View Full Version : Waterview (D18, 99-year Leasehold, Sim Lian Group)

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28-12-11, 11:03
Yes blk 79 first, follow by 77.

Btw weekend during exercise, I went to the oppt hill to kei po - the average is $1100 psf, and hardly no view!

if 4th floor can have waterview, that's good news for wv owners. in fact, the view from the showflat which is 1st floor, also not bad. WV is really a goooooood buy! congrates to all FEC members!

Happy New Year!

Yes, opposite hill got no view. I went there a few wks ago and the agents there did tell us that there will not be any reservoir view. Only the top floor of the block that is on the highest point of the hill has a bit of "in between tree trunks" reservoir view.

I believe the view of the reservoir at WV is the best ! :cool:

Happy New Year to all FEC members !

29-12-11, 07:59
Just got a pamphlet on SL latest baby to be delivered sometime in January at the ever popular Tampines Central Hub!! We have two sisters now in Tampibes alone. I believe the layout and materials used will be no different from WV and Centrale 8.

Let's wait in excitement!!!:p

East Lover
29-12-11, 08:14
Just got a pamphlet on SL latest baby to be delivered sometime in January at the ever popular Tampines Central Hub!! We have two sisters now in Tampibes alone. I believe the layout and materials used will be no different from WV and Centrale 8.

Let's wait in excitement!!!:p
Is it that EC they are advertising on the WV wall? finally? let's see how much is the selling price... highest EC just like their highest DBSS?:D

29-12-11, 08:15
Just got a pamphlet on SL latest baby to be delivered sometime in January at the ever popular Tampines Central Hub!! We have two sisters now in Tampibes alone. I believe the layout and materials used will be no different from WV and Centrale 8.

Let's wait in excitement!!!:p

Yes SL EC@Central 7 is launching after CNY.
Total 670 units from 3bedrooms(compact) to Penthouse.
Anyone Keen?

29-12-11, 08:27
SL better price this EC carefully and sensibly, or it might trigger off another wave of flames that result in a uncertain slow death like DBSS.

29-12-11, 08:53
The pricing for Centrale 8 is infamous. Rather close to WV and definitely higher than Arc. Does this mean it has to come in between WV and Centrale 8? Especially when the latest CM is flowing into the pocket of the buyers. Being an EC makes it special. Should it be lower than WV, it will be a real steal!!!

Our step-sister in Punggol over at ATT already asking much higher than WV or parallel. Not forgetting that we're without the convenience of a train track-Thomas train not included. Waterway@Punggol heard will somewhat be around

So where will it stand? $800psf!!!:scared-1:

29-12-11, 09:08
Arc@tampines median price $744 psf, so will it price higher than arc?

29-12-11, 09:33
Arc@tampines median price $744 psf, so will it price higher than arc?

Arc $744, WV $838, so i guess it will be $800!!!!:tongue3:

29-12-11, 09:55
was this the land SL bided 15% higher then the second in line, its about $350 to $400 psf/ppr if not wrong - there was newspaper on biz times at that time. Therefore breakeven on avg shld be at least $600 min... pricing easily $750 to $800 /psf... lets see.

29-12-11, 10:07
Looks like Sim Lian has gone berserk in world domination in Tampines...
The whole territory mainly its project....

29-12-11, 10:12
SL has insider in the inner circle of power. They know how committed the government is to various developments.

29-12-11, 10:12
was this the land SL bided 15% higher then the second in line, its about $350 to $400 psf/ppr if not wrong - there was newspaper on biz times at that time. Therefore breakeven on avg shld be at least $600 min... pricing easily $750 to $800 /psf... lets see.
It will be a record sell-out at $800psf!!! I reckon it will be the fastest selling EC ever at that price. :D

29-12-11, 10:15
Looks like Sim Lian has gone berserk in world domination in Tampines...
The whole territory mainly its project....
Tampines is indeed SL's playground. They will have a 'nice' headache come January. :p

29-12-11, 10:18
That's why should rename Tampines as Sim Lian New Town :D

Maybe that should also take over the new BTOs in Tampines.. there is one launching on the empty land opposite Temasek Poly.

29-12-11, 11:05
That's why should rename Tampines as Sim Lian New Town :D

Maybe that should also take over the new BTOs in Tampines.. there is one launching on the empty land opposite Temasek Poly.

Together with FEO, Capitaland and other established developers, they play their Monopoly on the latest Edition board, not forgetting buying ammunitions in secret as they move on to their other favourite board game 'Risk'!:eek:

After monopolising, they attack!!! :scared-3: No more of those outdated Mastermind and Submarine guessing games. Hehe. :D

29-12-11, 11:06
Looking at the crazy property market of s'pore in this world full of uncertainty, I suddenly was reminded by the old saying:


East Lover
29-12-11, 13:07
I thought all the good facing units are sold out long time ago? how come this 3 bedder just sold on Dec? sub-sales???

3 days before new CM? another deal above 1mil - $1104k!
and new trend? the bigger size, the higher PSF???

Address ----------- PSF -----------Size (sqft)----- Price -----------Contract Date
89 ----------- $932----------- 1184 ----------- $1104k --------- 05 Dec 11
93 ----------- $834----------- 926 ----------- $772k ----------- 01 Dec 11
73 ----------- $887 ----------- 926 ----------- $821k ----------- 01 Dec 11
http://www.waterfrontliving.com.sg/waterview/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/img-waterview-siteplan-1024x537.jpg (http://www.waterfrontliving.com.sg/waterview/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/img-waterview-siteplan-1024x537.jpg)

29-12-11, 13:30
Only block 9, 12, 13 and 14 are really hot hot hot... The front rows not as hot as the first set!!!

The rest are rather just hot. I thought there are still available units facing the quarry. Still available lah. Block 89 at the corner junction. Sure have stocks available!!!:p

East Lover
29-12-11, 13:38
Only block 9, 12, 13 and 14 are really hot hot hot... The front rows not as hot as the first set!!!

The rest are rather just hot. I thought there are still available units facing the quarry. Still available lah. Block 89 at the corner junction. Sure have stocks available!!!:p
oh! sorry sorry, i thought that's blk 87, so pool facing inner unit... if 89 corner unit, then make senses lah... facing quary but also heavy road noise from both ave 1 & ave 10...

East Lover
29-12-11, 13:41
Only block 9, 12, 13 and 14 are really hot hot hot... The front rows not as hot as the first set!!!

The rest are rather just hot. I thought there are still available units facing the quarry. Still available lah. Block 89 at the corner junction. Sure have stocks available!!!:p

Your stack also good one - good fengshui!
Selecting a Good Property - Harnessing Water at the Right Time and Place

[/URL]The article in this series serves as an example to assist home buyers to qualify for a good investment property or properties that could enjoy good Feng Shui and good Return on Investment or ROI with a mean to hedge against inflation. It also acts as an illustration to share the knowledge of Classical Feng Shui principles that could be used to assess a good property. This is based on the recent Waterview at Tampines. (http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-SXujcOMUA0Y/TfAy1dHsCAI/AAAAAAAAA8c/28z0anTFJDY/s1600/8Courtyards.png)

Generally, it is always favourable to have your property near natural and real water bodies. Water bodies can be water pond, waterway, etc, and it is should be clear and slow moving for water flow. If there is no natural water to be seen near the vicinity of your property, then have one or made one in your courtyard, like a swimming pool, pond or an aquarium in your living space.

In the current times, many commercial developments, such as the hotels, mega shopping malls, as well as many residential housing sites have water bodies near or within them, like the water fountains, swimming pools, etc, They are usually located either outside the properties facade or within the building site. There are numerous Chinese sayings, like “穴前明堂正中处,喜得丽水聚天心” and “水聚天心,富贵万金”, etc. These verses literally mean that it is always good to have water in the property’s facade or within the development site, ushering Wealth luck to the residents.

[URL="http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-Ijzy2QpimtU/TfN9K-9psyI/AAAAAAAAA8k/9ZxkHDh52xo/s1600/waterview-bedok1.png"]http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-Ijzy2QpimtU/TfN9K-9psyI/AAAAAAAAA8k/9ZxkHDh52xo/s320/waterview-bedok1.png (http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-29_fFl6R_tk/TfOHy07cdUI/AAAAAAAAA8o/gyyVk9QGtl0/s1600/siteplan-01-new.png)
Waterview @ Tampines

Although it is good for a property to near “water”, at some situation, it is unfavourable to face one as it may influence the Wealth and People luck of the residents based on Feng Shui perspective. We have now in Period 8, which starts from 2004 to 2023. Units facing Southwest water are always superior to others. Besides Southwest, units facing water in the North, East and Southeast are also suitable choices in this period of time.

In additional, try to avoid selecting units facing too close to the building edges of your neighbouring blocks, especially if the edges are pointing directly to your unit, as it may affect the well-being of the residents.

Till then, happy home hunting….

29-12-11, 17:18
My facing ok only lah. Not so exclusive like yours. Haha. Btw where you get that link sis or you did it on your own?

FS depends onmany factors. Too many in fact. Sone say water good. Some say 'still' water not good. Others say running water musnt be too fast. Different people with different views. Haha.

Remember the last WC2010? There's a parakeet and do called tipster octopus. Even the prediction about Prince William and Kate Middleton comes in many disguises. Take life easy, thibgsbecone easier. Ho with the flow. Hehe. The water flow. :D

East Lover
29-12-11, 17:22
My facing ok only lah. Not so exclusive like yours. Haha. Btw where you get that link sis or you did it on your own?

FS depends onmany factors. Too many in fact. Sone say water good. Some say 'still' water not good. Others say running water musnt be too fast. Different people with different views. Haha.

Remember the last WC2010? There's a parakeet and do called tipster octopus. Even the prediction about Prince William and Kate Middleton comes in many disguises. Take life easy, thibgsbecone easier. Ho with the flow. Hehe. The water flow. :D
I cut & paste one lah....

Enjoy reading. No matter what, our WV is good in Fengshui and good buy in $$$!

31-12-11, 11:27
Dear Waterviewers (WV) aka (FEC)

Do have a great last day of 2011 with your loved ones. Hope the year hasbeen kind to you before we hop into the firing year of 2012.

It has been a year WV has started it's beginnings and till we meet again in 2012 and in person in 2013 Christmas, have a blast today!!'
:hornybastard: :hornybastard: :hornybastard:

01-01-12, 09:12
Dear Waterviewers (WV) aka (FEC)

Do have a great last day of 2011 with your loved ones. Hope the year hasbeen kind to you before we hop into the firing year of 2012.

It has been a year WV has started it's beginnings and till we meet again in 2012 and in person in 2013 Christmas, have a blast today!!'
:hornybastard: :hornybastard: :hornybastard:

It truly has been an eventful year, Happy New Year FEC and fellow WVers, Wishing all a blessed year, filled with good health, peace, love and prosperity.
The good Lord has been very kind to me. Had a heart attack on 29 Nov night at around 10.30pm after dinner with friends and two beers and 2 red wine. Was alone at Orchard Rd at that time, Broke into cold sweat and almost collapse. Three kind filipinos came to my aid and got ambulance for me. Reached SGH in time for emergency angioplasty on right coronary artery 90% blockage). One more Left Anterior Descending artery with three blockages to be done in early Jan 2012. This one happen to have collateral arteries. Am recovering well and already on cardio rehab programme. Eating healthily and exercising daily. so, bros and sis, enjoy life, take things easy, once in a while, re-examine our priorities and look after our faimily's health.

01-01-12, 09:16
It truly has been an eventful year, Happy New Year FEC and fellow WVers, Wishing all a blessed year, filled with good health, peace, love and prosperity.
The good Lord has been very kind to me. Had a heart attack on 29 Nov night at around 10.30pm after dinner with friends and two beers and 2 red wine. Was alone at Orchard Rd at that time, Broke into cold sweat and almost collapse. Three kind filipinos came to my aid and got ambulance for me. Reached SGH in time for emergency angioplasty on right coronary artery 90% blockage). One more Left Anterior Descending artery with three blockages to be done in early Jan 2012. This one happen to have collateral arteries. Am recovering well and already on cardio rehab programme. Eating healthily and exercising daily. so, bros and sis, enjoy life, take things easy, once in a while, re-examine our priorities and look after our faimily's health.

Take care man..... go organic or take some green algae. Helps in cholesterol and arteries for sure.

Stoney Stone Stone
01-01-12, 09:29
It truly has been an eventful year, Happy New Year FEC and fellow WVers, Wishing all a blessed year, filled with good health, peace, love and prosperity.
The good Lord has been very kind to me. Had a heart attack on 29 Nov night at around 10.30pm after dinner with friends and two beers and 2 red wine. Was alone at Orchard Rd at that time, Broke into cold sweat and almost collapse. Three kind filipinos came to my aid and got ambulance for me. Reached SGH in time for emergency angioplasty on right coronary artery 90% blockage). One more Left Anterior Descending artery with three blockages to be done in early Jan 2012. This one happen to have collateral arteries. Am recovering well and already on cardio rehab programme. Eating healthily and exercising daily. so, bros and sis, enjoy life, take things easy, once in a while, re-examine our priorities and look after our faimily's health.

Glad to see you writing this msg. It seem you are recovering fast.
You will be more healthy once you move to WV.
No excuse for us not to do excercise liao. The reservoir park is just 100m away from us. Happy New Year To all my future neigbour, stay healthy and will more happy.

01-01-12, 09:31
Take care man..... go organic or take some green algae. Helps in cholesterol and arteries for sure.

Yes, thanks, lesson for me is, annual checkups if you are 50 and above, a priority. also found out I have diabetes. Anyway got it under control now, abstaining from sugar and red meat, going low GI food now w 100% natural cocoa, walnuts, almonds, flaxseed oil, extra virgin olive oil, salmon, atlantic mackeral and sardines and lots of green vegys, brocolli, avocado, etc
Able to do 1.5 hrs brisk walk daily and light strength exercises. Exercises help to increase the good cholesterol. lower the triglycerides and improve insulin sensitivity. Do watch out for our kids, go easy on soft drinks and fruit juices (too much sugar) and the fast foods as well.

01-01-12, 09:54
Yes, thanks, lesson for me is, annual checkups if you are 50 and above, a priority. also found out I have diabetes. Anyway got it under control now, abstaining from sugar and red meat, going low GI food now w 100% natural cocoa, walnuts, almonds, flaxseed oil, extra virgin olive oil, salmon, atlantic mackeral and sardines and lots of green vegys, brocolli, avocado, etc
Able to do 1.5 hrs brisk walk daily and light strength exercises. Exercises help to increase the good cholesterol. lower the triglycerides and improve insulin sensitivity. Do watch out for our kids, go easy on soft drinks and fruit juices (too much sugar) and the fast foods as well.

Thanks for the timely wake-up call.
Wish you well and hope you go from strength to strength!

01-01-12, 10:42
Life is short..enjoy hard!

01-01-12, 11:07
Yes, thanks, lesson for me is, annual checkups if you are 50 and above, a priority. also found out I have diabetes. Anyway got it under control now, abstaining from sugar and red meat, going low GI food now w 100% natural cocoa, walnuts, almonds, flaxseed oil, extra virgin olive oil, salmon, atlantic mackeral and sardines and lots of green vegys, brocolli, avocado, etc
Able to do 1.5 hrs brisk walk daily and light strength exercises. Exercises help to increase the good cholesterol. lower the triglycerides and improve insulin sensitivity. Do watch out for our kids, go easy on soft drinks and fruit juices (too much sugar) and the fast foods as well.
I'm glad the episode is all over for you. Take good care of yourself and your family. I'm sure you'll grow from strength to strength each day. Catch up soon ya. :D

01-01-12, 11:19
Life is short..enjoy hard!
That is the mantra I have adopted since things start to make sense to me when I was a teenager. I live like there's no tomorrow. We live only once, we make use of the time with consideration of the people around us. So if we have to go, we don't let them carry our burden thereafter.
Having a thrillion at hand and a couple of Ferraris in the carpark doesn't make life any better apart from the excitement, pride and the feeling of being on top of the world.
Enough will never be enough. We play in our playground hard and once our time is up, we go and never coming back. Be it the swing, rope, slide or the see-saw. You could probably have taken your last ride.
A ride that's never coming back. We are so very lucky yo even be here discussing in excitement our new home when there are people without a roof and sleeping under bridges for shelter.
Appreciate why we have, love the people around us and keep our feet to the ground. Enjoy the New Year guys!!:p

01-01-12, 11:31
It truly has been an eventful year, Happy New Year FEC and fellow WVers, Wishing all a blessed year, filled with good health, peace, love and prosperity.
The good Lord has been very kind to me. Had a heart attack on 29 Nov night at around 10.30pm after dinner with friends and two beers and 2 red wine. Was alone at Orchard Rd at that time, Broke into cold sweat and almost collapse. Three kind filipinos came to my aid and got ambulance for me. Reached SGH in time for emergency angioplasty on right coronary artery 90% blockage). One more Left Anterior Descending artery with three blockages to be done in early Jan 2012. This one happen to have collateral arteries. Am recovering well and already on cardio rehab programme. Eating healthily and exercising daily. so, bros and sis, enjoy life, take things easy, once in a while, re-examine our priorities and look after our faimily's health.

Dear jbtay,

Happy New Year!!!

I am glad that you have your passport extension and also have the chance to seriously re-examine all your priorities. do make sure you hit all your LDL and glucose targets with excellent compliance. and get your influenza, pneumococcal as well as chickenpox vaccinations if you have not gotten them yet. Good Luck with your coming procedures!

Wishing YOU especially and everyone here too HAPPY NEW YEAR, Good Health, Peace and Prosperity in 2012 !!!


01-01-12, 22:24
Hi jbtay, good to hear that you are on the road to recovery. Take care and rest well. Cheers.

Best regards.

02-01-12, 09:08
Hi jbtay, good to hear that you are on the road to recovery. Take care and rest well. Cheers.

Best regards.

Hi Mr Chong & all the friendly and kind folks and well wishers at FEC, thank you.
Looking forward to Christmas 2013. Let's drink (I mean 100% natural unsweetened cocoa or pure fresh plain water, for me) to good health, peace and a well constructed WV.
Btw I heard SL will be fixing gas water heater, most likely the Feroli heater used at Clover, hope SL use the one with reheat feature for all units and not dependent upon the hot water pipe length, understand the price difference is not great, otherwise, we may have to switch to electric storage heater ourselves.

02-01-12, 10:20
Over the new year eve, I just had a gathering at my friends place over at clover, the unit is facing the bishan park and the view is spectacular. But I notice the balcony between the neighbor is extremely close. You can almost attempt to cross over if u r a dare devil. I wonder if it's the same for our wv units.

East Lover
02-01-12, 11:01
Hi Mr Chong & all the friendly and kind folks and well wishers at FEC, thank you.
Looking forward to Christmas 2013. Let's drink (I mean 100% natural unsweetened cocoa or pure fresh plain water, for me) to good health, peace and a well constructed WV.
Btw I heard SL will be fixing gas water heater, most likely the Feroli heater used at Clover, hope SL use the one with reheat feature for all units and not dependent upon the hot water pipe length, understand the price difference is not great, otherwise, we may have to switch to electric storage heater ourselves.
Hi Mr Tay, glad to know that you are recovering well.

All the best to you! do take care and eat well. We see you next X'mas!

Wish all the FEC healthy, happy new year!

East Lover
02-01-12, 11:08
Over the new year eve, I just had a gathering at my friends place over at clover, the unit is facing the bishan park and the view is spectacular. But I notice the balcony between the neighbor is extremely close. You can almost attempt to cross over if u r a dare devil. I wonder if it's the same for our wv units.
i think the front balcony still looks reasonable.... but the back yard one seems too near. i think the maids can happyly exchange gifts while m'm/sir are sleeping...:o

02-01-12, 11:20
It truly has been an eventful year, Happy New Year FEC and fellow WVers, Wishing all a blessed year, filled with good health, peace, love and prosperity.
The good Lord has been very kind to me. Had a heart attack on 29 Nov night at around 10.30pm after dinner with friends and two beers and 2 red wine. Was alone at Orchard Rd at that time, Broke into cold sweat and almost collapse. Three kind filipinos came to my aid and got ambulance for me. Reached SGH in time for emergency angioplasty on right coronary artery 90% blockage). One more Left Anterior Descending artery with three blockages to be done in early Jan 2012. This one happen to have collateral arteries. Am recovering well and already on cardio rehab programme. Eating healthily and exercising daily. so, bros and sis, enjoy life, take things easy, once in a while, re-examine our priorities and look after our faimily's health.

Hey Bro

U take good care of urself, have healthy meals with moderate exercise, do not stress urself . See u guys in 2013. Happy New Year:cheers4:

02-01-12, 11:26
i think the front balcony still looks reasonable.... but the back yard one seems too near. i think the maids can happyly exchange gifts while m'm/sir are sleeping...:o

Hi East Lover

Happy New Year......Any updates on the progress? Pictures? Progress looks pretty good from the outside :-)

02-01-12, 13:17
i think the front balcony still looks reasonable.... but the back yard one seems too near. i think the maids can happyly exchange gifts while m'm/sir are sleeping...:o

Haha, it can be a good thing if you run out of salt or pepper while cooking :D

02-01-12, 22:06
Get Well Soon! We are all behind You! :)


Hi Mr Chong & all the friendly and kind folks and well wishers at FEC, thank you.
Looking forward to Christmas 2013. Let's drink (I mean 100% natural unsweetened cocoa or pure fresh plain water, for me) to good health, peace and a well constructed WV.
Btw I heard SL will be fixing gas water heater, most likely the Feroli heater used at Clover, hope SL use the one with reheat feature for all units and not dependent upon the hot water pipe length, understand the price difference is not great, otherwise, we may have to switch to electric storage heater ourselves.

03-01-12, 06:49
Get Well Soon! We are all behind You! :)


Thank you Kengar, and also to Solsys, Stoney Stone Stone, TKT, flagship74, desquire, lifeline, Mr Chong, East Lover, Eastguy and all our friends at FEC.
Am recovering well, spouse is taking very good care of me and my youngest who just finished his O Level has grown more responsible and matured over the last few weeks. All in all, a Christmas blessing, we were supposed to travel on 3 Dec, imagine is this happened when we were overseas! Btw, I think SGH got one of the best coronary unit in the region. The ER team was superb. I didnt mention earlier that at the time I felt very heavy in the chest, I also started to get a stomach ache and was looking for a toilet at Wheelock Place. Imagine if I had found one, I could have collapse in there without anyone knowing. Also, before I could find the toilet, the bowels just give way i.e. lose control. The ER team cleaned me up, shaved me, did ECG, phone my wife and got me into ops within 15 mins. And the ops was over within half hour.
Am going this morning for my send cardio workout at National Heart Centre. Its all light exercises with your ECG and heart rate being monitored continously while exercising, so that eventually after completing the programme, you will have a better feel of what exercises should be safe.
One again many thanks to everyone. Cheers.

03-01-12, 07:47
The good Lord has been very kind to me. Had a heart attack on 29 Nov night at around 10.30pm after dinner with friends and two beers and 2 red wine. Was alone at Orchard Rd at that time, Broke into cold sweat and almost collapse. Three kind filipinos came to my aid and got ambulance for me. .....

Just curious.
What were you doing alone at Orchard Rd, at a place where Filipinos congregrate? Were you at Orchard Towers? :).

Are you now grateful that Singapore govt import a lot of FTs, including Filipinos. If not for them, you would probably already be .....

03-01-12, 08:17
Hey jbtay,

Been away for months and only now I manage check this forum. Read the painful news that had happened to you, and glad that you're recovering. Take good care of yourself, and wishing you to have a healthier year ahead in 2012.

- Huddy

East Lover
03-01-12, 11:05
We went to WAWAWA bistro last night... very nice feeling...

I can't help to imaging the water view from our beautiful WV balcony in 2 years time...;)


03-01-12, 12:16
wahhh... you went to wawawa... for once i thought you were pulling our legs until i discovered it was real!!! hehehe hahaha!!:cheers3:

03-01-12, 12:30
Does WAWAWA have aircon? FB Page says it is closed from 3 Jan onwards for enhancement works before the grand opening.

East Lover
03-01-12, 12:38
Does WAWAWA have aircon? FB Page says it is closed from 3 Jan onwards for enhancement works before the grand opening.
no aircon but very breezing.
yes X'mas & new year is soft lauch. they will close for 2 weeks, then official launch.

East Lover
03-01-12, 12:41
wahhh... you went to wawawa... for once i thought you were pulling our legs until i discovered it was real!!! hehehe hahaha!!:cheers3:
did I? :rolleyes: hehehe:D :D :D

next time you bring $$$ when you go for jogging in reservior, then sit down to have a cup of cocktail... then you will have the same feeling:cheers3:

i will surely put a nice chair in my balcony! drink wine, read book....:47:

03-01-12, 13:03
Hey jbtay,

Been away for months and only now I manage check this forum. Read the painful news that had happened to you, and glad that you're recovering. Take good care of yourself, and wishing you to have a healthier year ahead in 2012.

- Huddy

Hi Hopeful & Huddy, thanks, I was having an industry association committee meeting cum dinner at Tung Lok, Orc Pde hotel, just one table. Usually my friends would send me either home or to a MRT station as I don't drive, but that nite, they had something else on after dinner. Actually I noticed the heaviness already then which was more than the usual feeling, but thought I would be ok once I get back home and sleep it off. As I didn't manage to get a cab, thought I could just walk over to Orch MRT, but felt the heaviness unbearable as I was also carrying a note book and some books in the backpack. So I sat down opposite Starbucks at the bench, and did the heart mudra to try to dilate the blood vessels. That's when I started to feel the urge to release and so walk down to Wheelock Pl to look for a toilet, and then lost control and ended up standing next to a shop to rest. That's when the kind folks (a couple plus another gentlemen) saw me and asked if I was having chest pains. They got me a chair from the shop and called the ambulance.
No, I have no problems with FTs. Who else is going to build WV for us. The FTs are also like us, trying to build a better life for themselves, in a foreign country. Btw, my wife's father is a Singapore born Filipino and her mother is Hokkien. There are many Filipinos at SGH, nurses, radiographers, etc and some are very talented. After my ops, one of the lady doctor was doing the ultrasound imaging and she just couldn't get a clear picture of a certain section of the heart and the lady Filipino radiographer was teaching her how to do it and she asked how come you make it look so easy, and she replied that she had been doing this for 5 years in Singapore and before that 2 years in the Phillipines using much less sophisticated equipment.
I'm a Roman Catholic and I believe, this is the 2nd time in my life I have experienced a dramatic divine intervention.

04-01-12, 06:51
Waterview side affected by these? :beats-me-man:

The Straits Times
www.straitstimes.comPublished on Jan 4, 2012

Midges back at Bedok Reservoir

By Kezia Toh
MIDGES are once again proving a nuisance at Bedok Reservoir - a year after they first 'bugged' residents there.
Since last week, residents and shopkeepers have once again had to swat away swarms of these tiny green and blue flies.
The insects, known scientifically as Chironomidae, do not bite or carry diseases but that is hardly a consolation for residents.
They told The Straits Times that the midges typically plague the vicinity in January and February, making daily activities inconvenient.
Mr Rahmat Ahmad, 59, an administrative executive who lives in a Housing Board block facing the reservoir, said: 'I have to run to my car, open the door and dash in very fast so the bugs don't get in.'
The problem usually lasts up to a month, but last year's infestation was more intense, said Mr George Yeo, then MP for the Bedok Reservoir-Punggol ward of Aljunied GRC.
The town council brought in pest-control contractors and the authorities traced the source of the infestation to the rocks and shrubs at the banks of the water catchment area.
The midges were breeding in the mud underneath the rocks, so the exterminators used a group of bacteria which produce toxins to kill the larvae.
Last February, it was reported that separate tests run by national water agency PUB and the National Environment Agency (NEA) revealed that the population of midge eggs and larvae in the area had fallen by 95 per cent.
But in the middle of last month, there were signs of midges making a comeback and fogging at Bedok Reservoir has been stepped up, a PUB spokesman said.
The agency has been monitoring the situation since last January's outbreak.
The water agency carried out a joint fogging operation with the Aljunied-Hougang Town Council last Thursday and Friday evenings, and will be doing so again today.
Meanwhile, businesses have come up with ways to fend off the insects. Coffee shops are giving diners saucers to cover their drinks, for example.
Still, business has dipped by about 20 per cent, said Ms Jennifer Tan, 47, an assistant at a coffee shop.
'People think that it is dirty with all the flies and don't dare to sit and eat... Hopefully, this will pass by Chinese New Year because there is usually more business then,' she said.
A clothing store has placed an incense burner at its door. The strong smell wafts into the shop and the store hopes this will keep the bugs out.
As store assistant Tan Chong Yoi, 49, said: 'The smell of incense is better than having customers see insects on clothes - would they still buy them?'
NEA said it will continue to work with PUB and the town council to control the midges at Bedok Reservoir.
Copyright © 2011 Singapore Press Holdings. All rights reserved.

04-01-12, 08:22
Glad to know that you are alright now. Take care and we look forward to seeing you at WV next year! :)
Hi Hopeful & Huddy, thanks, I was having an industry association committee meeting cum dinner at Tung Lok, Orc Pde hotel, just one table. Usually my friends would send me either home or to a MRT station as I don't drive, but that nite, they had something else on after dinner. Actually I noticed the heaviness already then which was more than the usual feeling, but thought I would be ok once I get back home and sleep it off. As I didn't manage to get a cab, thought I could just walk over to Orch MRT, but felt the heaviness unbearable as I was also carrying a note book and some books in the backpack. So I sat down opposite Starbucks at the bench, and did the heart mudra to try to dilate the blood vessels. That's when I started to feel the urge to release and so walk down to Wheelock Pl to look for a toilet, and then lost control and ended up standing next to a shop to rest. That's when the kind folks (a couple plus another gentlemen) saw me and asked if I was having chest pains. They got me a chair from the shop and called the ambulance.
No, I have no problems with FTs. Who else is going to build WV for us. The FTs are also like us, trying to build a better life for themselves, in a foreign country. Btw, my wife's father is a Singapore born Filipino and her mother is Hokkien. There are many Filipinos at SGH, nurses, radiographers, etc and some are very talented. After my ops, one of the lady doctor was doing the ultrasound imaging and she just couldn't get a clear picture of a certain section of the heart and the lady Filipino radiographer was teaching her how to do it and she asked how come you make it look so easy, and she replied that she had been doing this for 5 years in Singapore and before that 2 years in the Phillipines using much less sophisticated equipment.
I'm a Roman Catholic and I believe, this is the 2nd time in my life I have experienced a dramatic divine intervention.

04-01-12, 09:41
Waterview side affected by these? :beats-me-man:

The Straits Times
www.straitstimes.comPublished on Jan 4, 2012

Midges back at Bedok Reservoir

By Kezia Toh
MIDGES are once again proving a nuisance at Bedok Reservoir - a year after they first 'bugged' residents there.
Since last week, residents and shopkeepers have once again had to swat away swarms of these tiny green and blue flies.
The insects, known scientifically as Chironomidae, do not bite or carry diseases but that is hardly a consolation for residents.
They told The Straits Times that the midges typically plague the vicinity in January and February, making daily activities inconvenient.
Mr Rahmat Ahmad, 59, an administrative executive who lives in a Housing Board block facing the reservoir, said: 'I have to run to my car, open the door and dash in very fast so the bugs don't get in.'
The problem usually lasts up to a month, but last year's infestation was more intense, said Mr George Yeo, then MP for the Bedok Reservoir-Punggol ward of Aljunied GRC.
The town council brought in pest-control contractors and the authorities traced the source of the infestation to the rocks and shrubs at the banks of the water catchment area.
The midges were breeding in the mud underneath the rocks, so the exterminators used a group of bacteria which produce toxins to kill the larvae.
Last February, it was reported that separate tests run by national water agency PUB and the National Environment Agency (NEA) revealed that the population of midge eggs and larvae in the area had fallen by 95 per cent.
But in the middle of last month, there were signs of midges making a comeback and fogging at Bedok Reservoir has been stepped up, a PUB spokesman said.
The agency has been monitoring the situation since last January's outbreak.
The water agency carried out a joint fogging operation with the Aljunied-Hougang Town Council last Thursday and Friday evenings, and will be doing so again today.
Meanwhile, businesses have come up with ways to fend off the insects. Coffee shops are giving diners saucers to cover their drinks, for example.
Still, business has dipped by about 20 per cent, said Ms Jennifer Tan, 47, an assistant at a coffee shop.
'People think that it is dirty with all the flies and don't dare to sit and eat... Hopefully, this will pass by Chinese New Year because there is usually more business then,' she said.
A clothing store has placed an incense burner at its door. The strong smell wafts into the shop and the store hopes this will keep the bugs out.
As store assistant Tan Chong Yoi, 49, said: 'The smell of incense is better than having customers see insects on clothes - would they still buy them?'
NEA said it will continue to work with PUB and the town council to control the midges at Bedok Reservoir.
Copyright © 2011 Singapore Press Holdings. All rights reserved.

Hi, East Lover mentioned earlier that no midges at Tropica, no midges also at Aquarius, understand that its around Sheng Siong side, so good luck to the Archipelago, ha ha

04-01-12, 09:45
Glad to know that you are alright now. Take care and we look forward to seeing you at WV next year! :)

Thanks Minami, 2013 will be our Jubilee Year, a time for glorious celebration!.

04-01-12, 09:56
Good to know that you are well now. Do take care of your health and have a great 2012 before we meet in WV in 2013.

Hi Hopeful & Huddy, thanks, I was having an industry association committee meeting cum dinner at Tung Lok, Orc Pde hotel, just one table. Usually my friends would send me either home or to a MRT station as I don't drive, but that nite, they had something else on after dinner. Actually I noticed the heaviness already then which was more than the usual feeling, but thought I would be ok once I get back home and sleep it off. As I didn't manage to get a cab, thought I could just walk over to Orch MRT, but felt the heaviness unbearable as I was also carrying a note book and some books in the backpack. So I sat down opposite Starbucks at the bench, and did the heart mudra to try to dilate the blood vessels. That's when I started to feel the urge to release and so walk down to Wheelock Pl to look for a toilet, and then lost control and ended up standing next to a shop to rest. That's when the kind folks (a couple plus another gentlemen) saw me and asked if I was having chest pains. They got me a chair from the shop and called the ambulance.
No, I have no problems with FTs. Who else is going to build WV for us. The FTs are also like us, trying to build a better life for themselves, in a foreign country. Btw, my wife's father is a Singapore born Filipino and her mother is Hokkien. There are many Filipinos at SGH, nurses, radiographers, etc and some are very talented. After my ops, one of the lady doctor was doing the ultrasound imaging and she just couldn't get a clear picture of a certain section of the heart and the lady Filipino radiographer was teaching her how to do it and she asked how come you make it look so easy, and she replied that she had been doing this for 5 years in Singapore and before that 2 years in the Phillipines using much less sophisticated equipment.
I'm a Roman Catholic and I believe, this is the 2nd time in my life I have experienced a dramatic divine intervention.

04-01-12, 10:40
I like the positive thinking of Waterviewers, words of confidence in chanting - "We shall meet next year December 2013". heheh.:p :D

East Lover
05-01-12, 09:39
I like the positive thinking of Waterviewers, words of confidence in chanting - "We shall meet next year December 2013". heheh.:p :D
it seems NV progress is much faster than WV, but they are only expecting TOP at Q2 2013.... so are we too positive? :rolleyes:

05-01-12, 11:13
it seems NV progress is much faster than WV, but they are only expecting TOP at Q2 2013.... so are we too positive? :rolleyes:

My take is always December 2014. I was made to be more positive by all our friends here. Anyway when we purchase it was estimated to be 2015 so I guess December 2014 for a 696-unit development is more practical.

The progress seriously is slow and steady. Many others I can see towering in a very short time. I seriously don't know which is better just as long as the build-up is proper and strong. I rather be a little patient then go through problems after that. Hehe.

Not only NV, if you look around, the rest are moving at lightning pace!! I'm surprised myself. Time is $ ain't it??:p

12-01-12, 18:32
I thought the Central EC will be the only one coming up but another LANs parcel will be released probably for another new EC over at Tampines Avenue 9. Isn't it close to Waterview? Where's that land space exactly? Scratches head**:beats-me-man:

12-01-12, 19:49
I thought the Central EC will be the only one coming up but another LANs parcel will be released probably for another new EC over at Tampines Avenue 9. Isn't it close to Waterview? Where's that land space exactly? Scratches head**:beats-me-man:

is next to sim lian EC.

East Lover
14-01-12, 10:35
Blk 79 is building 6th floor now, 77 is catching up for 5th floor - i asked the constructors, they said it will take 2 weeks to complete one floor, so 10 floors will take 22 weeks?! meaning they can complete the building (not window, interior) by mid of 2012? Sure or not??! :rolleyes:


East Lover
14-01-12, 10:37

East Lover
14-01-12, 10:40

14-01-12, 15:41

Thanks for the pictures.... Let's just hope it's 2013. Hey, any pic of stack 5?

14-01-12, 17:51
Saw the whole gang of workers at the central block just now, leaving the reservoir stacks alone for a while. Reached too high and they forgot all about the middle stacks!! Hehe.

Just a year ago, a barren empty plot. A few mnths aft CNY 2011, work started and it's all up and moving now. One more new year and we'll be almost there.

Thanks sis Eastlover for the updating pics. You're always kind to us all. Truly appreciate your effort sis.

Btw, Happy Water Dragon Year to all friends and future neighbours. :cheers4:

15-01-12, 08:05
Thank you East Lover. Progress looking good. Looks likes Christmas 2013 looking good now. Working backwards, say 1 mth for own renovation, 2 mths for defects rectification, 3 mths for key collection, 3 mths for TOP after physical completion, that brings us to Mar 2013. 9 mths from Jun 12 to Mar 13 for windows, internal works, plumbing, utilities, aircon plus clubhouse, pools, landscaping etc. Hmmn still a little tight but not impossible. Ha ha.

My progress has been good too thankfully. Had my 2nd procedure on 11 Jan 12 and discharged the next day. Now I got total of 3 stainless steel springs in 2 coronary arteries, 2nd procedure was pretty painful, blockage was a long stretch, had to put 1 long and 1 normal length overlapping springs. Plaque was pretty tough, balloon had to go thru around 15 times of inflation and deflation at up to 20 atm pressure to stretch the artery. When balloon is inflated, that cuts of blood to heart for that split second before deflation and the angina pain is telling. Previous stent on 29 Nov 11 also looks clean. A few other minor blockages at extremities cant be stented and hopefully with diet, exercise and medication, dissolve naturally or at least dont become worse. Btw my boy had unexpectedly good results. Managed only A2 however for his E maths (tutor - me, a little disappointed), but he managed A1 for Literature and Humanities (Geography & Social Studies - no tutor) and A1 for Combined Science (Physics & C hemistry - good external tutor) and Principles of Accounts (also good external tutor - an SMU business student) and B3 for English. Hoping to get a place in Temasek Poly to do Dip in Business.
An early Kong Xi Fatt Chye and good health to all fellow FECs. :cheers4:

East Lover
16-01-12, 08:21
Thanks for the pictures.... Let's just hope it's 2013. Hey, any pic of stack 5?
no problem. next time, i pay attention on stack 5. I thought my overview can cover all, obviously it didn't :p

East Lover
16-01-12, 08:34
Saw the whole gang of workers at the central block just now, leaving the reservoir stacks alone for a while. Reached too high and they forgot all about the middle stacks!! Hehe.

Just a year ago, a barren empty plot. A few mnths aft CNY 2011, work started and it's all up and moving now. One more new year and we'll be almost there.

Thanks sis Eastlover for the updating pics. You're always kind to us all. Truly appreciate your effort sis.

Btw, Happy Water Dragon Year to all friends and future neighbours. :cheers4:
You are most welcome! After jogging from reserviour, i purposely wait outside WV gate for china constructors come out, then asked a lot of questions :D they are very kind. They said once raining season over, the progress will be even faster. Let's hope we can celabrate our X'mas at WV next year!

Happy Dragon Year to our dear FEC!

East Lover
16-01-12, 08:36
Thank you East Lover. Progress looking good. Looks likes Christmas 2013 looking good now. Working backwards, say 1 mth for own renovation, 2 mths for defects rectification, 3 mths for key collection, 3 mths for TOP after physical completion, that brings us to Mar 2013. 9 mths from Jun 12 to Mar 13 for windows, internal works, plumbing, utilities, aircon plus clubhouse, pools, landscaping etc. Hmmn still a little tight but not impossible. Ha ha.

My progress has been good too thankfully. Had my 2nd procedure on 11 Jan 12 and discharged the next day. Now I got total of 3 stainless steel springs in 2 coronary arteries, 2nd procedure was pretty painful, blockage was a long stretch, had to put 1 long and 1 normal length overlapping springs. Plaque was pretty tough, balloon had to go thru around 15 times of inflation and deflation at up to 20 atm pressure to stretch the artery. When balloon is inflated, that cuts of blood to heart for that split second before deflation and the angina pain is telling. Previous stent on 29 Nov 11 also looks clean. A few other minor blockages at extremities cant be stented and hopefully with diet, exercise and medication, dissolve naturally or at least dont become worse. Btw my boy had unexpectedly good results. Managed only A2 however for his E maths (tutor - me, a little disappointed), but he managed A1 for Literature and Humanities (Geography & Social Studies - no tutor) and A1 for Combined Science (Physics & C hemistry - good external tutor) and Principles of Accounts (also good external tutor - an SMU business student) and B3 for English. Hoping to get a place in Temasek Poly to do Dip in Business.
An early Kong Xi Fatt Chye and good health to all fellow FECs. :cheers4:

Hi Mr Tay, i'm glad to know that you are recovering well! Please take care. Let's have a big house warming party at WV next X'mas! :D

Congrates to your boy too! how lucky he is, he can walk to TP either from Aquarius or from Waterview! :p

16-01-12, 09:18
You are most welcome! After jogging from reserviour, i purposely wait outside WV gate for china constructors come out, then asked a lot of questions :D they are very kind. They said once raining season over, the progress will be even faster. Let's hope we can celabrate our X'mas at WV next year!

Happy Dragon Year to our dear FEC!

I thought you were kidding!!! you really interviewed them!!! haahah!! I still could not believe it!!! You're funny!!! :D :D :D

16-01-12, 09:21
Hi Mr Tay, i'm glad to know that you are recovering well! Please take care. Let's have a big house warming party at WV next X'mas! :D

Congrates to your boy too! how lucky he is, he can walk to TP either from Aquarius or from Waterview! :p

Yeah!!! It will be indeed so very convenient for you beloved son. You can spy on him too and get fresh updates updates on his girlfriends!!! Heheh. Shhhh!!!:D

East Lover
16-01-12, 09:36
I thought you were kidding!!! you really interviewed them!!! haahah!! I still could not believe it!!! You're funny!!! :D :D :D
because my dear bro desquire appointed me as FEC marketing director mah :D :D :D

but hoh, really fun to talk to them. they are very kind, like to share anything they know about this project. So let's be nice to our foreinger works, ok! :D :D

16-01-12, 09:44
Morning FEC folks!

I dropped by the showflat over the weekend and found that they had moved out all furniture in the 3-bedder show room unit.

The OT agent said they are closing the down showflat next month. I guess they need to give way to construction, and this will be another progress milestone!


16-01-12, 09:57
because my dear bro desquire appointed me as FEC marketing director mah :D :D :D

but hoh, really fun to talk to them. they are very kind, like to share anything they know about this project. So let's be nice to our foreinger works, ok! :D :D

Oh really!! They must be ver happy and having a good time working on the project. Mabe cause' its CNY?

Happy people, happy residents, happy all!!!:p

16-01-12, 09:59
Morning FEC folks!

I dropped by the showflat over the weekend and found that they had moved out all furniture in the 3-bedder show room unit.

The OT agent said they are closing the down showflat next month. I guess they need to give way to construction, and this will be another progress milestone!


I think they are getting the things over for the new EC launch at Tampines Central, right after CNY. Another one which will look the same as the rest. Plus and minus here and there a little.:tongue3:

16-01-12, 10:56
From EastLover's photo, we can see there is some diff for the progress status among the stacks.

I guess the best selling stacks have the fastest progress, while the worst ones have the slowest.


East Lover
16-01-12, 13:05
I think they are getting the things over for the new EC launch at Tampines Central, right after CNY. Another one which will look the same as the rest. Plus and minus here and there a little.:tongue3:
if they can, they will simply ctrl + c, then ctrl + v.

SL showflat is the most simply showflat. but that's good, won't miss lead you by super interior design.

East Lover
16-01-12, 13:06
From EastLover's photo, we can see there is some diff for the progress status among the stacks.

I guess the best selling stacks have the fastest progress, while the worst ones have the slowest.

you can't say that! our dear bro desquire's block is among the slowest, but his stack sold as hot cake also - he has double view hoh.:D

16-01-12, 13:45
Only sold 5 units in Dec, left with 108 units.

84.5% sold to date.

16-01-12, 14:01
if they can, they will simply ctrl + c, then ctrl + v.

SL showflat is the most simply showflat. but that's good, won't miss lead you by super interior design.
That's the best thing about SL. I will highlight this as a plus for me. Many might not agree though. I live to see the walls rather than being lured by ID work. :D

16-01-12, 14:04
you can't say that! our dear bro desquire's block is among the slowest, but his stack sold as hot cake also - he has double view hoh.:D
I give up on my block already. It has 'tortoise' syndrome. Nothing can be done to overcome it! Hehe. Nvm lah, as long all good and up to mark upon TOP. My block not that 'hot' lah. Yours burning like a couldron! :D

16-01-12, 14:08
Only sold 5 units in Dec, left with 108 units.

84.5% sold to date.
Haha. They really taking a long time to hit 85%!! Upon hitting the 3/4 mark, sales will come to a standstill after that!! How like that?!?!:doh:

East Lover
16-01-12, 14:37
That's the best thing about SL. I will highlight this as a plus for me. Many might not agree though. I live to see the walls rather than being lured by ID work. :D
i believe you ever went to waterfront series showflat before.... very impressive right? did you ever see the actual unit? hehehe :rolleyes:

16-01-12, 15:36
Looks like it progressing fast. Anyone have idea on the progress of block 87 which floor is at now?

16-01-12, 16:14
i believe you ever went to waterfront series showflat before.... very impressive right? did you ever see the actual unit? hehehe :rolleyes:

I think fareast is 玩臭 in the showflat, they use 'glass walls' to make the room spacious.
See...human eyes is so easily being cheated:tongue3:
Seeing is NOT believing...if you don't use your brain:D :D

16-01-12, 17:34
i believe you ever went to waterfront series showflat before.... very impressive right? did you ever see the actual unit? hehehe :rolleyes:
I went to too many look see and see again and re-look. Maybe it's just my poor taste but WV appeals to me most and almost immediately. Hehe. :tongue3:

16-01-12, 17:40
Looks like it progressing fast. Anyone have idea on the progress of block 87 which floor is at now?
Your block is somewhat on the 2nd/3rd level bro. Nice nice. Hehe. Double view. :p

16-01-12, 17:49
I think fareast is 玩臭 in the showflat, they use 'glass walls' to make the room spacious.
See...human eyes is so easily being cheated:tongue3:
Seeing is NOT believing...if you don't use your brain:D :D
Not really. Hmmm. Many would prefer envisioning the hacked down walls and rooms being spaced out and converted to another TV/study room with pretty wallpapers. More like being able to forsee how the end product 'could' look like. I prefer otherwise. Maybe I'm just a plain and simple person. Hehe.

SL often gets stick from buyers and investors for saving do much $ on their showrooms. FEO on the other hand will splash out a decent sum for their ID work. I can't tell for sure which is the preferred one. Hehe. :p

East Lover
17-01-12, 08:41
Not really. Hmmm. Many would prefer envisioning the hacked down walls and rooms being spaced out and converted to another TV/study room with pretty wallpapers. More like being able to forsee how the end product 'could' look like. I prefer otherwise. Maybe I'm just a plain and simple person. Hehe.

SL often gets stick from buyers and investors for saving do much $ on their showrooms. FEO on the other hand will splash out a decent sum for their ID work. I can't tell for sure which is the preferred one. Hehe. :p
not only on the ID work, but also huge $$$ on advertisement on TV, newspaper and even radio! That's why their price is always higher than the rest.

SL doesn't bother to spend these kind of $$$ and effort on this, so their price is almost 'cheapest', they believe 酒香不怕巷子深。买家也乐得实惠。。。:rolleyes:

sooner or later, the rest of 15% will clear stock.:cheers5:

17-01-12, 09:47
Your block is somewhat on the 2nd/3rd level bro. Nice nice. Hehe. Double view. :p

But when all is out, guess maybe left with only pool view... ;-)

17-01-12, 10:24
Anyone got the latest update from Shirley what they are including and what they are not? Has the windows at the 2nd balcony sorted out whether we can install our own?

17-01-12, 21:07

:D :D :D

23-01-12, 00:12
Happy Year of the Water Dragon to all Waterviewers!

Huat Arh!


23-01-12, 01:10
Huat x 88 to all Water-viewers!!

23-01-12, 08:12
Everybody huat ah !!!!!!

25-01-12, 08:28


East Lover
25-01-12, 09:43


FEC huat ah !!!!!!
WVer huat ah !!!!!!

27-01-12, 11:53
I was at the WV showflat earlier in the morning to recheck some measurements for the fridge area.

Chatted with the lone agent there, and noted that the showflat will be closed in Feb and a new one will be rebuilt at the future tennis court site.

Viewing at the future showflat will be on appointment basis, likely because the visitors have to be ferried in through the construction site.

27-01-12, 17:21

27-01-12, 23:46
Empty 3-bedder



The soon to empty 4-bedder


Waiting for the day where we can view the scenaries over the trees


28-01-12, 02:49
Thanks Kengar. The furnitures must hv a new home in the Trilliant over athe other side. Hehe. :p

Not too bad looking for an empty unit. That's what we will expect to see in two years time. :)

Btw what's the width of the fridge that can be fitted into the tiny slot? Maximum of 650cm? I'm referring to the measurement from left to right, the horizontal way. The height and depth shouldn't be a problem right? Really wishing for a 2-dr fridge but no way it will work. Thanks bro!:(

28-01-12, 17:52
Hello all, my sis was at the reservoir for
a walk and informed me that a male body was found. RIP.

29-01-12, 21:27
The fridge has to be 70cm wide or less to fit into the current space. I am looking to get a 84.5cm wide fridge so gotta get SL to modify for me. :D

Thanks Kengar. The furnitures must hv a new home in the Trilliant over athe other side. Hehe. :p

Not too bad looking for an empty unit. That's what we will expect to see in two years time. :)

Btw what's the width of the fridge that can be fitted into the tiny slot? Maximum of 650cm? I'm referring to the measurement from left to right, the horizontal way. The height and depth shouldn't be a problem right? Really wishing for a 2-dr fridge but no way it will work. Thanks bro!:(

30-01-12, 00:36
The fridge has to be 70cm wide or less to fit into the current space. I am looking to get a 84.5cm wide fridge so gotta get SL to modify for me. :D
Thanks bro. Typo went to 650cm. Hehe. We don't have much of an alternative. :D

30-01-12, 00:47
SL is giving $2888 "Ang Pow Voucher" for Waterview until 19 Feb 2012
Absorption of up to 3% for ABSD only for buyers affected

2+study #04-10 $820,000 (876psf) Pool view
3 bdrm #07-27 $1,011,000 (895psf) Quarry view
3+study #02-40 $1,033,000 (872psf) Pool view
4 bdrm #05-20 $1,069,000 (895psf) Quarry view

Buy your Waterview unit now!
Contact me at 96259911 for viewing appointment
Showflat will cease operation sometime in Feb

East Lover
30-01-12, 08:43
Thanks bro. Typo went to 650cm. Hehe. We don't have much of an alternative. :D
no worry, we aim folio E52S for group discount!


Gross Capacity*(Litres) --- 534L
Net Capacity**(Litres) --- 520L
Width --- 685mm
Height --- 1821mm
Depth --- 681mm
Colours --- Elegant Champagne & Floral

30-01-12, 14:40
Those Hitachi refrigerators that I have been looking at these days also nice!!! Very 'cool'. Hehe. :p

East Lover
31-01-12, 13:26
Those Hitachi refrigerators that I have been looking at these days also nice!!! Very 'cool'. Hehe. :p
what's the price range and size??

my little knowledge only knows Filo :rolleyes:

31-01-12, 19:25
no worry, we aim folio E52S for group discount!

Gross Capacity*(Litres) --- 534L
Net Capacity**(Litres) --- 520L
Width --- 685mm
Height --- 1821mm
Depth --- 681mm
Colours --- Elegant Champagne & Floral

Can fit in but can both doors open fully? Need to be opened fully to pull out drawers right?

01-02-12, 07:16
just did a quick check on propertyguru, waterview 2 bedder, price range about $750K+. is this price acceptable?

would you still consider waterview which the selling point is bedok reservoir view after the recent cases of dead bodies (ie: pantang/bad fengshui especially pay high price for reservoir facing) and midges :scared-4:

scared buy liao, if not feeling good after staying awhile ... cannot offload and kena lowball

btw, looking for property TOP at 2013 for quick move in ;)

01-02-12, 08:21
just did a quick check on propertyguru, waterview 2 bedder, price range about $750K+. is this price acceptable?

would you still consider waterview which the selling point is bedok reservoir view after the recent cases of dead bodies (ie: pantang/bad fengshui especially pay high price for reservoir facing) and midges :scared-4:

scared buy liao, if not feeling good after staying awhile ... cannot offload and kena lowball

btw, looking for property TOP at 2013 for quick move in ;)

It really depends. In the view of the recent cases, I guess many would avoid developments around the reservoir. Now people are flocking at those closer to MRT and shopping centres.

People like me rather have a quiet life and hme stay. Here, it's pretty convenient as everywhere is within reach and most of us do have a transport on our own.

Personally I bought this as I think its a sweet developement in a good matured estate where they are not many private condos. EC's are definitely coming up and I think WV pricing is reasonable. It's the simplicity, layout and location that got me here. Might not be suitable for others though. Anyway, there're just so many out there for people to choose from. We are spoilt for choice right now. Hehe. Yeah, looking forward to end 2013 too like the rest here!:D

East Lover
01-02-12, 08:43
It really depends. In the view of the recent cases, I guess many would avoid developments around the reservoir. Now people are flocking at those closer to MRT and shopping centres.

People like me rather have a quiet life and hme stay. Here, it's pretty convenient as everywhere is within reach and most of us do have a transport on our own.

Personally I bought this as I think its a sweet developement in a good matured estate where they are not many private condos. EC's are definitely coming up and I think WV pricing is reasonable. It's the simplicity, layout and location that got me here. Might not be suitable for others though. Anyway, there're just so many out there for people to choose from. We are spoilt for choice right now. Hehe. Yeah, looking forward to end 2013 too like the rest here!:D
many people want the bedok reservior price to drop due to those incidents, so they can buy cheap... see someone post the news everywhere in the forum... so childish! Sorry hoh, there are still so many ppl jogging there... why price drop? wait long long lah!

good fengshui is defined by the environment, facing, but not those incidents! so is the property price!

01-02-12, 09:11
many people want the bedok reservior price to drop due to those incidents, so they can buy cheap... see someone post the news everywhere in the forum... so childish! Sorry hoh, there are still so many ppl jogging there... why price drop? wait long long lah!

good fengshui is defined by the environment, facing, but not those incidents! so is the property price!

Hmmm. Didn't think they waiting to peculate an wait for prices to drop so that they can get for themselves instead. Like that also can har? Haha. :D

East Lover
01-02-12, 12:41
Hmmm. Didn't think they waiting to peculate an wait for prices to drop so that they can get for themselves instead. Like that also can har? Haha. :D
then how to explain one guy post the same info in all the waterfront thread? another mr B? :scared-5:

01-02-12, 16:54
Help needed, thanks a lot in advance.;)

I am in north and have no much idea of the traffic condition near WV during morning and afternoon rush hours.

Tampines ave 1 and 10 jam or not?
TPE and PIE bi-direction jam?
Tampines MRT full of ppl?
Tampines bus interchange full of ppl?

Thanks again...

01-02-12, 18:31
Help needed, thanks a lot in advance.;)

I am in north and have no much idea of the traffic condition near WV during morning and afternoon rush hours.

Tampines ave 1 and 10 jam or not?
TPE and PIE bi-direction jam?
Tampines MRT full of ppl?
Tampines bus interchange full of ppl?

Thanks again...
In Singapore, when it's peak hour, everywhere is jam. Either grape jam or the traditional strawberry jam. We cannot take butter for sure. Hehe. Hope that answers your question. :D

01-02-12, 22:26
Traffic is smooth at Tampines Ave 1 and 10 during 8.00am on weekdays.

For mornings, TPE direction towards Seletar is usually smooth, PIE traffic to Jurong is usually slow but at least moving.

Tampines MRT and Interchange is definitely crowded in the mornings.

Help needed, thanks a lot in advance.;)

I am in north and have no much idea of the traffic condition near WV during morning and afternoon rush hours.

Tampines ave 1 and 10 jam or not?
TPE and PIE bi-direction jam?
Tampines MRT full of ppl?
Tampines bus interchange full of ppl?

Thanks again...

01-02-12, 22:37
Where is bro McKinnon?

02-02-12, 05:51
Where is bro McKinnon?

Lost hunting for a new reservoir proprty. Hehee.:p

02-02-12, 12:44
Traffic is smooth at Tampines Ave 1 and 10 during 8.00am on weekdays.

For mornings, TPE direction towards Seletar is usually smooth, PIE traffic to Jurong is usually slow but at least moving.

Tampines MRT and Interchange is definitely crowded in the mornings.


I think I will miss those good road traffic in north when I move to WV in 2013 or 2014.

So, every workday 1~2 hours OT on road without pay. :(:(

03-02-12, 06:56
Help needed, thanks a lot in advance.;)

I am in north and have no much idea of the traffic condition near WV during morning and afternoon rush hours.

Tampines ave 1 and 10 jam or not?
TPE and PIE bi-direction jam?
Tampines MRT full of ppl?
Tampines bus interchange full of ppl?

Thanks again...

MRT East West line is usually vy crowded at all times unless its very early in the morning. I don't drive. Ever since office shifted fm Orchard to Mapletree Biz city, takes me about 75 mins to get there. I usually take Bus 28 to Paya Lebar and then onto circle line. Circle line at PL around 7am, should be able to get a seat and I go the long way to Labrador Park.
When we shift to WV, guess I will have to take 69 to Tampines Interchg and mabe take train bk to Pasir Ris to get seat and then go all the way to Buona Vista to switch to circle line.
Looking fwd to WV, son got entry to Temasek Biz Course, next stage, appy for scholarship ha ha!

03-02-12, 07:32
MRT East West line is usually vy crowded at all times unless its very early in the morning. I don't drive. Ever since office shifted fm Orchard to Mapletree Biz city, takes me about 75 mins to get there. I usually take Bus 28 to Paya Lebar and then onto circle line. Circle line at PL around 7am, should be able to get a seat and I go the long way to Labrador Park.
When we shift to WV, guess I will have to take 69 to Tampines Interchg and mabe take train bk to Pasir Ris to get seat and then go all the way to Buona Vista to switch to circle line.
Looking fwd to WV, son got entry to Temasek Biz Course, next stage, appy for scholarship ha ha!

Congrats!! All lined-up and flowing like planned. So happy for you!!! :D

East Lover
03-02-12, 09:02
MRT East West line is usually vy crowded at all times unless its very early in the morning. I don't drive. Ever since office shifted fm Orchard to Mapletree Biz city, takes me about 75 mins to get there. I usually take Bus 28 to Paya Lebar and then onto circle line. Circle line at PL around 7am, should be able to get a seat and I go the long way to Labrador Park.
When we shift to WV, guess I will have to take 69 to Tampines Interchg and mabe take train bk to Pasir Ris to get seat and then go all the way to Buona Vista to switch to circle line.
Looking fwd to WV, son got entry to Temasek Biz Course, next stage, appy for scholarship ha ha!
TP Biz school is very popular. your son must do very well :) congrates!

03-02-12, 11:33
TP Biz school is very popular. your son must do very well :) congrates!

Thanks East Lover and Desquire. Many blessings from the good Lord. He was keen on the poly route even though he can get into most any JC. Supported him even though two elder sons went thru the JC route and thru the local Unis. That's quite some years ago. Things have changed a lot as the Poly route to Unis is wide open nowadays and I think the Poly environment provides better real life exposure.
Housing market looks pretty resilient. Stocks moving up against all odds!. Forecast is 2600 to 3200!! What kind of forecast is that!!!. Euro will continue for the next 2 years with intermittent crisis moments. Take profits on rallies, nibble on dips.
Looking forward to the Water Snake, that's my birth-sign. To all WVers, huat, huat, huat 888

03-02-12, 21:00
Hi, how about the traffic at Bartley via dart on weekdays about 8pm towards serangoon direction?

MRT East West line is usually vy crowded at all times unless its very early in the morning. I don't drive. Ever since office shifted fm Orchard to Mapletree Biz city, takes me about 75 mins to get there. I usually take Bus 28 to Paya Lebar and then onto circle line. Circle line at PL around 7am, should be able to get a seat and I go the long way to Labrador Park.
When we shift to WV, guess I will have to take 69 to Tampines Interchg and mabe take train bk to Pasir Ris to get seat and then go all the way to Buona Vista to switch to circle line.
Looking fwd to WV, son got entry to Temasek Biz Course, next stage, appy for scholarship ha ha!

05-02-12, 09:45
Hi, how about the traffic at Bartley via dart on weekdays about 8pm towards serangoon direction?

Hello Minami

sorry, I'm unable to help you here as I don't drive. If by dart, you mean the SBS buses Service 92 and 42, understand from SBS website that SBS is trying to sell off the 10 used DART buses which they bought some years ago for trials.
I have not sat on any of them. :beats-me-man:

06-02-12, 08:53
I was at the WV showflat earlier in the morning to recheck some measurements for the fridge area.

Chatted with the lone agent there, and noted that the showflat will be closed in Feb and a new one will be rebuilt at the future tennis court site.

Viewing at the future showflat will be on appointment basis, likely because the visitors have to be ferried in through the construction site.

Hi, was just told that the Waterview showroom will be closed on the 19 Feb and there will be no future showflat as mentioned by Bro Kengar above. I believed the lone agent you spoke to is a guy with name starting "J" right. The current model of the project in the showroom will be shfited to Trillant.

East Lover
06-02-12, 09:01
Hi, was just told that the Waterview showroom will be closed on the 19 Feb and there will be no future showflat as mentioned by Bro Kengar above. I believed the lone agent you spoke to is a guy with name starting "J" right. The current model of the project in the showroom will be shfited to Trillant.
yes, i went to showflat during weekend also. confirmed no more showflat.

They will use the actual units in stack 18/19 by end of the year as sales office.

so dear FEC, pls pay a last visit if you want to :) only 2 weeks left...

06-02-12, 09:45
yes, i went to showflat during weekend also. confirmed no more showflat.

They will use the actual units in stack 18/19 by end of the year as sales office.

so dear FEC, pls pay a last visit if you want to :) only 2 weeks left...

Organise gathering there lah before the curtain falls...heheheheh..:)

06-02-12, 09:52
yes, i went to showflat during weekend also. confirmed no more showflat.

They will use the actual units in stack 18/19 by end of the year as sales office.

so dear FEC, pls pay a last visit if you want to :) only 2 weeks left...

Does any of you heard from Shirley recently. The only thing I have confirmed with her months ago was to seal up the door between the backyard and the MBR as well as the removal of toilet bowl in the maid's WC. There are other things that I have yet to have her confirmation and wonder if any of you have. These includes:

1. non installation of the gate in the backyard
2. installation of blinds or windows in the backyard or other suggestions to the backyard dry.
3. Installation of backlight and storage for the mirrors in both MBR and common toilet

Guess I will write to her again for the above...

06-02-12, 10:25
Does any of you heard from Shirley recently. The only thing I have confirmed with her months ago was to seal up the door between the backyard and the MBR as well as the removal of toilet bowl in the maid's WC. There are other things that I have yet to have her confirmation and wonder if any of you have. These includes:

1. non installation of the gate in the backyard
2. installation of blinds or windows in the backyard or other suggestions to the backyard dry.
3. Installation of backlight and storage for the mirrors in both MBR and common toilet

Guess I will write to her again for the above...
I as told by Shirley that the ,tal gate at the backyard cannot be removed. It can only be done s by renovation contractor. Else e place will not be 'passed' by the inspection people. Not sure if anyone else was told the same thing by Shirley.

06-02-12, 10:32
Shirley told me installing storage behind mirror is okay, but they will not lay the wiring for us for lighting) cos it is against safety. But we can do it ourselves during after TOP.

I am also chasing her for quotes on non-installation of wardrobe of bedroom 2 &3.

Looks like recently she is busier to follow up with us.

Does any of you heard from Shirley recently. The only thing I have confirmed with her months ago was to seal up the door between the backyard and the MBR as well as the removal of toilet bowl in the maid's WC. There are other things that I have yet to have her confirmation and wonder if any of you have. These includes:

1. non installation of the gate in the backyard
2. installation of blinds or windows in the backyard or other suggestions to the backyard dry.
3. Installation of backlight and storage for the mirrors in both MBR and common toilet

Guess I will write to her again for the above...

East Lover
06-02-12, 10:35
I as told by Shirley that the ,tal gate at the backyard cannot be removed. It can only be done s by renovation contractor. Else e place will not be 'passed' by the inspection people. Not sure if anyone else was told the same thing by Shirley.
I wanted to shift the wardrob in the first room to HS, Shirley called me to say no, same to yous, can't be passed by the inspection...

And not possible to offset my marble upgrading cost, she said it's mass quality, no much $$$ can refund/offset :banghead:

now you know why SL project is cheaper than FEO? because FEO spent a lot of $$$ in showflat, in adv on TV/news paper/radio, and.... could the quality of finishing better a bit???:confused:

06-02-12, 11:33
Good day Den,

Shirley has only confirm the sealing up of the study door way toward the backyard and removal of the toilet bowl of the small toilet so far.
We managed to shift our the location of the masterbed room door as well - shorter passageway.

Might have plans on the kitchen as well, create an extension for an island but seem like it a waste to remove the newly installed cupboards.
Wonder if we can get a rebate for not installing the kitchen built in's

Does any of you heard from Shirley recently. The only thing I have confirmed with her months ago was to seal up the door between the backyard and the MBR as well as the removal of toilet bowl in the maid's WC. There are other things that I have yet to have her confirmation and wonder if any of you have. These includes:

1. non installation of the gate in the backyard
2. installation of blinds or windows in the backyard or other suggestions to the backyard dry.
3. Installation of backlight and storage for the mirrors in both MBR and common toilet

Guess I will write to her again for the above...

08-02-12, 10:14
Good day Den,

Shirley has only confirm the sealing up of the study door way toward the backyard and removal of the toilet bowl of the small toilet so far.
We managed to shift our the location of the masterbed room door as well - shorter passageway.

Might have plans on the kitchen as well, create an extension for an island but seem like it a waste to remove the newly installed cupboards.
Wonder if we can get a rebate for not installing the kitchen built in's

Anyone requested to knock down the wall for the small toilet that leads to the 2nd balcony and remove the toilet bowl? Did you guys requests to remove the shower accessories as well?


08-02-12, 11:18
Anyone requested to knock down the wall for the small toilet that leads to the 2nd balcony and remove the toilet bowl? Did you guys requests to remove the shower accessories as well?



We requested for the L shape wall in WC to be removed as well as the WC, basin, toilet and shower accessories.
It can be done :)

08-02-12, 11:30
hi all,

Anyone thinking of installing spotlights under top shelf of the kitchen cabinets ? I asked Shirley if power points are provided for this purpose and she quoted $500 for this additional request.

We don't know what's the market price for this and if it will be cheaper to get contractor to do it after TOP.

Appreciate some views please.


08-02-12, 12:05
$500 for installing the lighting points and without the lights?

was thinking how to install all these lighting points in kitchen, bathroom after TOP.. if this is to be done by our own renovation contractors, can it still be done in time?

hi all,

Anyone thinking of installing spotlights under top shelf of the kitchen cabinets ? I asked Shirley if power points are provided for this purpose and she quoted $500 for this additional request.

We don't know what's the market price for this and if it will be cheaper to get contractor to do it after TOP.

Appreciate some views please.


PV Excit
08-02-12, 12:26
I wanted to shift the wardrob in the first room to HS, Shirley called me to say no, same to yous, can't be passed by the inspection...

And not possible to offset my marble upgrading cost, she said it's mass quality, no much $$$ can refund/offset :banghead:

now you know why SL project is cheaper than FEO? because FEO spent a lot of $$$ in showflat, in adv on TV/news paper/radio, and.... could the quality of finishing better a bit???:confused:

Hi, may I know how much are you expected to top up for marble upgrading? Is it only for the living area or include bedrooms too?

I got a unit from one of SL project too (not Waterview though) and thinking of upgrading the whole apartment to marble... not sure if I should... Thanks!

08-02-12, 12:39
$500 for installing the lighting points and without the lights?

was thinking how to install all these lighting points in kitchen, bathroom after TOP.. if this is to be done by our own renovation contractors, can it still be done in time?

yes the $500 is only for the powerpoints which sound really expensive right ? most probably we shall just leave it to the contractors but not sure if in time to be installed :doh: or any issues by then.

08-02-12, 17:54
Hi, may I know how much are you expected to top up for marble upgrading? Is it only for the living area or include bedrooms too?

I got a unit from one of SL project too (not Waterview though) and thinking of upgrading the whole apartment to marble... not sure if I should... Thanks!

Marble upgrade is $8k for my 3bedder in Waterview.

PV Excit
08-02-12, 20:30
Marble upgrade is $8k for my 3bedder in Waterview.

Tks, it sounds ok to me... For whole apartment or just living hall (excluding bedrooms)?

08-02-12, 21:12
Tks, it sounds ok to me... For whole apartment or just living hall (excluding bedrooms)?

For living hall, dining and the walkway to the bedrooms.

East Lover
08-02-12, 22:20
Today jogging around 5:30pm. Noticed all the reservoir facing units are having strong afternoon sun! I think the 3M sun screen is a must. How much will it be for all the 3 full height windows? And maybe balcony sliding doors also needed?

Agent said windows collect less heat comparing wall, so stack 09 hotter than 14??? :doh:

09-02-12, 06:16
Today jogging around 5:30pm. Noticed all the reservoir facing units are having strong afternoon sun! I think the 3M sun screen is a must. How much will it be for all the 3 full height windows? And maybe balcony sliding doors also needed?

Agent said windows collect less heat comparing wall, so stack 09 hotter than 14??? :doh:

That was the main reson after much consideration that I finally decided against it. Howeve, the night will bea beauty especially when it rains. The view is flawless and unbeatable if you were to askme. Just bear with the afternoon baking heat. Hehe. Direct sunlight somehow I think. :p

PV Excit
09-02-12, 08:26
For living hall, dining and the walkway to the bedrooms.

Thanks thanks!!!

East Lover
09-02-12, 08:39
That was the main reson after much consideration that I finally decided against it. Howeve, the night will bea beauty especially when it rains. The view is flawless and unbeatable if you were to askme. Just bear with the afternoon baking heat. Hehe. Direct sunlight somehow I think. :p
My husband fengshui facing is good with south-east facing, and the current 20 years period also good for south-east facing. that's the main reason we decided to buy - and of course we had to grab fast as all the #09 units are gone on day one...:o

i can't direct the sunlight...but i think spending a bit more $$$, i will have both beautiful view and cooling room. let me google first.:D

heard there is something can block the heat from ceiling. so we can apply on the wall of MBR also. once this main issue is resolved, we will have no more worry. All the rooms are surely bright and cool (with 3M film);)

09-02-12, 08:50
My husband fengshui facing is good with south-east facing, and the current 20 years period also good for south-east facing. that's the main reason we decided to buy - and of course we had to grab fast as all the #09 units are gone on day one...:o

i can't direct the sunlight...but i think spending a bit more $$$, i will have both beautiful view and cooling room. let me google first.:D

heard there is something can block the heat from ceiling. so we can apply on the wall of MBR also. once this main issue is resolved, we will have no more worry. All the rooms are surely bright and cool (with 3M film);)

Exactly, need the best heat rejection 3M films. The best and nothing but the best cause the view is alredy the best!!! Hehehe. Only 3M and nothing else. I believe it wilsuit you jus fine and the hat will be minimal.

The work is going pretty fast. The workersare seen concentrating on th blocks near the entrance these days. Yellow helmets everywhere!!!:tongue3:

09-02-12, 12:37
Exactly, need the best heat rejection 3M films. The best and nothing but the best cause the view is alredy the best!!! Hehehe. Only 3M and nothing else. I believe it wilsuit you jus fine and the hat will be minimal.

The work is going pretty fast. The workersare seen concentrating on th blocks near the entrance these days. Yellow helmets everywhere!!!:tongue3:

The lake-facing ones are in rabbit speed.
The Ave.1-facing ones are in tortoise speed. :tongue3:

09-02-12, 15:17
The lake-facing ones are in rabbit speed.
The Ave.1-facing ones are in tortoise speed. :tongue3:
The tortoise always end up as winners in the race. Hehehhe :p

10-02-12, 08:34
The tortoise always end up as winners in the race. Hehehhe :p

I am in the tortoise group. Look at it this way, project will get TOP only when all are completed, so doesn't matter who wins the rest, and for the tortoise group, we may get to make progress payments later than the rabbits, but still lets hope they feed the tortoise well so that we can run faster and we all get to the top faster i.e. TOP faster. ha ha

Congrats to all who were invested in Dec 11, but keep a hold on the exit door.

10-02-12, 09:14
I am in the tortoise group. Look at it this way, project will get TOP only when all are completed, so doesn't matter who wins the rest, and for the tortoise group, we may get to make progress payments later than the rabbits, but still lets hope they feed the tortoise well so that we can run faster and we all get to the top faster i.e. TOP faster. ha ha

Congrats to all who were invested in Dec 11, but keep a hold on the exit door.

Mine too. Maybe we should just get the help of the carrot-eaters to stop by so that we could crawl onto their backs and reach the end with a smile.

There's definitely no dragon t greet us at the end of the road. It should be a hissing snake or a trotting horse. I prefer the little wait for the latter. For I hv trust it will gallop us to our future in style!!! 2014, Here we come! hehehhehe.:D :p :D :p :D :p

10-02-12, 15:29

We requested for the L shape wall in WC to be removed as well as the WC, basin, toilet and shower accessories.
It can be done :)

I requests for that to be removed. Am going to move my fridge location to that area, and extend my kitchen cabinets to the current fridge area. need more space.

East Lover
11-02-12, 08:45
Mine too. Maybe we should just get the help of the carrot-eaters to stop by so that we could crawl onto their backs and reach the end with a smile.

There's definitely no dragon t greet us at the end of the road. It should be a hissing snake or a trotting horse. I prefer the little wait for the latter. For I hv trust it will gallop us to our future in style!!! 2014, Here we come! hehehhehe.:D :p :D :p :D :p
I saw few waterview ad at today's classified, all say top at end of 2013....:D :D :D

11-02-12, 09:26
I saw few waterview ad at today's classified, all say top at end of 2013....:D :D :D
Are those direct from SL or flippers? They sure are serious. Maybe to tempt buyers? Hehe :rolleyes:

East Lover
11-02-12, 10:38
Are those direct from SL or flippers? They sure are serious. Maybe to tempt buyers? Hehe :rolleyes:
Both all have leh......be positive :D

Btw if I want to search for a kind of mirror glass, to cover my kitchen window in dinning hall, but light still can go into kitchen, what is the right term to google? Tried but failed :ashamed1:

I want to put a mirror in dinning hall, also don't want to expose the massy cooking area, so the best idea is to install a glass, can see from kitchen, but from dinning hall it looks like mirror. Bro, can help to advise?

11-02-12, 13:07
Both all have leh......be positive :D

Btw if I want to search for a kind of mirror glass, to cover my kitchen window in dinning hall, but light still can go into kitchen, what is the right term to google? Tried but failed :ashamed1:

I want to put a mirror in dinning hall, also don't want to expose the massy cooking area, so the best idea is to install a glass, can see from kitchen, but from dinning hall it looks like mirror. Bro, can help to advise?

Its called one way mirror glass, it seems that its also available as One Way Mirror Film as window films that can be fixed on the glass panel

11-02-12, 13:25
I requests for that to be removed. Am going to move my fridge location to that area, and extend my kitchen cabinets to the current fridge area. need more space.
Same idea :)

11-02-12, 14:25
Both all have leh......be positive :D

Btw if I want to search for a kind of mirror glass, to cover my kitchen window in dinning hall, but light still can go into kitchen, what is the right term to google? Tried but failed :ashamed1:

I want to put a mirror in dinning hall, also don't want to expose the massy cooking area, so the best idea is to install a glass, can see from kitchen, but from dinning hall it looks like mirror. Bro, can help to advise?
From dining to kitchen already hv glass right? Just that you don't want people from dining to see the kitchen through the transparent glass right? I think it should be "one way mirror glass".

You can use 3M version. Cheaper right? Did I get what you mean right sis?:D

11-02-12, 21:50
I requests for that to be removed. Am going to move my fridge location to that area, and extend my kitchen cabinets to the current fridge area. need more space.

May I know how to request for this change? Tks

12-02-12, 08:03
I requests for that to be removed. Am going to move my fridge location to that area, and extend my kitchen cabinets to the current fridge area. need more space.
any change request will be on condition that owner forgo entitlement including refund for any shortfall in actual floor area after survey right?

12-02-12, 09:03
any change request will be on condition that owner forgo entitlement including refund for any shortfall in actual floor area after survey right?

My changes did not include floor tiles but I don't think we forgo any rights already embodied in the original agreement. Further the changes are clearly itemised in the Letter of Indemnity which we need to sign. Purpose is to indemnify the developer for any liabilities arising out of our request for the changes. We need to commit that we inform any sub-purchaser of the changes to avoid any potential dispute between any sub-purchaser with the developer.
Also the request for change is a request and still subject to final architect's determination and of course also the Commissioner of Control if BP approval is required. The costs or set-off will be stated clearly in the LOI.
Looks a pretty fair and reasonable LOI to me. LOI is a separate agreement and does not affect all rights of both parties in the original agreement. Pl take advice if you need to. Also will have a sketch also to show the changes besides the itemised description in the LOI.
Just email to Shirley the changes you require and she will send you the LOI hopefully if its still not too late. Did my in end Sep 2011. Cheers

East Lover
12-02-12, 11:25
Its called one way mirror glass, it seems that its also available as One Way Mirror Film as window films that can be fixed on the glass panel

From dining to kitchen already hv glass right? Just that you don't want people from dining to see the kitchen through the transparent glass right? I think it should be "one way mirror glass".

You can use 3M version. Cheaper right? Did I get what you mean right sis?:D
Thanks!!! That is what I'm looking for!

12-02-12, 12:27
Thanks!!! That is what I'm looking for!
Great!! Hv a great weekend. One more week before showflat bid their goodbye!!:(

12-02-12, 15:45
Great!! Hv a great weekend. One more week before showflat bid their goodbye!!:(

One last look :scared-5:3411


13-02-12, 12:18
Anyone has any idea if purchasing private condo and when you took a loan from a bank, does it covers under something like HPS similar to a HDB? Or we have to purchase it from a insurance company?

13-02-12, 14:16
Anyone has any idea if purchasing private condo and when you took a loan from a bank, does it covers under something like HPS similar to a HDB? Or we have to purchase it from a insurance company?

It will be insurance company, mine is about $1k plus per year. :2cents::2cents::2cents:

14-02-12, 09:56
It will be insurance company, mine is about $1k plus per year. :2cents::2cents::2cents:

Which insurance did you get it from, it seems quite expensive average 100 bucks a month. any other of you purchased this?

what does it cover beside if "touch wood" something happened to the person who is paying where you no longer needs to pay the loan?

14-02-12, 10:15
Which insurance did you get it from, it seems quite expensive average 100 bucks a month. any other of you purchased this?

what does it cover beside if "touch wood" something happened to the person who is paying where you no longer needs to pay the loan?

Its very high indeed. Is there such an insurance. I thought it only applies for HDB? For private property we sick, die or whatever that could have happened to us, we till need to pay accordingly.:scared-4:

14-02-12, 10:55
Its very high indeed. Is there such an insurance. I thought it only applies for HDB? For private property we sick, die or whatever that could have happened to us, we till need to pay accordingly.:scared-4:

it works the same way as the HDB, anything happens to my wife or me, the loan will be fully paid up. the cost depending how much u loan so......

14-02-12, 12:14
it works the same way as the HDB, anything happens to my wife or me, the loan will be fully paid up. the cost depending how much u loan so......

Thanks there. Thought such policy only exists for HDB!! 1k a year pretty ex but come to think of i again, it's a safer bet. That's what an insurance is about anyway. Hehe.:D

14-02-12, 13:26
Thanks there. Thought such policy only exists for HDB!! 1k a year pretty ex but come to think of i again, it's a safer bet. That's what an insurance is about anyway. Hehe.:D

No problem :D Just a note that the insurance company will sure ask 2 parties to go for medical checkup :doh:

East Lover
15-02-12, 09:17
I noticed that #03-14 is building the window frames now! maybe that unit will be the new showflat??!

so not the 01-18/19 as agent told me, but could be #03-14 and the 2 bedder opp?! so we can have the actual water view feel and 'pool' view :D

15-02-12, 10:13
I noticed that #03-14 is building the window frames now! maybe that unit will be the new showflat??!

so not the 01-18/19 as agent told me, but could be #03-14 and the 2 bedder opp?! so we can have the actual water view feel and 'pool' view :D

Nice!...Any updated photos of how the development is so far.. :-) Which floor are we at now

15-02-12, 10:53
Nice! An actual showflat will be the best way to 'sell' the project. :D

I noticed that #03-14 is building the window frames now! maybe that unit will be the new showflat??!

so not the 01-18/19 as agent told me, but could be #03-14 and the 2 bedder opp?! so we can have the actual water view feel and 'pool' view :D

15-02-12, 11:19
I noticed that #03-14 is building the window frames now! maybe that unit will be the new showflat??!

so not the 01-18/19 as agent told me, but could be #03-14 and the 2 bedder opp?! so we can have the actual water view feel and 'pool' view :D

wah everyday you 'kah-chui' the place izit??? hehehehe!!! The people there must be very smart!!! Get the real unit to pull more people.

But... what if the owner of the unit disagree to it???:scared-3:

15-02-12, 11:21
Nice!...Any updated photos of how the development is so far.. :-) Which floor are we at now

Every block and corner moving up very fast at the moment as promised by the workers to sis East Lover. The sun is out, burning hot with a rage!!! Work is progressing at a good pace!!:D

East Lover
15-02-12, 13:18
Every block and corner moving up very fast at the moment as promised by the workers to sis East Lover. The sun is out, burning hot with a rage!!! Work is progressing at a good pace!!:D
yes, i managed to take some photos from the opp site also. let me find some time to upload this weekend...

blk 79 at 8th floor already? my blk 77 is buidling 7th floor now... X'mas party 2013 at WV is highly possible :p

15-02-12, 16:49
yes, i managed to take some photos from the opp site also. let me find some time to upload this weekend...

blk 79 at 8th floor already? my blk 77 is buidling 7th floor now... X'mas party 2013 at WV is highly possible :p
Again it's pointing to 2013!!!! Oh my!!! Already 8th storey!!!! Thats super fast!!!! I must have failed my Math!!:scared-3:

15-02-12, 17:10
Due to the number of new projects, I was thinking that WV sales will finally come to a standstill. I was wrong!! They managed to squeeze in another 5 units in January. Similar to December!

Not bad!!! If they really use the real unit as a showflat in future, I'm sure sales will run pretty fast by then. 103 neighbours to go!!

16-02-12, 09:39
Due to the number of new projects, I was thinking that WV sales will finally come to a standstill. I was wrong!! They managed to squeeze in another 5 units in January. Similar to December!

Not bad!!! If they really use the real unit as a showflat in future, I'm sure sales will run pretty fast by then. 103 neighbours to go!!

Sales was pretty good last weekend. I think easily 6-8 units sold and guess all these could be spillover from the various projects nearby. WV is defintely a good buy....

East Lover
16-02-12, 11:11
Sales was pretty good last weekend. I think easily 6-8 units sold and guess all these could be spillover from the various projects nearby. WV is defintely a good buy....
i think so. every weekend we go to exercise around 5-6PM. I can always see many families happily came out from WV showflat, and came to the car park to see the actual buildings.... many of them could be our potential FEC members :D

16-02-12, 11:46
Hmm i wonder if they really use an actual unit as a showflat, it would mean they have to construct a proper path and stairway up to the unit?

i think so. every weekend we go to exercise around 5-6PM. I can always see many families happily came out from WV showflat, and came to the car park to see the actual buildings.... many of them could be our potential FEC members :D

16-02-12, 11:47
i think so. every weekend we go to exercise around 5-6PM. I can always see many families happily came out from WV showflat, and came to the car park to see the actual buildings.... many of them could be our potential FEC members :D

Since location is good and carpark not congested and free, they might as well drop by and look see, look see. 103 unit going fast!!!! ehehehheh :p

Stoney Stone Stone
16-02-12, 12:45
Since location is good and carpark not congested and free, they might as well drop by and look see, look see. 103 unit going fast!!!! ehehehheh :p

Last Sat, went down with a friend to have a last glance of the showroom.
One of the OT agent told my friend 2+1 have total of 5 aircon.
I told him my specification booklet showed only 3 aircon.
I really don't know they can be trusted now.

16-02-12, 15:39
Last Sat, went down with a friend to have a last glance of the showroom.
One of the OT agent told my friend 2+1 have total of 5 aircon.
I told him my specification booklet showed only 3 aircon.
I really don't know they can be trusted now.
The booklet is more reliable than the agent. He must hv mis-count. Can't be 5 sitcoms right?

Btw this will be the last week for the showflat right? Might pay the place a last visit on Saturday. Hehe. ;)

16-02-12, 17:25
Last Sat, went down with a friend to have a last glance of the showroom.
One of the OT agent told my friend 2+1 have total of 5 aircon.
I told him my specification booklet showed only 3 aircon.
I really don't know they can be trusted now.

If I am not mistaken, the number of air-con isolators refer to the electrical power isolators to the compressors. For 2+1 will have 3 based on the specs booklet. But all Living, Dining, Study and Bedrooms and Family area will have air-con fan coils, so for 2+1 will be 5 fan-coils i.e. air-con outlets.

Went back to showflat also on Tues for last look with the Mrs. Looks like fridge in the Dining area on plan looks ok, but looking at the actual space, will make the Dining/Living area very congested. Ha ha, back to putting the fridge in the bomb shelter. Can't use the yard toilet even though we are not fixing the toilet bowl as Mrs need a washing area for large items. Check bomb shelter doorway to be about 75.5 cm. My present kitchen door width was also 75.5cm and I remember the delivery people open the fridge doors fully open to both sides and move it through sideways. Depth of fridge is about 67cm. Keeping my fingers crossed. Worst come to worst, get a Mitsubishi folio.

Also would need to retrofit the dishrack in the kitchen cabinet with glass doors and seal the bottom. That way, cockcroaches and lizards cant get in and we don't need to wash the plates and cups again after washing and wiping dry. :)

Stoney Stone Stone
17-02-12, 23:18
If I am not mistaken, the number of air-con isolators refer to the electrical power isolators to the compressors. For 2+1 will have 3 based on the specs booklet. But all Living, Dining, Study and Bedrooms and Family area will have air-con fan coils, so for 2+1 will be 5 fan-coils i.e. air-con outlets.

Went back to showflat also on Tues for last look with the Mrs. Looks like fridge in the Dining area on plan looks ok, but looking at the actual space, will make the Dining/Living area very congested. Ha ha, back to putting the fridge in the bomb shelter. Can't use the yard toilet even though we are not fixing the toilet bowl as Mrs need a washing area for large items. Check bomb shelter doorway to be about 75.5 cm. My present kitchen door width was also 75.5cm and I remember the delivery people open the fridge doors fully open to both sides and move it through sideways. Depth of fridge is about 67cm. Keeping my fingers crossed. Worst come to worst, get a Mitsubishi folio.

Also would need to retrofit the dishrack in the kitchen cabinet with glass doors and seal the bottom. That way, cockcroaches and lizards cant get in and we don't need to wash the plates and cups again after washing and wiping dry. :)

Hi Jbtay, Thanks. You are right.
Lucky never confront the agent.
BTW, the agent told me TOP at around 2013 DEC.
Hoping to move in before 2014 CNY.
If not, at least World Cup 2014 at WV on June.

17-02-12, 23:55
Hi Jbtay, Thanks. You are right.
Lucky never confront the agent.
BTW, the agent told me TOP at around 2013 DEC.
Hoping to move in before 2014 CNY.
If not, at least World Cup 2014 at WV on June.
Yeah. We have to be there before the next WC gets into action. We can get into the mood!!!! Go go go!!!

East Lover
18-02-12, 10:22
I got problem to upload photos again.

Took some from opposite of WV, normal distance and zoomin. It seems I can't see the #03-14 from the floating platform leh..... Does it mean we can't have big water view from that potential showflat? Btw they are building 03-13 also... Bro kengar, you can 先睹为快哦!

Bro desquire, kengar, I just sent the zip file to your email. Can help to upload and share with our FEC :D

18-02-12, 10:58
Looking Good! Thanks for the photos Sis!






Finally the Sunset View


18-02-12, 11:03
From the photos I noticed the window frames at one of the Stack 79 are black in colour?? Gosh hopefully it is not really black.

I got problem to upload photos again.

Took some from opposite of WV, normal distance and zoomin. It seems I can't see the #03-14 from the floating platform leh..... Does it mean we can't have big water view from that potential showflat? Btw they are building 03-13 also... Bro kengar, you can 先睹为快哦!

Bro desquire, kengar, I just sent the zip file to your email. Can help to upload and share with our FEC :D

East Lover
18-02-12, 11:05
Looking Good! Thanks for the photos Sis!

Thank u bro kengar! U are fast!

East Lover
18-02-12, 11:11
From the photos I noticed the window frames at one of the Stack 79 are black in colour?? Gosh hopefully it is not really black.
What is the color in showflat model? Blue?
Btw it looks so tiny from outside....:simmering: Really want to combine the first 2 rooms as one...:doh:

SG will more n more like HK. Not long, any flat above 1000 sqft will consider spacious soon :scared-5:

18-02-12, 11:22
Last Sat, went down with a friend to have a last glance of the showroom.

Show room is gone? thinking to take a 2nd look at this.

East Lover
18-02-12, 11:27
Show room is gone? thinking to take a 2nd look at this.
Wait for the actual unit showflat bah :D

18-02-12, 12:24
I got problem to upload photos again.

Took some from opposite of WV, normal distance and zoomin. It seems I can't see the #03-14 from the floating platform leh..... Does it mean we can't have big water view from that potential showflat? Btw they are building 03-13 also... Bro kengar, you can 先睹为快哦!

Bro desquire, kengar, I just sent the zip file to your email. Can help to upload and share with our FEC :D
Hi sis. Apologies. Just saw your post. Btw my email address has been changed to [email protected]

I was locked out of my previous email. I hv no idea what happened to that account. It went bonks after so many years.

Thank you again for the pretty images!!! Beautiful!!:p

East Lover
18-02-12, 12:50
Hi sis. Apologies. Just saw your post. Btw my email address has been changed to [email protected]

I was locked out of my previous email. I hv no idea what happened to that account. It went bonks after so many years.

Thank you again for the pretty images!!! Beautiful!!:p
Didn't know got hotmail.sg until your sad story :(
Sent to ur new account already...

18-02-12, 20:22
Didn't know got hotmail.sg until your sad story :(
Sent to ur new account already...
Hehe. Dunno if my block can really get the pocket view of the reservoir. Seemed like very distant away. Far far away.

From the pictures, the quarry view is actually very beautiful too isn't it? I think a good choose nevertheless.

**Bro Kengar-Those could be the plastic layer to protect the window frames from scratches etc** the frames should be white in colour. WV blocks willbe washed white and if I'm not wrong blue tinted glass?? Correct?

18-02-12, 20:54
Found this:-The condo’s walls will be washed white and have blue glass windows to reflect the water theme for the project.:D

18-02-12, 21:41
Found this:-The condo’s walls will be washed white and have blue glass windows to reflect the water theme for the project.:D

Yeah I was there again just now for a final visit of the showflat, the agent assured me the final colour of the frame will not be black.*

Apparently they have not yet confirmed if there will be a replacement showflat, and the #03-14 is meant for the developer do some construction demonstration purpose.

Oh ya, I saw a few groups of visitors with their agents at the showflat around 6pm.

East Lover
18-02-12, 22:07
Yeah I was there again just now for a final visit of the showflat, the agent assured me the final colour of the frame will not be black.*

Apparently they have not yet confirmed if there will be a replacement showflat, and the #03-14 is meant for the developer do some construction demonstration purpose.

Oh ya, I saw a few groups of visitors with their agents at the showflat around 6pm.
Really? I saw they are building up the frame for 03-13 also...

19-02-12, 12:02
Last visit to Waterview later prolly arnd 430-500pm. Anyone else?? Hehe. Peep at the unit mentioned also and see what other plans they have. :D

East Lover
19-02-12, 15:14
Show room is gone? thinking to take a 2nd look at this.
Today is the last day of showflat. Otherwise u have to wait for the actual unit in duno- how-long time...
Go join bro desquire if you can :D

19-02-12, 17:12
About to leave now. Guess I'm the last visitor for this project. Many sold during the last few days. Heard only 60+ units left. They say one of the last good buys in the market. Now benchmarking at arnd $1100psf. Upon TOP expected to be around $1300psf at least. Dunno how true. Last but not least, TOP possible to even be in 3rd quarter 2013. Haha. Thongs people say, just listen and nod my head. Till then. Ciao!! Goodbye WV!!:p

East Lover
22-02-12, 14:11
is it possible that one day PUB will combine the bedok resorvior and tampines query into a big big lake? they can make the tampines ave 10 to underground, then our WV will realy enjoy the water view surround by us ;)
even better fengshui some more!:D

possible? feasible??
http://www.waterfrontliving.com.sg/waterview/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/img-waterview-map.gif (http://www.waterfrontliving.com.sg/waterview/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/img-waterview-map.gif)

22-02-12, 16:12
Nothing is impossible. Firstly, they should include a train station over at Quarry Park and promote Healthy Lifestyle for the residents of Tampines. Built up the area where families can spent time daily and especially over the weekends.

The location is perfect. The opportunity is there. They just need to plan and get it started. This is the best thing that can ever happen to the plot if land there. :D

East Lover
22-02-12, 17:24
Nothing is impossible. Firstly, they should include a train station over at Quarry Park and promote Healthy Lifestyle for the residents of Tampines. Built up the area where families can spent time daily and especially over the weekends.

The location is perfect. The opportunity is there. They just need to plan and get it started. This is the best thing that can ever happen to the plot if land there. :D
do you want to joint PAP or WP for fight for this opportunity? we surely vote you!:D

or just change your job to be a senior director in PUB??:D :D

22-02-12, 20:28
Today is the last day of showflat. Otherwise u have to wait for the actual unit in duno- how-long time...
Go join bro desquire if you can :D

oh, i missed that :)

I have been to the show room last year but did not make any decision....like the unit layout and the 2 big circular pools!

22-02-12, 20:36
is it possible that one day PUB will combine the bedok resorvior and tampines query into a big big lake? they can make the tampines ave 10 to underground, then our WV will realy enjoy the water view surround by us ;)
even better fengshui some more!:D

possible? feasible??
http://www.waterfrontliving.com.sg/waterview/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/img-waterview-map.gif (http://www.waterfrontliving.com.sg/waterview/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/img-waterview-map.gif)

Very possible.:D Never set any limit when you brainstorm.

It will happen someday, say, 50 years later, when sea level rises. The inner 'highland' of Singapore becomes the only place for people to live. You will see the two lakes is merged and we may have 'sea view' everywhere. Definitely all the road will be tubes under water.

Don't worry la. You are in high floor...

22-02-12, 21:25
Haha. By then I guess the whole world would have been submerged underwater. The world could have ended but there's a need to delay the Mayans Calendar just a little longer. Hold back, Waterviewers need to experience a true home first before things end. Hehe. :tsk-tsk:

29-02-12, 20:38
Hi All, I came across this information from BCA and would like to share for pleasure reading.

FAQ: http://www.bca.gov.sg/CONQUAS/conquas_faqs.html#general_q1


What is the purpose of CONQUAS? (Excrepts)

CONQUAS was designed to measure quality of constructed works against workmanship standards and specification.

What does CONQUAS cover in a project?

CONQUAS assesses the quality of workmanship in: Structural work; Architectural works; Mechanical & Electrical (M & E) works.

What does the CONQUAS score mean?

A high CONQUAS score means a building with good quality workmanship.

A CONQUAS score of 80 means 80% of the items checked for workmanship quality met the CONQUAS standards. A building that achieves a higher CONQUAS score is better constructed, in terms of workmanship quality, than a building with a lower CONQUAS score.

Score of past Sim Lian Projects (As Contractor): Looks pretty average


Contractors with the Highest Scores in 2010/2010: Mostly CDL

01-03-12, 06:04
:eek: :eek: :eek: .... Wahh.... thanks bro Kengar!I have no idea what these figures are all about actually until you posted them!!:p

07-03-12, 16:51
Update 7th March 2012. :)

07-03-12, 18:27
Thanks bro. The heat is keeping work going fast!!!

09-03-12, 07:40
Update 7th March 2012. :)

Wow, looking good. Thanks.
Looking forward to the day when its as tall as Tropica and I can see if from the bus stop at Bedok Reservoir Rd opposite Clearwater, ke ke ke:cheers4:

09-03-12, 20:26
anybody interested in 3+ study face children pool?

10-03-12, 23:08
Hi FEC! I was "minami3". My previous account got log in problems so decided to get a new account :) hope that the weather stays hot then we can move into Wv faster!!!

Thanks bro. The heat is keeping work going fast!!!

10-03-12, 23:31
Here is the latest variation list and pricing that I have discussed with Shirley (Sim Lian).

The incremental costs for installing soft closing hinge to the bathroom cabinet mirrors is quite shocking. :scared-4:

Assuming I don't take up Sim Lian's soft close hinge option, is it still possible for me to ask my own contractors to replace them? Does it mean there will be more holes left behind from the original installation?

* Price schedule in subsequent post (WIP)

10-03-12, 23:47
Here is the latest variation list and pricing that I have discussed with Shirley (Sim Lian).

The incremental costs for installing soft closing hinge to the bathroom cabinet mirrors is quite shocking. :scared-4:

Assuming I don't take up Sim Lian's soft close hinge option, is it still possible for me to ask my own contractors to replace them? Does it mean there will be more holes left behind from the original installation?

* Price schedule in subsequent post (WIP)


15-03-12, 15:33
Sold 22 units in Feb!

88% SOLD.

Left with 83 units more to go. :)

East Lover
15-03-12, 17:22
Sold 22 units in Feb!

88% SOLD.

Left with 83 units more to go. :)
bro desquire will worry liao, got sooooo many 8!! :D

15-03-12, 17:44
bro desquire will worry liao, got sooooo many 8!! :D
Hahaha. So delighted. It will be about 22months more to go!!:D :tongue3: :p

15-03-12, 22:34
2 parcels of land facing quarry up for tender.


Wonder how will this shape our pricing?

15-03-12, 23:40
Getting very crowded hahaa.. I had the wildest thought that Govt would use these 2 parcel of lands for an MRT.. looks like my dream is busted.

These locations are likely deemed "ulu" as Waterview as what several forumers had previously said.

2 parcels of land facing quarry up for tender.


Wonder how will this shape our pricing?

16-03-12, 09:31
Buyers are really spoilt for choice. Every little piece of land is released for the development of condos or ec's. Buldings everywhere. Prices will only see a downward trend due to the number of homes available. :scared-3:

East Lover
16-03-12, 15:05
Getting very crowded hahaa.. I had the wildest thought that Govt would use these 2 parcel of lands for an MRT.. looks like my dream is busted.

These locations are likely deemed "ulu" as Waterview as what several forumers had previously said.
Good for WV indeed. No longer ulu, and soon we will have a mini centre in the edge of Tampines :)) now Tropica no more mama shop because no biz..... hopefully we will have some shops around WV, and maybe LRT station someday?? And yes, the quarry park! It will be function well soon if 2 more condo there?

Don't forget the new pc price baseline is $1100 psf :) that will make our WV a steal! And yet, the best is no one can beat our WV beautiful view except Tropica.

So let's welcome our new neighbours to our ulu ulu Tampines edge :rolleyes:

16-03-12, 22:21
Good for WV indeed. No longer ulu, and soon we will have a mini centre in the edge of Tampines :)) now Tropica no more mama shop because no biz..... hopefully we will have some shops around WV, and maybe LRT station someday?? And yes, the quarry park! It will be function well soon if 2 more condo there?

Don't forget the new pc price baseline is $1100 psf :) that will make our WV a steal! And yet, the best is no one can beat our WV beautiful view except Tropica.

So let's welcome our new neighbours to our ulu ulu Tampines edge :rolleyes:
Up or down I'm staying put unless space is a serious concern. Such a great ulu location. Wasted. If I sell to the next owner,I'll probably drool each time I pass the place. Hehe. :D

18-03-12, 13:43
Sold 22 units in Feb!

88% SOLD.

Left with 83 units more to go. :)

saw that in AmFraser Report on Property Sector. URA only show 2 caveats lodged in Feb12, does that mean the rest are foreign buyers or not taking loans/ use CPF?
Archipelago sold 33 units. Kind of like the 3 br layout and the finishing, even though can't c the reservoir but its close to nature, future mrt and eating outlets, Sheng Siong and NTUC.

18-03-12, 17:31
hi, anyone can advise if we want to remove the toliet bowl and seal up for the kitchen toliet. do we need to ask lawyer to write in to sim lian?

18-03-12, 20:26
hi, anyone can advise if we want to remove the toliet bowl and seal up for the kitchen toliet. do we need to ask lawyer to write in to sim lian?

Hi, so far no need for most of us here as we contact Sim Lian directly.

18-03-12, 22:19
Hi, so far no need for most of us here as we contact Sim Lian directly.

HI, anyone number to call or person incharge of this project from simlian

18-03-12, 23:31
HI, anyone number to call or person incharge of this project from simlian

Here you go:

[email protected]
6303 6163

19-03-12, 12:32
Those who remove the WC near the kitchen, can i check how are you guys doing up the wall? paint or wall tiles?

19-03-12, 22:47
Here you go:

[email protected]
6303 6163

Thank you Kengar

19-03-12, 23:44
No problem, and Welcome to the WV Family! :)

Thank you Kengar

22-03-12, 09:53
Hi guys,

Did anyone ask Shirley on adding rainshower in the bathrooms before?


22-03-12, 10:18
Hi guys,

Did anyone ask Shirley on adding rainshower in the bathrooms before?


Wanted arainshower too. I'll get the reno contractor do the job for me as I would have more options that way.:D

22-03-12, 23:40
Courtesy of our Dear Sister Eastlover



East Lover
23-03-12, 10:09
Courtesy of our Dear Sister Eastlover


Hi bro Kengar, thanks!

goodbye our dear WV showflat :o

23-03-12, 10:13
Silly me. Didn't even realise that the showflat has turned to dust!!!:eek:

23-03-12, 13:53
Some stacks already got 8th floor.:D

23-03-12, 14:39
Update 23rd March 2012. :)

East Lover
23-03-12, 20:27
Update 23rd March 2012. :)
Nice! U took from wfw?

23-03-12, 20:52
Nice! U took from wfw?

Took from blk716 :D

24-03-12, 14:19
Took from blk716 :D

Canon EOS 300mm lens?

24-03-12, 16:46
Courtesy of our Dear Sister Eastlover



May I ask which blocks are these?

Stoney Stone Stone
24-03-12, 19:28
May I ask which blocks are these?

Blocks that nearest to the carmera shot right is 73, left is 75.

24-03-12, 22:01
Canon EOS 300mm lens?

Haa haa, yah canon, but not eos. :o SX40hs superzoom. :)

25-03-12, 00:26
I guess I am too "eng" and can't resist the temptation ...:D :D :D
Hope i got the numbers correct.

