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08-02-11, 19:40
Ops I didn't know! :scared-1:
I am a multi-billionaires by early 30s you know! (but in Rupiah! :p).

People may be a clown but a millionaire by early 30s you know.


08-02-11, 19:45
You Regulator bitch appear again? You go eat shit! You are as brainless as your clown? :scared-1: :tongue3:

I am a PhE holder. Tell your PhD friend that he/she is very wrong.:tongue3:

08-02-11, 19:50
Don't need lah. As long as you don't get expose to those Transmission towers, particularly those forming a encompassing region like Bukit Batok Nature Park, Bukit Timah Hill, and those Satellite dishes in Upper Bukit Timah will be very healthy already. :p

suddenly got PHD fren stories coming out....tats funny:D

grow our own organic food better....dun eat outside food...their plates, utensils, food, vege duno got wash anot....hahaha

dun use mobile phones....ops...everywhr got radiowaves....EM waves...how to siam?? hahahaha:p

08-02-11, 20:19
I had already provided information on those transmission towers. You insisted that they are totally safe and no health hazard and you said you have even consulted HSA and relevant authorities etc. Why not you ask them to provide scientific report which says that living nearby those transmission towers are absolutely safe and health hazard free? (I bet you won't get any despite all your talk about zero health hazard!). :tongue3::rolleyes:

yo teddy,

even if got transmission, only his tenants not him will be affected...

08-02-11, 20:44

yo teddy,

even if got transmission, only his tenants not him will be affected...

08-02-11, 20:50

read his post again, he says only sell 20 yrs later..

08-02-11, 20:57
So? Capital value = $400,000 then. 60 years lease remaining then?



read his post again, he says only sell 20 yrs later..

08-02-11, 21:00
Loser :tongue3:
People may be a clown but a millionaire by early 30s you know.


08-02-11, 21:13
Teddy regards your mickey mouse one bedr in D9 as adoggie home, maybe you two can doggies can stay together :tongue3:

08-02-11, 21:19
Have you registered a place in primary school yet? I think you should learn basic science first and not jump to things too complex. Be careful not to used your handphone too often or listen to radio, coz you might end up committing suicide
Don't need lah. As long as you don't get expose to those Transmission towers, particularly those forming a encompassing region like Bukit Batok Nature Park, Bukit Timah Hill, and those Satellite dishes in Upper Bukit Timah will be very healthy already. :p

09-02-11, 07:07
Never mind your personal attack, I can't be bothered. Yawn! :sleep:

On a side note, URA data showed that Regent Heights rental $PSF per month is only $2.44. For a size of 1163 sqft, the median rental per month is only $2837. The highest percentile is only $2.59 psf pm (the most optimistic case but only for small MM units can fetch this rate), so highest percentile rental is only $3012 per month.
Dreaming of $3500 pm? Dream onn....
Oh yes, you said Bukit Batok HDB can rent out $2800 pm. Why then Regent Heights a condo can only rent out $3012 per month at highest percentile? CHEAP FOR A REASON despite being a CONDO (vs HDB)? :scared-1:
If buy for rental yield might as well buy HDB? :tongue3:

Have you registered a place in primary school yet? I think you should learn basic science first and not jump to things too complex. Be careful not to used your handphone too often or listen to radio, coz you might end up committing suicide

09-02-11, 08:06
Never mind your personal attack, I can't be bothered. Yawn! :sleep:

On a side note, URA data showed that Regent Heights rental $PSF per month is only $2.44. For a size of 1163 sqft, the median rental per month is only $2837. The highest percentile is only $2.59 psf pm (the most optimistic case but only for small MM units can fetch this rate), so highest percentile rental is only $3012 per month.
Dreaming of $3500 pm? Dream onn...........

Teddybear, let me correct you on the definition of median and percentile.

75th percentile means, 75% of transactions is below that amount.
For eg, 75 percentile at $2.59 psf means 75% of transactions is below $2.59psf and 25% is above $2.59psf. It does not mean that the maximum is $2.59psf. there is no way to tell the minimum and maximum from URA rental data.

by the way, mean (average) and median are also different.

proud owner
09-02-11, 08:16
Teddybear, let me correct you on the definition of median and percentile.

75th percentile means, 75% of transactions is below that amount.
For eg, 75 percentile at $2.59 psf means 75% of transactions is below $2.59psf and 25% is above $2.59psf. It does not mean that the maximum is $2.59psf. there is no way to tell the minimum and maximum from URA rental data.

by the way, mean (average) and median are also different.


so if there are 100 units on rent .. 75 of them would have rented out at 2.59 psf

and 25 units above that ...

to achieve 25% above 2.59 psf there must exist a certain highest psf in order to mathematically arrive at 2.59 ... am i right ?

so URA MUST know the highest and lowest before they can compute those percentiles isnt it ?

i interpreted Teddy's message as : to make an investment where your unit needs to be 1/25 ...and yet still only 2.59 psf is not a good investment

or am i wrong ?

09-02-11, 08:20

so if there are 100 units on rent .. 75 of them would have rented out at 2.59 psf

and 25 units above that ...

to achieve 25% above 2.59 psf there must exist a certain highest psf in order to mathematically arrive at 2.59 ... am i right ?

so URA MUST know the highest and lowest before they can compute those percentiles isnt it ?

i interpreted Teddy's message as : to make an investment where your unit needs to be 1/25 ...and yet still only 2.59 psf is not a good investment

or am i wrong ?
sort the 100 transactions in ascending order.
the 25th transaction is the 25% percentile and use that rental value
The 50th transaction is the 50% percentile or median and use that rental value.
The 75th transaction is the 75% percentile and use that rental value.

yes, need to the highest and lowest in order to sort in ascending order.
after that, we don't the value of the highest and lowest anymore.

09-02-11, 10:08
Yes you are right. As a rule of thumb, I only look at the medium because even then, 50% of the units are still rented at lower than the medium $PSF PM. How to achieve above 75% percentile? The only way is to wait and wait, keep the unit vacant for until you get a tenant willing to pay at above 75% percentile range. Tenants are not stupid, so it is not easy to get above medium rate, let alone above 75% percentile rate. :beats-me-man:
So if you consider the actual return (actual rental yield) including the period that your property is vacant, the return from those asking for above 75% percentile rate will become low!


so if there are 100 units on rent .. 75 of them would have rented out at 2.59 psf

and 25 units above that ...

to achieve 25% above 2.59 psf there must exist a certain highest psf in order to mathematically arrive at 2.59 ... am i right ?

so URA MUST know the highest and lowest before they can compute those percentiles isnt it ?

i interpreted Teddy's message as : to make an investment where your unit needs to be 1/25 ...and yet still only 2.59 psf is not a good investment

or am i wrong ?

09-02-11, 10:14
Yes you are right. I understand the theory very well, but as I explained in my previous posting, I don't take the max because that is not possible without leaving your property vacant for oh-soooooo loooooong VACANT. :D
Usually I take only medium, but I give him the benefit of doubt for his $MILLION view Regent Heights unit and so take the higher above 75% rate. :p

sort the 100 transactions in ascending order.
the 25th transaction is the 25% percentile and use that rental value
The 50th transaction is the 50% percentile or median and use that rental value.
The 75th transaction is the 75% percentile and use that rental value.

yes, need to the highest and lowest in order to sort in ascending order.
after that, we don't the value of the highest and lowest anymore.

09-02-11, 10:27
If you study the rental of 3 bedr in OCR, the rental is more or less this range, nothing to be surprised if you know the market. mickey mouse units in ccr may have higher psf rental, but the yield is pathetic, right? 3k rental for a 7xxk condo is considered reasonable for ocr. You are right, it is better to buy hdb, if I could buy 10 hdb flats to rent out, I would. From your post, it shows you do not know much about the rental market in the ocr. :doh:
Never mind your personal attack, I can't be bothered. Yawn! :sleep:

On a side note, URA data showed that Regent Heights rental $PSF per month is only $2.44. For a size of 1163 sqft, the median rental per month is only $2837. The highest percentile is only $2.59 psf pm (the most optimistic case but only for small MM units can fetch this rate), so highest percentile rental is only $3012 per month.
Dreaming of $3500 pm? Dream onn....
Oh yes, you said Bukit Batok HDB can rent out $2800 pm. Why then Regent Heights a condo can only rent out $3012 per month at highest percentile? CHEAP FOR A REASON despite being a CONDO (vs HDB)? :scared-1:
If buy for rental yield might as well buy HDB? :tongue3:

09-02-11, 10:28
How about making it cheaper than HDBs? Sure will have tenants right?
Anyway in the long term, other factors comes into play. LRT to DTL? Like CCK to DTL? My guess, from Bukit Gombak?

Anyway its all guess work.

09-02-11, 10:31
y use HDB rental yield to compare? sounds so ignorant....y pay millions for condos and get such low low rental?? y suffer installment and let tenant ENJOY?? my HDB MUCH BETTER....3rm flat only cost 300k and rental 1.8-2k wor....haha:p

09-02-11, 10:46
It is inaccurate to look at psf rental coz units in ccr tend to be smaller and more expensive. To illustrate, if one buys a 600sf unit in paterson for $2 million and rents out for $4k a month, the psf rental is $6.6 and only ignorant people like teddy will be wowed by it. Compare that to the buying price and the rental yield works out to be only 2.4%. Do you still think it is a good investment? Buying for rental, nobody will ever look at CCR, i say it by example as my CCR condo is yielding me less than 4%, perhaps becoz my unit is not a mickey mouse unit. I think you better get advice from the right people.


so if there are 100 units on rent .. 75 of them would have rented out at 2.59 psf

and 25 units above that ...

to achieve 25% above 2.59 psf there must exist a certain highest psf in order to mathematically arrive at 2.59 ... am i right ?

so URA MUST know the highest and lowest before they can compute those percentiles isnt it ?

i interpreted Teddy's message as : to make an investment where your unit needs to be 1/25 ...and yet still only 2.59 psf is not a good investment

or am i wrong ?

09-02-11, 10:54
Someone is too stubborn to admit that OCR offers good rental yield and have to bring in psf rental to compare, even resorting to bringing in HDB to compare out of desperation to support his argument. I don't think he knows how to invest.

y use HDB rental yield to compare? sounds so ignorant....y pay millions for condos and get such low low rental?? y suffer installment and let tenant ENJOY?? my HDB MUCH BETTER....3rm flat only cost 300k and rental 1.8-2k wor....haha:p

09-02-11, 12:01
y use HDB rental yield to compare? sounds so ignorant....y pay millions for condos and get such low low rental?? y suffer installment and let tenant ENJOY?? my HDB MUCH BETTER....3rm flat only cost 300k and rental 1.8-2k wor....haha:p
Yup, just making a point on it's floor price.
Basic rule, rental should cover mortgage installments at the very very least.
Ideally, more than that and includes, agent fee, property tax, income tax, plus owner's tax (margin).

Happy 人日 today. 发财发财

09-02-11, 12:18
OCR how to have high net yield when coupled with below horror tenants and exorbitant repair costs after they left? :tongue3:
Remember, you are renting to "cheapskate" people as you called them literally throwing their 2-wheelers all over the place. You expect all of them to take care of your property?

Nightmare tenants:
The tenant-landlord relationship has always been considered as a potentially volatile one. Although Buy-To-Let can be an extremely lucrative investment plan for many, it involves a lot of hard work and is very time consuming. Not to mention, the amount of paperwork and legalities that have to be considered in regards to deposits and the safety of the tenant. It's an unfortunate truth that 'Bad Tenants' are part and parcel of the complex buy-to-let maze.
The Socialites: These are perhaps the most common type of nightmare tenant. There are party animals across the generations.
The Professional Bad Tenants: These are a group of people who intentionally move from one rented property to another to exploit the legal system. After a few months of incurring rent arrears, they move on leaving a trail of destruction behind them. Not only do they place the landlord in financial difficulty but they generally leave the property severely damaged in one way or another. In essence, they lead a gypsy style life and can actually make a living from it. The main difficulty with these tenants is that they rarely leave with a black mark against their name, no matter how much they owe.
The Late Payers: These can prove to be the most difficult type of tenant, making excuse after excuse as to why they cannot meet that month's payment. Now, if it proves to be solely a 'one-off' then that is excusable, although it can become a repetitive cycle of different excuses each month. The problem with these tenants, other than the obvious lack of money to the landlord, is that they are a nightmare to evict. This is because each excuse they make has to be looked into by the court before it can be dismissed. Therefore, by the time the tenant is finally evicted, the landlord can have accrued arrears of up to 6 months.
The animal lovers: Tenant who kept race pigeons as pets and the landlord eventually found the house abandoned full of bird faeces and feathers throughout the house. Most landlords now prohibit pets in their property, but this doesn't stop some bringing their pets in secretly anyway.
The extended family: This is perhaps a rather misleading title. Some tenants originally meet with their landlord to rent a property alone, or sometimes with a partner. Although, once they move in, neighbours start to notice different people leaving and entering the house on a daily basis. With further investigation it emerges that the tenant has allowed family members and friends to live in the property too. As a result the house becomes worn and damaged much quicker, especially carpets and the kitchen area.
The bureaucrats: Now, it is great that a tenant arrives enthusiastic about playing exactly by the rules as it highlights to the landlord that they are likely to look after the property to avoid being charged. However, when it comes to the tenant moving on, a somewhat volatile situation can arise if some of their deposit is deducted for small amounts of damage throughout the property. The bureaucrat will undoubtedly refuse reductions to their deposit and some feel the need to take the case to adjudication through Small Claim Court.
Someone is too stubborn to admit that OCR offers good rental yield and have to bring in psf rental to compare, even resorting to bringing in HDB to compare out of desperation to support his argument. I don't think he knows how to invest.

09-02-11, 12:47
Can't support your ideology that CCR is better for rental investment compared to OCR, now you bring in tenants into the picture. You are clearly running out of ideas :tongue3: :tongue3: :tongue3:

OCR how to have high net yield when coupled with below horror tenants and exorbitant repair costs after they left? :tongue3:
Remember, you are renting to "cheapskate" people as you called them literally throwing their 2-wheelers all over the place. You expect all of them to take care of your property?

Nightmare tenants:
The tenant-landlord relationship has always been considered as a potentially volatile one. Although Buy-To-Let can be an extremely lucrative investment plan for many, it involves a lot of hard work and is very time consuming. Not to mention, the amount of paperwork and legalities that have to be considered in regards to deposits and the safety of the tenant. It's an unfortunate truth that 'Bad Tenants' are part and parcel of the complex buy-to-let maze.
The Socialites: These are perhaps the most common type of nightmare tenant. There are party animals across the generations.
The Professional Bad Tenants: These are a group of people who intentionally move from one rented property to another to exploit the legal system. After a few months of incurring rent arrears, they move on leaving a trail of destruction behind them. Not only do they place the landlord in financial difficulty but they generally leave the property severely damaged in one way or another. In essence, they lead a gypsy style life and can actually make a living from it. The main difficulty with these tenants is that they rarely leave with a black mark against their name, no matter how much they owe.
The Late Payers: These can prove to be the most difficult type of tenant, making excuse after excuse as to why they cannot meet that month's payment. Now, if it proves to be solely a 'one-off' then that is excusable, although it can become a repetitive cycle of different excuses each month. The problem with these tenants, other than the obvious lack of money to the landlord, is that they are a nightmare to evict. This is because each excuse they make has to be looked into by the court before it can be dismissed. Therefore, by the time the tenant is finally evicted, the landlord can have accrued arrears of up to 6 months.
The animal lovers: Tenant who kept race pigeons as pets and the landlord eventually found the house abandoned full of bird faeces and feathers throughout the house. Most landlords now prohibit pets in their property, but this doesn't stop some bringing their pets in secretly anyway.
The extended family: This is perhaps a rather misleading title. Some tenants originally meet with their landlord to rent a property alone, or sometimes with a partner. Although, once they move in, neighbours start to notice different people leaving and entering the house on a daily basis. With further investigation it emerges that the tenant has allowed family members and friends to live in the property too. As a result the house becomes worn and damaged much quicker, especially carpets and the kitchen area.
The bureaucrats: Now, it is great that a tenant arrives enthusiastic about playing exactly by the rules as it highlights to the landlord that they are likely to look after the property to avoid being charged. However, when it comes to the tenant moving on, a somewhat volatile situation can arise if some of their deposit is deducted for small amounts of damage throughout the property. The bureaucrat will undoubtedly refuse reductions to their deposit and some feel the need to take the case to adjudication through Small Claim Court.

09-02-11, 13:03
Slowly, lots more problems with Regent Heights starting to surface here if you keep playing a fool with me. Better watch out kid! Little tiger don't know or-yi-or! :tongue3:

Can't support your ideology that CCR is better for rental investment compared to OCR, now you bring in tenants into the picture. You are clearly running out of ideas :tongue3: :tongue3: :tongue3:

09-02-11, 13:11
Loser :tongue3: :tongue3: :tongue3:

People will still continue to buy and rent Regent Heights regardless of what a primary school kid like you say. :D

Slowly, lots more problems with Regent Heights starting to surface here if you keep playing a fool with me. Better watch out kid! Little tiger don't know or-yi-or! :tongue3:

proud owner
09-02-11, 13:20
actually ... in current market selling price ... 90 pct of the condos have lousy yield

if one bought in 2006/7 then yield will be good .. in ALL location

agree ?

i see Ardmore II ... at least 5 mio ... u buy now .. and rent out 10k a mth .. dman lousy

seafront .. say 2.6mio low flr rental 5-6k also crap

09-02-11, 13:45
What sort of yield do you consider to be good? How to consider yield good or bad between FH and 99LH?
How to take into consideration potential capital appreciation?
How to include months when the unit is vacant?
How to include into net yield damages caused by lousy tenants?
How about those condos with lots of single room available for rental?

Any wholistic approach to calculate whether it is considered good or bad investment based on rental income, price, tenants / residents mix etc? :cheers1:

actually ... in current market selling price ... 90 pct of the condos have lousy yield

if one bought in 2006/7 then yield will be good .. in ALL location

agree ?

i see Ardmore II ... at least 5 mio ... u buy now .. and rent out 10k a mth .. dman lousy

seafront .. say 2.6mio low flr rental 5-6k also crap

09-02-11, 13:45
90% offers lousy rental yield at current selling prices (especially in prime districts), which is the reason why we have to look for that 10% in the surburban areas. As long as my properties can averagely generate 4-5% yield and give me free spending money from rental of more than $10k a month apart from my business income, i can't complain much at my age.

actually ... in current market selling price ... 90 pct of the condos have lousy yield

09-02-11, 14:28
bro, may need 5 to 6 properties, each give you $2k. Den more than 10k

09-02-11, 14:31
bro, may need 5 to 6 properties, each give you $2k. Den more than 10k
Mabe all fully paid mah

09-02-11, 14:37
Mabe all fully paid mah

buy early in 2006 or before, orchard only 800k - 900k. so buy a few. obj achieved la

09-02-11, 14:42
Live in RCR, CCR rented 5k, HDB rented 2k plus, RH another 3k plus, already past 10k.

bro, may need 5 to 6 properties, each give you $2k. Den more than 10k

09-02-11, 14:45
Live in RCR, CCR rented 5k, HDB rented 2k plus, RH another 3k plus, already past 10k.

errr...thought you took loan for RH. The rest are fully paid up

09-02-11, 14:48
yup i did loan for only RH. I am thinking of redeeming it in the next few years

errr...thought you took loan for RH. The rest are fully paid up

09-02-11, 14:55
i cld not buy hdb as i went into EC earlier....

09-02-11, 15:00
i bought hdb way before i invested in private. i never intended to sell as the yield is very good. no choice lah, i was not born with a silver spoon, have to work hard and plan for retirement.

i cld not buy hdb as i went into EC earlier....

09-02-11, 15:09
i bought hdb way before i invested in private. i never intended to sell as the yield is very good. no choice lah, i was not born with a silver spoon, have to work hard and plan for retirement.

ur message box is full

09-02-11, 15:14
OCR how to have high net yield when coupled with below horror tenants and exorbitant repair costs after they left? :tongue3:
Remember, you are renting to "cheapskate" people as you called them literally throwing their 2-wheelers all over the place. You expect all of them to take care of your property?

Nightmare tenants:
The tenant-landlord relationship has always been considered as a potentially volatile one. Although Buy-To-Let can be an extremely lucrative investment plan for many, it involves a lot of hard work and is very time consuming. Not to mention, the amount of paperwork and legalities that have to be considered in regards to deposits and the safety of the tenant. It's an unfortunate truth that 'Bad Tenants' are part and parcel of the complex buy-to-let maze.

The Socialites: These are perhaps the most common type of nightmare tenant. There are party animals across the generations.
The Professional Bad Tenants: These are a group of people who intentionally move from one rented property to another to exploit the legal system. After a few months of incurring rent arrears, they move on leaving a trail of destruction behind them. Not only do they place the landlord in financial difficulty but they generally leave the property severely damaged in one way or another. In essence, they lead a gypsy style life and can actually make a living from it. The main difficulty with these tenants is that they rarely leave with a black mark against their name, no matter how much they owe.
The Late Payers: These can prove to be the most difficult type of tenant, making excuse after excuse as to why they cannot meet that month's payment. Now, if it proves to be solely a 'one-off' then that is excusable, although it can become a repetitive cycle of different excuses each month. The problem with these tenants, other than the obvious lack of money to the landlord, is that they are a nightmare to evict. This is because each excuse they make has to be looked into by the court before it can be dismissed. Therefore, by the time the tenant is finally evicted, the landlord can have accrued arrears of up to 6 months.
The animal lovers: Tenant who kept race pigeons as pets and the landlord eventually found the house abandoned full of bird faeces and feathers throughout the house. Most landlords now prohibit pets in their property, but this doesn't stop some bringing their pets in secretly anyway.
The extended family: This is perhaps a rather misleading title. Some tenants originally meet with their landlord to rent a property alone, or sometimes with a partner. Although, once they move in, neighbours start to notice different people leaving and entering the house on a daily basis. With further investigation it emerges that the tenant has allowed family members and friends to live in the property too. As a result the house becomes worn and damaged much quicker, especially carpets and the kitchen area.
The bureaucrats: Now, it is great that a tenant arrives enthusiastic about playing exactly by the rules as it highlights to the landlord that they are likely to look after the property to avoid being charged. However, when it comes to the tenant moving on, a somewhat volatile situation can arise if some of their deposit is deducted for small amounts of damage throughout the property. The bureaucrat will undoubtedly refuse reductions to their deposit and some feel the need to take the case to adjudication through Small Claim Court.

Ooui....OCR has, CCR don't have meh?:scared-2:

09-02-11, 15:28
Good question. Answer is CCR deposit $20k or more (2 months security deposit), enough to cover damage mah. Not enough still can use the security deposit to engage lawyer to get tenant to compensate more money, risk low low don't have to come out from our own pocket and also CCR tenants needs face and to keep face good mah, so won't dare. OCR tenant don't need face ones, paste big posters everywhere saying they "wanted" and they "owe $ pay $" they also don't care! How to get them to compensate for damages? :p

Ooui....OCR has, CCR don't have meh?:scared-2:

09-02-11, 15:35
yup i did loan for only RH. I am thinking of redeeming it in the next few years

can explain the reasoning why redeem early? like that cannot deduct interest expenses from property tax.

09-02-11, 17:23
In current market of high inflation and easy money, buy and hold for 10 years still good capital appreciation for Ardmore II? Ardmore II is never about yield. Ardmore II at $1600 psf previously in early 2009 (2000 sqft size) if you calculate the yield at $10k pm also not high but if you buy at $1600 psf or $3.2m at that time, and current price about $2800 psf or $5.6m, you will be $2.4m richer now! Well, I nearly bought it except somebody offered higher than me! :banghead:
Imagine if you just talk about rental yield and how long are you going to collect to earn $2.4m? (That will be 240 mths or 20 years!) :doh:

actually ... in current market selling price ... 90 pct of the condos have lousy yield

if one bought in 2006/7 then yield will be good .. in ALL location

agree ?

i see Ardmore II ... at least 5 mio ... u buy now .. and rent out 10k a mth .. dman lousy

seafront .. say 2.6mio low flr rental 5-6k also crap

09-02-11, 18:00
In current market of high inflation and easy money, buy and hold for 10 years still good capital appreciation for Ardmore II? Ardmore II is never about yield. Ardmore II at $1600 psf previously in early 2009 (2000 sqft size) if you calculate the yield at $10k pm also not high but if you buy at $1600 psf or $3.2m at that time, and current price about $2800 psf or $5.6m, you will be $2.4m richer now! Well, I nearly bought it except somebody offered higher than me! :banghead:
Imagine if you just talk about rental yield and how long are you going to collect to earn $2.4m? (That will be 240 mths or 20 years!) :doh:

Aiyah.... not everybody got loads of cash to leave stagnant while waiting for capital appreciation mah....:(

Need cash flow from rentals to repay loan, pay prop tax, pay agents, pay repairs, pay maintenance etc. And hopefully get some extra to save for yet another property:D

09-02-11, 19:54
Aiyah.... not everybody got loads of cash to leave stagnant while waiting for capital appreciation mah....:(

Need cash flow from rentals to repay loan, pay prop tax, pay agents, pay repairs, pay maintenance etc. And hopefully get some extra to save for yet another property:D

Alot of millionaires here wor, they use couple of years to clear off loan OMG! successful!!

09-02-11, 22:34
Alot of millionaires here wor, they use couple of years to clear off loan OMG! successful!!

different league, different investment strategy. But some build castle in the air. Who knows??

09-02-11, 23:13
no point feeding interest to the banks every month. Those deductions are quite negligible

can explain the reasoning why redeem early? like that cannot deduct interest expenses from property tax.

10-02-11, 07:40
This thread is hot. Dun flame me ok? :)

A fully paid property is defined as asset.
A non fully paid property is defined as liability.

A fully paid property generates the highest return as there's no leakage as interest cost. Why pay interest when u can save? Even if u can deduct, u could find other ways to save tax. Penny wise pound foolish?

I always find it a good practise to fully pay off debt.

It will turn into cash cow when it is fully paid. Rental gains.

To balance it, debt leverage can be good too. No right or wrong, just your preference and investment strategies. :)

10-02-11, 10:13
Repost below here into correct thread: :p

Lots of difference between Four Seasons Park (FSP) vs Regent Heights (RH) lah! :doh:

1. Road name:
- FSP: Cuscaden Walk (so elegent name)
- RH: Bukit Batok East Avenue 5 (alamah! So low-class HDB estate name!)

2. vehicles in estate:
- FSP: branded cars like Merc, BMW, Porsche etc.
- RH: 2 wheeler strewn all over the place. Regulators called those mainlanders and Parapoon??? living in RH cheapskate.

3. Within the estate:
- FSP: 202 units in estate
- RH: 645 units in estate! (wow! So "mass" market - pack so many units into such small size estate!)

4. Tenure:
- FSP: Freehold
- RH: 99years leasehold from 1995

5. Penthouse size:
- FSP: 572 sq m
- RH: 203 - 241 sq m
A 3 bedroom in FSP is about the size of the Penthouse in RH! (wow! RH PH looks MM in comparison to FSP PH!).

6. *** Take a look at description by "Singapore Condo" website and FSP description is so high-class while RH description is so low-class :tongue3::

Four Season Park:
Address: 8, 10, 12 Cuscaden Walk
Type of Development: High Rise Condominium
Tenure: Freehold
District: 10
Year of Completion: 1994
No. of Units: 202
Developer: HPL Properties Pte Ltd
Unit sizes:
3 bedrooms: 210 sq m
4 bedrooms: 210 - 267 sq m
6 bedrooms: 355 sq m
Penthouse: 572 sq m

Four Seasons Park is one of Singapore’s most popular up-market apartment among the expats because of its strategic location. It is located beside the Orchard Shopping belt, MRT station, International Schools and amenities close by.

Enjoy spacious interiors and large sized kitchens with island counters to fit the modern needs of families.

Four Seasons Park enjoys great facilities like a good size pool, clubhouse, function rooms and the beautiful garden. Residents can enjoy the outdoor area where there are heaps of family activities available for the kids and the adults.

Regent Heights:
Address: 50 - 56 Bukit Batok East Avenue 5
Type of Development: Condominium
Tenure: 99 years
District: 23
No. of Units: 645
Year of Completion: 1999
Developer: Bukit Landmark Properties Pte Ltd (Far East)
Unit sizes:
Studio: 96 sq m
2 bedrooms: 95 sq m
3 bedrooms: 108 - 143 sq m
Penthouse: 203 - 241 sq m

Regent Heights is one of the tallest condominium projects located in the Hillview, Bukit Batok area.
Regent Heights is close to the Pan Island Expressway (PIE), AYE and Bukit Batok MRT Station, Bukit Panjang Shopping Mall, The Rail Mall and West Mall. A mere 5 minutes bus ride is all it takes to go to the Bukit Batok MRT station and shopping mall. It is within walking distance to the HDB shops and markets located in Bukit Batok.

Go to see pictures here and you can also see the grandness of FSP vs the cheapskate look of RH:

FSP: http://www.singaporeexpats.com/singa...asons-park.htm (http://www.singaporeexpats.com/singapore-property-pictures/condo/four-seasons-park.htm)

RH: http://www.singaporeexpats.com/singa...nt-heights.htm (http://www.singaporeexpats.com/singapore-property-pictures/condo/regent-heights.htm)

Wild Falcon[/B]]
It just reflects the current trend = white with a lot of glass. current fad.

I don't why people have to say it looks like "mass market condo", as if trying to say one has "taste". Seriously, any other condo today (other than reflections) looks like that or variations of that, including those in prime districts.

This is high-end Four Seasons Park http://www.propertyguru.com.sg/proje...asons-park-268 (http://www.propertyguru.com.sg/project/four-seasons-park-268)

This is mass market Regent Heights http://www.propertyguru.com.sg/proje...nt-heights-187 (http://www.propertyguru.com.sg/project/regent-heights-187)

Does the "high end" above look that much different? It reflects the taste and fad during that period of time. But I'm sure some here AFTER seeing the address will say (a) looks so much better blah blah and (b) is mass market blah blah. It's really shallow.

Wild Falcon
10-02-11, 11:03
I'm talking about external facade and architecture reflects the taste at a point in time. Just like the latest design is white washed walls - doesn't matter high-end or mass or mid market. Please for goodness sake, Teddybear and your CCR cronies (suddenly a lot of new nicks who talk), pls do not cut and paste things out of context and let us all discuss like mature adults ok? BTW, there is not reason for me to talk down Four Seasons Park - because my folks own a unit and I spend substaintial time there. I'm just saying that architecturally and external facade, it's not that different from Regent Hts because they were built in roughly the same era.

You know what? After reading this forum, I'm really glad I'm not amongst the self-professed elites who only stay and invest in CCR and fear getting mopped outside D9,10,11. I'm just so glad that the rest of the open minded forummers who give valuable insights who stay in various districts (those that you every bash and put down) across Singapore appear more cultured and mature.

10-02-11, 11:12
This thread is hot. Dun flame me ok? :)

A fully paid property is defined as asset.
A non fully paid property is defined as liability.

A fully paid property generates the highest return as there's no leakage as interest cost. Why pay interest when u can save? Even if u can deduct, u could find other ways to save tax. Penny wise pound foolish?

I always find it a good practise to fully pay off debt.

It will turn into cash cow when it is fully paid. Rental gains.

To balance it, debt leverage can be good too. No right or wrong, just your preference and investment strategies. :)

when yng...take some good debt....mortgage debt is the cheapest loan in SG....

Always paid in full for my car....1.88% effectively 3.6%....moreover the embedded rule 78...once bitten twice shy:D

10-02-11, 11:44
You are right, the external facade of condos like four seasons park (http://www.asiahomes.com/singaporerealty/judy/image/156FourSea_Draycott.jpg) and claymore (http://www.streetdirectory.com/stock_images/travel/show_resize_image.php?imageId=12871138610215&pos=landscape&width=180) are very similar to Regent Heights (http://www.listings.sg/realty/images/listing_photos/thumb_8599_regenthts.jpg). Looking objectively, I think the facade of RH looks much nicer than a lot of CCR condos such as these:







I'm talking about external facade and architecture reflects the taste at a point in time. Just like the latest design is white washed walls - doesn't matter high-end or mass or mid market. Please for goodness sake, Teddybear and your CCR cronies (suddenly a lot of new nicks who talk), pls do not cut and paste things out of context and let us all discuss like mature adults ok? BTW, there is not reason for me to talk down Four Seasons Park - because my folks own a unit and I spend substaintial time there. I'm just saying that architecturally and external facade, it's not that different from Regent Hts because they were built in roughly the same era.

You know what? After reading this forum, I'm really glad I'm not amongst the self-professed elites who only stay and invest in CCR and fear getting mopped outside D9,10,11. I'm just so glad that the rest of the open minded forummers who give valuable insights who stay in various districts (those that you every bash and put down) across Singapore appear more cultured and mature.

10-02-11, 12:02
hello, I am comparing everything, including external facade and architecture in order to see whether justified to pay so much more for four season park or not mah. Why you so worked up? Did I make personal verbal attack on you? (not like some OCR supporters here and why you didn't go and give them a lecture?). :doh:

The external facade also looks so much difference wah (except the brownish colour):

So my conclusion is how to compare Regent Heights to Four Season Park? It is like hell and heaven. :p

Is Regent Heights closer to hell? Heard there are many lose spirits (aka ghosts) hanging around in nearby Bukit Batok Nature Park. :scared-1:

I'm talking about external facade and architecture reflects the taste at a point in time. Just like the latest design is white washed walls - doesn't matter high-end or mass or mid market. Please for goodness sake, Teddybear and your CCR cronies (suddenly a lot of new nicks who talk), pls do not cut and paste things out of context and let us all discuss like mature adults ok? BTW, there is not reason for me to talk down Four Seasons Park - because my folks own a unit and I spend substaintial time there. I'm just saying that architecturally and external facade, it's not that different from Regent Hts because they were built in roughly the same era.

You know what? After reading this forum, I'm really glad I'm not amongst the self-professed elites who only stay and invest in CCR and fear getting mopped outside D9,10,11. I'm just so glad that the rest of the open minded forummers who give valuable insights who stay in various districts (those that you every bash and put down) across Singapore appear more cultured and mature.

10-02-11, 12:13
then your condo must also be haunted coz your are a ghost dog:tongue3: :tongue3: :tongue3:
hello, I am comparing everything, including external facade and architecture in order to see whether justified to pay so much more for four season park or not mah. Why you so worked up? Did I make personal verbal attack on you? (not like some OCR supporters here and why you didn't go and give them a lecture?). :doh:

The external facade also looks so much difference wah (except the brownish colour):

So my conclusion is how to compare Regent Heights to Four Season Park? It is like hell and heaven. :p

Is Regent Heights closer to hell? Heard there are many lose spirits (aka ghosts) hanging around in nearby Bukit Batok Nature Park. :scared-1:

10-02-11, 12:26
How many people are interested in the ghost stories here? It will make a very interesting read I believe. Mind you, they are real stories of people having real encounters! :cheers1:

then your condo must also be haunted coz your are a ghost dog:tongue3: :tongue3: :tongue3:

10-02-11, 13:08
dont mind to know some of the supernatural TRUE stories..just share lo....:spliff:

10-02-11, 13:24
Interesting read when people have different opinions..make the forum more fun.. when it become excessive, it is childish...
Mr Teddybear, I think we hear you loud and clear, you can stop bashing RH.. my friend is actually staying there and I find it quite nice, and I am an just a heartlander as well... please do stop your negative comments on residents staying there.. does not reflect well on you too!
Mr Regulator, we also hear you lot and clear, if you stop replying to Mr Teddybear, hopefully there's peace and more focus on discussion rather than name calling or personal attacks!

Cheers and World peace!

10-02-11, 13:34
In current market of high inflation and easy money, buy and hold for 10 years still good capital appreciation for Ardmore II? Ardmore II is never about yield. Ardmore II at $1600 psf previously in early 2009 (2000 sqft size) if you calculate the yield at $10k pm also not high but if you buy at $1600 psf or $3.2m at that time, and current price about $2800 psf or $5.6m, you will be $2.4m richer now! Well, I nearly bought it except somebody offered higher than me! :banghead:
Imagine if you just talk about rental yield and how long are you going to collect to earn $2.4m? (That will be 240 mths or 20 years!) :doh:

yes correct. need to see the place. some place can only see rental yield, others can see only capital gains and some can see both.

if risk adverse then buy for rental yield so not scared price drop if rental strong.

if have a stronger stomach, then buy purely for capital gains and each capital gains is more than 3 - 4 years of rental profits.

10-02-11, 13:59
No need to hear ghost stories lah, people already make it their lifestyle talking to ghosts everyday. How many people you know talk to their dead ancestors in front of the alter lol
dont mind to know some of the supernatural TRUE stories..just share lo....:spliff:

10-02-11, 14:02
Interesting read when people have different opinions..make the forum more fun.. when it become excessive, it is childish...
Mr Teddybear, I think we hear you loud and clear, you can stop bashing RH.. my friend is actually staying there and I find it quite nice, and I am an just a heartlander as well... please do stop your negative comments on residents staying there.. does not reflect well on you too!
Mr Regulator, we also hear you lot and clear, if you stop replying to Mr Teddybear, hopefully there's peace and more focus on discussion rather than name calling or personal attacks!

Cheers and World peace!

If there is a "like" button on this comment, i will lilke to press it :)

Think getting out of point liao for both parties..

10-02-11, 15:07
No need to hear ghost stories lah, people already make it their lifestyle talking to ghosts everyday. How many people you know talk to their dead ancestors in front of the alter lol

ha ha :D I thought there will be a change of topic instead of all the radiation thingy...:D

10-02-11, 16:05
Radiation thing will always be there as I highlighted. Regent Heights just got too many bad things about it. It is just whether I will want to reveal or not. Since some people are so rude and keep making personal attack and verbal abuse on me, I will just release these information for all to see. :simmering:

ha ha :D I thought there will be a change of topic instead of all the radiation thingy...:D

10-02-11, 16:11
ha ha :D I thought there will be a change of topic instead of all the radiation thingy...:D

There is speculation that ghosts are of electromagnetic radiation also - so same story :D

10-02-11, 17:15
I'm talking about external facade and architecture reflects the taste at a point in time. Just like the latest design is white washed walls - doesn't matter high-end or mass or mid market. Please for goodness sake, Teddybear and your CCR cronies (suddenly a lot of new nicks who talk), pls do not cut and paste things out of context and let us all discuss like mature adults ok? BTW, there is not reason for me to talk down Four Seasons Park - because my folks own a unit and I spend substaintial time there. I'm just saying that architecturally and external facade, it's not that different from Regent Hts because they were built in roughly the same era.

You know what? After reading this forum, I'm really glad I'm not amongst the self-professed elites who only stay and invest in CCR and fear getting mopped outside D9,10,11. I'm just so glad that the rest of the open minded forummers who give valuable insights who stay in various districts (those that you every bash and put down) across Singapore appear more cultured and mature.

Teddy don't rep all CCR owners. He share some truth but is extreme in many aspects. Same can be found on OCR supports whom praise their swimming pool to the sky. M also grateful to many for their truthful sharing back with data n proof.

10-02-11, 18:35
Some people jealous because he spend 8 times what I spent on my RH unit and his unit got no view. I won't be surprised his unit overlooking some longkang or facing the brick wall of his neighbours unit. I am happy to offer my tenant a good view as it enhances their lifestyle. whether ccr, rcr or ocr, I won't want to spend millions on a condo with lousy views coz buying a house is not just about investment, also lifestyle
Teddy don't rep all CCR owners. He share some truth but is extreme in many aspects. Same can be found on OCR supports whom praise their swimming pool to the sky. M also grateful to many for their truthful sharing back with data n proof.

10-02-11, 18:43
hello, I am comparing everything, including external facade and architecture in order to see whether justified to pay so much more for four season park or not mah. Why you so worked up? Did I make personal verbal attack on you? (not like some OCR supporters here and why you didn't go and give them a lecture?). :doh:

The external facade also looks so much difference wah (except the brownish colour):

So my conclusion is how to compare Regent Heights to Four Season Park? It is like hell and heaven. :p

Is Regent Heights closer to hell? Heard there are many lose spirits (aka ghosts) hanging around in nearby Bukit Batok Nature Park. :scared-1:

wahhahahaha teddy you really make me laugh...you got to resort to such tactics liao meh? a bit Guo Fen liao lah :tongue3:

10-02-11, 18:58
I think maybe teddy's '$5 mil' unit facing the garbage collection point on the ground floor, no wonder so much rubbish coming out from him every day :doh:
Teddy don't rep all CCR owners. He share some truth but is extreme in many aspects. Same can be found on OCR supports whom praise their swimming pool to the sky. M also grateful to many for their truthful sharing back with data n proof.

10-02-11, 19:26
Yes, I don't repr all CCR owners.

What you mean by " share some truth but is extreme in many aspects"? You are telling me that I had shared many "untruth"? (as in only some are truth?). please clarify yourselves! Please quote specific cases instead of such sweeping statements which everybody can easily made. :simmering:

Extreme to you but they are the truth, especially the bad things, & I am not going to be a hypocrite to hide the bad things like other people see human speak human language see ghost speak ghost language!

Teddy don't rep all CCR owners. He share some truth but is extreme in many aspects. Same can be found on OCR supports whom praise their swimming pool to the sky. M also grateful to many for their truthful sharing back with data n proof.

10-02-11, 19:34
No problem as long as tenant willingly pay me $10+k per month for a unit even if it faces wall right? Really makes me wonder why many so willingly pay this $10+k pm for our properties but not willing to pay >$3k pm for your so called "good view" unit? Are they all stupid and no-brain? But then all these people are real expats & obviously extremely bright foreign talents whom our govt welcomed with open arms to "hug & kiss them" (literally) & they continue to renew leases with us! The other conclusion then becomes that if they are so smart means you are the real stupid ones? :tongue3:

Some people jealous because he spend 8 times what I spent on my RH unit and his unit got no view. I won't be surprised his unit overlooking some longkang or facing the brick wall of his neighbours unit. I am happy to offer my tenant a good view as it enhances their lifestyle. whether ccr, rcr or ocr, I won't want to spend millions on a condo with lousy views coz buying a house is not just about investment, also lifestyle

10-02-11, 19:45
I am trying to bring to forumers attention about gruesome things that had happened at Bukit Batok Nature Park beside Regent Heights & ghostly real experience by others & you are saying I am lying? :simmering:

Ok ok, I will present these info when I am free later. Wait for the ghostly (or fun to others) news! :p

You will never hear these from Regulators & others who have been incessantly attacking me for revealing the truths which they don't like people to know! :rolleyes:

wahhahahaha teddy you really make me laugh...you got to resort to such tactics liao meh? a bit Guo Fen liao lah :tongue3:

10-02-11, 19:48
I am trying to bring to forumers attention about gruesome things that had happened at Bukit Batok Nature Park beside Regent Heights & ghostly real experience by others & you are saying I am lying? :simmering:

Ok ok, I will present these info when I am free later. Wait for the ghostly (or fun to others) news! :p

You will never hear these from Regulators & others who have been incessantly attacking me for revealing the truths which they don't like people to know! :rolleyes:

when you post intangible things like the supernatural you can't blame people for having impression you are just flaming without evidence :tsk-tsk:

who you gonna quote? Singapore Paranormal Investigators??? :hell-hath-no-fury:

10-02-11, 19:48
I am trying to bring to forumers attention about gruesome things that had happened at Bukit Batok Nature Park beside Regent Heights & ghostly real experience by others & you are saying I am lying? :simmering:

Ok ok, I will present these info when I am free later. Wait for the ghostly (or fun to others) news! :p

You will never hear these from Regulators & others who have been incessantly attacking me for revealing the truths which they don't like people to know! :rolleyes:
Are u referring to crime or ghost stories?

Crime like this one?

10-02-11, 19:56
You just showed everyone how stupid you really are. You spent 8 times more than my Rh unit with a view facing the garbage collection point and only get 10k + In rental?? I buy 8 rh unit and rent each out for 3k my total rental collection is 24k per month. I think you probably failed your maths in school as well :doh:
No problem as long as tenant willingly pay me $10+k per month for a unit even if it faces wall right? Really makes me wonder why many so willingly pay this $10+k pm for our properties but not willing to pay >$3k pm for your so called "good view" unit? Are they all stupid and no-brain? But then all these people are real expats & obviously extremely bright foreign talents whom our govt welcomed with open arms to "hug & kiss them" (literally) & they continue to renew leases with us! The other conclusion then becomes that if they are so smart means you are the real stupid ones? :tongue3:

10-02-11, 20:33
It is ok. You can continue to collect rent for next 83 years until your Regent Heights 99 years lease expire also total less than my capital gain over 2 years period. :p

You just showed everyone how stupid you really are. You spent 8 times more than my Rh unit with a view facing the garbage collection point and only get 10k + In rental?? I buy 8 rh unit and rent each out for 3k my total rental collection is 24k per month. I think you probably failed your maths in school as well :doh:

10-02-11, 20:35
Wah you so resourceful? Those are just some, more to those. :cheers1:

Are u referring to crime or ghost stories?

Crime like this one?

10-02-11, 20:45
Bashing yes but they are the truth, all the negative things, because some clown keep making personal attack & verbal abuse on me. I only bash properties since this is property forum right? You want me to be just like the clown & abuse that clown? :scared-3:

Interesting read when people have different opinions..make the forum more fun.. when it become excessive, it is childish...
Mr Teddybear, I think we hear you loud and clear, you can stop bashing RH.. my friend is actually staying there and I find it quite nice, and I am an just a heartlander as well... please do stop your negative comments on residents staying there.. does not reflect well on you too!
Mr Regulator, we also hear you lot and clear, if you stop replying to Mr Teddybear, hopefully there's peace and more focus on discussion rather than name calling or personal attacks!

Cheers and World peace!

10-02-11, 20:49
you mean it is okay that you are stupid? Lol...rental income from 8rh units which is equal to the price of your ccr unit with rubbish view is more than 600k in two years and don't even need to sell any unit to get that, you sell your one unit after two years and earn 1 mil plus, but you have nothing to help you generate the same income after that. I think you go back to school and learn your maths better. :doh:
It is ok. You can continue to collect rent for next 83 years until your Regent Heights 99 years lease expire also total less than my capital gain over 2 years period. :p

10-02-11, 20:53
You can go on with your stupid & illogical asumption & comparison. :doh: :tongue3:
Trying to Be a fool & I will reveal more damning truth about Regent Heights. :rolleyes:

you mean it is okay that you are stupid? Lol...rental income from 8rh units which is equal to the price of your ccr unit with rubbish view is more than 600k in two years and don't even need to sell any unit to get that, you sell your one unit after two years and earn 1 mil plus, but you have nothing to help you generate the same income after that. I think you go back to school and learn your maths better. :doh:

10-02-11, 20:58
lol the mongrel has been defeated :tongue3: :tongue3: :tongue3:
You can go on with your stupid & illogical asumption & comparison. :doh: :tongue3:
Trying to a fool & I will reveal more damning truth about Regent Heights. :rolleyes:

10-02-11, 20:59
Capital appreciation will b capped.... Rental yield vy impt now.....

10-02-11, 21:00
Teddybear and regulators should set aside the differences and move on. Do either no good. Innocent real RH owners gets hurt too. Spare a thought.

Regent Heights Quite Happening Liao.

Hope each will say nice words to one another.



New year not good to talk about the non living too.... Have some respect there.

"I wish for world peace" sounds so suitable here. :)

10-02-11, 21:13
Almost reaching 10k views liao, veri "ang/hong = popular" thread!

10-02-11, 21:16
Almost reaching 10k views liao, veri "ang/hong = popular" thread!

This regent heights thread indeed very impressive!!

10-02-11, 21:48
Bashing yes but they are the truth, all the negative things, because some clown keep making personal attack & verbal abuse on me. I only bash properties since this is property forum right? You want me to be just like the clown & abuse that clown? :scared-3:

sigh..I have already said that we hear you loud and clear on all the negative points of RH and I do agree with some of your points but not ALL. Also, I am not asking you to start another name calling war and you should be old enough to know that!...but obviously you have deviated from bashing RH to bringing in ghost story, transmission tower etc etc... Why don't you start another thread on" all the negative points of living in Bukit Batok, Yew tee" or whatever.... and see how people staying there will respond to you! Btw, I don't stay anywhere near these places but being a neutral party, I think you have gone overboard, similarly for Regulators who start calling people names! It is an obvious case of the clown calling the clown black or red or blue or whatever...!

World peace again!

10-02-11, 21:56
But these are also true! I didn't bash & call names by making them up. :beats-me-man:
I still haven't reveal more damning truth yet, depends on my mood when to release these. :spliff2:

sigh..I have already said that we hear you loud and clear on all the negative points of RH and I do agree with some of your points but not ALL. Also, I am not asking you to start another name calling war and you should be old enough to know that!...but obviously you have deviated from bashing RH to bringing in ghost story, transmission tower etc etc... Why don't you start another thread on" all the negative points of living in Bukit Batok, Yew tee" or whatever.... and see how people staying there will respond to you! Btw, I don't stay anywhere near these places but being a neutral party, I think you have gone overboard, similarly for Regulators who start calling people names! It is an obvious case of the clown calling the clown black or red or blue or whatever...!

World peace again!

10-02-11, 22:01
This regent heights thread indeed very impressive!!
Regulator-gent hi-Teddybears quite impressive...

10-02-11, 22:02
I think you hardly know that mongrel, I call him that for an obvious reason. I am okay with peace, but I am sensitive to snobbery and crass behaviour. Nothing against people pointing out negative things in a condo coz they are after just bricks and concrete, but to have crass people coming here to act high and mighty just bcoz he lives in a ccr property (which is no big deal) is something I will just sneeze at.
sigh..I have already said that we hear you loud and clear on all the negative points of RH and I do agree with some of your points but not ALL. Also, I am not asking you to start another name calling war and you should be old enough to know that!...but obviously you have deviated from bashing RH to bringing in ghost story, transmission tower etc etc... Why don't you start another thread on" all the negative points of living in Bukit Batok, Yew tee" or whatever.... and see how people staying there will respond to you! Btw, I don't stay anywhere near these places but being a neutral party, I think you have gone overboard, similarly for Regulators who start calling people names! It is an obvious case of the clown calling the clown black or red or blue or whatever...!

World peace again!

10-02-11, 22:09
I think proud owner tried to diffuse the fights. Little success.

Name calling should stop.

Teddybear if u r indeed rich and stay in CCR, you must be successful in life or from a rich family. Please show your true colors there.

Regulators, stop responding to the posts anymore and we will repect you for that.

I tried saying only " ......... :doh:" and it helped. We hear u well too.

10-02-11, 22:16
Like that how can mood be good with such personal attack on me?

I think you hardly know that mongrel, I call him that for an obvious reason. I am okay with peace, but I am sensitive to snobbery and crass behaviour. Nothing against people pointing out negative things in a condo coz they are after just bricks and concrete, but to have crass people coming here to act high and mighty just bcoz he lives in a ccr property (which is no big deal) is something I will just sneeze at.

10-02-11, 22:19
If you stop your nonsensical rantings, I can stop calling you that, it is that simple.
Like that how can mood be good with such personal attack on me?

10-02-11, 22:33
What I said is the truth, what nonsense? :rolleyes:

If you stop your nonsensical rantings, I can stop calling you that, it is that simple.

10-02-11, 22:36
Doing well... Be nice and try your luck at 10 million toto draw. Can buy 2 CCR and 10 OCR if u r sole winner.

good luck!

10-02-11, 22:44
every year spend hundreds on the jackpot toto, not much luck so far

Doing well... Be nice and try your luck at 10 million toto draw. Can buy 2 CCR and 10 OCR if u r sole winner.

good luck!

10-02-11, 22:47
every year spend hundreds on the jackpot toto, not much luck so far
Well, maybe u can try toto.

6 numbers from you?
6 numbers from Teddy.
System 12 it and see the results.

10-02-11, 22:48
Recommendation: Avoid...

how about substation?

10-02-11, 22:58
Recommendation: Avoid...
Correct. Avoid facing rubbish dumb too.
Avoid facing entrance of another underground car park.
Avoid facing the tennis court, basket court and badminton court.
Avoid facing schools.

U decide lah.

10-02-11, 23:02
Leverage is good if the interest rate of the debt is low and fixed for long periods of time.

However, the bank is always the real winner...

This thread is hot. Dun flame me ok? :)

A fully paid property is defined as asset.
A non fully paid property is defined as liability.

A fully paid property generates the highest return as there's no leakage as interest cost. Why pay interest when u can save? Even if u can deduct, u could find other ways to save tax. Penny wise pound foolish?

I always find it a good practise to fully pay off debt.

It will turn into cash cow when it is fully paid. Rental gains.

To balance it, debt leverage can be good too. No right or wrong, just your preference and investment strategies. :)

10-02-11, 23:07

Bang u if u cannot service your loans.

Bang bang! :D

11-02-11, 09:08
Almost reaching 10k views liao, veri "ang/hong = popular" thread!

OH I think this is a conspiracy by the two , to make up a scene and create a hype(just like JLD )!! attract more readers to RH and make it popular....:D :D

11-02-11, 11:25
OH I think this is a conspiracy by the two , to make up a scene and create a hype(just like JLD )!! attract more readers to RH and make it popular....:D :D

:p lakefront thread 30k view no conspiracy.
10K view cos fights is more interesting to watch. I suppose most of us are amazed by their witty comments.:p :p

office politics on desktop.
:p :p :p there are some learning lessons:p :p :p

11-02-11, 12:27
I work near a HT environment.

You will be surprised when you take an EM shot in the HT room.

Correct. Avoid facing rubbish dumb too.
Avoid facing entrance of another underground car park.
Avoid facing the tennis court, basket court and badminton court.
Avoid facing schools.

U decide lah.

11-02-11, 12:49
:p lakefront thread 30k view no conspiracy.
10K view cos fights is more interesting to watch. I suppose most of us are amazed by their witty comments.:p :p

office politics on desktop.
:p :p :p there are some learning lessons:p :p :p

haha you are right, i read this thread to see their witty comments to each other...

but i guess this name calling, mud-slinging etc should stop, peace

12-02-11, 00:52
Check out the eye-popping HDB transacted prices of 90sqm 4 room flats in blocks 620, 621 and 622 of Bukit Batok Central:

620 Bt Batok Ctrl 16 to 20 90.00
Model A 2003 $555,000.00 Jan 2011
620 Bt Batok Ctrl 16 to 20 90.00
Model A 2003 $558,000.00 Jan 2011
620 Bt Batok Ctrl 21 to 25 90.00
Model A 2003 $628,000.00 Nov 2010
620 Bt Batok Ctrl 06 to 10 90.00
Model A 2003 $515,000.00 Sep 2010
622 Bt Batok Ctrl 26 to 30 90.00
Model A 2003 $585,000.00 Sep 2010
621 Bt Batok Ctrl 26 to 30 90.00
Model A 2003 $562,000.00 Aug 2010
620 Bt Batok Ctrl 06 to 10 90.00
Model A 2003 $528,000.00 Jun 2010
620 Bt Batok Ctrl 21 to 25 90.00
Model A 2003 $500,000.00 Feb 2010

I am not sure if the $628k transaction is a fact, if it is, it means the 4 room flat is transacted at $648 psf, among the highest psf for HDB flats in Singapore. Even the 2nd highest transaction at $604psf is considered quite high. With all these HDB transactions on the high in Bukit Batok, $even $7xxpsf for a condo in the same area seems quite cheap. Those first owners of the flats in the 3 HDB blocks bought their flats at only $140-180k.

12-02-11, 07:25
The bus interchange and the nearby low rise HDBs looks good for redevelopment as an integrated bus interchange.

12-02-11, 09:07
with this resale HDB price, upgraders(to condo not district) sure can buy new condo at CCK or lakeside at more sing 1 million for 3 rooms if thery dont mind the area or space...:)

12-02-11, 09:59
with this resale HDB price, upgraders(to condo not district) sure can buy new condo at CCK or lakeside at more sing 1 million for 3 rooms if thery dont mind the area or space...:)
Condo in same district supported by HDBs in same district.
As a rule of thumb, condo are 2x of hdb of equivalent size.

12-02-11, 10:34
Condo in same district supported by HDBs in same district.
As a rule of thumb, condo are 2x of hdb of equivalent size.

this 2x rule of thumb must take into account distance right? The BLK 620/622 are about 10metre to West Mall/Bukit Batok MRT. So the condo fulfilling this criteria is Jade only. So you will expect Jade to be well supported. :2cents::D

12-02-11, 11:05
Condo in same district supported by HDBs in same district.
As a rule of thumb, condo are 2x of hdb of equivalent size.

Hmm.. Blk 517 opposite Lakeside MRT 5 rooms last transacted 570K @ 460 psf. Thus max support about 920psf if follow rule...

Lakefront now $1042psf, jialat....
Lakeshore now $973psf, crossed $920....
Caspian now $848psf, coming near to support point?
Lakeholmz, now $733psf, catching up?
Parc Vista now $675psf, Value for $$$

hmmm... May be agent peter is right?

12-02-11, 11:21
The flat prices will support all condos in d23 and d22. Agents will use that as a selling point for the condos In the area
this 2x rule of thumb must take into account distance right? The BLK 620/622 are about 10metre to West Mall/Bukit Batok MRT. So the condo fulfilling this criteria is Jade only. So you will expect Jade to be well supported. :2cents::D

12-02-11, 11:40
The flat prices will support all condos in d23 and d22. Agents will use that as a selling point for the condos In the area

wow tat is great news :D

12-02-11, 11:42
Yup, rough guide. Then u take the average of same condo.
Value buys are those below average price.

12-02-11, 11:58
Yup, rough guide. Then u take the average of same condo.
Value buys are those below average price.

Wow... if based on average for 5 projects near Blk 517, then LF & LS jialat,
Caspian safe while Lakeholmz & Parc Vista appeared value buy.

12-02-11, 12:03
Lakeside hdb cheaper than bukit batok hdb, but lakeside condos more expensive than bukit batok condos so is bukit batok condos undervalued or lakeside hdb flats undervalued?
Hmm.. Blk 517 opposite Lakeside MRT 5 rooms last transacted 570K @ 460 psf. Thus max support about 920psf if follow rule...

Lakefront now $1042psf, jialat....
Lakeshore now $973psf, crossed $920....
Caspian now $848psf, coming near to support point?
Lakeholmz, now $733psf, catching up?
Parc Vista now $675psf, Value for $$$

hmmm... May be agent peter is right?

12-02-11, 12:31
Lakeside hdb cheaper than bukit batok hdb, but lakeside condos more expensive than bukit batok condos so is bukit batok condos undervalued or lakeside hdb flats undervalued?

The example as quoted from Lakefront till Parc vista all within 250m from Blk 517. Not sure about BB one wor. If assuming the distance is about the same, then BB undervalue. ;)

12-02-11, 13:56
Actually having same psf for hdb and condo is quite rare in the same estate even if hdb nearer than condo to mrt. It is like saying viz@holland should have the same psf as the hdb flats nearer to holland village
The example as quoted from Lakefront till Parc vista all within 250m from Blk 517. Not sure about BB one wor. If assuming the distance is about the same, then BB undervalue. ;)

12-02-11, 13:57
Big district.... Real difference if one is near mrt and the other not so near.

12-02-11, 14:04
Bukit batok is a really small estate (not counting bukit gombak)
Big district.... Real difference if one is near mrt and the other not so near.

12-02-11, 14:21
Bukit batok is a really small estate (not counting bukit gombak)
Maybe that can explain why HDBs in bukit batok more expansive than lakeside? Less supply. Some go for hdb due to rebates and cannot reach condo. When more go for HDBs, less go for condos there.

12-02-11, 14:34
Based on your theory of supply, if hdb in bukit batok is expensive coz of undersupply, then condos in bukit batok which is in even greater shortage (only two condos and one ec) should also be expensive, right?
Maybe that can explain why HDBs in bukit batok more expansive than lakeside? Less supply. Some go for hdb due to rebates and cannot reach condo. When more go for HDBs, less go for condos there.

12-02-11, 14:55
Based on your theory of supply, if hdb in bukit batok is expensive coz of undersupply, then condos in bukit batok which is in even greater shortage (only two condos and one ec) should also be expensive, right?
Well, not necessary as they switch from buying resale condo to resale hdb... No good no good.... If like that, it show they die die buy near mrt lor....

12-02-11, 15:06
So for the same psf, would you buy a hdb 100m from mrt or a condo 700m from mrt? I would go for the latter
Well, not necessary as they switch from buying resale condo to resale hdb... No good no good.... If like that, it show they die die buy near mrt lor....

12-02-11, 15:45
So for the same psf, would you buy a hdb 100m from mrt or a condo 700m from mrt? I would go for the latter
I will buy within 250 m of mrt irregardless of HDB, condo or landed.

12-02-11, 16:24
I will buy within 250 m of mrt irregardless of HDB, condo or landed.

i still stick with my 500m radius....if LH 300m....FH can afford to be further abit....lol

12-02-11, 19:07
Hmm.. Blk 517 opposite Lakeside MRT 5 rooms last transacted 570K @ 460 psf. Thus max support about 920psf if follow rule...

Lakefront now $1042psf, jialat....
Lakeshore now $973psf, crossed $920....
Caspian now $848psf, coming near to support point?
Lakeholmz, now $733psf, catching up?
Parc Vista now $675psf, Value for $$$

hmmm... May be agent peter is right?

caspian now around the price $800 to $900, above $900 psf can let go liao...
PV Dec 2010 a few transactions were more than $700 psf
but someone sell at $675psf for a caveated transaction at Jan 11...for a 3 room unit...:2cents: but recently a lot of advertisment, asking price has gone up again to Sing 750 to Sing 800...see how the price trend goes the next few months , anyway not many sellers at PV as I noticed...

agent peter? no it is Dr Peter Ng(PHD):D

13-02-11, 08:57
caspian now around the price $800 to $900, above $900 psf can let go liao...
PV Dec 2010 a few transactions were more than $700 psf
but someone sell at $675psf for a caveated transaction at Jan 11...for a 3 room unit...:2cents: but recently a lot of advertisment, asking price has gone up again to Sing 750 to Sing 800...see how the price trend goes the next few months , anyway not many sellers at PV as I noticed...

agent peter? no it is Dr Peter Ng(PHD):D
675 psf good price. Half of lakefront? Dr Pe...?

Why owner let go so low?

13-02-11, 10:28
Could be age of pv
675 psf good price. Half of lakefront? Dr Pe...?

Why owner let go so low?

13-02-11, 12:09
Could be age of pv
Strange buyer, just bought it in Dec 10 and sold in Jan 11 at a lost. Must ask Dr Peter why. He raised it but very quiet now.

13-02-11, 12:43
Must be desperate case coz seller needs money. This is the inevitable situation with mass market condos
Strange buyer, just bought it in Dec 10 and sold in Jan 11 at a lost. Must ask Dr Peter why. He raised it but very quiet now.

13-02-11, 13:43
Could be age of pv

no la...age not a problem sometimes...JUST Guessing maybe is a transfer of of asset between ....aanyway, now the price asking is up again to S$750 to $800 psf for PV...:D :D

13-02-11, 16:46
The canadian school should see demand from rental units there but so many condos there vying for the same pie. Wonder what is the enrolment of the canadian school
no la...age not a problem sometimes...JUST Guessing maybe is a transfer of of asset between ....aanyway, now the price asking is up again to S$750 to $800 psf for PV...:D :D

13-02-11, 16:52
The canadian school should see demand from rental units there but so many condos there vying for the same pie. Wonder what is the enrolment of the canadian school
They take MRT or drive how?

They could target any area in Singapore as it is so small.

13-02-11, 17:07
Why teddybear so coward? I also know the damning fact about Regent Heights! Let me tell all forumers what it is to be fair in case you got bluffed! :doh:

You see below Regent Heights' Rooms for rent:











What did you see or understand from above advertisements for rental? So many Individual room (and not entire condo unit) for rent! Yes, I have never come across a condo with so many rooms (yes, individual rooms, not whole condo unit!) for rent and for short term rental!!! What sort of owners living in Regent Heights need to rent out single room (and not whole unit) just like HDB flat owners? Money no enough type and need that S$900-1000 pm desperately to cover living expenses? What sort of tenants will rent just an individual room in a condo unit and share room with owners living in there or other couples or single males and females? I won't definitely! Do you want to live in such condo with such neighbours? You think your potential tenant the family type whole family want to live in such condo estate? Keep you eyes wide opened! CHEAP most likely CHEAP for reason! :banghead:

13-02-11, 17:40
Seems like same owner's unit. My guess PRC couple,s unit.

3 bedders and 2 rooms for rent, mastered room n common room. They stay 1 room.

Hdb also like that. Mostly by rooms.

13-02-11, 17:54
No, this is not exhaustive list, just to give people a feel of what is going on. The lists mostly have different available dates for rental, so cannot be referring to same unit. :rolleyes:

Seems like same owner's unit. My guess PRC couple,s unit.

3 bedders and 2 rooms for rent, mastered room n common room. They stay 1 room.

Hdb also like that. Mostly by rooms.

13-02-11, 20:18
What is the big deal, even condos in orchard, river valley and novena and many other CCR areas have room rentals:








and the list goes on................

13-02-11, 20:51
Anywhere also have but so difficult to find 1 single condo that have so many single rooms for rent like Regent Heights! :doh:

Your interesting list of 7 (2 repeated postings) seem to be all apartments and walk-up apartments etc, those very old properties and all without owners living in there. Regent Heights ones are owners living in their properties and looking directly for tenants to live together! :eek:

Forumers who see below apartments names listed should just avoid buying these! Bad bad bad! :banghead:

1. http://www.easyroommate.com.sg/room-rental-orchard/sgd2600-master-bedroom-with-attached-orchard-road/H101216158186/2010121601050822557
- 8 Hullet Road; One full-time flatmate there only!

2. http://www.easyroommate.com.sg/room-rental-orchard/carribbean-condo-unit-for-rental/H1004082208144/2009081423010475793/L
- La Crystal condo at Killiney road; NO Owner staying. Other roommates are 2 female students in higher education (from 2 common rooms).

3. http://www.easyroommate.com.sg/room-rental-orchard/room-available-5-7-mins-from-orchard-mrt/H110103212548207/2011010321254832707
- Draycott Drive (didn't mention which one); I moved to Singapore 3 months ago from London and am a friendly, easy-going person!

4. http://www.easyroommate.com.sg/room-rental-orchard/room-available-5-7-mins-from-orchard-mrt/H110103212548207/2011010321254832707
- Same as 3. above.

5. http://www.easyroommate.com.sg/room-rental-orchard/carribbean-condo-unit-for-rental/H1004082208144/2009081423010475793/L
- Same as 2. above.

6. http://www.easyroommate.com.sg/room-rental-cairnhill/cairnhill-rm-w-shared-attach-bath-1400-fr-1-july/H10061163732266/20050306040415276/L
- Cairnhill rise (didn't say which exactly); Living only 5 mins walk from orchard road in a massive 3000 sq ft apartment can be a reality! We have a small utility room with a common bathroom shared with 1 other person only avail from 28th Feb 2011 until 30th June 2011( earlier is Not possible).

7. http://www.easyroommate.com.sg/room-rental-novena/big-room-available-now-6min-walk-to-novena-mrt/H11021075030/2011021007050018087
- shrewsbury road (didn't say which exactly); hi, i have a really nice, big cosy room available. it's a private walk-up apartment

What is the big deal, even condos in orchard, river valley and novena and many other CCR areas have room rentals:








and the list goes on................

13-02-11, 20:54
Making a mountain out of a molehill, can't be bothered with people like you :doh:

13-02-11, 20:56
i think the mongrel's alter ego is back :doh:

Seems like same owner's unit. My guess PRC couple,s unit.

3 bedders and 2 rooms for rent, mastered room n common room. They stay 1 room.

Hdb also like that. Mostly by rooms.

13-02-11, 21:20
Ok peace... Take it easy :)

16-02-11, 13:48
Any good deals lately?

16-02-11, 16:34
The best deal was the 5xxpsf 15xxsf unit advertised recently, but I think should be sold by now
Any good deals lately?

16-02-11, 16:58
The best deal was the 5xxpsf 15xxsf unit advertised recently, but I think should be sold by now
Good deal indeed. For self consumption.

16-02-11, 17:46
The latest transaction in the caveat is 7xxpsf for a2 bedr, so this 5xxsf unit has a lot of upside for capital appreciation. This unit should have no wasted space at all and should be very spacious.
Good deal indeed. For self consumption.

Geylang OKT
18-02-11, 14:45
The latest transaction in the caveat is 7xxpsf for a2 bedr, so this 5xxsf unit has a lot of upside for capital appreciation. This unit should have no wasted space at all and should be very spacious.

Should be the $750k for the #18-08 1023sqft 2 bedroom unit... about $733psf. :cool:

The largest 3 bedroom units i.e. 1173sqft sold last month highest was $820k or $699psf only :D

18-02-11, 21:36
At least I know I am during on paper gains now :)
Should be the $750k for the #18-08 1023sqft 2 bedroom unit... about $733psf. :cool:

The largest 3 bedroom units i.e. 1173sqft sold last month highest was $820k or $699psf only :D

29-03-11, 10:34
Wait for EC launch in CCK. It will make your unit look very attractive in terms of pricing.

Either u get a ready built one or wait 4 yrs. That's the buyer profile for your unit.

29-03-11, 12:25
Prices for regent heights going up slowly but surely. Two bedroom units are already transacted for 770k and many 2 bedroom sellers are asking above $800k now.

REGENT HEIGHTS BUKIT BATOK EAST AVENUE 5 Condominium 1 750,000 1,023 Strata 733 Mar-11
REGENT HEIGHTS BUKIT BATOK EAST AVENUE 5 Condominium 1 770,000 1,023 Strata 753 Mar-11

Wait for EC launch in CCK. It will make your unit look very attractive in terms of pricing.

Either u get a ready built one or wait 4 yrs. That's the buyer profile for your unit.

29-03-11, 16:11
Prices for regent heights going up slowly but surely. Two bedroom units are already transacted for 770k and many 2 bedroom sellers are asking above $800k now.

REGENT HEIGHTS BUKIT BATOK EAST AVENUE 5 Condominium 1 750,000 1,023 Strata 733 Mar-11
REGENT HEIGHTS BUKIT BATOK EAST AVENUE 5 Condominium 1 770,000 1,023 Strata 753 Mar-11

Baseline pricing... lifted by the invisible forces of new land sales.

3 Bedders are more appealing to HDB upgraders. 2 Bedders for young families with Dogs lah.

29-03-11, 16:35
2 bedders rental only 2500. not worth it

29-03-11, 19:29
If you had bought a two bedr in regent heights at 6xxk or a three bedr at 7xxk when prices were soft in december when I started this thread, you would have made money already.
2 bedders rental only 2500. not worth it

29-03-11, 20:11
that time just bought something else...

just that i feel if above 800k and rental below 3k is not right yield at the current moment. rental has to go up to get in at abv 800k

maybe now i listen to u to bio mee laksa

29-03-11, 20:55
Mee Laksa good to eat lah. I also bioing 3 plates.

29-03-11, 21:03
wah, inspired by powerful words of regulator ?

soon mee laksa got "jia laio, jia hum"


29-03-11, 21:09
wah, inspired by powerful words of regulator ?

soon mee laksa got "jia laio, jia hum"


be careful of too much laksa... especially the hum-ful ones...:cool:

(ocr) lau sai....:(

29-03-11, 22:20
be careful of too much laksa... especially the hum-ful ones...:cool:

(ocr) lau sai....:(

Haha.. dun eat too much.. two plates is just nice


cheapest there now. Not my type.


30-03-11, 01:01
the 799k one is on #02 or #03, facing the future EC, can hear king klong king klong from construction for the 3-4 years after TOP, i think tenants also will get frightened away

Haha.. dun eat too much.. two plates is just nice


cheapest there now. Not my type.


31-03-11, 08:28
Not really 4 yrs. Foundation and build up one or two years only. Kling klong for 3 to 6 mths only lah.

31-03-11, 11:58
One week already tak boleh tahan, not to mention 6 months to a year.
Not really 4 yrs. Foundation and build up one or two years only. Kling klong for 3 to 6 mths only lah.

31-03-11, 12:41
Yup, stay clear of worksites. Plus Kling Klong sites.

31-03-11, 13:56
i endure 1yr+ living near construction site b4....really terrible...noise/dust and mosquitoes:doh:

my area heard got one project kena enbloc....goosh...tink i will move into one of my MM during the construction....have a taste of MM living as well....my MM(ard 500sqft) haha

31-03-11, 14:06
i endure 1yr+ living near construction site b4....really terrible...noise/dust and mosquitoes:doh:

my area heard got one project kena enbloc....goosh...tink i will move into one of my MM during the construction....have a taste of MM living as well....my MM(ard 500sqft) haha

move to clift lor, new and nice...

31-03-11, 16:25
i endure 1yr+ living near construction site b4....really terrible...noise/dust and mosquitoes:doh:

my area heard got one project kena enbloc....goosh...tink i will move into one of my MM during the construction....have a taste of MM living as well....my MM(ard 500sqft) haha

when u rent yr unit, do u spend a lot on renovation to make it look nice or jus provide basic? does it make a difference?

31-03-11, 16:30
when u rent yr unit, do u spend a lot on renovation to make it look nice or jus provide basic? does it make a difference?

i dun spend much on reno....let say for newly TOPed unit, i just provide the nescessity....if the paint job looks ok....for eg. clift....i dun even bother to paint unless requested by tenant....hehe....however, i provide mid range furnitures/curtains/lightings....:D

seen some owners furnish all with ikeas furnitures....:tsk-tsk: :p

31-03-11, 16:32
i dun spend much on reno....let say for newly TOPed unit, i just provide the nescessity....if the paint job looks ok....for eg. clift....i dun even bother to paint unless requested by tenant....hehe....however, i provide mid range furnitures/curtains/lightings....:D

seen some owners furnish all with ikeas furnitures....:tsk-tsk: :p
will it affect the rental for a posh deco with normal deco?

31-03-11, 16:34
will it affect the rental for a posh deco with normal deco?

depends on location bah....if RCR/OCR...dun see the need to spent so much on reno and rent it out wor....u scared tenant nvr take care blah blah....

if ur rental let say more den 8k++, den perhaps u nid to spend mabe 20-30k to 'make up' ur ppty to attract well heeled expats lor:2cents:

31-03-11, 17:29
Just found an ang mo tenant for two years, yet to sign tenancy agreement.

31-03-11, 17:50
congrats, how much was the offer ?

01-04-11, 16:32
3.xk for unfurnished with only white goods in the kitchen.
congrats, how much was the offer ?

01-04-11, 18:00
3.xk for unfurnished with only white goods in the kitchen.
Not even partial furn ar? Tats vy gd rental

01-04-11, 18:01
tenant just ask for kitchen appliances.

Not even partial furn ar? Tats vy gd rental

01-04-11, 19:35
experienced the same, usually family rental doesnt wan anything except fridge, washer

so don't bother to buy anything if renting out a 3 bedder. for mm , i think need furniture..

21-05-11, 20:31
Understand it's 99yr fr 1995 meaning left 83 yrs, anyone see potential concern on this as price dosent seem to reflect it

21-05-11, 20:42
The rental for 15 odd years can cover almost the entire cost of the unit with remaining 68 years fee of mortgage, that is why the prices are holding steady for this development. I foresee more upside and my initial prediction was right
Understand it's 99yr fr 1995 meaning left 83 yrs, anyone see potential concern on this as price dosent seem to reflect it

21-05-11, 21:35
So RH better for investment yield but wat abt own stay hoping for capital appreciation? :)

Personally feel those older fh ones along hillview ave could be better for own stay with possible price appreciation :)

21-05-11, 21:58
Tats y sold cheap? But with mrt line, those are much higher now right?

25-05-11, 21:03
i dun spend much on reno....let say for newly TOPed unit, i just provide the nescessity....if the paint job looks ok....for eg. clift....i dun even bother to paint unless requested by tenant....hehe....however, i provide mid range furnitures/curtains/lightings....:D

seen some owners furnish all with ikeas furnitures....:tsk-tsk: :p

How about the contract, did the agent draft it for you or you draft it yourself or is there a standard contract?:confused:

26-05-11, 00:47
How about the contract, did the agent draft it for you or you draft it yourself or is there a standard contract?:confused:
If u r not sure, better to use standard contract provided by big agencies like era.

01-06-11, 23:42
REGENT HEIGHTS BUKIT BATOK EAST AVENUE 5 Condominium 1 900,000 1,216 Strata 740 May-11

02-06-11, 23:15
REGENT HEIGHTS BUKIT BATOK EAST AVENUE 5 Condominium 1 900,000 1,216 Strata 740 May-11

wow congrats! :D JDL development going push up property prices in the region =) :D

02-06-11, 23:37
wow congrats! :D JDL development going push up property prices in the region =) :D

JDL and hillview got relationship meh! quiet far right.......

03-06-11, 23:26
It is not jld that push prices up, it is the good rental yield as i have mentioned since I started this thread
wow congrats! :D JDL development going push up property prices in the region =) :D

04-06-11, 00:14
It is not jld that push prices up, it is the good rental yield as i have mentioned since I started this thread

now the happening is in JDL for at least the next 1-2 years cos capital land is building a shopping center in Jurong East to be opened in 2013-2014.

JLD is twice the size of tampines so the show will start and continue for a while.

congratulations to all who has vested interest.

04-06-11, 02:21
now the happening is in JDL for at least the next 1-2 years cos capital land is building a shopping center in Jurong East to be opened in 2013-2014.

JLD is twice the size of tampines so the show will start and continue for a while.

congratulations to all who has vested interest.

Hurray to New sales...!!!! Huatx3

04-06-11, 10:54
Caspian first owner really huat, lakefront buyers eerrrrr, I am not sure
Hurray to New sales...!!!! Huatx3

04-06-11, 11:01
Caspian first owner really huat, lakefront buyers eerrrrr, I am not sure

they just bought recently, so only time will tell. IF lakefront dont huat then alot of other projects outside JLD also affected.

04-06-11, 11:12
they just bought recently, so only time will tell. IF lakefront dont huat then alot of other projects outside JLD also affected.

oredi 1-1.1kpsf.....limited upside really......

i tink simei better bet now.....at least got more amenities.....JLD will take many years to become changi biz park/expo

04-06-11, 12:06
oredi 1-1.1kpsf.....limited upside really...

Repent for 5 yrs for sure ...

BUT after that, HUAT for sure :D

6 to 8 yr horizon will be ok mah

04-06-11, 12:16
Older projects don't need to go up to 1k psf to make a decent profit. If one buys an older project for 650psf (1163sf), rents it out for 3200 per month for two years and sells the condo for 850psf after that, the gross profit in two years is $300k plus (rental plus capital appreciation). Replicate this for 4 condos and you will be 1.2 million richer in just two years. That is why I always believe in older projects, never new projects
they just bought recently, so only time will tell. IF lakefront dont huat then alot of other projects outside JLD also affected.

04-06-11, 12:19
Older projects don't need to go up to 1k psf to make a decent profit. If one buys an older project for 650psf (1163sf), rents it out for 3200 per month for two years and sells the condo for 850psf after that, the gross profit in two years is $300k plus (rental plus capital appreciation). Replicate this for 4 condos and you will be 1.2 million richer in just two years. That is why I always believe in older projects, never new projects

timing lah...

during downturn, hoot subsale/going to TOP projects better.....when market recovers, ur capital gain is enormous.....

04-06-11, 12:20
Repent for 5 yrs for sure ...

BUT after that, HUAT for sure :D

6 to 8 yr horizon will be ok mah

i tink simei condos now r undervalued relatively....mi casa aso quite undervalued(dun understand y subsale below 800psf)

older FH condos like changi green just spike up in prices:D :cheers6:

04-06-11, 12:22
With the kind of pricing now what to hoot?
timing lah...

during downturn, hoot subsale/going to TOP projects better.....when market recovers, ur capital gain is enormous.....

04-06-11, 12:26
With the kind of pricing now what to hoot?

now dun hoot....

waiting to sell next yr only...:p

now resale asking px very crazy!

oh ya, found one reasonable asking resale at waterford residence in the classified today....10xxsqft asking 1.4mil nett wif 5k rental....not bad....but 4yrs ssd puts me off....lol

04-06-11, 12:36
With the kind of pricing now what to hoot?

less and less things to hoot nowadays.

i think May's resale price index may pose a few surprises.

04-06-11, 15:59
i have been eyeing mi casa for some time liao, but the problem with the two bedders is it faces outside the development and stacks 13 and 14 have direct west sun. Those facing inside asking for the sky. hard to get a decent unit at the right price in mi casa imo :doh:

i tink simei condos now r undervalued relatively....mi casa aso quite undervalued(dun understand y subsale below 800psf)

older FH condos like changi green just spike up in prices:D :cheers6:

04-06-11, 16:03
rental still 2XXX ?

04-06-11, 16:06
i have been eyeing mi casa for some time liao, but the problem with the two bedders is it faces outside the development and stacks 13 and 14 have direct west sun. Those facing inside asking for the sky. hard to get a decent unit at the right price in mi casa imo :doh:

What about the 3 bedders?

04-06-11, 17:18
2 bedder at 7xxk renting out for 2.8-3k still considered not too bad for new development. the 3 bedder has a quantum of 1.xx mil and the rental is a mere 3.5k at the most for the area, so not very attractive to me.

rental still 2XXX ?

04-06-11, 17:26
call ur agent lah.. price reduced..

3 bedder pool view less than 1 million.

can get others in the $950k range.

go check ok? owners selling lower now.

04-06-11, 17:44
call ur agent lah.. price reduced..

3 bedder pool view less than 1 million.

can get others in the $950k range.

go check ok? owners selling lower now.


This one low floor pool view... price down down down... hahaha go check ok?

05-06-11, 15:43
2 bedder at 7xxk renting out for 2.8-3k still considered not too bad for new development. the 3 bedder has a quantum of 1.xx mil and the rental is a mere 3.5k at the most for the area, so not very attractive to me.

still got a few asking 790k for 2 bdder

05-06-11, 16:39
oredi 1-1.1kpsf.....limited upside really......

i tink simei better bet now.....at least got more amenities.....JLD will take many years to become changi biz park/expo

I hope semei is not conjected. but anyway, JDL not many condos around....so maybe got chance.

05-06-11, 16:50
One 7xxk one on the 11th floor facing lot one sold, the west sun for that unit quite jialat. There is another 790k one facing hdb blocks on the 14th floor, also kenna west sun very jialat. All those units dangling in the market now either low floor or kenna west sun and construction, owners of good units holding back until TOP.

still got a few asking 790k for 2 bdder

05-06-11, 19:52
One 7xxk one on the 11th floor facing lot one sold, the west sun for that unit quite jialat. There is another 790k one facing hdb blocks on the 14th floor, also kenna west sun very jialat. All those units dangling in the market now either low floor or kenna west sun and construction, owners of good units holding back until TOP.

i am referring to RH, are u toking bout mee laksa?

05-06-11, 19:59
i am referring to RH, are u toking bout mee laksa?

haha yes... he was. Anyway mee is getting hot. Laksa mee liao.

05-06-11, 20:15
Hmm,,,rh can get rental ,another nothing till 2yrs later

05-06-11, 20:43
If you had bought together with me few months back, can get 3 bedr at that price easily, now can only get 2 bedr. If you buy a 2 bedr at 780k now, still got room for capital appreciation. By the way management doing a major overhaul to condo exterior soon
i am referring to RH, are u toking bout mee laksa?

Wild Falcon
06-06-11, 10:19
D23 seems to be doing very well....

06-06-11, 11:01
If you had bought together with me few months back, can get 3 bedr at that price easily, now can only get 2 bedr. If you buy a 2 bedr at 780k now, still got room for capital appreciation. By the way management doing a major overhaul to condo exterior soon

yeah, i am very tempted leh. I am sieving thru the list

List of 800k and below

mee laksa
The Bayshore

but i think now nothing much to look fwrd to also

06-06-11, 11:05
yeah, i am very tempted leh. I am sieving thru the list

List of 800k and below

mee laksa
The Bayshore

but i think now nothing much to look fwrd to also

Recently in D23, Hillview got one plot of land sold at record price...breakeven for developer is estimated at about $1000 psf, likely to market significantly above that(like $1300 psf). That will offer some support for the prices around there.

06-06-11, 20:34
are you referring to the plot marked for mixed development just opposite glendale?

Recently in D23, Hillview got one plot of land sold at record price...breakeven for developer is estimated at about $1000 psf, likely to market significantly above that(like $1300 psf). That will offer some support for the prices around there.

06-06-11, 22:43
are you referring to the plot marked for mixed development just opposite glendale?
Yeah. I think won by subsidiary of Capitaland.

07-06-11, 02:55
Yeah. I think won by subsidiary of Capitaland.
Cash land. Anyway, it could be pure commercial and retail like Jurong east plot right? No residential?

Wild Falcon
07-06-11, 12:05
Nope. Won by FEO. And mainly residential. Less than 10% of the gross area can be used for retail/commericial. The winning bid was $673psfppr. Breakeven costs at $1000psf? Probably have to sell at $1200-$1300psf. But still reasonable compared to Tennery.

Yeah. I think won by subsidiary of Capitaland.

07-06-11, 12:12
Nope. Won by FEO. And mainly residential. Less than 10% of the gross area can be used for retail/commericial. The winning bid was $673psfppr. Breakeven costs at $1000psf? Probably have to sell at $1200-$1300psf. But still reasonable compared to Tennery.
I tot tennary better if same px?

Wild Falcon
08-06-11, 21:08
Why Tennery better? Hillview has more greenery, is nearer to the city (by 2 MRT stations which is quite significant) and also nearer to the JLD than Bukit Panjang or CCK. Just like currently Hillview condos fetch a premium to Bukit Panjang or CCK. So the new site (near MRT with retail component) should be able to command similar or better prices than Tennery.

I tot tennary better if same px?

12-06-11, 22:48
Hi, do you have any details about the major overhaul to RH? Such as type, extent, commencement and duration?

If you had bought together with me few months back, can get 3 bedr at that price easily, now can only get 2 bedr. If you buy a 2 bedr at 780k now, still got room for capital appreciation. By the way management doing a major overhaul to condo exterior soon

16-06-11, 00:23
Last time I visited regent heights was a month ago, will update you once I get any info from them.
Hi, do you have any details about the major overhaul to RH? Such as type, extent, commencement and duration?

17-06-11, 21:47
Thanks, look forward to your update :)

Last time I visited regent heights was a month ago, will update you once I get any info from them.

25-06-11, 19:09
prices up liao!! June 2011 caveat showed a 1023sqft 2 bedder transacted at $840k (821psf). :D

REGENT HEIGHTS BUKIT BATOK EAST AVENUE 5Condominium 840,000 1,023 Strata 821Jun-11

25-06-11, 20:08
prices up liao!! June 2011 caveat showed a 1023sqft 2 bedder transacted at $840k (821psf). :D

REGENT HEIGHTS BUKIT BATOK EAST AVENUE 5Condominium 840,000 1,023 Strata 821Jun-11
Very good buy :)

How come no more mosque critics? Silence them!

26-09-11, 08:02
STOMPer Wilson got a shock when he heard a loud splash while barbecuing with his friends at Regent Heights condominium in Bukit Batok last night. They discovered that a young driver had driven his car straight into the pool.

The STOMPer wrote:

"I was barbecuing in the condo Regent Heights when I suddenly heard a loud splashing sound.

"We rushed over and saw that this guy had driven his car into the pool.

"We helped the guy's friends get him out of the car.

"We don't know how he had done it.

"Luckily, the pool was empty because it was quite late.

"The police arrived later."

26-09-11, 08:14
STOMPer Wilson got a shock when he heard a loud splash while barbecuing with his friends at Regent Heights condominium in Bukit Batok last night. They discovered that a young driver had driven his car straight into the pool.

The STOMPer wrote:

"I was barbecuing in the condo Regent Heights when I suddenly heard a loud splashing sound.

"We rushed over and saw that this guy had driven his car into the pool.

"We helped the guy's friends get him out of the car.

"We don't know how he had done it.

"Luckily, the pool was empty because it was quite late.

"The police arrived later."


26-09-11, 08:37
How to drive into the pool unless the pool is right by the curb.

26-09-11, 10:02
regulator owns a unit here rite

mabe he got first hand info

26-09-11, 21:43
I don't live in regent heights but been there a few times and saw that the open carpark beside block A is same level as the pool, very easy to drive into the pool at night. The barrier is as good as no barrier coz they are poles that can be knocked down easily. I think the driver is a nuthead unless his eyesight is so bad :doh:

27-09-11, 07:13
nice car wash facility :)

27-09-11, 09:22
I don't live in regent heights but been there a few times and saw that the open carpark beside block A is same level as the pool, very easy to drive into the pool at night. The barrier is as good as no barrier coz they are poles that can be knocked down easily. I think the driver is a nuthead unless his eyesight is so bad :doh:

There is "instant coffee"...just add water.

And then there is "instant idiot"...just add alcohol.

27-09-11, 10:38
So the guy probably has to pay for pool cleaning.

12-10-11, 16:45
Regent heights price under pressure. Lodged price showed signs of decline.

I don't have the unit numbers to compare though.

12-10-11, 19:16
The condo is 30 storeys high, price difference between 2nd floor and 28th floor is easily more than $100k. Rental yield is very good for the project, coz I enjoying more than $3k rental which converts to 4.8-4.9% of my purchase price and the project is easy to find tenants. You should consider buying also. :D

12-10-11, 21:27
I no $. Nowadays I sleep in my office. Better than staying in a condo. I got high ceiling, huge living room, personal car park, toilets got a few cubicles, got security guards too. Too many benefits to list and best is it only cost me S$200psf. :D

12-10-11, 22:02
I no $. Nowadays I sleep in my office. Better than staying in a condo. I got high ceiling, huge living room, personal car park, toilets got a few cubicles, got security guards too. Too many benefits to list and best is it only cost me S$200psf. :D
Life is so stressful for u.....

Work, eat, shyt, sleep....4in1

12-10-11, 22:24
I no $. Nowadays I sleep in my office. Better than staying in a condo. I got high ceiling, huge living room, personal car park, toilets got a few cubicles, got security guards too. Too many benefits to list and best is it only cost me S$200psf. :D

No love life or family? Illegal to treat office as residential?

12-10-11, 22:32
No love life or family? Illegal to treat office as residential?

anyone finds he there, he can say he loves his work too much to leave the office.

12-10-11, 22:50
some office located in CBD is easily 2000psf .... maybe he stay in CCR but his office.

Wild Falcon
29-01-12, 14:37
Congrats to bro Regulator. I was just checking the 3 bedders in Regent Height and now transacting at $900k? If you bought your high floor unit at $7xxk just a yr ago, you hv really made a reasonable return in a short time.


30-01-12, 10:30
Actually no intention of selling coz I don't believe in keeping fiat money. Will just continue to rent out, but assess the situation once in a while. At that time when I started this thread with a subsequent purchase of a unit, many ppl were pouring cold water, but I trust my judgement more than what others say.
Congrats to bro Regulator. I was just checking the 3 bedders in Regent Height and now transacting at $900k? If you bought your high floor unit at $7xxk just a yr ago, you hv really made a reasonable return in a short time.


30-07-12, 18:19
Checked with banker my 3 bedr valued at $1 million, latest transaction past $900k. will be tempted to let go if it hits $1 million

13-09-12, 22:16
Checked with banker my 3 bedr valued at $1 million, latest transaction past $900k. will be tempted to let go if it hits $1 million

Almost same price as recent hdb transacted price at Queenstown?
Which is better? I wonder? :scared-1:

15-09-12, 13:26
The $1 million flat got no golf driving range, no pool, no gym, no tennis court, no nature view n have people urinating at the staircase n drawing grafitti on the walls frequently, I think the choice is obvious.
Almost same price as recent hdb transacted price at Queenstown?
Which is better? I wonder? :scared-1:

15-09-12, 19:07
.....have people urinating at the staircase n drawing grafitti on the walls frequently, I think the choice is obvious.
not all flats are with these conditions lah...u how long never come back Singapore? :confused:

15-09-12, 19:43
The $1 million flat got no golf driving range, no pool, no gym, no tennis court, no nature view n have people urinating at the staircase n drawing grafitti on the walls frequently, I think the choice is obvious.

Very long never see grafitti in Singapore as believe it is illegal with strict punishment if caught. You sure?:confused:

15-09-12, 19:47
but the 1million, urined staircase and securityless hdb is located in Queenstown. Recently, Buckingham just sent their official for checking...

15-09-12, 20:00
but the 1million, urined staircase and securityless hdb is located in Queenstown. Recently, Buckingham just sent their official for checking...

Wondering of all estates , why Queenstown has been chosen? Has it to do with the presence of the word 'Queen' in the word 'Queenstown' lol :confused:

15-09-12, 20:35
I think they went there becoz it was named after the queen. Good thing they never go King George's estate, that one really terok :doh:
Wondering of all estates , why Queenstown has been chosen? Has it to do with the presence of the word 'Queen' in the word 'Queenstown' lol :confused:

15-09-12, 21:06
I think they went there becoz it was named after the queen. Good thing they never go King George's estate, that one really terok :doh:

Good point. However, there is no King of England at the moment.
though the Queen's father was King of the United Kingdom (England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland).

Perhaps in future, when her son Charles become the King of the UK lol :cool:

28-05-13, 12:52
Just wondering if anybody got come across good agent doing this estate.

Thinking of renting my 2 Bedroom out.

06-02-15, 09:41
went to my friend's house at regent heights the other day and was really surprised by the views. From tower A on a high floor, the living room view is bukit timah hill and can even see the three towers and sky garden of the marina bay sands clearly with national day fireworks view. What more, his unit is also pool view. I think the view from his unit is worth much more than what the unit cost. although the project was TOPed in 2000, a three bedder costing 7xxk is really a steal in this market i am thinking. These days with $7xxk, can only buy a lousy mickey mouse unit with expressway or some lousy view or no view

So when Jayden Lim (aka Regulators) like a property, he will go all out to create fake account to give it 5 stars rating for

Reviewer's Overall Rating
Interior / Units
Exterior / Common Areas
Condo Facilities
Transport Links
Nearby Amenities
Property Management

Only a shameless person will bring himself so low to do such thing. A disgrace to the Lim family.


06-02-15, 10:48
My surname is not Lim and I am not Jayden, sorry to disappoint you. Stop hallucinating....I think you need to go to IMH for a check up.

So when Jayden Lim (aka Regulators) like a property, he will go all out to create fake account to give it 5 stars rating for

Reviewer's Overall Rating
Interior / Units
Exterior / Common Areas
Condo Facilities
Transport Links
Nearby Amenities
Property Management

Only a shameless person will bring himself so low to do such thing. A disgrace to the Lim family.


06-02-15, 10:58
My surname is not Lim and I am not Jayden, sorry to disappoint you. Stop hallucinating....I think you need to go to IMH for a check up.

a) your registered email address is [email protected], if you do a google search and you will find Jayden Lim

b) Patrickstar, the account which you use for sprouting vulgarity in this forum, also have an email address of Jaydenlim

c) And in propertyguru, Jayden Lim has also given a 5 Stars reviews for Regent Heights around the same time that you are trying to blow the trumpet on Regent Heights

So Jayden Lim, please stop your nonsense in this forum. You are a shameless intellectually challenged liar.
So please stop all your wayang in this forum. You are a big disgrace.

06-02-15, 11:07
Firstly, if Jayden Lim isn't me what use is knowing his email address? Secondly, Patrickstar isn't me, just like the way you have assumed me to be Assetrichmoneypoor. Thirdly, there is no way you would know a forumer's email account from the person's forum name here, so you are a big liar as usual. Fourthly, I wouldn't be stupid enough to reveal my real name anywhere on the Internet.

I suggest you go IMH for a check up and you display signs of a stalker. You are a really miserable guy imo.

a) your registered email address is [email protected], if you do a google search and you will find Jayden Lim

b) Patrickstar, the account which you use for sprouting vulgarity in this forum, also have an email address of Jaydenlim

c) And in propertyguru, Jayden Lim has also given a 5 Stars reviews for Regent Heights around the same time that you are trying to blow the trumpet on Regent Heights

So Jayden Lim, please stop your nonsense in this forum. You are a shameless intellectually challenged liar.
So please stop all your wayang in this forum. You are a big disgrace.