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17-08-11, 17:29

PE: Four-cornered fight for Presidential race
Posted: 17 August 2011 1317 hrs

SINGAPORE: Singaporeans will go to the polls to elect a new President on August 27.

It will be a four-cornered fight between medical doctor Tan Cheng Bock, investment adviser Tan Jee Say, and directors Tony Tan and Tan Kin Lian.

They were confirmed on Wednesday as candidates in the Presidential race after no objections were raised at the close of nominations.

Returning Officer Yam Ah Mee officially announced the list of candidates for the presidential race at about 12.45pm.

All the candidates then gave a short speech to thank their supporters.

Dr Tan Cheng Bock, 71, said he wants the office of President to be a place for Singaporeans to unite and to promote multi-racialism in the country.

Mr Tan Jee Say, 57, said the primary purpose of the Elected President is to provide checks and balances.

Dr Tony Tan, 71, said the Presidential Election is different from the General Election and that the President must be above politics.

Mr Tan Kin Lian, 63, said his campaign slogan is to be the "Voice of the People" and urged Singaporeans to support him.

The candidates are now expected to go full swing into their nine-day campaign period.

Each candidate will be allowed to hold one outdoor rally at designated sites approved by the police.

The first Presidential Candidate Broadcast will be held on Thursday from 8pm to 11.30pm across various free-to-air radio and television platforms.

The Media Development Authority said the platforms are made available in all four languages to the candidates.

The first broadcast will be in English at 8pm on Channel NewsAsia and 938Live.

The Manpower Ministry has reminded employers that Polling Day on August 27 is a public holiday and should be treated in the same manner as any other public holiday.

It said all employees covered by the Employment Act are entitled to paid public holidays.

If an employee is required to work on Polling Day, he is entitled to an extra day's salary for the day's work, or be given a day off.

Employees who are not required to work on that day are also entitled to one day off-in-lieu, or be given one day's pay, similar to other public holidays falling on a Saturday.

- CNA/al

17-08-11, 17:32
Just saw whole list of this video on youtube


17-08-11, 17:39

17-08-11, 17:41

17-08-11, 21:26

I want to vote for him but I booked my airticket to go overseas month ago :(. He's the only one who looks and speaks like a President. Anyone managed to claim travel insurance for travel cancellation due to general election polling day?

Stupid ACE insurance Filipino call centre told me "we are customer service only, we can't advice you." They are there just to pick up the phone and try to get you to hang up :doh: Emailed them a week ago but no response.

17-08-11, 21:31
Just vote for tjs lah, tt and tcb will just be another two pap parrots.

17-08-11, 21:40
Just vote for tjs lah, tt and tcb will just be another two pap parrots.

He sounds interesting, too bad he joined the wrong party, means his judgment is questionable.....

17-08-11, 22:13
List of tt's 'achievements':--

When TT is Education Minister: He opened floodgates for foreign students.
-When TT is Education Minister: He objected to establishing a 3rd university until Nanyang Technology Institute had been set up fully to become a full University (now NTU). In 1998, When asked if measures would be put in to protect Singapore students from competition "There is no way in which you are going to be able to protect either Singaporeans or Singapore because we are a small country."
-When TT is Defence Minister: His son defer 12 yrs of NSF and became a research scientist (what vocation is that?) after he came back to serve.
-When TT is Minister for Trade and Industry: Oppose against building MRT.
-When TT is GIC chairman: Lose how many billion?
-When TT is SPH chairman: Our media ranked 154th.

17-08-11, 22:49
Just vote for tjs lah, tt and tcb will just be another two pap parrots.
With some many unions backing TT, he seem to be the favorite. As for many who want to vote for alternative voice, I would say their choice a somewhat uncertain..., if TJS can rise to the occasion in the campaigning period, he stand a good chance, but I feel that on the ground, he need to increase his visibility with votes.
Now it's the beginning, hope we can expect the unexpected...

17-08-11, 23:06
Tjs has the support of majority of opposition voters that makes up roughly 40% of the voting population. If pap supporters split between tcb and tt and all who vote for opposition vote for tjs, then it is very clear who will be the winner.
With some many unions backing TT, he seem to be the favorite. As for many who want to vote for alternative voice, I would say their choice a somewhat uncertain..., if TJS can rise to the occasion in the campaigning period, he stand a good chance, but I feel that on the ground, he need to increase his visibility with votes.
Now it's the beginning, hope we can expect the unexpected...

17-08-11, 23:17
Tjs has the support of majority of opposition voters that makes up roughly 40% of the voting population. If pap supporters split between tcb and tt and all who vote for opposition vote for tjs, then it is very clear who will be the winner.
Opposition parties need to come out and endorse TJS more openly. This is my gut feel now:

TT: 40%
TCB: 20% ( suspect he may get some of PAP voters and old folks )
TKL:10% ( he will be able to get some of those sitting on the fence )
TJS: 30% ( assume all opposition parties endorse him )

But campaign may tilt the the balance of the above. :2cents:

17-08-11, 23:17
TKL no supporter ah? :D

17-08-11, 23:40
TKL no supporter ah? :D
While calls have been made by many for voters to vote independently of political party linkages ( ex linkages ), this is quite difficult in the minds of majority of voters I feel. End of the day, it could still be candidates from ex PAP vs ex Opposition..., and TKL because of his past with NTUC is seen to be still linked to PAP, even though the way he left NTUC suggest some fallout...

I guess people who vote for TKL may be drawn to his involvement in trying to voice on the past Lehman Bros saga and also the fact he openly declare he will give half of his salary away if elected....:2cents:

17-08-11, 23:51
Opposition parties need to come out and endorse TJS more openly.

Have leh, I saw Nicole seah in TJS team :D

18-08-11, 00:00
Have leh, I saw Nicole seah in TJS team :D
Yes, I saw that too, but what about the rest of the opposition parties..., seem quiet, maybe silently they have got their supporters to TJS, just never announce...

18-08-11, 00:02
Have leh, I saw Nicole seah in TJS team :D
Alamak, Nicole Seah fever still not over? Lol

18-08-11, 00:07
Firstly, if 60.1% remain steadfast and vote TT, no need fight anymore la...

Also, Spore politics still very immature...
Ideally, should be one vs one fight...but this just goes to show that PAP is heads and shoulders ahead, while 'opposition' naively split the fertile ground themselves by surfacing with 3 'good' candidates.

If upfront cannot cham siong and compromise, its foregone conclusion ~~ today's 4-corner election announcement just "confirmed" TT will slay all the rest!

:scared-2: :scared-2: :scared-2: :beats-me-man: :beats-me-man: :beats-me-man:

18-08-11, 00:41
Firstly, if 60.1% remain steadfast and vote TT, no need fight anymore la...

Also, Spore politics still very immature...
Ideally, should be one vs one fight...but this just goes to show that PAP is heads and shoulders ahead, while 'opposition' naively split the fertile ground themselves by surfacing with 3 'good' candidates.

If upfront cannot cham siong and compromise, its foregone conclusion ~~ today's 4-corner election announcement just "confirmed" TT will slay all the rest!

:scared-2: :scared-2: :scared-2: :beats-me-man: :beats-me-man: :beats-me-man:

Yes...4 corner fight likely to leave 3 non Union backed candidates wounded. These 3 quite difficult to give in to one and other becos they each fight for somewhat different cause:

TCB: I would see that he is the ruling party political offshoot who dun see eye to eye with current Gov, but still pretty much in the mould of the PAP of the old ideology ( was 1st to declare his intention, probably hope that it will be a straight 2 way fight )

TKL: no political backing, got an axe to grind with NTUC...( best candidate to give way, but did not)

TJS: opposition backed..., how to step aside and give way.., he needs to answer to his supporters..:2cents:

18-08-11, 00:55
Yes...4 corner fight likely to leave 3 non Union backed candidates wounded. These 3 quite difficult to give in to one and other becos they each fight for somewhat different cause:

TCB: I would see that he is the ruling party political offshoot who dun see eye to eye with current Gov, but still pretty much in the mould of the PAP of the old ideology ( was 1st to declare his intention, probably hope that it will be a straight 2 way fight )

TKL: no political backing, got an axe to grind with NTUC...( best candidate to give way, but did not)

TJS: opposition backed..., how to step aside and give way.., he needs to answer to his supporters..:2cents:

Thats why its called cham siong and compromise... that also cannot achieve, in the end all empty handed...

imho, TCB should had tried harder to be the consensus vote...once it was clear that there will be 2 others besides him against TT...
talk to TKL, bring him along as his vp or council of elders or something later, discuss, compromise, work together...
as for TJS, who is he? neber heard of him until the recent elections...and frankly not impressed with him at all so far, be it corporate success nor any significant track record of public service... he should wait and give way to TCB this time...and work hard for next 6 years to show he has the qualities to be the next president...

Anyway, now too late lar... :doh:
I talk kok sing song only hor, dont too serious... :scared-2: :scared-2:

18-08-11, 01:05
Power of new media, facebook and twitter may again play a big part to sway voters who are Internet savvy....as we see in recent GE..., but TT seemed very confident...

18-08-11, 01:16
Not good, reserve dropping...
"Bought in 2006 at 49.25 baht per share and now selling at a loss of 35.5 and 37.25 baht per share, not including interests. What a great way to manage our country's reserves"..., believe there could be forex loss as well...

"is the timing of the sales pure coincidence? Temasek bought Shin Corp from Thaksin in 2006. And now selling Shin Corp shares right after Thaksin's sister Yingluck Shinawatra was voted in the new Prime Minster last week"


Singapore Temasek selling stake in Shin Corp - IFR

SINGAPORE, Aug 17 (Reuters) - Singapore state investor Temasek is selling 253.5 million shares in Thailand's Shin Corp at between 35.5 and 37.25 Thai baht a share, in a deal that could raise up to 9.44 billion Thai baht ($316 million), IFR Asia reported.

The accelerated bookbuilding for the deal was launched by Cedar Holdings, a Temasek-owned entity, late on Wednesday through sole bookrunner Morgan Stanley , IFR said.

A Temasek spokeswoman in Singapore declined to comment.

Temasek bought its Shin Corp stake from the family of Thailand's former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra in 2006. After Shinawatra was deposed later that year, Temasek signalled it would reduce its stake in the telecoms firm

18-08-11, 01:22
Current share price of Citibank tonite is about USD30/- and UBS is 11.62 CHF, lo$$

Business Times - 26 Jul 2011

GIC's long-term view on Citi, UBS unchanged


(SINGAPORE) The Government of Singapore Investment Corp's long-term view on Citigroup and UBS hasn't changed despite higher capital requirements that are likely to reduce the banks' future profitability, GIC's investment chief Ng Kok Song said yesterday.

GIC's original investment of 11 billion Swiss francs (S$16.2 billion) in UBS, made in March 2008, is still showing a heavy paper loss of some 5.6 billion francs, BT's calculations show. By contrast, its remaining stake in Citigroup is showing an unrealised gain of some US$1.1 billion, by BT's estimates.

'All global banks are likely to be affected to some extent' by the new Basel III international capital rules, Mr Ng, GIC's group chief investment officer, told reporters at a briefing. 'But our investment thesis for Citi and UBS was based on our assessment of their long term business potential.'

'In the case of Citigroup, it is one of the few banks in the world with such a big franchise in global emerging markets. Its recent results showed that, notwithstanding its losses in the US, it continued to earn very good profits and to grow its business in the emerging economies.

'In the case of UBS, we're talking about the wealth management business, which is the heart of UBS. The wealth management business is less affected by the capital increases, because you don't need that much capital to run the wealth management business as compared to trading in the investment bank.

'So our long term view on these two banks remains unchanged. But in the short term, they, like most of the global banks, are affected by sentiment in the market.'

Meanwhile, potential losses from bad debt at Chinese banks are unlikely to overwhelm China's banking system, he said. 'The Chinese government has the financial wherewithal, if necessary, to recapitalise the banks, so I don't think you're going to have a systemic problem such as what we saw in Europe.'

GIC owns 245.48 million UBS shares, or a stake of 6.41 per cent in the bank, UBS's latest annual report shows. That stake would be worth some 3.41 billion francs, at UBS's share price of 13.88 francs at 9.30pm Singapore time yesterday. Even after including the 1.98 billion in coupon payments that GIC received in the first two years of its investment in UBS, its paper loss is about 5.6 billion francs, or 51 per cent of the original 11 billion francs.

By contrast, its current stake in Citi is showing a large paper gain.

After selling half its original stake in Citi for a profit of US$1.6 billion in September 2009, GIC still owns 3.86 per cent of the bank's ordinary equity - or about 112.095 million shares.

The average cost of those shares was US$29.50 each - after adjusting for a reverse split of Citi shares in May that merged every 10 of its shares into one share - based on information provided by GIC in September 2009.

At yesterday's opening price of US$39.69 for Citi shares in New York, the shares would be worth about US$4.45 billion, compared to the US$3.31 billion cost of acquiring them, giving GIC a paper profit of US$1.14 billion, or some 34 per cent.

18-08-11, 06:23
Just saw whole list of this video on youtube




asked them liao, they said at that point in time , they represent the PEOPLE

Give Up

By Nigel Tan

Chief Editor

Presidential candidate Tan Jee Say demonstrated that he could play a unifying role as Singapore’s President by admitting that his supporters were not right to boo rival candidate Dr Tony Tan at the People’s Association headquarters on Nomination Day. He added that he always tells his supporters to conduct themselves in a “civil” manner.

“I thought that was not the correct way to conduct our campaign. We should show respect to everyone,” he said.

Mr Tan has been described as having a direct and confrontational style, an image that is augmented by his past associations with the Singapore Democratic Party (SDP). However, the former senior civil servant insists that “being forceful shouldn’t be construed as being confrontational or combative”.

He further explained that Singapore could not to afford to have a “meek President”, since it was the President’s duty to stand up to a “strong and formidable government that has been in office for a long time”.

Mr Tan’s supporters jeered loudly when Dr Tony Tan was making his Nomination Day speech, chanting “**** liao bee” (Hokkien for “good for nothing) and “Patrick Tan”, in an obvious reference to his son who was given a 12-year disruption from National Service while Dr Tan was Defence Minister.
Earlier, Dr Tan – who is widely seen as the candidate most closely associated with the ruling People’s Action Party (PAP) – expressed that he was “deeply disappointed” by the jeers that he received at the nomination centre. He argued that Singaporeans should give all four Presidential candidates a fair chance to be heard.

Dr Tan has insisted that the President does not have the power to serve as a check and balance on the government, and that the office cannot be an alternative power centre. He says that he will raise issues informally and in private with the government, and believes that his views will be influential because the Prime Minister and other cabinet ministers know him well.

The author is Chief Editor of The Satay Club

18-08-11, 08:09
In 1981, MRT project was the largest and biggest construction ever in Singapore history was pushed through by the Late , Ong Teng Cheong, then was the Minister of Transport. Of course there were barrier and resistance from the Parliament but TT opposed this....

ST article in 1981 below

"Foolish to build MRT now: Tony Tan"

bargain hunter
18-08-11, 10:31
maybe former ayer rajah pap voters who voted for TCB does not vote for TT leh? So he will get less than 60.1.

but TJS and TCB will likely take votes off each other. TKL looks like he will get the least votes. :ashamed1:

Firstly, if 60.1% remain steadfast and vote TT, no need fight anymore la...

Also, Spore politics still very immature...
Ideally, should be one vs one fight...but this just goes to show that PAP is heads and shoulders ahead, while 'opposition' naively split the fertile ground themselves by surfacing with 3 'good' candidates.

If upfront cannot cham siong and compromise, its foregone conclusion ~~ today's 4-corner election announcement just "confirmed" TT will slay all the rest!

:scared-2: :scared-2: :scared-2: :beats-me-man: :beats-me-man: :beats-me-man:

bargain hunter
18-08-11, 10:33
i disagree. i think tcb may be more like ong teng cheong.

Just vote for tjs lah, tt and tcb will just be another two pap parrots.

18-08-11, 11:02
i disagree. i think tcb may be more like ong teng cheong.


support TCB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

18-08-11, 11:07
maybe former ayer rajah pap voters who voted for TCB does not vote for TT leh? So he will get less than 60.1.

but TJS and TCB will likely take votes off each other. TKL looks like he will get the least votes. :ashamed1:

This is our president election. If its a much more important role like PM den i surely go for the safest TT:ashamed1:

TJS and TKL NO WAY:sleep:

TCB.....go go go!:D

18-08-11, 11:24
Just vote for tjs lah, tt and tcb will just be another two pap parrots.

funny comment

den TJS will just be another opposition parrot?

18-08-11, 11:31
PAP supporters will vote for PAP parrots. Non-PAP supporters will vote for non-PAP parrots! Simple? :o

18-08-11, 12:18
TT does not have much foresight as a leader.
In 1981, MRT project was the largest and biggest construction ever in Singapore history was pushed through by the Late , Ong Teng Cheong, then was the Minister of Transport. Of course there were barrier and resistance from the Parliament but TT opposed this....

ST article in 1981 below

"Foolish to build MRT now: Tony Tan"

18-08-11, 12:20
I wish it were that simple, then tjs will have at least 38% of the votes liao
PAP supporters will vote for PAP parrots. Non-PAP supporters will vote for non-PAP parrots! Simple? :o

18-08-11, 13:20
Already got more than 80 pap parrots in parliament so the president must be from opposition to act as effective check on how our reserves is used.
funny comment

den TJS will just be another opposition parrot?

18-08-11, 14:53
Already got more than 80 pap parrots in parliament so the president must be from opposition to act as effective check on how our reserves is used.
My president in mind is a neutral and well composed person like late otc:) ....definitely not tjs:p

Pls look at individual candidates merits and delink them from past political background:2cents: :)

18-08-11, 14:57
My president in mind is a neutral and well composed person like late otc:) ....definitely not tjs:p

then TKL should be yr choice :D he openly said that he is following OTC footstep

18-08-11, 14:59
then TKL should be yr choice :D he openly said that he is following OTC footstep
Whahaha.....his english standard machiam like mine wor:p

18-08-11, 15:06
Instead of PE, I tot now more like GE part 2.....


18-08-11, 15:16
Whahaha.....his english standard machiam like mine wor:p

aiya then u should go instead of him. we will have a first ever "devil president" :cheers1:

18-08-11, 17:05

Former DPM Tony Tan’s foreign-talent-first Singaporeans-second university admission policy

As reported in the Straits Times on 1st August 1997:


* MORE GRADUATES NEEDED: Singapore will not have enough graduates to service the economy in the year 2000, and steps will have to be taken to boost the intake at the universities here, while attracting more graduates from abroad as well, said Deputy Prime Minister Tony Tan, who oversees university education.

The panel was set up in 1998 and held its first meeting on 17th April 1998. Although Dr Tony Tan was not on the panel, he was the minister overall in charge of it. Apart from the projected shortage of skilled graduates, one of the other reasons for reviewing university admission criteria was to address the perception that it was almost entirely academic based with no consideration for extra-curricular achievements. The other, seemingly innocuous goal, was to transform the local universities of NUS and NTU into world-class universities.

Right from the start in 1998, Dr Tony Tan had ruled out that a policy which limits foreigners or protects Singaporean students and graduates was not on the table:


One student had asked if the Government would implement policies that would protect Singaporeans facing competition from foreigners, for jobs as well as university places.

Dr Tan answered: “There is no way in which you are going to be able to protect either Singaporeans or Singapore because we are a small country.
“We don’t set prices. We are a price-taker, not a price-setter,” he said on Thursday.

Tony Tan’s role

Here is where DPM Tony Tan’s role came into play. DPM Tan said that while more graduates are needed to keep the economy going (a shortfall of graduates was expected even if NTU and NUS increased their intake), but that increasing the intake was ruled out for fear that it might “lower their standards” and cause them to become “unmanageable”. His solution? Part of it was to instead increase the intake for foreign students from overseas so as to retain education standards, done probably in part to ensure NUS and NTU were seen as world class education institutions which foreigners would flock to:


Deputy Prime Minister Dr Tony Tan revealed in Parliament that projections by the Ministry of Trade and Industry indicated that Singapore needed 17,000 graduates a year to service its economy.

With an intake of about 10,000 or 11,000 to NUS and NTU, there would still be a shortfall.

He ruled out expanding the intake at NUS and NTU, saying that it could lower their standards and cause them to become unmanageable “mega-universities”.

The better options were to increase the number of tertiary-level institutions and recruit students from overseas.

In other words, if one is looking to blame any minister for the huge influx of foreign students in local Singapore universities and the huge brain drain of polytechnic graduates who leave for overseas university education (who are unfairly penalised due to consideration of ‘O’ Level grade), DPM Tony Tan appears to be the minister responsible.

In his quest to ensure the Singapore economy had enough graduates to keep it going and while also trying to boost local university standards and international appeal, DPM Tony Tan set in motion the policy which discriminated against local students in favour of foreign students who, in some apparent cases are not able to qualify for their own country’s competitive university entrance exams.

Is this not a clear case of putting foreign students ahead of locals? All in the name of boosting the image of NUS/NTU over that of the locals. To make matters worse, CPF money cannot be used for education overseas. Polytechnic students who had to go overseas or resort to expensive college education through distance learning have DPM Tony Tan to thank for putting foreign students overseas ahead of locals.

It would not be the least bit suprising if it eventually emerged that DPM Tony Tan was the brains behind the policy which explicitly invites foreign students fully sponsored by the Singapore government (and its taxpayers) to study in NUS/NTU and offers them a PR (without the obligation of National Service) upon graduation. Such an ill thought policy marginalises local talents and swells the ranks of non-committed PRs who are in Singapore only as a stepping stone to overseas universities. Here’s an account by a forumer of how such a reverse-discriminatory policy worked.

Now DPM Tony Tan is running for President. Well when the voting comes, Singaporeans should keep in mind the above.

18-08-11, 17:21
i disagree. i think tcb may be more like ong teng cheong.

TCB not of the same calibre as OTC. Probably more like a Wee Kim Wee but more out-spoken.

18-08-11, 17:40
TCB not of the same calibre as OTC. Probably more like a Wee Kim Wee but more out-spoken.
Wkw very well loved:D

18-08-11, 18:03
Wkw very well loved:D

President's role has evolved considerably since WKW's time. Need more than a fatherly figure now.

18-08-11, 19:58
President has to be dynamic and not some softie that just says yes to everything the govt says. The president must not be afraid to disagree and be another alternative voice for the people apart from parliament. The president should also be in the position to champion ideas and suggest it to the cabinet on behalf of the people.

18-08-11, 20:07
President has to be dynamic and not some softie that just says yes to everything the govt says. The president must not be afraid to disagree and be another alternative voice for the people apart from parliament. The president should also be in the position to champion ideas and suggest it to the cabinet on behalf of the people.

Good point. Personally, it is most important for the next President to have this trait : "not be afraid to disagree and be another alternative voice"

18-08-11, 20:46
It will b interesting if foreign delegates meet President to listen to one view, then meet Prime Minister to get another opposite view. Our Foreign Affairs minister will b v busy! Haha.

18-08-11, 21:19
President's role has evolved considerably since WKW's time. Need more than a fatherly figure now.
Not father but anyone who can show us the money!
Don't care father, grandfather, uncle, brother or ah pek :D

TJS brought up a good question about whether people are being taxed too much for the sake of increasing our reserves - which are used for...?

18-08-11, 22:04
commercial break


18-08-11, 22:23
To add further, Tjs's rejuvenation plan focuses a lot on entrepreneurship and professional services rather than manufacturing and casino. His plan helps to revitalise our economy, creates jobs and spur creativity among youths rather and helps create more singapore inventions. The govt is too stubborn to accept ideas from the opposition and pap even misinterpreted the report claiming tjs advocated totally having no manufacturing which we all know is a lie. To date, TT has said nothing about how to move the economy forward except a dark cloud looms ahead (which everybody already knows from the news) and TCB has nothing else to say apart from fostering multiracialism (which everyone already knows since they attend kindergarten).
Not father but anyone who can show us the money!
Don't care father, grandfather, uncle, brother or ah pek :D

TJS brought up a good question about whether people are being taxed too much for the sake of increasing our reserves - which are used for...?

18-08-11, 22:40
I like the comic strip :D :D

I'm all for creativity. It is not easy but we have to start somewhere. The education system is terribly stifling.

We have been overly reliant on big corporations for jobs. Many Singaporeans look down on small companies and startups. They think big companies and US companies are "stable".

We need a change of mindset for homegrown companies to hire outstanding people and we need patriotic Singaporeans to buy products and services from local companies.

18-08-11, 23:09
Precisely the point, too many young singaporeans like to lean on big companies for safety and they want nice cushy jobs that pay them well without ever wanting to venture out. This is the problem with our civil service, when civil servants get paid too well and they know they have a slim chance of getting fired even if they perform mediocrely, they tend to slack and always stretching to earn more by doing less. I have relatives in civil service like that so don't ask me how I know. I think our civil service should start cutting pay by half and get people to move outside to start businesses and create jobs for others rather than being a civil service slothball and leech on taxpayers.
I like the comic strip :D :D

I'm all for creativity. It is not easy but we have to start somewhere. The education system is terribly stifling.

We have been overly reliant on big corporations for jobs. Many Singaporeans look down on small companies and startups. They think big companies and US companies are "stable".

We need a change of mindset for homegrown companies to hire outstanding people and we need patriotic Singaporeans to buy products and services from local companies.

18-08-11, 23:38
To add further, Tjs's rejuvenation plan focuses a lot on entrepreneurship and professional services rather than manufacturing and casino. His plan helps to revitalise our economy, creates jobs and spur creativity among youths rather and helps create more singapore inventions. The govt is too stubborn to accept ideas from the opposition and pap even misinterpreted the report claiming tjs advocated totally having no manufacturing which we all know is a lie. To date, TT has said nothing about how to move the economy forward except a dark cloud looms ahead (which everybody already knows from the news) and TCB has nothing else to say apart from fostering multiracialism (which everyone already knows since they attend kindergarten).

The gahmen knows that. But entrepreneurship and professional services require talent. And the gahmen's view is that Singaporeans cannot make it, so don't waste time and go straight to easier ways eg gambling and more foreigners.

19-08-11, 03:34

support TCB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes TCB TCB!!! Go go go!!

Though he was a former miw, he was the only pap member who oppose the government by voting against the casinos and as early as 1990s he saw the immigration problems and told pap to adopt singaporeans first policy though he got reprimandee by MM for that . Let' s not forget ong teng Cheong our beloved people's president was also an ex miw but yet he stood up against them. TCB reminds me of him, with his compassion for the people. Have heard of many personal accounts of people dealing with him and saying he is a very kind hearted man, can even see doc on credit if you have no $$ to pay

Who is TJS? Just a disgruntled ex civil servant who with his proposals like doing away with manufacturing might soon squander away our reserves. Everyone can come up with grand plans to boost the economy but how realistic and feasible are they? Let' s not forget Singapore is a very small country easily makan by our neighbors if anything goes wrong

19-08-11, 03:48
Actually opposition did themselves in this time. Pap supporters all vote tt while opp supporters divide against 3 candidates. You dun need to be a maths whiz to see that likely tt will win.

19-08-11, 04:00
TCB is in his seventies, waste of time lah, he better enjoy his last few years of his retirement as time is running out. Same for the current prata man, really a waste of taxpayer's money. TJS is the youngest and still got some good years to go and more energy to champion causes. BTW I didnt know TCB would be so desperate and buay steady as to use his past contacts to send out mailers with his publicity brochures addressed to people's names personally. :doh: :doh:

19-08-11, 04:02
I think PAP supporters divided between TCB and TT, i believe most opposition supporters will vote for TJS.

Actually opposition did themselves in this time. Pap supporters all vote tt while opp supporters divide against 3 candidates. You dun need to be a maths whiz to see that likely tt will win.

19-08-11, 04:12
In business, this is good strategy. If you give one or two people free treatment in the name of helping them, they will spread more good words about your service and you end up getting more people coming to you and getting more business. If you have at least a hundred people coming up to say he has been giving them free medication and treatment for the past ten years, then I will join you to vote for him.

Let' s not forget ong teng Cheong our beloved people's president was also an ex miw but yet he stood up against them. TCB reminds me of him, with his compassion for the people. Have heard of many personal accounts of people dealing with him and saying he is a very kind hearted man, can even see doc on credit if you have no $$ to pay

19-08-11, 08:58
Yes TCB TCB!!! Go go go!!

Though he was a former miw, he was the only pap member who oppose the government by voting against the casinos and as early as 1990s he saw the immigration problems and told pap to adopt singaporeans first policy though he got reprimandee by MM for that . Let' s not forget ong teng Cheong our beloved people's president was also an ex miw but yet he stood up against them. TCB reminds me of him, with his compassion for the people. Have heard of many personal accounts of people dealing with him and saying he is a very kind hearted man, can even see doc on credit if you have no $$ to pay


but sad to say chances r slim for him:(

nonetheless, GO GO GO! JIAYOU TCB!:D

19-08-11, 09:01
In business, this is good strategy. If you give one or two people free treatment in the name of helping them, they will spread more good words about your service and you end up getting more people coming to you and getting more business. If you have at least a hundred people coming up to say he has been giving them free medication and treatment for the past ten years, then I will join you to vote for him.

wat kind of reasoning is tat?

u can turn black to white and now u turn white to black!:scared-1:

19-08-11, 09:02
I think PAP supporters divided between TCB and TT, i believe most opposition supporters will vote for TJS.

if i remember correctly, extremme is a opposition supporter

:tongue3::p :rolleyes: :D :cheers6:

19-08-11, 09:03
TCB is in his seventies, waste of time lah, he better enjoy his last few years of his retirement as time is running out. Same for the current prata man, really a waste of taxpayer's money. TJS is the youngest and still got some good years to go and more energy to champion causes. BTW I didnt know TCB would be so desperate and buay steady as to use his past contacts to send out mailers with his publicity brochures addressed to people's names personally. :doh: :doh:

:doh: :doh: :doh: :doh:

19-08-11, 09:45
my view...
TKL-he can turn the table jus to achieve his persnal goal. when he act hero for lehman case. already guess he is running for president. since his annoucement he make it very clear he is non-pap and non-opp person. he want to help ppl but don want to run GE becos he don want to run town council :doh: . talk cok, if really want to help ppl, can do in any form
TJS-he is all out against govt. with him around there will be no peace. investor will be shun away thinking of internal crack within govt.
TCB- can sense his passionate towards ppl. need not elaborate
TT- his wide experience definitely a plus point
like what devil mentioned, go for the one that have the capability. not of background. OTC also pap man but he did what he think is right.

my preference is TCB n TT. TCB has passion but TT has experience and he can present better for Singapore

19-08-11, 10:04
my view...
TKL-he can turn the table jus to achieve his persnal goal. when he act hero for lehman case. already guess he is running for president. since his annoucement he make it very clear he is non-pap and non-opp person. he want to help ppl but don want to run GE becos he don want to run town council :doh: . talk cok, if really want to help ppl, can do in any form
TJS-he is all out against govt. with him around there will be no peace. investor will be shun away thinking of internal crack within govt.
TCB- can sense his passionate towards ppl. need not elaborate
TT- his wide experience definitely a plus point
like what devil mentioned, go for the one that have the capability. not of background. OTC also pap man but he did what he think is right.

my preference is TCB n TT. TCB has passion but TT has experience and he can present better for Singapore

Hey, I agree with you!
TCB is so sincere and passionate and I really like him after his speech, especially about the part that he mentioned that the president should be above politics.
But TT has the expertise......

19-08-11, 10:07
Hey, I agree with you!
TCB is so sincere and passionate and I really like him after his speech, especially about the part that he mentioned that the president should be above politics.
But TT has the expertise......

if this is a prime minister election, my vote surely goes to TT BUT this is a presidential election!

we need an INDEPENDENT president! NOT just a parrot of either parties!

19-08-11, 10:09
Helping the people is always a good thing, but you never know the motive behind what people do, that is my point. It is naive to think that just because doctor gives credit terms to his patient, he has a kind heart. If the poor patient is indeed down and out, shouldn't he be doing it for free? This aspect of tcb's character is reflected in this pe as well. When asked about whether he would pledge his pay to charity if he gets elected, he pushed the issue aside and say he won't use that to win votes and evaded the issue. if tt and tcb had gone ahead to also make the pledge just like tjs and tkl, how can it be called a tactic to win votes when all candidates made the same pledge. I see that having a charity heart is a basic necessity of a president and he has to make that pledge before he is elected, coz if he refuses to make that pledge before, he probably won't do that after
wat kind of reasoning is tat?

u can turn black to white and now u turn white to black!:scared-1:

19-08-11, 10:10
my view...
TKL-he can turn the table jus to achieve his persnal goal. when he act hero for lehman case. already guess he is running for president. since his annoucement he make it very clear he is non-pap and non-opp person. he want to help ppl but don want to run GE becos he don want to run town council :doh: . talk cok, if really want to help ppl, can do in any form
TJS-he is all out against govt. with him around there will be no peace. investor will be shun away thinking of internal crack within govt.
TCB- can sense his passionate towards ppl. need not elaborate
TT- his wide experience definitely a plus point
like what devil mentioned, go for the one that have the capability. not of background. OTC also pap man but he did what he think is right.

my preference is TCB n TT. TCB has passion but TT has experience and he can present better for Singapore

i goto explain on this statement....

i mentioned tat we shd look at each individual candidate's merits which is not entirely the same as capability.....merit and capability r different

TT got the BEST expertise on global economies BUT we oredi got our beloved Tharman:cheers6:

Lets not blurred the role of our president!:D

19-08-11, 10:17
Helping the people is always a good thing, but you never know the motive behind what people do, that is my point. It is naive to think that just because doctor gives credit terms to his patient, he has a kind heart. If the poor patient is indeed down and out, shouldn't he be doing it for free? This aspect of tcb's character is reflected in this pe as well. When asked about whether he would pledge his pay to charity if he gets elected, he pushed the issue aside and say he won't use that to win votes and evaded the issue. if tt and tcb had gone ahead to also make the pledge just like tjs and tkl, how can it be called a tactic to win votes when all candidates made the same pledge. I see that having a charity heart is a basic necessity of a president and he has to make that pledge before he is elected, coz if he refuses to make that pledge before, he probably won't do that after.

u have ur views but i have my own differing views

I find it very low class to pledge pay to charity b4 he is even elected.....

and yes, i find it as a CHEAP tactic to win some votes....tats partly why TKL puts me off right from the beginning

19-08-11, 10:25
Making a pledge to donate your pay to charity once elected is a very noble act so how can that be cheap? The gesture tells people that the person is not in the job for the money, which is something that tt and tcb has not shown so far. Making the declaration takes courage coz imagine once you get elected, at least $10 million of your pay in that one term will have to be given away, that takes courage coz $10 million is not a small sum. Just ask yourself, what has nathan done for charity in his own personal capacity with all that $40 million he received in salary from taxpayers in his two terms? What kind of president have we had for two terms? To me nathan is the worst president we have had to date.
u have ur views but i have my own differing views

I found is very low class to pledge pay to charity b4 he is even elected.....

and yes, i find it as a CHEAP tactic to win some votes....tats partly why TKL puts me off right from the beginning

19-08-11, 10:27
Making a pledge to donate your pay to charity once elected is a very noble act so how can that be cheap? The gesture tells people that the person is not in the job for the money, which is something that tt and tcb has not shown so far. Making the declaration takes courage coz imagine once you get elected, at least $10 million of your pay in that one term will have to be given away, that takes courage coz $10 million is not a small sum.

we dun have to argue over this.....

best is to check TT and TKL whether both of them have been donating a considerably sum of their wealth to the charity for the past 20yrs anot.....

btw, TJS got pledge his pay to charity?

19-08-11, 10:30
Helping the people is always a good thing, but you never know the motive behind what people do, that is my point. It is naive to think that just because doctor gives credit terms to his patient, he has a kind heart. If the poor patient is indeed down and out, shouldn't he be doing it for free? This aspect of tcb's character is reflected in this pe as well. When asked about whether he would pledge his pay to charity if he gets elected, he pushed the issue aside and say he won't use that to win votes and evaded the issue. if tt and tcb had gone ahead to also make the pledge just like tjs and tkl, how can it be called a tactic to win votes when all candidates made the same pledge. I see that having a charity heart is a basic necessity of a president and he has to make that pledge before he is elected, coz if he refuses to make that pledge before, he probably won't do that after.

Hey, doctor also need pay to eat and survive, ok!
So you think doctor must be so charitable and waive all fees for the poor?
You think doctors no need to take care of themselves and their families?
Of course TCB does not need to waive fees for poor people, as he is not a charitable organization.
In this life, we work for our pay. We don't have to donate to charity if we don't want to and should not be criticized for that.
Anyway, why should the EP donate his pay to charity. He works hard for the pay, so let him decide what he wants to do about it.
A capable president is what we need.

19-08-11, 10:53
Of course people need to work for their money, but my point is when someone else brought up about TCB giving credit for his services and commented that he had a good heart, I do not see any correlation coz the person he gave credit to would eventually still have to pay him back. i have come across doctors who waive medical fees for those really down and out and also provide discounts for the needy.

I am puzzled by your statement (in red) as to why the president should donate his money to charity. Don't you think $4 million a year for the president of singapore is too excessive when comparing with his job scope? When you mentioned he works hard for his money, do you mean to say he works 10 times harder than Obama? Please lah...everybody knows the president in singapore is overly paid that is why despite TKL and TJS donating half of that to charity, there is still a lot left. Even at $2 million a year, I think the president is overly paid coz he plays a ceremonial role largely.

Hey, doctor also need pay to eat and survive, ok!
So you think doctor must be so charitable and waive all fees for the poor?
You think doctors no need to take care of themselves and their families?
Of course TCB does not need to waive fees for poor people, as he is not a charitable organization.
In this life, we work for our pay. We don't have to donate to charity if we don't want to and should not be criticized for that.
Anyway, why should the EP donate his pay to charity. He works hard for the pay, so let him decide what he wants to do about it.
A capable president is what we need.

19-08-11, 11:12
Of course people need to work for their money, but my point is when someone else brought up about TCB giving credit for his services and commented that he had a good heart, I do not see any correlation coz the person he gave credit to would eventually still have to pay him back. i have come across doctors who waive medical fees for those really down and out and also provide discounts for the needy.

I am puzzled by your statement (in red) as to why the president should donate his money to charity. Don't you think $4 million a year for the president of singapore is too excessive when comparing with his job scope? When you mentioned he works hard for his money, do you mean to say he works 10 times harder than Obama? Please lah...everybody knows the president in singapore is overly paid that is why despite TKL and TJS donating half of that to charity, there is still a lot left. Even at $2 million a year, I think the president is overly paid coz he plays a ceremonial role largely.

I agree that $4 mil a year is a lot of money.
But we can't change that.
So if you are running as EP, you resign from your present job and you expect that pay, so why should you donate part of it to charity, if you don't want to?
Of course it will be noble of the EP to donate part of his salary to charity, but I will certainly not vote for someone just becoz he will donate his pay.

Just becoz a person earns lots of money does not mean he should donate it to charity. And if he is sincere about it, he will not go around and broadcast
that he is doing so.

19-08-11, 11:38
Being noble and charitable is what a president should be, not a matter of choice, otherwise how can a president advocate compassion and do charity when he has done little himself? Nathan often appeared in charitable events to grace the occasion, but has he proven it with his own actions and money? How many millions did he donate to charity in his two terms? A president needs to be exemplary and not merely tell others to do it but not himself. A person can earn obscene millions in his private business ventures but that is money generated by his business and nothing to do with the people. If president's $40 million comes from taxpayers, that is a different matter coz all eyes will be on him as every cent he gets comes from someone who has to toil and sweat to put money into his pocket.

I agree that $4 mil a year is a lot of money.
But we can't change that.
So if you are running as EP, you resign from your present job and you expect that pay, so why should you donate part of it to charity, if you don't want to?
Of course it will be noble of the EP to donate part of his salary to charity, but I will certainly not vote for someone just becoz he will donate his pay.

Just becoz a person earns lots of money does not mean he should donate it to charity. And if he is sincere about it, he will not go around and broadcast
that he is doing so.

19-08-11, 13:16
Being noble and charitable is what a president should be, not a matter of choice, otherwise how can a president advocate compassion and do charity when he has done little himself? Nathan often appeared in charitable events to grace the occasion, but has he proven it with his own actions and money? How many millions did he donate to charity in his two terms? A president needs to be exemplary and not merely tell others to do it but not himself. A person can earn obscene millions in his private business ventures but that is money generated by his business and nothing to do with the people. If president's $40 million comes from taxpayers, that is a different matter coz all eyes will be on him as every cent he gets comes from someone who has to toil and sweat to put money into his pocket.

The role of the elected president of Singapore :

No mention that president must be noble and charitable, leh.

19-08-11, 13:45
:doh: :doh: :doh:

The role of the elected president of Singapore :

No mention that president must be noble and charitable, leh.

19-08-11, 14:47
:doh: :doh: :doh:

Hahahaha.... gotcha!
You are speechless.
Being noble and charitable are virtues that a president SHOULD possess but it is not a prerequisite.

19-08-11, 15:15
bro, the prerequisites we are discussing here is not something that has to be spelt out in a book, it is what common people like us feel a president should be based on conventional wisdom. If an army general is afraid to die in battle, can he conscienably tell his army to die in battle bravely? If a priest is gay, can he conscienably tell others that homosexuality is wrong? Likewise if the president hoards $40 million of taxpayers money without doing much for charity, can he then conscienably tell people to be more charitable? People's president should lead by example and not be a nato (no action talk only) president.
Hahahaha.... gotcha!
You are speechless.
Being noble and charitable are virtues that a president SHOULD possess but it is not a prerequisite.

19-08-11, 15:19
The Wayang Man

His arms across his table he laid;
He looks more cunning than words can say;
Barehanded came the wayang man
Before the PE TV live event.
In awe and sceptics the folks came forward,
To meet and greet him afterward;
‘It is no wonder,’ said the folks,
‘He is more cunning than fox.’

As cunning the fox in the dark forest,
He in a nice attire was seen;
Some praised his dear Patrick son,
with passion in science over twelve years of decent time
So sweet a face, such an angel grace,
In all Singaland had never been.
Folks swore a cursing oath:
‘This wayang man shall never be my man!’

Guess who this is?

19-08-11, 16:08
Where is wq?:rolleyes:

19-08-11, 16:10
Where is wq?:rolleyes:

why u want to summon him back :D

19-08-11, 16:10
bro, the prerequisites we are discussing here is not something that has to be spelt out in a book, it is what common people like us feel a president should be based on conventional wisdom. If an army general is afraid to die in battle, can he conscienably tell his army to die in battle bravely? If a priest is gay, can he conscienably tell others that homosexuality is wrong? Likewise if the president hoards $40 million of taxpayers money without doing much for charity, can he then conscienably tell people to be more charitable? People's president should lead by example and not be a nato (no action talk only) president.
Den how about our ministers?

Took them so long to revise the pay....quite sure president salary will b cut....by 20%?:rolleyes:

19-08-11, 16:12
why u want to summon him back :D
I wud expect him to cut n paste bad stuff on tt and gd stuff on tjs mah....for the benefit of everyone here too rite?:D

Anyway i dun like tt too! Hehe

19-08-11, 16:29
Where is wq?:rolleyes:

Tot he migrate to china?

19-08-11, 16:47
I hope to see this happens asap...


19-08-11, 18:48
I hope to see this happens asap...

Mr Brown is good, give us sth to laugh abt..., ya WQ provide good sparring during GE... , open our eyes to all candidates...

19-08-11, 19:40
Mr Brown is good, give us sth to laugh abt..., ya WQ provide good sparring during GE... , open our eyes to all candidates...

this one seems interesting...:D

19-08-11, 19:54
this one seems interesting...:D
Looking fwd to the actual broadcast..., interesting TJS vs TT on the ISA..issue...:o

19-08-11, 20:02
Singapore Election: Young Voters could be the Key

Presidential Elections, just like the recent GE of Singapore...it not what we, the 'old birds' want.
Now ... the young voters are holding the Key.


19-08-11, 20:03
Got this from another forum:



Dr Tony Tan spent $24.2 billion of Singapore's hard earned reserves to buy UBS and Citigroup less than a year before the 2008 banking crisis struck. The billions of dollars he lost for Singapore may mean nothing or very little peanuts to him. However, billions of dollars means far too much to every Singaporean.

How can Dr Tony Tan be the President to audit his own horrendous mistakes that cost Singaporeans billions of dollars (thousands of millions of dollars)!


How many generations of children will the average Singaporean need just to save $24 million? Multiply that by 1,000 times. That is how much money Dr Tony Tan was willing to lose for Singapore. His timing of the purchase was so terrible. The price he paid was even more terrible. Both UBS and Citigroup almost went bankrupt even after Dr Tony Tan’s multi-billions dollars to them at Singaporeans’ expenses. Both banks needed many billions of dollars of bailout money from their governments to survive.

How can Dr Tony Tan be the President to audit his own horrendous mistakes that cost Singaporeans billions of dollars (thousands of millions of dollars)!

On 31 Jan 2008 , AsiaOne reported thus:

EVEN after taking significant stakes in UBS and Citigroup, the Government of Singapore Investment Corporation (GIC) could still invest in another distressed bank, if the deal is worthwhile, the agency's deputy chairman Tony Tan revealed in a briefing to The Business Times.
"We will look at any deal that is shown to us. We have a duty to do so.We would still have the capacity if we find it worthwhile to invest," he said.
"Whether it would be of the same size as what we are now doing is a matter to be decided."

Isn't that scary? He has a “duty” to lose more money by buying more banks at horror prices? Are we watching some horror movies? Lets hope GIC didn't buy many more banks in smaller pieces at the worst times and at the worst prices.

Please spread this message to every voter. The future of Singapore depends on you!


19-08-11, 20:06
Got this from another forum:

By Philip Tan

The question of why exactly Dr Patrick Tan was so special that he had to be given a unique posting that does not even normally even exist is one that only he and his father can answer. But perhaps they should consider the example of Princes William and Harry, who are respectively third and fourth in line to the British throne. Even though there is no mandatory consription in the United Kingdom , both princes volunteered to enter into armed service, with Prince William having qualified as a search and rescue helicopter pilot and Prince Harry having qualified as a tank commander.

Prince Harry, a lieutenant in the Blues and Royals of the Household Cavalry Regiment, has on more than one occasion volunteered for active duty in Afghanistan , even though his commanders felt that he would be targeted by enemy forces. He is set to return to Afghanistan for another tour of duty next year.

Both princes had to go through rigorous training for their combat roles, beginning with basic officer training at Royal Academy Sandhurst, and later on extending to specialised vocational training. They were not treated any differently from other soldiers despite their royal status; on the contrary, Prince Harry was reportedly singled out by his instructors at Sandhurst for extra punishment if he made any mistakes.

The fact that the princes are serving in front-line combat roles alongside ordinary men and women is a testament to their courage and their commitment to their country. Both were born in the lap of luxury and had very privileged upbringings, but this did not deter them from answering the call of duty even though they did not have to.

So why do the children of our nation�s top leaders expect to be given special and preferential treatment? Seeing as NS is compulsory for all Singaporean males, why should any of them not be doing their duty in front-line combat roles?
Dr Patrick Tan can say all he wants about �contributing to Singapore � via his lab research work� but everyone knows that it is another thing altogether to be out in the field performing exercises with your fellow soldiers. Even Medical Officers are made to perform perfunctory and menial tasks for much of their time, and that is precisely what makes NS such a hated but respected institution.

National Service is not about an individual�s professional or academic qualifications, it is not about giving people the opportunity to make the most of their talents. Otherwise, all law students should be given legal work, all engineers should be given engineering work, and all history students should be assigned to curate military museums. National Service is about making a personal sacrifice to do your patriotic duty regardless of your educational background, which schools you attended or who your parents are.

At least, that�s what we were taught to believe.

19-08-11, 20:11
this one seems interesting...:D

Wow... TT evaded the question regarding ISA... am awaiting the full version to be release...

19-08-11, 20:19

EXPOSE #2: Patrick Tan was awarded President scholarship only after he disrupted for overseas medical studies

In his ‘clarification’ to the public, the Office of Dr Tony Tan claimed that his son Dr Patrick Tan was disrupted for his overseas medical studies:

“Dr Tan’s son entered National Service with his regular cohort and attended BMT and OCS. As you may know, there are multiple service pathways for NSmen after BMT. Like many doctors-in-training, he disrupted his National Service to attend medical school.”

When pointed out that Dr Tan was pursuing a Bachelor of Arts at Harvard University instead, the state media reported:

“Dr Patrick Tan said he entered NS in 1988 and completed Basic Military Training and his Junior Term at Officer Cadet School. He was awarded a President’s Scholarship and a Loke Cheng Kim Scholarship to study medicine in the United States, where medical training “typically comprises of a pre-medical degree followed by a graduate medical degree”.

(Source: Channel News Asia, 30 July 2011)

The above statement seemed to give the public the impression that Dr Patrick Tan was disrupted because he was a President scholar which was not entirely surprising in those days when President scholars were allowed to disrupted for overseas medical studies.

However, in a Straits Times report in August, 1988, it was reported clearly that Dr Patrick Tan was awarded the President scholarship ONLY after he was disrupted which means that it is impossible that he was disrupted for the President scholarship:

“The fifth scholar is Patrick Tan Boon Ooi. Patrick (National Junior College) is already in Harvard, studying towards a medical degree. He is expected to be back for the Istana ceremony.”

(Source: Straits Times, 3 August 1988)

Dr Patrick Tan’s NS record stated that he served 3 months of BMT and 3 months in OCS before disrupting for his studies which raised two key questions:

1. If Dr Patrick Tan was disrupted for the President scholarship, why was he allowed to disrupt BEFORE he was given the award when others have to serve their National Service till they are confirmed they are given the scholarship?

According to the same report, Chan Chun Sing from Raffles Junior College was still not disrupted and “will take up Economics at Cambridge.” Chan was allowed to disrupt only after he was awarded the SAF (Overseas) and President’s Scholarship to study Economics at Christ’s College, Cambridge University, UK.

There are stories of Singaporeans who lost their places in overseas universities because MINDEF refused to grant them even a two month deferment. Why was Dr Patrick Tan allowed to disrupt to study in Harvard first instead of waiting for the next academic year only after his scholarship was confirmed?

2. If Dr Patrick Tan was disrupted for his medical studies, then he should return to Singapore to serve as a medical officer (MO) in SAF and NOT as a Defence Medical Scientist. As he was combat-fit, he should be sent to undergo conversion to a MO in the Medical Officer Cadet Course (MOCC) or complete his tri-service term in OCS. Why was he allowed to spend two years of his NS in an air-conditioned laboratory in a non-existent vocation?

So how did Dr Patrick Tan obtain his third-sergeant rank? Where did he serve his reservist after ORDing from Defence Science Organization as a ‘defence medical scientist’? Watch out for Part 3 of our EXPOSE series on Tony Tan and his family tomorrow.

19-08-11, 20:23

Tony Tan’s supporters launched vicious smear campaign against Dr Tan Cheng Bock

Supporters of PAP-endorsed presidential candidate Tony Tan has launched a vicious campaign against former PAP MP Dr Tan Cheng Bock after sensing that the latter may siphon enough votes from Tony Tan to deny him a victory or even embarass him at the polls next Saturday.

Supporters of PAP-endorsed presidential candidate Tony Tan has launched a vicious campaign against former PAP MP Dr Tan Cheng Bock
Using monikers and Facebook accounts set up recently, these ‘trolls’ have been bad-mouthing Dr Tan Cheng Bock on his Facebook as well as the major socio-political fan Facebooks such as The Temasek Review.

One of them “More Good Years” even ‘wore’ a Tony Tan picbadge on its profile photo:

“Dr Tan, may I say it is too naive to say that football can unite the political diversity in Singapore. Do you mean that after a football match, all the politicians will go back and live together happily ever after? Of course not. Yes, it may unite the political diversity but only when the game is on and everybody cheers together. But after the game, everybody will be back at their own game. This is only a temporary fix. It is not a permanent solution.”

Another supporter of Tony Tan going by the moniker of “Young Franco” attacked Dr Tan’s proposal to merge CDAC, Mendaki and SINDA:

“If we merged the CDAC, Mendaki, etc offices together then people will feel more integrated? Does the dog wag the tail, or the tail wag the dog?”

Hardcore PAP supporter Davian Lee, who has been attacking Tan Jee Say in the last few days, suddenly switched his attention to Dr Tan.

In a short note posted on his Facebook, he wrote:

“I am perturbed by Presidential Candidate Dr Tan Cheng Bock’s ideas around the merging of CDAC, Mendaki and SINDA. Dr Tan said the community groups should be merged as a way to integrate society, and that if elected, he would use the power of influence to encourage such change.”

A YPAP and Youth Executive Committee (YEC) member from Geylang told us that the PAP grassroots have been given clear instructions to support Tony Tan only.

Last week, the Temasek Review Emeritus (TRE) received some “interesting” information about Dr Tan Cheng Bock from a self-proclaimed PAP member and grassroots leader about his past ties with the PAP regime and the purchase of a property on Sentosa Cove.

With Tony Tan facing an uphill task winning the presidency due to his son’s NS scandal, it appeared that the PAP is even turning on its former MP to ensure victory for him.

Join our Facebook page here

Posted by Temasek Review on August 19, 2011.

19-08-11, 20:35
More interesting read from Temasek Review Emeritus website:


The Curious Case of Tony Tan

The Curious Case of Tony Tan
Dr Tony Tan resigned his GIC posts, where he was both Dy Chairman and Executive Director, as well as his SPH Chairmanship and his PAP membership, in order to contest in the Elected Presidency.

He was coy about his reasons for participating but claimed he had ‘no choice’, as ‘national interest is there’ and he was, in effect, duty bound. Earlier, he had invoked the imagery of an approaching ‘perfect storm’ in the global economy as a prime motivation.

He denied any conflict of interest, and actually (not surprisingly) claimed that his GIC experience would actually be a plus point which would help him make ‘possibly’ better decisions than others in protecting the reserves and ensuring it’s proper management.

But, commonsense says that it would indeed take some believing his claim that he could do a better job as an EP* ‘guiding’ govt’s efforts in this respect from a ringside seat, like a ‘back seat’ driver,* as compared to being directly involved in the arena taming the lions! That was precisely what he was doing before the ‘call-up’.

If for one moment that is true, then he has just rubbished his previous GIC jobs. Patently, therefore, this is not true!

One has to feel he is insulting our intelligence just like those seemingly unending streams of ‘endorsements’ orchestrated for his sake that is currently unfolding EVERYDAY, ad nauseam,* in the pages of the MSM and on national TV! All of a sudden ethnic associations (so far, one) and trade unions are falling over themselves lining up in the queue to ‘endorse’ him. Certainly, reminds you of the in-thing now of teenagers ‘planking’ themselves, sometimes into oblivion.

Please, Dr Tan, give us a break. We are not born yesterday, you know.

But, let me straighten this out for the rest of us doubting Thomases. This is what I believe is* honest to goodness, the case:

1. Nathan, the incumbent is weary and wants badly to leave. He has had enough of teasing by Singaporeans after 12 long years. Wearing the conical hat isn’t funny anymore, though the money is good.

2. However, Singaporean voters are in no mood to humour the govt. They have tasted blood on 7 May 2011, and they want some more!

3. Sensing this, govt threw in GY as bait and got the MSM going hammer and tongs into overdrive trying to play up his notches on the popularity chart. However, they failed, as voters refused to bite, pointing out instead to George’s pre-polling day virtual ‘promise’ to the country to play a major role in ‘reforming’ the party, in a desperate last ditch futile attempt at salvaging votes. In the event, it didn’t work. He fooled himself.

George also painted himself into a corner by declaring, in no uncertain terms, in the despairing aftermath moments of poll defeat, where everything tasted lousy, that the EP is NOT for a ‘free spirit’ like him. Effectively, he locked himself out, some speculated it was perhaps on purpose.

4. When Tan Cheng Bock and Tan Kin Lian announced their respective interests to vie for the EP, the govt convulsed in panic. In the words of Lim Boon Heng, the crying ex-minister in the PM office, in reference to Tan Cheng Bock, he said, Singaporeans are in NO mood for yet another PAP-linked EP (and who can blame them?). Tan Kin Lian’s announcement of his interest, sent the party leadership frantically scurrying for a suitable proxy cum replacement for GY.

5. Their eyes fell on Tony. They cornered him and they gave him an offer he cannot* refuse! *That is: Get that job, OR be prepared to spend the next six years fielding all manners of SWF 101 queries from an (but of course) ubiquitous and mighty curious and perhaps a tad suspicious, EP.

After a decade on the GIC job, Tony simply does not have the stomach for that sort of potentially gut-churning, looking over his shoulders, cross-examination by the next EP, esp. about his role during the 2008 and thereabout period. *For that matter, by anybody.

6. So Tony has no choice but to throw in his cushy GIC and SPH jobs and to surrender his life membership of the PAP club, to enter the battle for the EP’s mantle. Realistically , that is the only feasible way for him to keep his own secrets, secret.

19-08-11, 21:21

PE: Clan association invites Tan Jee Say to tea
By Tan Qiuyi | Posted: 19 August 2011 2005 hrs
SINGAPORE: The Hainanese Tan Clan Association has invited presidential candidate Tan Jee Say to a 'good luck' tea. But it said it is not officially endorsing any candidate.

The 800-member association said its constitution does not allow it to "indulge in any political activity", so its members are free to vote for the candidate of their choice.

Association president Tan Boon Hai also told reporters that the specific clause in its constitution prohibiting political activity was added at the advice of the Registry of Societies in April this year when the association updated its constitution.

He also said Mr Tan Jee Say is a long-time member of the association.

Association members Channel NewsAsia spoke to said they are proud to have a presidential candidate as a fellow member. But not all have decided who they will vote for.

- CNA/ir

19-08-11, 22:03

PE: Clan association invites Tan Jee Say to tea
By Tan Qiuyi | Posted: 19 August 2011 2005 hrs
SINGAPORE: The Hainanese Tan Clan Association has invited presidential candidate Tan Jee Say to a 'good luck' tea. But it said it is not officially endorsing any candidate.

The 800-member association said its constitution does not allow it to "indulge in any political activity", so its members are free to vote for the candidate of their choice.

Association president Tan Boon Hai also told reporters that the specific clause in its constitution prohibiting political activity was added at the advice of the Registry of Societies in April this year when the association updated its constitution.

He also said Mr Tan Jee Say is a long-time member of the association.

Association members Channel NewsAsia spoke to said they are proud to have a presidential candidate as a fellow member. But not all have decided who they will vote for.

- CNA/ir

Bro Land118, for a moment, I actually tot u are wenqing...:D :D :D

19-08-11, 22:06
Bro Land118, for a moment, I actually tot u are wenqing...:D :D :D
No la, WQ is out there...., am sure he could be reading our postings maybe

19-08-11, 22:18

PE: Clan association invites Tan Jee Say to tea
By Tan Qiuyi | Posted: 19 August 2011 2005 hrs
SINGAPORE: The Hainanese Tan Clan Association has invited presidential candidate Tan Jee Say to a 'good luck' tea. But it said it is not officially endorsing any candidate.

The 800-member association said its constitution does not allow it to "indulge in any political activity",
Association president Tan Boon Hai also told reporters that the specific clause in its constitution prohibiting political activity was added at the advice of the Registry of Societies in April this year when the association updated its constitution.

He also said Mr Tan Jee Say is a long-time member

- CNA/ir

Strange that Clan cannot indulge in political activity..., why then did the Tan Clan can endorse TT? Different set of constitution for TAN clan ?

Wonder what about chambers of commerce constitution? Example



19-08-11, 22:26

Why I will vote Mr. Tan Jee Say as my President
Edward Chong

19-08-11, 22:32
Nicole Seah facebook has 105k of people who" like this" and she is Supporting TJS..., sizeable influence on young voters perhaps?



19-08-11, 22:42

EXPOSE #3: Patrick Tan’s official vocation in NS is a ‘Chief Clerk

EXPOSE #3: Patrick Tan’s official vocation in NS is a ‘Chief Clerk’
Now that we know that there is no such vocation as ‘Defence Medical Scientist’ in the Singapore, what is the official vocation of Dr Patrick Tan during his National Service?

It was revealed that Dr Patrick Tan was disrupted after six months in the Office Cadet Course (OCS) and held the rank of Third Sergeant in NS.

Some netizens rightly pointed out the inconsistency – that Dr Patrick Tan should hold the rank of only a Corporal and NOT a Third Sergeant as he was not in the last third of his Tri-Service in OCS when he was disrupted.

So where did Dr Patrick Tan obtain his Third Sergeant rank from?

In SAF, there is a course for every single vocation. To become a SAF Medical Officer, a medical doctor has to go through its Medical Officer Cadet Course (MOCC) though one may be a highly qualified specialist. There is a course to train medics, clerks, guards, infantrymen, signalers, combat engineers etc. Even a storeman has to go through a course for storeman.

According to sources who know Dr Patrick Tan, he was sent to attend a three-week Basic Administrative Supervisor Course he returned to Singapore in 2000. His official SAF vocation is a Chief Clerk and he should be sent to a unit at the Battalion/Company level to manage its administrative matters.

To add to the intrigue, the vocation of Chief Clerk is usually reserved for NSFs* with a PES C* status and below, meaning they are not fit for combat duties.

As Dr Patrick Tan was combat-fit, it is very unlikely that he would be sent to such a course to become a Chief Clerk. The strange thing is, Dr Patrick Tan did not serve his NS as a Chief Clerk, but was assigned to be a ‘Defence Medical Scientist’ at the Defence Science Organization, a company limited by guarantee incorporated in 1997.

Based on the standard SAF vocational guidelines, Dr Patrick Tan should be sent to MOCC to ‘convert’ to a medical officer or returned to SAFTI to complete his OCS. Why was he sent to attend a Basic Administrative Supervisor Course instead

Even then, he should serve his NS as a Chief Clerk instead of being assigned to a non-existent SAF vocation as a ‘Defence Medical Scientist’?

It appears that the rules have been bent here and there to ensure that Dr Patrick Tan served his NS in a field which is related to his professional work. As no such vocation exists in the SAF, he was given an official vocation of a ‘Chief Clerk’ on paper while ’serving’ his NS in DSO as a ‘Defence Medical Scientist’.

As the Defence Minister during that time, Dr Tony Tan should know MINDEF’s vocational guidelines very well. Shouldn’t he be alerted to the fact no such vocation as ‘defence medical scientist’ exists in the SAF?

The next question is – where did Dr Patrick Tan serve his reservist after ORD since DSO is not a reservist unit? Watch out for Part 4 of our EXPOSE series on Tony Tan and his family.

19-08-11, 23:04
Many are puzzled and confused about TT's NS and Reservist involvement, it could be a mystery that never get solved....

Dr Patrick Tan CV:


Patrick Boon Ooi TAN, M.D. Ph.D.
Group Leader
[email protected]


Our research group utilizes a variety of genomic technologies including DNA microarrays, high-throughput sequencing, and bioinformatics to understand the genetic and molecular basis of host-pathogen interactions. Our disease focus is tropical infectious disease, as there are a number of tropical pathogens which cause serious disease in the region but for which little is known about their mechanism of virulence. We have been investigating the Gram negative saprophyte Burkholderia pseudomallei, the causative agent of meliodosis, an often fatal disease of humans and animals. The B. pseudomallei genome, at 7.2 Mb, is also one of the most complex microbial genomes sequenced to date.

We have found that B. pseudomallei is pathogenic to C. elegans, and that the mechanism of virulence is most likely conserved between nematodes and higher vertebrates. Using this assay, we have identified a number of novel virulence factors in the pathogen, and we are currently investigating if certain genetic or environmental factors can predispose a host towards an infection. We are also using whole-genome B. pseudomallei microarrays to study patterns of genomic variation in the natural environment.

We have also engaged in an intensive research program on cancer of the stomach, associated with the Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School (www.duke-nus.edu.sg)


1992-2000 Stanford University School of Medicine, MD PhD
1988-1992 Harvard University, B.A.
1986-1987 National Junior College, Singapore


2004 - Present Group Leader, Genome Institute of Singapore
2006- present Associate Professor (Awarded Tenure in 2009), Cancer and Stem Cell Biology, Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School Singapore
2009 – Present Director, Duke-NUS Genome Biology Facility
2009 – Present Research Associate Professor, Institute of Genome Sciences and Policy, Duke University
2008 - Present Program Leader, Genomic Oncology, Cancer Science Institute of Singapore (NUS)
2006 - Present Principal Investigator (Adjunct), National Cancer Centre, Singapore
2003 - Present Associate Professor (Adjunct), Dept of Physiology, National University of Singapore
2004 - Present Senior Research Fellow (Adjunct), Defence Medical and Environmental Research Institute, Defence Science Organization (DMERI@DSO), Singapore
2005 - 2008 Associate Professor (Adjunct), School of Computer Science, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
2002 – 2007 Chief Scientific Officer, Agenica Research Pte Ltd (Joint Venture with NCCS, Mitsui Corp, and Shimadzu Corp)
2002 - 2006 Principal Investigator, National Cancer Centre, Singapore
2003 - 2004 Senior Research Fellow, Defence Medical and Environmental Research Institute (DMERI@DSO), Singapore
2004 Visiting Scientist, Broad Institute, Cambridge, MA
2000 - 2003 Research Scientist, Defence Medical Research Institute, Singapore
2000 - 2002 Senior Scientist, National Cancer Centre, Singapore


1988 President's Scholarship, Singapore
1988 Loke Cheng Kim Scholarship, Singapore
1989 Detur Prize for Academic Excellence, Harvard University
1992 Graduated summa cum laude (Highest Honors), Harvard University
1992 Phi Beta Kappa Society
1992 Fairchild Fellowship (for MSTP training), Stanford University
1998 Charles Yanofsky Award for Most Outstanding Graduate Thesis, Stanford University
2001 Young Scientist Award (Singapore National Academy of Sciences)
2001 NCC Academic Award for Best Intellectual Property Filing
2002 NCC Academic Award for Best New Research Programme
2002 Singapore Youth Award (National Youth Council)
2002 Best Business Plan and Executive Summary (Systome Therapeutics), Startup@Singapore National Techno-Venture Competition
2004 Singhealth Investigator Excellence Award
2005 AACR-ITO EN Scholar in Training Award, AACR 96th Annual Meeting
2008 Singapore Youth Award, Medal of Commendation (National Youth Council)
2010 AACR-Bristol-Myers Squibb Oncology Scholar-in-Training Award (for graduate student Iain Tan)
2010 ASCO Young Investigator Award (for graduate student Iain Tan)
2011 SGH Scientist Award


2003 Member, Pro-term Committee, Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School
2003 Chair, Technology Scan Panel on Engineering Science in Medicine, Agency for Science, Technology and Research
2004 Chair, Scientific Committee, 4th World Melioidosis Congress
2005-2007 Chair, Life Sciences Virtual Grid Community, National Grid Office
2005 Working Committee, Molecular Pathology of Breast Cancer, International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), Lyon, France
2006 2006 Member, International Advisory Committee, 5th World Melioidosis Congress, Koen Kaen, Thailand
2007 2007 Organizing Committee, AACR Centennial Conference on Translational Cancer Research, Singapore
2008 Program Committee, AACR Centennial Conference, Singapore
2007 Course Co-director, Molecules and Cells, Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School (Inaugural Class)
2008 Member, International Scientific Committee, International Society for Cellular Oncology Meeting, Amsterdam, Netherlands
2009 Session Chair, New Concepts in Organ Site Research (Gastric Cancer), 2010 American Association for Cancer Research Annual Meeting, Washington DC
2009 Member, International Scientific Committee, International Society
2010 Member, Gastric Cancer Advisory Committee, Bristol-Myers Squibb
2010 Member, Clinical Advisory Board, Siena Biotech
2004-present Member, Local Review Panel, Translational Research, Biomedical Research Council
2007-present Member, Local Review Panel, National Medical Research Council, Singapore
2007-present Member, Bioethics Advisory Committee to Government of Singapore
2007-present Member, Specialists Accreditation Board, Translational Medicine
2008-present Faculty Member, Singapore – MIT Computational and Systems Biology (CSB) Programme, NUS
2009-present Member, Scientific Advisory Board, Eskitis Institute for Cell and Molecular Therapies, Griffith University, Australia
2003-2004 Editorial Board Member, Cancer Reviews: Asia Pacific (World Scientific Press)
2004-2009 Editorial Board Member, SGH Proceedings, Singapore
2005-2009 Associate Editor, Cancer Research (American Association for Cancer Research)
2007-present Section Editor, BMC Medical Genomics (Biomed Central)
2009-present Editorial Board Member, PLoS One
2010-present Editorial Board Member, Cellular Oncology


Sep 2009 – Sep 2011 Studies into Investigating Mode of Action of Cancer Drugs and Analysis of Biomarkers in Clinical Samples , Bayer Schering Pharma by Bayer Schering Pharma (S$200,000 )
Oct 2007 - Sep 2012 TCR Flagship Programme “The Singapore gastric cancer consortium-improving outcomes for our patients”, PI (NCC Module) by National Medical Research Council ($4,997,500)
Oct 2005 – Mar 2009 Systematic Identification of Candidate Cancer and Biomarker Genes by High Resolution Mapping of Genomic Aberrations Using a Microarray Platform by Singapore Cancer Syndicate, A-STAR ($850,062)
Oct 2005 – Mar 2008 A Personalised and Adaptive Literature Curation System for the Biomedical Sciences by National Grid Office ($280,400)
Nov 2010- Oct 2011 Genomics of Asian non-small cell lung cancer by Eli- Lilly ($500,000)
Jul 2003 – Jun 2007 Regulation and Function of Lin-31, a gene important in RAS/MAPK signaling specificity during C. elegans vulval induction by Biomedical Research Council ($800,000)
Feb 2006 - Jan 2011 Systematic Identification of Oncogenic Cellular Pathways and Processes in Gastric Cancer for patient stratification and personalized therapy by Biomedical Research Council, A-star ($1,890,000)
Dec 2008- Nov 2011 Mechanisms of persistence of B.psuedomallei by Wellcome Trust, UK (£150,000)
Aug 2011- July 2014 Lineage-Specific Survival Oncogenes in Gastric Cancer: Functional Characterization, Genomic Dissection, and Integration with Classical Oncogenic Circuits by A*STAR- BMRC ($1,131,500)
Apr 2009- Dec 2011 Genomics approaches to identifying novel virulence pathways and genes in Burkholderia Psuedomallei, the causative agent of melioidosis by A*STAR-DSTA ($354,000)
Apr 2006- Jun 2008 Bacterial virulence factors- function, regulation, variation and interaction with host by A*STAR- BMRC ($340,000)
Apr 2006 - Mar 2008 Functional characterization of PLA2G2A in gastric cancer by SingHealth ($200,000)
Apr 2006 - Jun 2010 Establishment of the National Xenograft Therapeutic Program by Singapore Cancer Syndicate, A-sta ($920,000)
Apr 2003 – Mar 2006 Identification of Novel Cancer Subtypes and Genetic Identifiers Using Genome-Level Targeted Technologies by Biomedical Research Council ($1,550,800)


2010 2010087930/101213/TMFMK/9862 : Control of Bacterial growth * (Filed)
2008 EP1668151B1 : Materials and Methods Related to Breast Cancer Dia * (Granted)
2008 160726 : Materials and Methods Related to Breast Cancer Dia * (Granted)
2006 200404696-7 : Materials and Methods for Cancer Diagnosis * (Granted)


19-08-11, 23:05
The patrick episode in ns must be the father's doing. Like that where got any integrity when he become president? Really pooi !!!

19-08-11, 23:11
EXPOSED #1: No such vocation such as ‘Defence Medical Scientist’ in SAF


19-08-11, 23:14
I doubt we will hear anything more than what is stated below from TT's Office:

And likely in the coming days of campaigning, TT would probably not engage in this topic in person. Reply is from his OFFICE, he did not reply to the below....


Tony Tan refutes allegations about preferential treatment towards son

Friday, Jul 29, 2011
Presidential hopeful Dr Tony Tan has responded to allegations that his son received preferential treatment during military national service (NS).

In Dr Tony Tan's Facebook page, a netizen named Jessica Tan posed the following question: "'Elected President candidate Dr Tony Tan helped his son to escape military National Service. He had arranged for his son to do civilian work (research work at National Cancer Center) and be paid NS salary. It is legally right but morally wrong.'...can Dr Tony Tan verify the above statement?"

In a reply to the post, Dr Tan's office said:

Dear Jessica,

You are mistaken. Dr Tan's son entered National Service with his regular cohort and attended BMT (Basic Military Training) and OCS (Officer Cadet School). As you may know, there are multiple service pathways for NSmen after BMT. Like many doctors-in-training, he disrupted his National Service to attend medical school. He received a joint MD-PhD from Stanford University. Upon his return to Singapore, he completed his National Service as a defense medical scientist. In line with his research at medical school in genomics, his research work focused on melioidosis, a disease involving abscesses, pneumonia or blood poisoning caused by a soil-borne bacteria Burkholderia pseudomallei.

This bacteria was of particular concern to MINDEF as it was affecting soldiers in the field and is a potential bio-terrorism threat. http://www.asiaone.com/Hea?lth/News/Story/A1Story2008?0102-43328.html

The melioidosis research was originally planned to be carried out at the Defence Medical and Environmental Research Institute (DMERI, then called DMRI), which was housed at NUS Kent Ridge. However, due to lack of laboratory space to house the required genomic equipment, he performed the research at the National Cancer Center, which may be how this false rumour started. Throughout his National Service, he received an NSman's salary and fulfilled all requirements of NS such as IPPT and in-camp training. Today, Dr Tan's son is still a practicing researcher in genomics, specializing in both cancer and infectious disease.

We hope this clarifies the matter. Good night.

Office of Dr Tony Tan

[email protected]

20-08-11, 00:12

I know he will protect reserve the best since he is familee. Independence?
No way. Like OtC? No way.

U saw TJS in the TOC video? Too confrontational. Anti pap.

I am leaning towards TCB but he should not have propose the move of PMO in public. It should have been discussed first with PM. That's basic respect anD politics.

TKL? I got nothing to say abt him.

20-08-11, 00:26

I know he will protect reserve the best since he is familee. Independence?
No way. Like OtC? No way.

U saw TJS in the TOC video? Too confrontational. Anti pap.

I am leaning towards TCB but he should not have propose the move of PMO in public. It should have been discussed first with PM. That's basic respect anD politics.

TKL? I got nothing to say abt him.

Anti-PAP is not the problem, losing his cool is.

His decorum may cost him some votes. But then again, those who like the confrontational style may favour him.

20-08-11, 06:22
Got this from another forum:

"Why Tony Tan didn't respond to the question if those who were detained by ISA have been pro-government? Because he knows the answer that those detained were not pro-government and that reinforce the point that ISA was use against PAP's political opponents. (Of course, I am sure most born and bred Singaporeans know this already, unless you are newly arrived) This shows that Tony Tan is still a PAP at heart and soul, and not independent at all as he like to and soul, and not independent at all as he like to claim.."


" Originally Posted by Guanyu

By Alan Mok, The Satay Club
19 August 2011

Presidential candidates Tan Jee Say and Tony Tan Keng Yam clashed over the issue of the controversial Internal Security Act (ISA) during a dialogue session held at the Fort Canning Centre yesterday in a sign that the Presidential Election is starting to take on an inevitable political slant.

Responding to a question from the crowd regarding the arrest of the ‘Marxist conspirators’ in 1987, Tan Jee Say offered his view that the ISA has “outlived its usefulness”. He continued:

“I don’t even know whether it was justified in the first place, because the ISA has been used on political opponents and those on the other political side of the law,” he said, adding that “the history is such that it’s been used for political purposes”.

At this point, the usually placid Dr Tony Tan jumped in and interrupted Tan Jee Say. Adopting a pointed tone, Dr Tony Tan said: “When one says this is used against political opponents, I think this is a very serious charge. You must be able to back it up.”

Tan Jee Say did not back down. Instead, he shot back: “The people who have been detained have opposed the government. That’s what I’m saying. Have they been pro-government?”

Moderator Viswa Sadasivan attempted to get Tan Jee Say to stop, but the latter continued: “No, no, no, Viswa. Let’s be fair. I have been attacked on my understanding on the English language. What is in his (Dr Tony Tan’s) English dictionary about political opponents?”

Dr Tony Tan did not respond.

On the case in question, 22 people were arrested under the ISA and accused of plotting a conspiracy to replace the government with a Marxist state. The ISA allows the government to arrest and detain people without trial for up to two years at a time. Several former members of the opposition Barisan Socialis were detained for decades between the 1960s to 1980s. Dr Tony Tan was a cabinet minister during the 1987 detentions.

He offered his view that the ISA was a “blunt tool” that could only be used in “extreme” situations. He went on to say that Singapore needs to be vigilant against the threat of terrorism, as it is not limited to any racial or religious group. To illustrate his point, he pointed out Anders Breivik, the Norwegian gunman who is currently on trial for killing more than 60 people and setting off several bombs. However, he did not not directly provide an answer as to whether or not he felt the law could be abused to detain political opponents.

The other candidates also offered their views – Dr Tan Cheng Bock wanted to see new evidence before taking any action, while both Tan Jee Say and Tan Kin Lian proposed a commission of inquiry to find closure to the 1987 matter."

20-08-11, 06:41

Singapore Is Holding 12 in 'Marxist Conspiracy'
By BARBARA CROSSETTE, Special to the New York Times
Published: June 21, 1987

The Government of Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew today detained without trial 12 people it accuses of involvement in a ''Marxist conspiracy to subvert the existing social and political system.''

The 12 were part of a group of 16 young men and women arrested on May 21. Four, all women, were released. At the same time, however, six new suspects were arrested.

The Government says the conspirators had links with Filipino leftists and proponents of ''liberation theology,'' as well as with European Marxists and Sri Lankan separatists.

The detainees are accused of trying to use Roman Catholic, student and other groups to build a legal front as a cover for political sabotage. 'Innocent Young Idealists'

Critics of the Government question the contention that the detainees, several of whom have been involved in social-action projects, pose a serious danger to Singapore. The only opposition Member of Parliament, Chiam See Tong, called them ''innocent young idealists.''

20-08-11, 06:47
"Posted by Seskiller
my view on this EP voting outcome...

on the recent GE, PAP won ~ 60%. Probably, this bunch of pro-PAP will likely give their votes to either TT or TanCB...
on the remaining 40% of opposition votes, it should likely be split btw TanJS and TanKL...

TT may get two-thirds of the 60% votes as he is widely endorsed by PAP... maybe around 40%. Whereas TanCB maybe get the remaining 20%
TanJS being the voice of Singaporean, probably shud garnish two-thirds of the 40% votes... maybe around 27% and TanKL around 13%

In summary... my rough calculation is:
TT - 40%
TanCB - 20%
TanJS - 27%
TanKL - 13%

however, if TanJS is able to convince ~40% voters from TanCB and TanKL supporters, it would still be worthwhile to stay up late on 27th to see the result....

juz mi kar-kia personal opinion... anyhow calculate wan..."

20-08-11, 08:51
25% chance for each

+10 to one
+5 for another
-5 for one
- 10 for another.

So 35%, 30%, 20% n 15% = 100%.... hahahaha

20-08-11, 09:29
It is very likely our next elected does have the majority (50%) support of the people...if can get 40+%, should be good enough to win....

And if TT indeed is the winner and only get less than 50%, this will be a strong message for the next GE, that anything is possible. Government must do it's job well this term and put Voters (Singaporean) 1st, or voters will vote them out in next GE...

20-08-11, 10:25
TT has lost billions of our money in temasek and I don't understand why people still bother voting for him. Majority of singaporeans will be exercising their sheer stupidity to vote for him. Can you guys imagine what would have happened if the govt has listened to him when he opposed building of the mrt? :doh: :doh:

20-08-11, 11:23
TT has lost billions of our money in temasek and I don't understand why people still bother voting for him. Majority of singaporeans will be exercising their sheer stupidity to vote for him. Can you guys imagine what would have happened if the govt has listened to him when he opposed building of the mrt? :doh: :doh:

60 billion is not his money, it's us taxpayers money...and that was against the advice of investment gurus who were bewildered by his choice...

instead of speculating how much he is going to win by, let us do our part to keep those numbers down - who knows, the impossible might just happen :cheers6:

20-08-11, 12:23
TT has lost billions of our money in temasek and I don't understand why people still bother voting for him. Majority of singaporeans will be exercising their sheer stupidity to vote for him. Can you guys imagine what would have happened if the govt has listened to him when he opposed building of the mrt? :doh: :doh:
UBS closed at CHF 10.65 and Citibank last done at usd 26.77 last nite..More bleeding....:doh:

20-08-11, 13:25
In the ST today (page. A6) ,can't wait for the screening of this interview....in full...


"When one says this is used against political opponents, I think this is a very serious charge. You must be able to back it up."

TT has revealed his true colors with PAP mark stamped all over! Very familiar answers ....., why so protective of Government? how to be truely independent like that...

20-08-11, 13:27
It is so obvious! Standing next to Amy Khor(PAP) in the news yesterday at the National Day observance.
In the ST today, can't wait for the screening of this interview....in full...


"When one says this is used against political opponents, I think this is a very serious charge. You must be able to back it up."

TT has revealed his true colors with PAP mark stamped all over! Very familiar answers ....., why so protective of Government? how to be truely independent like that...

20-08-11, 13:40
It will be good if future Singapore Presidential election adopt or do a similar to the United States presidential election debates where main candidates get to engage in a debate over an hour..., voters can see and seize up their true colours sometimes during a heated exchange....


20-08-11, 18:04
How to watch when it says the video is private?

20-08-11, 18:08
Can, can watch now!

20-08-11, 20:38
Hope Law Minister continue to talk, the more he talk, the more voters vote for others ..., and not TT. Confusing...., using constitution to remind new PE that he is cannot really speak up other than those areas in constitution, very strange..., almost like telling us that President should be Half Dumb....:doh:


PE: Law minister emphasises provisions in Constitution

SINGAPORE: Singapore's Law Minister K Shanmugam said Singapore would need to change the Constitution to allow the President to speak whenever he likes and on whatever topic he likes.

He also said no lawyer has told him that what he said about the powers and roles of the President as defined in the Constitution is incorrect.

Mr Shanmugam was speaking on Saturday at the Singapore Legal Forum which discussed job opportunities and challenges for young and future lawyers.

A participant at the forum wanted to know if Singapore goes by the strict interpretation of the Constitution when it comes to the elected president.

Mr Shanmugam said: "The rationale is very simple. You speak as a voice of the government, whichever government is in power and you represent the State. If you get engaged in politics as a combatant, the institution is demeaned. There are very powerful reasons for this approach.

"In 1990 what we did was we took the Constitutional Presidency and we added on specific powers in five areas - detentions without trial, reserves, key appointments including appointments of Chief Justice, Judges and Attorney General, and few other areas.

"And if you read the three White Papers, they repeat over and over again, in absolutely clear times there can be no basis for any doubt if you read the White Papers as to what these five additional powers were meant to be, and it doesn't change the nature of the Constitution and the Presidency.

"Rather than being a politician in the matter, if you look at it as a lawyer there can be no doubt. And I haven't seen any lawyer come and say what I am saying is incorrect."

The four presidential candidates have been speaking on the role and powers of the President.

Mr Shanmugam rebutted a point raised by a participant at recent forum who had suggested that his view contradicts then-Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong's comments on the powers of the President.

"I noticed from today's newspapers that Mr Harpeet Singh Nehal has misquoted me. He says I have indicated that the president can't speak as advised by the Cabinet, which I have said and that Mr Goh Chok Tong had said that it was good to hear President Ong Teng Cheong speak on specific issues and he put it forward as a contradiction," said Mr Shanmugam.

"That is a misunderstanding of the position, a misunderstanding of what I said because I also said except as provided in the Constitution. One of the areas provided where the President has specific powers is the reserves and President Ong spoke about the reserves and then-Prime Minister said this is a good thing that the President exercises his powers and speaks about it," he added.

Mr Shanmugam said that as President Ong Teng Cheong had spoken about issues relating to reserves, it is one of the areas that the President can speak publicly about.

- CNA /ls

20-08-11, 20:47
Watched theonlinecitizen.
Decided on who I would chose.

20-08-11, 20:48
TT has revealed his true colors with PAP mark stamped all over! Very familiar answers ....., why so protective of Government? how to be truely independent like that...

no one is independent lah, TJS listens to opposition, so can u say he is independent? .... ha ha ha :D

the only truely independent person is called a computer :D

20-08-11, 20:59

Chen Show Mao banned from attending 7th month dinners with residents by Paya Lebar CCC

Chen Show Mao banned from attending 7th month dinners with residents by Paya Lebar CCC
Workers’ Party MP Chen Show Mao has been banned from attending Seventh Month dinners in his Paya Lebar division of Aljunied GRC by the Paya Lebar CCC (Citizens’ Consultative Committee is under the People’s Association)!

The Seventh Month dinners are organized yearly in Singapore during the Seventh month of the Chinese Lunar calender to celebrate the ‘Hungry Ghost Festival’. They are usually held in open fields and courts which are under the purview of the People’s Association.

In a note posted on his Facebook yesterday, Mr Chen wrote that the organizers were not allowed to use venues in their neighborhood if they invite their MP to the event.

“The last such dinner I was scheduled to attend took place last week, a few weeks after the organizers called to let me know that they could no longer have me show up at the event as they had originally hoped. The organizers as in previous years had planned to hold the festivities on a hard court in the HDB estate, but this year were told by the Paya Lebar CCC that, as a condition for receiving CCC approval to use the venue, they may no longer invite their MP to the event. Future approvals will be withheld from errant organizers.”

However according to one Aljunied resident, ex-Aljunied MP Cynthia Phua had attended such dinners during her term as PAP MP in the last ten years and there was never any issue with the CCC.

One Aljunied resident Wilson Pang whose father is a member of the Seventh Month Organising Committee for the Blk 18 Hougang Ave 3 first highlighted the matter to Mr Chen on his Facebook two weeks ago:

“While applying for the permit this year, they were informed by the PA that they will only be allowed to use the open space if opposition MPs did not participate in any of the activities. Mdm Cynthia Phua, as MP for the ward, has always participated in the celebrations and been present at the dinners in previous years.” (read more here)

To substantiate his claims, Mr Chen uploaded photos of an invitation and retraction from another distraught organizer who applied to use a different venue in the same ward:

“It pains me that they felt so embarrassed to pass me the news. Regrettably, this is not the first time it has happened since I was elected,” he added.

In contrast, PAP MP Tin Pei Ling attended a 7th month dinner in Aljunied Crescent (under Marine Parade GRC) last night and even made a speech on stage.

Ms Tin also attended a 7th month dinner in MacPherson on 11 August 2011:

Why are PAP MPs allowed to attend 7th month dinners to mingle around with their residents but not non-PAP MPs? How are they supposed to perform their duties as MPs if they are not given the opportunity to know their residents better?

The People’s Association is supposedly a statutory board funded by taxpayers’ monies, but has been ‘converted’ to become the PAP’s de facto ‘grassroots’ branch over the years.

CCCs, CCs and RCs are usually led by PAP branch secretaries and members. In the case of Aljunied GRC, losing PAP MP Ong Ye Kung was appointed as an ‘adviser’ of its grassroots organizations though Aljunied voters had clearly rejected him in the May election.

Speaking to a delegation of visiting Chinese officials two years ago, PAP supreme leader Lee Kuan Yew boasted that “all CCCs, CCs and RCs are part of the PAP.”

While Aljunied residents are not allowed to invite their elected MPs to grace their 7th month dinners, RC boards are allowed to hang banners of PAP-endorsed presidential candidate Tony Tan:

According to a tip-off we received, grassroots resources were also mobilized to support Tony Tan in his ongoing election campaign.

(An article will be published tomorrow on this. Still waiting for verification of some information from our informants)

With the CCCs, CCs and RCs under the iron-fisted control of the totalitarian PAP regime, it will be an impossible task for Singaporeans to vote the PAP out of office via the ballot box in the future especially with the increasing number of new citizens the PAP is currently recruiting into these “public” organizations funded by taxpayers’ monies.

20-08-11, 21:05

Tan Jee Say promises to take $500,000 salary a year if elected
August 20th, 2011 | Author: Online Press
Pro-Singaporean presidential candidate Tan Jee Say has promised to accept a salary of ‘only’ $500,000 a year if elected.

The amount is a far cry below the $4.2 million dollar annual salary of the Elected President, which is nearly 10 times that of U.S. President Barack Obama.

Mr Tan Jee Say’s supporters were spotted distributing flyers advertising this campaign promise at a walkabout at the Hari Raya bazaar at Geylang Serai on Saturday evening.

The flyer states, among other things, the lines: “Presidential salary: $500,000 a year is plenty for anyone to live on. Anything else should go back to the people of Singapore.”

When asked on how he arrived at the figure, Mr Tan replied:

“People ask me what is a good figure to live on so I think this is a good, it’s a lot of money to live on…I think it’s generally far above what an average family needs.”

$500,000 a year amounts to about $41,000 monthly which is many times higher than the median monthly salary of an average Singapore worker – a mere $2,500.

In contrast, PAP ministers are paid obscene salaries of millions of dollars annually excluding their many months of bonuses which are pegged to GDP growth.

Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong is paid more than $3 million dollars a year, far more than the combined salaries of the leaders of the G7 group of countries.

While we applaud Mr Tan Jee Say’s pledge to accept a $500,000 salary, we implore him to consider dedicating part of his annual salary if elected to support worthy causes such as setting up an Independent Commission for Police Misconduct, a Media Commission and a Human Rights Commission under the Office of the President.

20-08-11, 21:09

PE: Tan Jee Say to lobby for volunteerism & ageing population if elected
By Qiuyi Tan | Posted: 20 August 2011 1232 hrs

SINGAPORE: Volunteerism and the ageing population are issues that presidential candidate Tan Jee Say will lobby for, if he is elected.

He said this on the sidelines of a visit to a soup kitchen that provides meals for the needy on Saturday.

The visit to Willing Hearts High Point in Geylang was coordinated by opposition member Nicole Seah, who has endorsed Mr Tan, saying he is the right man with the "heart" for the job.

Ms Seah said: "He's the person who really makes the cut because he is independent of the incumbent government. He has a heart, he's a brilliant thinker and he has really very wide views, encompassing issues such as the economy and education.

"He's the right person, he can engage with people whether it's just the man in the street or one of the elite."

Mr Tan told reporters he was heartened to see so many young professionals taking time out to volunteer, and said it is something he wants to promote if elected as President.

He also visited the neighbouring Green Avenue Home for the Elderly and listened to the concerns raised by the home, such as the income ceiling for those who are eligible for subsidies.

He agreed that the income ceiling for long-term care subsidies may be too low.

Under the current system of means testing, Singaporeans and PRs with monthly per capita income of more than S$1,400 are not eligible for subsidies. Subsidies for those earning below this figure can range from 10 to 75 per cent.

Mr Tan said: "They need help to cope with rising prices because they have contributed to our country in the past, if you look at it from the economic point of view. [From a compassionate viewpoint], they are our own people and they need help."

He told reporters he was part of a government committee on Problems of the Aged, chaired by former Health Minister Howe Yoon Chong in the 1980s.

He told reporters he identifies with the pains and problems of the aged because of his personal experience taking care of his mother, who died in February this year at the age of 100.

He added that he has been invited to visit several other charities and volunteer groups in the coming days.

- CNA/cc/ac

20-08-11, 21:11
It will be good if future Singapore Presidential election adopt or do a similar to the United States presidential election debates where main candidates get to engage in a debate over an hour..., voters can see and seize up their true colours sometimes during a heated exchange....


The American presidential debates are a very civil affair. Even when the topics are very controversial and participants get very emotional, participants maintain their decorum and the mediator is respected. The behaviour is very...uhmm... "Presidential"?

The way TJS reacted in Face to Face when TT interjected seems to show a lack of composure. This was even when the mediator told him to stop. He appeared too agitated and emotional. Mentioning things like people "attacking" his understanding of English may appear to some as an unsophisticated rebuttal.

20-08-11, 21:15

Tan Jee Say promises to take $500,000 salary a year if elected

ha ha he sure knows how to buy insurance for himself. i tot President pay going to be review and reduce to a token sum only. :D he showing his true self to demand $500k per year :D

20-08-11, 21:28
If u are fishmonger or hawker in wet market, do you want such a handshake...???


Tony Tan lampooned by netizens for ‘Dead Fish’ handshake with fishmonger

PAP-endorsed presidential hopeful Tony Tan has been lampooned by netizens for his ‘Dead Fish’ handshake with a fishmonger in the market.

Channel 8 showed a clip of Tony Tan hesitantly reaching out to shake the hands of a fishmonger with his thumb facing up which is commonly known as the ‘Dead Fish’ handshake two days ago which was captured by netizens.

The handshake is described as “ideal for when you really dislike the person you’re shaking hands with, you don’t care to know them, or when you’re feeling lazy and inattentive.”

To show that this is not the usual handshake of Tony Tan, TR Facebook uploaded 4 other photos of Tony Tan shaking hands with other people using the ‘Power Shake’ which is described as “ideal for business meetings, interviews, or whenever you want to make a solid first impression with a solid person.”

[Source: TR Facebook]

Noel Ong was disgusted by Tony Tan’s gesture:

“A clear indication of status standings. to people he thinks to be of equal standing, or someone whom he is working closely with, the handshake is equal. to someone he looks down on, or does not approve, he shakes above and thumbs down. the open palm means “i dun wanna shake hands with you, but i’ll just let you hold my hand.”

Kua A K added:

“Besides thumb up, he actually not clinching his fingers as well. His fingers somehow bended/stretched outwards to minimize the physical contact…”

Pamela Kea has made up her mind who to vote for after watching Tony Tan’s handshake:

“If Tony Tan is out getting votes, it is equivalent to going for interview and trying to land this job. I will not give the job to some one with a bad handshake! Tells a lot about a person’s sincerity and character.”

In his recent speech, Tony Tan kept stressing on his knowledge and experience in handling financial matters. There is not a single word muttered about Singaporeans at all as if they matter nothing to him.

Singaporeans should seriously consider whether they want another ‘Nathan’ to be their ‘inactive’ President because of ‘limits of the office’ in the next five years.

20-08-11, 22:03

What Former PM Goh Chok Tong said about Dr Tan Cheng Bock
“Tan Cheng Bock rang me up to say,‘I have just been told that I’ve treated a SARS patient.’ He decided to quarantine himself and he let several of his friends know because ‘there is nothing to be ashamed of’. But I tell you he was very worried. When he called me.. .he said,‘I am revisiting my will. In case I don’t see you,goodbye.’ This is an example of responsible behaviour.**…

Former PM Goh Chok Tong 2 May 2003

20-08-11, 22:07

Neither Rain nor Thunder can stop Dr Tan Cheng Bock

20-08-11, 22:13
Instead of enjoying his retirement, this humble Doctor is standing up to serve...

Just check his website, he has made much efforts to convey video messages in English, Mandarin, Malay, Tamil, Teochew, Hokkien, Cantonese...to voters.

Kudos to him, a dark horse in this PE campaign but he could be pulling some or many of PAP supporters...

"Think Singaporeans First" - his slogan for this PE


21-08-11, 09:39

NMP Viswa rebukes Shanmugam for warning Singaporeans not to be ‘xenophobic

Nominated Member of Parliament Viswa Sadasivan has rebuked Shanmugam for warning Singaporeans not to be ‘xenophobic’ over the ‘currygate’ saga which has caught the attention of the international media as well.

The public outcry arises over the shocking decision made by the Community Mediation Center (CMC) under the Law Ministry to disallow a Singaporean Indian family to cook curry within the confines of their HDB flat when
their PRC neighbors are at home following a complaint filed by the latter.

Though CMC has clarified that the idea was proposed by one of the parties, Singaporeans are still asking why CMC bothered to entertain such a frivolous complaint in the first place.

Instead of addressing the concerns of Singaporeans, pro-foreigner Shanmugam lashed out at them for being ‘anti-foreigner’ and ‘xenophobic’ in a verbal tirade during a press conference on Tuesday.

Shanmugam did not explain why CMC bothered to entertain the PRC family’s frivolous complaint in the first place and went into a tirade against “some people” who are ‘reacting to a set of facts which are wholly inaccurate’
and therefore are allowing emotions to run high.

“Let’s not turn this into a xenophobic attack on foreigners in general….This sort of differences exist between Singaporeans, among foreigners and between foreigners and Singaporeans and not just
in Singapore, but elsewhere as well,” he said.

In his letter to the Straits Times Forum today, NMP Viswa wrote that “we should be even more concerned about the negative signal this incident could send out.”

“It threatens to strike at the values upon which our society is built – tolerance and acceptance. All of us who grew up in Singapore would have had occasion to be confronted with a cultural or religious
practice that was not palatable. Our evolved instinct would have been to respect the right of the other party as a cohabitant of our space, and so tolerate, if not accept it,” he added.

Such a complaint is hardly heard from native Singaporeans who are used to living peacefully with one another for the last fifty years or so till the recent influx of immigrants from China and India. In other countries, foreigners
are expected to conform to the social norms of their adopted country. It seems to be the other way round in Singapore.

Viswa defended Singaporeans against the unwarranted criticisms by Shanmugam by explaining to him the definition of ‘xenophobia’:

“So, yes, in the past few days, there have been emotional reactions against foreigners who are reluctant to accept and adopt our way of life, but I see it more as a unified stand against legitimisation of
intolerance. It is not directed at foreigners per se, but at anyone – even a Singaporean – who is misguided. So, let’s not miss the wood for the trees. This is not xenophobia, and it certainly is not about a
nation’s love of curry.”

Singaporeans need not be too surprised by the remarks made by Shanmugam. After all, in his eyes, Singapore is only a ‘city’ and not a ‘country’.

Source - Temasek Review.

21-08-11, 10:30

PE: Candidates should not promise what they cannot deliver: Tan Cheng Bock

By Wayne Chan | Posted: 20 August 2011 2153 hrs

SINGAPORE: Singapore presidential candidate Dr Tan Cheng Bock said it is not within the duties of the president to come up with proposals like pension schemes which have been suggested by other candidates.

He said candidates should not promise things that cannot be delivered under the constitutional powers of the president or get involved in day-to-day politics.

"I guess there'll be some Singaporeans who will still be thinking this is a General Election, and they'll be taken up by all these types of issues. I really feel sorry for the person when he gets elected. I don't know how he is going to carry all this out," said Dr Tan.

He also defended his proposal to separate the Prime Minister's and Elected President's offices.

Dr Tan said while the office of the president has evolved from a ceremonial to a custodial role, it is critical for public confidence that the two are independent, as it is about institutionalising Singapore's political structure.

Winning more fans among the young in the heart of Orchard Road on Saturday is one of Dr Tan's campaign strategies to maximise his reach.

"Through the young they can ask their parents to vote for me. And through the young they have access to all my blogs, my Facebook and currently my apps. In fact some of them were fairly excited when they saw my calling card with even an app there," said Dr Tan.

- CNA /ls

21-08-11, 10:36

Netizens upset at Tony Tan's 'ungentlemanly conduct' during forum

August 20th, 2011 | Author: Temasek Review

PAP-endorsed presidential candidate Tony Tan has been reminding Singaporeans to vote for a president who can present himself well and represent Singapore on the international world stage, but judging from his ungentlemanly behavior at a forum hosted yesterday by NMP Viswa Sadavisan, he lacked both basic manners and decorum in the way he conducted himself.

The presidential candidates were asked by a participant on their views of the draconian Internal Security Act (ISA) to which Mr Tan Jee Say replied:

“I don’t even know whether it was justified in the first place, because the ISA has been used on political opponents and those on the other political side of the law…”

Before Jee Say could complete his sentence, Tony Tan interjected rudely to intimidate him:

“When one says this is used against political opponents, I think this is a very serious charge. You must be able to back it up.”

If Tony Tan is unable to accept views contrarian to the PAP regime, how is he going to face the possible dissent shown to him in the future?

When Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak visited London recently, he was greeted at his hotel by a group of protesters shouting at him to ‘get lost!’. How will Tony Tan react in such a situation?

Tony Tan’s ‘performance’ was greeted with a chorus of disapproval from netizens.

Adrian Lee wrote on TR Facebook:

“In the first place Tony Tan should not have interrupted Tan Jee Say and let him finished his sentence and then give his views. This is not a debate, please! If it were me, I would blast him back “Please let me finish what I have to say and do not interrupt me when I’m talking. Thank you.”"

Lexus Chua added:

“Dr Tony Tan has to learn to respect others. This is probably due to his seat at the ivory tower for too long and his PAP style of he is always right and cannot take no for an answer. The world is under his feet. As a result, he brought in millions of foreign trash without questions.”

Siti Fauizah wasn’t impressed:

“It’s rude to interrupt. One must always raise his hand and wait to be called upon if one wants to speak … basic rule in the classroom …”

It is disappointing that as a former minister, Tony Tan is unable to show basic respect and courtesy to his opponents.

Based on the answer he gave in which he tried to aligned himself with the PAP regime, Singaporeans should seriously consider voting for Tony Tan to send another PAP ‘puppet’ into the Istana.

21-08-11, 10:37

21-08-11, 10:50

21-08-11, 12:40
Support the heart coz without it the circulatory system will break down and we will die.

21-08-11, 12:57

PE: Candidates unveil election symbols
By Sharon See | Posted: 18 August 2011 0001 hrs

SINGAPORE: The four presidential candidates have unveiled their election symbols, which will be printed on the ballot paper.

This time round, the ballot paper will also include a black-and-white photograph of the candidates, along with the symbols.

Dr Tan Cheng Bock's symbol is a palm tree. "The leaves of the palm represents our multiracial society, the trunk represents them coming together, and the roots represents us taking root in Singapore," he said on his Facebook.

Mr Tan Jee Say's symbol is a heart. It stands for conscience and empathy, he said.

Dr Tony Tan's symbol is a pair of glasses which resembles the trademark spectacles he wears.

"No one ever ruined his or her eyesight by taking a long term view," he said on his Facebook.

Mr Tan Kin Lian's symbol is known as "Hi-5". He said the raised hand signifies willingness to do public service, while the five fingers signify his values of honesty, fairness, positive attitude, courage and public service.

- CNA/ir

21-08-11, 13:23
Facebook latest update:

Nicole Seah- 105k+ "likes"
Tin Pei Ling- 9k+

TT- 4k+
TJS- 8k+
TCB- 8k+
TKL - 2k+


Growing number of fake Facebook accounts detected on Tony Tan’s Facebook page

Growing number of fake Facebook accounts detected on Tony Tan’s Facebook page
The PAP is an expert in the art of ‘astroturfing’ to generate fake public ’support’ for its leaders and it seems that it is replicating its unique ’skill’ on social media as well.

In the last one week, the number of ‘likes’ on Tony Tan’s Facebook has increased by almost 1,000 while it has languished around 2,000 plus previously, bringing it higher than that of another candidate Tan Kin Lian.

However, a quick check on Tony Tan’s supporters on his Facebook page revealed an increasing number of fake accounts which are set up only recently.

Below are 10 Facebook accounts who posted on Tony Tan’s Facebook yesterday either to say ‘hello’ or pledged their support to him in a simple one-liner:

Katherine Lee: 20 friends

Hee Ch: 16 friends

Elsie Lim: 10 friends

John Loo: 9 friends

Stella Fong: 6 friends

Mui Leng: 5 friends

Christie More: 2 friends

John Tan: 1 friend

Jacob Wang: 0 friends

More Good Years: 0 friends

It is obvious that some sort of mass ‘astroturfing’ is underway to orchestrate fake support from netizens for Tony Tan to save him the blushes.

As a former PAP minister, Tony Tan already enjoys the support of the establishment with many unions and social groups coming forward to endorse his presidential bid in the last few days, but it appears that he is eager to ‘conquer’ cyberspace as well.

While it is not known who is/are behind the creation of fake Facebook accounts to ‘like’ Tony Tan’s Facebook page, he/she/they are either very free or are paid to do so.

21-08-11, 19:49

PE: Candidates clarify their stand on role of President
By Joanne Chan | Posted: 21 August 2011 1858 hrs

SINGAPORE: Singapore's four presidential candidates have clarified what they believe to be the powers of the President.

They were speaking to reporters as campaigning hit the halfway point on Sunday.

Since the start of the hustings, a number of policy suggestions to improve Singapore society have been floated by the candidates.

For instance, after making stops at old folks' homes on Saturday, Mr Tan Kin Lian suggested a state pension for the elderly while Mr Tan Jee Say called for the income ceiling for nursing home subsidies to be raised.

This led to presidential candidate Dr Tan Cheng Bock commenting that candidates should not promise things that cannot be delivered under the constitutional powers of the President, or get involved in day-to-day politics.

Responding on Sunday, Mr Tan Kin Lian had a more optimistic view of things.

"I would like to ask my good friend Dr Tan Cheng Bock (to) be more positive. Things can be done that will be good for the future of the people and a better life for the people, it can be done. It's not easy, (but) it can be done. So, be more positive," he said.

For Mr Tan Jee Say, he believes that Singapore's Head of State has moral powers that can be extended beyond what is stated in the Constitution.

He said: "The Office of the President is what the President makes it out to be. I see the Office of the President not as a centre of executive power, but as a centre of moral power, to persuade people, to persuade the government. And I think (the President) can also lend the prestige of the Office to some charity drive."

Dr Tony Tan, the fourth presidential candidate, maintained his view that the President's role is prescribed in the Constitution.

He said: "The President must work within the perimeters of the Constitution, as I've said. People must run for the post that exists today, not the post they might like to have. And you have to respect that. Whatever comments you make have to be within that constraint."

Dr Tan Cheng Bock said that policy suggestions beyond the prescribed roles of the President should be made behind closed doors.

"Or else, I think the role of the President is going to clash with the executive, and that's exactly what we don't want," he said, referring to the government which is the executive branch of Singapore.

The four presidential candidates have another four days of campaigning to win the hearts and minds of the Singaporeans before the mandatory Cooling-off Day when no canvassing for votes is allowed.

- CNA/ir

21-08-11, 22:04
if i remember correctly, extremme is a opposition supporter

:tongue3::p :rolleyes: :D :cheers6:
Haha I'm just back from donating money to uncle lim
In genting...

Surprisingly if you see online polls or even comments of TOC quite alot opp supporters are rooting for TCB though he was a ex pap man

I'm impressed that he stands against the party whip and voted against the casino and also reminded pap to adopt a singaporeans first policy in 1990s with worries of too many FT. He was also the one to fight for free parking on Sun. Let's not forget OTC was also ex pap.

We are a very small country. We do not need a president to propose suggestions that might squander away our reserves or something which they know they cannot commit to. We need someone with a heart and who has shown to speak out against pap in the interests of the people though he was from pap

22-08-11, 16:08
What Dr TT replied to sticking with the prescribed role of a president is simply a further evident that he will not stand up for change in the midst of our PAP govt! Even when he has the opportunity to do so, he probably will stick with PAP and I thought he said President is not a political figure? :cheers1:

22-08-11, 17:22
What Dr TT replied to sticking with the prescribed role of a president is simply a further evident that he will not stand up for change in the midst of our PAP govt! Even when he has the opportunity to do so, he probably will stick with PAP and I thought he said President is not a political figure? :cheers1:
TT will work hand in hand with Gov, "steady hand", will certainly not rock the boat...

22-08-11, 17:46
Yes - and should the boat should spring a leak, he can always back the Capt in saying there is 'no leak' but just in case, please paddle harder and faster.

TT will work hand in hand with Gov, "steady hand", will certainly not rock the boat...

22-08-11, 19:53
Interesting article on how one voter is going to vote:


Of Mules, Asses and Donkeys

It has been said that 30% of voters will vote for a PAP Donkey so long it is a PAP Donkey and 25% will vote for an Anti-PAP Ass so long it is Anti-PAP : meaning this leaves 45% of non-partisan voters – I called them Mules, just for the fun of it, no other puns intended.

I consider myself to be within this 45%. Having said this, based on what I have read both in mainstream and alternate media, I am for sure not going to vote for Tony Tan. He is just too close to the PAP and Lee family for my comfort.

But, I think it would be naive to think that PAP votes will be split between TT and TCB : TCB is not PAP endorsed. PAP does not need to endorse 2 donkeys – they will put all bets on 1 and it is TT.

Having said this, where does TCB stand : he will get votes from his personal contacts and people like yours truly – because I believe in what he said and based on his performance in the past, I think he is not beholden to PAP and has his own independant thinking, which is what I am looking for in the EP. I would have given him my Vote and as the survey shows, 33% or so in the poll.

But in this particular Presidential Election, we have a multi-corner contest : and I have to switch my thinking – I am no longer asking the question “Who will make the Best President” of the four Tan’s. I am asking “Who can have the best chance to defeat Tony Tan?” It is not about who is more popular, it is about putting a statement that I don’t endorse PAP anymore. There are too many stories of their high handedness and white horses and curries etc to be ignored.

So, I will put my vote of the person whom I believe has the best chance to defeat TT. With apologies to TCB, I am going to vote for TJS so that Mules combine with Asses could kick the “Donkeys” into oblivion.Sorry TCB : it is not about you, it is about making my voice heard louder.

Just my 2 cents worth – but I am putting my 2 cents where my mouth is.

Also, please think about this mindset.


bargain hunter
22-08-11, 19:56
sat's papers even reported NSP and SPP providing some logistics support for TCB.

Haha I'm just back from donating money to uncle lim
In genting...

Surprisingly if you see online polls or even comments of TOC quite alot opp supporters are rooting for TCB though he was a ex pap man

I'm impressed that he stands against the party whip and voted against the casino and also reminded pap to adopt a singaporeans first policy in 1990s with worries of too many FT. He was also the one to fight for free parking on Sun. Let's not forget OTC was also ex pap.

We are a very small country. We do not need a president to propose suggestions that might squander away our reserves or something which they know they cannot commit to. We need someone with a heart and who has shown to speak out against pap in the interests of the people though he was from pap

22-08-11, 20:14
Does this matter at all? Majority of unions already openly say they will back TT..., strange.


PE: NTUC stays neutral in support of candidates
By Vimita Mohandas | Posted: 22 August 2011 1155 hrs

SINGAPORE: NTUC Chief Lim Swee Say said 75 per cent of unions affiliated to the National Trades Union Congress have endorsed presidential candidate Dr Tony Tan.

Mr Lim said the rest have chosen to remain neutral as they could not come to a consensus or were from the public sector and felt it was inappropriate to endorse any candidate.

Two main groups comprise this 25 per cent. One group was the aerospace and aviation cluster which was unable to reach a high majority of any one candidate. The other group was the public sector unions like HDB, IRAS and PUB which felt that it was inappropriate for public sector employees to endorse any candidate.

The unions which have endorsed Dr Tan said say they want a president who can boost Singapore's international standing to attract foreign investment.

They also want a president with a track record of contributing to job creation and who can work constructively with the government.

Since the Elected Presidency was created, the labour movement has thrown its weight behind two presidential candidates and they are the late Dr Ong Teng Cheong and President SR Nathan.

This is the first time NTUC has not endorsed any candidate and left it to the unions to make their choice.

"In other words, the unions and union leaders will not pressurise the union members in one way or another," said Mr Lim.

Dr Tan said he feels encouraged by their support.

"The 75 per cent is a tremendous boost for me and I'm very grateful to all the unions," said Dr Tan.

"This time the NTUC has left it to the unions to decide and there isn't any top-down directive. So each union makes up his own mind," he added.

Dr Tan was speaking on the sidelines of a dialogue session with the National Taxi Association on Monday.

If elected, Dr Tan will suggest allowing taxi drivers to work till they are 75.

A range of concerns by taxi drivers were discussed at the dialogue sessions. These include the problem of dealing with unruly passengers, improving the social safety net and enhancing the image of taxi drivers.

Dr Tan also suggested a National Taxi Drivers Day where awards can be given to model taxi drivers.

- CNA /ls

22-08-11, 21:22
Why now? CPF liquid assets not enough due to recent global markets decline?
Need to up minimum sum again or delay withdrawal...?:scared-3:


Reviewing of Central Provident Fund scheme
Published on Aug 22, 2011
By Janice Tai

The government is reviewing the Central Provident Fund (CPF) scheme as life expectancy in Singapore increases to 85 and beyond, said BG (NS) Tan Chuan-Jin, Minister of State for Manpower and National Development on Monday on the sidelines of the Ee Peng Liang Memorial Fund Forum at the National University of Singapore.

At the forum, NUS alumnus Mr Ng Kok Hoe, who was awarded the Ee Peng Liang Memorial Fund Scholarship last year to pursue doctoral studies in Social Policy at the London School of Economics, presented findings from his research.

He found that the number of elderly who are living with their children in Singapore is declining. He said that this finding is significant because living with their children boosted the incomes of the elderly and improved their income security. As our retirement income system is built on the fact that children will provide for their parents and grandparents, he questioned the sustainability of our current retirement income system.

In his speech at the forum, BG Tan noted that Singapore is currently meeting the challenges of increasing longevity. One of the ways in which the government is tackling such challenges is encouraging family support. He said that we have schemes such as the Minimum Sum Topping-Up Scheme (MSTU), for members to voluntarily top up the CPF accounts of their family members, especially those who are not working or unable to work.

22-08-11, 23:02
It is exactly pple of this mindset that will vote for a candidate who might not be as ideal... Just to be anti pap
Interesting article on how one voter is going to vote:


Of Mules, Asses and Donkeys

It has been said that 30% of voters will vote for a PAP Donkey so long it is a PAP Donkey and 25% will vote for an Anti-PAP Ass so long it is Anti-PAP : meaning this leaves 45% of non-partisan voters – I called them Mules, just for the fun of it, no other puns intended.

I consider myself to be within this 45%. Having said this, based on what I have read both in mainstream and alternate media, I am for sure not going to vote for Tony Tan. He is just too close to the PAP and Lee family for my comfort.

But, I think it would be naive to think that PAP votes will be split between TT and TCB : TCB is not PAP endorsed. PAP does not need to endorse 2 donkeys – they will put all bets on 1 and it is TT.

Having said this, where does TCB stand : he will get votes from his personal contacts and people like yours truly – because I believe in what he said and based on his performance in the past, I think he is not beholden to PAP and has his own independant thinking, which is what I am looking for in the EP. I would have given him my Vote and as the survey shows, 33% or so in the poll.

But in this particular Presidential Election, we have a multi-corner contest : and I have to switch my thinking – I am no longer asking the question “Who will make the Best President” of the four Tan’s. I am asking “Who can have the best chance to defeat Tony Tan?” It is not about who is more popular, it is about putting a statement that I don’t endorse PAP anymore. There are too many stories of their high handedness and white horses and curries etc to be ignored.

So, I will put my vote of the person whom I believe has the best chance to defeat TT. With apologies to TCB, I am going to vote for TJS so that Mules combine with Asses could kick the “Donkeys” into oblivion.Sorry TCB : it is not about you, it is about making my voice heard louder.

Just my 2 cents worth – but I am putting my 2 cents where my mouth is.

Also, please think about this mindset.


22-08-11, 23:07
Actually any candidate is fine as long as it's not you know who....

22-08-11, 23:21
Anyone except the one who lost billions of dollars of our money.
Actually any candidate is fine as long as it's not you know who....

bargain hunter
22-08-11, 23:32
temasek sold a stake in shin corp recently at a loss.

then aranda investments which is under temasek sold 37m k-green at 0.91 (when market price then was $1.00) just to raise a puny 33m. so......

its up to ur imagination lah. :ashamed1:

Why now? CPF liquid assets not enough due to recent global markets decline?
Need to up minimum sum again or delay withdrawal...?:scared-3:


Reviewing of Central Provident Fund scheme
Published on Aug 22, 2011
By Janice Tai

The government is reviewing the Central Provident Fund (CPF) scheme as life expectancy in Singapore increases to 85 and beyond, said BG (NS) Tan Chuan-Jin, Minister of State for Manpower and National Development on Monday on the sidelines of the Ee Peng Liang Memorial Fund Forum at the National University of Singapore.

At the forum, NUS alumnus Mr Ng Kok Hoe, who was awarded the Ee Peng Liang Memorial Fund Scholarship last year to pursue doctoral studies in Social Policy at the London School of Economics, presented findings from his research.

He found that the number of elderly who are living with their children in Singapore is declining. He said that this finding is significant because living with their children boosted the incomes of the elderly and improved their income security. As our retirement income system is built on the fact that children will provide for their parents and grandparents, he questioned the sustainability of our current retirement income system.

In his speech at the forum, BG Tan noted that Singapore is currently meeting the challenges of increasing longevity. One of the ways in which the government is tackling such challenges is encouraging family support. He said that we have schemes such as the Minimum Sum Topping-Up Scheme (MSTU), for members to voluntarily top up the CPF accounts of their family members, especially those who are not working or unable to work.

22-08-11, 23:37
MUST WATCH, tues 23 Aug, 8pm, CNA


PE: Candidates debate role of President in Channel NewsAsia forum
By Hoe Yeen Nie | Posted: 22 August 2011 2120 hrs

SINGAPORE: The role and function of the Elected President dominated a television debate organised by Channel NewsAsia.

The hour-long programme, called "Meet the Candidates", featured all four presidential candidates together on television for the first time.

It will be aired on Channel NewsAsia at 8pm on Tuesday, 23 August. The programme will also be simulcast on MediaCorp's 938LIVE. There will be a repeat telecast on Channel 5 on 24 August.

The candidates were interviewed by Professor Tommy Koh, chairman of the Centre for International Law at the National University of Singapore; Janadas Devan, director of the Institute of Policy Studies at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy; and Debra Soon, managing director of Channel NewsAsia.

After a quick introduction by each candidate on why they should get the popular vote, it was straight to question time.

The candidates crossed swords on the limits of the President's constitutional powers, how they would act on proposals to draw down on past reserves and exercise their moral authority.

They were also asked how they would vet civil service appointments.

Mr Tan Jee Say said: "I would subject the appointees, the recommendations of the government, to a fair bit of scrutiny.

"We are talking of very senior appointments and we must do justice to the powers of the president. We should not take a flippant attitude, that this is from the government's recommendation and we accept it without question."

Mr Tan Kin Lian said: "I want to check on what are his (appointee) values, and I want to see whether he holds the values of honesty, fairness and a sense of public service. And I will probably want to influence him that these values are very important."

Candidates were also quizzed on what they would say to the leaders of China, India, Indonesia and the United States.

Dr Tan Cheng Bock said: "The four leaders you mentioned are very important to our country so I'll be very, very cautious.

"I definitely have to act on the advice of our foreign ministry. Each country has a particular relationship with us, and I have to be guided by how far I can go as a President in my conduct with all these leaders in my conversations."

Dr Tony Tan said: "I would give the same message to any of the four leaders. I would say, in a very polite way, that the issue facing all of us now in the world, in your country, in Asia, in my country in Singapore, is the global economy and the precarious state of the global economy today."

In a separately recorded programme for www.channelnewsasia.com, the candidates also took questions from the public that were sent in earlier. The programme will be uploaded on the website from 9am on Wednesday.

- CNA/ir

23-08-11, 20:09
Live rally at Toa Payoh 2nite


23-08-11, 20:31

Ex-NMP Steve Chia: Tony Tan’s election posters have violated the President Elections Regulations
August 23rd, 2011 | Author: Your Correspondent
Former Nominated Member of Parliament Steve Chia has accused PAP-endorsed presidential candidate Tony Tan of contravening election regulations as the name and address of his printer are not printed on his posters.

Under Section 4.1.3 of the Presidential Elections Act, “for all election advertising that is published in print form, the name and address of the printer and publisher must appear on the face of advertising.”:

We did a quick check on six campaign banners and posters of Tony Tan in Ang Mo Kio and Serangoon and realize that none of them had the name and address of the printer and publisher on it.

23-08-11, 20:33

Unsolicited SMS asking to vote for Tan Cheng Bock

On the morning of August 23rd, I received an unsolicited sms from “ChengBock” asking me to vote for Tan Cheng Bock. The few questions when I saw the sms were, how the heck did he manage to get my number? Did he buy my details from a marketing company? What else does he know about me? I definitely have never met the man in my life before so I could not have given him my number.

In this time and age, I know that it is naive to even think that a person’s cell phone number will be private anymore but I still find it highly disturbing that a presidential candidate would use such an intrusive method to canvass for votes. I can deal with
flyers/media/facebook/twitter for vote canvassing because I can choose to tune them out. But an unsolicited sms? Now when I heard “Tan Cheng Bock”, I cannot help but associate the name with spam.

I am afraid this marketing action has just cost him 1 vote.

23-08-11, 20:34

Sylvia Lim scoffed at Prime Minister Lee’s call for ‘national solidarity

Sylvia Lim scoffed at Prime Minister Lee’s call for ‘national solidarity’

Sylvia Lim
WP Chairman Sylvia Lim has scoffed at Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong’s recent call for ‘political harmony’ and ‘national solidarity’ in Singapore.

Speaking at the Ang Mo Kio-Hougang National Day Dinner yesterday evening, PM Lee emphasized that Singaporeans must work together to meet the challenges ahead.

“We must make sure that we keep on getting our economics right, our policies right and our politics right…and we must have harmonious political system where we make important decisions in the best interests of Singapore and Singaporeans, and keep ourselves safe in this uncertain environment.”

PM Lee’s words now sound hilarious in the face of the stunning relevation by Ms Lim on the cheap, callous and dirty tactics employed by the People’s Association which is chaired by PM Lee to sabotage WP’s grassroots work in Aljunied GRC.

The PA has banned WP MPs from attending grassroots events held on its premises on the lame excuse that ‘non-political’ events are allowed to be held there while ex-PAP MPs are able to do so in their capacities as ‘grassroots advisors’.

“The PA, a statutory board funded by tax payers’ money and chaired by the Prime Minister, appears to capitalize on its close connection with the government to serve the political interests of the ruling party. The PA is leveraging on HDB to enable PAP candidates who lost at the last elections to re-emerge at community events as “advisors” to PA grassroots organizations. The move to let PA control the sites previously managed by the Town Council would give PAP candidates a ground advantage and permanent presence, in advance preparation for the next elections,” she wrote in a media release posted on WP’s website last night.

Ms Lim should not be surprised as the PAP has been using this shameless ‘backdoor’ route to plant its losing candidates in the opposition-held wards though they were categorically rejected by the voters at the polls. Sitoh Yih Pin was the ‘grassroots advisor’ of Potong Pasir for the last ten years instead of its former MP Chiam See Tong which paved the way for his narrow victory in the May election.

“The PM has just called for political harmony and national solidarity in Singapore, and said that “we must have a harmonious political system where we make important decisions in the best interests of Singapore and Singaporeans.” Regrettably, there appears to be a dissonance between the language of national unity employed by the Prime Minister and the actions of the HDB and PA in Aljunied GRC,” Ms Lim wrote in her closing paragraph.

The petty politicking indulged by the PAP and the PA in Aljunied GRC at the expense of taxpayers has sparked a massive outcry from Singaporeans which may affect the chances of PAP-endorsed presidential candidate Tony Tan at the election this coming Saturday.

23-08-11, 20:39

PE: Candidates respond to WP's charges against HDB
By Vimita Mohandas / Dylan Loh / Evelyn Choo | Posted: 23 August 2011 1303 hrs

SINGAPORE: Presidential candidate Dr Tony Tan has said the HDB should investigate the issue of transferring community sites in Aljunied GRC to the People's Association (PA) to ensure that proper procedures were followed.

Speaking in response to reporters after visiting a market at New Upper Changi Road on Tuesday, Dr Tan said he is concerned if there was any unfairness in the transfer of the HDB owned sites.

He wondered if this had been done intentionally, or whether it was a mistake.

Workers' Party chairman Sylvia Lim had accused the HDB of abusing its power as land owner by transferring the management rights of 26 open spaces from the Aljunied-Hougang Town Council to the People's Association.

Ms Lim added that the PA curtailed the ground presence of the elected WP MPs by warning residents who apply for permits to hold events at these sites not to invite the elected WP MPs or risk having their applications turned down in future.

"It's important that justice and fairness should be done. Not only that but that the public should see that justice and fairness has been done," said Dr Tan.

On the same issue, presidential candidate Dr Tan Cheng Bock said political parties should not receive unequal treatment.

He said Singaporeans generally want fairness, and to be fair to all, the opposition and ruling parties should not be given different guidelines.

He said if something was purposely done to put down a parliamentarian, it would go against fairness.

Dr Tan Cheng Bock said if he were President, he cannot imagine treating opposition and ruling party members differently.

He said: "The guiding principle should be this: that whichever party is in charge of that constituency, I think we got to give them due respect. Because when a Member of Parliament is elected, he's chosen by the people."

He added that the mandate given by people to a parliamentarian should be respected.

Presidential candidate Tan Jee Say has also weighed in on the issue of transferring community sites in Aljunied GRC to the People's Association (PA).

He said that the PA should not be partisan and that it should be fair to everyone, be they PAP or opposition MPs.

Speaking to reporters before the start of his outdoor rally at Toa Payoh stadium on Tuesday evening, he added the 7th Lunar Month festival is a happy occasion and that politics should not interfere with it.

He also said that the government has spoken about how the President should be non-partisan. So, government institutions should also be above politics, he said.

Mr Tan called on the different parties to come together to work out an amicable solution.

Meanwhile, presidential candidate Tan Kin Lian said that public spaces should be used for non-partisan purposes.

He was responding to a recent incident, where opposition Member of Parliament Chen Show Mao was reportedly told not to attend a community event at Paya Lebar.

Mr Tan said that the organiser should have been given the freedom to invite whoever he or she wanted.

He said: "Whoever is the Member of Parliament should be respected. And you can't say it can only be used by MPs of some political parties, but not of other political parties."

- CNA/cc/ac/ir

23-08-11, 21:13

Unsolicited SMS asking to vote for Tan Cheng Bock

On the morning of August 23rd, I received an unsolicited sms from “ChengBock” asking me to vote for Tan Cheng Bock. The few questions when I saw the sms were, how the heck did he manage to get my number? Did he buy my details from a marketing company? What else does he know about me? I definitely have never met the man in my life before so I could not have given him my number.

In this time and age, I know that it is naive to even think that a person’s cell phone number will be private anymore but I still find it highly disturbing that a presidential candidate would use such an intrusive method to canvass for votes. I can deal with
flyers/media/facebook/twitter for vote canvassing because I can choose to tune them out. But an unsolicited sms? Now when I heard “Tan Cheng Bock”, I cannot help but associate the name with spam.

I am afraid this marketing action has just cost him 1 vote.I also received his personalized msg this morning. Initially was very surprised but later realised that it probably was not sent by him but his over-enthusiastic supporters in some banks, etc. Well, unlike you, I haven't discounted voting for him yet! I also constantly receive phone calls from xxx banks and if I can don't take action against these banks, I guess there is also no need for me to be so :simmering: with this personalized msg by a presidential hopeful! :D

23-08-11, 21:58
I also received his personalized msg this morning. Initially was very surprised but later realised that it probably was not sent by him but his over-enthusiastic supporters in some banks, etc. Well, unlike you, I haven't discounted voting for him yet! I also constantly receive phone calls from xxx banks and if I can don't take action against these banks, I guess there is also no need for me to be so :simmering: with this personalized msg by a presidential hopeful! :D

i received sms from "TANKINLIAN" instead :D

23-08-11, 22:13
PALM TREE carried himself well 2nite while Hi-5 was smiling all the time....

23-08-11, 22:27
how did the HEART fare? Almost a coronary?

23-08-11, 22:50
i received sms from "TANKINLIAN" instead :D

I received from both!:rolleyes:

bargain hunter
23-08-11, 22:57
i didn't get from either but kenna spammed by ppty agents instead today. :ashamed1:

I received from both!:rolleyes:

24-08-11, 02:36
The PA has really outlived its purpose. All these years PA are doing things in the guise of community bonding blar blar blar but it is really to boost the popularity of the PAP MPs. You should see how balls are carried during community events and MPs treated macham like some god. Even at community dinner events, everybody comes punctually with the MP turning up late and everyone has to stand up just to greet him when he arrives. I am really sick of this shit and I really hope singaporeans can start treating these parliamentarians as servants rather than god. Why should the area be spruced up each time there is an MP visit? We should let the MP see the usual dirt and shit in the neighbourhood so that he will be constantly working to improve the neighbourhood and lives of the people.


Sylvia Lim scoffed at Prime Minister Lee’s call for ‘national solidarity

Sylvia Lim scoffed at Prime Minister Lee’s call for ‘national solidarity’

Sylvia Lim
WP Chairman Sylvia Lim has scoffed at Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong’s recent call for ‘political harmony’ and ‘national solidarity’ in Singapore.

Speaking at the Ang Mo Kio-Hougang National Day Dinner yesterday evening, PM Lee emphasized that Singaporeans must work together to meet the challenges ahead.

“We must make sure that we keep on getting our economics right, our policies right and our politics right…and we must have harmonious political system where we make important decisions in the best interests of Singapore and Singaporeans, and keep ourselves safe in this uncertain environment.”

PM Lee’s words now sound hilarious in the face of the stunning relevation by Ms Lim on the cheap, callous and dirty tactics employed by the People’s Association which is chaired by PM Lee to sabotage WP’s grassroots work in Aljunied GRC.

The PA has banned WP MPs from attending grassroots events held on its premises on the lame excuse that ‘non-political’ events are allowed to be held there while ex-PAP MPs are able to do so in their capacities as ‘grassroots advisors’.

“The PA, a statutory board funded by tax payers’ money and chaired by the Prime Minister, appears to capitalize on its close connection with the government to serve the political interests of the ruling party. The PA is leveraging on HDB to enable PAP candidates who lost at the last elections to re-emerge at community events as “advisors” to PA grassroots organizations. The move to let PA control the sites previously managed by the Town Council would give PAP candidates a ground advantage and permanent presence, in advance preparation for the next elections,” she wrote in a media release posted on WP’s website last night.

Ms Lim should not be surprised as the PAP has been using this shameless ‘backdoor’ route to plant its losing candidates in the opposition-held wards though they were categorically rejected by the voters at the polls. Sitoh Yih Pin was the ‘grassroots advisor’ of Potong Pasir for the last ten years instead of its former MP Chiam See Tong which paved the way for his narrow victory in the May election.

“The PM has just called for political harmony and national solidarity in Singapore, and said that “we must have a harmonious political system where we make important decisions in the best interests of Singapore and Singaporeans.” Regrettably, there appears to be a dissonance between the language of national unity employed by the Prime Minister and the actions of the HDB and PA in Aljunied GRC,” Ms Lim wrote in her closing paragraph.

The petty politicking indulged by the PAP and the PA in Aljunied GRC at the expense of taxpayers has sparked a massive outcry from Singaporeans which may affect the chances of PAP-endorsed presidential candidate Tony Tan at the election this coming Saturday.

24-08-11, 07:43
Anyone received from both TCB and TKL? :tsk-tsk:

24-08-11, 07:51
TT during his conversation with the other candidates last night, just said something that confirmed my fears on voting for him. He again reiterated that he must abide by the constitution on his role as a president should he be elected, and even appeared unwilling to speak up for the people if the thing concerned is not stipulated in the constitution and not under his portfolio. Sigh! Is he then dependable? President is not politically motivated and he must also be completely segregated from PAP but our dear TT appears to still buy into PAP and their ideologies! Cannot voice opinions to govt! Must be guai guai citizen! At least TJS or someone mentioned that he'll have a personal dialogue with PM to voice his concern should that need arises! :spliff:

24-08-11, 07:53
The conversation will be aired on CH5 tonight and CNA tomorrow!

24-08-11, 08:12
Quite a lot of people at TJS rally last nite. Vehicle was slow getting into toa payoh last night. How about Yio Chu Kang tonight at TKL rally?

24-08-11, 09:37
There is really no fear this time round to vote for an outspoken President. It is not a general election whereby a freak result may cost us a government. The constitution already limits the powers of the President, but an outspoken President can make the system more transparent e.g. what the hell is GIC doing with our money, which as former Dy Chairman and ED of GIC, TT is in no position to question.

24-08-11, 11:24
There is really no fear this time round to vote for an outspoken President. It is not a general election whereby a freak result may cost us a government. The constitution already limits the powers of the President, but an outspoken President can make the system more transparent e.g. what the hell is GIC doing with our money, which as former Dy Chairman and ED of GIC, TT is in no position to question.Well TT is speaking at Clarke Quay this afternoon! Will he persistently maintain his unwillingness to speak up to the govt should the need arises? That is the feeling he's been injecting in most, if not all his speeches! Then he'll just be a puppet president, hiding behind the govt and taking his huge pay which he's not even willing to reject or donate!!! :spliff:

24-08-11, 11:33

24-08-11, 11:59
TT is watching over us in condosingapore.

24-08-11, 12:13
As usual, our mediacorp only reported 8000 people to down play TJS rally. It looks like more than 30000 people in the toa payoh stadium.
There is really no fear this time round to vote for an outspoken President. It is not a general election whereby a freak result may cost us a government. The constitution already limits the powers of the President, but an outspoken President can make the system more transparent e.g. what the hell is GIC doing with our money, which as former Dy Chairman and ED of GIC, TT is in no position to question.

24-08-11, 13:38
TT is watching over us in condosingapore.
lol....:hell-hath-no-fury: :hell-hath-no-fury: :hell-hath-no-fury:

24-08-11, 13:42
As usual, our mediacorp only reported 8000 people to down play TJS rally. It looks like more than 30000 people in the toa payoh stadium.

24-08-11, 13:44
As usual, our mediacorp only reported 8000 people to down play TJS rally. It looks like more than 30000 people in the toa payoh stadium.
Tt is watching over us:hell-hath-no-fury: :tongue3:

24-08-11, 13:55
anyone feel that TJS responses hv been weak? For eg, in CNA discussion, when asked about dispute management, he talked about how he resolved issues with subordinates. so general and lame for a president candidate.

in TOC discussion, he was aggressive, lost some cool.. pointed fingers at times.

in a youtube video, he mentioned "we must plant our seeds for next GE at 2016".. thats obviously referring to opposition.. while he claimed to be independent..

and what record does he have? so little info and within 6 months, he wants to be president.

I am feeling disappointed that he didnt seemed more capable than I hoped for.. I am scrutinising him more as i of course wanted to give him a chance.

for now, I am leaning for 'the least of all evil' candidate.. palm trees..

24-08-11, 14:01
Very obvious tat TT belong to pap party and tjs belongs to opposition party....

He ask ppl to vote for him just bcoz he is not previously from pap!:banghead: :doh:

No emo baggage etc....well....i also not from PAP wat?! Whahaha wats the big deal? Whahahhaah

24-08-11, 14:11
40% of the country voted for the opposition and only 6 seats awarded to opposition in parliament. No ex-PAP member can fill the shoes of the president becoz he will just be agreeing to what the PAP says, effectively just a rubber stamp and nothing else. You may dislike the opposition, but at least TJS will bother to speak up for the people, scrutinise civil service manpower and guard how our money is spent by GIC and Temasek. Do you think TT will strongly oppose to PAP's agenda or have the balls to do so? The president has to be someone with balls and a heart, not just a silent endorser of everything the PAP proposes like the current prata man. TJS also rightly pointed out that $500k is all the president needs to live well, and it takes courage to pledge the other $4 over million of his pay back to the people which I am certain people like TT and TCB will not do.

Very obvious tat TT belong to pap party and tjs belongs to opposition party....

He ask ppl to vote for him just bcoz he is not previously from pap!:banghead: :doh:

No emo baggage etc....well....i also not from PAP wat?! Whahaha wats the big deal? Whahahhaah

24-08-11, 14:17
Be careful, the palm tree is still a lackey and he is thick in the grassroots. Being very close to PA means he is still a very good kawan to PAP and LHL. He is put there to split the votes of those who support the opposition so as to give TT a decisive victory. Don't fall for their ploy. We need a president that will speak for us strongly, not someone who just sits by the side and just watch things go by.

anyone feel that TJS responses hv been weak? For eg, in CNA discussion, when asked about dispute management, he talked about how he resolved issues with subordinates. so general and lame for a president candidate.

in TOC discussion, he was aggressive, lost some cool.. pointed fingers at times.

in a youtube video, he mentioned "we must plant our seeds for next GE at 2016".. thats obviously referring to opposition.. while he claimed to be independent..

and what record does he have? so little info and within 6 months, he wants to be president.

I am feeling disappointed that he didnt seemed more capable than I hoped for.. I am scrutinising him more as i of course wanted to give him a chance.

for now, I am leaning for 'the least of all evil' candidate.. palm trees..

24-08-11, 14:39
If TT and TCB is to take home only $500K, PM, cabinent ministers, Minister of State, Perm Sec, MPs, , will take a cut too. Great implications. Will never happen:scared-3:
40% of the country voted for the opposition and only 6 seats awarded to opposition in parliament. No ex-PAP member can fill the shoes of the president becoz he will just be agreeing to what the PAP says, effectively just a rubber stamp and nothing else. You may dislike the opposition, but at least TJS will bother to speak up for the people, scrutinise civil service manpower and guard how our money is spent by GIC and Temasek. Do you think TT will strongly oppose to PAP's agenda or have the balls to do so? The president has to be someone with balls and a heart, not just a silent endorser of everything the PAP proposes like the current prata man. TJS also rightly pointed out that $500k is all the president needs to live well, and it takes courage to pledge the other $4 over million of his pay back to the people which I am certain people like TT and TCB will not do.

24-08-11, 15:10
40% of the country voted for the opposition and only 6 seats awarded to opposition in parliament. No ex-PAP member can fill the shoes of the president becoz he will just be agreeing to what the PAP says, effectively just a rubber stamp and nothing else. You may dislike the opposition, but at least TJS will bother to speak up for the people, scrutinise civil service manpower and guard how our money is spent by GIC and Temasek. Do you think TT will strongly oppose to PAP's agenda or have the balls to do so? The president has to be someone with balls and a heart, not just a silent endorser of everything the PAP proposes like the current prata man. TJS also rightly pointed out that $500k is all the president needs to live well, and it takes courage to pledge the other $4 over million of his pay back to the people which I am certain people like TT and TCB will not do.
Wud prefer the elected president to do it in low key manner wif regards to donating pay...our ministers pay follows a hierarchy wif president on top of it. Haf to b tactful

And i will feel utterly ashamed to haf tjs to be my president.....ashamed to be a singaporean:mad:

His actions behaviour n mannerism got direct impact on sg image n reputation....

24-08-11, 15:12
Be careful, the palm tree is still a lackey and he is thick in the grassroots. Being very close to PA means he is still a very good kawan to PAP and LHL. He is put there to split the votes of those who support the opposition so as to give TT a decisive victory. Don't fall for their ploy. We need a president that will speak for us strongly, not someone who just sits by the side and just watch things go by.
U be careful of ur comments

Baseless n bias n subjective assumptions r not welcome:tongue3:

24-08-11, 15:17
Saw the breadtalk TAN promotion haa haa....:p

"This TAN may not be running for President, but its smooth egg custard and coconut flakes infused with gula melaka could well go down in history.
Available for a limited period at $1.50 and $5 for 4 pcs in a box."

24-08-11, 15:29
The $500k benchmark he set tells us that ministers are overly paid and wr all know that.
If TT and TCB is to take home only $500K, PM, cabinent ministers, Minister of State, Perm Sec, MPs, , will take a cut too. Great implications. Will never happen:scared-3:

24-08-11, 15:41
The $500k benchmark he set tells us that ministers are overly paid and wr all know that.
Using other countries as a benchmark, 500k is also too much

24-08-11, 15:45
The president probably needs only $250k to live on, the other $250k for him to save. Think $500k reasonable for a singapore president
Using other countries as a benchmark, 500k is also too much

24-08-11, 15:49
The president probably needs only $250k to live on, the other $250k for him to save. Think $500k reasonable for a singapore president
Again its very subjective

24-08-11, 15:52
The president probably needs only $250k to live on, the other $250k for him to save. Think $500k reasonable for a singapore president

ok last chance, who ever will take the job for $200k, will have my vote hahahahah :cheers5:

24-08-11, 15:53
It is a fact, anyone can survive on $250k a year, it is all about controlling one's spending. Most of the president's expenditure paid for by the state so why does he need more than $500k? If a president needs more than $500k, that is called lavish
Again its very subjective

24-08-11, 15:57
It is a fact, anyone can survive on $250k a year, it is all about controlling one's spending. Most of the president's expenditure paid for by the state so why does he need more than $500k?
I realise u like to make assumptions

I meant to say 500k is too much in my own view....100k is more den enough oredi for tjs since he work for the people and not for the money ...somemore u rightly pointed out tat president expenditure r mostly paid for

24-08-11, 16:00
ok last chance, who ever will take the job for $200k, will have my vote hahahahah :cheers5:
Y not let the people of singapore dictate our president pay? :cheers6:

24-08-11, 16:22
$500k is decent for the president with plenty for spending and indulgences. $4 million is vulgarly obscene.
I realise u like to make assumptions

I meant to say 500k is too much in my own view....100k is more den enough oredi for tjs since he work for the people and not for the money ...somemore u rightly pointed out tat president expenditure r mostly paid for

24-08-11, 16:52
TJS obviously is at Opp side. how can he be independent. he want to challenge the govt, check govt...blar blar blar.....same voice when he run GE. capable or not nobody know, there is no report card. but i think if he is voted, he sure cause disruption to govt. he want to safe guard reserve? maybe he will be the first to use the reserve to satisfy his 60billion big dream. if any policy is going to scrutinise by him, how can a country run smoothly. will scare off investor

24-08-11, 16:57
skali black horse TAN KIN LIAN win!!!:D

24-08-11, 17:07
TJS obviously is at Opp side. how can he be independent. he want to challenge the govt, check govt...blar blar blar.....same voice when he run GE. capable or not nobody know, there is no report card. but i think if he is voted, he sure cause disruption to govt. he want to safe guard reserve? maybe he will be the first to use the reserve to satisfy his 60billion big dream. if any policy is going to scrutinise by him, how can a country run smoothly. will scare off investor

But the president can't propose the use of reserve. He can only approve or object to the government's use of reserve. A president from a different point of view acts to safeguard the reserve. Don't need a rubber stamp president.:mad:

The beauty of the presidential election is that his powers are limited, his symbolic power is more than real power. There's no fear of freak results that will put opposition in government, yet it allows for an alternative, institutionalized voice that everyone agrees that we need, what else are we waiting for....:D

24-08-11, 17:24
Must be independent of the ruling party that already forms the govt, coz we don't want a president that is a clone of the ruling party that already runs the govt. Opposition does not form the govt so independent of them or not is immaterial.
TJS obviously is at Opp side. how can he be independent. he want to challenge the govt, check govt...blar blar blar.....same voice when he run GE. capable or not nobody know, there is no report card. but i think if he is voted, he sure cause disruption to govt. he want to safe guard reserve? maybe he will be the first to use the reserve to satisfy his 60billion big dream. if any policy is going to scrutinise by him, how can a country run smoothly. will scare off investor

24-08-11, 17:34
Must be independent of the ruling party that already forms the govt, coz we don't want a president that is a clone of the ruling party that already runs the govt. Opposition does not form the govt so independent of them or not is immaterial.

Tan Kin Lian meet yr requirement. he is the most "clean" don belong to either party :D

24-08-11, 17:37
Tkl ex pap lah
Tan Kin Lian meet yr requirement. he is the most "clean" don belong to either party :D

24-08-11, 17:41
Tkl ex pap lah

he openly said that he is most neutral leh....he said he never join any party hor

24-08-11, 18:31
Still sceptical about him, but I will still consider him to tt and tcb.
he openly said that he is most neutral leh....he said he never join any party hor

24-08-11, 21:00

PE: Tan Cheng Bock "disappointed" that some are afraid to support him
By Wayne Chan | Posted: 24 August 2011 1625 hrs

SINGAPORE: Presidential candidate Dr Tan Cheng Bock said he was disappointed that some of his former People's Action Party fellow members and those working in the government or government-linked companies were afraid to support him in his presidential bid.

Dr Tan said this during his campaign trail at Raffles City, where he met the lunchtime crowd of working professionals on Wednesday.

He was responding to questions on his comment that there was a "fear of the consequences of standing up for one's beliefs" in the online edition of a Channel NewsAsia programme, "Meet the Candidates", which was aired on Tuesday.

Dr Tan replied that some had expressed fears that they could lose their jobs if they supported him. He stressed that they should not be afraid as the Presidential Election is apolitical.

Dr Tan will be holding his rally at 7.30pm on Thursday at Hall 8 of the Singapore Expo.

He said speakers will have to stay within the boundaries of the Constitution. This means they should not engage in day-to-day politics or raise bread-and-butter issues.

Dr Tan noted that some issues raised by another candidate, Mr Tan Jee Say, at a rally on Tuesday were "out of bounds".

He added that he was "disturbed" by Mr Tan's point about checking and challenging the government.

However, Dr Tan said while he does not want to create dissent between the President and the government, it does not mean he will be "weak and just toe the government line".


24-08-11, 21:38

EXPOSED: Tony Tan and family bought 3 units of SPH project Sky@eleven before its soft launch in 2007

August 24th, 2011 | Author: Temasek Review

According to a tip-off we received from a SPH insider, Tony Tan and his family bought three units of Sky@eleven condominium before they were officially launched in 2007.
Sky@eleven is a freehold luxury development by Times Development, the property arm of Singapore Press Holdings Ltd (SPH)
Located at Thomson Lane, off Thomson Road, the 43-storey high Sky@eleven is the tallest development in the area. One major selling point of Sky@eleven was its attractive pricing, averaging at $975 psf. The highest price recorded was $1,200 psf.
In 2007, SPH sold out all of 273 units of Sky@eleven condo within 30 hours of its soft launch on the evening of Sunday, 28 January, even before the public launch which was scheduled for this weekend.
In a statement released to the media, then SPH Chairman and Director Dr Tony Tan said:
“We are extremely happy with the overwhelming response and at the same time very grateful to the buyers for their support for our exclusive development.”
However Dr Tony Tan did not reveal that his eldest son and daughter-in-law as well as a company partly owned by him and his immediate family had bought 3 units of Sky@eleven before its soft launch.
Below are the pre-sale options some directors asked for and obtained, as declared by SPH to its shareholders, but not reported in the press.
The Directors of Singapore Press Holdings Limited (“SPH” or the “Company”) wish to announce that the Board has approved the proposed sale of units (the “Units”) in the residential development known as Sky@eleven to the following persons who are interested persons of SPH pursuant to Chapter 9 of the Listing Manual of the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited (the “Purchaser”):
- Tan Boon Huan, Peter, son of Tony Tan Keng Yam and Tan Yew Mei, daughter-in-law of Tony Tan Keng Yam
# 39-09
- Bee Kiang (Private) Limited, a company in which Tony Tan Keng Yam and his immediate family have an interest of 30% or more.
# 41-01
- Bee Kiang (Private) Limited, a company in which Tony Tan Keng Yam and his immediate family have an interest of 30% or more.
Download the SPH file here
The prices of Sky@eleven have almost doubled since it was launched in 2007. Based on the latest transactions with caveats lodged from URA, Sky@eleven are now selling at between $1,500 – $1,600 psf. (read more here)
After he retired from politics in 2006, Dr Tony Tan was appointed as Chairman of SPH by the PAP regime.
Dr Tony Tan and his family would not be able to obtain the pre-sale options to purchase exclusive units of Sky@eleven before its soft launch if he were not a director of SPH.
Since he is running for the presidency now, Dr Tony Tan should come clean with Singaporeans and revealed the identities of his other family members who have bought the two units of Sky@eleven under his company Bee Kiang (Private) Limited.

24-08-11, 21:48
The more the elections, the more fragile the situation is to the party concerned.

24-08-11, 22:31
40% of the country voted for the opposition and only 6 seats awarded to opposition in parliament. No ex-PAP member can fill the shoes of the president becoz he will just be agreeing to what the PAP says, effectively just a rubber stamp and nothing else. You may dislike the opposition, but at least TJS will bother to speak up for the people, scrutinise civil service manpower and guard how our money is spent by GIC and Temasek. Do you think TT will strongly oppose to PAP's agenda or have the balls to do so? The president has to be someone with balls and a heart, not just a silent endorser of everything the PAP proposes like the current prata man. TJS also rightly pointed out that $500k is all the president needs to live well, and it takes courage to pledge the other $4 over million of his pay back to the people which I am certain people like TT and TCB will not do.I can't say I totally agree on everything you've mentioned but certainly agree that TT will merely become a PAP puppet president who keeps saying I'm not a political figure. :tongue3:

24-08-11, 22:45
Still sceptical about him, but I will still consider him to tt and tcb.

500k still cheapest man right :cheers5:

25-08-11, 13:30
I don't mind having a President being paid $4mil a year, as long as he can portray Singapore in good light internationally and attract investors to create jobs for us. No point watching over a reserve that might dwindle if there is too much internal political instability that might affect investors' sentiment.

25-08-11, 14:56
500k still cheapest man right :cheers5:

Market going down liao, its $1 now.



I would do it for $1, says Tan Jee Say

by Esther Ng (http://forums.condosingapore.com/)
04:46 AM Aug 24, 2011
var fontIndex = 2; var fontSize = new Array('0.63em', '0.69em', '0.75em', '0.88em', '1em', '1.13em');
SINGAPORE - He knows what it is like to be poor, presidential candidate Tan Jee Say told the crowd. At the start of each school year when new books, shoes and clothes were needed, his mother would borrow five to ten dollars from relatives to put her nine children through school.

And in a tribute to his mother at his election rally at the Toa Payoh Stadium last night, Mr Tan showed the crowd a life-sized photograph of the two of them standing on the steps of the Istana during his Commissioning Parade in 1977.

"The photo reminds me of the long and hard journey that my mother had travelled since her days as a washerwoman," he said during a question-and-answer segment towards the end of the rally, which saw Mr Tan read answers to prepared questions posed by former deejay Petrina Kow.

"If the son of a washerwoman from Hainan Island in China can aspire to be a President one day, then I hope the future generations of young Singaporeans will also feel inspired to dream big and be President of Singapore," the investment adviser and former senior civil servant added.

In reply to Ms Kow's question about his employment record, Mr Tan said he had changed jobs three to four times over 14 years when he was in the private sector.

"It's not uncommon for people in the financial sector to move around - some even move after one year," said Mr Tan.

At Peregrine, Mr Tan said, he was behind a merger and acquisition between an Indonesian conglomerate and a major Malaysian-listed mining company worth about US$150 million (S$180 million). And at AIB Govett, a fund management company, he said that he won for them a major mandate from a sovereign wealth fund and also set up for them a syariah fund for the insurance subsidiary of a major Malaysian bank.

As for his independence, Mr Tan reiterated he was "not pushing" for any Opposition agenda nor political gain. Instead, he added, he was in the race to serve the people. He said: "The views that I have, contrary to the Government, are not the monopoly of the Opposition. Even some members of the (People's Action Party) are unhappy about the PAP."

Mr Tan, 57, identified two key causes that he would pursue as President: Help for the elderly and their caregivers; and promote volunteerism among youths.

He said his 100-year-old mother, who died in February, had mild dementia, and he understood the stress that caregivers had to go through.

Mr Tan said he would also do more to get youths to volunteer, citing the example in the United Kingdom where students would take a year off from studies to do charity work.

Asked whether he would run for the presidency if he were not paid, Mr Tan said in jest: "I would do it for one dollar, like Steve Jobs."

But "seriously", Mr Tan added, he was running to "serve the people".

25-08-11, 15:20
Market going down liao, its $1 now.



I would do it for $1, says Tan Jee Say

Asked whether he would run for the presidency if he were not paid, Mr Tan said in jest: "I would do it for one dollar, like Steve Jobs."

But "seriously", Mr Tan added, he was running to "serve the people".[/SIZE]

he didnt commit he will donate all the $$$ and just take $1 leh. :D
talk is cheap (is free actually) :D

25-08-11, 15:57
he didnt commit he will donate all the $$$ and just take $1 leh. :D
talk is cheap (is free actually) :D

maybe he already calculated the information that he can access (GIC/Temasek) worth many time more than the $$ that he is going to donate. don forget he is investment advisor hor :rolleyes:

25-08-11, 16:39
he didnt commit he will donate all the $$$ and just take $1 leh. :D
talk is cheap (is free actually) :D
Totally agree! Tok is dirt cheap ar! Whahahaha:D

Nvm la....we dun b so bad to our dear president....100k p.a reasonable rite? Hehe:cheers6:

25-08-11, 16:41
maybe he already calculated the information that he can access (GIC/Temasek) worth many time more than the $$ that he is going to donate. don forget he is investment advisor hor :rolleyes:
Yeah man....do u really tink mr obama dun hf sidelines? Hehe

25-08-11, 18:49
People pay to hear obama speak because he handles world issues and have a portfolio that is a hundred times greater than the president of singapore. Who the hell wants to hear the prataman speak when he goes on a world tour, pay me to hear I also don't want. Remember this, if the president of singapore can't make it out in the global seminar circuit, it doesnt give him the right to rip taxpayers of their money to compensate him for that. If he got the substance, he goes anywhere people will listen to him so why do we have to compensate him for his incompetence outside of his pubic office? :doh: :doh:
Yeah man....do u really tink mr obama dun hf sidelines? Hehe

25-08-11, 18:52
COME DOWN TO EXPO HALL 8 NOW!!! :D :cheers6:

25-08-11, 19:28
Help me to tell him that he is better off as a retiree

25-08-11, 20:27
Help me to tell him that he is better off as a retiree

$1 man is cheapest now hor :D

25-08-11, 20:33
What $1 man? :confused:
$1 man is cheapest now hor :D

25-08-11, 20:37
What $1 man? :confused:

TJS not $1 man meh :D:D

26-08-11, 00:00
Really enjoyed myself throughout the rally!:D :cheers6:

26-08-11, 02:45
so did he pledge to become president for free?

Really enjoyed myself throughout the rally!:D :cheers6:

26-08-11, 06:59
TJS was totally and publicly insulted during the GE2011. If he is elected, it might be pay back time for P** :eek:

26-08-11, 07:58
TJS was totally and publicly insulted during the GE2011. If he is elected, it might be pay back time for P** :eek:Even TKL said two of his lowest point in this campaign is because of TJS so he not only offend P** but also fellow presidential hopeful. Well, today's cooling off day so no more campaigning! :cheers1:

26-08-11, 08:04
Even TKL said two of his lowest point in this campaign is because of TJS so he not only offend P** but also fellow presidential hopeful. Well, today's cooling off day so no more campaigning! :cheers1:

This cooling off applies to CNA forum too.

26-08-11, 12:35
This cooling off applies to CNA forum too.Think cooling off day don't apply to media telecast! Not sure about the forum though! :o

26-08-11, 12:54
Remember to cast your vote tomorrow! http://www.manysmileys.com/styles/common/spacer.gifhttp://www.manysmileys.com/styles/common/spacer.gifhttp://i266.photobucket.com/albums/ii269/theogrit/sign%20or%20English%20smilies/2sgn108VOTE.gif





26-08-11, 13:36
Remember to cast your vote tomorrow! http://www.manysmileys.com/styles/common/spacer.gifhttp://www.manysmileys.com/styles/common/spacer.gifhttp://i266.photobucket.com/albums/ii269/theogrit/sign%20or%20English%20smilies/2sgn108VOTE.gif




http://www.livepencil.com/mambers/imagesmem/youremail/emotic/glasses2/glasses14.gifThanks for the reminder... almost forgot! :D

bargain hunter
26-08-11, 14:58
*bargain hunter likes this* ;)

Remember to cast your vote tomorrow! http://www.manysmileys.com/styles/common/spacer.gifhttp://www.manysmileys.com/styles/common/spacer.gifhttp://i266.photobucket.com/albums/ii269/theogrit/sign%20or%20English%20smilies/2sgn108VOTE.gif





26-08-11, 18:17
On 27 Aug, make sure you vote the right TAN. If not, you may end up with a 笨tan, or worse, a 坏tan who will 倒tan n singapore will be 完tan! If really not sure, just vote orang utan!!

26-08-11, 20:05
On 27 Aug, make sure you vote the right TAN. If not, you may end up with a 笨tan, or worse, a 坏tan who will 倒tan n singapore will be 完tan! If really not sure, just vote orang utan!!


27-08-11, 00:24
Guys, sleep well and make sure put a cross beside right symbol. Remember we can live without spectacles, a palm tree and a hand, but will die without a heart :D

27-08-11, 14:34
I just heard from someone that tt is a distant relative of lky thru their wives. Not sure how true that is :doh:

27-08-11, 17:21
Find him very threatening. I'm scared:scared-4:

27-08-11, 17:26
You didn't read the comic strip meh?

You read about it on TR.

27-08-11, 21:40
YahooSG Yahoo! Singapore
According to reports from the counting centres, Tony Tan is in the lead in the early vote counts. #sgpresident

Overheard on Tan Cheng Bock's bus, based on prelim figures they estimate 38% of vote (unconfirmed), close to their prediction #sgpresident

Overheard on the Tan Cheng Bock bus: Tan Cheng Bock saying Tan Jee Say's numbers were 'not bad' #sgpresident

27-08-11, 23:27
Unconfirmed source from TT saying that the votes are as TT: 35.2% TCB: 34.4% TJS: 23.2% TKL: 7.2%


28-08-11, 00:05
PALM TREE carried himself well 2nite while Hi-5 was smiling all the time....
PALM TREE looking good....

28-08-11, 00:07
Via Today online...seem there is recount....TCB vs TT

28-08-11, 00:10
Via Today online...seem there is recount....TCB vs TT

May be they should do a round 2 voting TCB vs TT haa haa....1 more day holiday! :rolleyes:

28-08-11, 00:25
Unconfirmed source from TT saying that the votes are as TT: 35.2% TCB: 34.4% TJS: 23.2% TKL: 7.2%


If this the case, then many wasted vote gg to TJS, which could have been better use :D

28-08-11, 00:32
If this the case, then many wasted vote gg to TJS, which could have been better use :D
Ya lor....if tjs nvr join, tcb surely win liao lor....

Hope for the best now!


28-08-11, 00:37
Ya lor....if tjs nvr join, tcb surely win liao lor....

Hope for the best now!


Go go go :cheers1:

28-08-11, 00:40
Ya lor....if tjs nvr join, tcb surely win liao lor....

Hope for the best now!

Palm tree....:cheers6:

Geylang OKT
28-08-11, 00:46
If TJS neber join in the fray, Dr TT would already have won hands down! :D

28-08-11, 01:17
If TJS neber join in the fray, Dr TT would already have won hands down! :D

I don't think so, :D Voters of TJS will never vote for TT :D

28-08-11, 01:23
TT leading.....recount....:(

28-08-11, 01:27
TT leading.....recount....:(

From the reactions of TT and TCB, you can tell who has won. Recount is a formality only.

28-08-11, 01:29
More darkness ahead... :(

28-08-11, 08:26
Knn this kind of result, president going to be another yes man, wasting taxpayers money :doh: :doh: :doh:

28-08-11, 08:28
Sad day for the majority:(