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28-08-11, 08:30
But I must say govt very smart, tjs not qualified they allow him in for a reason. without either tjs or tkl, I think tcb will win.

28-08-11, 09:04
"Whatever the outcome, the result will be seen as a major setback for Lee and his long-ruling People's Action Party (PAP), which saw its share of the popular vote fall to a record low of 60 percent during May parliamentary elections that saw the opposition make historic gains." - Reuters India

If not for all the Yes-men and Yes-women in civil service, TT would not have won. Though I sympathise with lowly-paid civil servants, I guess they deserve their salaries. :2cents:

It's a real shame that most Singaporeans voted based on fear (for TT) and on emotions (TCB) when they should have voted based on candidate's ability to understand and apply financial and economic concepts (TJS). :banghead:

Get ready for more of our reserves and taxes eroded due to losses to global markets and investments, use of reserves for the benefit of foreigners, wastage of reserves on benefits that do not spur real, sustainable growth and prosperity, while top civil servants pay themselves top salaries, do not hold themselves accountable when things go wrong and wear their pants too high. :mad:

Setback or victory, the arrogance of PAP continues. :hell-hath-no-fury:

28-08-11, 09:22
when they should have voted based on candidate's ability to understand and apply financial and economic concepts (TJS). :banghead:

Really must bang head :banghead: TJS is the least qualify if I must say, if only he didn't jump out to dilute the votes the outcome will be very different :simmering:

28-08-11, 09:27
That's your POV.
25% of voters think he's the most qualified.

28-08-11, 09:44
But I must say govt very smart, tjs not qualified they allow him in for a reason.

well, if only TJS didnt choose to try his luck right :rolleyes:

28-08-11, 09:58
That's your POV.
25% of voters think he's the most qualified.

Hee diehard opposition or nic seah fans :D Probably no one voted for him because of his personal capabilities, but becos of his brands under him:D

28-08-11, 09:59
well, if only TJS didnt choose to try his luck right :rolleyes:

Ya, very sickening :mad:

28-08-11, 10:14
This tkl should have just stepped aside not tjs judging from popularity. If tkl had not stood for election, the victory will clearly belong to tcb coz those who voted for tkl will never vote for tt. Imo tkl is the odd ball.
Really must bang head :banghead: TJS is the least qualify if I must say, if only he didn't jump out to dilute the votes the outcome will be very different :simmering:

28-08-11, 10:18
This tkl should have just stepped aside not tjs judging from popularity. If tkl had not stood for election, the victory will clearly belong to tcb coz those who voted for tkl will never vote for tt. Imo tkl is the odd ball.

But from the sequence of events, it was TJS who came out suddenly and if I'm not wrong, and after tat, TKL wanted to withdraw but TJS said something nasty to him tat cause TKL to change his mind. So who's the bad guy here?

Anywhere the result cannot be changed anymore, we have to repent for the next 6 years :D

28-08-11, 10:25
Very funny. After seeing the results, people complain so-and-so should have withdrawn blah blah. Why don't people say TT shouldn't have stood for election because he made PAP lau kui. All just good at saying, "on hindsight blah blah blah".

28-08-11, 10:30
Very funny. After seeing the results, people complain so-and-so should have withdrawn blah blah. Why don't people say TT shouldn't have stood for election because he made PAP lau kui. All just good at saying, "on hindsight blah blah blah".

:D I all along no supporter of the only opposition candidate. U can read all my previous postings :D

28-08-11, 10:45
Tjs represents a large number of people who do not want to vote a pap guy so he needs to be in. TKL is neither here nor there, so he should rightly have stepped down and the win will surely go to tcb.
But from the sequence of events, it was TJS who came out suddenly and if I'm not wrong, and after tat, TKL wanted to withdraw but TJS said something nasty to him tat cause TKL to change his mind. So who's the bad guy here?

Anywhere the result cannot be changed anymore, we have to repent for the next 6 years :D

28-08-11, 11:23
Got this from another forum:
PAP lost badly. Despite being NTUC backed, various unions backed, various business associations backed, various clans backed and other PAP balls carriers backed, Tony Tan is still rejected by over 65% of the voters. Terribly weak mandate and pathetic victory.

Tony Tan obtained terribly weak mandate of 35.19%.

Tan Cheng Bock lost by 7,269 votes. TKL is the spoiler.
Tan Jee Say 25.04% very respectable performance, 64% of the opposition votes from GE.

Tan Kin Lian 5%, lose deposit, as expected. The most hated person among the non PAP.

It would be a very diff story if TKL opted out......TCB would easily beats TT with the lion share of the 103,931 votes.....

Which sounds better? 35% President or 65% Rejected President?"

28-08-11, 11:26
Agree! 100% agree !
Got this from another forum:
PAP lost badly. Despite being NTUC backed, various unions backed, various business associations backed, various clans backed and other PAP balls carriers backed, Tony Tan is still rejected by over 65% of the voters. Terribly weak mandate and pathetic victory.

Tony Tan obtained terribly weak mandate of 35.19%.

Tan Cheng Bock lost by 7,269 votes. TKL is the spoiler.
Tan Jee Say 25.04% very respectable performance, 64% of the opposition votes from GE.

Tan Kin Lian 5%, lose deposit, as expected. The most hated person among the non PAP.

It would be a very diff story if TKL opted out......TCB would easily beats TT with the lion share of the 103,931 votes.....

Which sounds better? 35% President or 65% Rejected President?"

28-08-11, 11:43
Actually, every candidate has his right to contest the PE, if met the criteria and pay the 48k. Voters are responsible for this outcome. People want qualified personnel as leader and a harmonized, efficient government, not a split and chaotic government. This is the reason why WP won in the GE and not the rest of opposition. This is the same reason why Tcb got his support for the close fight. The people is not ready for extreme change.. If Tcb did not contest, I believe Tt would have won in bigger margin.

28-08-11, 12:41
Now he will know that whenever he shakes hand with someone, he knows that probably that person disapproved him.:D

28-08-11, 12:45
No wonder this whole weekend weather so gloomy.... :(

28-08-11, 13:02
Which sounds better? 35% President or 65% Rejected President?
This is very funny :D

But maybe doesn't matter who wins because in the end the president is just zho bo Tan.

28-08-11, 16:03
No wonder this whole weekend weather so gloomy.... :(

Ya, lousy weather during the election day. God knows. :scared-3:

28-08-11, 16:30
Tjs represents a large number of people who do not want to vote a pap guy so he needs to be in. TKL is neither here nor there, so he should rightly have stepped down and the win will surely go to tcb.

Tkl supporters can go either way, to tcb, TJS or TT. But TJS supporters will never go TT, so will go tcb or tkl.

So u see tat the actual spoiler is TJS right? I trying to say if TJS not there TCB confirm 100% win. If TKL not there, the winner is still unknown:D

Simple logic right? :2cents:

28-08-11, 17:02
Tkl supporters can go either way, to tcb, TJS or TT. But TJS supporters will never go TT, so will go tcb or tkl.

So u see tat the actual spoiler is TJS right? I trying to say if TJS not there TCB confirm 100% win. If TKL not there, the winner is still unknown:D

Simple logic right? :2cents:
Do your Maths.., even if TKL votes of 4.91% all vote for TJS Instead..., TJS still number 3...




TT- 35.19%

28-08-11, 17:09

PE: Dr Tony Tan elected Singapore's 7th President

PE: Dr Tony Tan elected Singapore's 7th President
Posted: 28 August 2011 0434 hrs

SINGAPORE: Dr Tony Tan has been elected Singapore's seventh President, winning by a 0.34 per cent margin, or 7,269 votes.

He secured 744,397 or 35.19 per cent of total valid votes, while Dr Tan Cheng Bock received 737,128 or 34.85 per cent of the valid votes.

Returning Officer Yam Ah Mee announced the results following a recount early Sunday morning.

He had allowed the recount as the difference in votes between the two leading candidates was less than two per cent of the total valid votes cast.

Mr Tan Jee Say got 529,732 votes or 25.04 per cent.

Mr Tan Kin Lian obtained 103,931 or 4.91 per cent of the votes. This means he will lose his election deposit of S$48,000.

Some 2.15 million Singaporeans, or 94.65 per cent of registered electors, cast their votes at 781 polling stations throughout the island on Saturday.

Announcing the results, Returning Officer Yam Ah Mee said the local votes counted are conclusive and that the overseas votes will not affect the results of the election.

5,504 Singaporeans have registered as overseas voters. Their votes will be counted on Tuesday, August 30.

The new President will be sworn in on Thursday, September 1.

Dr Tony Tan told reporters outside the Elections Department that he is extremely happy to serve Singaporeans once again.

In his thank you speech, he pledged to work for all Singaporeans.

"Thanks for being so patient and for all your support," he said, adding his thanks to his wife, family, friends, campaign team and all voters.

He also thanked the other three candidates who have campaigned with vigour, giving Singaporeans a choice.

Dr Tan said: "(A) President is a President for all Singaporeans, not only for those who voted for me, but also those who didn't vote for me. I plan to work for each and everyone of you."

He said the real work begins straight away after a strenuous campaign and he will strive to be the best President for all Singaporeans.

"Please support me and join me and my team ... (and) all of us work to build a better tomorrow for Singapore - a tomorrow which all of us ... can greet with confidence for the future," he added.

- CNA/al

28-08-11, 17:11

PE: Results decisive, says Tony Tan
By May Wong | Posted: 28 August 2011 1643 hrs

SINGAPORE: President-elect Tony Tan said the election result has been decisive and he would use the mandate given to meet the expectations of all Singaporeans.

Dr Tan added he would continue to work hard to reach out to all Singaporeans via various platforms such as social media.

Dr Tan was speaking at his first news conference held on Sunday afternoon, after being elected Singapore's seventh President.

"The most immediate, urgent thing now... which I should do is to try to reach out to all Singaporeans to emphasise the fact that the president works for all citizens, not for people who are affiliated to any particular party," Dr Tan said.

"The most important, in my view, is to ensure constant vigilance to fulfil the president's custodial powers.

"I have much experience in this field. There's still a learning curve but I think it'll be short and not too steep."

On whether the voting pattern reflects a deep division in Singapore's society, Dr Tan said the country must recognise that Singaporeans are more vocal today.

"We should have a diversity of views in Singapore. It enriches our society. It makes Singapore more vibrant," Dr Tan said.

"Admittedly, it may make the process of governing more difficult because there's more 'noise'. There could be a little confusion from time to time, decision-making may be slower but that's a maturing of our democracy, civil society and our politics in Singapore, and it's a development which I welcome."

Meanwhile, Dr Tan thanked his wife, Mary Chee, for her support.

Dr Tan described his wife whom he met as a university undergard as "the love of my life" and who has been "a pillar of support".

"Without her standing with me I would not have been able to serve Singapore" said Dr Tan.

As to her role when asked by journalist, Dr Tan said: "She always has a deep concern for people in need... Particularly the elderly citizens. I'm sure she will fulfil her role as First Lady in her own right."

Dr Tan won 35.2 per cent of the valid votes in the Presidential Election held on Saturday.


28-08-11, 17:18
Got this from another forum:

"posted by Tata99paos

1st passed the post always attract significant criticism in constitution law because a candidate can be elected without obtaining a simple majority. The criticism here is, how could one be a president with more than 6 out of 10 thinks he shouldn't? You would be surprised that in Indonesia, presidential election is base on simple majority than 1st passed the post. If any candidate cannot obtain a simple majority from the citizens, then the 1st and 2nd passed the post would be voted again in the next election by senate and by then, one would have a simple majority. There is no difference if this is implemented in Singapore unless the 2nd election is by citizens again, which means more cost...

Originally Posted by Elim88
If TJS was not in the mix, TCB could have had a landslide win.

Could TJS without his knowing be made use of by the regime to dilute the votes for TCB?

The constitution clearly states that a CEO who manages a company with a paid-up capital of no less than $100m can be considered. TJS was as surprised as many others (including myself) when he got the COE.

TJS did not have an easy ride after he left his PPS position. Morgan Grenfell to those who are not aware is a PUPPY friendly entity and close to Govt. Peregrine was not but it went under though no fault of TJS. Not much
happened in SCB. TJS was appointed CEO of Covet within 2 years of Allied Irish Bank buying it for slightly over £101m. After TJS took over, the Asian Financial Crisis occurred. Change of strategy and various tactics failed
and it never made any money during his entire tenure. He was asked to go. The business was finally sold for £4m and AIB wrote off £97m from its book.

So how did PEC classify Covet as a £100m capitalization when it was sold for £4m. The million dollar question is who is behind him and who prodded him to run.

I think TJS has been made used of by the regime and he is totally ignorant about it. One of the 3 PEC members was a former Intelligence Chief whose immediate boss was N*than when he was head honcho of SID"

28-08-11, 17:23
Orang U Tan Score sheet:

Tony Tan: 65% didn't vote for him,

TCB: 65% didn't vote for him,

TJS: 75% didn't vote for him, and

TKL: 95% didn't vote for him.

Now People worry for TT that when he makes public appearance, he may get booed again. Tink Gahman also worry for him.

28-08-11, 17:51

PE: Tan Cheng Bock thanks supporters
By Dominique Loh | Posted: 28 August 2011 1656 hrs

PE: Tan Cheng Bock thanks supporters

SINGAPORE: Dr Tan Cheng Bock was the first to throw his name into the ring in his bid to become Singapore's seventh president.

While Dr Tan touched on many issues during the campaign, there was one that resonated most with his supporters.

Dr Tan had said he wanted to be the unifying figure who bridged not just the political divide, but also someone who could unite Singapore.

"The issue of multi-racialism, to strengthen multi-racialism has caught the attention of many of our Singaporeans. And also, I think they realise that I am the one who can unify all Singaporeans," he said.

Dr Tan's team believed that the former Member of Parliament (MP) for Ayer Rajah had strong support from residents living in western Singapore.

"We are having a very tight fight but I expect that with more results coming in, I hope, I'm not sure where, but I hope the West Coast, and some of those places, which I'm quite strong, will give me an edge later on," he said.

As the recount entered its final stages early Sunday, Dr Tan addressed his supporters at Jurong East Stadium.

"Actually I'm very glad so many of you with different political affiliations came together, and we worked as a team and that's exactly what I like.

"I think they did it because they shared a common cause to put nation above politics and that is a very important call," Dr Tan said.

That speech proved to be the last of the night, by the man who came so close to the highest office in the land, but fell short at the final hurdle.

28-08-11, 19:03
To put in bluntly..., his list is as follows:

1. How to make the "boos" of the 65% majority who did not vote for him softer...

2. To make Singapore a better place and Singaporeans a better quality of life...; make us 1st priority so that the majority COMPLAINT less....

3. On the uncertain global economy...., that "steady hand", just need to sign cheque steadily when Government ask him to approve emergency budget to dig into out reserves ...:D


PE: Tony Tan lists urgent tasks
By Imelda Saad | Posted: 28 August 2011 1853 hrs

SINGAPORE: Singapore's President-elect Tony Tan has said that the most "urgent" task is to reach out to all Singaporeans.

Dr Tan emphasised that the president works for all Singaporeans and he will not be an "ivory tower President", just as President S R Nathan was not.

Dr Tan said this at a press conference on Sunday afternoon, just hours after being elected.

When asked his thoughts about the tight race and his winning margin of just 0.34 percentage points over his closest rival Dr Tan Cheng Bock, Dr Tony Tan said his results were "decisive" in Singapore's first past-the-post system.

"We should look forward to see what we can do rather than look backwards as to the narrow victory, the votes for the other candidates and for myself," Dr Tan said.

"I anticipate that this will be a subject for much commentary and analysis by political commentators and pundits in the coming days and months and I look for ward to reading their views and to see what they make of the elections.

"But as for myself, it's over; now, the question is we have to concentrate on the real work which is what we can do to make Singapore a better place and give Singaporeans a better quality of life."

Dr Tan's priority is to unite an electorate which some have said are polarised in their political views.

"I'm reaching out to all Singaporeans, not only those who support me but also those who have supported other candidates.

"The president must work for all citizens, regardless of who they (voted for); the president must be above politics. He cannot identify himself with any one party.

"All of us have a common destiny in Singapore, whatever party you belong to, whether you vote for me or did not vote for me, I will continue to work for all of you and I think that in the coming years, I will work to unify Singaporeans, heal some of the divisions that exist now and emphasise the need for unity and a common purpose.

"In this way I am confident that we will be able to share a common purpose."

Dr Tan acknowledged that with a more vocal electorate, the process of government would be more difficult, with more confusion and slower decision making.

But he said it is good to have a diversity of views as it enriches society.

As part of the engagement process, Dr Tan wants to use various platforms, such as tea sessions and online social networks to reach out to Singaporeans.

Dr Tan also said: "I don't think it's fair to describe, for example President Nathan's tenure as being in an ivory tower. I think he's made a great effort to reach out to Singaporeans.

"I intend to do the same, not to isolate myself in the Istana but to reach out to various groups, to take an interest in particular issues and to meet a wide spectrum of Singaporeans from all walks of life, different interest groups, to work with them and for them in order to help advance their causes for the benefit of Singaporeans".

With an uncertain global economy, Dr Tan said he hopes to use his experience to help steer Singapore out of troubled waters.

"I view the global economic situation with grave concern. There are problems in Europe, in US. The credit rating has been downgraded. Japan also has its credit rating downgraded as well and many countries, including Singapore, are lowering their growth projections for this year and possibly for next year as well.

"We don't know whether all of these problems will eventually cause another global economic and financial crisis. A lot depends on the actions of government and policy makers and central bankers in the coming weeks and months. We have to monitor this very carefully and with my background in GIC as well as in OCBC.

"I have a wide circle of contacts in the global economic field. I keep up with the news and I can share these views with the prime minister and the other ministers in private meetings.

"The prime minister and his Cabinet will eventually have to make the right decisions but with the experience which I have had over 30 years, I hope that some of my insights and views will be helpful to the PM and his Cabinet when they have to make difficult and uncertain decisions."

"I think the coming weeks and months will be trying for Singapore but we have to remember that Singapore's fundamentals are strong. We have faced challenges before.

"One of the reasons why I decided to run for the presidency is to be able to make a contribution towards resolving some of these issues and helping Singapore to ride through the next crisis if it should hit us. And now that I have been elected as president, I think that will enable me to play that role but one has to recognise that the final decisions will have to be made by the prime minister and his Cabinet."

When asked about the role his wife Mary will play, Dr Tan described how she has always been a pillar of support for him.

"I know my wife Mary has always had a deep concern for people in need, particularly for the older folks; I'm sure that she will be a great first lady and she will fulfil that position with grace and distinction and make a contribution to Singapore in her own right.

"But I still look forward to her support for me as I carry out my functions in the presidency."

During campaigning, there was a lot of talk about the role and responsibility of the elected president in Singapore and Dr Tan said he believes the debate will not end here.

He said the Constitution will evolve because it is a living document and he said he'll do his best to meet the high expectations of Singaporeans.

Dr Tan will be sworn in on Thursday as Singapore's seventh head of state.

Channel NewsAsia will carry the ceremony 'live' at 7.30pm.


28-08-11, 19:32
Do your Maths.., even if TKL votes of 4.91% all vote for TJS Instead..., TJS still number 3...




TT- 35.19%

Thanks for ur maths! Tat is why I say TJS is the spoiler, NOT TKL :D TKL does not make any difference whether he had withdrawn or not! :2cents:

28-08-11, 22:06
More than 100k people voted for tkl, if tkl don't stand for election, tcb will get the lion's share of the 100k votes, making him the new president. Out of the 100k+ votes, even if tjs gets more than 100k votes, tcb just needs 10k more to secure the victory. Nobody who voted for tkl will vote for tt, so votes will either go to tjs or tcb.
Thanks for ur maths! Tat is why I say TJS is the spoiler, NOT TKL :D TKL does not make any difference whether he had withdrawn or not! :2cents:

28-08-11, 22:15
The war is over. I'm more concerned how he watches over our reserves handled by GIC n Temasek.

28-08-11, 22:51
The war is over. I'm more concerned how he watches over our reserves handled by GIC n Temasek.

Why worry? there is no difference... things will be run as it has for the last 6 presidencies. A vote for either TT or TCB is a vote for status quo. And that's what 70% of Singaporeans want, be it good or bad.

28-08-11, 23:02
It's better this way.

Opposition can fight it out in parliament and not through the highest office.

Tsj will be back as a opposition in no time.

28-08-11, 23:13
Although I voted TCB but happy to see TT wins. Not because I like them but they know what President supposed to do. TJS and TKL are in the wrong election, they talked like they are in GE. I think all candidates in next PE must pass the written test on the roles of President.

29-08-11, 01:14
37.8k spoilt votes, given 4 choices also don't use it wisely:doh:

I felt gloomy the whole morning.

29-08-11, 11:55
Poor TKL. I think they should scrap the deposit. This is unlike the GE where anybody can stand for election. The deposit will prevent frivolous nominations. Here, you need to get approval from the committee. It already weeds out those frivolous ones. Thus, the deposit is irrelevant.

29-08-11, 13:10
his deposit deserves to go coz he garnered only 4% support which is poor performance.
Poor TKL. I think they should scrap the deposit. This is unlike the GE where anybody can stand for election. The deposit will prevent frivolous nominations. Here, you need to get approval from the committee. It already weeds out those frivolous ones. Thus, the deposit is irrelevant.

29-08-11, 14:28
Mistakes were made.
Anyway, the People have voted.
Time to move on.

29-08-11, 14:34
When foreigners ask me whether we have a president, I just continue telling them we have none. If there is one, then it was accidental coz I didn't vote for him lol

29-08-11, 15:20
Poor TKL. I think they should scrap the deposit. This is unlike the GE where anybody can stand for election. The deposit will prevent frivolous nominations. Here, you need to get approval from the committee. It already weeds out those frivolous ones. Thus, the deposit is irrelevant.

He could have used the money to make a downpayment for a unit in The Luxurie. :p

29-08-11, 15:44
More than 100k people voted for tkl, if tkl don't stand for election, tcb will get the lion's share of the 100k votes, making him the new president. Out of the 100k+ votes, even if tjs gets more than 100k votes, tcb just needs 10k more to secure the victory. Nobody who voted for tkl will vote for tt, so votes will either go to tjs or tcb.

Don't you wonder why tjs and tkl were given certificates to stand for election? In effect they were vote spoilers for tcb.

bargain hunter
29-08-11, 15:49
gahmen smart huh? ;)

Don't you wonder why tjs and tkl were given certificates to stand for election? In effect they were vote spoilers for tcb.

29-08-11, 17:02
Tjs is not the vote spoiler coz he represents those who don't want to vote a pap guy and want an opposition president (not forgetting 40% of nation are opposition supporters) like I mentioned. Tkl is the vote spoiler coz he is neither here no there with neither backing of opposition nor pap supporters. The 1xxk votes tkl garnered were just sympathy votes.
Don't you wonder why tjs and tkl were given certificates to stand for election? In effect they were vote spoilers for tcb.

29-08-11, 18:12
Tjs is not the vote spoiler coz he represents those who don't want to vote a pap guy and want an opposition president (not forgetting 40% of nation are opposition supporters) like I mentioned. Tkl is the vote spoiler coz he is neither here no there with neither backing of opposition nor pap supporters. The 1xxk votes tkl garnered were just sympathy votes.

ya ya, TJS say liao mah, all not his fault:
1) campaign too short, need to be 3months
2) even if he dun take part, then his 25% of votes will become spoil votes
3) media portrayed him as confrontational
maybe is the other 75% voters fault for not voting him hor :D :D :D :D
look like most of the 25% who supported him think like him too :D :D :D :D

29-08-11, 18:32
Whatever it is and whoever is voted, respect the democratic process and move on lah.....

29-08-11, 21:04
On the bright side, ft will still continue to come and gd for landlords:cheers6:

29-08-11, 21:17
Price of sky11 will rise big time....:p

29-08-11, 21:20
You seem happy with the new "president". You may want to go to istana one of these days and get his autograph. you may also want to ask him to give some good suggestions about how he can recoup back all the billions of dollars in losses he incurred while being head of GIC, since he is the protector of our money. :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

ya ya, TJS say liao mah, all not his fault:
1) campaign too short, need to be 3months
2) even if he dun take part, then his 25% of votes will become spoil votes
3) media portrayed him as confrontational
maybe is the other 75% voters fault for not voting him hor :D :D :D :D
look like most of the 25% who supported him think like him too :D :D :D :D

29-08-11, 21:29
You seem happy with the new "president". You may want to go to istana one of these days and get his autograph. you may also want to ask him to give some good suggestions about how he can recoup back all the billions of dollars in losses he incurred while being head of GIC, since he is the protector of our money. :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

ho ho ho, actually i only dun like the $1 man :D

29-08-11, 21:44
Sometimes things are so ironic, get a person who lost billions of dollars for singapore to be protector of our reserves. It is like a father asking the man who rape his daughter to marry his daughter and have a happy wedding :doh:

29-08-11, 22:08
It's the daughters fault. The sons didn't choose them.

29-08-11, 22:30
The daughter is a metaphor for singaporeans and their reserves. The father are the stupid voters who voted for tt and those in pap who endorse him. The rapist you should know who :D
It's the daughters fault. The sons didn't choose them.

29-08-11, 22:56
The daughter is a metaphor for singaporeans and their reserves. The father are the stupid voters who voted for tt and those in pap who endorse him. The rapist you should know who :D

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
Can marry and live happily ever after and produce lots of sons?

29-08-11, 23:07
Singapore elects a new president

Tantamount to a humiliation
Aug 28th 2011, 8:07 by Banyan

PRESIDENTIAL elections in Singapore rarely set pulses racing. The job is that of a well-paid but largely ceremonial head of state, who is not allowed to represent any particular party.*The poll on August 27th was the fourth time the post has been directly elected, but the first time there has been any doubt at all about the outcome.*Four candidates competed, all surnamed Tan. One, Tony Tan Keng Yam, was seen as the representative of the government and the People’s Action Party (PAP), which has ruled Singapore ever since it withdrew from the Malaysian Federation in 1965. As expected, he won. But he barely scraped home,*with a shade over 35% of vaild votes cast, and just 7,000 more than his nearest challenger, Tan Cheng Bock, a former PAP MP, who campaigned against his former party colleague. Tan Jee Say, a former senior civil servant and banker who was an opposition candidate in the general election in May, won 25%, and the fourth candidate, Tan Kin Lian, just 5%. Voting is compulsory but nearly 2% of voters*spoiled their ballots—more than 37,000, it was judged.

The PAP never endorsed*Tony Tan*formally. But he has held a number of cabinet jobs, and the prime minister, Lee Hsien Loong, enthusiastically*endorsed*his candidacy. He also enjoyed the backing of party activists, trade unions, chambers of commerce and community groups.*So, that he won not much more than a third of the vote is a remarkable slap in the face for the government. All *the same*PAP diehards protested that, since two former PAP MPs had garnered 70% of the vote, this was an endorsement for the party.

This follows*the general election in May*when the PAP did worse than in any election since 1965. It still won 60% of the vote, which left it, in Singapore’s first-past-the-post system, with 81 out of 87 elected seats in parliament. But the party acknowledged it as a setback, and Mr Lee promised to do some “soul-searching”. Voters seem to feel, however, that the government has still not got the message. The presidential election turned into a relatively low-risk chance to teach it a lesson.

A constitutional change in 1991 accorded the president some limited powers—including a veto over the government’s use of past financial reserves, and over senior appointments. The idea was to install a check over a putative future government that was spendthrift and populist, and stacked the civil service with its cronies. The eligibility criteria for presidential candidates are strict, ensuring that only pillars of the establishment need apply.

Until this year, only the first direct presidential election in 1993 had more than one candidate—in that case a virtual unknown who barely campaigned, but who still, in a foretaste of this year’s shock, won more than 40% of the votes.

In general elections opposition parties, which are small and fragmented, are at a disadvantage. Most parliamentary seats are in big “group” constituencies, where they struggle to field slates of credible candidates, and whose boundaries, they claim, are manipulated in the PAP’s favour. The presidential poll is the only one that is island-wide and not affected by these considerations. It gave voters the opportunity to install a different sort of check into the political system. The result is sobering for the PAP. As the country's biggest newspaper, the pro-government Straits Times, put it in reporting the result: "the voting*patterns show a society more politically divided than ever before.”*

They reflect a widespread sense that the government, blinded by Singapore’s astonishing economic progress, has lost touch with the grievances of ordinary citizens. This sense is in part about particular issues, such as the cost of housing or immigration, which some blame for depressing local wages. *But it is as much a question of style—a resentment at*what is seen as the government’s paternalistic belief that it knows best.

They also reflect the breakdown, thanks to the internet, and especially social-networking sites, of the government’s virtual monopoly over the media. In both general and presidential elections, the government’s opponents were able to change the terms of the debate by taking it online. For example,*when one of the newly elected opposition MPs complained on his Facebook page that he was not allowed to attend constituency functions on a public-housing estate, the issue soon became a national one about the*perception of a pro-PAP bias in public bodies.

The realisation that more than 60% of Singaporeans voted against the government’s favoured candidate will presumably provoke more soul-searching within the PAP. Some will take it as proof that the party must move further and faster in opening up to adjust to the “new normal” of a political system with a sizeable opposition. Others, however, may take the opposite view: that too much liberalisation has led to a fading of the fear of the unpleasant repercussions that used to deter critical commentary and opposition activism. In short, that Singaporeans are forgetting who knows best what's good for them.

30-08-11, 00:05
Translated by Soong Phui Jee
Sin Chew Daily

Voices questioning the competence of the newly-elected Singapore president could be heard within the society right after the results of the country's presidential election was announced.

After a fierce contest, former Singapore Deputy Prime Minister Tony Tan won a narrow victory by receiving 744,397 votes, or 35.19% of about 2.1 million votes.

Former member of parliament Tan Cheng Bock received 737,128 votes, or 34.85% and Tony defeated Cheng Bock by a narrow margin of 7,269, or 0.34%!

Tan Jee Say, seen as the biggest rival of Tony Tan before the election, earned 529,732 votes, or 25.04% while Tan Kin Lian got 103,931 votes, or 4.91%.

Some posted online after the result announcement that if Jee Say and Kin Lian did not contest this time, Tony would be the second George Yeo. Also, some "congratulated" Tony for being elected the President of Singapore by 737,128 voters out of the total population of about 5 million people, implying that Tony won because of votes from "immigrants".

Even though Tony was openly supported by dozens of unions and associations, as well as being secretly "blessed" by the People's Action Party (PAP), he was able to only won a narrow margin by less than 1%. It was indeed an embarrassing victory. It has not only set a blow to the personal prestige of "the people's President", but as well brought another shock after the general election in May.

The general election in May has been described as an important watershed for Singapore's political history as the PAP won only 60% of votes while losing a Group Representation Constituency (GRC) for the first time. Nevertheless, public opinion still believes that the PAP holds at least 40% of iron votes.

However, the presidential election results showed that the iron votes of the PAP might be only 35%. It is undoubtedly another political defeat for the PAP, but a great encouragement for the opposition.

In addition, there were as many as 37, 826 invalid votes, which were five times more than the 7,269 majority votes of Tony! This has further made the election of Tony less convincing. Why did so many Singaporeans give up the chance to create a history in Singapore this time? This is in fact another issue to be studied.

Although the Singapore government has deliberately kept a distance from the presidential election, the fierce election has apparently led to many surprising political changes. Among the most significant changes is that voters have become more strong-minded. They now dare to challenge the strongman's political authority, as well as oppose to the conservative political system.

These changes have led to the emergence of a new political landscape in Singapore, as well as a more competitive new era with more possibilities!

30-08-11, 10:04
Sometimes things are so ironic, get a person who lost billions of dollars for singapore to be protector of our reserves. It is like a father asking the man who rape his daughter to marry his daughter and have a happy wedding :doh:

I just saw a movie yesterday. The daughter supposed to marry the 2nd son of another family but during the wedding day, her mother swappd the bridgegroom to 1st son as he will be the heir of his family ppty. How tragedy it is.:scared-3: :banghead:

30-08-11, 10:58
I just saw a movie yesterday. The daughter supposed to marry the 2nd son of another family but during the wedding day, her mother swappd the bridgegroom to 1st son as he will be the heir of his family ppty. How tragedy it is.:scared-3: :banghead:

If I were the daughter, I won't mind marrying the heir!:cheers1:
Sometimes it is better to think with the head than the heart.:D

30-08-11, 20:30
If I were the daughter, I won't mind marrying the heir!:cheers1:
Sometimes it is better to think with the head than the heart.:D

Forgotten to add in, the elder son is a fat and lazy guy, haha!!:tongue3:

30-08-11, 20:40
Sometimes things are so ironic, get a person who lost billions of dollars for singapore to be protector of our reserves. It is like a father asking the man who rape his daughter to marry his daughter and have a happy wedding :doh:It's more like getting a security guard of a small condo who opened the gate for thieves to be the security guard of a big condo now! :spliff:

30-08-11, 20:44
Forgotten to add in, the elder son is a fat and lazy guy, haha!!:tongue3:So if you think with your head, that fat son probably has heat disease so may die earlier so that wife can be a rich person sooner rather than later!!! Oops! :p

30-08-11, 21:03
So if you think with your head, that fat son probably has heat disease so may die earlier so that wife can be a rich person sooner rather than later!!! Oops! :p

He is not only fat and lazy but also stupid. He doted his wife so much and listened to her everything. Don't need to wait until he dies, his wife already got hold of everything. Out of revenge, his wife asked him to chase his sick father out of the house, thus accidentally causing his father death. His wife did that because she knew that the 2nd son (supposed to be her husband - one sided love on her side only) is very filial.

30-08-11, 22:06
He is not only fat and lazy but also stupid. He doted his wife so much and listened to her everything. Don't need to wait until he dies, his wife already got hold of everything. Out of revenge, his wife asked him to chase his sick father out of the house, thus accidentally causing his father death. His wife did that because she knew that the 2nd son (supposed to be her husband - one sided love on her side only) is very filial.

So the story isn't that bad cos the wife gets to take control.

What if the husband did not listen to the wife but listened to his old man instead and treats the wife like a maid, worse still if she is working, keep her salary and give her pocket money only?

31-08-11, 08:27
Err... Sound like tear teasing Korean soap opera...
Did I missed anything or happened to be in the wrong forum topic? :cool:

From PE to Korean soap opera... Solid...:cheers1:

01-09-11, 09:58
Guess PM remarks mean job well done...., got chance for State Funeral next time?


President Nathan discharged duties with dignity and distinction, says PM Lee
By S Ramesh / Vimita Mohandas | Posted: 31 August 2011 1936 hrs

SINGAPORE: Singapore's Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said President SR Nathan has discharged his responsibilities with dignity and distinction, and has upheld the standing and prestige of the office and of Singapore in the world.

Mr Lee said Singaporeans will long remember Mr Nathan's many contributions.

Speaking at a farewell reception for President Nathan at the Istana, Mr Lee described him as one who worked closely with the government to refine the rules regarding the President's custodial powers.

Mr Lee stressed Mr Nathan's leadership was particularly important during the 2008 global financial crisis where the government formally sought the President's approval to use part of the reserves to back a guarantee on bank deposits and later to actually draw on reserves to fund the resilience package.

As the crisis deepened, Mr Lee recalled how Mr Nathan would track the situation with his Council of Presidential Advisers.

Mr Lee said: "This episode is significant not just because it was the first time the government requested to draw on past reserves, and the President approved a draw.

"More importantly, the deliberate and responsible approach taken by both parties validated the working arrangements and set an important precedent on how the President and government will deal with future crises."

Mr Lee also said Mr Nathan quietly rendered help when he detected a need. For instance, Mr Nathan personally sponsored needy students through universities or polytechnics and helped obtain special medical care for accident victims who were unable to afford full treatment.

Responding to the Prime Minister's speech, President SR Nathan said: "When I was sworn in as President in 1999, I said that I will be a President for all Singaporeans, with every community of Singaporeans as my parish.

"I have tried to live up to that, engaging the different races and religious groups in every way possible.

"I am deeply touched by such affection shown to me by Singaporeans, and I will always cherish that memory."

Mr Nathan added that looking back over his years in the Presidency, what stood out for him is how Singaporeans and the government showed their ability to develop a society that lives in harmony.

Other guests at the farewell reception also shared their thoughts on President Nathan.

Indranee Rajah, an MP for Tanjong Pagar GRC, said: "When I was a new Member of Parliament, and of course I had never met him, there was a reception here at the Istana and he took the trouble to come up to say hello, to introduce himself.

"And he did it in such an unassuming way that made me feel instantly at ease. And that's a hallmark that I see time and time again."

Vikram Nair, MP for Sembawang GRC, said: "I guess one of those memorable (contributions) was probably when he offered himself up during some very intense hostage negotiations in the 80s. From what I know from people who've worked with him, that's been a hallmark of a lot of his work - he's been entirely selfless."

Jennie Chua, chairman of the Community Chest, said that Mr Nathan understood the needs of Voluntary Welfare Organisations (VWOs).

She said: "There will be occasions where he will call me to his office and explain to me some things he's found out - for example, some fund-raising gaps that we have not met and then he will give us counsel, as to what to do to help the VWOs."


01-09-11, 10:00
State funeral for truly exceptional contributors
Posted by theonlinecitizen (http://theonlinecitizen.com/author/theonlinecitizen/) on May 15, 2010

http://theonlinecitizen.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/OTC-234x300.jpgI refer to the report “State funeral for former DPM Goh Keng Swee (http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/singaporelocalnews/view/1056561/1/.html)” (Channel News Asia, May 14).
When former President Wee Kim Wee passed away in May 2005, I penned a letter (published in the Today newspaper on 10th May 2005), to ask why former President Ong Teng Cheong was not given a state funeral – a honour accorded to President Wee and all previous Presidents.
I wrote:

I refer to media reports that the honour of state funerals was accorded in the past to former presidents Yusof Ishak and Benjamin Sheares.
I would like to ask whether a state funeral was accorded to the late former President Ong Teng Cheong when he died in 2002.
If not, why is it that he is the only president who was not given a state funeral?
As Singapore’s first elected president, I think many Singaporeans may feel that he deserved a state funeral.
The late President Ong Teng Cheong dedicated 27 years of his working life to public service, as President for six years, Deputy Prime Minister for three years, Second Deputy Prime Minister for five years, Secretary-General of NTUC for 11 years, chairman of the People’s Action Party for 12 years, Minister for Communications, and Member of Parliament for 21 years.
Who decides whether a former president is to be given a state funeral? Is there some criteria for deciding on a state funeral?
I suggest that a state funeral be accorded to all former presidents who die in the future.
Letter from Leong Sze Hian
The Prime Minister’s press secretary replied on 13th May:

Honour rites still evolving; No formula for state funeral entitlement
Mr Leong Sze Hian (Today, May 10) and Mr Goh Choon Kang (Lianhe Zaobao, May 12) have asked why the funeral arrangements for Mr Ong Teng Cheong and Dr Wee Kim Wee, both former presidents, were not the same.
Mr Ong Teng Cheong received a state-assisted funeral, while Dr Wee Kim Wee received a state funeral. Mr Goh Choon Kang suggested that we should have definite rules on who is entitled to a state funeral.
When Singaporeans who have made major contributions to the country pass away, it is right and fitting that they be honoured and mourned by the nation. They may or may not be former Presidents. The appropriate way to do so will vary with each individual.
It is not feasible to have a set formula as to who should receive a state funeral, based simply on the person’s rank or the appointment that he or she had held. It depends on the person’s services to the nation, as well as other special circumstances.
Persons who have made truly exceptional contributions will receive a state funeral. The decision to hold one is made by the Prime Minister and the Cabinet.
If they decide to offer a state funeral, they will of course consult the family members and take into account their wishes.
Singapore is still a young country. Our practices and customs for public ceremonies and observances are still evolving.
As the years pass, we will gradually establish norms and traditions that will reflect the Singapore way of honouring our best sons and daughters who have passed away, that is dignified, restrained and expresses the gratitude and sense of loss of the nation.

Chen Hwai Liang
Press Secretary to Prime Minister

01-09-11, 11:04
Tiam tiam be a yes man and don't engage govt in controversial issues means distinction. the prata man don't even fit into my definition of president, no charisma whatsoever and don't know what he did in two terms :doh:
Guess PM remarks mean job well done...., got chance for State Funeral next time?


President Nathan discharged duties with dignity and distinction, says PM Lee
By S Ramesh / Vimita Mohandas | Posted: 31 August 2011 1936 hrs

SINGAPORE: Singapore's Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said President SR Nathan has discharged his responsibilities with dignity and distinction, and has upheld the standing and prestige of the office and of Singapore in the world.

Mr Lee said Singaporeans will long remember Mr Nathan's many contributions.

Speaking at a farewell reception for President Nathan at the Istana, Mr Lee described him as one who worked closely with the government to refine the rules regarding the President's custodial powers.

Mr Lee stressed Mr Nathan's leadership was particularly important during the 2008 global financial crisis where the government formally sought the President's approval to use part of the reserves to back a guarantee on bank deposits and later to actually draw on reserves to fund the resilience package.

As the crisis deepened, Mr Lee recalled how Mr Nathan would track the situation with his Council of Presidential Advisers.

Mr Lee said: "This episode is significant not just because it was the first time the government requested to draw on past reserves, and the President approved a draw.

"More importantly, the deliberate and responsible approach taken by both parties validated the working arrangements and set an important precedent on how the President and government will deal with future crises."

Mr Lee also said Mr Nathan quietly rendered help when he detected a need. For instance, Mr Nathan personally sponsored needy students through universities or polytechnics and helped obtain special medical care for accident victims who were unable to afford full treatment.

Responding to the Prime Minister's speech, President SR Nathan said: "When I was sworn in as President in 1999, I said that I will be a President for all Singaporeans, with every community of Singaporeans as my parish.

"I have tried to live up to that, engaging the different races and religious groups in every way possible.

"I am deeply touched by such affection shown to me by Singaporeans, and I will always cherish that memory."

Mr Nathan added that looking back over his years in the Presidency, what stood out for him is how Singaporeans and the government showed their ability to develop a society that lives in harmony.

Other guests at the farewell reception also shared their thoughts on President Nathan.

Indranee Rajah, an MP for Tanjong Pagar GRC, said: "When I was a new Member of Parliament, and of course I had never met him, there was a reception here at the Istana and he took the trouble to come up to say hello, to introduce himself.

"And he did it in such an unassuming way that made me feel instantly at ease. And that's a hallmark that I see time and time again."

Vikram Nair, MP for Sembawang GRC, said: "I guess one of those memorable (contributions) was probably when he offered himself up during some very intense hostage negotiations in the 80s. From what I know from people who've worked with him, that's been a hallmark of a lot of his work - he's been entirely selfless."

Jennie Chua, chairman of the Community Chest, said that Mr Nathan understood the needs of Voluntary Welfare Organisations (VWOs).

She said: "There will be occasions where he will call me to his office and explain to me some things he's found out - for example, some fund-raising gaps that we have not met and then he will give us counsel, as to what to do to help the VWOs."


01-09-11, 11:40
Tiam tiam be a yes man and don't engage govt in controversial issues means distinction. the prata man don't even fit into my definition of president, no charisma whatsoever and don't know what he did in two terms :doh:


"In 2008, President Nathan approved a $150-billion guarantee for all bank deposits in Singapore using the reserves.

The following year, he approved the expenditure of $4.9 billion from the reserves for the Jobs Credit Scheme."

but new President TT, GIC decision to invest UBS and Citibank in the past , now still bleeding...and maybe more than US$4.9b, paper loss now....but don't know when it will be realised...

01-09-11, 11:59
Approve who doesn't know. Maybe you should say he got no choice but to approve :doh:

"In 2008, President Nathan approved a $150-billion guarantee for all bank deposits in Singapore using the reserves.

The following year, he approved the expenditure of $4.9 billion from the reserves for the Jobs Credit Scheme."

but new President TT, GIC decision to invest UBS and Citibank in the past , now still bleeding...and maybe more than US$4.9b, paper loss now....but don't know when it will be realised...

01-09-11, 12:14
Approve who doesn't know. Maybe you should say he got no choice but to approve :doh: Wonder if TT will come up with a RESILIENCE PACKAGE soon. Not sure if the reporting is correct.

TT mentioned decision is by PM, but as we know President is the one approving if any need to dig into Reserves..:


PE: Tony Tan to speak on economic situation at lunchtime rally
By Vimita Mohandas | Posted: 23 August 2011 1455 hrs

SINGAPORE: Presidential candidate Dr Tony Tan said he will touch on the economic situation at his lunchtime rally at Boat Quay, next to UOB Plaza Wednesday.

He revealed this to reporters after a market visit at New Upper Changi Road Tuesday morning.

Dr Tony Tan also defended his earlier comments on the possible need of preparing a second resilience package in view of the current global economic outlook.

Another presidential candidate Dr Tan Cheng Bock had described such comments as day-to-day politics and out of the president's scope.

In response, Dr Tony Tan said if elected, it would be his duty to share his insights and offer suggestions to the government on how Singapore can buffer itself from any crisis.

However, he stressed that ultimately, the decision will be made by the prime minister.

- CNA/cc

01-09-11, 12:24
It's times like these that you can learn to sell 'koyok' well from our newspapers and the likes of the PR teams from GIC/Temasek.

Today "Tony Tan increases his lead to 35.x % from overseas votes."
For goodness sakes, its just 100 odd votes!
Technically accurate but still more than 60% didn't vote for him regardless of his role as DPM/head of GIC and all the Clans/Labour Unions support.
By all counts, I'm sure he's surprised by his slim margin of victory.

PAP comes out to say in essence, "70% have voted for PAP candidates".
Again technically correct, but when Cheng Bock says the PAP party is split down the middle, they say 'no'.

GIC - when make wrong investment, say it's for the "long term".
Strange, coz losses are losses on a mark-to-market basis.
Even if you hold till you make some profits, there is the opportunity cost of investing in something else with better timing.

This attitude of not 'owning up' to mistakes makes us very young as a Nation.

01-09-11, 13:52
It's times like these that you can learn to sell 'koyok' well from our newspapers and the likes of the PR teams from GIC/Temasek.

Today "Tony Tan increases his lead to 35.x % from overseas votes."
For goodness sakes, its just 100 odd votes!
Technically accurate but still more than 60% didn't vote for him regardless of his role as DPM/head of GIC and all the Clans/Labour Unions support.
By all counts, I'm sure he's surprised by his slim margin of victory.

PAP comes out to say in essence, "70% have voted for PAP candidates".
Again technically correct, but when Cheng Bock says the PAP party is split down the middle, they say 'no'.

GIC - when make wrong investment, say it's for the "long term".
Strange, coz losses are losses on a mark-to-market basis.
Even if you hold till you make some profits, there is the opportunity cost of investing in something else with better timing.

This attitude of not 'owning up' to mistakes makes us very young as a Nation.

is TCB a PAP man before? yet he keep saying he is the most balance candidate? read his interview on sunday time, find him not gentlemen enuf to admit he has lost. even if he lose 1 vote, he is still a loser. after losing the fight, still make so many comments :doh: . if cannot afford to lose, should not contest.

01-09-11, 14:40
PAP comes out to say in essence, "70% have voted for PAP candidates".
Again technically correct, but when Cheng Bock says the PAP party is split down the middle, they say 'no'.

TCB was a People's Action Party (http://forums.condosingapore.com/wiki/People%27s_Action_Party) (PAP) Member of Parliament in Singapore politics for 26 years (1980-2006) . Yet PAP Dr Yaacob give damn solid answer:

"When asked whether the narrow win by Dr Tan in the presidential election revealed a political divide within the country, Dr Yaacob disagreed.

He said votes for Dr Tony Tan and Dr Tan Cheng Bock, both former PAP MPs, together made up 70 per cent of total votes" :doh:


01-09-11, 15:27

Come together for a united S'pore: Tan Cheng Bock

Thursday, Sep 01, 2011

Presidential candidate Dr Tan Cheng Bock made a call to Singaporeans to come together to build a united Singapore.
Dr Tan Cheng Bock said this in his letter to Dr Tony Tan congratulating him on being elected as President of Singapore.
In the written statement dated August 31, Dr Tan Cheng Bock also gave his best regards to both Dr Tony Tan and his wife Mary Tan.
In a closely contested Presidential Election, Dr Tony Tan won 35.2 per cent of valid votes cast while Dr Tan Cheng Bock got 34.85 per cent. This includes yesterday's count of overseas votes.

Speaking to mypaper journalists on Sunday, Dr Tan Cheng Bock urged Dr Tony Tan to concentrate on ordinary Singaporeans and not just on external relations of the country.
He recognised that Dr Tony Tan's strength is in the economy but warned that it will be a problem if he cannot connect well with the people.
Dr Tan Cheng Bock said he will return to politics but not necessarily in the next Presidential Elections six years from now.
Believing that this election was an avenue for him to reach out to the masses, he says he will always keep an eye on Singapore.
He also said he might return to his medical practice.

Here is the transcript of Dr Tan Cheng Bock's letter to Dr Tony Tan:

Dear Tony,

I would like to congratulate you on being elected as President of Singapore.
Tomorrow is your installation, I send my best regards to you and Mary.
All Singaporeans should now come together to build a united Singapore.
All the best,

Cheng Bock & Cecilia

01-09-11, 16:57
Omg, how can tcb even say that tt's strength is in the economy? :doh:

02-09-11, 16:02

02-09-11, 16:41
http://www.google.com.sg/imgres?q=KFC+TONY+TAN&hl=en&gbv=2&tbm=isch&tbnid=UexT2RrSAbcYUM:&imgrefurl=http://what-loved.blogspot.com/&docid=8aQIJK6nLRN7NM&w=640&h=637&ei=zIxgToD3NcWqrAevidHxDw&zoom=1&biw=1249&bih=519&iact=rc&dur=218&page=5&tbnh=159&tbnw=161&start=53&ndsp=10&ved=1t:429,r:4,s:53&tx=97&ty=100 ya, saw tis one....really look into Asian Colonel in the wild east...:D

02-09-11, 17:58

Bro, that a fxxking good one! :D :D

03-09-11, 19:45
Saw Dr Tan Cheng Bock and his busload of supporters passing by just now.
He is such a gracious gentleman to thank his supporters.

03-09-11, 19:55
Saw Dr Tan Cheng Bock and his busload of supporters passing by just now.
He is such a gracious gentleman to thank his supporters.
Hope He and his gang will be at Jalan Besar this tues to support our Lions vs Iraq in the World Cup qualifying soccer match...., yip yip hooray to the man!:D

03-09-11, 19:56
Someone said pap won over 70%.:doh: :doh:

03-09-11, 20:00
He is already a winner in many eyes..., a gracious loser by all counts!:D


Dr Tan Cheng Bock goes on thank-you parade around S'pore
Posted: 03 September 2011 1637 hrs
Related News

• PE: I'll be watchful of what is happening in S'pore, says Tan Cheng Bock

SINGAPORE: Dr Tan Cheng Bock, who contested and lost by a razor thin margin to President Tony Tan Keng Yam at the recent Presidential Election, indicates he would like to take some time to rest before thinking of what he wants to do next.

Dr Tan was back on the streets again in an open-top bus on Saturday to thank Singaporeans for their support.

The 71-year-old doctor started the morning by visiting residents in the western part of Singapore before travelling to other parts of the island.

Speaking to reporters later, Dr Tan said he was cheered by the warm reception he received.

He said he has been resting for the past week after the keenly fought election.

Dr Tan said: "For the moment, I want to sit back and think of what I want to do. There's a lot of things I want to do but I want to get it very structured before I get going. Maybe I will go for a walk with those who want to walk with me (and) ask them to come join me for a long health walk."

- CNA/fa

03-09-11, 20:01
Someone said pap won over 70%.:doh: :doh:

That someone is from PAP, also a DR....:doh: