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View Full Version : SMRT should be fined severely for shoddy maintenance

16-05-12, 06:18

Now it is tax-payer subsidising the company, so that it can continue to pay millions to its management and shareholders. LTA should claw back whatever "profit" SMRT makes for the period it was under Saw. And also how did LTA audit SMRT all these years despite the breakdowns?

16-05-12, 08:28
As I have said, it is a systemic national problem. The worst of our students are channeled to the ITE to become technicians. Those who cmi into polys or Uni are admitted into the Engineering faculty. Coupled with low pay and poor morale compared with other more glam jobs like Finance, don't expect much lah.

Don't be surprised other important installations start to fail too, due to poor maintenance and high utilisation. Electrical power, piped gas, building systems, traffic lights, etc etc.

You know the term PMET (Professionals, Managers, Executives and Technicians)? The term is now largely called PME. Technicians have been dropped as they do not "belong" to this group of people.

16-05-12, 09:14
should punish SAW for all these. crawl back her pay

16-05-12, 09:15
As I have said, it is a systemic national problem. The worst of our students are channeled to the ITE to become technicians. Those who cmi into polys or Uni are admitted into the Engineering faculty. Coupled with low pay and poor morale compared with other more glam jobs like Finance, don't expect much lah.

Don't be surprised other important installations start to fail too, due to poor maintenance and high utilisation. Electrical power, piped gas, building systems, traffic lights, etc etc.

You know the term PMET (Professionals, Managers, Executives and Technicians)? The term is now largely called PME. Technicians have been dropped as they do not "belong" to this group of people.
it used to be PMEB, B for businessman. dont know when it became PMET.

16-05-12, 09:23

Now it is tax-payer subsidising the company, so that it can continue to pay millions to its management and shareholders. LTA should claw back whatever "profit" SMRT makes for the period it was under Saw. And also how did LTA audit SMRT all these years despite the breakdowns?

dun punish shareholders leh, we are innocent. :(
want to blame then blame the PAP govt.

16-05-12, 09:50
everyone is under the same 'company' .. cover backside here & there..

until big problem happen....then must explain WHY :D

16-05-12, 10:28
I would say Saw is innocent.

She made million of profits for the company, for the shareholders. What would the company be unhappy about?

She ask the technician to perform maintenance work and LTA APPROVED ALL OF THEM !!!!

If the trains are slow, LTA should fine them but LTA didn't.

Saw is a CEO with an aim to maximise profit. We should blame the one who is governing the transport system, which is LTA.

should punish SAW for all these. crawl back her pay

16-05-12, 10:31
I agree. If LTA don't want to do anything, don't want to make sure things work, then it is LTA's fault. Don't forget, LTA approved all their maintenance plans and works. I am not SBS shareholder but I am totally turn off by LTA's bochap attitute.

Car cannot make it, train cannot make it, bus cannot make it. Suddenly, I think we are third world country.

dun punish shareholders leh, we are innocent. :(
want to blame then blame the PAP govt.

16-05-12, 10:42
I agree. If LTA don't want to do anything, don't want to make sure things work, then it is LTA's fault. Don't forget, LTA approved all their maintenance plans and works. I am not SBS shareholder but I am totally turn off by LTA's bochap attitute.

Car cannot make it, train cannot make it, bus cannot make it. Suddenly, I think we are third world country.You mean we are not in a third world country???:D

16-05-12, 10:55
We SAW her coming...
Then gave her two tight slaps.. PHAIK! PHAIK!
HWA!, damn shiok.

16-05-12, 11:04
We SAW her coming...
Then gave her two tight slaps.. PHAIK! PHAIK!
HWA!, damn shiok.Lol.... She is smart to step down quickly before things become worse!!! :D

16-05-12, 14:27
Sometime back, I wrote something like the paragraph below on Lui Tuck Yew's facebook page. It got deleted promptly by an overzealous admin(i guuess) and I didn't share it anymore.

"I understand the government intends to co-share a $900 million fund for improving public infrastructure and procurement of buses. The details are not known yet. Since SMRT and Comfortdelgro are operating a for-profit business and listed in the stock exchange, I am concern on why there is a need for the government to support the companies with regards to buses and even maintenance. While I understand public transport (mend by public transport operators) is a public goods and most cost should be borne by the government, I failed to understand it when public transport operators are private entities entitled to all the profits of the operations. Will this become a case of privatising the profits for the shareholders of the listed entities while socialising the costs to the public?

I would like to suggest the option below that could penalise the transport operators while rewarding the government for their effort in improving the public infrastructure. The government can choose to put in their portion of the funds thru 1) bonds raised by the companies or 2) equity private placement into the companies. It's up to the companies to choose which one is more appropriate while the governments takes a return on the profits thru the bonds coupons or equity placement."

16-05-12, 15:51
We SAW her coming...
Then gave her two tight slaps.. PHAIK! PHAIK!
HWA!, damn shiok.

hhahaha this actually helped me to remember her full name..

16-05-12, 16:21
We SAW her coming...
Then gave her two tight slaps.. PHAIK! PHAIK!
HWA!, damn shiok.
haha....so notti...if she is reading this, she might put u on top of her list.
She owns a Fellali, if she pass u the keys remember don't chiong red lights hor. phaik! phaik! :p

16-05-12, 21:03
Sometime back, I wrote something like the paragraph below on Lui Tuck Yew's facebook page. It got deleted promptly by an overzealous admin(i guuess) and I didn't share it anymore.

"I understand the government intends to co-share a $900 million fund for improving public infrastructure and procurement of buses. The details are not known yet. Since SMRT and Comfortdelgro are operating a for-profit business and listed in the stock exchange, I am concern on why there is a need for the government to support the companies with regards to buses and even maintenance. While I understand public transport (mend by public transport operators) is a public goods and most cost should be borne by the government, I failed to understand it when public transport operators are private entities entitled to all the profits of the operations. Will this become a case of privatising the profits for the shareholders of the listed entities while socialising the costs to the public?

I would like to suggest the option below that could penalise the transport operators while rewarding the government for their effort in improving the public infrastructure. The government can choose to put in their portion of the funds thru 1) bonds raised by the companies or 2) equity private placement into the companies. It's up to the companies to choose which one is more appropriate while the governments takes a return on the profits thru the bonds coupons or equity placement."

You english power, got to read few times.

I suggest LTA to fulfill the public earnest call to improve our transport system.

Why not support, share and provide technical expertise to the operators on engineering advancement where operators lack the means and resources to do so. LTA method of fine- the-operator is narrowed minded solution and will not solve the problem.

Why not continue/promptly carry out road planning and improve our road system to cater for growing population.

Why not fine tune/update road policies by looking into the profile of our drivers today to see if there is a need to mandate safety awearance training for certain cat. of cars or group 0f people.

There are many accidents due to poor design and should be reviewed urgently. .. 2 weeks 8 accidents or near misses as in the case of the recent falali mishap is beyond astonishment.

meddleing with quota and revenue earnings from COE should be of low priority or left to the most suited department. they have done it for 20 years and still nvr get it right so why waste time on this?

17-05-12, 00:08
sipping petrus n caviar in their ivory tower, anyone below not wearing white is a lesser mortal the very lowest caste.

Sometime back, I wrote something like the paragraph below on Lui Tuck Yew's facebook page. It got deleted promptly by an overzealous admin(i guuess) and I didn't share it anymore.

"I understand the government intends to co-share a $900 million fund for improving public infrastructure and procurement of buses. The details are not known yet. Since SMRT and Comfortdelgro are operating a for-profit business and listed in the stock exchange, I am concern on why there is a need for the government to support the companies with regards to buses and even maintenance. While I understand public transport (mend by public transport operators) is a public goods and most cost should be borne by the government, I failed to understand it when public transport operators are private entities entitled to all the profits of the operations. Will this become a case of privatising the profits for the shareholders of the listed entities while socialising the costs to the public?

I would like to suggest the option below that could penalise the transport operators while rewarding the government for their effort in improving the public infrastructure. The government can choose to put in their portion of the funds thru 1) bonds raised by the companies or 2) equity private placement into the companies. It's up to the companies to choose which one is more appropriate while the governments takes a return on the profits thru the bonds coupons or equity placement."

17-05-12, 19:48
Lol.... She is smart to step down quickly before things become worse!!! :D

Up to now, I still could not understand, from her background and career track record at DFS, how did she manage get into as CEO of SMRT, and how did she get her present post as well?

17-05-12, 19:54
Up to now, I still could not understand, from her background and career track record at DFS, how did she manage get into as CEO of SMRT, and how did she get her present post as well?

She is hired to turn MRT stations into shopping malls which she did successfully. The blame if any should go to whoever hired her.

17-05-12, 20:30
She is hired to turn MRT stations into shopping malls which she did successfully. The blame if any should go to whoever hired her.

There are so many can do this in the market
She was fired by DFS...at a managerial level and be a CEO of a listed co...

17-05-12, 21:49
She is hired to turn MRT stations into shopping malls which she did successfully. The blame if any should go to whoever hired her.

Do you know that the shops are built by LTA and rented to SMRT for a token sum? How can you not be successful because your rental cost is negligible.