View Full Version : BCA Green Mark ULTIMATE award (satire)

18-11-11, 09:53
Recommendation for BCA Green Mark ULTIMATE award:

Condos gym should be built with energy harnessing technology whereby the energy generated by residents' use of treadmills, bikes and steppers should be captured and stored in a generator to power the complex lighting, entry barriers etc.


1. Residents are more motivated to exercise as:
- they have a direct impact on the maintenance fees (can help save electricity thus save cost and lower the fees)
- the more kW they contribute the longer the corridor/vicinity lighting will stay on throughout the night
- the more kW they contribute the more they can ensure the barrier comes up when their car approaches
- the more kW they contribute the more they can guarantee the pedestrian and access gates opening upon contact with access card
- the more kW they contribute the more they can appreciate the water feature spouts being turned on
- the more kW they contribute the less likely the lift they are in stops halfway to their floor coz of electricity running out
2. Residents feel empowered over their lives, especially their day to day lives in using the condo facilities
3. Residents can proudly proclaim they are the Singaporeans with highest levels of productivity and super green due to net positive contribution to Gaia (give back more than take away from)
