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12-04-11, 13:52
I think the WP thread is sidetracking to becoming election news thread.

So I open a new thread.

Say and post anything you want until elections over.

Once in 5 years, after that no more and must wait another 5 years.

12-04-11, 13:54

Elitist’ Wee Siew Kim retires from politics

Controversial PAP MP Wee Siew Kim has retired from politics. He has been a MP in Ang Mo Kio GRC for almost ten years.

Mr Wee came into public spotlight when his daughter Wee Shu Min made disparaging remarks about a fellow Singaporean Mr Derek Wee on her blog in 2006.

Mr Wee, 35, a Singaporean who works for a multinational corporation, had written in his blog on Oct 12 that he was concerned about competition from foreign talent and the lack of job opportunities for older workers here, therefore he asked the government should try to be more understanding of such employment woes.

Ms Wee, then a second year Humanities in Raffles Junior College ridiculed Mr Wee, calling him ‘old’ and ‘under-motivated’ for his views and ended by telling him to ‘get out of my elite uncaring face.’

Her comments sparked a massive outcry in cyberspace, prompting Mr Wee Siew Kim to issue a half-hearted public apology.

In a statement released to the media, Wee Siew Kim stood by her “basic point” that the well-educated should get on with challenges in life rather than complain to the government about them.

Five years later, the situation has worsened with Singapore being flooded by hordes of cheap, low-skilled foreign workers leading to the depressing of wages of ordinary Singaporeans, sky-rocketing cost of living and a widening income gap between the rich and the poor.

12-04-11, 13:56
Watch the clip about Lim Boon Heng titled

'Minister Lim Boon Heng broke down twice' and 'Lim Boon Heng: "Life is not perfect" '

He is hinting that in PAP, things are debate behind close doors and not in Parliament because there is a need to save some his colleagues' face.

I did not know PAP faces are considered sensitive and if so, why bother be politicians and expose to public ?

Then what is Parliament for ?

The social problems far outweigh any employment benefits with casinos in front of doorstep.

Even you do not gamble, your children and grandchildren might gamble.

It distracts people from employment and create unemployment elsewhere.


Then he admitted wages will stagnanting and falling and pressured NTUC to pressure government but Tin Pei Ling say income gap not reponsibility of government so who to believe ??

Tin Pei Ling wins round one.



People's Action Party (PAP) chairman and Jurong GRC anchor minister Lim Boon Heng made public his retirement plans at the launch of the Jurong Town Council's five-year concept master plan on Sunday.

Another MP, Wee Siew Kim, will also be stepping down after two terms. Mr Wee is MP for Ang Mo Kio GRC.

Their retirements make up the total number of 18 PAP MPs who will be stepping aside to give way to younger politicians.

Mr Lim, who is currently a Minister in the Prime Minister's office, takes care of ageing issues.

He is also chairman of NTUC's Social Enterprises Development Council, which oversees cooperatives such as FairPrice supermarkets, insurance and training issues.

However, he has said that he will not be running as a candidate in the presidential election, which must be held by August this year.

Lim Boon Heng in tears

At the unveiling of the seventh batch of PAP's new candidates for the coming general election, Mr Lim got emotional as he answered a question on the likelihood of 'groupthink' within the government.

He mentioned the topic of casinos, and said that there was no group-think on the casino issue.

His voice caught in his throat when he said he almost could not make his speech in Parliament, saying it was a very difficult process for him to accept the casino.

With red, watery eyes, Mr Lim continued by saying that the casino issue was one example that could be quoted to say there was no group-think.

He also gave another example about how the trade union movement was very concerned about low income.

He said during the media conference: "We saw wages stagnating, and worse still, we saw wages falling."

After emphatically saying that there was no group-think on issues such as these, Mr Lim broke into tears again.



Lim Boon Heng’s ’sudden’ retirement more than meets the eye

The ’sudden’ retirement of PAP Chairman and stalwart Lim Boon Heng has taken many Singaporeans and political observers alike by surprise.

Just two days ago, when Mr Lim was attending a community event in Jurong GRC, he told the media that he would ‘go wherever he is needed’, but ‘does not see a great need’ to go to Aljunied GRC because ‘it is in great hands’.

Mr Lim was responding to news report that he may be kept as a ‘trump minister’ to be shifted to whichever GRC which faces a strong opposition on Nomination Day.

If Mr Lim has any intention of retiring, he certainly did not show it. On 9 April, he said in a media interview that the younger candidates are still being ‘tested’ to decide if they will fit the bill in all the GRCs. He even hinted that he does not rule out ’surprises’ on Nomination Day, if ‘necessary’.

It is strange that Mr Lim has announced his retirement one day later after it appeared that he was still carrying on his duties as PAP Chairman.

Did Mr Lim really plan to retire or was he forced to retire by external circumstances?

The PAP’s ‘renewal’ exercise seems to be plunging into chaos with some relatively young and experienced MPs being replaced by newbies with doubtful credentials while the oldest MP still show no sign of retiring.


Alan Au

12-04-11, 14:08


The Conundrum of Growing Old & Alone in Singapore

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ao-DGAw1Q2o (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ao-DGAw1Q2o)

A certain minister with no bloody portfolio recently mentioned that whenever he looks at his CPF statement he feel so rich.

The reality for most people however is somewhat different. It is money that is taken from you in the prime of your life, yet you never get to see it even when you are desperately in need of it.


First, let us take a look at a problem is is a trait found in most First-World countries. In the past, it was always a societal expectation that we get married, have kids and eventually grandchildren.

This was especially the case in Asian societies (Chinese especially) where marriage and having descendants was considered a sacred duty, and not to do so was tantamount to betrayal. There were all sorts of families.

Some genuinely wanted children and usually treated them well, while others probably did it only out of a sense of duty and maybe did not do such a good job of it as a result. Nevertheless, there was always a familial network of people, a support structure to depend upon.

In Singapore however, either by choice or otherwise, an increasing number of people are deciding to forgo marriage, having children or both.

Perhaps it is fortunate that I am in this position by choice, as the idea of marriage simply does not appeal to me. Others however are in this boat simply because the cost and obstacles in the way are too high and too insurmountable, and this is a tragedy of the highest order.

Marriage is a tough decision, simply because love alone is not sufficient to sustain one. It must have a solid foundation in which to flourish, and a critical part of this is a roof over their heads.

The HDB was supposed to help solve this problem by allowing young couples to have affordable homes. However, it has been hijacked by property speculators (a large number of which are "new citizens") who have jacked up the prices so high that genuine buyers are left in debt for years, even decades.

Assuming the problem of housing is solved, we then come to the problem with having children. It cost a lot of raise them, with rising basic costs and the pressure-cooker education system with have, in which one wrong move by the parents or child can condemn the child to a life of misery and poverty.

The system does not forgive mistakes, and it never forgets. This is the main reason why I never want to have children, for I do not want to subject anyone to the same torment and agony I went through from kindergarten all the way to university just because I was not "perfect" like everyone else.


This brings us to the main point, which is what happens if you decide to go all out and live life with no commitments to a family. A check with CPF Board reveals what happens if you still have money in your CPF accounts when you finally kick the bucket.

By default, when you pass away the money goes to your children, spouse or whatever relations you have still surviving, after paying off the horridly expensive medical bills (And Mr "I-Pay-$8-only-for-heart-ops" does not count, majority of comprehensive health care such as cancer treatments are NOT subsidised fully but that is outside the scope of this write-up).

However what happens if you die with no surviving relations? Here is where the true horror comes in. According to interstate laws,


That is the hard and brutal truth. The money that is stolen from you every month, then stashed away where you cannot reach it, with the illusion that it is yours someday (and with the withdrawal age for Minimum Sum extended to 65, chances are you will never fully withdraw it before you die) goes to them when you die.

Even if in your last months, a friend touched your heart enough you want to left something for him or her, you cannot leave anything to him or her because he or she is not related to you. Apparently the Government thinks that we are not capable of deciding what to do with our CPF money when we die, it wants the whole pie.

And from that we can draw a terrifying conclusion, the reason why the Government does not want to actively put steps to encourage its own citizens to marry and procreate.

Because it does not want you to. It wants you to die, alone in your bed (preferably in JB instead of Singapore), so that it has a legitimate reason to take YOUR money and fatten itself instead.

It does not want you to have children, for it is far quicker and more cost-effective to import in your replacement, in the hopes that the said replacement will in turn die alone with no "inconvenient relatives" to claim the money instead.

And this is why we need a better system. And we must decide quickly, before the money which we slaved our whole lives for go instead to Herman Miller chairs and million-dollar paychecks for the people in positions of power.

12-04-11, 14:10
From LBH's remarks over casino decision, PAP's MP seem like following rules

Rule No. 1) When voting in Parliament, MP die die must follow leader's direction
Rule No. 2) If PAP MP iis very confused and not sure how to vote, refer back to rule no. 1 for decision.


12-04-11, 14:12
So many old guards leave at 1 time, not very good. Either there is a shakeup behind close doors, or maybe more than meet the eye....Early 60s of age, still can contribute many more good years, so urgent need 20 new faces..., if good ones, 10 can already...

12-04-11, 14:15
So many old guards leave at 1 time, not very good. Either there is a shakeup behind close doors, or maybe more than meet the eye....Early 60s of age, still can contribute many more good years, so urgent need 20 new faces..., if good ones, 10 can already...

Tin Pei Ling beats Lim Boon Heng.

Income Gap is indeed not responsibility of government.

12-04-11, 14:17



This article from today's edition of TODAY (http://www.todayonline.com/articles/180701.asp) talks about Singapore's version of a welfare scheme. Welfare-fearing rhetoric from our leaders aside, Singapore is not so heartless that we don't have any welfare schemes at all -- we do.

It's called the Public Assistance scheme (http://www.mcys.gov.sg/web/serv_E_PA.html). There are only about 3,000 households are on it. I am not sure if that's because there are only 3,000 households that need this kind of assistance, or because of the stringency of the eligibility requirements, viz. Singapore citizens who (a) are unable to work owing to old age, illness or unfavourable family circumstances; AND (b) have no means of subsistence and no family members to depend on. (underlining added)

There is a cash grant component to it, with the amounts on a sliding scale depending on household size and the number of adults and children in the household. A single-adult household is currently given $260 per month, but this number is due to rise to $290 per month.

I don't think the PA scheme was very widely-known outside of the social assistance/welfare sector, at least not until a recent exchange in Parliament between MP Lily Neo and Mr Sin Boon Ann on one side, and Minister Vivian Balakrishnan on the other, that was quite widely reported in the media.

For background, Dr Neo had earlier done a rough survey of her constituents on PA, and discovered that a fair proportion of the single adults on PA had to skip at least one meal a day to get by on $260 per month. By her estimate, a single-adult household on PA actually needed about $400 per month to get by. She had filed a PQ on it in February that was not fully discussed due to time, and also because it preceded the COS debate on MCYS and so the response given to her was "wait for the Budget debate".

I can do no better than to direct you to the TODAY article, and to reproduce the relevant exchanges in Parliament below. As for me, I think $290 per month is disgraceful. At the very least, as pointed out by SPS Amy Khor in the TODAY article, the ministry needs to justify that figure and reconcile it with Dr Neo's $400 figure.

Dr Lily Neo: Sir, I want to check with the Minister again when he said on the strict criteria on the entitlement for PA recipients. May I ask him what is his definition of "subsistence living"? Am I correct to say that, out of $260 per month for PA recipients, $100 goes to rental, power supply and S&C and leaving them with only $5 a day to live on? Am I correct to say that any basic meal in any hawker centre is already $2.50 to $3.00 per meal? Therefore, is it too much to ask for just three meals a day as an entitlement for the PA recipients?

Dr Vivian Balakrishnan: How much do you want? Do you want three meals in a hawker centre, food court or restaurant?

Dr Lily Neo: It is cheaper to cook for one person.



Sir, Singaporeans have been asked to put some perspective around the current $45.5 million for the political appointees, being 0.13% of government expenditure and 0.022% of our GDP.

I think there are some other perspectives that can be put around these numbers.

At the revised MR4 benchmark of $1.6 million per year, a minister who serves a full five-year term would have made $8 million.

Serve two terms, and that becomes $16 million plus a pension. Even if the minister spends a million dollars a year, there would still be $6 million left over for a retirement in style.

Meanwhile, Workfare will cost the Government $400 million a year. But it is intended to benefit the bottom 15% of the workforce.

In 2005, we had 2.36 million workers. The bottom 15% means 354,000 workers.

Workfare will cost over 7 times of the aggregate revised salaries of political appointees, but benefits 10,000 times the number of political appointees we have.

Or let’s take Public Assistance. MCYS recently announced a revision to the amounts that Public Assistance recipients will get.

Some Members felt that the amounts are still not enough, especially for one-member households.

Dr Lily Neo has calculated that a minimum of $400 per month was needed by such households, yet the revised rate for them is $290 per month.

With 3,000 households on Public Assistance, an across-the-board increase of $110 per month would mean an additional expenditure of $3.96 million a year – 7% of the amounts that we will pay political appointees every year after the revisions.

Yet, we decline to do so, fearing an erosion of Singaporeans’ work ethic, never mind that one must be unable to work to qualify for Public Assistance.

Sir, there are a lot of different perspectives that can be put around ministerial salaries.

My fear is that the singular perspective being applied, of what our ministers could potentially be earning in the private sector, ignores other perspectives that are equally valid and equally important.

We place so much emphasis on using public funds wisely, on sending the right message to society, on not inadvertently creating new problems when we address existing ones.

These same considerations must apply when we consider ministerial salaries. It is not just a question of the number, whether we can afford it or its size relative to the stakes involved.

There are other considerations involved, and other potential repercussions.

And my greatest worry is that an open-ended linkage between ministerial salaries and top earners, which is how the benchmarks work in their current form, could in the long run undermine the moral authority that a government needs to lead the people.

12-04-11, 14:20
and out of 21 new faces, more than half is CMI

LBH says public must subject the opposition candidates to scrunity like the pap candidates...

In first place, how can tin tin compare to CSM? even the blind can tell...

12-04-11, 14:20


Civil Service : Ministers High Salaries Necessary as the job is Not Secure and thus High Risk

PSD dispels myths on ministers, civil servants pay

It responds to public's misperceptions of civil service salaries, perks and pensions

Apr 2, 2007


The salaries of Singapore's ministers and top civil servants have fallen to 55 per cent of the benchmark compared to private sector, and they should be earning $2.2 million, according to the Public Service Division.

Their current salary of $1.2 million is an all-inclusive package covering bonues, and one-third of this package is currently variable.

The PSD disclosed these in response to readers' letters to The Straits Times and online comments on the pay, perks and pensions of ministers and top civil servants, after Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said at the annual Administrative Service dinner on March 22, that public service salaries had fallen behind the public sector.

Details of salary changes across the civil service will be announced in Parliament on April 9.

The salaries of ministers and top civil servants are pegged at two-thirds of the median income of the top eight earners in each of six professions.

Despite the current salary shortfall, some Singaporeans have questioned if there were hidden benefits not listed as part of the salary, which would make make the civil servants' position better than it seemed.

The PSD said the figure of $1.2 million is the maximum amount they can receive, since it includes all bonuses and variable component. About one-third of this annual salary package is variable and depends on the minister or civil servant's performance as well as Singapore's economic situation, it told The Straits Times.

On pensions, the PSD said these are not calculated based on total annual salary packages, and that currently only about half of a minister's montly salary is pensionable.

And contrary to popular belief, ministers do no receive perks like free certificates of entitlement (COEs) or a waiver on maid levies and taxes, said the PSD.

Labour chief Lim Swee Say, commenting on the proposed pay rise, said it is in the workers' interest as it ensures the Government will continue to attract the top talent.

Only with good leaders would Singapore remain afloat in an increasingly competitive global economy, which in turn ensures workers will continue to have jobs, said Mr Lim.

PSD's responses to comments from the public


Q: Do ministers and administrative officers (AOs) get bonuses on top of the $1.2 million they receive a year?

A: Public Service Division: The annual salary figure of $1.2 million includes all components – monthly pay, mid- and year-end payments, allowances, performance bonuses and GDP bonus. There are no other payments.

Q: Do ministers holding more than one portfolio receive additional salaries?

A: A minister receives one salary, even if he holds two or more portfolios.

Q: Do ministers have key performance indicators or performance appraisals?

A: They are appraised by the Prime Minister. A large part of their pay is linked to individual performance and how the economy is doing. Currently, a third of their package is performance-related.

Q: What about the view that ministers enjoy a secure job, with none of the risks experienced by top earners in the private sector?

A: Ministers do not have guaranteed tenures. They face general elections every five years.


Q: What kinds of medical benefits do ministers and AOs receive?

A: Ministers are on the Medisave-cum-Subsidised Outpatient Scheme, like the majority of civil servants. They do not receive any hospitalisation benefits.

Instead, ministers receive 1 per cent of salary (capped at $70 a month and at 17 months a year) paid into their Medisave. They can use this to buy health insurance plans. For outpatient treatment, it is capped at $350 a year for each minister.

Ministers co-pay 15 per cent of medical expenses at restructured hospitals. Where it is for his dependents, such as spouse and children up to 18 years, the minister co-pays 40 per cent.

But this is all subject to a cap of $350 per year. Any unused amount at the end of the year is put into the minister's Medisave account. There are no extra benefits for them or their spouse or children. Their parents do not get medical benefits.

It is similar for AOs who joined after January 1994.

Q: Do ministers and AOs enjoy additional perks?

Ans: Ministers do not receive any perks. The salary is everything there is. They pay their own COEs, ERP, maid levies and taxes. The official car can be used for official purposes only, not for personal use.

It is the same for AOs.

For networking purposes, senior AOs take up golf memberships at corporate rates but they pay subscription and membership fees out of their own pocket.


Q: Do ministers and AOs receive pensions?

A: Only those who have served at least eight years as an office holder (for example, minister or minister of state) qualify for a pension.

Since 1994, the pensionable salary component at each grade has been frozen. All subsequent salary increases, whether in the form of monthly adjustments or increase in annual components, are non-pensionable.

The pensions for ministers are not calculated based on the total annual salary package each year.

Bonuses, allowances and other annual salary components are not included in the calculation of the minister's pension.

Only the pensionable portion of the minister's monthly salary is used and the actual pension also depends on the length of pensionable service. Currently, only about half of the monthly salary of a minister is pensionable.

As for post-retirement medical benefits, all office-holders, including ministers who qualify for pensions, continue on the Medisave-cum-Subsidised Outpatient Scheme. They do not get free medical after retirement.

For administrative officers to qualify for a pension, they must have served for at least 15 years. But they lose the pension once they resign from service.

As with ministers, only about half of AOs' monthly salaries are pensionable.

Also, MPs appointed after Jan 1, 1995 are no longer eligible for pensions.


Q: Some observers believe that under-performing AOs are allowed to remain in the service. Is this true?

A: The appraisal system is rigorous. There is an annual assessment on performance and potential by his boss, the permanent secretary.

Officers of the same seniority are then grouped, ranked and graded good, average or poor.

Non-performers are not given performance bonuses. And those who do not meet the retention requirement are asked to leave the Administrative Service.

Q: Is it true that only scholars can join the Administrative Service (AS) and once admitted, they can stay on indefinitely?

A: The AS takes in officers at all levels, including those who do not come through the scholar route. It also takes in mid-career entrants, whether from the private or public sectors.

Admission and retention criteria for the AS are much stricter than the civil service.

To remain, the officer must show the potential to become at least a Deputy Secretary or chief executive of a statutory board.

Those without this potential, even if they are good performers, will be asked to leave the AS. Some choose to resign while others continue to contribute in other parts of the public sector.


Q: The civil service is said to be an iron rice bowl where poor performers are tolerated. How true is this?

A: The Civil Service takes a tough stance on under-performers. Those who do not meet job expectations are counselled and given an opportunity to improve. If they fail to do so, they are asked to leave.

In recent years, an increasing number of government agencies have been recruiting staff on fixed term contracts. Only good officers are offered permanent positions subsequently.

Readers' comments in AsiaOne forum:

While comparing the govt salaries with private sector is fine and good, it is NOT the same as there is hardly significant accountability or transparency in the performance of govt servants, administrators, ministers,etc. When the opposition challenges some of these performance issues like Shin Corp, Micropolis, etc, they or the public were not given satisfactory answers and further to this, no corrective actions were made known to the public.

Singapore already has the most well-paid civil servants and ministers in the world. It is difficult to comprehend how much more pay do the ministers and civil service need to motivate and live well.

Until the government can objectively be transparent and fully accountable in their review of the performance of each govt minister and top civil servant, it is difficult to see how the comparison between the public sector and private sector can be the same. - Chung Wui Cheng

What use is a clean government run by well-paid, well-fed civil servants and political elite that only look after the interests of the "haves" and "foreign talents" but cares little for those old and beyond "employablilty" who are subsisting on public assistance, giving them barely enough to cover their 3 meals?

Dr. Lily Neo's pleas falls on deaf ears, and we are talking about increasing salaries of those elite few that are already paid tens of thousands a month.

What kind of system are we moving towards. I don't agree a single word with any of the ministers' clamour to justify another round of hefty pay hikes for the people whom I feel are already too well paid. - Nicholas
I don't think that it should be pegged to the scale of the private sector. Firstly, it is a different kind of job scope. There are tools to measure the capability of the individuals in the private sector.

If they don't do well, there is no hesitation to terminate their services but does the government do that?. What if the ministers don't do their work? Will they be replaced immediately? - Chua Chin Heng

12-04-11, 14:21
and out of 21 new faces, more than half is CMI

LBH says public must subject the opposition candidates to scrunity like the pap candidates...

In first place, how can tin tin compare to CSM? even the blind can tell...

I rather subject PAP policies and candidates to more scrutiny since PAP will be forming the next government for next 5 years.

12-04-11, 14:26
Some videos from GE 2006 I found on Internet.

Part 1 : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_j0UCAgh9Es&feature=related

Part 2 : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1pQZkpon9Mw&feature=related

Part 3 : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ofc3z...eature=related (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ofc3zUdIFGA&feature=related)










12-04-11, 14:29
For all election campaigning activities and photos, please go to party websites to read up and understand.









12-04-11, 14:41
This is interesting, again we are Number 1. Probably because our MPs need not be full time, so we need more...?

Singapore ranked No 1 in the world for MP’s number (http://sg-truth.blogspot.com/2010/03/singapore-ranked-no-1-in-world-for-mps.html)

WendyChong wrote:
Post subject: singapore ranked No 1 in the world again
For a small country of 5 million people or 3.6 million citizens, Singapore has an unusually large number of MPs or 1 MP per 42,857 citizens.
Do we really need so many MPs? Let us compare the size of our parliament with other Asian democracies:
1. Malaysia:
Number of elected MPs: 222 in Dewan Rakyat
Population (2009): 27 million.
MP to citizen ratio: 1 per 121,621
Monthly allowance of MP: S$2,500
2. Japan:
Number of MPs: 480 in House of Representatives
Population: 127 million.
MP to citizen ratio: 1 per 264,583
3. South Korea:
Number of MPs: 290 in National Assembly
Population: 49.5 million.
MP to citizen ratio: 1 per 170,689
4. Republic of China (Taiwan)
Number of MPs: 113 in Legislative Yuan
Population: 22.9 million.
MP to citizen ratio: 1 per 202,654
5. Thailand
Number of MPs: 480 in National Assembly
Population: 62 million
MP to citizen ratio: 1 per 129,167
6. Indonesia
Number of MPs: 690 in People’s Consultative Assembly
Population: 238 million
MP to citizen ratio: 1 per 344,928

12-04-11, 14:45

Yes to two-party system: Yahoo! users

Can a two-party system exist in Singapore?

"Yes," responded users by an overwhelming majority to the above Yahoo! Answers (http://sg.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20110406010007AAPdN06)question (http://sg.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20110406010007AAPdN06) we posted last week.

Last Wednesday, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong was reported as saying that a two-party political system is "not workable" (http://sg.news.yahoo.com/blogs/singaporescene/two-party-political-system-won-t-pm-lee-20110405-202241-232.html) in Singapore because there is simply "not enough top talent".

According to PM Lee, a two-party political system would lead to weaker governance.

Of the near 90 responses on Yahoo! Answers, however, almost all users felt a two-party system was worth at least a shot, and some were even willing to have one "A team" and one "B team".

Their main reason: check and balance

User Viktor said, "It has nothing to do with the competency of ruling party but it's a simple matter of "check & balance.""

It would "ensure what we have built or achieved today is being protected," he said.

"I think the current party is doing great, but like any great heroes or great organizations, when left unchecked … just may go off the path and Singapore cannot afford that mistake," he said.

"It is not about how many "A" Team or talents (Singapore has). It is about passion and (a) heart for this land," wrote Hellcat.

"As far as I am concern, I am willing to give the two-party system a try. Why? Because, the current one is out-of-touch and just too money oriented," he added.

In times of crisis such as in the 1960s, a one-party system was good as it allowed the government to steer the country without interference, but times have changed, said tamsan, who noted the opposition have "recruited some well qualified people too".

"Our education system has produced a whole lot of mature minded, experienced men and women who are as talented as those who joined the ruling party," he said.

Some star candidates that have been revealed so far include the Workers' Party's Chen Show Mao (http://sg.news.yahoo.com/blogs/singaporescene/workers-party-star-candidate-opens-20110408-214029-348.html), a corporate lawyer, and Singapore People's Party's Benjamin Pwee (http://sg.news.yahoo.com/blogs/singaporescene/spp-unveils-two-candidates-ge-20110410-031342-745.html), a former senior civil servant.

Another question that popped up was whether a lack of talent really exists in Singapore.

Does such a lack mean there is a problem with the education system, some wondered.

User angry noted that the issue is not about a lack of talent but that these talents are fearful of joining the opposition.

A minority of users, including user wong Kwai¸ agreed with PM Lee's comments.

"Instead of forming a single strong A+ Team, a two-party system will split the limited number of talents into two equally strong B Teams... why settle for mediocrity?" questioned wong Kwai.

User Malfoy T said, Singapore is not ready for a "true blue two-party type government". He felt the opposition needed more time to achieve the required "maturity, depth and sophistication".

"Singapore is after all, a "branded" country, where brands command a premium … Can the people of Singapore identify with someone like Low Thia Khiang (http://sg.search.yahoo.com/search?p=Low+Thia+Khiang&fr=fp-today&cs=bz) or Sylvia Lim (http://sg.search.yahoo.com/search?p=Sylvia+Lim&fr=fp-today&cs=bz), as a potential PM?" he added.

Local author and political watcher Catherine Lim told Yahoo! Singapore, PM Lee's assumption of talent shortage is "open to challenge".

"Surely, at this stage in the development of our society, there are enough men and women with the intellectual calibre, professional standing, moral fibre and personal dedication to be good leaders," she said.

Many Singaporeans could "surely meet" the "PAP model of governance", which primarily calls for "efficiency, discipline, hard work, integrity and commitment", she added.

"What the PM probably means when he laments the scarcity is that there are not enough Singaporeans who would prove true to the style of the PAP model of governance, that is the style laid down by (Minister Mentor) Lee Kuan Yew," said Dr Lim.

She described this as a "stern, no-nonsense, unrelentingly pragmatic, humourless, top-down approach in leadership that rules out those who by nature or inclination are charismatic, glamorous, individualistic, independent, and boldly creative".

She added that having the PAP split into two parties — an option PM Lee revealed the party had once considered — would not work since both parties would still adhere to the same model of governance.

Dr Lim suggested one future scenario: PAP leaders who have left the party because of differences with others might re-emerge and come together to make possible a viable two-party system.

12-04-11, 14:48

Why I joined the opposition: Dr Wijeysingha

As part of Yahoo! Singapore's coverage of the 2011 General Elections, we speak to new faces to look out for in the coming weeks. In the first of a four-part series, ALICIA WONG speaks to DR VINCENT WIJEYSINGHA of the Singapore Democratic Party.

http://l.yimg.com/bt/api/res/1.2/X1Ut7lE6dJI_TnbzA4HExg--/YXBwaWQ9eW5ld3M7dz0zMTA-/http://media.zenfs.com/en-SG/blogs/singaporescene/400yahoo_vincentwijeysingha2.jpg (http://media.zenfs.com/en-SG/blogs/singaporescene/400yahoo_vincentwijeysingha2.jpg) Dr Vincent Wijeysingha joined the Singapore Democratic Party last July and is slated to contest in Holland-Bukit …

As a social worker, Dr Vincent Wijeysingha (http://sg.search.yahoo.com/search?p=vincent+wijeysingha&fr=fp-today&cs=bz) would assess and propose solutions to problems facing a person or family.

However, over the course of his analysis, he felt that the root of these problems stemmed from the current systems in place.

That left him with two choices: Continue in social work and support the ruling political party, or join politics to change the system.

The new face at the Singapore Democratic Party (http://sg.search.yahoo.com/search?p=Singapore+Democratic+Party&fr=fp-today&cs=bz) (SDP) chose the latter.

"Politics and social work stem from the same value base; that human beings are important and (have) the right to live a fulfilling and dignified life," stated the 40-year-old social policy doctorate holder.

Dr Wijeysingha, who is also the executive director of civil society group Transient Workers Count Too, returned to Singapore last July and joined the SDP.

Speaking to Yahoo! Singapore in a 45-minute interview, he explained that he was attracted to the party's commitment to people, families and the community.

"It is a coherent party, constructive about programmes and compassionate to the less fortunate," he said.

The changes he and the SDP will champion for include abolishing Goods and Service Tax for basic goods and removing the profit motive for public services such as housing, education and healthcare.

The party released its 10-point SDP Promise (http://sg.news.yahoo.com/blogs/singaporescene/sdp-announces-10-campaign-promises-ge-20110409-104755-228.html) to voters on Saturday, setting out what a SDP MP would seek to achieve if elected into Parliament.

http://l.yimg.com/bt/api/res/1.2/gX.849.YKjkkjExWZgk6Kw--/YXBwaWQ9eW5ld3M7dz0zMTA-/http://media.zenfs.com/en-SG/blogs/singaporescene/400yahoo_vincentwijeysingha1.jpg (http://media.zenfs.com/en-SG/blogs/singaporescene/400yahoo_vincentwijeysingha1.jpg) Dr Vincent Wijeysingha at the launch of the SDP Promise on Saturday. (Yahoo! Photo/Liyana Low)

Reaching out to the different strata of society

While the ruling People's Action Party (http://sg.search.yahoo.com/search?p=People%27s+Action+Party&fr=fp-today&cs=bz) frequently argues that the needy in Singapore are well taken care of, Dr Wijeysingha terms this a "false argument".

He cites bureaucracy being one of the difficulties that lower-income families face in accessing funds.

He also dealt at length on the cost of living difficulties the middle-income and high-income group face, for instance, when an elderly falls sick and needs long-term care.

Dr Wijeysingha is expected to contest in Holland-Bukit Timah group representation constituency, a place which he has close ties to.

He recounted spending almost all his weekends in Serene Centre in 1987, as his then girlfriend lived in Sixth Avenue. He also served national service in Mowbray Camp at Ulu Pandan Road.

More recently, he lived in a HDB flat at Holland Village for a few months when he returned to Singapore last July.

"I grew up in a similar socio-economic area, Seletar Hills," he shared. "So there's some sort of affinity with the needs of that community."

Living in a HDB flat also gave him an understanding of residents' needs.
"I'm not trying to pretend I'm a working class hero, I'm not. But you get to learn about the problems of living in a HDB flat."

To those worried that his 16 years away from Singapore means he is out of touch with local concerns, Dr Wijeysingha joked about the benefits of belonging to a South Asian family.

"There's always a wedding, a funeral or something. One year I came back four times, two weddings, two funerals. So you never lose touch of what's going on," he quipped.

While in the UK, he worked in child protection and later started a social work consultancy.

He would return to Singapore at least once a year and spent about a year here, in total, when he was conducting research for his PhD.

"So I don't think I've ever emotionally or intellectually left the country," he said.

Family gradually coming around

When speaking to Dr Wijeysingha, it is hard to forget his father, Eugene Wijeysingha (http://sg.search.yahoo.com/search?p=Eugene+Wijeysingha&fr=fp-today&cs=bz), is the well-liked former principal of Raffles Institution, and in Dr Wijeysingha's own words, an "Establishment man".

So how did his family take the news that he would be joining opposition politics?

"It's not surprising in my family that people do social work, teaching, but when I got involved in formal politics, they were apprehensive," he said.

"When I told them it was SDP, even more apprehensive," he said, with a laugh.

But after explaining his views and including them in party activities, they are "gradually coming around," he said.

On a scale of one (least supportive) to 10 (most supportive), he believes they are now at a six.

Recalling the most important advice he has received, told to him by a close friend, Dr Wijeysingha said, "Don't ever forget why you are doing what you are doing."

12-04-11, 16:06
http://ge2011.theonlinecitizen.com/2...ld-parliament/ (http://ge2011.theonlinecitizen.com/2011/04/vote-workers-party-towards-a-first-world-parliament/)

Vote Workers’ Party – towards a First World Parliament

Posted by admin (http://ge2011.theonlinecitizen.com/author/admin/) on April 9, 2011 in Breaking News (http://ge2011.theonlinecitizen.com/category/breaking-news/), Workers' Party (http://ge2011.theonlinecitizen.com/category/workers-party/) | 3 Comments (http://ge2011.theonlinecitizen.com/2011/04/vote-workers-party-towards-a-first-world-parliament/#comments)

var addthis_product = 'wpp-254';var addthis_config = {"data_track_clickback":true};The Workers’ Party launched its campaign slogan and manifesto for the upcoming General Election on 9 April, Sunday, at its party headquarters.

You can view the manifesto here (http://wp.sg/manifesto).

The following is the party’s media brief about the event:

http://ge2011.theonlinecitizen.com/w...20-225x300.jpg (http://ge2011.theonlinecitizen.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/manifesto240320.jpg)

Campaign slogan: “Vote Workers’ Party – Towards A First World Parliament”

The Workers’ Party (WP) will campaign on the slogan, “Vote Workers’ Party – Towards a First World Parliament”.

WP has chosen this slogan for the coming General Election because it believes that it is vital at this juncture of our nation building to critically assess whether our institutions of government are functioning properly, in particular, Parliament.

As we move towards Parliamentary elections in our 46th year of independence as a nation, we should ask ourselves what kind of Parliament is needed to ensure that Singapore endures for the future.

While Singapore has achieved First World standards in certain areas such as economic development and infrastructure, the same cannot be said of our model of governance.

With an overwhelmingly dominant People’s Action Party (PAP) in Parliament, there are severe limitations as to how far Parliament can check the Government, which is supposed to be one of Parliament’s key functions.

Ruling party Members of Parliament must support Government agenda, which means that the Government can steamroll its plans through the House easily.

The Workers’ Party believes that it is not in the national interest for Parliament to continue to be so overwhelmingly dominated by the PAP.

There is a real danger that Parliament will appear to be a rubber stamp for the government agenda.

No government is perfect, or infallible, or lasts forever. The ruling party must be subject to scrutiny and challenge and competition to keep it on its toes.

It is also critical that Singaporeans are not stuck with just one party able to govern, and no fall-back plan.

Alternative governments do not spring up overnight to take over when a government fails. Political experience must be built, and having members of other political parties being elected into Parliament with the people’s mandate is the start to vuilding the necessary political insurance.

Characteristics of First World Parliament

In our view, a First World parliament for Singapore would have the following characteristics:

It would consist only of Members of Parliament elected in free and fair elections, all of whom have similar voting rights due to their mandate from their constituencies;
It would function as a robust check and balance against the Government. For this to happen, there must be a critical mass of elected MPs from the opposition parties.
The Opposition in Parliament must also be responsible for defending national interest viz. to ensure that the Government does not take steps which hurt the people;
Parliament must respect the Constitution and people’s constitutional rights.How a First World Parliament would benefit Singaporeans

If Singaporeans vote towards a First World Parliament, WP believes the following benefits would accrue to improve Singaporeans’ lives:

There will be more thorough public examination of policies, subject to public scrutiny. This will promote greater accountability and transparency, and empower Singaporeans to make informed choices;
The ruling party would be kept on its toes due to political pressure. It would also have to think twice about implementing harsh policies or pay a political price;
Singaporeans will have some insurance in the event of ruling party decline;
More diverse interests and viewpoints would be represented in the House, for better representation.<A href="http://ge2011.theonlinecitizen.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/205739_10150162751594545_729004544_6663819_4838867_n.jpg" target=_blank>http://ge2011.theonlinecitizen.com/w..._4838867_n.jpg (http://ge2011.theonlinecitizen.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/205739_10150162751594545_729004544_6663819_4838867_n.jpg)

12-04-11, 16:09
Workers' Party Launches GE2011 Campaign Slogan & Manifesto






Chen Show Mao:

"The votes of Singaporeans will become the Worker's Party secret weapon."

12-04-11, 17:32

Why I joined the opposition: Dr Wijeysingha

Dr Wijeysingha is expected to contest in Holland-Bukit Timah group representation constituency, a place which he has close ties to.

This guy and his team is going to give PAP Dr Vivian B. a tough fight ...esp if he get good WP team members in...., stepping out of his Dad's shadow - a reputable ex RI principal. Kinda of strange why he never joined PAP...

12-04-11, 17:40
This guy and his team is going to give PAP Dr Vivian B. a tough fight ...esp if he get good WP team members in...., stepping out of his Dad's shadow - a reputable ex RI principal. Kinda of strange why he never joined PAP...

Err....if you read the article, he belongs to SDP, not WP.

These days, people who join PAP are either self-serving, for career advancement, for the money, for the connections etc.

Gone are the days like PAP Old Guard who join to improve Singapore and for public-mindedness.

12-04-11, 18:08

PAP facing a recruitment challenge: blogger

By Elena Torrijos (http://sg.news.yahoo.com/blogs/author/elena-torrijos/) | SingaporeScene (http://sg.news.yahoo.com/blogs/singaporescene/) – 2 hours 21 minutes ago

http://l.yimg.com/bt/api/res/1.2/t7VNPJLIM6P8LIQ.zPa1Sg--/YXBwaWQ9eW5ld3M7dz02MzA-/http://mit.zenfs.com/148/2011/04/630yahoo_papcandidatesbatchtwo.jpg (http://mit.zenfs.com/148/2011/04/630yahoo_papcandidatesbatchtwo.jpg) (From left) Steven Tan, Foo Mee Har and Desmond Lee are the second batch of new PAP candidates unveiled on 23 March, …

By Seah Chiang Nee
In a departure from recent history, the powerful People's Action Party (PAP) (http://sg.search.yahoo.com/search?p=People%27s+Action+Party&fr=fp-today&cs=bz) has found it hard to recruit talent from the private sector to stand as its election candidates.

This contrasts with the past when it enjoyed widespread popularity with little problem in persuading high achievers from private and public organisations to rally to its banner.

The relative failure comes at a time when opposition parties have made significant gains in attracting quality candidates.

It is posing a setback — at least temporarily — to the PAP's plan to use the election, which is expected next month, to produce the next Prime Minister and Cabinet leaders.

Of the 18 newly-recruited PAP candidates announced, only five hailed from the private sector — an assistant professor, two lawyers and two bankers, one of whom is an executive in the government-controlled DBS Bank.

The remaining 13 — or 72 percent — were top people who had served and resigned from public office to contest under the PAP banner.

They were from the civil service, the army, the statutory boards or PAP-controlled unions. The PAP-controlled National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) (http://sg.search.yahoo.com/search?p=NTUC&fr=fp-today&cs=bz) contributed five.

Two army generals gave up their stars to take up politics and are tipped to be core members of the fourth generation Cabinet.

The political leaders have described it as a good, diverse team but it is obvious that the inability to attract private talent weighs heavily on officials' minds.

The paucity was confirmed by Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong who admitted that the PAP had difficulty attracting private-sector high flyers to join efforts to form the PAP leadership team.

Extensive efforts, which included 200 "tea sessions" (interviews) to recruit election candidates from the private sector "have not been that successful," he admitted.

For the PAP, which has not lost a single election in the last 50 years, it is a dismal show especially in the face of a resurging opposition which seems to have less difficulty in this area.

Few analysts are predicting this will be a permanent PAP dilemma or that it will cause the PAP to lose the election, but it may have adverse consequences for the party in future.

Bringing together a diverse team comprising the best candidates is fast becoming an impossible task.

The trouble is that some of the targeted high-flyers either do not support the PAP's current strategy for Singapore or some of its political, economic and social policies.

The potential slate would include successful managers, businessmen, academicians and professionals, people that recruiters have paid special interest to.

How will it affect the future? Firstly, it could erode some of the PAP's support among voters which is already in decline over the mass intake of foreigners.

And, secondly, the reduced number of MPs from the private sector could lower the PAP's performance in Parliament.

"To have too many people with civil service or army background may not be a good idea. Parliament may lose touch with the people," one surfer said.

"What about diversity? Where are the professional social workers, the musicians and poets?" she asked.

The issue, which has become a hot topic, has prompted a National University of Singapore (NUS) undergrad to raise it with PM Lee Hsien Loong during a campus dialogue last week.

How is it, he wanted to know, that despite the high salaries, the PAP had not attracted private talents — but the opposition had.

Lee replied: "I'm not sure whether we're looking for exactly the same people. We're looking for a certain type of person ... (one with) commitment, integrity and purpose."

The preferred people, he added, were already set in their careers and not keen to change tracks or face the high risk of a political life.

Not everyone agrees with his explanation. One commentator said: "The real reason is that many of them refused to join because they disagreed with PAP policies. "They don't want to degrade themselves by having to toe the party line."

The fast expanding social media which alternates between being informative to punishing people it doesn't like, also adds to the reluctance of people to seek election for public office.

Many successful people are not prepared to have their private lives or their family members be subjected to critical scrutiny or even insults.

What is putting paid to this is the opposition's apparent success in attracting quality candidates to contest, despite all the arguments about privacy and risks.

By entering politics, an opposition candidate is generally seen as facing a higher risk of defeat or failure and financial losses than the one who stands for the PAP, with its superior resources.

"Yet they are pushing ahead with their principles, unfazed," said an admiring female undergrad — a little too innocently to describe the tough world of politics.

Not every politician who fights for the weaker team — or who joins the winning one — does so for a selfless cause.

The reward in Singapore that comes with political success can be very large — for all aspirants.

The high Cabinet salaries, which exceed those of even the richest nations in the world, have attracted top talent to help build Singapore's collective wealth.

But as the public backlash rises, it may be contributing to dissuading successful high flyers from joining the government for fear of becoming a target of criticism and even insults.

In other words, this high pay system may even deter a few potential leaders from joining the political arena.

Related Article:

Opposition: an emerging breed (http://sg.news.yahoo.com/blogs/singaporescene/opposition-emerging-breed-20110329-030648-003.html)

A former Reuters correspondent and newspaper editor, the writer is now a freelance columnist writing on general trends in Singapore. This post first appeared on his blog, www.littlespeck.com (http://www.littlespeck.com/), on 9 April 2011.

12-04-11, 18:10

‘No casino? I’ll kill myself’

Her children tried to stop her from gambling, but she threatened to kill herself.

After a two-hour stand-off on the third day of last Chinese New Year, the children's 51-year-old mother got her way and went back to the casino.

When she returned 24 hours later, she had lost S$7,000.

It was then the children gave up trying to get their mother to quit gambling. She had already racked up debts of more than S$300,000.

Speaking to The New Paper from their four-room HDB flat in Simei, accountant Jayden Liu, 24, said, "Now, we can only pray that a miracle happens before we lose her or the roof over our heads."

He recounted that his mother cried, pleaded and lashed out at her children during that confrontation. She put a stool to the kitchen window and threatened to jump after Jayden's younger sister, Jessie, 16, angrily said that they were considering applying for a family exclusion order (http://sg.search.yahoo.com/search?p=family+exclusion+order&fr=fp-today&cs=bz) to the casinos.

Jayden said, "We weren't sure if she'd really do it, but we couldn't take the risk. We had lost our father (to cancer) six years ago, we didn't want to lose our mother."

Taking up a job at a convenience store last December, Jessie now works Saturdays in order to pay for her math tuition and ease her brother's burden.

She also refuses to take money from him. "He should be dating and not taking on another job after office hours and over the weekends."

Jayden now works part time in a karaoke chain, and more than half his S$3,900 take-home pay goes towards paying relatives from whom he borrowed money to clear his mother's debts.

When asked by the same paper about her children's struggle, the hawker mum said, "I really don't think it's any of their business what I do, even if the creditors come hounding. If they are so unhappy, they can always move out."

On her suicide threat, she added that it was only a threat, and she never really intended to jump.

Charles Lee, a senior counsellor at Tanjong Pagar Family Service Centre (http://sg.search.yahoo.com/search?p=Tanjong+Pagar+Family+Service+Centre&fr=fp-today&cs=bz), was not surprised.

"Normally, when a gambler is in a desperate situation, he will resort to emotional blackmail," he said.

Lee, who is in charge of the problem gambling counselling programme at Tanjong Pagar FSC, said that only trained and experienced counsellors can tell if a threat is real.

"While no one should take it lightly, most times, the threat could be just a threat," he said.

Lee, who has handled such cases before, advised the Liu siblings to seek professional help.

12-04-11, 18:17
This guy and his team is going to give PAP Dr Vivian B. a tough fight ...esp if he get good WP team members in...., stepping out of his Dad's shadow - a reputable ex RI principal. Kinda of strange why he never joined PAP...

because the pap is not a compassionate party :)

12-04-11, 19:03
So much daily coverage on election but until now still dunno when...waste time only. :sleep:

12-04-11, 20:09
It should be in May 2011. PAP is taking a big risk by retiring many old MPs and introducing several young un-proven ones. They didn't realise the ground is now quite unhappy with them and the opposition parties now have quite good quality candidates.

12-04-11, 20:38
It should be in May 2011. PAP is taking a big risk by retiring many old MPs and introducing several young un-proven ones. They didn't realise the ground is now quite unhappy with them and the opposition parties now have quite good quality candidates.

We shall see, but opposition does appear to have better chance this time round, especially WP.

12-04-11, 21:08
Err....if you read the article, he belongs to SDP, not WP.

These days, people who join PAP are either self-serving, for career advancement, for the money, for the connections etc.

Gone are the days like PAP Old Guard who join to improve Singapore and for public-mindedness.
Er....mistake, ya SDP

12-04-11, 22:17
By ignoring the pleads of security for job and care for old age for the past few years, PAP has essentially alienating a lot of people. Suddenly now several new PAP candidates are trying to portray themselves as coming from an unfortunate background.

12-04-11, 22:43
Links related to GE 2011






12-04-11, 22:47
By ignoring the pleads of security for job and care for old age for the past few years, PAP has essentially alienating a lot of people. Suddenly now several new PAP candidates are trying to portray themselves as coming from an unfortunate background.

Err.... I thought we have excellent First World education system but not enough talent for 2-party system ?

I thought we have 14.6 % record GDP growth with record civil service salary raise and bonuses at 2010 so why so many PAP candidates rushing to identify with the poor and why Lim Boon Heng say wages fell and stagnanted? Why need workfare at all ?

I realise many PAP statements and speeches do not add up at all.

12-04-11, 23:05
If there is already party dissent amongst their ranks how can they present a collective front to singaporeans much less say to align on
Things they say

One minister say this another one say that n it doesn't seem to be portraying e same msg

12-04-11, 23:08
But regardless how e pap performs now I still support n deeply admire e old guards ESP lky he really built up singapore from scratch n had e real passion to serve Singapore, not just pap

Cannot say ministers these days have e same passion or deserve our Same level of admiration

12-04-11, 23:22
But regardless how e pap performs now I still support n deeply admire e old guards ESP lky he really built up singapore from scratch n had e real passion to serve Singapore, not just pap

Cannot say ministers these days have e same passion or deserve our Same level of admiration

Yep, but remember it is the PAP New Guard we are voting for/against.

The PAP Old Guard are either dead or retired.

12-04-11, 23:29
Yep, but remember it is the PAP New Guard we are voting for/against.

The PAP Old Guard are either dead or retired.
Think last one standing is the almighty but I must say he is really good! Alot of good policies like education investment etc which we are now benefitting

Cannot say e same for ft policy though.. In e first place wat talent r these people?

13-04-11, 06:29
I'm not very sure if by asking the key appointment holders in critical civil services e.g. military and MAS, to quit simultaneously to fight for political posts is a good development. They may create a period of power and policies uncertainty within these ministries/ statutory boards at a time when the global security and economic situations are still highly unstable.

13-04-11, 07:47
If there is already party dissent amongst their ranks how can they present a collective front to singaporeans much less say to align on
Things they say

One minister say this another one say that n it doesn't seem to be portraying e same msg
Actually its ok to have disagreements within party if not it'll be biased and no checks and balances. What is more needful is for them to resolve all these differences and disagreements before they make public speeches. Cleaning up after that is when credibility crumbles. :D

13-04-11, 09:29
Actually its ok to have disagreements within party if not it'll be biased and no checks and balances. What is more needful is for them to resolve all these differences and disagreements before they make public speeches. Cleaning up after that is when credibility crumbles. :D

late president Ong also has disagreement with the govt but that does not pose a big crack in their system. still working as normal

13-04-11, 09:42
The role the prata man getting very insignificant.

13-04-11, 09:50
late president Ong also has disagreement with the govt but that does not pose a big crack in their system. still working as normal

sure, but look at what he got? not even a grand state funeral for Singapore's 1st ever elected president.

13-04-11, 09:57
All our good presidents all gone. Current one way expired by more than 20 years ago and quite a useless drain on our resources
sure, but look at what he got? not even a grand state funeral for Singapore's 1st ever elected president.

13-04-11, 10:23
sure, but look at what he got? not even a grand state funeral for Singapore's 1st ever elected president. This is a sad case. Mr Ong has served the nation over the many years and when he was President, am sure he would have discharged his duty in the best interest of the nation. One of the pioneers of our nation building. Anyway, don't want to open up another debate...

13-04-11, 11:05
does anyone have any summary of the discussion PM Lee had yesterday on TV?

13-04-11, 12:14
does anyone have any summary of the discussion PM Lee had yesterday on TV?

4 parts on youtube:





13-04-11, 12:41
"However what happens if you die with no surviving relations? Here is where the true horror comes in. According to interstate laws,


That is the hard and brutal truth. The money that is stolen from you every month, then stashed away where you cannot reach it, with the illusion that it is yours someday (and with the withdrawal age for Minimum Sum extended to 65, chances are you will never fully withdraw it before you die) goes to them when you die. "

Make a will with a provision for what to do with the estate if there are no surviving family.

costs $200
Only a dummy won't have one considering the mess you can leave behind. This is not a PAP issue, this law exists in many other states too that practice English common law.
This is a people being to dumb to be bothered about looking after their own interests issue.

I guess it's the same reason why people got upset with Khaw and his $8 heart bypass. Given 2 options which do you think most people will take?

1) Find out how he did it? What options are available under medishield and what riders are available?
2) Complain that it's not fair but dont bother with the details on how he managed it.

Sorry to say this as I cannot be considered a PAP supporter at all. But putting up this kind of easy to refute nonsense puts the opposition - through it's supporters - in a bad light.

13-04-11, 13:10
Kudos to this thread.
Sidetrack a bit, the simple fact that we dont have enough carpk, enough ready to live in flats, mrt that jammed with pple is all interlink. Nothing work in silo anymore. THERE IS A LAck OF inter ministry communications. And now, even the rectifations take their own sweet time...

13-04-11, 13:16
Feel like swearing, hdb launch 10 bto in may, 2 in tamp, pasir ris, sengkang, punggol, sembawang, etc, basically, all over spore.

Election likely is in may, and prob u know what at stake now....

13-04-11, 13:18
Sorry to say this as I cannot be considered a PAP supporter at all. But putting up this kind of easy to refute nonsense puts the opposition - through it's supporters - in a bad light.
There is not any party named "opposition". There are some credible political parties opposed to the ruling PAP, some parties that are less credible. Not all political parties are of the same standard, mind you.

The above statement illustrates your ignorance, be it feigned or intentional.

I hardly think Low Thia Khiang, Sylvia Lim, Chen Show Mao, Dr Vincent Wijeysingha, Tony Tan (SDP), Hazel Poa can be considered lightweight in terms of intellect and research. I don't think they have ever put up "easy-to-refute" nonsense. In fact, the PAP has been unable to refute the questions and arguments of the above.

Wake up! The various political parties opposed to the PAP are no longer only made up by rubbish that shout "Where's the money? Where's the money?"

13-04-11, 13:29
There is not any party named "opposition". There are some credible political parties opposed to the ruling PAP, some parties that are less credible. Not all political parties are of the same standard, mind you.

The above statement illustrates your ignorance, be it feigned or intentional.

right because when ever I pick up the newspaper or watch the news in the local context they are not all lumped together under one banner.

That's why on CNA forum PAP get 50% of the time and the OPPOSITION get 50% even though it's 3-4 different parties.

Your ignorance of political reality in Singapore is even worse - and I don't think it's feigned. But in the words of my 10 yr old - "whatever"

ps. notice you didn't refute any of my actual points on intestate law or medical coverage, just pulled a cheap stunt to sidetrack.

13-04-11, 13:37
and learn to read english

"Sorry to say this as I cannot be considered a PAP supporter at all. But putting up this kind of easy to refute nonsense puts the opposition - through it's supporters - in a bad light."

I didn't say it was the opposition members making these claims.
It's the over zealous supporters that do it like Wenqing.

And read the first line about my level of affiliation to the current ruling party instead of jumping down my throat. I was just making the point that the some of the "story" wenqing was putting out there was not credible to lay at the feet of the PAP - even though they are not my party of choice.

13-04-11, 13:47
does anyone have any summary of the discussion PM Lee had yesterday on TV?

If you did not watch the discussion, dun't worry, you didn't missed a thing.

After watching “PM, I’ve a question…” yesterday night, I think PM is trying to share what voting is. Explicitly, It narrow down to following two rules when we vote on election day…

Rule no. 1 : PAP love you. Vote PAP.
Rule no. 2: When you are in doubt whether PAP is worth voting for and you are confuse who should you vote, refer back to rule no. 1 for answer.


13-04-11, 14:45
There is not any party named "opposition". There are some credible political parties opposed to the ruling PAP, some parties that are less credible. Not all political parties are of the same standard, mind you.

The above statement illustrates your ignorance, be it feigned or intentional.

I hardly think Low Thia Khiang, Sylvia Lim, Chen Show Mao, Dr Vincent Wijeysingha, Tony Tan (SDP), Hazel Poa can be considered lightweight in terms of intellect and research. I don't think they have ever put up "easy-to-refute" nonsense. In fact, the PAP has been unable to refute the questions and arguments of the above.

Wake up! The various political parties opposed to the PAP are no longer only made up by rubbish that shout "Where's the money? Where's the money?"

well, i remember LTK locking horns against LHL in parliament over the infamous mas selamat escape to press for accountability. Where no rational answer can be given, there came forth the famous tagline.......

"It's an honest mistake, let's move on"

13-04-11, 15:23
well, i remember LTK locking horns against LHL in parliament over the infamous mas selamat escape to press for accountability. Where no rational answer can be given, there came forth the famous tagline.......

"It's an honest mistake, let's move on"

Classic. NEVER EVER say sorry even when mistake was made for such a straight forward matter.

If we bring forward this logic to national matters such as foreign talents, housing, transportation, raising living costs.... did they agree that they make mistakes?

Honestly, I would be very glad to say let move and continue to vote PAP on if PAP says:

"folks, we screwed some policies. We agreed more need to be done and this is my corrective actions for those mistakes made."

Are we seeing that now? NO! Instead they keep on saying they did it correctly! :doh:

13-04-11, 15:30
Classic. NEVER EVER say sorry even when mistake was made for such a straight forward matter.

If we bring forward this logic to national matters such as foreign talents, housing, transportation, raising living costs.... did they agree that they make mistakes?

Honestly, I would be very glad to say let move and continue to vote PAP on if PAP says:

"folks, we screwed some policies. We agreed more need to be done and this is my corrective actions for those mistakes made."

Are we seeing that now? NO! Instead they keep on saying they did it correctly! :doh:

if during tat time LHL said, "Guard, drag WKS to the execution field and CHOP!!!" then everyone will be impressed? :D

13-04-11, 15:36
if during tat time LHL said, "Guard, drag WKS to the execution field and CHOP!!!" then everyone will be impressed? :D

no need for the theatrics.

just behave like any private CEO or ministers in most developed nations would do when they screw up big time, apologize and resign.

if WKS took the bulk of the blame rather than making his poor subordinates commit hari-kiri, at least i could have retain some semblance of respect.

but hey, it's an honest mistake, let's move on.

13-04-11, 15:37
The number one rule in politics is never admit your policies are crap even if they are really crap. George bush's fight against weapons of mass destruction was a load of bull just to get saddam hussein executed, think the whole world knows that.
Classic. NEVER EVER say sorry even when mistake was made for such a straight forward matter.

If we bring forward this logic to national matters such as foreign talents, housing, transportation, raising living costs.... did they agree that they make mistakes?

Honestly, I would be very glad to say let move and continue to vote PAP on if PAP says:

"folks, we screwed some policies. We agreed more need to be done and this is my corrective actions for those mistakes made."

Are we seeing that now? NO! Instead they keep on saying they did it correctly! :doh:

13-04-11, 16:17
The number one rule in politics is never admit your policies are crap even if they are really crap. George bush's fight against weapons of mass destruction was a load of bull just to get saddam hussein executed, think the whole world knows that.

That my greatest fear!

My view on PAP:

知错能改,move on with my vote as I know something will be done to correct the mistakes made.

死不悔改,执迷不悟. Vote goes to OPP

13-04-11, 16:25
Hrmmm...what will happen to singapore if PAP loose close to 50% of the seats this time round....:rolleyes:

13-04-11, 16:56
Hrmmm...what will happen to singapore if PAP loose close to 50% of the seats this time round....:rolleyes:

life still goes on... they have all these civil service machines like GIC, police force, mindef, MOF etc all which serve singapore and not PAP... these organisations etc are all still around and running efficiently as claimed by PAP...

Do u expect singapore to come crashing down? will not happen. Prob when govt wants to have next pay increase for president/ ministers, more FT, GST increase to 10%, they will face more objections and have to present their case more coherently with facts and statistics to support

13-04-11, 16:58
If you did not watch the discussion, dun't worry, you didn't missed a thing.

After watching “PM, I’ve a question…” yesterday night, I think PM is trying to share what voting is. Explicitly, It narrow down to following two rules when we vote on election day…

Rule no. 1 : PAP love you. Vote PAP.
Rule no. 2: When you are in doubt whether PAP is worth voting for and you are confuse who should you vote, refer back to rule no. 1 for answer.


then heng i never waste my time

13-04-11, 17:00
Hrmmm...what will happen to singapore if PAP loose close to 50% of the seats this time round....:rolleyes:
for 2006 GE, they only had 66.6% of overall votes... but yet out of 82 seats, only 3 is OPP... if you do the maths... shouldnt opp hold 54 seats instead of 3 seats ( and 1 is even NMP)

That's the gerrymandering oops beauty of GRC and dat's where people like Tin will piggyback into parliament

13-04-11, 18:31
I hope opposition get 30 of seats in parliamnt . I wish to see the constituency where tin peiling and foo mee har are contesting go to the opposition

13-04-11, 18:39
then heng i never waste my time

Yes, you are heng cos you dun't waste time on it.
However, you have to endure the very "unheng" at least for the next five years becos opp not ready to form garment yet.

13-04-11, 18:44
We should give more opposition members a chance to stand in parliament and to prove themselves, if they are really not up to the job, which I don't think will be the case, they can be voted out next election. No point having pap to check on themselves coz they do not represent everyone

14-04-11, 00:54

WP clips/ snippets / news

GO Sylvia!!! Well done! ... Sylvia Lim's speech raises questions about ministerial pay hikes 2007







14-04-11, 01:01
WP's Chen Show Mao ( 陈硕茂) make his first TV appearance for GE - 10Apr2011

WP's Chen Show Mao 工人党陈硕茂首次亮相 - 11Apr2011



Pls note that Mediacorp cut away his interview! The 2nd paragraph was not shown on TV! It makes more sense when you read the whole speech~!

"Mr Chen said: "The team that we are sending to the World Cup is the national team. It is the team that wears red and white, it is not the team that wears white and white. The government certainly has a big part to play on Team Singapore, but they are not all of Singapore.

"We feel that to have the best kind of policy, it is no good to put all of our talent, however limited they may be, into one team and have the rest just watch them warm up, because this team is not going to be able to play matches and improve."

Mr Chen said a team only improves and sharpens its skills if it plays against strong opposing teams."

♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫

SINGAPORE : He has been called the Workers' Party's 'secret weapon', but corporate lawyer Chen Show Mao said the true weapon would be the votes of Singaporeans during Polling Day.

He wants to help build a strong opposition to provide checks and balances on the government.

Mr Chen made a public appearance at a walkabout in the single ward of Joo Chiat on Sunday.

Moving from coffeeshops to cafes, the Workers' Party eagerly showed off its much-talked about candidate - Chen Show Mao - to residents in the suburban neighbourhood of Siglap.

Even though he has lived abroad for some 30 years, Mr Chen had little trouble connecting with the residents.

Based in China, the Taiwan-born lawyer plans to relocate to Singapore.

The 50-year-old took up citizenship in 1986 and has degrees from Harvard, Oxford and Stanford Universities.

Mr Chen said he disagreed with Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong's comments that Singapore should pool its best political talents into one team.

Mr Lee had likened this to how countries only fielded their best team to compete in the World Cup.

Mr Chen said: "The team that we are sending to the World Cup is the national team. It is the team that wears red and white, it is not the team that wears white and white. The government certainly has a big part to play on Team Singapore, but they are not all of Singapore.

"We feel that to have the best kind of policy, it is no good to put all of our talent, however limited they may be, into one team and have the rest just watch them warm up, because this team is not going to be able to play matches and improve."

Mr Chen said a team only improves and sharpens its skills if it plays against strong opposing teams.

When asked if the Workers' Party planned to unveil another 'secret weapon', Mr Chen said this is in the hands of Singaporeans.

He said: "The votes of Singaporeans will become the Workers' Party secret weapon...our greatest secret weapon."

The Workers' Party's secretary-general, Low Thia Khiang, also took issue with the role of the People's Association, saying he will disband it if the Workers' Party comes to power.

Mr Low said the ruling People's Action Party (PAP) uses the PA to do its outreach work to residents.

He said: "We will first of all remove the PA, because the PA is basically part of the PAP's grassroots mechanism. We would want to see a more level-playing field in political competition and I am sure as a party, you have to reach out to the ground rather than depend on a mechanism which is funded by the government in the name of grassroots."

The Workers' Party has been busy working the ground and meeting residents from constituencies like Nee Soon, Moulmein-Kallang, Hougang and now Joo Chiat. This is a strong indication that they plan to field over 20 candidates to contest these areas in the coming General Election.

14-04-11, 01:03

MP Lim Hwee Hua stopped by heckler

By Leow Si Wan

Serangoon Garden Member of Parliament Lim Hwee Hua was at the launch of a pledge by hawkers at Chomp Chomp food centre not to raise prices, when she was stopped by heckler. -- ST PHOTO: STEPHANIE YEOW

SERANGOON Garden Member of Parliament Lim Hwee Hua was at the launch of a pledge by hawkers at Chomp Chomp food centre not to raise prices, when she was stopped by heckler.

The man, who only wanted to be known as Mr Hum, accused her of making her rounds only during election time.

She later told reporters that she makes visits to residents in the area, covering about 150 HDB units or 100 private households once every two to three weeks.

Mrs Lim had been at the food centre on Wednesday night, presenting labels to the 33 food stalls who have agreed to maintain food prices for six months.

This is the third cluster of food stalls in the Serangoon area to make the pledge.

14-04-11, 01:07
Hrmmm...what will happen to singapore if PAP loose close to 50% of the seats this time round....:rolleyes:

Nothing will happen and nothing changes. Same 5 years again.

PAP remains in power.

This is because GRC system makes sure percentage votes does not proportionately equal proportional seats.

GE 2006, Opposition got 30 odd percent votes but only got 2 seats.

Second, if PAP got 50% seats, it will be the government as no single opposition party can get 50% seats alone as no single opposition party is contesting all seats.

14-04-11, 01:12
4 parts on youtube:





Alot of comments on internet mentioned most of PM Lee's replies in the forum are irrelevant and does not match reality. It is like he is living in a different world.

He talks in flowery language and give walk in the garden replies which nobody can relate to.

One example will be HDB Upgrading.

He said if both PAP and Opposition estates are equally old then PAP will go first but we have younger estates than Hougang and Potong Pasir like Pasir Ris, Tampines, Yishun etc already upgraded.

How to believe him ?

14-04-11, 07:59
Nothing will happen and nothing changes. Same 5 years again.

PAP remains in power.

This is because GRC system makes sure percentage votes does not proportionately equal proportional seats.

GE 2006, Opposition got 30 odd percent votes but only got 2 seats.

Second, if PAP got 50% seats, it will be the government as no single opposition party can get 50% seats alone as no single opposition party is contesting all seats.
Well the same works for PAP too. They can also get 40% vote but probably only retain less than 10 seats.. Since its not proportional, it's highly interesting. Opp can win all GRC with 51% vote and take control of entire parliament... :scared-4:

14-04-11, 10:21
Well the same works for PAP too. They can also get 40% vote but probably only retain less than 10 seats.. Since its not proportional, it's highly interesting. Opp can win all GRC with 51% vote and take control of entire parliament... :scared-4:

Then we will see changes never experienced before. It is an empty cup.

Nobody knows changes can be positive or negative.

The only change confirm is mass media will become more liberal.

14-04-11, 10:55

WP clips/ snippets / news

GO Sylvia!!! Well done! ... Sylvia Lim's speech raises questions about ministerial pay hikes 2007







is this all you got? :doh: now is 2011 and still posting the old "glory"

14-04-11, 11:47
is this all you got? :doh: now is 2011 and still posting the old "glory"

That is because GE 2011 had not started yet.

You can wait for the official announcements, Nomination Day, Polling Day, Campaign period etc

There is nothing wrong with posting GE 2006 stuff now.

It is for refreshing some memories.

Singaporeans forget easily.

14-04-11, 13:04
Those old speeches are evergreen. Some singaporeans have to be constantly reminded as they have short term memory. We must always look to history to improve the future

14-04-11, 13:29
Mr Brown Bar Chor Mee Part 2.This podcast was produced by Mr Brown in 2007 in respond to Garment decision to increast GST to 7%.

Listen carefully how garment answered when singaporeans feedback back on GST hiking... Eventhough this podcast was produced in 2007, the contend is very relevant to today situation.

Enjoy : h (http://www.mrbrownshow.com/?p=845)ttp://www.mrbrownshow.com/?p=845 (http://www.mrbrownshow.com/?p=845) (not the original one but part two.)

Vote wisely.

14-04-11, 23:20
Final 3 candidates unveiled by PAP, bringing total to 24 new faces, but only 18 old guards stepping down. Current MPs is 84, but after coming GE, think total is 87, so if no more old guards stepped down, then there is 3 spare new faces?

15-04-11, 08:05
Final 3 candidates unveiled by PAP, bringing total to 24 new faces, but only 18 old guards stepping down. Current MPs is 84, but after coming GE, think total is 87, so if no more old guards stepped down, then there is 3 spare new faces?

can we please do away with the latest ex-army general?
"we spend what we need to spend on".......
eh, do that in the private sector and see if you can keep the stars on your shoulders for 20 years.

15-04-11, 08:53
can we please do away with the latest ex-army general?
"we spend what we need to spend on".......
eh, do that in the private sector and see if you can keep the stars on your shoulders for 20 years.Personally, these generals are top scholars, many are distinguished overseas and some even President scholars, but if PAP want them to line up in GE, they should pulled these Generals out earlier, put them in Statutory boards, civil service for 2-3years, let them convert to private sector working life before elections. How ready are they, swapping army uniforms and straight into politics in only a few months? No doubt these are brainy people, talent, but to pull rank and command a peacetime army is much easier than to rally the votes of the people on the ground. These Generals have to come down to the ground and start begging for votes, very different from Army style: "do this, it's a command, don't do, charge u".

15-04-11, 09:03
check out mah bow tan's retort, if WP's housing policies were enacted, it would 'take years to filter through', likens that to telling the public that a tsunami is coming in a few hours but it still hits.

then my question to dear MBT, it took you and your whole bunch of stooges in HDB a few years BEFORE realizing that your, lack of, HDB supply is driving public housing prices up.

between a party that is pro-active and another that sits on issues till getting hemorrhoids, i choose the former

15-04-11, 09:14
MBT make sense when he qn how WP gona fund the extra housing subsidy

cut on spending in other areas or dip into reserves?

it applies to any other proposals....such as abolish GST for basic needs ....i tink $$ goto come from smwhr smhow

15-04-11, 09:53
MBT make sense when he qn how WP gona fund the extra housing subsidy

cut on spending in other areas or dip into reserves?

it applies to any other proposals....such as abolish GST for basic needs ....i tink $$ goto come from smwhr smhow

definitely, but WP is advocating more than merely having subsidies. however, we have to regress a little to look at what constitutes and defines a subsidy.

how did the subsidy come about? is it because HDB chooses to use a market-pricing strategy instead of a cost-plus strategy?

if indeed the market-pricing strategy is the main factor pushing up hdb prices, then there must be some sort of instrument to measure it's affordability. i'm not convinced with HDB's current methods of gauging affordability and MBT's argument that this strategy serves to enhance assets. i'm not convinced that tiny new 4R flats in far-flung places in punggol are going at more than $300k now when 6-7 years ago, a unit was selling below $200k.

as to where the $ comes from, i don't think Singapore will go from having surpluses to deficit. in the 2008/9 crisis, check out the amount of surplus that Singapore had. i reckon it's only a matter of not having that big a surplus, rather than incurring a deficit.

15-04-11, 09:57
definitely, but WP is advocating more than merely having subsidies. however, we have to regress a little to look at what constitutes and defines a subsidy.

how did the subsidy come about? is it because HDB chooses to use a market-pricing strategy instead of a cost-plus strategy?

if indeed the market-pricing strategy is the main factor pushing up hdb prices, then there must be some sort of instrument to measure it's affordability. i'm not convinced with HDB's current methods of gauging affordability and MBT's argument that this strategy serves to enhance assets. i'm not convinced that tiny new 4R flats in far-flung places in punggol are going at more than $300k now when 6-7 years ago, a unit was selling below $200k.

as to where the $ comes from, i don't think Singapore will go from having surpluses to deficit. in the 2008/9 crisis, check out the amount of surplus that Singapore had. i reckon it's only a matter of not having that big a surplus, rather than incurring a deficit.

might as well say hw come last time 4rm flat started below 10k:hell-hath-no-fury:

15-04-11, 09:59
yeah blame the govt!! so high inflation!! salary nvr keep up with inflation!!!:hell-hath-no-fury:

15-04-11, 10:12
might as well say hw come last time 4rm flat started below 10k:hell-hath-no-fury:

when police wear shorts and a plate of beehoon is 5cts??!!

you do the math, a 80-120% in public housing prices over 6-7 years = an average of 12% per annum.

the last i recollect, my pay didn't jump by 12% per year

15-04-11, 10:16
when police wear shorts and a plate of beehoon is 5cts??!!

you do the math, a 80-120% in public housing prices over 6-7 years = an average of 12% per annum.

the last i recollect, my pay didn't jump by 12% per year

definitely! salary nvr keep up wif inflation!!!

15-04-11, 10:19
common scene: last nite, saw a 70+ oldman pushing a cart filled wif cans/cardboards etc....pushing vy slowly....and his legs look vy weak.....pitiful sight...i only help him wif a small token....:ashamed1:

wonder r they entitled to any public assistance?:(

15-04-11, 10:23
common scene: last nite, saw a 70+ oldman pushing a cart filled wif cans/cardboards etc....pushing vy slowly....and his legs look vy weak.....pitiful sight...i only help him wif a small token....:ashamed1:

wonder r they entitled to any public assistance?:(

sad.....the topic was already touched on in the another thread.

- lily neo vs v.balakrishnan on public assistance. the poor & needy only get $290/mth from the government.

15-04-11, 10:32
sad.....the topic was already touched on in the another thread.

- lily neo vs v.balakrishnan on public assistance. the poor & needy only get $290/mth from the government.

$290/mth enuff ONLY if they receive free medical/food:doh:

now getting more upset wif minister's pay:simmering:

15-04-11, 10:34
$290/mth enuff ONLY if they receive free medical/food:doh:

now getting more upset wif minister's pay:simmering:

to burst your hopes, $290/mth covers rental and basic subsistence and transport.

medical costs now very cheap mah, as purported by our health minister - heart bypass + hospitalization stay = $8/- nia, inclusive of GST :)

15-04-11, 10:58
S$290 not enough for 1 month food + lodging + utilites?
How much is rental flat + utilites for 1 month?

15-04-11, 11:03
S$290 not enough for 1 month food + lodging + utilites?
How much is rental flat + utilites for 1 month?

go check out lily neo's survey that came up to a minimum figure of $400. no need to re-invent the wheel.

15-04-11, 11:10
go check out lily neo's survey that came up to a minimum figure of $400. no need to re-invent the wheel.

and where is the link to that?

15-04-11, 11:23
and where is the link to that?

easily comb the internet for a thread and it was covered in another thread in this section.

to make matters easy, http://www.sgpolitics.net/?p=540

15-04-11, 11:33
Thanks. Anyway, this is from:

The recipients of Public Assistance, who have to go through strict qualifying criterias, have seen the allowance increase by S$30 to S$40 per month, the last several years.
In 2007, the amount was S$260.
In 2008, it was increased to S$290.
In 2009, it went up to S$330
In 2010, it was S$360.
In 2011, it is now S$400 – the amount which Dr Neo first asked for in 2008.
It has taken 3 years for the Government to raise Public Assistance – by a mere S$140 a month – to what Dr Neo felt the poor required.

wow, from $260 to $400 in 5 years, 53% increase or about 10% pa. surely that beats inflation right?

the reason I ask how much is the rental + utilities charges in 2011, want to find out how much is left for food.
If own cook, cannot get by with the amount left?

15-04-11, 11:36
yeah blame the govt!! so high inflation!! salary nvr keep up with inflation!!!:hell-hath-no-fury:
high living cost = govt fault
high inflation = govt fault
high property prise = govt fault
high coe = govt fault
high employment rate = govt fault
high growth in 2010 = govt fault
high share growth dividend = govt faut

everything is govt fault..... Opp is no fault of the above. they are clean so must vote them in....haha :doh:

15-04-11, 11:46
Only MPs' salaries move in tandem and even pre emptively
definitely! salary nvr keep up wif inflation!!!

15-04-11, 11:46
common scene: last nite, saw a 70+ oldman pushing a cart filled wif cans/cardboards etc....pushing vy slowly....and his legs look vy weak.....pitiful sight...i only help him wif a small token....:ashamed1:

wonder r they entitled to any public assistance?:(

feel for the old man too.....but.... on contrast...

i seen a old woman (70 over years old) working as cleaner in hawker
i seen a middle age man (physically fit) selling tissue
i seen man (above 50 years old) consider physically fit but didnt work for > 10 years and live on public assistance

what does it say.......is actually whether a person want to do or don want to do. i do not think a man cannot find a proper job if he want to if an old woman can work as cleaner at her age. sometime a person really must help themselve....

15-04-11, 11:49
common scene: last nite, saw a 70+ oldman pushing a cart filled wif cans/cardboards etc....pushing vy slowly....and his legs look vy weak.....pitiful sight...i only help him wif a small token....:ashamed1:

wonder r they entitled to any public assistance?:(Bro, am sure many of us would have been to airport, u see almost all personnel pushing the luggage trolley are all senior citizens, most of them is more than 65 years old, many of them i notice may be in the 70s. I travelled at least once 1 mth, sometimes, these old Ah pek pushing 20-30 luggage trolleys at 1 time back to the belt..., many using all their might and many a times these trolleys snake around..., really hard labour. Sometimes, air passengers while waiting for luggage at the belt even help them and guide the stack in place..1st Class Airport but Citizens need to work till they dropped death.

Yes, am sure few may do it because they want to work, but i am sure many have no choice but to work and they are probably the lucky ones who can find work, and i know they also must work shift. Public Assistance surely not enough, that's why they have to work...hard labour. Wonder if they work, will they still get Public Assistance? :(

15-04-11, 11:56
Who the hell likes to do work like the ones you stated past 60 even if they are able to do so? Singaporeans should live through their old age in dignity and not be forced by circumstances to make money from garbage or clean hawker centre tables. I strongly believe that it is the govt's responsibility to care for the old at whatever cost
feel for the old man too.....but.... on contrast...

i seen a old woman (70 over years old) working as cleaner in hawker
i seen a middle age man (physically fit) selling tissue
i seen man (above 50 years old) consider physically fit but didnt work for > 10 years and live on public assistance

what does it say.......is actually whether a person want to do or don want to do. i do not think a man cannot find a proper job if he want to if an old woman can work as cleaner at her age. sometime a person really must help themselve....

15-04-11, 12:02
i do not think a man cannot find a proper job if he want to if an old woman can work as cleaner at her age. sometime a person really must help themselve....

This is a very strong statement. Try to get this statement into the PAP manifesto and let our PM announced it this weekend, u see how many votes he will lose.... :doh:

15-04-11, 12:05
Budget 2011: Incomes to be raised by 30% over 10 years
By May Wong | Posted: 18 February 2011 1610 hrs

SINGAPORE: Finance Minister Tharman Shanmugaratnam has laid out several factors to achieve an inclusive budget to strengthen Singapore's economy and society.

One of them is to increase incomes for all Singaporeans by upgrading businesses and improving the economy.

Singapore plans to raise incomes by 30 per cent in real terms over this decade.

Mr Tharman said the nation has been fortunate to avoid a sustained decline in real incomes.

In fact, the real incomes at the 20th percentile of workers have grown in Singapore over the last decade.

For Singaporean households at the 20th percentile of incomes, real incomes increased by about eight per cent over the decade.

Mr Tharman cited stronger income growth for median Singaporean households as well, as their real incomes grew by 21 per cent over the decade.

Most of the growth was seen in the second half of the decade.

Riding on this growth, Mr Tharman said the budget measures this year will also encourage companies to invest in workers' skills and productivity, help Singaporeans upgrade and assist corporations to expand overseas.

The government plans to give more support to the lower- and middle-income citizens.

This will be through enhanced grants and providing top quality long-term care for the elderly.

This year, Mr Tharman said the government will share surpluses with Singaporeans.

As inflation is a major concern in 2011, the minister said the government will help the citizens cope with greater subsidies in areas like health and education.

A group will also be set up to keep a closer watch on any excessive price increases or anti-competitive practices.

Minister of State for Trade and Industry Lee Yi Shyan will head this group.

Mr Tharman said Singapore's growth strategies are working.

He added that it's this growth that has given the government the resources to invest for Singaporeans' future.


To achieve 30%, we would have to accumulate more than 3% salary increment p.a so as to meet the real income growth. Do you think we are getting there now given the current inflation rate?

With 3% increase in real income, do you think our next generation can afford a roof with the current growth rate in housing?

We may have higher GDP (S$60,000) than Swiss. Question: How many Singaporeans can earn that much?

Think carefully, vote wisely. Our next generation need us today to decide their future!

15-04-11, 12:13
Public sector jobs will benefit most from the pay as it is very easy to dig money from reserves, but what about private sector jobs which are really beyond the control of the government? If employers in the private sector don't raise pay, employees also LL in the end.
Budget 2011: Incomes to be raised by 30% over 10 years
By May Wong | Posted: 18 February 2011 1610 hrs

SINGAPORE: Finance Minister Tharman Shanmugaratnam has laid out several factors to achieve an inclusive budget to strengthen Singapore's economy and society.

One of them is to increase incomes for all Singaporeans by upgrading businesses and improving the economy.

Singapore plans to raise incomes by 30 per cent in real terms over this decade.

Mr Tharman said the nation has been fortunate to avoid a sustained decline in real incomes.

In fact, the real incomes at the 20th percentile of workers have grown in Singapore over the last decade.

For Singaporean households at the 20th percentile of incomes, real incomes increased by about eight per cent over the decade.

Mr Tharman cited stronger income growth for median Singaporean households as well, as their real incomes grew by 21 per cent over the decade.

Most of the growth was seen in the second half of the decade.

Riding on this growth, Mr Tharman said the budget measures this year will also encourage companies to invest in workers' skills and productivity, help Singaporeans upgrade and assist corporations to expand overseas.

The government plans to give more support to the lower- and middle-income citizens.

This will be through enhanced grants and providing top quality long-term care for the elderly.

This year, Mr Tharman said the government will share surpluses with Singaporeans.

As inflation is a major concern in 2011, the minister said the government will help the citizens cope with greater subsidies in areas like health and education.

A group will also be set up to keep a closer watch on any excessive price increases or anti-competitive practices.

Minister of State for Trade and Industry Lee Yi Shyan will head this group.

Mr Tharman said Singapore's growth strategies are working.

He added that it's this growth that has given the government the resources to invest for Singaporeans' future.


To achieve 30%, we would have to accumulate more than 3% salary increment p.a so as to meet the real income growth. Do you think we are getting there now given the current inflation rate?

With 3% increase in real income, do you think our next generation can afford a roof with the current growth rate in housing?

We may have higher GDP (S$60,000) than Swiss. Question: How many Singaporeans can earn that much?

Think carefully, vote wisely. Our next generation need us today to decide their future!

15-04-11, 12:17
MAS is aware of the income inequality. BUT, garment yet to do something about it..

Read this for more information..


15-04-11, 12:20
Public sector jobs will benefit most from the pay as it is very easy to dig money from reserves, but what about private sector jobs which are really beyond the control of the government? If employers in the private sector don't raise pay, employees also LL in the end.Ya, if Gov continue to open doors wide and freely, then how can private sectors pay go up, 3rd world citizens willing to do our job at a fraction..., how can layman control this. 3rd world citizen may have their so called "degree" but in actual fact, many of their work quality is worst off than our poly grads..., we need greater screening and control in letting companies here hire so call "foreign talent". F&B flooded with u know who, cleaners in food court also flood with another nationalities, the list goes on....i hope our government not too late when they realise that they need to upgrade our citizens on work skills and productivity..., they have been sleeping for the last 10-15 years on this ....and taken the easy way out: open door policy, competitive work force....we have no almost no protection at all..:doh:

15-04-11, 12:23
Think carefully, vote wisely. Our next generation need us today to decide their future!

Yup. Do you want to be the 20% that have 80% of the wealth or the 80% that have 20% of the wealth.
Vote wisely. Invest wisely.
Your children lifestyles depends on you.

15-04-11, 12:35
And govt also never work towards adequately compensating guys for the lost time spent in the army. A foreign male that does not need to serve the army already gains a two year unfair advantage in the working world compared to the guys. Moreover, foreigners can do the job for a fraction of what local is asking for and they are also younger, so how are singaporean males going to compete on a level playing field?

Ya, if Gov continue to open doors wide and freely, then how can private sectors pay go up, 3rd world citizens willing to do our job at a fraction..., how can layman control this. 3rd world citizen may have their so called "degree" but in actual fact, many of their work quality is worst off than our poly grads..., we need greater screening and control in letting companies here hire so call "foreign talent". F&B flooded with u know who, cleaners in food court also flood with another nationalities, the list goes on....i hope our government not too late when they realise that they need to upgrade our citizens on work skills and productivity..., they have been sleeping for the last 10-15 years on this ....and taken the easy way out: open door policy, competitive work force....we have no almost no protection at all..:doh:

15-04-11, 13:10
And govt also never work towards adequately compensating guys for the lost time spent in the army. A foreign male that does not need to serve the army already gains a two year unfair advantage in the working world compared to the guys. Moreover, foreigners can do the job for a fraction of what local is asking for and they are also younger, so how are singaporean males going to compete on a level playing field?

I know a good buddy of mine, he still serving reservist even though he is 40s, because he has outstation overseas for a few years, now doing regional job, so never complete his 10year NSMEN cycle yet, he tell me his boss always ask him if he is working for government whenever he need to go reservist..., he complain He always lose out whenever he go for reservist becos he cannot focus and sales suffer during those 2-3 weeks. Army only pay his basic pay. He is only one in his team that is local, rest are foreign talent.

15-04-11, 13:17
We can complain, moan and bitch till the cows come home but nothing can be done if we do not make our votes count.

Vote WISELY this time round and tell your parents, family etc that if they do not want to be >65 year old and picking cardboards on the street or see GST increase to 10%, make their votes count.

To quote, our votes are Singapore's secret weapon

15-04-11, 13:37
Thanks. Anyway, this is from:

The recipients of Public Assistance, who have to go through strict qualifying criterias, have seen the allowance increase by S$30 to S$40 per month, the last several years.
In 2007, the amount was S$260.
In 2008, it was increased to S$290.
In 2009, it went up to S$330
In 2010, it was S$360.
In 2011, it is now S$400 – the amount which Dr Neo first asked for in 2008.
It has taken 3 years for the Government to raise Public Assistance – by a mere S$140 a month – to what Dr Neo felt the poor required.

wow, from $260 to $400 in 5 years, 53% increase or about 10% pa. surely that beats inflation right?

the reason I ask how much is the rental + utilities charges in 2011, want to find out how much is left for food.
If own cook, cannot get by with the amount left?

think you would have to interview one of the them who lives in such a condition. is the amount sufficient? throw in medical fees and transport and perhaps, that will tip the balance a little.

since i don't have 1st hand experience myself or know of anyone in that position, i can't comment on the adequancies of the quantum given. however, one thing i do know, increase by a miniscule 'peanut' amount - debate till jia-lat jia-lat. president's recent pay increase, waltz through without hearing a pin drop.

15-04-11, 13:42
We can complain, moan and bitch till the cows come home but nothing can be done if we do not make our votes count.

Vote WISELY this time round and tell your parents, family etc that if they do not want to be >65 year old and picking cardboards on the street or see GST increase to 10%, make their votes count.

To quote, our votes are Singapore's secret weapon

Are we blaming government for lack of investment savvy now?
Expect government to take care of us when > 65 year old?

Invest wisely. Spend wisely.
Less trips to Geylang would do wonders for pocket. (sorry Geylang OKT...).
And I know Singaporeans love their food. What is your food expenses as % to income?

What Singaporean government needs now is an image consultant. I do agree that they are arrogant, it is their arrogancy that puts people off.
After elections, I would not be surprised if instructions from above : MPs to attend funerals 2x a week. Walkabout 2x a week. Make it a part of MPs job scope. Be more visible to the people. That would wonders for PAP's popularity.

15-04-11, 13:47
Are we blaming government for lack of investment savvy now?
Expect government to take care of us when > 65 year old?

Invest wisely. Spend wisely.
Less trips to Geylang would do wonders for pocket. (sorry Geylang OKT...).
And I know Singaporeans love their food. What is your food expenses as % to income?

What Singaporean government needs now is an image consultant. I do agree that they are arrogant, it is their arrogancy that puts people off.
After elections, I would not be surprised if instructions from above : MPs to attend funerals 2x a week. Walkabout 2x a week. Make it a part of MPs job scope. Be more visible to the people. That would wonders for PAP's popularity.Image consultant say need to attached 1 photographer to each MP. Every time he do something good, take picture put in newspapers and also Resident newsletter...

15-04-11, 13:54
think you would have to interview one of the them who lives in such a condition. is the amount sufficient? throw in medical fees and transport and perhaps, that will tip the balance a little.

since i don't have 1st hand experience myself or know of anyone in that position, i can't comment on the adequancies of the quantum given. however, one thing i do know, increase by a miniscule 'peanut' amount - debate till jia-lat jia-lat. president's recent pay increase, waltz through without hearing a pin drop.

How much pocket money do we give to our kids? Kids also don't have to pay utilities and rental. Can that be used as comparison?
Anyway, what need do they have for transport? No money still want to go "sightseeing."? Isnt HDB rental flats near to markets?
A 5kg pack of rice only $10. A person consumption 20kg per month? that's like $40 gone. Still have sufficient left for soya sauce and vegetables.
I cannot say about medical fees because so far visit private GPs and specialists only.

Of course, need to debate, it is a 10% increase!

15-04-11, 14:00
Image consultant say need to attached 1 photographer to each MP. Every time he do something good, take picture put in newspapers and also Resident newsletter...

That too. Increased MP salary $25k. Instruction from above. ur pay still remain $15k per month. The extra $10k is for you to help the poor.
So newspaper can write that PAP MPs use their own salary to help the poor, for housing, food, medicine, funeral expenses.

If opposition MPs don't use and keep the entire sum, it is their own business.

15-04-11, 14:16
when police wear shorts and a plate of beehoon is 5cts??!!

you do the math, a 80-120% in public housing prices over 6-7 years = an average of 12% per annum.

the last i recollect, my pay didn't jump by 12% per year

sorry to hear that.... but not everybody didnt....

15-04-11, 14:19
How much pocket money do we give to our kids? Kids also don't have to pay utilities and rental. Can that be used as comparison?
Anyway, what need do they have for transport? No money still want to go "sightseeing."? Isnt HDB rental flats near to markets?
A 5kg pack of rice only $10. A person consumption 20kg per month? that's like $40 gone. Still have sufficient left for soya sauce and vegetables.
I cannot say about medical fees because so far visit private GPs and specialists only.

Of course, need to debate, it is a 10% increase!

eh, my president's pay increase of 23% no debate leh....

15-04-11, 14:23
sorry to hear that.... but not everybody didnt....

let's generalize things a little. Since HDB is meant for 80% of the population, did the median salary of this population increase by 12% per annum?

go check out the real (adjusted with inflation) median wage increase lately

15-04-11, 14:28
We can complain, moan and bitch till the cows come home but nothing can be done if we do not make our votes count.

Vote WISELY this time round and tell your parents, family etc that if they do not want to be >65 year old and picking cardboards on the street or see GST increase to 10%, make their votes count.

To quote, our votes are Singapore's secret weapon

vote for who no need pick card board n no 10% GST?

after i vote, i go casino lose all my $$$ old liao got guarantee support scheme? pls advice

15-04-11, 14:30
Public sector jobs will benefit most from the pay as it is very easy to dig money from reserves, but what about private sector jobs which are really beyond the control of the government? If employers in the private sector don't raise pay, employees also LL in the end.

then join public job lah. its quiet a no brainier right? y join private then compain no pay increment? pple have a choice ma....

15-04-11, 14:30
Of course, need to debate, it is a 10% increase!

10% increase - $30 per month per year
23% increase in President salary - $1million dollars per year :scared-1:

Even if you multiply by $30 * 12 * 3000 recipients per year = also about $1million dollars

But that benefits 3000 people and not 1 person... so why president salary no need to debate?

15-04-11, 14:31
vote for who no need pick card board n no 10% GST?

after i vote, i go casino lose all my $$$ old liao got guarantee support scheme? pls advice

probably not, but lim boon heng will cry for you :)

15-04-11, 14:32
let's generalize things a little. Since HDB is meant for 80% of the population, did the median salary of this population increase by 12% per annum?

go check out the real (adjusted with inflation) median wage increase lately

take average risk will have average returns. Take 0 risk naturally lousy returns.

15-04-11, 14:34
probably not, but lim boon heng will cry for you :)

he is a good man with heart.

15-04-11, 14:35
take average risk will have average returns. Take 0 risk naturally lousy returns.

huh?? your statement doesn't make sense in the context of discussion

15-04-11, 14:39
vote for who no need pick card board n no 10% GST?

after i vote, i go casino lose all my $$$ old liao got guarantee support scheme? pls advice

For the picking cardboards part, yes, you are right, alot will depend on yourself and how you live your life....

but let's say you have not been living a thrifty life when young and old, no choice, have to look for a job. You are willing to be a cleaner, clean dishes , coffeeboy but you realise no one wants you cause you are old and they can engage a FT half your age and 30% cheaper than you. Even if you want to take the same salary as the FT, bosses also don't want you cause you are old.

So who's to blame for this influx of FT that causes you to end up picking cardboards for a living? And the pathetic $260 public assistance is not enough to support you.

And its clear in the OPP that they do not support GST, which govt says is not a poor man's tax but don't they realise that the poor takes the hit worst when everything starts increasing once GST increases, even basic neccessities like sugar, rice.....

And how many % of this GST goes toward funding ministers and President's salary increase?

15-04-11, 14:42
For the picking cardboards part, yes, you are right, alot will depend on yourself and how you live your life....

but let's say you have not been living a thrifty life when young and old, no choice, have to look for a job. You are willing to be a cleaner, clean dishes , coffeeboy but you realise no one wants you cause you are old and they can engage a FT half your age and 30% cheaper than you. Even if you want to take the same salary as the FT, bosses also don't want you cause you are old.

So who's to blame for this influx of FT that causes you to end up picking cardboards for a living? And the pathetic $260 public assistance is not enough to support you .....

The garang guni man now also have foreign talent, china PRC also competing with out local to buy my newspapers..., normally I dun sell to them becos they give me shitty price...

15-04-11, 14:47
10% increase - $30 per month per year
23% increase in President salary - $1million dollars per year :scared-1:

Even if you multiply by $30 * 12 * 3000 recipients per year = also about $1million dollars

But that benefits 3000 people and not 1 person... so why president salary no need to debate?
You are right. President salary also need to debate. This further prove that PAP seriously need an image consultant, like me for example :ashamed1: Any price increase they should debate vigourously in parliament, some pro and some against. At the end of the day, they should not use party whip. Instead they should divide PAP into 3 factions. Lets say for issue X, faction A & B vote for price increase, faction C reject. Next issue Y, faction A & C vote for price increase, faction B reject. So every PAP MPs have a track record of rejecting prices increase, can say that they can vote according to their "conscience." :D. Isn't that a marvellous show for public consumption. :spliff:. No need for extra opposition MPs already to counterbalance.

Sometimes, need for a minister to propose something expensive, where all MPs can reject. Need to show that not everything is approved by Parliament and that Parliament is not a rubber stamp.

15-04-11, 14:48
all discussion still voice down to only 2 things:
1) high govt salary
2) the poor

governing a country need more than this 2 issue. why no discussion on
1) how to make spore stay competitive when we are facing competitors like india, china, msia, indo........not forgeting we are a no natural resource country
2) how to make spore grow constantly

if this round Opp win the majority and take over the govt. what is going to happen?
1) new govt (Opp) propose a immediate 50% cut for all civil?
2) will investment pull out of spore?
3) can we still attract more investment?

if 1 happen we can save maybe 100million per year but if 2 & 3 happen.....can only pray hard!!

15-04-11, 14:51
huh?? your statement doesn't make sense in the context of discussion

how much $$$ u make is a factor of the risk u take in your life. what happens in your life is a factor of choices u make along the way.

i give u an example. same person in army, makes average $3500-$5k after many years of struggling. Same person leaves army , becomes say a housing agent. 1 deal make more than 10k a month. we all have heard of stories like this. He takes risk and is rewarded with higher returns.

quote u another example. Young grad working as an executive, comfortable aircon desk bound job. Average income 3k. Same man, go open a store in market sells fish, quietly makes $10k a month. But is he willing to be in that enviroment, walk up 1-2am, smells like shit every min of his life.

If one takes the road that others travel, yet expect different results, that is stupid. Opposition party or not, it will not change that fact. The good news is, the choice is always yours.

if one thinks that by voting for opposition party, your pay will increase 10% each year is living in lala land. my point is , PAP or opposition will not be able to guarantee your pay increment each year. Only your choices in life will. Good luck searching for your calling.

If no idea how to get started, call your friend whom u know that makes the most $$ and ask him 2 question. What he do, n how he do it. Period

15-04-11, 14:58
how much $$$ u make is a factor of the risk u take in your life. what happens in your life is a factor of choices u make along the way.

i give u an example. same person in army, makes average $3500-$5k after many years of struggling. Same person leaves army , becomes say a housing agent. 1 deal make more than 10k a month. we all have heard of stories like this. He takes risk and is rewarded with higher returns.

quote u another example. Young grad working as an executive, comfortable aircon desk bound job. Average income 3k. Same man, go open a store in market sells fish, quietly makes $10k a month. But is he willing to be in that enviroment, walk up 1-2am, smells like shit every min of his life.

If one takes the road that others travel, yet expect different results, that is stupid. Opposition party or not, it will not change that fact. The good news is, the choice is always yours.

if one thinks that by voting for opposition party, your pay will increase 10% each year is living in lala land. my point is , PAP or opposition will not be able to guarantee your pay increment each year. Only your choices in life will. Good luck searching for your calling.

If no idea how to get started, call your friend whom u know that makes the most $$ and ask him 2 question. What he do, n how he do it. Period

you are seriously going off tangent.....
no one mentioned that voting for opp = having 10% pay increase each year. no one is asking for clarification on risk-benefit payoff.

15-04-11, 14:59
For the picking cardboards part, yes, you are right, alot will depend on yourself and how you live your life....

but let's say you have not been living a thrifty life when young and old, no choice, have to look for a job. You are willing to be a cleaner, clean dishes , coffeeboy but you realise no one wants you cause you are old and they can engage a FT half your age and 30% cheaper than you. Even if you want to take the same salary as the FT, bosses also don't want you cause you are old.

So who's to blame for this influx of FT that causes you to end up picking cardboards for a living? And the pathetic $260 public assistance is not enough to support you.

And its clear in the OPP that they do not support GST, which govt says is not a poor man's tax but don't they realise that the poor takes the hit worst when everything starts increasing once GST increases, even basic neccessities like sugar, rice.....

And how many % of this GST goes toward funding ministers and President's salary increase?

When i did my economics subject in Uni, i wrote a thesis on consumption tax versus income tax and conclude consumption tax(GST) encourages saving and postponing consumption among other advantages. i got a High Distinction on that paper.

Income tax over GST, i m for GST and lowering income tax. BTW incase u dont know, GST is not unique to Singapore. We consider quiet low liao.

On the PA thingy, they need to "wake up their idea"

15-04-11, 15:01
all discussion still voice down to only 2 things:
1) high govt salary
2) the poor

governing a country need more than this 2 issue. why no discussion on
1) how to make spore stay competitive when we are facing competitors like india, china, msia, indo........not forgeting we are a no natural resource country
2) how to make spore grow constantly

if this round Opp win the majority and take over the govt. what is going to happen?
1) new govt (Opp) propose a immediate 50% cut for all civil?
2) will investment pull out of spore?
3) can we still attract more investment?

if 1 happen we can save maybe 100million per year but if 2 & 3 happen.....can only pray hard!!

why is point 2 & 3 consequential to more opposition being voted into the government?

will singapore lose its competitiveness overnight? will the transparent and well-regulated economy turn murky and cumbersome for no reason?

do you actually mean singapore attract FDI by selling the PAP logo or tagline??

15-04-11, 15:01
all discussion still voice down to only 2 things:
1) high govt salary
2) the poor

governing a country need more than this 2 issue. why no discussion on
1) how to make spore stay competitive when we are facing competitors like india, china, msia, indo........not forgeting we are a no natural resource country
2) how to make spore grow constantly

if this round Opp win the majority and take over the govt. what is going to happen?
1) new govt (Opp) propose a immediate 50% cut for all civil?
2) will investment pull out of spore?
3) can we still attract more investment?

if 1 happen we can save maybe 100million per year but if 2 & 3 happen.....can only pray hard!!

Well, dont cut the nose to spite your face.
Ensure that Singapore is a financial safe haven. Rich people want to park their money in Singapore.
Singapore bxxxe neighbouring leaders to be "unproductive". Why do you think there is suddenly a cost overrun in YOG? to cover my arse, the above statement is hearsay only.
All above how to discuss publicly? Even opposition know these. Hence focus only on internal aspects.

15-04-11, 15:02
you are seriously going off tangent.....
no one mentioned that voting for opp = having 10% pay increase each year. no one is asking for clarification on risk-benefit payoff.

alot pple unhappy about pay never increase what. Or i misunderstood, they unhappy other pple's pay never increase? If its not about the pay, then y brother FT come n take one's job or not.

sorry to have bothered u with risk return payoff

15-04-11, 15:16
you are seriously going off tangent.....
no one mentioned that voting for opp = having 10% pay increase each year. no one is asking for clarification on risk-benefit payoff.

then why keep saying govt didnt do a good job becos the pay increase is not equate to property price rise? so please vote Opp!

15-04-11, 15:22
Well, dont cut the nose to spite your face.
Ensure that Singapore is a financial safe haven. Rich people want to park their money in Singapore.
Singapore bxxxe neighbouring leaders to be "unproductive". Why do you think there is suddenly a cost overrun in YOG? to cover my arse, the above statement is hearsay only.
All above how to discuss publicly? Even opposition know these. Hence focus only on internal aspects.

if Opp really want to contest. they should have only one goal that is to take over the govt becos they are not doing a good job! this is wat happen to LKY when he is Opp. he fight he win he change. no nonsense!!
so the Opp should also focus on external issue and not restrict to internal issue. this will show that either they don have a better solution or they don know

15-04-11, 15:23
then why keep saying govt didnt do a good job becos the pay increase is not equate to property price rise? so please vote Opp!

u seriously need a lesson in logic and debate.

the govt didn't do a good job when it adopted market pricing for HDB and allowed prices to escalate beyond the rate at which real wages was increasing. :doh:

15-04-11, 15:26
if Opp really want to contest. they should have only one goal that is to take over the govt becos they are not doing a good job! this is wat happen to LKY when he is Opp. he fight he win he change. no nonsense!!
so the Opp should also focus on external issue and not restrict to internal issue. this will show that either they don have a better solution or they don know

My take is, the opposition will follow PAP external policies.
However elections are not won on external issues, they care more about bread-and-butter issues. hence opposition focus exclusively on internal policies.

15-04-11, 15:29
u seriously need a lesson in logic and debate.

the govt didn't do a good job when it adopted market pricing for HDB and allowed prices to escalate beyond the rate at which real wages was increasing. :doh:

can we play a mind game here?
What do you think will happen if govt sticks to cost subsidy pricing for HDB? Effects of pricing & rental of private condos, CCR, OCR and ECs etc.

15-04-11, 15:34
can we play a mind game here?
What do you think will happen if govt sticks to cost subsidy pricing for HDB? Effects of pricing & rental of private condos, CCR, OCR and ECs etc.

let's go with the obvious - comparatively more affordable public housing

15-04-11, 15:54
let's go with the obvious - comparatively more affordable public housing

Any effect on resale value? Will resale value be lower or stays the same as now?
If resale value lower, how about private property in OCR? Since not much profit from resale, developer also cannot price OCR high?

and CCR is the rich playground? So gap between OCR and CCR wider?

15-04-11, 16:01
Any effect on resale value? Will resale value be lower or stays the same as now?
If resale value lower, how about private property in OCR? Since not much profit from resale, developer also cannot price OCR high?

and CCR is the rich playground? So gap between OCR and CCR wider?

that's why i refrain going down that route.

does resale public housing price movements directly constitutes to private property price movements? there are other factors in play, e.g. interest rates, liquidity, accessibility to foreigners, economic health, govt policies, etc.

i will quote MBT on this when someone asked him in 2009 or 2010 on this issue - why isn't the govt putting a lid on land auction prices since higher auction prices = higher property prices? his take is even if govt puts a lid, there's no guarantee that the developers won't sell it at a high price.

so, put it in parallel, i.e. govt sells at cost-plus pricing to singaporeans doesn't mean that these units will fetch low or poor resale prices.

15-04-11, 16:17
so, put it in parallel, i.e. govt sells at cost-plus pricing to singaporeans doesn't mean that these units will fetch low or poor resale prices.
So all the grouses about cost-plus pricing is actually not about affordability, but rather Singaporeans don't have access to free money anymore (when they sell HDB)?

or would current and future HDB owners accept Devilplate's suggestion:
Since it is for public, MOP 10 years or can only sell back to government, sell at original price less depreciation.

15-04-11, 16:33
So all the grouses about cost-plus pricing is actually not about affordability, but rather Singaporeans don't have access to free money anymore (when they sell HDB)?

or would current and future HDB owners accept Devilplate's suggestion:
Since it is for public, MOP 10 years or can only sell back to government, sell at original price less depreciation.

:doh: another going off tangent.....hope you do realize how ridiculous it is to draw a link between cost-plus pricing and having access to free monies.

you seriously need to go brush up on logic and debate

15-04-11, 16:36
MBT make sense when he qn how WP gona fund the extra housing subsidy

cut on spending in other areas or dip into reserves?

it applies to any other proposals....such as abolish GST for basic needs ....i tink $$ goto come from smwhr smhow

At least WP is spending the money on the right places and not increase GST to fund on Minister Pay, YOG, extravagant civil service chairs etc.

The money can come from anywhere with the first cutting cost of expensive government.

WP's plan is pro-family which allows first time buyers to have less burden.

Property will still appreciate but not as super fast as now. Maybe Lim Hng Khiang's rate.

Spare cash can feed elderly parents, children and other pursuits, increase quality of living.

The asset enhancement scheme is artificial enhancement and inflation of assets which will burst sooner or later.

If an old 40 years old HDB flat can cost $500,000, it is really artificial.

Mah Bow Tan is just spouting nonsense with no evidence and being a scaremonger.

15-04-11, 16:53
:doh: another going off tangent.....hope you do realize how ridiculous it is to draw a link between cost-plus pricing and having access to free monies.

you seriously need to go brush up on logic and debate

I am interested to learn about logic and debate.
So back to question:
So if cost plus pricing and resale price remains high. What is the effect on private properties, both OCR and CCR?

15-04-11, 17:06
Given that so many people said that SC don't own HDB flats are only lessees.
How about if HDB built rental flats, and only SC can rent. No chance for price appreciation and rental is fixed, adjusted for inflation.
Lets say a person is given a choice between "buying" a HDB flat and have potential for price appreciation and "renting" a HDB flat (no capital appreciation), which one would the masses choose?

15-04-11, 20:51
I don't work for others, I work for myself
then join public job lah. its quiet a no brainier right? y join private then compain no pay increment? pple have a choice ma....

16-04-11, 01:41
I don't work for others, I work for myself

yes , we already know that ; )

i m suggesting if pple wants a 30% increment, can sign up for public service. Want million dollar pay, study hard n join man in white.

16-04-11, 02:00
yes , we already know that ; )

i m suggesting if pple wants a 30% increment, can sign up for public service. Want million dollar pay, study hard n join man in white.

The MIW may not necessary be only party to be government.

16-04-11, 02:12
i have more backbone than to live off taxpayer's money like a leech and parasite. i respect scholars like hazel poa and her husband who can still make it out on their own in the private sector without being a leech. If i want a million, i get that thru hard work and not by being a leech.

yes , we already know that ; )

i m suggesting if pple wants a 30% increment, can sign up for public service. Want million dollar pay, study hard n join man in white.

16-04-11, 03:57
An Open Letter To Singaporeans


Singapore - Broken Promises


PM says: Fix the Opposition


what to do, it's happened.


Hitler learns about the Singapore Casino


Hitler Slams Temasek and Ho Ching


Tin Pei Ling's Music Video - "I Don't Know What To Say!"


Tin Pei Ling Speaks on Education Costs = "very low" she says


Tin Pei Ling Speaks on Healthcare costs in Singapore : "Healthcare is relatively low in cost and managable in Singapore"


SNL Sarah Palin Interview vs Real Sarah Palin


16-04-11, 03:59

‘Orchid Evolution’ sweeping through S’pore: veteran editor

http://l.yimg.com/bt/api/res/1.2/CySmUzFVqsn2kwPBVnCbGw--/YXBwaWQ9eW5ld3M7dz02MzA-/http://mit.zenfs.com/148/2011/04/630blog_pnbalji.jpg (http://mit.zenfs.com/148/2011/04/630blog_pnbalji.jpg) Veteran editor P N Balji said a new mood is gripping Singapore. (Photo courtesy of Reputation Management Assoc …

The "Jasmine Revolution (http://sg.search.yahoo.com/search?p=Jasmine+Revolution&#38;fr=fp-today&#38;cs=bz)" or turmoil that has toppled governments in the Middle East is not likely to take place in Singapore, but a major transformation is sweeping through society in the country, said a veteran local journalist and editor.

Speaking before an audience of about 80 executives at a seminar on corporate reputations on Friday morning, PN Balji (http://sg.search.yahoo.com/search?p=P+N+Balji&#38;fr=fp-today&#38;cs=bz), former CEO and editor-in-chief of TODAY newspaper, said this transformation, or what he termed as Singapore's "Orchid Evolution", is reflected by the new mood of the nation and other changes.

"I notice a certain restlessness, even restiveness, among different sections of the people," said the former editor with over 40 years of experience in journalism.

"Because the government has played a critical role, a womb-to-tomb role in people's lives, now there's a boomerang effect. They blame the government for everything that goes wrong in Singapore."

He said there have been "quite a lot" of blunders in the past few years such as the flooding of Orchard Road, the security lapse at the MRT station and the prison escape of Singapore Jemaah Islamiyah leader Mas Selamat Kastari.

Coverage of politics

Balji, who is currently director of the Asia Journalism Fellowship at the Nanyang Technological University, noted that the public's new attitude towards the government goes in tandem with the change in how the traditional media cover the opposition parties.

"It is like a breath of fresh air, the way the media is now reporting on opposition politicians and opposition politics," he said.

"There are two elements to this. One, the kind of prominence that opposition politicians and politics gets, and, second, the reports try very hard not to put them in a negative light, which as recent as 2006 was not true."

He believed that that this approach by the traditional media would not have gone ahead without some tacit acceptance by the government.

"Why do I think the government has tacitly agreed to this? I think the government doesn't want readership, circulation, viewership to drop," he said.

"If it drops the biggest loser is the government. They don't have any other platform which can reach that wide an audience."

He acknowledged that social media is available, but that it may not work for the PAP. He cited how Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong's attempt to make a joke on Facebook about PAP's new candidate, Tin Pei Ling, fell flat.

"The new media is putting a lot of pressure on the mainstream media. If for some reason the mainstream media is not seen to reflect a kind of public opinion, they are going to be punished, and punished very, very heavily," he said.

Other issues

Meanwhile, he noted that immigration has become one of the biggest issues in Singapore, despite the government making "concession after concession".

"I don't think a right-thinking Singaporean is against foreigners per se. I think they understand foreigners are needed," he said.

The question among people's minds is how come this government, if it is so good, cannot manage the problems of infrastructure -- whether the congestion of roads and MRT trains or the rocketting prices of housing -- that came as a result of it opening the immigration floodgates in 2005, he added.

Another change that he has observed has come over Singapore is the wild swings in economic growth. "One year you will go into recession, next year you will have 15 percent growth, the next year maybe 5 percent. How the people will adjust to that wild swing is another issue."

Furthermore, he believes the attitude towards older people has changed. He noted that the PAP has been stressing the point of having young people.

"The government keeps on harping on young people, but what is there to say you can't have a 65-year-old man or woman serving Parliament for five years?" he asked.

Yearning for change

Overall, however, based on his conversations with different types of people, Balji said that he gets a genuine feeling from people that they are not against the PAP government, but that they have a strong desire for more voices in Parliament.

"Look at the opposition, the young, talented, impressive people who are joining the opposition. That must indicate that there is less fear, and there is really a genuine desire to see some kind of change -- not the change of revolution, but a change in wanting more voices," he said.

He said he could not tell how this new groundswell of opinion would translate in the upcoming polls.

"Maybe this is just people letting out steam, and when it comes to the final analysis, they know which side their bread is buttered," he said.

Nevertheless, his gut feeling based on anecdotal evidence is: "One, I won't even be surprised that the PAP doesn't lose any seats. Two, that they might even take back Potong Pasir.

Three, there will be a number of close fights, very close some of them. Fourth point, PAP's percentage of votes may go down even further. In good times, they manage 60 percent of the votes."

16-04-11, 04:01
http://sg.news.yahoo.com/blogs/singaporescene/hawker-couple-attacks-pore-family-20110415-042104-221.html (http://sg.news.yahoo.com/blogs/singaporescene/hawker-couple-attacks-pore-family-20110415-042104-221.html)

Hawker couple attacks S’pore family

A Singaporean family was assaulted yesterday by a hawker couple known for their bad temper. (Yahoo!)

A portion of anchovies, better known to locals as "ikan bilis", sparked off a brawl between a Singaporean family and a hawker couple at Food Loft along Clementi Ave 3 on Thursday.

According to local news website, AsiaOne, the dispute started after Julia, a STOMP contributor, took an extra portion of anchovies from a container placed outside the hawker stall after paying for her noodles.

The female stall holder, who according to Julia was from China, then raised her voice and said, "You Singaporeans who are paying so little money want to have so much of everything." She continued to complain to passers-by and her husband.

Julia's husband then approached the female hawker to ask why she was making a big fuss out of an extra portion of anchovies. Agitated, the female stall holder slammed the plastic container of anchovies that he was holding onto the table.

Julia's husband later revealed that they had also tried to take photos of the food from the stall. They had planned to make a report to National Environment Agency as the food did not seem clean.

This incurred the wrath of the male hawker, who stepped out of the stall and demanded to know why he was taking pictures.

The hawker couple then started to attack Julia and her husband. Their 14 year-old son was punched in the process. The male hawker also hit Julia's husband's head with an object.

Julia's husband could not retaliate as Julia and the coffee shop owner had stopped him from doing so.

Even after the family ran away in defence, the hawker woman stood in front of Julia's car to prevent the family from driving off, allowing her husband to continue attacking the car from behind.

Julia sustained injuries on her back and head after falling while trying to stop her husband from retaliating during the attack.

Both her husband's eyes were swollen and her son also suffered a bruised eye. The family's medical bills amounted to S$180. They also made a police report later that night.

The coffee shop owner later revealed that the hawker couple they encountered was known for their bad temper.

A police report has been lodged against the hawkers. The police have classified it as mischief and voluntarily causing hurt and are currently looking into the matter.

16-04-11, 04:04

‘Do we want powerless MPs in Parliament?’

Just how effective is the NCMP scheme in Parliament? (Yahoo! photo)


By Andrew Loh

It was a masterstroke by the ruling People's Action Party (PAP) (http://sg.search.yahoo.com/search?p=People%27s+Action+Party&fr=fp-today&cs=bz) when it amended the Constitution in April last year to increase the number of non-constituency Members of Parliament (NCMPs) (http://sg.search.yahoo.com/search?p=Non-Constituency+Members+of+Parliament&fr=fp-today&cs=bz)from three to nine.

The PAP said the move was to address the public's desire to have more opposition views expressed in Parliament. Critics, however, saw it as a way to curb the public's desire for more elected opposition MPs.

As the next general election approaches, PAP ministers have been selling the NCMP scheme as the bona fide scheme which assures an opposition voice; that such alternative views in Parliament are guaranteed — even if the PAP makes a clean sweep at the polls.

The underlying message is thus: do not vote for the opposition because there will be at least nine opposition NCMPs in Parliament anyway, and Singapore needs a "strong government" to see it through the challenges ahead.

If more opposition members are elected as Members of Parliament (MPs), fractious debates in the House will take place and Singapore will suffer because of this.

There are, of course, many flaws to the PAP's arguments. These include the fact that NCMPs' voting powers are limited, that NCMPs do not represent any of the constituencies or constituents and that they do not have access to residents on the ground like an MP does.

At the Channel News Asia television forum on 12 April, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong again defended the scheme.

He pointed out that NCMPs had full debating rights in Parliament, and the scheme gave opposition politicians the chance to establish themselves and strengthen their positions in subsequent general elections, The Straits Times stated.

He explained that the PAP instituted and then expanded the scheme because it acknowledged both the desire among Singaporeans for alternative voices and the need for an opposition to represent the diverse views in society, the paper reported.

There seems to be a glaring misunderstanding by the PAP about what exactly it is that Singaporeans desire.

I would suggest that it is not just having opposition voices to speak up on issues which Singaporeans are looking for, but that these alternative voices have the backing of law — i.e. full voting rights — to stop the government from pushing through legislation.

NCMPs do not have such powers when it comes to Constitutional amendments.

Despite taking part in the debate last year to increase the number of both NCMPs and Nominated MPs (NMPs), the only NCMP in the House, the Workers' Party Sylvia Lim, had no voting rights to vote against the bill.

After making a well thought-out and passionate speech, (http://wp.sg/2010/04/constitutional-amendment-bill/#more-963) Lim ended with: "The Member for Hougang will be voting against the amendment, as I cannot vote."

And therein lies the crux of the matter, really. Why should the government, and indeed Singaporeans, take NCMPs seriously when they are unable to affect changes to the law, do not represent anyone and do not even have access to constituents like MPs do?

If speaking up is all that is desired, as the PAP seems to think, then we should in fact do away with the NMP and NCMP schemes because in the age of the Internet and the miracle of its tools, the government "can just set up a huge mailbox for people to send their grouses" to, as the WP's Chen Show Mao said. (http://ge2011.theonlinecitizen.com/2011/04/this-is-my-home-wps-chen-show-mao/)

Every citizen will be an NCMP. "Isn't that even better? But can this encourage the ruling party to do better?" he asked.

So, while the PAP's argument that alternative voices will already be represented in Parliament and there is thus no need to vote in opposition members is seductive, the real question here is this: does it serve Singapore to have only neutered MPs to provide that voice?

If the PAP had its way, its MPs — even those less able than opposition ones — will get to be full MPs with full voting rights, while opposition MPs, even those who are more able than PAP ones, will remain neutered NCMPs.

In short, the PAP wants opposition MPs to play only a supporting role. Or to put it another way, opposition MPs should only have sharp tongues but no teeth.

Would it benefit Singaporeans more to have legitimate, elected, non-ruling party members — MPs who not only have the power to speak, but who are also able to express this in the most substantial manner possible by having a vote in the House?

Do we want powerless MPs in the highest law-making body in the land?
I think the answer is obvious.

16-04-11, 04:06

Rooting for the 'invisible poor': WP's Angela Oon

As part of Yahoo! Singapore's coverage of the 2011 General Elections, we speak to new faces to look out for in the coming weeks. In the final installment of a four-part series, ALICIA WONG speaks Angela Oon of the Workers' Party.

http://l.yimg.com/bt/api/res/1.2/YNKPAOFtedpSUg1N11MzHA--/YXBwaWQ9eW5ld3M7dz0xOTA-/http://mit.zenfs.com/148/2011/04/250angela_angelafayeoon.jpg (http://mit.zenfs.com/148/2011/04/250angela_angelafayeoon.jpg) Workers' Party newcomer Angela Oon, 32, wants more help for the underclass. (Angela …

There is a "growing underclass" in Singapore that has been overlooked in policy-making because they are not vocal and seldom in the public eye, believes Workers' Party (http://sg.search.yahoo.com/search?p=Workers%27+Party&fr=fp-today&cs=bz) (WP) newcomer Angela Oon.

During their walkabouts, she meets those struggling to make ends meet but yet cannot get public assistance because they fall just outside the eligibility criteria.

"That's why the WP advocate a needs-based social safety net," said the 32-year-old researcher, who joined the Workers' Party last July.

Currently an independent researcher, the university graduate is expected to contest in the new five-member Nee Soon group representation constituency.

In an email interview with Yahoo! Singapore, Oon said besides the "invisible poor", the widening income gap -- which "can erode social stability in the long term"-- and lack of government transparency are other issues close to her heart.

Lamenting the lack of openness in the workings of key government ministries, and in the disclosure of statistics, she questioned how the government could then be held accountable.

For example, employment figures for permanent residents and Singaporeans are not released separately so it is hard to tell if certain initiatives to increase jobs or salaries benefit Singaporeans or PRs.

"It's impossible for the WP to advocate a more detailed recommendation in our manifesto (http://sg.news.yahoo.com/blogs/singaporescene/workers-party-first-unveil-manifesto-20110409-050442-088.html) without such information," she added, responding to Deputy Prime Minister Wong Kan Seng's call for the WP to elaborate on plans to in its manifesto.

Acknowledging that Singaporeans prefer gradual reform, particularly when it comes to introducing more "alternative voices" into Parliament, Oon pointed out there may be no better time than now.

"Right now, we have the luxury of implementing such changes in incremental steps because our country is in a period of growth and stability," she said.

'Politics is intensely personal'

Oon described her decision to join politics and, specifically the WP, as "a natural progression of my inherent interest in politics and civil society".
Singaporeans often think of politics as "distant" from everyday life, but politics is "intensely personal", she stressed. Public policies impact "almost every aspect of our daily lives".

She started her involvement with the WP a few years ago when some friends, who were party members, invited her to help in activities, such as temple tours.

"It was when I saw how much they (WP members) happily sacrificed to be part of a larger cause that my admiration for them blossomed," she said, referring to the time and effort spent on house visits and to sell the party newsletter, The Hammer.

"I decided to stand next to them, to be part of this like-minded team of people working toward the goal of making sure Singapore has a First World parliament as befits its First World status," she stated.

It was a decision that could not have come easily, given that Oon was previously working under a statutory board.

In an earlier interview, she said, "I was prepared for the worst but hoping for the best."

Her family, however, were not surprised at her decision.

"They were a little apprehensive (at first)... Now they are wholeheartedly behind me," said Oon, who has been married for four years and has no children.

While she only became a citizen in 2010, the Kelantan-born Oon has been in Singapore since she was two months old. She became a PR when she was five.

"I've gone through all the joys and trials and experiences of growing up as a Singaporean," she said.

"I have chosen to make Singapore my home, to sink and swim with its fortunes, and to continue building a life here with my loved ones.

That's why I'm stepping forward to do my part to strengthen Singapore's parliamentary system."

16-04-11, 04:12
Workers Party Secret Weapon will lose to this Lady 陈佩玲 Tin Pei Ling


He has been called the Workers' Party's 'secret weapon', but corporate lawyer Chen Show Mao said the true weapon would be the votes of Singaporeans during Polling Day.

50-year-old took up citizenship in 1986 and has degrees from Harvard, Oxford and Stanford universities.

The lady is Tin Pei Ling, 27 years old PAP star candidate who does not know what to say...., but she will be smuggled into Parliament, while the other guy would be out, unless a miracle takes place......

见不得光的选举 — 集选区内每一个单独选区的成绩?



陈佩玲事件,其实不在于陈佩玲竞选不竞选,而在于集选区这个制度的无耻 — 完全没有道德的支撑。试想,大家都晓得,其实就算是一只畜牲,如果也能够算是集选区的一员。那么,不管是来自执政党反对党,那一团的集选胜利了,畜牲也可以代表人民说话。



16-04-11, 10:13
Chen show mao is a more valuable asset in parliament compared to tin pei ling

17-04-11, 15:34
tin pei ling say she has emerged much more mature wor.. from news report

i wana laff.. in a matter of weeks.. how much more mature can she be?

17-04-11, 18:33
In another week she will call herself a lao jiao in politics :doh:
tin pei ling say she has emerged much more mature wor.. from news report

i wana laff.. in a matter of weeks.. how much more mature can she be?

17-04-11, 18:57
The detailed PAP's manifesto for GE 2011.



17-04-11, 19:09

Tragic Account of MRT Suicides From 2004 Onwards (http://www.transitioning.org/2010/05/09/account-of-mrt-suicides-from-2004-onwards/)


Man arrested for attempted suicide at MRT station

A man in his mid-30s has been arrested for attempted suicide at Sembawang MRT Station on Friday night.

The police and Singapore Civil Defence Force said they received a call at about 11.35 pm on Friday, informing them a man had fallen onto the train tracks at Sembawang MRT station.

"Upon police arrival, a man in his mid-30s was conveyed to Khoo Teck Puat Hospital and subsequently arrested for attempted suicide," said a police spokesperson.

The man, who had been hit by the train, complained of back pain.
About 1,500 passengers were affected during the incident, said an SMRT spokesperson.

"To maintain service on the unaffected stretches of the North-South line during the incident, all southbound trains were turned around at Woodlands MRT Station and some northbound trains were turned around at Yishun MRT Station," she said.

Bus bridging services were also deployed to ferry passengers from Woodlands to Yishun MRT station.

Commuters again took to micro-blogging site Twitter (http://twitter.com/#%21/search/sembawang%20mrt) to send out alerts on the incident late on Friday.

Johny Loy (@johnyloy (http://twitter.com/#%21/johnyloy)) tweeted, "Accident @sembawang mrt, SMRT faster complete your barrier doors please!!!"

Dynna Syafiqa (@dynna06 (http://twitter.com/#%21/dynna06)) tweeted, "Chaos over at Sembawang MRT station."

Terence Lee, editor for online website New Nation (http://newnation.sg/2011/04/person-falls-off-track-at-sembawang-mrt-on-friday-night/), said he went to the MRT station at about 12.20am after seeing tweets on the incident. Lee said he saw a police vehicle and policemen at the station and that a section had been cordoned off on the train platform.

Passengers who were unable to complete their journey due to the disruption can claim a full fare refund from the Passenger Service Centre in any SMRT station within the next three working days.

SMRT is assisting the police in its investigations.

Earlier this month, a Thai teenage girl lost both her legs after she fell onto the tracks at the Ang Mo Kio MRT station and was hit by a train. (http://sg.news.yahoo.com/blogs/singaporescene/14-old-girl-hit-mrt-train-20110403-004605-147.html)

17-04-11, 19:17

Online interview with a 26-year-old female voter (http://www.transitioning.org/2011/04/13/online-interview-with-a-26-year-old-female-voter/)

Response of online interview with a 26-year-old Singapore voter:-

1. Thanks for allowing us Rebecca to interview you online and please tell us a bit about yourself.

http://www.transitioning.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/chinese-women-0271-200x300.jpg (http://www.transitioning.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/chinese-women-0271.jpg)

I am a very average female Singaporean citizen aged 26 years.

When I was 14 years old, my older friends told me that life is good. They said, “Go to Poly, get a Diploma, be employed as an executive, within a few years you can become a manager.

The salary is good and your expenses like transport, phone and even clothes are reimbursed by the company. You can then buy a home with your sweetheart and you can look forward to having holidays twice a year.”

When I grew up, the life that my older friends described disappeared altogether. I remember year after year, the government exhorted us to be “more productive”.

To work harder, faster, to be leaner, to ask for less pay etc. I remember enthusiastically embracing these. Singaporeans started working until 6p.m.

Saturdays we worked from 9a.m. to 1p.m. I thought my government will steer us back to profitability and hard times will soon be over. It did not happen.

When I finally got a job, I had to work on Saturdays and sometimes, Sundays. I worked until 9p.m. daily to meet demanding sales targets.

Requests to take a few days’ leave would be met with derision from my managers. I was afraid to lose my job so I worked harder.

I met foreigners who were holidaying in Singapore. A carpenter from Denmark earns $5000 a month and was travelling around Asia for 3 months, same thing for an American builder.

A young Norwegian engineer earns $25,000 a month and owns a house, a car and a yacht. Another Norwegian supermarket cashier works only 3 months in a year and holidays around the world for 9 months. At the peak of my career, I was earning $5200 a month.

I did not dare take a single day of holiday for fear of being sacked. I thought I was a success, but compared to these people, I started to realize I am nothing but a laughing stock.

Bankers like me in UK earn in excess of $20,000 a month! I started to think there is something wrong with the system in Singapore.

Nowadays, I am jobless. I spoke to my friend, who joined PAP Youth. She says you Singaporeans are stupid and lazy. All of your problems are brought on by you. You are poor because of poor financial management.

2. How many times have you voted before and what will you be specifically looking for during this coming election?

Never have I gotten the chance to vote. I am looking for a party whose vision for Singapore aligns with mine. I want a more compassionate society, less rich-poor gap, more education to cope with the onslaught of globalization.

I want experts in economics to lead us out of this mess. I want a party who will abolish this ridiculous salary of the ministers.

Personally I feel that it is acceptable to award ministers no more than an annual wage of $400,000. If I have a pay a fortune teller like LKY millions to ‘forecast’, I fully expect to work only 1 day in a year and holiday around the world for the rest, and to own 2 houses in Sentosa Cove, 2 cars (1 Lamborghini and 1 Ferrari please) and 2 yachts on my porch.

3. Do you think that the opposition finally has a chance to win a GRC during this election and why so or why not?

I do not know but I sure hope the opposition wins!

The older generation is savvy about politics but they will not vote for the opposition as they fear their vote is not secret. They say that your IC number is recorded and there is a serial number.

For those who remember what happened, in the night, bogeyman from ISD took Opposition members away and locked them up. The citizens fear this too shall happen to them.

For the employed, they do not care and they are too busy to care. They feel that the government is unable to do anything anyway and most will save hard to migrate when the time comes.

For the younger generation, they are so used to seeing PAP win election after election that they just give up: “What’s the point of voting Opposition? PAP will still win in the end.”

4. What are the pertinent issues that affect you during these past few years?

Unemployment is the biggest issue. I remember when I was a child and my mum brought me up singlehandedly. She worked two jobs a day to support us.

Then, jobs were plentiful and you will be comfortable as long as you are hard-working. Now, even if you are willing to work two jobs or ask for less pay, you can’t!

Jobs for the low-skilled go to PRCs because they do not mind getting $800 a month.

A barista in Koufu earns only $1100. For people in white-collared jobs in the offices, it is extremely common to work 12 hours to 14 hours in a day.

When my foreign friend came to Singapore to visit me, he witnessed how crowded the trains are at 10pm.

We could not get on the crowded trains and my friend remarked incredulously, “Singaporeans work until 10p.m?”

The CPF minimum sum scheme affects me and my family deeply.

Heeding the government’s call to upgrade, my mum bought a new flat at a higher price and with a new loan, preparing to downgrade and use the excess funds for her retirement when I marry and move out.

Out of the blue, the CPF minimum sum scheme was foisted upon us all. Together with unemployment, this is a double whammy for my mum and me. We do not know what to do now.

Our problems can be summarized thus:

My problem: No work = no money = not qualified to take loan and no money in CPF = cannot buy flat.

My mum’s problem: No work and No CPF = no money = cannot retire = must sell flat

When combined, we both have no jobs and no money. Very soon, we will have no flat and no place to live too.

SARCASTIC RANT: Thank you PAP for holding on to our hard-earned cash! You have our best interests at heart as it is true ALL the elderly WILL spend the money on PRC hookers, even our women will too!

We definitely need you to manage our funds for us, never mind that Ho Ching lost $100 billion and can claim that she has ‘no regrets’.

5. Do you think that Singapore will be better off with a few more opposition parties in Parliament?

Infinitely better. With more voices, we get to learn alternatives. From alternatives, perhaps better, more innovative solutions can be forged.

6. You have told me that you are unsure yet about which party to vote for – what will be the one crucial thing that will affect your decision during polling day?

If any opposition party will stand up and say to Singaporeans “You should not pay me millions! You should pay me only $400,000 a year.

The rest of the money will go to a welfare fund for the handicapped, the sick, the single mothers, the poor children and all charity shows on TV will be banned.

No one will have to sell tissue paper in the streets anymore!”

IF only someone would dare to say that. I think that party will win the unified support of each and every Singaporean.

7. Do you think that the current crop of opposition party candidates are credible and qualified enough to win the votes of the general population?

No idea. Not enough information disseminated through newspapers to know anything about opposition candidates.

For now, it seems like Vincent from SDP and Gerald from WP are excellently eloquent speakers. Kenneth seems to be deeply unpopular. That basically summarizes all the news you can obtain from traditional media.

8. What do you think that the opposition parties can do more to campaign effectively during this election?

I am not sure if they are allowed to advertise on TV. Banners will be good for awareness, so that citizens are more familiar with Opposition members’ faces.

I do not know if Opposition parties are allowed to rent halls in community centers to speak to the audience or not, but I will definitely attend such sessions.

As more Singaporeans, including aunties, become internet-savvy, I think Opposition parties can distribute some small gifts like pens, or tissue papers or shopping bags with a namecard (stating Party name, website, facebook, Twitter, Hotline) to residents.

Is it viable for Opposition to advertise on taxis and buses? Opposition members must give out their personal handphone numbers to the public.

9. Why do you think that all along the opposition parties had fared poorly in the past few general elections?

Tight control over traditional media keeps me and my family ignorant about who the opposition is and what they stand for.

PAP keeps expounding on how difficult it is to manage a country, to formulate policies, that the opposition have no way to do it well etc. We are kept fearful and doubt the Opposition.

10. Finally, will you vote for the Opposition?


End of interview.

17-04-11, 22:36

Decomposing body found near resort world and dead china national near marina bay..both coincidentally near casinos is it e work of ah long? Guess dis is one of e big social Ill of casino

And Also e china hawker couple who attack singaporeans .. Please what foreign talent is dis? Why r we allowing such people here much less to open stall? Singaporeans do not want to be hawkers?

And sembawang attempted suicide? Is it due to $ not enough or?

Are all this due to casinos and or Govt ft policy? Be ur own judge

17-04-11, 22:44
I just saw dis Chee soon Juan video in which he spoke in hokkien albeit abit broken but I was surprised he actually appeared pretty earnest n sincere. To quote him, but he said in hokkien , they every morning go office come back get 10k in their bank not for a year's work or a month's work but for a day's work

I think only the top few ministers get dis much lah not all mp

He probably went to image consultant n change his image cause he look n carry himself pretty well now unlike all e previous silly scandals

Prob like wat ay123 said pap should also engage an image consultant n not just threaten threaten n threaten people at election with what ifs if pap do not win e election

17-04-11, 22:50
Csj delivers party message in hokkien


If he is trying to appeal to the older generation by speaking in hokkien kinda wrong medium? Old folks do not use Internet or YouTube..

18-04-11, 00:08
wow.. i applaud 26 yr-old rebecca for her candidness.. what she had said strike a chord with every sgporean.. maybe except ms tin PL..

18-04-11, 00:15
wow.. i applaud 26 yr-old rebecca for her candidness.. what she had said strike a chord with every sgporean.. maybe except ms tin PL..
But hor..... How come she is jobless at age of 26yo???

Her examples such as yng nor engineer earning 25k a mth machiam pluck figure from thin air or simply quote the most extremme examples she noe.....

18-04-11, 00:23
I can aso quote examples..... Yng 28yo oil trader from middle east earning 100k+ a mth n this yr bonus of 30 mths ..... Y singka slog n earn 2.5k on average????

18-04-11, 00:33
huh, everyone can be jobless at any point in time mah..

nvrmind her examples but the point she is driving at r essentially what average sgporeans r facing.. overwork, income low, inflating prices incl houses, no complete access to our retirement fund after retirement ..

we will toll n toll and may never get to enjoy n relax comfy in sg

the crux is where is our swiss standard of living.. think now only mps have that.. we r lucky to even have swiss cheese..

18-04-11, 00:54
agree!! Many people work like hell, accumulate money in CPF for retirement and govt still want to control how we use our retirement money, how then does the average singaporean age with dignity? Not only is our CPF money under the control of govt, govt keeps advocating insurance to cover old age medical expenses, but what if the insurance cover is insufficient for major illnesses that require long-term treatment which is common to the aged? Also not many singaporeans can afford a high monthly premium for a substantial cover and many elderly with medical history are also rejected by insurance companies, so how is the government going to deal with this?

18-04-11, 07:18
agree!! Many people work like hell, accumulate money in CPF for retirement and govt still want to control how we use our retirement money, how then does the average singaporean age with dignity? Not only is our CPF money under the control of govt, govt keeps advocating insurance to cover old age medical expenses, but what if the insurance cover is insufficient for major illnesses that require long-term treatment which is common to the aged? Also not many singaporeans can afford a high monthly premium for a substantial cover and many elderly with medical history are also rejected by insurance companies, so how is the government going to deal with this?
Rebecca's friend who join PAP youth is correct.
"She says you Singaporeans are stupid and lazy. All of your problems are brought on by you. You are poor because of poor financial management."

funny thing though, she work in the banking industry herself. Since she said she has sales target, how can she advise other people on buying financial products:doh:

18-04-11, 09:06
Rebecca's friend who join PAP youth is correct.
"She says you Singaporeans are stupid and lazy. All of your problems are brought on by you. You are poor because of poor financial management."

funny thing though, she work in the banking industry herself. Since she said she has sales target, how can she advise other people on buying financial products:doh:

How about Singaporeans are getting poorer due to PAP's poor financial management too ??

I rather look at her friend's PAP elitist attitude which is Singaporeans as Them and PAP as We.

This is common among PAP rank and file towards Singaporeans.

PAP blame Singaporeans for everything. It is impossible as government, PAP does not have a shred of responsibility.

18-04-11, 09:10
How about Singaporeans are getting poorer due to PAP's poor financial management too ??
Yeah..... Blame the govt!!!!
My frens say give birth to ger better.... No nid to serve army.... Can retire 2yrs earlier

18-04-11, 09:11
But hor..... How come she is jobless at age of 26yo???

Her examples such as yng nor engineer earning 25k a mth machiam pluck figure from thin air or simply quote the most extremme examples she noe.....

She learnt well from PAP when quoting examples. But the example still stands.

Singaporean quality of life must improve and match PAP's constant boast of First World standard of living.

18-04-11, 09:15
Yeah..... Blame the govt!!!!
My frens say give birth to ger better.... No nid to serve army.... Can retire 2yrs earlier

Up to individual preference.

You have a government and most of your expenses are government related expenses and government policies are affecting your livelihood, you do not blame government then blame who ?

You look down on yourself too much to blame yourself all the time.

18-04-11, 09:15
She learnt well from PAP when quoting examples. But the example still stands.

Singaporean quality of life must improve and match PAP's constant boast of First World standard of living.
Yeah just blame the govt!!!

18-04-11, 09:19
Up to individual preference.

You have a government and most of your expenses are government related expenses and government policies are affecting your livelihood, you do not blame government then blame who ?

You look down on yourself too much to blame yourself all the time.
Wat toking u? Did i say i blame myself? Dun assume ok?

Dun expect govt to babysit u like a big baby.....

U goto find ur way out of the rat race

18-04-11, 09:20
If she must blame somebody, blame her older friends for telling lies
When I was 14 years old, my older friends told me that life is good. They said, “Go to Poly, get a Diploma, be employed as an executive, within a few years you can become a manager.

Never hear such a thing during my NTU days.

But really, if she herself is not financially wise, how can she advise people to buy bank products. Furthermore, how can she call herself a banker?? Bank teller also called banker is it?

18-04-11, 09:35
OOT. Does anybody knows what handbag that Rebecca is holding? Does it match her income level. How come people make a fuss about TPL handbag?

18-04-11, 09:56
Chiam is implying that PAP manifesto, kinda of encompassing/mirroring SPP's..., or in other words, copycat some of his party's...:D


GE: Some points of PAP's manifesto mirror SPP's manifesto, says Chiam
By Evelyn Choo | Posted: 17 April 2011 1826 hrs

SINGAPORE : The Singapore People's Party (SPP) on Sunday said that some of the points raised in the People's Action Party's (PAP) manifesto are similar to its own.

The comments were made after its members visited Bishan on Sunday morning.

And appearing in force in Bishan was its newly-finalised five-member line-up set to contest the Group Representation Constituency (GRC).

Its party campaign is slated to address a few issues, including public housing and transport, the ageing population, the foreign immigrant influx, and public accountability.

As preparations intensify for the upcoming polls, various parties have unveiled their manifestos - including the PAP on Sunday.

The SPP's Secretary-General, Chiam See Tong, said the six points in the PAP's manifesto mirror those of his party's.

He added: "We will be happy to dialogue with the PAP on those points."

Members of the party said they were encouraged that similar concerns were brought up, such as more help for the lower-income group, senior citizens, as well as the need to get Singaporeans involved in shaping their own future. But they differed in some aspects.

Benjamin Pwee, a member of the SPP, said: "If you notice our manifesto and the key points we have raised, education is not one that we will be speaking largely into, partly because many of our other colleagues of other opposition parties will be taking it up.

"But we do want to come from the angle of public accountability, to the entire policy formulation process, and that would definitely include policies surrounding education as well."

Besides Bishan-Toa Payoh, the SPP has announced it would defend its Potong Pasir ward and contest the single-member constituency of Hong Kah North.

The party has said that it will not be contesting Ang Mo Kio GRC. One of its members, Alex Tan, had expressed interest in being fielded there.

Mr Pwee said: "Mr Alex Tan represents a younger group of Singaporeans that are passionate and want to be involved in the political scene and we are very encouraged by that. We have discussed and considered this internally and the decision is 'no' for this particular General Election.

"As Mr Chiam has said publicly last week, we want to focus our resources and attention on Potong Pasir, on Hong Kah North, and on Bishan-Toa Payoh GRC."

- CNA/ms

18-04-11, 10:07
If you make a lot more money than your aged parents or grandparents, does it mean your parents or grandparents are stupid and lazy as well? Different people differ in background and opportunities in life so cannot make sweeping statements like that. Some parents also sacrifice their own opportunities in life to give their children a better education and future so is it fair to call them stupid and lazy if they don't do better than their children financially? Maybe if your parents or grandparents are in that category, you call them stupid and lazy, but definitely not the majority of people here.
Rebecca's friend who join PAP youth is correct.
"She says you Singaporeans are stupid and lazy. All of your problems are brought on by you. You are poor because of poor financial management."

funny thing though, she work in the banking industry herself. Since she said she has sales target, how can she advise other people on buying financial products:doh:

18-04-11, 10:14
Up to individual preference.

You have a government and most of your expenses are government related expenses and government policies are affecting your livelihood, you do not blame government then blame who ?

You look down on yourself too much to blame yourself all the time.

u can continue to blame govt and live like a pest. nobody is going to help u. do u need govt to flush for u after u shit?

18-04-11, 10:17
Providing free healthcare for the aged is the government responsibility, not babysitting. You belong to the privileged few who can afford at least a million dollars in cover under health insurance, but many cannot afford that kind of monthly premium
Wat toking u? Did i say i blame myself? Dun assume ok?

Dun expect govt to babysit u like a big baby.....

U goto find ur way out of the rat race

18-04-11, 10:22
We are more concerned about government flushing our money down the toilet bowl by spending millions of excess funds on ministers' salaries and paying useless greenhorns like tin peiling tens of thousands a month for doing close to nothing
u can continue to blame govt and live like a pest. nobody is going to help u. do u need govt to flush for u after u shit?

18-04-11, 11:03
From Rebecca comments about opposition, it seems mainstream media is doing its job.
She wants to vote opposition BUT knows nothing much about opposition. Does she expect mainstream media to give out info?
Use internet for goodness sake! Does she expect to be spoonfed about opposition parties? :doh:.
If that's her attitude, she is where she is now because of her attitude, not because of government fault. She likes to be spoonfed :doh:. Her academic/career path also spoonfed by her friends.

18-04-11, 11:10
If you make a lot more money than your aged parents or grandparents, does it mean your parents or grandparents are stupid and lazy as well? Different people differ in background and opportunities in life so cannot make sweeping statements like that. Some parents also sacrifice their own opportunities in life to give their children a better education and future so is it fair to call them stupid and lazy if they don't do better than their children financially? Maybe if your parents or grandparents are in that category, you call them stupid and lazy, but definitely not the majority of people here.

I for one is an advocate for ancestral worship :).
As Newton say :If I have seen further it is only by standing on the shoulders of giants."
Social stratification is setting. It will get harder and harder to jump to the next class. If as parents dont become HNW / UNHW now, it will be harder for our children to do so in future.

18-04-11, 14:05
u can continue to blame govt and live like a pest. nobody is going to help u. do u need govt to flush for u after u shit?

You are good in quoting only extreme examples and neither is government free from any responsibility too.

18-04-11, 14:08
Wat toking u? Did i say i blame myself? Dun assume ok?

Dun expect govt to babysit u like a big baby.....

U goto find ur way out of the rat race

You are good in quoting only extreme examples and neither is government free from any responsibility too.

We are talking government for the majority which is the real test of government capability.

Those that does well in the rat race is the minority and this minority will need less attention from government policies because like you say they can take care of themselves.

If I am already doing well enough, I will encourage the government to go ahead and look after the less-accomplished.

This will help sustain my progress too.

18-04-11, 14:16
From Rebecca comments about opposition, it seems mainstream media is doing its job.
She wants to vote opposition BUT knows nothing much about opposition. Does she expect mainstream media to give out info?
Use internet for goodness sake! Does she expect to be spoonfed about opposition parties? :doh:.
If that's her attitude, she is where she is now because of her attitude, not because of government fault. She likes to be spoonfed :doh:. Her academic/career path also spoonfed by her friends.

This is nothing to do spoonfeeding.

If you want to compare spoonfeeding, why not ask PM Lee why he cannot do his job if there is 10 to 20 Opposition in Parliament.

He can only work when there is no competition ?? Who cannot ??

Then how can he survive in private sector which he peg his salary against.

This is really call Spoon Feeding.


She is right when she said MSM is skewed and biased which their track record and even government does not deny.

MSM even though is pro-PAP will still need to do responsible reporting, factual reporting and not twist facts.

This is what MSM at least owe to Singaporeans so that Singaporeans can vote properly base on informed choices.

Come elections, when there is no government and all contesting parties are equal, MSM still support only PAP then we all know how credible and how much merit the reporting and contest is.

I agree with you on using Internet.

I encourage all to rely on Internet for GE 2011 and dumped ST and CNA if you want to vote correctly and make an informed choice.

18-04-11, 14:30
[quote=wenqing]This is nothing to do spoonfeeding.

If you want to compare spoonfeeding, why not ask PM Lee why he cannot do his job if there is 10 to 20 Opposition in Parliament.

He can only work when there is no competition ?? Who cannot ??

Then how can he survive in private sector which he peg his salary against.

This is really call Spoon Feeding.
wat make u thing he cannot do his job with opp? the door is open for competition. is whether u are good enough to win.

18-04-11, 14:41
I agree with you on using Internet.

I encourage all to rely on Internet for GE 2011 and dumped ST and CNA if you want to vote correctly and make an informed choice.[/quote]

internet is flood by yr one-sided story

18-04-11, 14:56
[quote=wenqing]wat make u thing he cannot do his job with opp? the door is open for competition. is whether u are good enough to win.

He said so himself in GE 2006 election rally.

See the video I posted.

If he is in private sector which he said he can easily go to, he will not be concentrating on his work but will be spending time fixing his competitors which include his colleagues as well.

18-04-11, 14:57
with competition and debate, quality will improve. If mps in singapore are afraid of competition, how are we to get a quality first world parliament? Parliament has to serve its purpose of encouraging debate before laws are passed. it is a really scary situation to know that laws can be rushed out of parliament in one day like a trip to the toilet :doh:
[quote=wenqing]This is nothing to do spoonfeeding.

If you want to compare spoonfeeding, why not ask PM Lee why he cannot do his job if there is 10 to 20 Opposition in Parliament.

He can only work when there is no competition ?? Who cannot ??

Then how can he survive in private sector which he peg his salary against.

This is really call Spoon Feeding.
wat make u thing he cannot do his job with opp? the door is open for competition. is whether u are good enough to win.

18-04-11, 14:57
I agree with you on using Internet.

I encourage all to rely on Internet for GE 2011 and dumped ST and CNA if you want to vote correctly and make an informed choice.

At least you can go PAP website if you want.

You can post pro-PAP threads here as well.

People who read and watch ST and CNA have other choices of MSM ??

18-04-11, 17:03

Ex-government scholar joins Chiam's SPP party

http://l.yimg.com/bt/api/res/1.2/ZmHg92UhV6sXSwp8_z_yHg--/YXBwaWQ9eW5ld3M7dz02MzA-/http://mit.zenfs.com/148/2011/04/160411_SPP-10.jpgSPP's Bishan-Toa Payoh team unveiling their poster to the media. From left: Mr Benjamin Pwee, Mr Wilfred Leung, …

Singapore People's Party (http://sg.search.yahoo.com/search?p=Singapore+People%27s+Party&fr=fp-today&cs=bz) (SPP) new candidate and former government scholar Jimmy Lee says he hopes to create a "more robust political environment".

A former assistant chief information officer at the Ministry of Defence, Lee was officially unveiled together with SPP's founding member, Mr Mohamad Hamim Aliyas, at a Toa Payoh walkabout on Saturday.

Together with Mr Chiam See Tong, Mr Wilfred Leung, and Mr Benjamin Pwee, the quintet will form the Bishan-Toa Payoh GRC team that will contest against the People's Action Party (http://sg.search.yahoo.com/search?p=People%27s%20Action%20Party&fr=fp-today&cs=bz)(PAP) team led by Deputy Prime Minister Wong Kan Seng (http://sg.search.yahoo.com/search?p=DPM+Wong+Kan+Seng&fr=fp-today&cs=bz).

http://l.yimg.com/bt/api/res/1.2/Gt_ZpjfzENGtOA8E0mRawg--/YXBwaWQ9eW5ld3M7dz0xNTA-/http://l.yimg.com/lk/api/res/1.2/HmSahK.4AvBDFJWy_T3hxA--/YXBwaWQ9eW1lZGlhO2g9MTUwO3c9MTEy/http://mit.zenfs.com/148/2011/04/160411_SPP-11.jpgJimmy Lee hopes he can reach out to young Singaporeans in the election. …

Lee (right), 36,who studied computer science at Cornell University in the United States on a Defence Science and Technology Agency scholarship, attributed his decision to join the opposition because of his respect for the party's chief.

Currently working as a business consultant, he said he been inspired after reading Chiam's story about how he had soldiered on in a makeshift cubicle under a Potong Pasir void deck during his early days as an opposition member.

The MBA holder saw how "dogged and determined" Chiam's efforts were in making a difference for his residents that he decided to join the opposition. He was contacted by the party early this year.

Said Lee, "Given our political environment as it is now, the best we can do for Singaporeans now is to step forward and be the alternative voice. I believe that the PAP has enough people to represent the incumbent voice."

Added fellow candidate Pwee, who was a fellow Raffles Institution and Raffles Junior College mates with Lee: "It was not hard to get him into SPP, I was actually quite surprised at how easy it was."

http://l.yimg.com/bt/api/res/1.2/uhcfS7fRG7xf9NSsiP.f2Q--/YXBwaWQ9eW5ld3M7dz0xNTA-/http://l.yimg.com/lk/api/res/1.2/UExL4wzqKYKaI.IrMl20qA--/YXBwaWQ9eW1lZGlhO2g9MTUwO3c9OTk-/http://mit.zenfs.com/148/2011/04/160411_SPP-12.jpgMohamad Hamim wants to debate about the influx of foreign workers. …

For Malay candidate Hanim (right), who has a diploma in interactive media from Scotland's James Watt College, it will be his second time running in the General Election.

In 2006, he contested in Pasir Ris-Punggol GRC as part of the former Singapore Democratic Alliance, which consists of SPP, PKMS, NSP and SJP. Hanim founded SPP in 1994 with Mr Sin Kek Tong, who is currently its chairman.

After unveiling his team, Chiam said that he was very happy with his line-up and if elected, they will do their best to serve the residents of Bishan-Toa Payoh.

When asked if SPP's game plan was to focus on discontent over DPM Wong's handling of the Mas Selamat issue during campaigning, Pwee said, "We don't want the elections to be about personal attacks on anybody.

We want to address issues that are in the hearts of the people because we want this to be a fair and respectable affair."

18-04-11, 17:44
The WP thread set up by devilplate will be for WP news so as not to mess up that thread with election news.


FEATURE: Singapore ruling party members no longer of one mind

Singapore (The Star/ANN) - In the staid city of Singapore where politics is as uneventful as the annual election of company directors, a tinge of excitement is creeping into boring lives.

You'll get an idea of what I mean if you browse the Net or watch television these days as election jostling in Singapore intensifies.

Recent TV coverage, which was widely watched, showed what could be a glimpse of a future, politicised Singapore.

First, a top leader of the ruling People's Action Party (PAP) was last week seen weeping emotionally on nationwide TV after announcing his retirement from politics.

Then the Prime Minister rejected on live TV, rather than privately, his Senior Minister's suggestion to limit ministerial office to only two five-year terms to allow for faster rejuvenation.

More shocking was the sudden departure of PAP chairman Lim Boon Heng, 63, after 30 years of public service -- as well as his emotional response.

These are seen as signs that not all is well within the PAP hierarchy.

They lend weight to public perception that, with ageing Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew on the sideline, the younger leaders have been discussing crucial politics -- and were not always in agreement.

Some differences emerged in the form of contradicting statements concerning, among other things, the speed of leadership change and political liberation.

It led Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, who is not always known for high-profile leadership, to go on state TV on two successive weeks to address the disquiet among citizens.

He was apparently using the two-hour long sessions to:

- Reassert his own leadership over a fast-changing political landscape, while nudging colleagues with different views back into line and stamping out any more talk of naming his successor now.

- Regurgitating the hard-line policy enunciated by his father, MM Lee, that Singapore cannot have a two-party democracy for lack of talent to form two good parties.

This contrasted with the views of two of his senior colleagues.

In a TV appearance, Finance Minister Tharman Shanmugaratnam had said a strong opposition was good for the PAP and for Singapore.

Foreign Minister George Yeo had also welcomed the better slate of opposition candidates introduced so far.

"This will give Singaporean voters a better choice," he told reporters.

"It is important to have a credible opposition so that should the PAP turn corrupt or become flaccid ... there's an alternative that Singaporeans can go for."

The strongest challenge, however, was apparently posed by Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong, who wanted this election to throw up the names of the fourth generation Cabinet, including the Prime Minister.

In his TV appearance, however, PM Lee had a different view.

"The issue is not 'Can we spot the next PM?' but rather, 'How we can maintain the virtuous circle of political stability, good government, etc'."

The Prime Minister's view is that the fourth generation leadership will take shape only after the 2016 election -- not this one.

That would theoretically put him in office for at least another 10 years, the time needed to choose and groom a successor.

"If the general election is this year, five years from now will be 2016, and beyond in each election," the PM told 1,200 undergrads.

"But within two terms from now, the new MPs (in 10 years' time) will have to choose from among themselves the new leadership team and a new leader -- the new PM.

"They will have to start assembling the next leadership team to succeed them, to take Singapore forward."

Recently Goh pushed his case further.

He said that in time to come, Cabinet ministers may serve no more than two (five-year) terms "so we can have new blood coming in".

Goh added that the long tenure of current Ministers, who had served longer than three terms, including himself, was a hindrance to bringing in new leaders.

He was implying there was so much potential talent that existing leaders must make way for them to be promoted, which seems in contrast to PM Lee's argument of insufficient talent.

It may be too early to say that factions are being formed, either consciously or not, or that a rift exists.

Neither is it posing a serious threat to the PM, now facing a hot election.

There is little or no possibility that it will result in any dissenter openly challenging the PAP, considering its tremendous power to deal with threats.

"Besides, the very high pay scheme will discourage such adventurous ventures," said a former grassroots leader.

However, if you were to ask any Singaporean, he will likely tell you that a split will take place after Lee Kuan Yew quits.

The PM will be challenged by more others who believe they can do a better job.

PM Lee may already have moved to strengthen his support base in the Cabinet and reduce potential challengers in the party while his father is still around.

Lee Kuan Yew himself said in 1991, when he was Senior Minister, that a leadership split might happen after his exit, and it would be over ideology rather than personal reasons.

Take the case of Lim Boon Heng's exit. He appears disappointed, even angry, but after his emotional outburst, he will likely continue to serve the party's cause.

His break-down was probably partially to dismiss charges that Cabinet members are all yes-men.

Ironically, his tears might have helped to give credence to his argument that PAP leaders are not always of one mind.

18-04-11, 17:46

SDP to contest in three constituencies

Singapore Democratic Party's (SDP) (http://sg.search.yahoo.com/search?p=singapore+democratic+party&fr=fp-today&cs=bz) secretary-general Chee Soon Juan (http://sg.search.yahoo.com/search?p=chee+soon+juan&fr=fp-today&cs=bz) has confirmed that the party will be contesting in three constituencies in the upcoming General Election.

Chee revealed that the party will be contesting in Yuhua and Bukit Panjang single-member constituencies (SMC) (http://sg.search.yahoo.com/search?p=single+member+constituencies&fr=fp-today&cs=bz), and Holland-Bukit Timah group representation constituency (GRC) (http://sg.search.yahoo.com/search?p=group+representation+constituency&fr=fp-today&cs=bz).

He added that they are also planning to field a team in another constituency - possibly a GRC - but Chee declined to reveal further details. He said that an announcement will be made later this week where the party is expected to unveil its manifesto and line-up of candidates.

"We will definitely contest in Holland-Bukit Timah GRC. We have been preparing the ground more than a year," he said.

"We are very well prepared and the slate of candidates which we will announce very shortly will be more than capable of taking over from the PAP team."

The SDP chief was speaking to reporters during his walkabout at Ghim Moh on Sunday morning where he introduced potential candidates to residents in the area.

While the party refused to reveal where the candidates will be contesting, Yahoo! Singapore understands that the possible line-up for Holland-Bukit Timah GRC is coming to shape.

They are social policy doctorate holder Dr Vincent Wijeyasingha, 40, academic Dr James Gomez, 45, Michelle Lee, 35, and former lecturer John Tan 49. Another possible candidate is ex-ISA detainee Teo Soh Lung.

When asked to comment on the quality of his candidates, Chee said, "Our candidates are all going to be very highly qualified professionals but I want you to look beyond that. It's because you look into their hearts, that's where the service comes in.

"But you won't find them lacking in any shape or form when it comes to their credentials, their competence, as far as our team is compared with the PAP team is concerned."

Chee went on to add that his party's candidates are good enough to rival the incumbent People's Action Party (PAP) team in the four-member Holland-Bukit Timah GRC and is confident that they can "give more than a hard fight".

"We are coming here feeling good, we worked hard, we've been preparing very hard.

"Our candidates know all the issues and they know the situation in the constituency specific as well so we feel very good coming here and I'm sure it will be a very good contest," he said.

The current PAP team is led by Minister for Community Development, Youths and Sports Dr Vivian Balakrishnan (http://sg.search.yahoo.com/search?p=vivian+balakrishnan&fr=fp-today&cs=bz). The area received a walkover in the last 2006 election.

Chee also commented on the National Solidarity Party's (NSP) (http://sg.search.yahoo.com/search?p=national+solidarity+party&fr=fp-today&cs=bz) withdrawal from Yuhua, which paved the way for the SDP to contest in the area. He said that both parties were initially interested in the single-seat wards of Yuhua and Whampoa.

However, since the NSP had expressed strong interest to run in Whampoa, the SDP decided to back off from standing in the area. In return, the NSP has withdrawn from contesting in Yuhua.

"Because the NSP was also interested in Whampoa, we didn't see the need for a three-corner fight so we drew on that and the NSP has reciprocated and I think that is a very good strategy going forward because that allows both of us to fight one-on-one with the PAP," he said.

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18-04-11, 17:47

SAF captain charged with corruption

31-year-old Phua Poh Sim, an army captain with the Singapore Armed Forces (http://sg.search.yahoo.com/search?p=Singapore+Armed+Forces&#38;fr=fp-today&#38;cs=bz) (SAF), was charged with five counts of corruption at a local court on Monday.

According to The Straits Times, Puah is accused of receiving between S$1,700 and S$28,000 from Yow Wah, a businessman, between May and August 2008.

In turn, Yow, 58, allegedly received confidential information on the SAF's military projects. He was charged with bribery at the same court.

A pre-trial conference has been set for 9 July. Both men face a fine of up to $100,000 and/or a jail term of up to five years per charge if convicted.

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18-04-11, 22:16
u r a strong supporter of opposition, no doubt, no matter what their policy looks like :D

but i must say the opposition is using the wrong strategy; their idea to reduce new HDB prices and land values will not go well with majority of voters; why? their policy will most definitely result in a fall in HDB prices and with >75% of the people already owning HDB flats, the workers party is justing hitting their own legs :D so from here we can have a rough idea of how good the opposition are :D

let me give them a small hint on wat they should focus on... a rising number of singaporeans are getting jealous of PR reaping a profit from HDB flats and returning home with the money; the worker party may suggest imposing a tax on PR who profited in this way (95% taxation on profit for bringing money out of singapore by PR who sold off their HDB); this will ensure that only genuine PR who has the intention to stay here permanently buy HDB flat in the first place, and not for profitering; this will immediately reduce the demand on HDB and cause a drop in COV......

Regarding PR and property, it is in WP manifesto already.

It has nothing to do with Opposition supporter or not. You should be passing this statement to PAP supporters at grassroots, CCC, RC, CDAC, CDC, SINDA, Mendaki, NTUC, GLCs etc.

I voted PAP before when PAP was more logical. But now I am not voting just for myself alone but for my children and grandchildren who will need a roof over their heads.

There is no way their starting salaries will catch up with HDB prices if PAP goes on with Mah's housing policies.

It is strange PRs can buy flats but single Singaporeans cannot and HDB is worried about single Singaporeans driving HDB prices upwards.

Ironic ??

Mah is just picking on a small point and exaggerating the contents.

Public housing was never meant to be depended on by people to make speculative profit.

Most of us in this forum are use to investing in private property that we forgot HDB is another world and another set of dynamics.

HDB was never and should never use for investment, it will curse the lower-income for generations to come.

Whatever logic we have for private property should never apply to HDB.

HDB should be strictly kept as a 'roof-over-your-head' concept and for newly weds and poor families.

Over time, all properties will rise, it is the rate of increase that are killing Singaporeans.

Something for you :

http://yawningbread.wordpress.com/2011/04/17/papsicles-2/ (http://yawningbread.wordpress.com/2011/04/17/papsicles-2/)

Singapore’s public housing policy is like a giant vacuum cleaner that sucks up personal reserves from citizens in order to fatten the state’s reserves.

This was revealed by none other than Minister for National Development Mah Bow Tan. Personal savings are depleted so that national savings continue to grow.

Lowering the cost of land as a way of reducing the prices of new Housing Board flats is akin to taking money from Singapore’s reserves, said National Development Minister Mah Bow Tan yesterday.
– Sunday Times, 17 April 2011, ‘Bad idea to lower cost of land’

http://yawningbread.files.wordpress.com/2011/04/pic_201104_28.jpg?w=480&h=360 (http://yawningbread.files.wordpress.com/2011/04/pic_201104_28.jpg)

The Workers’ Party’s recently-released manifesto proposes to peg the prices of newly-built public housing to the median income of eligible buyers.

It is the party’s response to widespread unhappiness about home prices rising to unaffordable levels.

Workers’ Party chief Low Thia Khiang had accused the minister of not painting the full picture on costs. Specifically, he pointed to the cost of land. Although a statutory body in itself, the Housing and Development Board (HDB) has to pay the Singapore Land Authority for the land it uses for public housing.

Mr Low believes land costs make up the bulk of the board’s expenses in building flats. And if that is lowered by the Singapore Land Authority, HDB would not have to suffer such a loss, and the savings could be passed on to first-time home buyers.

The key is if the Government is prepared to collect less money from land sales. ‘It is a question of taking your money from the left pocket and putting in the right pocket. So, let us know what is the land cost,’ he pressed.

The money from land sales on long lease is not included as part of the budget for current government spending, but goes into the reserves, he added, citing a previous official reply in Parliament.

– Straits Times, 16 April 2011, Mah not giving full picture of costs: Low
While Low was speaking about taking money from the government’s left pocket and putting it into its right pocket, that metaphor only captures a part of the picture.

Looking at the situation from a total perspective, it is taking money from the individual’s pocket and putting it into the state’s pocket, as I will explain below.

First however, we need to pin down a few facts, or rather a few things as close as fact as we can get in the absence of the government releasing data. The refusal to release data breaking down costs of building public housing has characterised this government for as long as anyone can remember.

Thanks to business weekly The Edge, PropertyGuru and Lucky Tan’s blog (http://singaporemind.blogspot.com/2011/04/heart-of-housing-issue-cost-of-land.html), we have a nugget of information dating from a year ago.

HDB has awarded a contract worth $99.8 million to Sim Lian Construction Co. for the building works at Queenstown Redevelopment Contract 30, which will have a total of 774 housing units, according to business weekly, the Edge.

The contract, which translates to a construction cost of $129,180 per unit, is slated to begin in March 2010 and is expected to be completed by February 2013.

The statutory board Singapore Land Authority owns the land parcel.

Once completed, the flats are likely to fetch over $300,000 per unit, as the project is located in the prime district of Queenstown.
– PropertyGuru.com.sg, blogpost dated 1 Feb 2010, Link (http://www.propertyguru.com.sg/property-management-news/2010/2/27190/construction-of-new-queenstown-hdb-flats-costs-120).
We still need to bear in mind a few things: the contract value per flat given to Sim Lian is not the only cost, although it is very likely the bulk of it. There may be other smaller contracts for ancillary works.

There is also, undoubtedly, overhead costs at the HDB itself in designing the flats and associated civil works. Let’s say then that the total cost of building these flats work out to about $150,000 each.

If the selling price per flat averages $300,000, then HDB’s gross profit appears to be the other $150,000.

Yet, Mah says the HDB generally makes a loss, which indeed is what the HDB’s annual financial report shows.

Whether or not this will be the case with these particular flats in Queenstown is unknown, but let’s assume that these costings are typical.

In that case, HDB’s cost per flat, on an accounting basis, must be higher than the flats’ selling prices of $300,000, but since we estimate (from the above paragraph) that design and construction costs comes to about $150,000, then HDB must be paying more than $150,000 for land from the Singapore Land Authority.

Or not. It is also possible that this is a Selective En-bloc Redevelopment Scheme (SERS) project, in which case, a good part of the cost would come from buying out the existing residents in the area to repossess the site, plus costs associated with demolishing the old buildings.

In such a case, HDB would pay only a top-up Development Charge to the Singapore Land Authority to intensify the use of the land.

If we make this assumption that it is a SERS project, the costing gets a lot more complicated; too complicated to discuss here without having to make innumerable assumptions. This, frankly, is yet another reason why HDB’s refusal to release details is a blatant case of frustrating public debate and accountability.

Either way, whether HDB is paying for a fresh piece of land or paying a top-up charge to intensify land use, a biggish sum of money goes to the Singapore Land Authority. Mah admits as much:

In a fresh rebuttal yesterday, Mr Mah said Mr Low is “well aware” that land in Singapore is valued by the chief valuer and the proceeds go into Singapore’s national reserves.

“We are very careful in how we manage the value of land,” he said.

– Sunday Times, 17 April 2011, ‘Bad idea to lower cost of land’
There you have it. It works like this: When you buy a new flat from the HDB, you deplete your present and future savings paying for your flat.

The money you pay goes to the HDB. Part of it goes to pay for the actual construction of the block, but a large (though indeterminate because of lack of data) part of it goes ultimately to the Singapore Land Authority based on a notional value of the land your block sits on.

That money that is paid to the land authority is considered part of the national reserves.

In short, your personal savings have been sucked out and piled onto the state’s savings.

http://yawningbread.files.wordpress.com/2011/04/pic_201104_27.jpg?w=480&h=360 (http://yawningbread.files.wordpress.com/2011/04/pic_201104_27.jpg)

Low’s query is over how that notional value is arrived at by the Chief Valuer. The government says it is based on “market value”.

The consequential questions would naturally be (1) how is “market value” determined, and (2) should it be based on market value? That’s another extremely complicated debate which I won’t go into here.

* * * * *

Of course, the government is never going to admit that they have sucked away all your savings.

What they say instead is that your liquid savings (present and up to 30 future years’ worth depending on the term of your mortgage) has been exchanged for an asset.

There is nothing wrong with giving Singaporeans an asset, and even less so in making sure that asset grows in value, said the minister, who has been in charge of housing since 1999.

‘I want to say we are proud of the asset enhancement policy. The policy is what has given almost all Singaporeans a home of their own, a home that is also an asset.

‘It is an asset that grows in value over time, with the growth of the economy and also with all the upgrading programmes that the Government has put in place,’ he said.

– Straits Times, 15 April 2011, WP’s housing proposal irresponsible, says Mah
Here we go again. I argued recently that 99-year leaseholds cannot keep rising in value indefinitely.

For a minister to make this claim once again is in fact the irresponsible thing to do.

When the HDB says your money buys this “asset” that will keep going up in value, it is nothing less than an invitation to walk into a chamber of smoke and mirrors.

There is one last bit that I think is also worth mentioning. The Sunday Times quoted Mah as saying:

“That is precisely what the elected presidency was meant to do, to protect our reserves and prevent political parties, during election time, from coming up with all sorts of promises.”

Mr Mah noted that WP’s manifesto also proposes that the elected presidency be abolished.

– ibid.

http://yawningbread.files.wordpress.com/2011/04/pic_201104_29.jpg?w=189&h=240 (http://yawningbread.files.wordpress.com/2011/04/pic_201104_29.jpg)

I will humbly suggest that there is another way to look at it:

After the giant vacuum cleaner known as HDB has sucked out all your personal savings and deposited it into the national reserves, the key to all this hijacked money is given to the elected president who swallows it.

It sits in his large intestine until he agrees to move his bowels.

18-04-11, 22:35
The son says during financial tsunami old folks can sell hdb n live with children . The father said before never sell hdb. So believe father or son? N why so inconsistent in public?

18-04-11, 23:39
From Rebecca comments about opposition, it seems mainstream media is doing its job.
She wants to vote opposition BUT knows nothing much about opposition. Does she expect mainstream media to give out info?
Use internet for goodness sake! Does she expect to be spoonfed about opposition parties? :doh:.
If that's her attitude, she is where she is now because of her attitude, not because of government fault. She likes to be spoonfed :doh:. Her academic/career path also spoonfed by her friends.

actually she is driving a point.. mainstream media shld be free to air anything.. not be leashed n controlled..
north korea comes to mind..:scared-5:

18-04-11, 23:49
did i hear wrongly.. lao lee is contesting tanjong pagar grc?

19-04-11, 00:15
An Open Letter To Singaporeans


"Home" Music Video (Vote For Change Version)


19-04-11, 00:31
toking about HDB prices....may not be a gd thing to peg against median income after some thought....peg to market value+discount+extra AHG is better

currently, got AHG for the lower income leh...

best is to adjust the current AHG grant and its criteria accordingly lor(plus 10yr MOP for those applying AHG)

poorer get more grant(ccomes wif longer MOP)....richer get lesser grant but shorter MOP....fair enuff?

19-04-11, 00:32
did i hear wrongly.. lao lee is contesting tanjong pagar grc?
U din hear wrongly though he shld be something like a consultant he is gg to contest in tanjong pagar Duno how he is gg to do his walkabouts

I guess he is contesting to bring some popularity back to pap n support his son. Seems like pap having too many negative criticisms nowadays with e almighty back, might win more votes

I respect dis man greatly though I cannot say e same for e party or e son!

proud owner
19-04-11, 15:24
singapore president dissolves parliament

19-04-11, 16:54
singapore president dissolves parliament

And Nomination Day is set on 27 April 2011.

19-04-11, 17:08
Polling Day on 7th May 2011

19-04-11, 17:09
Does it mean cooling day is on 5 and 6 May? What is the holiday schedule for Singapore?

19-04-11, 18:35

GE: Ground "not so sweet" for elections, says SM Goh

SINGAPORE : Singapore's Senior Minister, Goh Chok Tong, has said the issue of rising costs has rendered the ground "not so sweet" for elections.

Speaking to the Singapore media at the end of his visit to China, Mr Goh said: "I would not duck the issue, because politics is about people's livelihood. Therefore, rising cost is a very big issue facing, not just Singapore, but facing every other country."

He questioned whether having more opposition members in Parliament would solve the problem.

He also pointed out that the government had transferred cash to the people, which more than offset additional costs due to inflation.

On immigration, Mr Goh said the government recognized it as a concern among citizens, and has moderated the flow.

But he said doing so has economic trade-offs that sometimes may not be apparent to the people.

Mr Goh also commented on People's Action Party chairman Lim Boon Heng's recent public display of emotions.

He said: "The man might be very quiet, might be very reticent, he has emotions, so he's very human. Right? So in this particular case, I can understand why he broke down - because he was against the setting up of the IRs (integrated resorts). We had to debate.

"He was a very staunch Catholic - he was against it. We debated. We debated among the cabinet members, among ourselves, and he debated within himself.

"From the point of religion, he would say no. In fact, he said so quite clearly. He would be against it from that ground. But then he was a union leader - he had to create jobs."

In reply to a question on new candidates standing in single member constituencies, Senior Minster Goh said the PAP strategy is to field incumbents.

So whether it is Heng Swee Keat, Chan Chun Sing, or Tan Chuan Jin - they are members of the team, so we fight as a team in GRCs, and the 12 singles will fight as singles. And of course, the whole party will fight as a party to win the elections."

Turning to the slate and quality of opposition candidates, Mr Goh said it is easy for some voters to be impressed because so few good opposition candidates were fielded in the past.

He also said better qualified candidates could be a reflection of a greater interest in politics.

He added: "The key is to assess the motivations of the people standing for elections. I am not casting any aspersions on them. I am not suggesting that they have bad motivations. What I am saying is that in the PAP, when we interview candidates, we always try and probe the candidates' motivations.

"It's very important. What are your motivations. Is it to advance your self interest, or are you there to serve the people? Are you prepared to make time and energy, and be available to serve the people?

"So we probe for motivations, we probe for your convictions, your commitment and of course into your character."

When asked about his role in the upcoming election, Senior Minister Goh said it is the prime minister's election and the prime minister will take charge.

He said both he and the minister mentor will take on what he called an "active role outside the arena", watching developments and giving the prime minister feedback, when needed.

He added: "So my role will be to give some reading where I think it is useful for them to know, but without trying to crimp their style because the government has to fight it their way.

"This is the new environment, new electorate, so let them handle the new electorate. And to ensure that I win the Marine Parade GRC, so that two new candidates can be in parliament."

The senior minister also defended the PAP Manifesto, which was criticised as being short on details.

He said a manifesto cannot be too detailed or it would end up looking like a budget speech.

He added: "I frankly would like an elaboration on the challenges facing Singapore because I do believe that we are going into a period of uncertainties. Just look at events in the Middle East. How will that pan out? We don't know yet.

"At the moment, the impact is not that large because the oil price has shot up, but Saudi Arabia is pumping more oil into the market, so the oil price is within a manageable limit.

"In our case, Singaporeans have not felt the effects of the oil price because we have tightened our monetary policy. The Singapore dollar has strengthened against the US dollar.

"So, while the oil price has shot up over 100 dollars, in terms of Singapore dollars, the prices have not gone up very much. So people don't see that."

- CNA/al

19-04-11, 20:54
Does it mean cooling day is on 5 and 6 May? What is the holiday schedule for Singapore?
7th May :Polling Day is a public holiday but is a sat..., guess most office staff not working anyway...,wonder if companies will compensate with a day off. Government want minimum disruption to economy.

20-04-11, 05:12
Schools will be used during nomination day on 27 April. Does it mean its a school holiday?

20-04-11, 08:52
People on the ground also tell me that all is not so sweet and that opposition is not to be underestimated. I am worried about Bishan-Toa Payoh GRC. Have heard such comments as "even if Chiam were to stand with 2 monkeys he would still be able to garner at least 40% votes". But Chiam would be standing with more substantial candidate than monkeys therefore that GRC looks potentially vulnerable. I wonder if the powers to be would derail the planned projects for that GRC should the PAP lose the GRC (eg MRT stations, estate upgrading etc). I don't think it's that likely but you never know. A lot of stuff is coming out of the wood work this time round.

20-04-11, 09:47
most of the sites containing the opinion on the ground are not accessable....

20-04-11, 10:15
This promises to be an interesting election.

20-04-11, 10:17
People on the ground also tell me that all is not so sweet and that opposition is not to be underestimated. I am worried about Bishan-Toa Payoh GRC. Have heard such comments as "even if Chiam were to stand with 2 monkeys he would still be able to garner at least 40% votes". But Chiam would be standing with more substantial candidate than monkeys therefore that GRC looks potentially vulnerable. I wonder if the powers to be would derail the planned projects for that GRC should the PAP lose the GRC (eg MRT stations, estate upgrading etc). I don't think it's that likely but you never know. A lot of stuff is coming out of the wood work this time round.
Actually bishan people have nothing to fear even if opp wins coz the infrastructure for the area is very well built up alr.
1. Prices of properties there will be super strong.
2. MRT already complete with circle and NS line.
3. Bus services reasonable.
4. J8 shopping centre just upgraded 4 years back so can last a long time without further upgrading.
5. Schools like RI/RJC/Catholic High and many other good pri schools are firmly established.
6. The HDB are not so old as require upgrading (According to PM, it is by age so even if PAP still rule, there'll also not be lift upgrading coz estate still relatively young).
7. Got public gym and swimming facilities.
8. Got beautiful big park to stroll and relax.
9. Road is well built and easily accessible to CTE etc.

Very little to worry lah... Think its our DPM and gang who should be worried... oops! :scared-1:

20-04-11, 10:35
Actually bishan people have nothing to fear even if opp wins coz the infrastructure for the area is very well built up alr.

Very little to worry lah... Think its our DPM and gang who should be worried... oops! :scared-1:

As regards to lift upgrading, they already polled Sin Ming Court recently. This is one of the "newer" estates (one of the last not to have lifts on every floor, I believe). Did it with some fan fare, including glossy brochure (like advertising for condo), showroom in void deck with models (like condo show flat), free makan on first polling night with MP to give speech etc. Many grassroots there to point out how great is the upgrading, how much money govt spend to divert the sewage, etc to make way for the lift shafts. Even so there was one block where they only managed to garner 77% votes for the upgrading (I believe their view would be blocked by lift shaft) and overall votes for the LUP were only in the early 80+%, not the 90+% you would expect. I wonder if they would drag their feet with the LUP if PAP should fail to win.

For the public transport,

They could still divert the Thomson Line away from Bishan/Sin Ming if opposition win, as the stations have not been finalised yet. Or else keep the station closed. Or construct the NS Expressway to be somehow disadvantageous to Bishan residents.

I wonder if they dare to let these things happen if the GRC should go to the opposition. That would give them a bad image though. And even if they win this election, the next one would be difficult for them (when lao lee may no longer be with us) if they do this to Bishan/TP. The residents there would not be impressed at all by such tactics.

I live in this GRC and am a PAP supporter but await events with interest to see if there is any reason to sway my support. Any hint of sore losers in this contest would be an eye opener.

20-04-11, 11:19
is it true if a GRC run by a minister lose the battle, the minister will have to resign?

proud owner
20-04-11, 11:23
is it true if a GRC run by a minister lose the battle, the minister will have to resign?

really ?

if this is true ... then our govt is indeed ...like how its been called for so many years .. a DYNASTY

20-04-11, 11:33
is it true if a GRC run by a minister lose the battle, the minister will have to resign?

If minister no longer a member of parliament, how to continue with position. In another word, got "fired" or "sack" by the people power. Any way, it is good to have a new person if incumbent has stay in comfort zone too long. Actually. it is the respective ministry and civil service machinery that are doing the job. Remember there are Perm Secretary, Misister of state etc etc. So minster is just a figure or Jia Liao Bee so to speak. :doh:

The last election in 1991, Mdm Seet Ai mei, Minisiter of state got sack after losing out in Yishun SMC. It is a long time already, this time is also 2011, an ominous sign... few key appointment holders may be terminated .. for the good of the people.. By the people ... For the people ...:)

20-04-11, 11:35
is it true if a GRC run by a minister lose the battle, the minister will have to resign?

Dunno he just as clever as Mat Selamat to "escape". In fact he already made a spectacular escape himself by keeping his job when the other guy escaped. Normally the person in charge would have to resign with such a high profile lapse in security.

hats off to him :not-worthy:

But voters may not be as forgiving as his current masters. :tongue3:

Watch this space and see if they do anything to move the party members or redraw boundaries in the Bishan-TPY GRC. Is it too late yet?

proud owner
20-04-11, 11:37
If minister no longer a member of parliament, how to continue with position. In another word, got "fired" or "sack" by the people power. Any way, it is good to have a new person if incumbent has stay in comfort zone too long. Actually. it is the respective ministry and civil service machinery that are doing the job. Remember there are Perm Secretary, Misister of state etc etc. So minster is just a figure or Jia Liao Bee so to speak. :doh:

The last election in 1991, Mdm Seet Ai mei, Minisiter of state got sack after losing out in Yishun SMC. It is a long time already, this time is also 2011, an ominous sign... few key appointment holders may be terminated .. for the good of the people.. By the people ... For the people ...:)

there are also alot of other posts thats redundant

but they make themselves 'useful' when its totally not necessary
true jiao leow bee type

continue to enjoy the fame, collect money , write books, collect more money

if the purpose of the books are to educate the younger generations ..then the state should publish them and distribute to all schools and library all for to read
for FREE

20-04-11, 11:41
Is it only me who think that some of the ministers who resigned shouldn't have resigned and some who did not resign ought to resign????? :(

20-04-11, 11:42
If minister no longer a member of parliament, how to continue with position. In another word, got "fired" or "sack" by the people power. Any way, it is good to have a new person if incumbent has stay in comfort zone too long. Actually. it is the respective ministry and civil service machinery that are doing the job. Remember there are Perm Secretary, Misister of state etc etc. So minster is just a figure or Jia Liao Bee so to speak. :doh:

The last election in 1991, Mdm Seet Ai mei, Minisiter of state got sack after losing out in Yishun SMC. It is a long time already, this time is also 2011, an ominous sign... few key appointment holders may be terminated .. for the good of the people.. By the people ... For the people ...:)

then those minister that has meat ball (not steel ball) will not want to lead a GRC.....:D

20-04-11, 11:46
is it true if a GRC run by a minister lose the battle, the minister will have to resign?
Think it is true with the exception of PM only... can't remember...

20-04-11, 11:49
Can almost imagine those visits to companies and schools scheduled for post election 2011 may hit wall :banghead:. Banners that are already sent for printing might have to be changed if the election result is a blow wind blow... :spliff:

20-04-11, 13:12
Is it only me who think that some of the ministers who resigned shouldn't have resigned and some who did not resign ought to resign????? :(

thinking abt crocodile tears? He does seem like a nice sincere person who shouldn be made to resign to give way to pple like tin tin!

20-04-11, 13:15
thinking abt crocodile tears? He does seem like a nice sincere person who shouldn be made to resign to give way to pple like tin tin!I'm sure he is lah.. He belong to the Gen2 PAP alongside SM. They are good!!! :D

20-04-11, 13:43
People on the ground also tell me that all is not so sweet and that opposition is not to be underestimated. I am worried about Bishan-Toa Payoh GRC. Have heard such comments as "even if Chiam were to stand with 2 monkeys he would still be able to garner at least 40% votes". But Chiam would be standing with more substantial candidate than monkeys therefore that GRC looks potentially vulnerable. I wonder if the powers to be would derail the planned projects for that GRC should the PAP lose the GRC (eg MRT stations, estate upgrading etc). I don't think it's that likely but you never know. A lot of stuff is coming out of the wood work this time round.

I think such pork barrel politics should have no place in Singapore as it sets unhealthy precedents for future governments.

The government of Singapore should serve all Singapore , not just their own GRCs and SMCs.

PAP is dipping into the reserves to win their own party elections with so many million dollars estate plans which may stretch 2-3 elections to fulfill.

Is this the right way to spend and thus increasing tax to fund this vicious cycle.

If Singaporeans get swayed by upgrading, lifts, flowers, MRTs etc then Singaporeans will form a 'no-backbone' culture which means Singapore cannot stand the test of war and crisis.

To me, hardware stuff like upgrading, town plans etc all belong to URA and HDB and using national funds so I am not voting for this hardware stuff or else Singaporean voters will forever be trapped to vote PAP.

It will make elections redundant and PAP can send in lousy candidates like Tin Pei Ling and still win.

I will vote on only policies and I disagree with many PAP policies which is more self serving to PAP than Singapore.

Wake up or your children and grandchildren will get more Tin Pei Lings, Foo Mee Hars, Sitoh Yi Pin in future.

20-04-11, 13:52
Be careful, hor. The polling is not anonymous. I heard of someone whose friend voted for opposition in last election. When she had some issue that she needed help from a govt agency later on, they said to her, hey you voted opposition. So they "knew" about it. :tsk-tsk: :tsk-tsk: :tsk-tsk: :scared-1:

20-04-11, 14:06
Be careful, hor. The polling is not anonymous. I heard of someone whose friend voted for opposition in last election. When she had some issue that she needed help from a govt agency later on, they said to her, hey you voted opposition. So they "knew" about it. :tsk-tsk: :tsk-tsk: :tsk-tsk: :scared-1:
:doh: :doh: :doh:

So now PAP Internet Brigade resort to desperate measures like doing fearmongering and spreading urban legends to win votes ??

You call this meritrocracy??

Despicable and low down of you. You still call yourself Singaporean ??

I bet when war comes, your type will be the first to leave or surrender.

I have friends in grassroots and civil service who voted Opposition and they still get their promotions and nothing happen.

I have couples voted for Opposition got their flats first time in BTO compare to couples who voted PAP and did not get any flats.

Sylvia Lim of WP is in civil service so nothing happen to her right ??

Vote is secret, do not spread such stuff. It makes Singapore and you look stupid. This is the 21st century.

Your vote is secret (http://geraldgiam.sg/2010/09/your-vote-is-secret/)

Many Singaporeans harbour the misconception that their vote during elections is not secret. I’ve talked to many people, both educated and less educated, and the overwhelming majority seem to think this way.

This is despite the fact that at every election, the Elections Department takes pains to communicate to voters two main points: Voting is compulsory, and voting is secret. I guess this is a point that Singaporeans just refuse to believe our government about.

It is even more unfortunate that some persist in perpetuating this urban myth, which only serves to strike more fear into the hearts of Singaporeans who are thinking of voting for the opposition.

A letter in Temasek Review today exhorted Singaporeans to spoil their votes because, the writer reasoned, then the PAP won’t “mark” you for voting against them and if there are enough invalid votes, it will indirectly increase the opposition’s share of the valid vote.

This is wrong on many counts. I’ll highlight just two: Firstly, the PAP does not know which party you voted for, so they won’t know who to “mark”, even if they wanted to.

Secondly, invalid votes do not factor in the final count, which is based on valid votes.

This means that if there were 10 votes–six for the PAP, three for the opposition and one spoiled–the final tally is 66.6 per cent to the PAP (six divided by nine, with the spoiled vote excluded), not 60 per cent.

Let’s be very clear: YOUR VOTE IS SECRET. I will take you through the whole balloting process to see why:

1. On Polling Day, each voter at the polling station is issued a ballot paper without his name on it. (I’ll talk about the serial numbers later.)

He/she marks the ballot paper in a booth out of sight of anyone else. No cameras are permitted in the polling station so there is no way to observe how voters vote.

The voter then folds up the paper and drops it in the ballot box. Throughout the day, counting agents from each party are at the polling station to ensure the ballot boxes are not opened.

2. At the close of polling, usually at 8pm on the same day, the ballot boxes are sealed with tamper-proof seals (which are signed over by the candidates) and transported to the Counting Centre.

3. At the Counting Centre, the ballot boxes from the polling stations are unsealed in the presence of the candidates and their assistants and emptied in a common heap.

The election officials (who are civil servants) then count the votes in full view of the candidates from all contesting parties, who ensure that the votes are counted properly and the election officials follow all the rules.

4. Immediately after counting, the votes, together with all the relevant records, the stubs of the ballot papers and any unused ballot papers are sealed in the boxes (again with tamper-proof seals) and transported to the Supreme Court vault for storage.

5. Six months later, if there are no disputes over the outcome of the election, the sealed boxes are transported to the incineration plant, where, in the presence of all the candidates (including the losers), the votes and records are completely destroyed by fire.

As you can see from above, at no point are the boxes opened without the candidates or representatives from all the contesting parties being present.

Frequently asked questions

Q. What about the serial numbers on the ballot papers?

This is a safeguard against election fraud such as bringing counterfeit ballot papers into the polling station, voter impersonation or casting ballot papers which have been marked by others.

Many other countries, including the UK, have numbered ballot papers. As explained above, there is no opportunity for the election officials or candidates to peek at the votes and match them against the electoral roll.

Remember there are no names on the voting slips, and if one wanted to match the serial numbers, one would have to sift through a huge list of thousands of voters in full view of the candidates.

It is possible, though, that in the event of a disputed outcome, the courts could order that the boxes be taken out of storage and the votes recounted. However this would again be done in full view of the candidates. In any case, there has been no court order issued to retrieve votes since Singapore first conducted elections in 1948.

Q. Why does the election official call out my name and voter number at the polling station before giving me the ballot paper?

So as to enable the representatives of contesting political parties at the polling station to verify and cross out your name on their copies of the electoral register. They will know you voted, but won’t know who you voted for.

Q. After elections, some politicians say certain blocks supported the ruling party or opposition. Does it mean they know my vote?

Nobody knows how each individual voted. Each polling station serves about 10 to 20 blocks of flats or a few landed housing estates. They may know the aggregated number from each polling district, but not the individual votes.

In summary, I emphasise again that voting is secret. So come the next elections, vote with your conscience, not with fear!


20-04-11, 14:23
:doh: :doh: :doh:

So now PAP Internet Brigade resort to desperate measures like doing fearmongering and spreading urban legends to win votes ??

You call this meritrocracy??

Despicable and low down of you. You still call yourself Singaporean ??

I bet when war comes, your type will be the first to leave or surrender.

haha I am not PAP internet brigade. I am just an ordinary person-in-the-street. And I am just passing on a concern that is shared by other Singaporeans. That we think in this way is perhaps a reflection of the system so you can't blame us for it as I am not alone. If this is how the PAP has reared its "children", sorry that we are the product of their work, me included.

Please let the Opposition have some candidates who are capable enough and brave enough to lead us out of this. So that we will not be jelly-belly citizens of the future.

No use ranting at me (a nobody) in this little forum. If you are an Opposition supporter, go forth and spread the news all over so that we can have a good fight in the coming election. jia-you!

proud owner
20-04-11, 14:28
Be careful, hor. The polling is not anonymous. I heard of someone whose friend voted for opposition in last election. When she had some issue that she needed help from a govt agency later on, they said to her, hey you voted opposition. So they "knew" about it. :tsk-tsk: :tsk-tsk: :tsk-tsk: :scared-1:

if this happens to me .. i will report to police on the spot .. call CNA, newspaper hotline IMMEDIATELY and nail the person who said ' YOU VOTED FOR OPPOSITION "

simply becos voting is compulsory and yuor vote is a secret

they are not supposed to know

and if they do ..and use it against me ..PAP is asking for trouble should their staff ever dare to say they know

20-04-11, 14:30
haha I am not PAP internet brigade. I am just an ordinary person-in-the-street. And I am just passing on a concern that is shared by other Singaporeans. That we think in this way is perhaps a reflection of the system so you can't blame us for it as I am not alone. If this is how the PAP has reared its "children", sorry that we are the product of their work, me included.

Please let the Opposition have some candidates who are capable enough and brave enough to lead us out of this. So that we will not be jelly-belly citizens of the future.

No use ranting at me (a nobody) in this little forum. If you are an Opposition supporter, go forth and spread the news all over so that we can have a good fight in the coming election. jia-you!

Then maybe you can do your part by refraining to post such urban legends and refute them if someone else post it.

The fearmongering does not help Singapore and Singaporeans and does not add any value to elections at all.

If you want your children and grandchildren to go through the same fear process as you, your parents and grandparents then by all means do all the fearmongering you want.

proud owner
20-04-11, 14:32
if this happens to me .. i will report to police on the spot .. call CNA, newspaper hotline IMMEDIATELY and nail the person who said ' YOU VOTED FOR OPPOSITION "

simply becos voting is compulsory and yuor vote is a secret

they are not supposed to know

and if they do ..and use it against me ..PAP is asking for trouble should their staff ever dare to say they know

singaporeans MUST be able to stand up for what is Right and what is wrong ..

only dare to complain about people not giving up seats in MRT, or Macdonald's charging 10ct for warm water ...or restaurants not allowing pets etc ..

we will be doomed cos we are a nation of people who complain only the trivial-est of things and keeping quiet what that really matters

20-04-11, 14:32
if this happens to me .. i will report to police on the spot .. call CNA, newspaper hotline IMMEDIATELY and nail the person who said ' YOU VOTED FOR OPPOSITION "

simply becos voting is compulsory and yuor vote is a secret

they are not supposed to know

and if they do ..and use it against me ..PAP is asking for trouble should their staff ever dare to say they know

Yep, if it's me I also would feel that way. :hell-hath-no-fury:

I think the person affected was not as "on" as you'all.

20-04-11, 14:32
if this happens to me .. i will report to police on the spot .. call CNA, newspaper hotline IMMEDIATELY and nail the person who said ' YOU VOTED FOR OPPOSITION "

simply becos voting is compulsory and yuor vote is a secret

they are not supposed to know

and if they do ..and use it against me ..PAP is asking for trouble should their staff ever dare to say they know

Yep, it will create a national scandal and render all previous elections results null and void as the credibility of elections is already lost.

The government will be toppled overnight if actually somebody from government say that to you voted Opposition and cannot help you.

20-04-11, 15:42
Be careful, hor. The polling is not anonymous. I heard of someone whose friend voted for opposition in last election. When she had some issue that she needed help from a govt agency later on, they said to her, hey you voted opposition. So they "knew" about it. :tsk-tsk: :tsk-tsk: :tsk-tsk: :scared-1:

let's rewind this a little and make this clear, govt is NOT pap and pap is NOT govt. the govt is not meant to serve its own interests or the interests of any party, it is meant to serve the people who voted it in.

a govt agency belongs to the civil service administration and should serve the people of singapore, regardless of their voting preferences.

that is why hougang not getting estate upgrading or being relegated to the last in line, despite the fact that those who live in that constituency do pay taxes.

20-04-11, 15:56
The Temasek Review


20-04-11, 15:59
to all of you, ignore the garbage propaganda in the ST and CNA that is pro PAP. Voted to have a first world parliament, have more people support in parliament and stop laws from rolling out of parliament like going for a quick toilet session. ON THE 7TH MAY, LET US ALL VOTE FOR A CHANGE !

20-04-11, 16:12
The Temasek Review


Just hope FB is not denied
and readers know can go to FB...

20-04-11, 16:25
Wonder how's the ground feeling for this coming election? Here in this forum, it is about 15 to 20 of us writing and discussing but what about the other 2.3 million voters? I have a hunch that the younger generation of voters wants change and are pretty hungry for it but the older generation prefer to be safe than sorry.

20-04-11, 16:49
Apathetic Singaporean views on singapore election 2011


20-04-11, 16:53
haha I am not PAP internet brigade. I am just an ordinary person-in-the-street. And I am just passing on a concern that is shared by other Singaporeans. That we think in this way is perhaps a reflection of the system so you can't blame us for it as I am not alone. If this is how the PAP has reared its "children", sorry that we are the product of their work, me included.

Please let the Opposition have some candidates who are capable enough and brave enough to lead us out of this. So that we will not be jelly-belly citizens of the future.

No use ranting at me (a nobody) in this little forum. If you are an Opposition supporter, go forth and spread the news all over so that we can have a good fight in the coming election. jia-you!

he is from opposition party. he only paste opp news and he has the cheek to say pap only report pap news. he hold grudges with pap. who know maybe he sort help from pap 20 years ago but ganna reject so he hated pap so much......

20-04-11, 17:23
Be careful, hor. The polling is not anonymous. I heard of someone whose friend voted for opposition in last election. When she had some issue that she needed help from a govt agency later on, they said to her, hey you voted opposition. So they "knew" about it. :tsk-tsk: :tsk-tsk: :tsk-tsk: :scared-1:

This is NOT True as I've been trained on the polling and counting process.
It's secret to all.

20-04-11, 17:31
he is from opposition party. he only paste opp news and he has the cheek to say pap only report pap news. he hold grudges with pap. who know maybe he sort help from pap 20 years ago but ganna reject so he hated pap so much......

Wenqing did that becos MSM "seldom" reported those news and he is just merely trying to "Stand Corrected".

While I appreciated his effort for doing all this, he might be "very direct and over reacting" from time to time", otherwise I think he is fine.

Anyway, "This is a honest mistake, let move on"....The worst for me to accept are...

Even when PAP produced SHIT and they are thick skin enough tell their supporters "This is ROSE". Ironically, PAP supporters would generally believe it is rose and they can even tell you it smell like rose too.

"Stand Corrected"

20-04-11, 17:38
Wenqing did that becos MSM "seldom" reported those news and he is just merely trying to "Stand Corrected".

While I appreciated his effort for doing all this, he might be "very direct and over reacting" from time to time", otherwise I think he is fine.

Anyway, "This is a honest mistake, let move on"....The worst for me to accept are...

Even when PAP produced SHIT and they are thick skin enough tell their supporters "This is ROSE". Ironically, PAP supporters would generally believe it is rose and they can even tell you it smell like rose too.

"Stand Corrected"
i do agree this round some Opp candidates do look good and of course few cannot make it pap candidates like tnl and the ah gua doc who did not do ns. i support Opp if they can win with ability and not becos of impulsive voters. this can be dangerous.
this wenqing obviously is anti-pap from day one with no tolerence at all from the post he contributed. i am suspecting he is opp member. really piss off

20-04-11, 18:05
Being in the opposition is better than being apap lackey
he is from opposition party. he only paste opp news and he has the cheek to say pap only report pap news. he hold grudges with pap. who know maybe he sort help from pap 20 years ago but ganna reject so he hated pap so much......

20-04-11, 18:20
i do agree this round some Opp candidates do look good and of course few cannot make it pap candidates like tnl and the ah gua doc who did not do ns. i support Opp if they can win with ability and not becos of impulsive voters. this can be dangerous.
this wenqing obviously is anti-pap from day one with no tolerence at all from the post he contributed. i am suspecting he is opp member. really piss off

Even if he is opp member, no need to be so aggressive. If I was wavering to vote opposition or not, I would be put off rather than encouraged to vote for them. :ashamed1:

Anyway thanks for the assurances that the vote is secret. Have never needed to vote. So got worried when ppl reported that you are given a voting number (which suggested to me that you could be traced by that number).

20-04-11, 18:48
Even if he is opp member, no need to be so aggressive. If I was wavering to vote opposition or not, I would be put off rather than encouraged to vote for them. :ashamed1:

Anyway thanks for the assurances that the vote is secret. Have never needed to vote. So got worried when ppl reported that you are given a voting number (which suggested to me that you could be traced by that number).

Minor addition here to "stand corrected".

Before you collecting your vote, the worker will write down your NRIC into the retaining vote's coupon (just like you writing checks).

After election hour over, the retaining coupons will be throw into the balloting box. Polling agents from contesting camp will witnessed the sealing process and to make sure nobody have access to the retaining coupons and name lists.

During counting, total votes casted must matched the total retaining coupon's number to ensure fair election.

After counting completed, all votes, retaining coupons (with your IC on it), void votes, name list (where the polling officer will crossed out your name when you collect vote) will be collected and sealed together inside a box under supervision of contesting camp's counting agents. Both contesting agents will sign on the boxes to ensure no tempering.

Immediately after counting completed, these boxes will delivered to High Court vault for safe keeping.

Six months later, comtesting camps witll gathered again to witness votes destroying process. During then, both side will check to ensure signatures/boxes are intact with no evidence of tempering.

Please share this with your friends that Voting is really Secrect! Dun't let the fear factors rule over you and your friends.

Think carefully and vote wisely. Singapore is calling you to decide what next for our next generation.

20-04-11, 19:12
he is from opposition party. he only paste opp news and he has the cheek to say pap only report pap news. he hold grudges with pap. who know maybe he sort help from pap 20 years ago but ganna reject so he hated pap so much......


Nothing wrong with supporting other parties besides PAP.

Those fellas at NTUC, RC,CCC,CDAC,CDC etc also felt nothing wrong supporting PAP.

:doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: