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View Full Version : Osama Bin Laden is dead ?

02-05-11, 11:32
Breaking news, Obama is going to announce bin laden is dead in a few hours.

Market is going to cheong ...:)

02-05-11, 12:28
How reliable?

02-05-11, 12:29
I think very reliable. Obama just announced in US 10 mins ago..

But then again, they have announced before and in the end, they say it was a decoyed clone.. Or worse, Osama releasing a video saying he is not dead 1 month later :doh::doh:

How reliable?

02-05-11, 13:00
an excuse for US to get out Afghanistan...

03-05-11, 06:25
It took US with all its military might almost 10 years to get Osama. Anyway, it was rumored years ago that Osama was weakened by diseases in the mountains and was no longer a big threat. It is a hollow victory to US. There are bigger crooks within its financial system that the US government didn't arrest but wine and dine with them instead.

03-05-11, 07:54
Breaking news, Obama is going to announce bin laden is dead in a few hours.

Market is going to cheong ...:)As of today, market still hasn't cheong leh :tsk-tsk:. Actually US market took a dip instead.... :scared-4:. And if Tampines wins, S'pore housing market will continue to rise... :doh:

03-05-11, 10:22
instead of chiong....STI dips instead....LOL

bargain hunter
03-05-11, 12:11
market more concerned about either 87:0 or 60:27 freak results? LOL.

instead of chiong....STI dips instead....LOL

03-05-11, 12:22
As of today, market still hasn't cheong leh :tsk-tsk:. Actually US market took a dip instead....
yea lor so disappointing... last nite US futures cheong a lot when the news came out. at one time > +150. oil also at one time down 4%.

yea lah this thing symbolic only.

03-05-11, 12:27
This proves that nothing is absolutely predictable in our society today... so many people coming onboard to say property market gonna crash or cheong all very subjective de... Who will know unless you have 50 billion cash to effectively change and move property markets in Singapore.... hahaha! :banghead: