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mr funny
25-07-11, 01:55

Jul 19, 2011

Blog posts from the minister: 'It's my way of releasing info'

EXPECT Mr Khaw Boon Wan to keep up a regular stream of blog posts on housing issues.

Yesterday, at his first official visit to the HDB Hub since becoming National Development Minister, he likened his current blog to one he did while he was Health Minister.

Calling it his 'style' to push out more information, he said: 'Health care and housing are quite similar in that sense, where consumers sometimes do not know enough. And when consumers do not know enough, then sometimes they allow rumours to arouse emotions and sometimes make irrational decisions. They rush into making buying and selling decisions.'

'So I think as a regulator, our job is to release as much information as possible to the market, but then you got to find a way of editing the information and analysing it so that people won't get swamped with all those data and they don't know whether to make head or tail of it,' he told journalists.

His two-month-old Housing Matters blog is already proving to be a rich source of Housing Board (HDB) data that was never so readily available before.

His latest blog post, which came with two tables, analysed the consumer response to the first three Build-to-Order launches this year, and yielded some interesting insights.

For instance, almost all applicants would get a chance to select a flat if the subscription rate worked out to be two applications per flat.

He also included in his post his analysis as well as information on what his ministry is doing to alleviate the demand for public housing.

Previously, Mr Khaw had also released detailed breakdowns of the profile of applicants for new HDB flats and buyers in the HDB resale market.

Of his efforts to air housing issues, he said: 'I blog when necessary, I give interviews when necessary, and I give press conferences when necessary. You don't go and give a press conference and start saying: 'Hey you know, I'm going to walk my dog on the railway track.'

'That would be a very silly press conference. But to blog about it, I think that's fine.'

He is careful with information that could affect the market.

'And of course I'll be very mindful, especially where information is market-sensitive, and that we have to come out at the proper timing, and press statement or even press conference. But if you skilfully integrate the various platforms, I think everybody should benefit.'


On BTO woes and the fate of DBSS


National Development Minister Khaw Boon Wan is optimistic about solving Build-to-Order (BTO) woes by introducing larger launches. On his latest blog, he said a subscription rate of two meant almost all applicants would have a chance to select a flat, on the basis that many will drop out.

On July 2, he had said he was not sleeping well as he was 'working (his) guts out' trying to calm the market for the good of all Singaporeans.

'I'm a lot more assured, that I think the way going forward, should be quite manageable. But it doesn't mean the problem will be solved immediately because I do need time. If you decide to build more, it will take two, three years before buildings come on board. But at least the solutions are in sight and you know that it's a matter of time, and the problem will be largely resolved. So I can sleep a lot better now.'


On the future of executive condominiums (EC), now that the Design, Build and Sell Scheme (DBSS) is under review, Mr Khaw said: 'We will continue to launch ECs as they target a different segment of the market. As for DBSS, we are reviewing the scheme. Since the property market is hot now, it's not the right time to be launching new DBSS land sites.'

DBSS and its relevance have been debated hotly in recent months following a furore over the initial high prices for five-room flats in a Tampines launch.