compliment...:D

02-06-12, 14:36
Ok i went but i got No BalZZZZZ to sit on the MUMMY or the battlestar roller coaster.....:cool:

Even though my wife/daughter went on the roller coaster....

PHEW i feel so relieved i just NEEDED TO LET THE WHOLE WORLD KNOW....:D:D:D:D:D

that the problem of playing too much golf..

the Balzzzz get lost and was not found :D :D

02-06-12, 15:37
that the problem of playing too much golf..

the Balzzzz get lost and was not found :D :D

you are absolutely right...zzz1:D

02-06-12, 16:15
may i ask what day would there be less queue for the rides/
thanks in advance!

02-06-12, 20:29
Me last time take rides by myself and although scared but still insist on taking. Today, me look at rides by myself and although scared, relieved that I'm not in the rides... :D I literally see myself more sianz with rides and don't feel like going up anymore. Maybe need a stimulus or something otherwise I am well contented not taking it... Lol!

02-06-12, 20:33
Me last time take rides by myself and although scared but still insist on taking. Today, me look at rides by myself and although scared, relieved that I'm not in the rides... :D I literally see myself more sianz with rides and don't feel like going up anymore. Maybe need a stimulus or something otherwise I am well contented not taking it... Lol!

yeah.... there are more hair-raising, scary activities to do like speculating in property.....:scared-1:

02-06-12, 21:12
yeah.... there are more hair-raising, scary activities to do like speculating in property.....:scared-1:Totally... rides will last but most 2 minutes or worse case scenario kana jam so get stuck in the ride for 2 hrs. But property activities can last 2 years and your property price still hasn't recovered or waiting and waiting for prices to come down to enter market and can't reconcile how come prices are still climbing... so cannot sleep well for 2 years... becoming like panda... :scared-4:

02-06-12, 23:12
you are absolutely right...zzz1:D
Do u know how I know?:D

I still searching mine too... I give a pass to that ride too...:o

02-06-12, 23:14
Ok i went but i got No BalZZZZZ to sit on the MUMMY or the battlestar roller coaster.....:cool:

Even though my wife/daughter went on the roller coaster....

PHEW i feel so relieved i just NEEDED TO LET THE WHOLE WORLD KNOW....:D:D:D:D:D

I went there when Battle star galatica was suspended.
Had lots of fun with the Mummy ride.
First time rode right in front.
Did not get enough of it, so subsequently sat at the back where the centripedal force is greater.
I sprained my neck after that ride!

I bought the express pass so I did not have to join the general queue.
In Singapore not so worth while cos most of the rides are so short, unlike the Disneyland in Tokyo where I kept wondering when in the world would the ride end. Disneyland I also bought the fast pass to avoid queueing up.

02-06-12, 23:32
you missed 2 very good rides. i took front row seats for both. great view in the case of battlestar galactica.

02-06-12, 23:39
Battlestar i dont dare. Vertical Drop in Movie/Sea World in Disneyland i also didnt dare...

But its ok... I m gay... Fairer sex kekekekkeke

Seriously, my dream flights were way better than either of those... Lucid dreaming.


I ever was manouvering myself flying past, between, thru some hdb void decks and the pillars a couple of times wakakaka.....

02-06-12, 23:42
the g force pins you to the seat.

03-06-12, 00:09
Do u know how I know?:D

I still searching mine too... I give a pass to that ride too...:o

No wonder golfers are always handicapped.:D

03-06-12, 07:23
Battlestar i dont dare. Vertical Drop in Movie/Sea World in Disneyland i also didnt dare...

But its ok... I m gay... Fairer sex kekekekkeke

Seriously, my dream flights were way better than either of those... Lucid dreaming.


I ever was manouvering myself flying past, between, thru some hdb void decks and the pillars a couple of times wakakaka.....Between the 3 worlds, movie, dream and sea, I think dreamworld has the most scary rides. I may be outdated but I took the tower of terror and the screams and sounds alone was enough to send people away or in some cases, entice people to queue up. Strangely I queued up and subjected myself to the terror... Lol! Quite an experience though! :spliff:

Measure your standard of taking the roller coaster against Mr Bean. He fell asleep during the roller coaster ride! :doh:

03-06-12, 11:30
Between the 3 worlds, movie, dream and sea, I think dreamworld has the most scary rides. I may be outdated but I took the tower of terror and the screams and sounds alone was enough to send people away or in some cases, entice people to queue up. Strangely I queued up and subjected myself to the terror... Lol! Quite an experience though! :spliff:

Measure your standard of taking the roller coaster against Mr Bean. He fell asleep during the roller coaster ride! :doh:

Tower of Terror sounds familiar. Think similar to vertical drop? I was at the LA Disneyland. Alone... :p So less bolls in case anything happen to me nobody to take care kakakak. Usually pple scream out loud during rides, for me i just keep my mouth shut... And tense up. Lol...

03-06-12, 12:00
No wonder golfers are always handicapped.:D

Lol....the more serious wan >>> handicapped 24.
lucky mine still at "P.C" neber upgrade or 'worsen' all these years...