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mr funny
30-04-11, 18:21

Apr 27, 2011


Mah expects to lose votes over flat prices

By Fiona Chan, ASSISTANT MONEY EDITOR & Robin Chan

NATIONAL Development Minister Mah Bow Tan is already resigned to winning fewer votes this year, with the hustings poised for take-off today.

He told The Straits Times in an interview on Sunday: 'This general election is going to be a close contest. Realistically, we expect our vote share to be down from the last general election. By how much - it's hard to tell.'

But as long as his Tampines GRC team maintains a margin of one to two percentage points above the People's Action Party's (PAP) national average, 'it will be very good', he said frankly.

Mr Mah has been a member of the Group Representation Constituency since 1988. His team won in the 2006 General Election with a 68.5 per cent majority, below the 73.3 per cent it garnered in 2001, but above the PAP's 66.6 per cent national average in 2006.

This year, however, he is grappling not just with his immediate opponents - the National Solidarity Party (NSP) has unveiled a team there - but also with the growing unhappiness over the affordability of housing.

Prices of Housing Board (HDB) resale flats and private homes jumped by double-digit percentages last year, despite three rounds of cooling measures implemented since 2009. A fourth set of curbs at the start of this year tempered the rise in prices and dampened sales, but the damage may have already been done.

Mr Mah expects concerns over housing to cost him votes this year, and to his chagrin, some opposition parties have made lowering home prices a cornerstone of their election campaigns.

He said: 'We're trying to tell our people: stay fit, work hard, save for a rainy day. This is not a very pleasing message.

'The opposition message is more appealing: spend now, why save, our forefathers have worked so hard already, now is the time to enjoy their hard work.'

It is a reference to the proposal by the Workers' Party (WP) to reduce new flat prices by paying less for state land, to which his rejoinder has been that this practice amounts to 'an illegal raid on the reserves', where proceeds from land sales go.

In the last two weeks alone, he has rebutted the WP's housing ideas thrice; so far, he has not responded to the challenge by the NSP for a debate on housing, saying the issues it has raised have already been addressed.

Mr Mah's stand, in a nutshell, is that while other types of homes have gone up in price, new HDB flats remain affordable - in line with a key promise by the Government to keep homes within the reach of first-time buyers. He reiterated this point animatedly during the interview, despite already having made it several times in recent months.

He has one other point, made no less forcefully, and that is that not every Singaporean wants home prices to fall.

'As I've said, even the people who want prices to be down today, the moment they buy (their home), they will switch roles. They'll belong to the other group; they'll say: 'Please make sure my house prices go up.' Believe you me.'

He said he and his team - Mr Heng Swee Keat, Mr Masagos Zulkifli, Mr Steve Tan and Ms Irene Ng - have been greeted with warmth when they are on the ground so far, but he believes 'the sentiments are not as positive as in the last general election'.

Home prices aside, Singaporeans are also concerned about the rising cost of living and the pace of immigration, which are ironically 'problems of success'.

'If the Government had not implemented measures like the Resilience Package in 2009 to save jobs and bring the economy back to life, we would not be talking about high property prices and too many foreigners,' he said.

Asked what he would do if he loses the fight for Tampines GRC, he responded stoically: 'Life will go on.'

But he turned wistful at the end of the interview as he looked back on his 23 years in this housing estate, including a time recently when a kindergarten teacher approached him to autograph an old photo that he had taken with her - when she herself was but a kindergarten tot.

He said: 'I've been here so long that I've seen people grow up. It's part of my life... that's something you can't take away, whatever happens.'

mr funny
30-04-11, 18:22

Mah speaks up on...

# How Singaporeans can monetise their homes, which are their biggest assets:

You've got at least three or four options. One, move into your children's flat and rent out your old one. A five-room flat can easily fetch you $1,000-plus to $2,000. And that's income every month.

If you don't want to do that, rent out one room for $500. You can rent out two rooms for $1,000 a month and still stay where you are.

If you don't want to do that, sell your flat and buy a smaller flat and keep the money: $200-, $300-, $400-whatever thousand dollars you'll have. Take the money for your retirement.

If you don't want to do that, you can go for the leasebuyback scheme. This applies at the moment only to three-room flats and below.

The Government buys back a part of your remaining lease. So you stay where you are and you get an additional monthly payment of about $500 a month. Plus, if you want to rent out another room, you can still do so. Another $500. So you get $1,000 a month and stay where you are.

That's what I mean by monetising.

But of course, if somebody comes to me and says: 'Look, I don't want to do all that. I want to stay in my five-room flat', what can I do?

I have no answer to that, because if that's the proposition, then I think that's not answering the question. I don't have an answer to that.

# Renting instead of home ownership:

I think there's a big disadvantage. It doesn't give anybody any hedge against inflation; it doesn't give anybody a chance to enjoy the fruits of our growth. And rentals are just consumption. You can't use your Central Provident Fund to rent.

We have very good examples of rentals. In Hong Kong, they have rental housing, cheap rental housing, small, and people rent for years and years. At the end of the day, they get nothing out of it.

# Responding to the Workers' Party but not to other opposition parties:

They just come up with ideas which we think are wrong; we just have to debunk them. (They're) doing something which is going to have repercussions on the assets, the savings of so many people.

Then, we ask them where is the money coming from, (and they reply:) Oh, from the reserves. Every opposition party is scrambling for which one can outbid the other to get the reserves.

# What his children have taught him about online media:

They tell me that you must not be passive-aggressive. They say, you must not be sarcastic.

You cannot unfriend people on Facebook. It's very rude.

And, no caps. Apparently I cannot type with caps. Because it's very rude, you see.

30-04-11, 19:59
Mah & PAP destined to lose lots of votes because:
1) HDB flats too expensive & supply come too little, too late.
2) private properties owners unhappy because the cooling measures hit them hard & resale prices stagnated while developers new sales still moving up & developers make all the profit.
3) because of (2), govt making profits from GLS.
4) ministers get 30% pay rise this year while general people told to expect 30% pay rise only in total of 10 years!
5) potential HDB upgraders fed up that their dream suddenly become out of reach because of 60% LTV.
6) property investors fed up with the 4 years SSD & 60% LTV.


Mah speaks up on...

# How Singaporeans can monetise their homes, which are their biggest assets:

You've got at least three or four options. One, move into your children's flat and rent out your old one. A five-room flat can easily fetch you $1,000-plus to $2,000. And that's income every month.

If you don't want to do that, rent out one room for $500. You can rent out two rooms for $1,000 a month and still stay where you are.

If you don't want to do that, sell your flat and buy a smaller flat and keep the money: $200-, $300-, $400-whatever thousand dollars you'll have. Take the money for your retirement.

If you don't want to do that, you can go for the leasebuyback scheme. This applies at the moment only to three-room flats and below.

The Government buys back a part of your remaining lease. So you stay where you are and you get an additional monthly payment of about $500 a month. Plus, if you want to rent out another room, you can still do so. Another $500. So you get $1,000 a month and stay where you are.

That's what I mean by monetising.

But of course, if somebody comes to me and says: 'Look, I don't want to do all that. I want to stay in my five-room flat', what can I do?

I have no answer to that, because if that's the proposition, then I think that's not answering the question. I don't have an answer to that.

# Renting instead of home ownership:

I think there's a big disadvantage. It doesn't give anybody any hedge against inflation; it doesn't give anybody a chance to enjoy the fruits of our growth. And rentals are just consumption. You can't use your Central Provident Fund to rent.

We have very good examples of rentals. In Hong Kong, they have rental housing, cheap rental housing, small, and people rent for years and years. At the end of the day, they get nothing out of it.

# Responding to the Workers' Party but not to other opposition parties:

They just come up with ideas which we think are wrong; we just have to debunk them. (They're) doing something which is going to have repercussions on the assets, the savings of so many people.

Then, we ask them where is the money coming from, (and they reply:) Oh, from the reserves. Every opposition party is scrambling for which one can outbid the other to get the reserves.

# What his children have taught him about online media:

They tell me that you must not be passive-aggressive. They say, you must not be sarcastic.

You cannot unfriend people on Facebook. It's very rude.

And, no caps. Apparently I cannot type with caps. Because it's very rude, you see.

01-05-11, 00:42
Mah & PAP destined to lose lots of votes because:
1) HDB flats too expensive & supply come too little, too late.
2) private properties owners unhappy because the cooling measures hit them hard & resale prices stagnated while developers new sales still moving up & developers make all the profit.
3) because of (2), govt making profits from GLS.
4) ministers get 30% pay rise this year while general people told to expect 30% pay rise only in total of 10 years!
5) potential HDB upgraders fed up that their dream suddenly become out of reach because of 60% LTV.
6) property investors fed up with the 4 years SSD & 60% LTV.

plus teddy's CCR tio stagnant for the past 1 yr!:D

01-05-11, 01:52
plus teddy's CCR tio stagnant for the past 1 yr!:D
Plus people are sick and tired of listening to his "ko yok "

01-05-11, 01:56
Plus people are sick and tired of listening to his "ko yok "

how to monetise ur HDB?


03-05-11, 08:14
SHOCKING STATEMENT : SM Goh suggests Voting out Wong Kan Seng, Raymond Lim or Mah Bow Tan instead, HOW?

George Yeo too important for Cabinet to lose: SM Goh




03 MAY 2011

SINGAPORE - Foreign Minister George Yeo, who is facing a fierce challenge from the Workers' Party in the Aljunied Group Representation Constituency (GRC), has been described as "too important a person for the Cabinet to lose" by Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong.

Singling out Mr Yeo as one of three "very important" core members in the Cabinet - the others being Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong and Deputy Prime Minister Teo Chee Hean - Mr Goh said yesterday: "There are other core members but these are the three core members who will be very important ... (Finance Minister) Tharman (Shanmugaratnam) is too new but will be developed into a core member."

Speaking after a walkabout in Marine Parade GRC, Mr Goh said a member of the Prime Minister's core team is picked not only based on the portfolio the minister heads but also his intelligence, competence, ability to deliver results and someone whose judgment can be trusted.

"I've run a Government and I know you need a core team. A core team is four or five people, other ministers are important, but you need a core team," said Mr Goh. "If you lose George Yeo, I think it is a very big loss (for the Cabinet), and to Singapore."

Elaborating, Mr Goh said the Foreign Minister has played a critical role in the Prime Minister's team to formulate and implement policies, and will not be easily replaced in the short term if his team loses in the Aljunied GRC.

Said Mr Goh: "If one GRC is lost, as Minister Mentor (Lee Kuan Yew) said, we can accept the result - I agree with that. Sooner or later we are going to lose one. But my view if we lose Aljunied, that is a different matter."

With Mr Yeo in the middle of negotiating "very delicate agreements" with Indonesia and Malaysia, the loss will even be more telling for Singapore.

Summing up, Mr Goh said: "What mistake has he made? You can take a minister and criticise him for not delivering on perhaps housing and transport.

"Like Wong Kan Seng you can say he let Mas Selamat escape. George Yeo, what has he done to deserve this? And he is a core member."

03-05-11, 08:34
party infighting?
Yeo in Goh's camp whereas WKS & MBT in Lee's camp?

I think Minister without Portfolio is the safest position. No mistakes done, no reason to be kick out, according to Goh.

03-05-11, 08:40
party infighting?
Yeo in Goh's camp whereas WKS & MBT in Lee's camp?

I think Minister without Portfolio is the safest position. No mistakes done, no reason to be kick out, according to Goh.

Yep, impending PAP civil war.

When the tough gets going, they start to bite each other.

Where is the resilience ? The real character of our leaders start showing.

The three Ministers will sabotage back next few days.

PAP can have all their civil war but leave Singapore alone.

Minister Lim Boon Heng was Minister without Portfolio for 15 years and got retrenched last minute when he thought he still in the elections.

This was why he cried.

Better buy WP insurance.

:D :D :D :D :D

03-05-11, 10:10
Yep, impending PAP civil war.

When the tough gets going, they start to bite each other.

Where is the resilience ? The real character of our leaders start showing.

The three Ministers will sabotage back next few days.

PAP can have all their civil war but leave Singapore alone.

Minister Lim Boon Heng was Minister without Portfolio for 15 years and got retrenched last minute when he thought he still in the elections.

This was why he cried.

Better buy WP insurance.

:D :D :D :D :D

ur mind r so screwed:scared-3:

grabbing any opportunity to fan rumours:doh:

03-05-11, 10:32
party infighting?
Yeo in Goh's camp whereas WKS & MBT in Lee's camp?

I think Minister without Portfolio is the safest position. No mistakes done, no reason to be kick out, according to Goh.

i tink SM Goh over confident tat other GRCs will surely win....

too desperate to save george yeo imo....

03-05-11, 10:42
Yep, impending PAP civil war.

When the tough gets going, they start to bite each other.

Where is the resilience ? The real character of our leaders start showing.

The three Ministers will sabotage back next few days.

PAP can have all their civil war but leave Singapore alone.

Minister Lim Boon Heng was Minister without Portfolio for 15 years and got retrenched last minute when he thought he still in the elections.

This was why he cried.

Better buy WP insurance.

:D :D :D :D :D

WQ, may I ask what has our government done to you that you are so full of "hatred". I cannot say they are prefect, but can you deny what they have done for Singapore over the past decades? What we have achieved today is not by chance but by good policies (not 100% though but good enough to see almost all of us not living below proverty line... u don't have to look far, just look at our South East Asia neighbours). If Singapore is going to deteriorate into a society of "hatred", I feel really sad for this and future generations. I feel our society is getting less and less grateful.

I expect you to reply with a lot of "craps"................ but I will rest my case and will not return to this forum as I can't bear to see my beautiful country going down the path of "hatred".

03-05-11, 10:44
WQ, may I ask what has our government done to you that you are so full of "hatred". I cannot say they are prefect, but can you deny what they have done for Singapore over the past decades? What we have achieved today is not by chance but by good policies (not 100% though but good enough to see almost all of us not living below proverty line... u don't have to look far, just look at our South East Asia neighbours). If Singapore is going to deteriorate into a society of "hatred", I feel really sad for this and future generations. I feel our society is getting less and less grateful.

I expect you to reply with a lot of "craps"................ but I will rest my case and will not return to this forum as I can't bear to see my beautiful country going down the path of "hatred".

bro, u can return after 7th May;)

03-05-11, 10:50
Actually I think our gov plans to keep important ppl in the gov with previously holding high post in military background to be the successor to be PM.. the current PM or even future PM.
In future, when comes to war, our PM will sit in for wargaming, planning, etc. & enable to make decision & execution.. PM Lee / Teo C H / George Yeo are ppl with General (NS) ranking, & Teo C H (former Chief of Navy) most likely will be the next PM after PM Lee

03-05-11, 10:55

I expect you to reply with a lot of "craps"................ but I will rest my case and will not return to this forum as I can't bear to see my beautiful country going down the path of "hatred".

I hope you are fully aware that online activity (when login etc) can be seen by forummers. Just like people mention JLRX never make post since like forever but still login to forum.
So dont let people catch you logging in.
BTW, I dont expect you to respond since you said you will not return to this forum. :cheers1:

03-05-11, 11:19
All democratic societies always discuss about negative government policies so that governance can be improved. When i was living in UK for some years, people on the streets always talk about all the negative policies meted out by the labour govt, never the good things. Thus, my point is we should never rest on past laurels and always strive to better ourselves. In doing so, we have to move away from a complacent society and start questioning the govt when things are not right, and not say "it is ok for govt to make mistakes so long as the overall average is a good score", this kind of thinking is complacency and will not help in fostering the democratic process and a more politically active environment.

I hope you are fully aware that online activity (when login etc) can be seen by forummers. Just like people mention JLRX never make post since like forever but still login to forum.
So dont let people catch you logging in.
BTW, I dont expect you to respond since you said you will not return to this forum. :cheers1:

03-05-11, 11:24
All democratic societies always discuss about negative government policies so that governance can be improved. When i was living in UK for some years, people on the streets always talk about all the negative policies meted out by the labour govt, never the good things. Thus, my point is we should never rest on past laurels and always strive to better ourselves. In doing so, we have to move away from a complacent society and start questioning the govt when things are not right, and not say "it is ok for govt to make mistakes so long as the overall average is a good score", this kind of thinking is complacency and will not help in fostering the democratic process and a more politically active environment.

many ppl bey song/bey tahan extremme idealist like wenqing

nothing wrong to voice out govt's or rather PAP's mistakes

i support MBT but at the same time i said the 4yrs SSD is lop-sided

be a man....hold no grudges and judge a person rationally:D

03-05-11, 11:42
party infighting?
Yeo in Goh's camp whereas WKS & MBT in Lee's camp?

I think Minister without Portfolio is the safest position. No mistakes done, no reason to be kick out, according to Goh.Are u sure there are already these 2 camps? Hmm... what about DPM Teo? What if Marine Parade PAP lose, what will become of SM? He run for next Presidential election? What if GY lose also? Then there'll be two candidates for president? Who's more qualified??? Hmmm... :doh:

03-05-11, 11:43
you cannot say we should hold no grudges. I grudge against PAP for paying themselves ridiculous salaries out of the country's coffers with the blessing of the electorate and making terrible decisions like overspending on YOG, raising healthcare/medical cost, lousy foreign immigration policies and a whole slew of bad policies. Our citizenship also too cheap liao, foreign sportsman can just get citizenship so easily, macham like a JC accepting students based on CCA points. Do you remember Egmar Goncalves, the brazilian in the S-league? He was offered singapore citizenship by FAS and later had no qualms about not calling singapore home after having made enough money and returning to his country. FAS said that egmar had not asked for citizenship, it was the they who asked him to be citizen. This is really embarrassing to read as a singaporean coz i did not know organisations are going around getting people with no loyalty to be citizens :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh:

many ppl bey song/bey tahan extremme idealist like wenqing

nothing wrong to voice out govt's or rather PAP's mistakes

i support MBT but at the same time i said the 4yrs SSD is lop-sided

be a man....hold no grudges and judge a person rationally:D

03-05-11, 11:47
you cannot say we should hold no grudges. I grudge against PAP for paying themselves ridiculous salaries out of the country's coffers with the blessing of the electorate and making terrible decisions like overspending on YOG, raising healthcare/medical cost, lousy foreign immigration policies and a whole slew of bad policies. Our citizenship also too cheap liao, foreign sportsman can just get citizenship so easily, macham like a JC accepting students based on CCA points. Do you remember Egmar Goncalves, the brazilian in the S-league? He was offered singapore citizenship by FAS and later had no qualms about not calling singapore home after having made enough money and returning to his country. FAS said that egmar had not asked for citizenship, it was the they who asked him to be citizen. This is really embarrassing to read as a singaporean coz i did not know organisations are going around getting people with no loyalty to be citizens :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh:

yes...govt do offer citizenships to PRs without PRs themselves requesting for it....

vy despo rite....so despo until goto beg for water supply from msia.....many more....so how?:doh:

tats y many cant tahan PAP anymore and choose to migrate overseas and even annul their citizenships....interview those who annul Sg citizenship.....they surely condemn PAP....hehe

03-05-11, 11:50
Are u sure there are already these 2 camps? Hmm... what about DPM Teo? What if Marine Parade PAP lose, what will become of SM? He run for next Presidential election? What if GY lose also? Then there'll be two candidates for president? Who's more qualified??? Hmmm... :doh:

DC33 already mentioned next president would be a Malay, likely Tamugi. already had chinese (otc), indian (nathan).
well, Yeo & Goh can be parachuted to some government linked companies, to keep them happy.

03-05-11, 11:55
DC33 already mentioned next president would be a Malay, likely Tamugi. already had chinese (otc), indian (nathan).
well, Yeo & Goh can be parachuted to some government linked companies, to keep them happy.

i wonder who is next best in line to replace yeo:rolleyes:

imagine hot headed ppl like wenqing....full of pride and extremme idealist.....say byebye to foreign investments:scared-1:

03-05-11, 12:00
SHOCKING STATEMENT : SM Goh suggests Voting out Wong Kan Seng, Raymond Lim or Mah Bow Tan instead, HOW?
I did not get that idea when I read the article... he's merely saying there are grounds to oppose these candidates based on all the debates taking place now but there are no grounds to oppose GY. That's all. There might be internal disagreements but that is a different issue altogether. To read that from this article is simply too far fetched.. :spliff:

03-05-11, 12:03
I did not get that idea when I read the article... he's merely saying there are grounds to oppose these candidates based on all the debates taking place now but there are no grounds to oppose GY. That's all. There might be internal disagreements but that is a different issue altogether. To read that from this article is simply too far fetched.. :spliff:

even though u r a supporter of the opp party....u r not a blinded Fan:cheers6:

03-05-11, 12:06
for sports, a govt desperately give out citizenship, you think it is right? can lousy players like egmar goncalves elevate us to world cup? These govt organisations have to answer to the whole of singapore for doing so, not sooka sooka just give the citizenship and let these foreigners laugh and mock at us. If these foreigners take our state flag to wipe their backside and throw it behind, you are telling me you don't feel anything? regarding malaysia, we are not begging them for water, it is a contract, thus mutual agreement in the separation.

yes...govt do offer citizenships to PRs without PRs themselves requesting for it....

vy despo rite....so despo until goto beg for water supply from msia.....many more....so how?:doh:

tats y many cant tahan PAP anymore and choose to migrate overseas and even annul their citizenships....interview those who annul Sg citizenship.....they surely condemn PAP....hehe

03-05-11, 12:07
Thank you for letting me know I'm an opp supporter... I'm still undecided who I am. Then again an opp supporter may not vote for opp coz PAP in his ward performed better? :spliff:

03-05-11, 12:08
for sports, a govt desperately give out citizenship, you think it is right? can lousy players like egmar goncalves elevate us to world cup? These govt organisations have to answer to the whole of singapore for doing so, not sooka sooka just give the citizenship and let these foreigners laugh and mock at us. If these foreigners take our state flag to wipe their backside and throw it behind, you are telling me you don't feel anything? regarding malaysia, we are not begging them for water, it is a contract, thus mutual agreement in the separation.

a contract is just a contract.....dun u see how much effort our PAP put in to please the msia govt....

03-05-11, 12:09
yes...govt do offer citizenships to PRs without PRs themselves requesting for it....

vy despo rite....so despo until goto beg for water supply from msia.....many more....so how?:doh:

tats y many cant tahan PAP anymore and choose to migrate overseas and even annul their citizenships....interview those who annul Sg citizenship.....they surely condemn PAP....hehe

There is nothing wrong with begging people for favours.
Sales people are also begging people to buy their goods.

Remember what you said about masks?
Same for small time business people in Indonesia.
Entertain government officials, give them money, so that they approve of permits. Hopefully at the end, got enough money in pocket to buy condos in Singapore. :D
so I see nothing wrong with Singapore government begging if it achieves your objectives.

I think people here should really read more of ancient chinese histories.
Can start reading about King Goujian of Yue. He "endure the unendurable" in order to achieve one's objectives.

03-05-11, 12:32
Sigh...this talk abt football. Our senior PAP politicians machiam score OWN GOAL with their recent comments.

03-05-11, 12:35
for sports, a govt desperately give out citizenship, you think it is right? this part I agree, sports council is stupid in doing this.
... some time ago I talked to an avid sports fan, she shared with me why sometimes they have no choice but to resort to this. it's all due to the sports council's "funding based on merits". u run a sports organization say sailing. u want more ppl to participate, or to promote the sport. so u need funding. u have no money. go ask gov. gov said, ok, I have requests from so many sports clubs/organizations, why should i give u instead of him ? why 10 million not 5 million ? show me your merits. so sports club have to produce "results" by showing what medals they won internationally. in the end it's the various sports club pushing for citizens of these FTs, not the government. I think lately gov already stopped this.

regarding malaysia, we are not begging them for water, it is a contract, thus mutual agreement in the separation. we are. make no mistake abt this. that's life. we have no choice. we need msia's water to buy time so to build our own desalination plants/or other means. (we also beg Indonesia for gas and sand)

03-05-11, 12:40
Sigh...this talk abt football. Our senior PAP politicians machiam score OWN GOAL with their recent comments.

i believe NS scored an own goal too:p

told her to compete in Miss Singapore only la...she is not a footballer:p

03-05-11, 12:46
i believe NS scored an own goal too:p

told her to compete in Miss Singapore only la...she is not a footballer:p

That girl is still young/inexperienced. She tried TOO HARD to please voters because she was flushed with success and adulation from her previous appearances. We can still make that excuse for her. But the others are seasoned/experienced politicians. But perhaps a bit rusty from not enough practice in the past election(s)? Hmm...

03-05-11, 12:55
That girl is still young/inexperienced. She tried TOO HARD to please voters because she was flushed with success and adulation from her previous appearances. We can still make that excuse for her. But the others are seasoned/experienced politicians. But perhaps a bit rusty from not enough practice in the past election(s)? Hmm...

wat i can say is tat...we r having political generation gap liao

03-05-11, 13:01

we are. make no mistake abt this. that's life. we have no choice. we need msia's water to buy time so to build our own desalination plants/or other means. (we also beg Indonesia for gas and sand)

so what about nuclear plant? energy independence?

03-05-11, 13:03
provide funding to sports, i have nothing against it coz it is healthy to promote sports in singapore, but to use citizenship as a carrot to lure foreigners to play in the s-league (of all sports) and for foreigners to treat our citizenship like pang sai zua is too much for a citizen like me to take it.

this part I agree, sports council is stupid in doing this.
... some time ago I talked to an avid sports fan, she shared with me why sometimes they have no choice but to resort to this. it's all due to the sports council's "funding based on merits". u run a sports organization say sailing. u want more ppl to participate, or to promote the sport. so u need funding. u have no money. go ask gov. gov said, ok, I have requests from so many sports clubs/organizations, why should i give u instead of him ? why 10 million not 5 million ? show me your merits. so sports club have to produce "results" by showing what medals they won internationally. in the end it's the various sports club pushing for citizens of these FTs, not the government. I think lately gov already stopped this.

we are. make no mistake abt this. that's life. we have no choice. we need msia's water to buy time so to build our own desalination plants/or other means. (we also beg Indonesia for gas and sand)

03-05-11, 13:17
yes...govt do offer citizenships to PRs without PRs themselves requesting for it....

vy despo rite....so despo until goto beg for water supply from msia.....many more....so how?:doh:

tats y many cant tahan PAP anymore and choose to migrate overseas and even annul their citizenships....interview those who annul Sg citizenship.....they surely condemn PAP....heheOpp should invite people who has annulled their Singapore citizenship to lend their voice .... hahaha :spliff:

03-05-11, 13:43
What are the benefits of strong opposition presence to Singapore Citizens? As the GE 2011 Rally goes along we get:
1) Promise that GST will not increase from current 7% within next 5 years.
2) Promise of reviewing the new HDB purchase ceiling of $8k pm
3) MIW promise to look more into taking care of the lower and middle income group of people
4) ??? (what else?)
2011 GE have many unprecedences vs 2006 GE.
Sadly they haven't address my concern. To win my vote for them, they should just abolish 4 years SSD to return to 1 year and return the LTV to 80% regardless of number of properties. :p Otherwise if 4 years SSD stay, then new launch property SSD start date should be from the day of TOP or when they completely pay up fully for the property to developers (otherwise not fair since new launch paying progressively and benefits speculators vs resale need to pay up in full immediately!).

Also, they should just increase LTV of cars to 70% as in olden days so that there will not be so many cars on the road (Ops! Should be to protect the banks from default of car owners!) :D

03-05-11, 14:06
What are the benefits of strong opposition presence to Singapore Citizens? As the GE 2011 Rally goes along we get:
1) Promise that GST will not increase from current 7% within next 5 years.
2) Promise of reviewing the new HDB purchase ceiling of $8k pm
3) MIW promise to look more into taking care of the lower and middle income group of people
4) ??? (what else?)
2011 GE have many unprecedences vs 2006 GE.
Sadly they haven't address my concern. To win my vote for them, they should just abolish 4 years SSD to return to 1 year and return the LTV to 80% regardless of number of properties. :p Otherwise if 4 years SSD stay, then new launch property SSD start date should be from the day of TOP or when they completely pay up fully for the property to developers (otherwise not fair since new launch paying progressively and benefits speculators vs resale need to pay up in full immediately!).

Also, they should just increase LTV of cars to 70% as in olden days so that there will not be so many cars on the road (Ops! Should be to protect the banks from default of car owners!) :DAre you specifically referring only to promises made by PAP? Coz the opp made loads of promises but they can never execute them if they're not voted in like lower cost of transportation, reduce no. of years in NS, etc.
LTV of cars is so so so fake! Some companies even provide cash back. How to monitor? You can get even 50% LTV of cars but these car dealers will still come out pattern to overcome that... :tsk-tsk:

03-05-11, 14:50
....... To win my vote for them, they should just abolish 4 years SSD to return to 1 year and return the LTV to 80% regardless of number of properties......
So hard to win your vote.

Very easy to win my vote.
PAP government, I know you are monitoring this website. You should know my Singapore address. Mail me invitation letter for me and spouse to be Singapore citizens.
Make me and spouse citizens of Singapore and I definitely vote for you. No need to attend PAP rally, we vote for you.
In fact, convert more PRs and foreigners to citizens and they also will definitely vote for you.

Quick do so before you kena thrown out next election.

03-05-11, 14:56
ur mind r so screwed:scared-3:

grabbing any opportunity to fan rumours:doh:


You are equally guilty isn't it.

But the article is quite clear there are fissures in PAP too.

How often you see such quotes from one PAP colleague to another PAP colleague.

I am not exaggerating.

03-05-11, 14:58
Hrmmm...if Goh kena voted out, he cannot be the next MM after Old Lee gone? So the supreme leader of Sg will be Young Lee? :scared-3:

03-05-11, 15:00
WQ, may I ask what has our government done to you that you are so full of "hatred". I cannot say they are prefect, but can you deny what they have done for Singapore over the past decades? What we have achieved today is not by chance but by good policies (not 100% though but good enough to see almost all of us not living below proverty line... u don't have to look far, just look at our South East Asia neighbours). If Singapore is going to deteriorate into a society of "hatred", I feel really sad for this and future generations. I feel our society is getting less and less grateful.

I expect you to reply with a lot of "craps"................ but I will rest my case and will not return to this forum as I can't bear to see my beautiful country going down the path of "hatred".

I got no hatred. I love Singapore as well.

But in a multi-party electoral system, it is normal people do take sides including those PAP activists and NTUC activists who label all Opposition as gangsters but cannot substantiate.

I see Opposition presence as good for future Singapore systems but you see it as bad.

No right or wrong here. It is your right. Let voters decide. This is the integrity of our system.

If you want to compare , compare apple with apple for present and future.

Comparing with 3rd World nations and the past is not fair comparision. We already rewarded PAP in the past with votes.

Compare with developed nations and in areas like wages, quality of living and so on.

I always wonder why despite having the most expensive government in the world, why Singaporeans world status is still below Japanese, Koreans , Hong Kongers, Europeans, Americans, Australians etc.

I am just commenting on article about a PAP Minister commenting on other ministers.

03-05-11, 15:02
Hrmmm...if Goh kena voted out, he cannot be the next MM after Old Lee gone? So the supreme leader of Sg will be Young Lee? :scared-3:
what do you think they pick this kawaii tin tin to be in his team ? ;)

and simultaneous release of her cuty pictures and talks, complete with branded handbag shots ? ;)
the plot thickens :scared-1: ....... :D

03-05-11, 15:03
party infighting?
Yeo in Goh's camp whereas WKS & MBT in Lee's camp?

I think Minister without Portfolio is the safest position. No mistakes done, no reason to be kick out, according to Goh.

He did.
He say "
When I receive my CPF statement, I feel so rich (http://blog.dk.sg/2008/10/14/when-i-receive-my-cpf-statement-i-feel-so-rich/)


03-05-11, 15:08
i believe NS scored an own goal too:p

told her to compete in Miss Singapore only la...she is not a footballer:p

I beg to differ.

Many on Internet praise her for statesmanship for helping MM Lee apologise on his behalf as MM Lee will not do so.

03-05-11, 15:11
party infighting?
Yeo in Goh's camp whereas WKS & MBT in Lee's camp?

I think Minister without Portfolio is the safest position. No mistakes done, no reason to be kick out, according to Goh. Goh was the former Defence Minister before he became PM. Yeo was BG...also..before he join politics...

03-05-11, 15:11
this part I agree, sports council is stupid in doing this.
... some time ago I talked to an avid sports fan, she shared with me why sometimes they have no choice but to resort to this. it's all due to the sports council's "funding based on merits". u run a sports organization say sailing. u want more ppl to participate, or to promote the sport. so u need funding. u have no money. go ask gov. gov said, ok, I have requests from so many sports clubs/organizations, why should i give u instead of him ? why 10 million not 5 million ? show me your merits. so sports club have to produce "results" by showing what medals they won internationally. in the end it's the various sports club pushing for citizens of these FTs, not the government. I think lately gov already stopped this.

we are. make no mistake abt this. that's life. we have no choice. we need msia's water to buy time so to build our own desalination plants/or other means. (we also beg Indonesia for gas and sand)

Trigger point is government policies for sports associations to throw money at foreigners.

03-05-11, 15:58
I beg to differ.

Many on Internet praise her for statesmanship for helping MM Lee apologise on his behalf as MM Lee will not do so.

u refering to internet clones like u?:tongue3:

03-05-11, 16:00
Trigger point is government policies for sports associations to throw money at foreigners.

wenqing is jealous bcoz govt nvr throw $ at him:tongue3:

03-05-11, 16:12
for wenqing.....


03-05-11, 16:17
Vote PAP and vote to become 2nd class citizens and 3rd world parliament !!!

for wenqing.....


03-05-11, 16:18
u refering to internet clones like u?:tongue3:



You can continue denying realities of life.

03-05-11, 16:25


You can continue denying realities of life.

u shall wake up on may 7th:D

03-05-11, 16:28
Vote PAP and vote to become 2nd class citizens and 3rd world parliament !!!
:cheers4: :cheers4: :cheers4: :cheers4:

03-05-11, 16:34
u shall wake up on may 7th:D

PAP will win elections, no doubt about that.

It is only whether Opposition can get the 1/3 it asks of voters.

My take is 87 PAP seats and 0 Opposition seats.

This is because of New Citizens votes and younger voters are still minority.

03-05-11, 16:36
PAP will win elections, no doubt about that.

It is only whether Opposition can get the 1/3 it asks of voters.

My take is 87 PAP seats and 0 Opposition seats.

This is because of New Citizens votes and younger voters are still minority.
regulator must be :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: felt betrayed!!

03-05-11, 16:43
regulator must be :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: felt betrayed!!

He will not because he knows this is a fact and PAP did not win by merit.

He has to live with this consequence.

He will vote Opposition and hope for the best like rest of Singapore.

03-05-11, 16:46
He will vote Opposition and hope for the best like rest of Singapore.

like the rest of singapore?

can tell u....many ppl r actually bochup type

do u realised out of 2mil+ eligible voters....only 20k+ at most attending WP rally?

where is the rest?

xmas eve or new yr eve....the crowd is much much duno hw many times larger:D

03-05-11, 16:48
like the rest of singapore?

can tell u....many ppl r actually bochup type

do u realised out of 2mil+ eligible voters....only 20k+ at most attending WP rally?

where is the rest?

xmas eve or new yr eve....the crowd is much much duno hw many times larger:D

It is still progress compare to hundreds in 1990s.

Think positive.

03-05-11, 16:51
It is still progress compare to hundreds in 1990s.

Think positive.

how many opp supporters are like u fire burning for few mths and back out at last minute......

03-05-11, 16:59
how many opp supporters are like u fire burning for few mths and back out at last minute......

I did not back out.

It is planned vacations.

Which is why I contributed via other channels like create awareness, attend rallies, buy Opposition merchandise, spread the word etc

I would vote Opposition if I attended elections.

03-05-11, 17:04
I did not back out.

It is planned vacations.

Which is why I contributed via other channels like create awareness, attend rallies, buy Opposition merchandise, spread the word etc

I would vote Opposition if I attended elections.

why did you initially mentioned "dont assume that you will vote for opposition"?

03-05-11, 17:06
I did not back out.

It is planned vacations.

Which is why I contributed via other channels like create awareness, attend rallies, buy Opposition merchandise, spread the word etc

I would vote Opposition if I attended elections.

u dare to say its a planned vacation:scared-1:

so u r not going to cast ur vote?!:scared-1:

tok so much and forget tat ur primary task is to vote....:doh:

tat shows how much u love SG and the passion for a change.....

tok is cheap!:doh:

03-05-11, 17:06
why did you initially mentioned "dont assume that you will vote for opposition"?

It was because like Nicole Seah, I use to be a staunch PAP voter too.

Took part in grassroots and all that but mellowed over the years.

Until I learn about Internet, then the realities seems different from ST and CNA.

03-05-11, 17:07
u dare to say its a planned vacation:scared-1:

so u r not going to cast ur vote?!:scared-1:

tok so much and forget tat ur primary task is to vote....:doh:

tat shows how much u love SG and the passion for a change.....

tok is cheap!:doh:

I think I already explained.

It is precisely this planned vacation and the usage of Internet which is why I contributed in other ways.

03-05-11, 17:08
It was because like Nicole Seah, I use to be a staunch PAP voter too.

Took part in grassroots and all that but mellowed over the years.

Until I learn about Internet, then the realities seems different from ST and CNA.

ya, ur planned vacation is so much more impt den election polling day:doh:

03-05-11, 17:09
I think I already explained.

It is precisely this planned vacation and the usage of Internet which is why I contributed in other ways.

vacation is more impt for u...

enuff said:doh:

03-05-11, 17:13
'old' citizens r not necessarily better den new citizens

so so disappointed....

its not a honest mistake...but lets move on:D

03-05-11, 17:13
vacation is more impt for u...

enuff said:doh:
to be fair to wenqing, people can planned vacation months in advance.
The news about election date only like 3 weeks?? before actual date itself

cancel vacation at last minute notice perhaps incur 50% penalty.

03-05-11, 17:16
to be fair to wenqing, people can planned vacation months in advance.
The news about election date only like 3 weeks?? before actual date itself


Besides, the future of elections and Singapore depend on younger people like you all.

Singapore's future is no longer mine. I already contributed enough votes to PAP in the past which you can say I regretted doing so past 10 years.

I have done my part and my importance have finished.

Good luck at elections.

03-05-11, 17:19
It was because like Nicole Seah, I use to be a staunch PAP voter too.
Took part in grassroots and all that but mellowed over the years.
Until I learn about Internet, then the realities seems different from ST and CNA.
from this statement, it sounds like you are not much affected by the higher cost of living? ie you are well-to-do.
It is only when you play internet, that your eyes are opened.
Did you double/tripled check the articles? or just assumed that as truth.

03-05-11, 17:21
to be fair to wenqing, people can planned vacation months in advance.
The news about election date only like 3 weeks?? before actual date itself

cancel vacation at last minute notice perhaps incur 50% penalty.

exactly...its a planned vacation....and not any emergency notice or smthing which he goto leave the country for watever compelling reasons....

nvm....so its all about $$$ again.....
how much do u tink its gona to cost him for just a vacation?

so much so for the passion to change....and gave up just bcoz of $$$?

he acted so nobly by saying its for future generations blah blah.....

i tink enuff said.....up to u guys to judge.

03-05-11, 17:23
No excuse lah. If they can be as vigilant as property loans granting, why not? :p

Are you specifically referring only to promises made by PAP? Coz the opp made loads of promises but they can never execute them if they're not voted in like lower cost of transportation, reduce no. of years in NS, etc.
LTV of cars is so so so fake! Some companies even provide cash back. How to monitor? You can get even 50% LTV of cars but these car dealers will still come out pattern to overcome that... :tsk-tsk:

03-05-11, 17:24
from this statement, it sounds like you are not much affected by the higher cost of living? ie you are well-to-do.
It is only when you play internet, that your eyes are opened.
Did you double/tripled check the articles? or just assumed that as truth.

I walked around, chat around, read around and I can differentiate things.

Not all on Internet are truth but the same applies to ST and CNA as well.

The latest being Dr Chee's alleged rally march and ST reporting Chiam's GRC party have conflicts which both we know base on video evidence and Chiam's GRC team are untrue.

For local politics, I decided to give up on local media.

Because most Internet articles get their sources from local media and dissect the truth and false. I rather believe more of Internet.

This is just my personal preference and you may differ.

03-05-11, 17:25
I walked around, chat around, read around and I can differentiate things.

Not all on Internet are truth but the same applies to ST and CNA as well.

The latest being Dr Chee's alleged rally march and ST reporting Chiam's GRC party have conflicts which both we know base on video evidence and Chiam's GRC team are untrue.

For local politics, I decided to give up on local media.

Because most Internet articles get their sources from local media and dissect the truth and false. I rather believe more of Internet.

This is just my personal preference and you may differ.

nobody will listen to ur lies again lah
get lost and go far:tongue3:

03-05-11, 17:27
exactly...its a planned vacation....and not any emergency notice or smthing which he goto leave the country for watever compelling reasons....

nvm....so its all about $$$ again.....
how much do u tink its gona to cost him for just a vacation?

so much so for the passion to change....and gave up just bcoz of $$$?

he acted so nobly by saying its for future generations blah blah.....

i tink enuff said.....up to u guys to judge.

yes , yes.

I go and do my personal stuff also get personal attacks.

I am just a forumer going on vacation, like any others.

No need to feel so personal.

Besides, I do not have many more years to go.

I contributed enough money to Opposition Parties, hope it help me 'repent' for my past sins.

I can only say sorry to my children and grandchildren.

:) :) :) :)

03-05-11, 17:32
exactly...its a planned vacation....and not any emergency notice or smthing which he goto leave the country for watever compelling reasons....

nvm....so its all about $$$ again.....
how much do u tink its gona to cost him for just a vacation?

so much so for the passion to change....and gave up just bcoz of $$$?

he acted so nobly by saying its for future generations blah blah.....

i tink enuff said.....up to u guys to judge.

I think you are being unfair to wenqing.
He may have planned to his vacation long ago WITH his family, children and grandchildren.
Now when can the whole family go vacation, spend quality time together right? except during vacation right.
You mean to say the whole family take vacation without their ahkong?
I am sure you dont want that correct.

03-05-11, 17:32
remember every vote counts

03-05-11, 17:37
I think you are being unfair to wenqing.
He may have planned to his vacation long ago WITH his family, children and grandchildren.
Now when can the whole family go vacation, spend quality time together right? except during vacation right.
You mean to say the whole family take vacation without their ahkong?
I am sure you dont want that correct.

hehe....every1 can be any1 lah...

he cud be just a 'clone'

anyway, i got more reasons to believe he is sent by PAP:scared-5:

03-05-11, 17:37
remember every vote counts

I am sure WQ will regret to his grave is PAP won Aljunied by 1 vote (assuming he stay in Aljunied).

03-05-11, 17:38
I think you are being unfair to wenqing.
He may have planned to his vacation long ago WITH his family, children and grandchildren.
Now when can the whole family go vacation, spend quality time together right? except during vacation right.
You mean to say the whole family take vacation without their ahkong?
I am sure you dont want that correct.

Maybe he is angry PAP did not give me consent to go on vacation.


Just kidding.

I had help shape Singapore before by voting.

Singapore's future and quality of elections depend on you younger guys.

Vote for the Singapore you want and dream about.

03-05-11, 17:52
hehe....every1 can be any1 lah...

he cud be just a 'clone'

anyway, i got more reasons to believe he is sent by PAP:scared-5:

anyway, i got more reasons to believe he is sent by PAP:scared-5:[/quote]

hehehe, if anyone sent by PAP, most probably would be me.

I spread info that vote is not secret. Nobody monitored the ballot box during 6 months in vault. Nobody including westman can refute that statement.
give out links to articles that all seals can be defeated.

Also inform that that telcos can track mobile phone location to a few meters accuracy. (It is not a myth by the way.). You think telcos won't give data to government?

Vote PAP or else......(best left unsaid).

Wenqing trust integrity of system. I trust that rulers will take all means to stay in power. :cheers1:

03-05-11, 17:52
Maybe he is angry PAP did not give me consent to go on vacation.


Just kidding.

I had help shape Singapore before by voting.

Singapore's future and quality of elections depend on you younger guys.

Vote for the Singapore you want and dream about.

i m more interested in voting NS to be our Miss Singapore leh;)

03-05-11, 17:54
It was because like Nicole Seah, I use to be a staunch PAP voter too.

Took part in grassroots and all that but mellowed over the years.

Until I learn about Internet, then the realities seems different from ST and CNA.

NS oredi got wat she wants....

got endorsement offer oredi:cool:

03-05-11, 17:55
hehehe, if anyone sent by PAP, most probably would be me.

I spread info that vote is not secret. Nobody monitored the ballot box during 6 months in vault. Nobody including westman can refute that statement.
give out links to articles that all seals can be defeated.

Also inform that that telcos can track mobile phone location to a few meters accuracy. (It is not a myth by the way.). You think telcos won't give data to government?

Vote PAP or else......(best left unsaid).

Wenqing trust integrity of system. I trust that rulers will take all means to stay in power. :cheers1:

i nvr doubt u....u r just a foreigner wif vested interest:p

03-05-11, 18:09
NS oredi got wat she wants....

got endorsement offer oredi:cool:

You are outdated.

She rejected the offer.

03-05-11, 18:17
You are outdated.

She rejected the offer.

she just played hard to get....see whether she will reject anot after the election if she is not elected:tongue3:

03-05-11, 18:25
Follow your heart and do your best, on 7th

03-05-11, 18:26
NS oredi got wat she wants....

got endorsement offer oredi:cool: Actually, she should accept, and give 100% of the money to the poor in Marine Parade GRC ( whether she win or lose )....invest for the long term in that GRC..., try and try again, maybe someday, she may be elected if not this time...

03-05-11, 18:26
she just played hard to get....see whether she will reject anot after the election if she is not elected:tongue3:

citi chain nia not interested....waiting for rolex!!!:D

03-05-11, 19:52
she just played hard to get....see whether she will reject anot after the election if she is not elected:tongue3:She's not playing hard to get.... its just ridiculous to give up $16 000/mth salary over next 5 years for a one time advertising fee. She's made her calculations. If not elected, she will then take up coz now no more $16 000/mth salary to fall back on.

03-05-11, 20:04
SHOCKING STATEMENT : SM Goh suggests Voting out Wong Kan Seng, Raymond Lim or Mah Bow Tan instead, HOW?

George Yeo too important for Cabinet to lose: SM Goh



03 MAY 2011

SINGAPORE - Foreign Minister George Yeo, who is facing a fierce challenge from the Workers' Party in the Aljunied Group Representation Constituency (GRC), has been described as "too important a person for the Cabinet to lose" by Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong.

Singling out Mr Yeo as one of three "very important" core members in the Cabinet - the others being Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong and Deputy Prime Minister Teo Chee Hean - Mr Goh said yesterday: "There are other core members but these are the three core members who will be very important ... (Finance Minister) Tharman (Shanmugaratnam) is too new but will be developed into a core member."

Speaking after a walkabout in Marine Parade GRC, Mr Goh said a member of the Prime Minister's core team is picked not only based on the portfolio the minister heads but also his intelligence, competence, ability to deliver results and someone whose judgment can be trusted.

"I've run a Government and I know you need a core team. A core team is four or five people, other ministers are important, but you need a core team," said Mr Goh. "If you lose George Yeo, I think it is a very big loss (for the Cabinet), and to Singapore."

Elaborating, Mr Goh said the Foreign Minister has played a critical role in the Prime Minister's team to formulate and implement policies, and will not be easily replaced in the short term if his team loses in the Aljunied GRC.

Said Mr Goh: "If one GRC is lost, as Minister Mentor (Lee Kuan Yew) said, we can accept the result - I agree with that. Sooner or later we are going to lose one. But my view if we lose Aljunied, that is a different matter."

With Mr Yeo in the middle of negotiating "very delicate agreements" with Indonesia and Malaysia, the loss will even be more telling for Singapore.

Summing up, Mr Goh said: "What mistake has he made? You can take a minister and criticise him for not delivering on perhaps housing and transport.

"Like Wong Kan Seng you can say he let Mas Selamat escape. George Yeo, what has he done to deserve this? And he is a core member."

Wong Kan Seng hits back and said PM Lee already form verdict about his mistake. SM Goh opinions is his own. PM Lee is boss.

3-5-2011, Wong Kan Seng responding to SM Goh comment


03-05-11, 20:10
anyway, i got more reasons to believe he is sent by PAP:scared-5:

U know there had long been a conspiracy theory , that chee soon juan was an agent sent by PAP, to make opposition look like clown ;)

proud owner
04-05-11, 01:18
I think you are being unfair to wenqing.
He may have planned to his vacation long ago WITH his family, children and grandchildren.
Now when can the whole family go vacation, spend quality time together right? except during vacation right.
You mean to say the whole family take vacation without their ahkong?
I am sure you dont want that correct.

Devil late won't understand

He is single. He can go holiday anytime he wants....or cancel anytime he likes, cos he need not care about other family members going along,

He is single

04-05-11, 06:03
U know there had long been a conspiracy theory , that chee soon juan was an agent sent by PAP, to make opposition look like clown ;)Gomez too.... what about the slipper man? :D. Somebody also suggested TPL was planted by NSP. Hahaha! :scared-4:

05-05-11, 00:43
thats a good plant.. lolz

05-05-11, 00:50
Devil late won't understand

He is single. He can go holiday anytime he wants....or cancel anytime he likes, cos he need not care about other family members going along,

He is single
I will nvr understand y crooks r re-employed

05-05-11, 00:51
Gomez too.... what about the slipper man? :D. Somebody also suggested TPL was planted by NSP. Hahaha! :scared-4:
I duno wat to say..... Stomp feet

05-05-11, 06:29
I will nvr understand y crooks r re-employed

do you believe in plea bargain?
do you believe in immunity for crooks turn prosecution witness?

05-05-11, 09:06
do you believe in plea bargain?
do you believe in immunity for crooks turn prosecution witness?

nid more compelling reasons:p

i only see more printing of $$$$ :hell-hath-no-fury: :hell-hath-no-fury: :hell-hath-no-fury:

05-05-11, 09:12
nid more compelling reasons:p

i only see more printing of $$$$ :hell-hath-no-fury: :hell-hath-no-fury: :hell-hath-no-fury:

Haha, devilplate is still the idealist. :p
Many times, people choose the lesser of 2 evils.
and people always act in their self-interest. If it is the self-interest of US to print more money, they would do so irregardless of everybody's else views.

05-05-11, 09:17
Haha, devilplate is still the idealist. :p
Many times, people choose the lesser of 2 evils.
and people always act in their self-interest. If it is the self-interest of US to print more money, they would do so irregardless of everybody's else views.

nah..i am a realist

but its just so lame to re appoint back the devils....might as well employ rapist and terrorist to become police

there r many good guys trying to stop the subprime crisis......they tried to intervene......question the financial regulators....y nvr employ them instead?

05-05-11, 09:31
nah..i am a realist

but its just so lame to re appoint back the devils....might as well employ rapist and terrorist to become police

there r many good guys trying to stop the subprime crisis......they tried to intervene......question the financial regulators....y nvr employ them instead?

Let me give a crude example, if I say the market will crash and sooner or later, the market did crash, does that make me a prophet? Will MAS employed me as regulatory advisor?

However, if I engineered a market crash, obviously I know enough of financial markets to know what I am doing.
Would MAS employed me to advise them on regulations on how to prevent it from happening again or future happenings.

05-05-11, 09:36
Let me give a crude example, if I say the market will crash and sooner or later, the market did crash, does that make me a prophet? Will MAS employed me as regulatory advisor?

However, if I engineered a market crash, obviously I know enough of financial markets to know what I am doing.
Would MAS employed me to advise them on regulations on how to prevent it from happening again or future happenings.

....there r ppl who tried to intervene but kena sacked in the end.....tried to pass a bill to promote transparency but was denied....

the root cause is $$ and obama is aint holy saint.....his own interest comes first:hell-hath-no-fury:

the truth is: devils can continue to keep their dirty $$ and get reappointed.....haha

so morale of the story: join the singapore devil party!

06-05-11, 16:45

TVB Drama on How Singaporeans Suffer Just to Lease a Flat
